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Dice Age - Rulebook

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Dice Age Rules Anno 5114 All rights reserved Tristan Convert 1997 - 2012

Last modification 05/31/12 at 8AM

Anno 5114
Once upon a long time ago...
You belong to the Supernatural Beings that rule on top of the cosmos, over what mortals call the
Beyond. You hold in your hands the ultimate might to create new planets, new dimensions, in their
every detail from the infinitely small to the infinitely vast: your power is only limited by your
imagination. You practiced combining energies; the positive, negative and multicolored. And at last,
you have been chosen for the highest challenge: the Crown of Lords, the divine joust to the mastering
of entropy and chaos. The competition will be tough, and you will have to summon up your most
advanced creation skills. But you have a secret weapon: you control hazard!
(Supernatural Beings usually have no sex, but we call them He. In the following, whenever you read he or his,
we do mean the both sexes you, as mortal players, can actually bear.)

Game setup:
If every player has his own Dice Age dice set, skip to the playing area section below. If you play with
one set only for two players (or more, but you need at least 5 dice per player) do the following:
Dice distribution:
To determine the first player, each player rolls a regular six-sided die (D6). The player who rolls the
highest number distributes the dice and starts the game. To distribute the dice, roll all the dice of one
color at the same time. Going clockwise, give each player the die that lands closest to him/her, one by
one, until every player has at least one die of that color, and go on until you cannot distribute the
remaining evenly. Put aside the remaining dice, if any, then distribute the next color. Finally, roll all the
dice that have been put aside and distribute them in the same way until you cannot distribute the
remaining evenly. At that point, every player should have the same amount of dice and at least one of
each color. Remaining dice are put aside in Limbo (the pool of dice that are not be played in the
Playing area :
We recommend you use a square playing mat.
Throughout the course of the game, each player has a Garden of unrolled dice just in front of him, a
Wasteland of discarded dice on his left, and a Field of dice that have been rolled during the round,
here represented by the mat. The Field is common to all players. It is the arena of the game: all your
dice in the Field will go to the Wasteland if you lose the round.
In front of you, on the mat, is your part of the Field. To play a die, take it from your Garden or Field,
and roll it in the Field.
Most rolls will have an immediate effect on the game, but some rolls will provide a delayed or lasting
effect on the game, like a joker you can keep for later. Put those aside, on the right part of the Field
(also called the Ledges). This is a procedure called Suspending the die. The Suspended die returns
to the left part of the Field (also called the Valley) once its extra effect has been used.

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Dice Age Rules Anno 5114 All rights reserved Tristan Convert 1997 - 2012

Limbo is an area outside of the game. Once a die is in Limbo, it's very unlikely to return to the playing
Game overview:
One rule: Always roll a lower Number! When you roll a die, it goes in the Field and you are likely to
roll a number. If you roll a higher number than the last number rolled, (by you or another player) all
your dice in the Field go to the Wasteland. Dice in the Wasteland cannot be played any more.
Golden Rule:
Thou Shalt not overshoot the current Number
You win the game by: Eliminating all the other players.
You get eliminated by: Not being able to play because most of your dice are in the Wasteland.
The Colors:
Dice are divided by color families. Each color has its own character, its own powers and effects. Master them
one by one, according to your preference.
Yellow dice embody the power of light. They are the dice of initial power, the big bang, the earliest times of the
universe, where space had no meaning. They are the dice at the heart of the Sun, the stars, and all of creation.
Their average number is 8.Their special effects are the Double Arrow and the Smile. They share the
Radioactivity with the orange dice.
Green dice are the dice of nature and lifecraft. Once there was light, laws where set. And from these laws and a
multiverse of possibilities, the most skilled supernatural beings could create extremely refined reactions. Through
gravity, control and choice, balance was. Lands emerged and on the lands, life appeared. No one can inpugn the
great cosmic order.
Their average number is 6. Their special effects are the Square and the Blank side. They share the Gear with
the red dice.
Red dice are the fullsome dice. The hard dice of fire and deathtraps. Might is right. Much is better. Turn legends
to mayhem, stones into walls and life into monsters. Pricking, biting, cutting, the very essence of battling is what
you find in these dice. Slaughter on and on: if it doesn't work at first, it will work at last!
Their average number is 4. Their special effects are the Chaos and the Roman numeral. They share the Cannon
with the orange dice and the Gear with the green dice.
Beware of the power of orange dice. They are the dreaded dice of warfare. When men lost their initial perfection,
they began to argue. Spirit was stripped of all meaning and reason was lost. Weapons were designed, and after
them, war machines--machines of destruction and sheer firepower. Through technology, man developed the
power to destroy what Kings of creation built, giving way to the end of existence.
Their average number is 12. Their special effect is the Cross. They share the Cannon with the red dice and the
Radioactivity with the yellow dice.

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Dice Age Rules Anno 5114 All rights reserved Tristan Convert 1997 - 2012
White are the dice of infinity. The uncanny dice of time itself. Chaotic and entropic, they cover what all universes
have in common. They defy any rule. Each one is said to be unique, and there is an infinite number of them.
They are the only dice destined to go to Limbo.
They can bear any effect or number. They must go to Limbo after each Main Roll unless they get suspended or
immediately sent out of the Field. They cannot be captured (according to the There can ba only one rule).
They are mostly indistinguishable the one from the other: There can be only one white die of each shape (type)
in the Field at the same time (this rule is waived until Type6 are issued).
The Dice:
Welcome to a new age of dice. Dice Age dice have strange shapes, some unbalanced and asymmetrical.
Some sides are repeated on the same die. The chances to get one side or another are uneven. Be happy! The
dice are already loaded. The results are not just random, and you'll want to play regarding probabilities and risks.
You'll find there are numerous effects at first and it can be intimidating. Don't worry, you'll know what each side
means only after a few games, as you'll recognize each dice instantly. Refer to the Dice Age Compendium in
case of doubts. It describes every die and every result you can obtain.

Game play:
The game is played in several rounds. Once a player overshoots the Number, all the dice in his Field
go immediately to the Wasteland and a new Round begins (see below).
1 - The first player to go chooses a die to play from his Garden (the pool of dice he has been
distributed) or Field (the pool of dice you already played in this Round) and rolls it on the playing area.
This is the player's Main Roll.

2 - The die stops on one side.

- If it shows a symbol, the player must do as indicated in the table of effects.
- If it shows a number, it becomes the new current Number: Keep in mind the Number.

It there was already a number rolled:

If the player overshot this previous current Number, all the dice in his Field go immediately (before
most effects or combos) to the Wasteland. The unsuspended dice from the Field (in the Valley) of
other players go back to the Garden, the suspended dice in the Ledges of other players stay in the
Field, and the losing player starts a new round. Back to 1 or Refer to 4.
If the player didn't overshoot the previous Number, the new, lower number becomes the Current
Number (or solve the effect that was rolled) and it's the next player's turn. Back to 1: The next player
rolls a die.

3 - The die just rolled belongs now to the Field. The player can't play it on his immediate next turn:
never play the same die twice in a row. (No player can play a die he played on his last turn).

4 - The last player to be able to play is the winner of the game. (When a player is unable to play, that
player is out, the Round ends and the next player starts the new round.)
Advice for beginners:

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Dice Age Rules Anno 5114 All rights reserved Tristan Convert 1997 - 2012

First and foremost, do not try to get all the rules right away. On your first game, do not think about it too hard.
Roll your first die and get on with it. You'll probably have to play through one game or two before you get the
hang of it. Dice Age is a game of careful choice-making and bold risk-taking. You'll see that the rules are
simple; and it takes just a while before you know the dice and perform complex combinations.
You take risks by rolling a die with high numbers. If you overshoot the current Number, you lose the round and
all your dice in the Field go to the Wasteland.
At the beginning of your turn, don't rush. First check all your dice. Then look at the numbers shown by dice in the
summoned area and in the Wasteland. Choose wisely the die you will roll regarding these observations. Take
your time. Also, announce clearly your choices as well as the end of your turn. Anytime in play, a player is
allowed to ask for WAIT, but nothing is retroactive.
You are not obliged to put a new dice each turn from the Garden to the Field! More dice in the Field means
higher risk. Keep this in mind.

What if's:
- All dice are Legendary: There can only be one copy (same name, same color) of each die in the
Field anytime, unless it is a player's last die (see survival instinct just below).
- Survival instinct: When a player has only one die left to play, he is allowed to play it several times in a
row, and even if another of the same kind is in the Field, except if that other die is also the last one of
an opponent.
- The Notch: Each side of a Dice Age triangular die has a notch. When you roll such a die, the side
with the notch at the bottom in contact with the playing area is the playing side.
- A foot in both camps: When a die stops rolling in balance between several sides, you get to choose
which side is to be played.
- Penalty: Any time a die rolls out of the mat or the playing area, it needs to be rerolled. When a player
rolls a die off the playing area three times in a row, another player can claim a Penalty: the die goes to
the Wasteland and another die is to be played. For any further Penalties in the game, the dice go
directly to Limbo. A die is considered out of the playing area if less than 50% of its bottom surface is
touching the mat or if it falls off the table on the ground.
- Next! When a player is out of the game because he cannot play, the Round ends, and the next
player starts a new round.
- 8 Inches rule: A die has to travel at least eight inches before stopping for the roll to be valid. The die
has to land on the mat or the playing area.
- The Will of the Die: Anytime when dice express their own will, it has to be respected. Noncompliance is punishable by a Penalty. Examples: when a player is about to roll a die and the die falls
out of that player's hands, the roll is valid. During the distribution, if a die rolls out of the mat or rolls
right away in a player's Garden, it is respectively out of the distribution or distributed right away.
- Veil of secrecy: No player is allowed to touch another player's die.
- Pair: Whenever a player rolls a die, he can (but is not obliged to) bring back one die that shows the
same number or symbol from his Wasteland to his Field. Only one die can be brought back that way
from the Wasteland during each turn. A die roll is necessary to activate a Pair and can only trigger one
combo per turn.

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Dice Age Rules Anno 5114 All rights reserved Tristan Convert 1997 - 2012

Did you get the rules so far? Congratulations. You are now an Initiate. If you seek revenge, it's time to get it. You
will get it by raising your own Legion!
Each player has his own dice. Before playing, each player will choose in secrecy his own selection amongst his
dice, called a Legion. The nature of this selection depends on the taste and tactics of each player. Every die has
a quotation in value points, depending on its power (refer to the Dice Age Compendium). Two Legions with the
same total value can be confronted in a game, giving players the ability to play on even terms.
A total of 400 value points for each Legion is a good start, although larger values are also possible. If you have
four or more different dice of any one single color in your legion, a die of that color can be purchased for free.
You are not allowed to have more than one of the same die in your Legion, except for the white dice, limited to
two of the same die (same name, same shape). There cannot be more than (value of the Legion/20) dice in a
Reserve dice: An extra 20% of your Legion value can be allocated to extra dice to replace dice of your current
Legion, allowing you to tune your strategy in consideration of the enemy Legion. You can switch dice with
reserve dice between two games, as long as the total value of your Legion is equal to (or lower than) its initial

The table of effects:

Pit: Choose a die in a player's Field. That die goes to the Wasteland.
Nut: (Represented by hexagonal nuts.) Suspend the die. Whenever you want, unsuspend the die and
apply the following: You are protected from a symbol effect if you are the only target of the effect. You
have to declare your protection right after you are designed as the target, then choose if you use the
protection or not. If you fail to react immediately after you have been declared as the target, you lose
your protection. The protection applies just after your declaration in reply to the target declaration.
Triangle: (Represented by a red triangle.) Choose a die in your Garden or Field and roll that die along
with the die you just rolled (and all the dice you eventually just rolled in that manner). Then choose
which result is to be played among the results you obtain. Triangles are cumulative: you can add a
new die to roll, and reroll all dice involved, for each triangle you obtain (up to one triangle per roll). The
result you choose is considered as your main roll (with the exception of a Chaos).
When a player has just rolled all of his dice on triangle and he rolls another triangle, he can choose
that triangle to reroll once all of his dice.
Smile: Roll a D6, then smile. Suspend both dice. Whenever you want, unsuspend both dice and
apply the following: Choose to subtract or add the D6's result to a number you just rolled. This effect is
faster than the loss of the Round.
Smile can result in a negative number or a zero.

Double arrow: Suspend the die. Whenever you want, unsuspend the die and apply the following:
Double an effect occurring right now. (In case of a roll, the double effect applies technically just after a
die roll.).
For a smile, you roll a second D6 and keep them both aside. They can be used separately and/or subsequently
on the same number. For a square, you can choose the next two dice a player rolls or the next two player's rolls.
For a blank, you can make a player skip two turns or two players skip one turn. If the latter, and it's only two
players, you would both skip a turn, thus nullifying the effect. For radioactivity, you get to choose two colors. For
a cannon, you cam do two duels with one player, or one duel each with two different players.

Square: Suspend the die. Whenever you want, unsuspend the die and apply the following: Choose
the next die a player will roll.
You cannot choose a die a player just played. Furthermore, if you do, your effect can be claimed as voided by
another player, on the grounds that you misused it.

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Dice Age Rules Anno 5114 All rights reserved Tristan Convert 1997 - 2012

Blank: (The side of the die is blank) Choose a player. That player skips his next turn.
Roman numeral: The Roman numeral counts as a Number. When you roll a Roman numeral, you
can capture one other die showing the same Number (or Roman numeral) in the Field. Take a die on
the field and add it to your side of the field. Once rolled, the Roman numeral is considered as a simple
Number and a combo is applicable.
Chaos: (Represented by a burst of arrows.) Roll all of the unsuspended dice in your Field. The lowest
number rolled is the one that counts, every other rolled number is discarded. Each symbol rolled take
effect in the order you choose, but only once (even if you rolled several of them, and after you finished
to roll all the dice concerned by the chaos). If you lose the round, you get to apply all effects rolled
before the round ends. If you roll consecutively two chaos that way, it's a Chaos Fizzle. Ignore it, as
well as all further chaoses. All die issuing a result that counts is considered as a Main roll.
Chaoses can be doubled by a double arrow.
Chaos concerns only the player rolling the chaos effect.

Cross: All unsuspended dice in the Field go to the Wasteland.

Duel: (Represented by a cannon.). Choose a player. That player chooses a die in his Garden or
Field. Then choose a die in your Garden or Field. The chosen dice start a duel. Roll the two dice
simultaneously. As soon as a die rolls a number INFERIOR to the other die, this die goes to Limbo.
The other die returns where it was, as if it wasn't rolled and on the side shown after the duel roll.
Effects count as zero and don't occur as effects on the game. No die is considered as a Main roll
during this sub-game duel.
Two identical dice can duel (the All dice are Legendary rule is waived during a duel)
If one dueling die rolls out, the other die stays and the other die is rerolled. If a dueling die rolls out a second
time, it loses the duel.

Gear: (Represented by gears.). Suspend the die. Whenever you want, unsuspend the die and apply
the following: Void a roll just rolled and flip the die over so the side touching the playing area ( the
bottom side of the die) is played instead.
Radioactivity: Choose a color. Bring back all the dice of that color from the Wastelands to the Field.
All players get the benefit of this effect. If two or more identical dice are to be brought back to the
Field, only one can come back to the Field (All dice are Legendary). The player who rolled the
Radioactivity effect has priority for his own dice, and he gets to decide which dice will come back
among the other players duplicate. If a duplicate of a die that is to come back is already in the Field,
the die cannot come back from the Wasteland to the Field.

Double effects or doubled effects count as a single effect when they are rolled. As soon as the player
chooses a target for the effect, they are considered as two effects treated separately. They apply
twice, can have two different targets and two nuts would be necessary to counter them both.
Any effect that cannot apply fully by lack of substrate reaches a limit and is maxed out: apply it up to
what is possible.
Use as many regular six-sided dice as needed. The regular six-sided dice are used as auxiliaries of
the game and are not owned by any player. They are not considered as a die. They are the tribute
Dice Age pays to old school dice.
If a player fails to declare out loud the end of his turn, that player's turn ends when the next player's
die lands on the playing area. The next player has to allow at least one second after the last decision

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Dice Age Rules Anno 5114 All rights reserved Tristan Convert 1997 - 2012

taken by the previous player before proceeding with his turn and rolling his die.
No player is obliged to play a new die each turn, as long as a same die is not used twice in a row in a
main roll.
It is okay to equalize the Number. If several players roll the same number, or after modifier-effects,
achieve the same number, the Number remains the same, the dice simply go to the
"Ledge"/"Summoned" area and the play passes to the next player.
It is recommended to say Wait out loud before applying any Suspended effect.

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