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Parameters in RMI

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Parameters in RMI

You have seen that RMI supports method calls to remote objects. When these calls involve
passing parameters or accepting a return value, how does RMI transfer these between JVMs?
What semantics are used? Does RMI support pass-by-value or pass-by-reference? The answer
depends on whether the parameters are primitive data types, objects, or remote objects.

Parameters in a Single JVM

First, review how parameters are passed in a single JVM. The normal semantics for Java
technology is pass-by-value. When a parameter is passed to a method, the JVM makes a copy of
the value, places the copy on the stack and then executes the method. When the code inside a
method uses a parameter, it accesses its stack and uses the copy of the parameter. Values
returned from methods are also copies.
When a primitive data type (boolean, byte, short, int, long, char, float, or double) is passed
as a parameter to a method, the mechanics of pass-by-value are straightforward. The mechanics
of passing an object as a parameter are more complex. Recall that an object resides in heap
memory and is accessed through one or more reference variables. And, while the following code
makes it look like an object is passed to the method println()
String s = "Test";

in the mechanics it is the reference variable that is passed to the method. In the example, a copy
of reference variable s is made (increasing the reference count to the String object by one) and
is placed on the stack. Inside the method, code uses the copy of the reference to access the
Now you will see how RMI passes parameters and return values between remote JVMs.

Primitive Parameters
When a primitive data type is passed as a parameter to a remote method, the RMI system
passes it by value. RMI will make a copy of a primitive data type and send it to the remote
method. If a method returns a primitive data type, it is also returned to the calling JVM by value.
Values are passed between JVMs in a standard, machine-independent format. This allows JVMs
running on different platforms to communicate with each other reliably.
Object Parameters
When an object is passed to a remote method, the semantics change from the case of the single
JVM. RMI sends the object itself, not its reference, between JVMs. It is the object that is passed
by value, not the reference to the object. Similarly, when a remote method returns an object, a
copy of the whole object is returned to the calling program.
Unlike primitive data types, sending an object to a remote JVM is a nontrivial task. A Java object
can be simple and self-contained, or it could refer to other Java objects in complex graph-like
structure. Because different JVMs do not share heap memory, RMI must send the referenced
object and all objects it references. (Passing large object graphs can use a lot of CPU time and
network bandwidth.)
RMI uses a technology called Object Serialization to transform an object into a linear format that
can then be sent over the network wire. Object serialization essentially flattens an object and any
objects it references. Serialized objects can be de-serialized in the memory of the remote JVM
and made ready for use by a Java program.
Remote Object Parameters
RMI introduces a third type of parameter to consider: remote objects. As you have seen, a client
program can obtain a reference to a remote object through the RMI Registry program. There is
another way in which a client can obtain a remote reference, it can be returned to the client from
a method call. In the following code, the BankManager service getAccount() method is used to
obtain a remote reference to an Account remote service
Firewall Issues
Firewalls are inevitably encountered by any networked enterprise application that has to operate
beyond the sheltering confines of an Intranet. Typically, firewalls block all network traffic, with the
exception of those intended for certain "well-known" ports.

Since the RMI transport layer opens dynamic socket connections between the client and the
server to facilitate communication, the JRMP traffic is typically blocked by most firewall
implementations. But luckily, the RMI designers had anticipated this problem, and a solution is
provided by the RMI transport layer itself. To get across firewalls, RMI makes use of HTTP
tunneling by encapsulating the RMI calls within an HTTP POST request.
Now, examine how HTTP tunneling of RMI traffic works by taking a closer look at the possible
scenarios: the RMI client, the server, or both can be operating from behind a firewall. The
following diagram shows the scenario where an RMI client located behind a firewall
communicates with an external server.

In the above scenario, when the transport layer tries to establish a connection with the server, it is
blocked by the firewall. When this happens, the RMI transport layer automatically retries by
encapsulating the JRMP call data within an HTTP POST request. The HTTP POST header for the
call is in the form:
If a client is behind a firewall, it is important that you also set the system property
http.proxyHost appropriately. Since almost all firewalls recognize the HTTP protocol, the
specified proxy server should be able to forward the call directly to the port on which the remote
server is listening on the outside. Once the HTTP-encapsulated JRMP data is received at the
server, it is automatically decoded and dispatched by the RMI transport layer. The reply is then
sent back to client as HTTP-encapsulated data.
The following diagram shows the scenario when both the RMI client and server are behind
firewalls, or when the client proxy server can forward data only to the well-known HTTP port 80 at
the server.

In this case, the RMI transport layer uses one additional level of indirection! This is because the
client can no longer send the HTTP-encapsulated JRMP calls to arbitrary ports as the server is
also behind a firewall. Instead, the RMI transport layer places JRMP call inside the HTTP packets
and send those packets to port 80 of the server. The HTTP POST header is now in the form
This causes the execution of the CGI script, java-rmi.cgi, which in turn invokes a local JVM,
unbundles the HTTP packet, and forwards the call to the server process on the designated port.
RMI JRMP-based replies from the server are sent back as HTTP REPLY packets to the
originating client port where RMI again unbundles the information and sends it to the appropriate
RMI stub.
Of course, for this to work, the java-rmi.cgi script, which is included within the standard JDK
1.1 or Java 2 platform distribution, must be preconfigured with the path of the Java interpreter and
located within the web server's cgi-bin directory. It is also equally important for the RMI server to
specify the host's fully-qualified domain name via a system property upon startup to avoid any
DNS resolution problems, as:
It should be noted that notwithstanding the built-in mechanism for overcoming firewalls, RMI
suffers a significant performance degradation imposed by HTTP tunneling. There are other
disadvantages to using HTTP tunneling too. For instance, your RMI application will no longer be
able to multiplex JRMP calls on a single connection, since it would now follow a discrete
request/response protocol. Additionally, using the java-rmi.cgi script exposes a fairly large
security loophole on your server machine, as now, the script can redirect any incoming request to
any port, completely bypassing your firewalling mechanism. Developers should also note that
using HTTP tunneling precludes RMI applications from using callbacks, which in itself could be a
major design constraint. Consequently, if a client detects a firewall, it can always disable the
default HTTP tunneling feature by setting the property:

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