50 - Fat Tails and (Anti) Fragility - N N Taleb: 3.2 Survivorship Bias (Casanova) Property
50 - Fat Tails and (Anti) Fragility - N N Taleb: 3.2 Survivorship Bias (Casanova) Property
50 - Fat Tails and (Anti) Fragility - N N Taleb: 3.2 Survivorship Bias (Casanova) Property
Warning. Severe mistake! One should never, never fit a powerlaw using frequencies (such as 80/20), as these are interpolative. Other estimators based on Log-Log
plotting or regressions are more informational, though with a few caveats.
Why? Because data with infinite mean, a 1, will masquerade as finite variance in sample and show about 80% contribution to the top 20% quantile. In fact you are
expected to witness in finite samples a lower contribution of the top 20%/
Let us see. Generate m samples of a =1 data Xj ={xi,j <ni=1 , ordered xi,j xi-1,j , and examine the distribution of the top n contribution Z jn =
in n x j
in x j
, with n (0,1).
Figure 3.10. n=20/100, N= 107 . Even when it should be .0001/100, we tend to watch an average 75/20
S Ht-i DtL
Dt Zt
N is treated as Gaussian, but we can use fatter tails. The convenience of the Gaussian is stochastic
Dt Wt
The Black Swan made the statement that history is more rosy than the true history, that is, the mean of the ensemble of all sample path.
Take an absorbing barrier H as a level that, when reached, leads to extinction, defined as becoming unobservable or unobserved at period T.