The Western Story: The Development of Modernity: Michael Goheen Idis 102, Twu
The Western Story: The Development of Modernity: Michael Goheen Idis 102, Twu
The Western Story: The Development of Modernity: Michael Goheen Idis 102, Twu
Overview of lectures
Last time: Examine modern humanism
Deweys confession
Two diagrams
Way we label historical eras
Brief definition
Methodological Reason
Mathematical Method
Empirical Method
Newton (1642-1727)
Religious Wars
Conversion of
E u ro p ea n
C h u rc h
R eason
S o c ie ty
S o c ie ty
Enlightenment faith
Faith in progress
Paradise images: Secularized vision of biblical
Progress identified primarily with economic
. . . the greatest happiness possible for us consists in the
greatest possible abundance of objects suitable for our
enjoyment and in the greatest liberty to profit by them
(Mercier de la Riviere, 1767).
Enlightenment faith
Faith in progress
Propelled by reason and science
Enlightenment faith
Faith in progress
Propelled by reason and science
Scientific reason translated into technology
Scientific reason translated into societal
Progress comes by the application of reason to
both technical and social issues (Plumb).
Narrowing of gospel
The early Christian belief that the Fall and
Redemption pertained not just to man but to
the entire cosmos, a doctrine already fading
after the Reformation, now disappeared
altogether; the process of salvation, if it had
any meaning at all, pertained solely to the
personal relation between God and man