Music Check Sheet
Music Check Sheet
Music Check Sheet
Name of Centre
Centre Number
Emma Smith
The work you submit for assessment must be your own. If you copy from someone else, allow another
candidate to copy from you, or if you cheat in any other way, you may be disqualified from at least the subject
Declaration by candidate - I have read and understood the Notice to Candidate (above). I have produced the
attached work without assistance other than that which my teacher has explained is acceptable within the specification.
Date: 05/05/16
Teacher signature:
Explain the process of composition during the developmental stages of the piece, including the nature of any
help or advice received.
I input the notes to Sibelius and changed the instrumentation to Flute and Piano. I also changed the time to
3/4 because it flowed better. My teacher suggested that I change the chord progression because I was
using consecutive chords with very few cadences. Therefore I created new chord progressions so that my
four bar phrases ended in cadences. My B and C sections were too contrasting so I redesigned my ideas. I
extended the A section so that after 16 bars there was a modulation to F major and the right hand piano had
the melody and the flute played notes to complete the chords. I used a pivot chord to make the modulation
flow nicely (chord I of Bb major which is chord IV of F major). The B section (starts bar 33) continued in F
major and kept the same tempo. It took on a melody based on quavers and a few semiquavers but it was
still quite legato. However this section was more dynamic and had a bigger range of pitch. Whereas the A
section moved mainly in step, the B section did this less so. The A section came back in bar 41 with
ornamentation added to the melody. There is another modulation back to the tonic key using another pivot
chord (chord IV of F major which is chord I of Bb major). It ends with a plagal cadence.
Teacher signature:
Describe the final stages of the compositional process, including details of presentation and advice received.
I changed the instrumentation to a string quartet containing a violin, viola, cello and double bass so that I
could explore the different techniques that string players can use. I didnt change much of the A section. For
the first sixteen bars the violin has the melody and the viola, cello and double bass make up the chords.
There is double stopping in the viola part to include all the parts of the chord. I asked a viola player if my
double stops were possible and made appropriate changes where it was necessary. In bars 17-32, the viola
plays what the violin previously played and the violin plays a counter melody over the top. The cello and
double bass make the chords underneath.
For the B section I created a quasi-fugue with thee violin and viola and the double bass and the cello move
in thirds to create the chords, they are plucking these notes to make it sound more staccato. There is some
contrary motion between the violin and viola.
To change the last A section I created antiphonal writing between the violin and viola. The cello and the
double bass continue to pluck the notes of the chords. At bar 57 the piece is played in retrograde motion
and the cell is back to bowing the strings. I also added a four bar codetta to finish the piece which has a
homophonic texture and augmentation of the original motif. I added dynamics, accents, vibrato and a
rallentando where appropriate. My piece ends on a perfect cadence and is 2 minutes and 12 seconds long.
Teacher signature:
GCE Form MU2(ii) (AS)/p2
Teacher signature:
Explain the process of composition during the developmental stages of the piece, including the nature of
any help or advice received.
I soon realised that my composition sounded better in 9/8 so thats what I changed it to. The phrases were
three bars long and there was 90 quaver beats in a minute. The chordal sequence was now made up of
dotted crotchets and quavers, the second right hand piano melody was made up of mainly semi quavers
and the piccolo was made up of mainly demisemiquavers. However I was made aware of the fact that the
person playing the piccolo would find it difficult to breathe so I adapted the melody to change this. I started
to create a B section so the composition would either be in binary or ternary form.
Teacher signature:
Describe the final stages of the compositional process, including details of presentation and advice
As I tried extending my composition I found it difficult to develop the melody that I had created, therefore I
looked at the shape of my melody and created a simplified melody that followed the shape of the original. I
had become inspired by listening to Fantasia on a Theme by Ralph Vaughn Williams so I decided to create
a theme and variations. I changed the time signature to 6/8 as the new melody suited this and I was still
able to use the chord sequence that I had previously made up. The composition is now in eight bar phrases
with varying tempos. The texture still starts off monophonic before thickening to homophonic and then to
polyphonic before it goes back to monophonic to end. To me this represents the calm before and after the
storm; that everything will calm down and return to what it used to be in the end. I also added suitable
dynamics to make the piece more expressive. In bar 18 there is a modulation. I was able to use adapted
versions of the melodies I made up in check one as variations. This composition lasts 3 minutes and 21
Teacher signature:
Centre Number
Composition One
(Western Classical Tradition)
Composition Two
(Free Composition)
Control of texture
Understanding of appropriate
harmonic procedures
Consistency of style
Understanding of appropriate
harmonic procedures
Consistency of style
/120 TOTAL
Declaration by teacher
I confirm that the candidates work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the specification.
I have authenticated the candidates work and am satisfied that to the best of my knowledge the work produced is
solely that of the candidate.
Teachers signature:
Moderators signature: