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TOSHIBA TMP87PH46 CMOS 8-Bit Microcontroller TMP87PH46N The 87PH46 is a One-Time PROM microcontroller with low-power 128 K bits (16 Kbytes) electrically programmable read only memory for the 87C446/846/H46 system evaluation. The 87PH46 is pin compatible with the 87C446/846/H46. The operations possible with the 87C446/846/H46 can be performed by writing programs to PROM. The 87PH46 can write and verify in the same way as the TMM27256AD using an adaptor socket BM1193 and an EPROM programmer. Panne oF Tan Package ‘Adapiorsodet TPa7eHaen | iexxe-on | Siaxeon | psDiPa2-600-178 | eMis3 Pin Assignments (Top View) P-spiP42-600-1.78 soiPa2.600-1.78 woven dr ~ sp wor wee avaniisemrs <> 2 spe p2zocroun anavsoirrs =a ap eas oct muro qe spe 1005 57H anicemen ds ap< oir asordbammmion => ap ee sanwrarcyen <= qe ashe nse( ot TwPB7PHAGN privor == qo see o13 OFOHeE deine <>d10 sh promare psivos <= aah enscury peiros == d2 ah—> pro (mT peipoe die raha restaneyia6 prveo = ds abe posiansiias poveoo == dre p= ronan verter —>q)17 ash rsayanayias ioe <> qie asp rsoanayiaz xour —tf20 aah peoramoyia0 vorwassvss —>d2i nab—— vaste ox0ereaet The Information contained haraln ls subject to change without nou, ‘The information contained herein is presented only 96 a guide forthe applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of te thd partes which may result fram suse. NO cena ame impicaion or oterwe ner ony pate or ptertighsof TOSHIBA or others. @ TOSHIBA. continually working to Imorove the ually and Teliabilty of Ils products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices general can malfunction or fal due to their imberent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical ress. It's the responsibility "ofthe buyer, when utlizing TOSHIBA. products, to comaly with Ue standards of safety In making'a Safe design for whe entre system, and to avold situations in whicn a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA Produc cule cause lis of human fe, ody injry 9x eamage to propery Ir°Gevetoping your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA produc ore used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the mast recent TOSHIBA products specifications Als, please Keep in mind the precautions and conditions Set forth in the "Handing Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” oF “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Rehabiity Handbook” ete @ ihe TOSHIBA product listed In this cocument are intended for usage in general electronics appllestons (computer, ersonal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, Indusval febotes, domestic appliances, ete). Thess Toshiba products are neither intended "nor warranted. for sage. in equipment that requires extraordinarly high quality. andlor. reiablty ‘ora, malfunction or failure. of which may ‘cause ose ‘of hurtan life or ‘Bouly” injury Cunineended usage’). Unintended Usage include atomic energy contra instruments, airplane or spaceship snstrumenta, Lransportation Insttuments, Ufc signal insvuments, combustion control istzument, medical instruments, sll types of sslety ewes, tc. Unintended Usage of TOSHBA product ated nhs ocument shall be made atthe cumomers BT Frode geste in this document af subject tg the foreign exchange and freon wade las TOSHIBA, products should not be ‘embedded to tie downstream products which are prohibited to be produced and 018, under any low and regulations @ For a lecussion of how the rellabity of micracontrolers can be predicted, please refer to Section 1.3 of the chapter entitled Quality and Reliability Assurance Handling Precautions 87PH46-1 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA ‘TMP87PH46 Pin Function ‘The 87PH46 has two modes: MCU and PROM. (1) MCU mode In this mode, the 87PH46 is pin compatible with the 87¢446/846/H46L (fix the TEST pin at low level). (2) PROM mode PinName PROM mode) | InpuyOutput Functions Pin Nome (WCU mode) Ald to AB 77610970 Input PROM address inputs AT to AO P6710 P60 07 00 v0 PROM datainpuvoutputs PO7t0PO0 « CChipenable signal input _(activelow) Pia Input oF Outputenablesignal input _(acivelow) Pia vee +125V/5V_ (Program supply voltage) rest vee Powersupply | +5V yoo No. ov vss. Pat PROM mode setting pins. Be ixed at high level err Piz, Pt vo Pi7_ to PIS PROM mode setting pins. Be fixed at low level p22, P20 RESET xin Input Connect an 8¥H2 oxillator to stabilize the interna state, xour output Powersupply | 0V(GND) vas 87PH46-2 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA TMP87PH46 Operational Description The following explains the 87PH46 hardware configuration and operation. The configuration and functions of the 87PHA6 are the same as those of the 87C446/846/H46, except in that a one-time PROM is used instead ‘of an on-chip mask ROM. The 87PH46 is placed in the single-clock mode during reset. To use the dual-clock mode, the low-frequency oscillator should be turned on by executing [SET (SYSCR2). XTEN] instruction at the beginning of the program, 1. _ Operating Mode The 87PH46 has two modes: MCU and PROM. 1.1 MCU Mode The MCU mode is activated by fixing the TEST / VPP pin at low level. In the MCU mode, operation is the same as with the 87C446/846/H46 (the TEST / VPP pin cannot be used ‘open because it has no built-in pull-down resistance) 1.1.1 Program Memory ‘The 87PHA6 has a 16 Kx8-bit (addresses CO0Ou to FFFFu in the MCU mode, addresses 4000x to 7FFFH in the PROM mode) of program memory (OTP). To use the PHA6 as the system evaluation for the 87C446/846/H46, the program should be written to the program memory area as shown in Figure 1-1. 87PH46-3, 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA ‘TMP87PH46 00004 00004 004 00 pram an 4000. | resem ve fee 71 Tic mede PROM made srs ROM mod areas Koytes 0000 00004 A can Teton 6000 ingen we cd site wie mede PROM mode 7 » arenas (0) ROMsize=8xbytes 0000 00004 09004 {900 [Fao £000 Frcsae oe ieee a a jeer [to s Tic mode PROM made ° areas (2 ROMsze=akbytes Figure 1-1. Program Memory Area Note: Either write the data FFy to the unused area or set the PROM programmer to access only the program storage area. 1.1.2 Data Memory The 87PH46 has an on-chip 512 x 8-bit data memory (static RAM). 1.1.3. Input/Output Circuitry (1)_ Control pins ‘The control pins of the 87PH46 is the same as those of the 87C446/846/HA6 except that the TEST pin hasis no built-in pull-down resistance, wp 3Ka rest Note: The 87PH46 does not havea pull-down resistor for TEST in Figure 1-2. TESTPin (2) VO ports ‘The UO circuitries of 87PH46 1/0 ports the are the same as the code A type W/O circuitries of the 87CAA6/846/H46. 87PH46-4 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA TMP87PH46 1.2_ PROM Mode ‘The PROM mode is activated by setting the TEST, RESET pin and the ports P17-P10, P22-P20 and P77 as shown in Figure 1-3. The PROM mode is used to write and verify programs with a general-purpose PROM. programmer. The high-speed programming mode can be used for program operation. ‘The 87PHA6 is not supported an electric signature mode, so the ROM type must be set to TC57256AD. Set the adaptor socket switch to “N”. Note: Please set the high-speed programming mode according to each manual of PROM programmer. pe (25/50) Brn vee rest voo| Pir Pa en| pa[-— & P76t0P70 pre oF arsroa0[—> P67 1060 rorsor |C—> orv000 PROM programmer connection adaptor socket Mt 193 for TMPayPhasN For more information on on we] pins refer to the section Clem P10 ‘on pin function. me our 3 mie ss mS eset no, Figure 1-3. Setting for PROM Mode 87PH46-5 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA TMP87PH46 1.2.1 Programming Flowchart (High-speed Programming Mode-1) The high-speed programming mode is achieved by applying the program voltage ( + 12.5 V) to the Vpp pin when Vcc =6 V. After the address and input data are stable, the data is programmed by applying a single 1ms program pulse to the CE input. The programmed data is verified. If incorrect, another ms program pulse is applied and then the programmed data is verified. This process should be repeated (up_ to 25 times) until the program operates correctly. Programming for one address is ended by applying additional program pulse with width 3 times that needed for initial programming (number of programmed times x 1 ms). After that, change the address and input data, and program as before. When programming has been completed, the data in all addresses should be verified with Vcc =Vpp=5 v, Startaddressset ves No. N=0 —F Single T ms program pulse ¥ ves. wo a Gvenwsting {i mspulse3N times of 3Nms pute 1 time ‘Address = Ne Address Figure 1-8, Flowchart of High-speed Programming Mode - I 87PH46-6 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA TMP87PH46 1.2.2 Programming Flowchart (High-speed Programming Mode-II) ‘The high-speed programming mode is achieved by applying the program voltage ( + 12.75 V) to the Vp pin when Vec=6.25 V. After the address and input data are stable, the data is programmed by applying 2 single 0.1ms program pulse to the CE input. The programmed data is verified. ifincorrect, another 0. ims program pulse is applied and then the programmed data is verified. This process should be repeated (up to 25 times) until the program operates correctly. After that, change the address and input data, and program as before. When programming has been completed, the data in all addresses should be verified with Vec= Vp =5V. start Vec=6.25V Vop= 1275 T Startaddressset ‘Address= Newt Address Coms__) Figure 1-5. Flowchart of High-speed Programming Mode - II 87PH46-7, 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA TMP87PH46 1.2.3 Writing Method for General-purpose PROM Program (1) Adapters BM1193: TMP87PHA6N (2) Adaptersetting Switch (SW/1) issetto side N. (3)_ PROM programmer specifying ') PROM type is specified to TC57256AD. Writing voltage: 12.5¥V (high-speed program | mode) 12.75 V (high-speed program Il mode) ii) Data transfer (copy) (note 1) In TMP87PH46, EPROM is within the addresses 4000 to 7FFFH. Data is required to be transferred (copied) to the addresses where itis possible to write. The program area in MCU mode and PROM mode is referred to "Program memory area” in figure 1-1 Ex. In the block transfer (copy) mode, executed as below. ROM capacity of 16K8: transferred addresses C000 to FFFFH to addresses 4000 to 7FFFH iil) Writing address is specified. (note 1) Start address: 4000H End address: 7FFFH () Writing Writing/Verifying is required to be executed in accordance with PROM programmer operating procedure. [Note 1: The specifying method is referred to the PROM programmer description. The data in addresses 0000 to 3FFFH must be specified to FFH. 'Note2: When MCU is set to an adapter or the adapter is set to PROM programmer, a position of pin 1 must be adjusted. If the setting is reversed, MCU, the adapter and PROM program is damaged. \Note 3: TMP87PHA6 does not support the electric signature mode (hereinafter referred to as “signature"). If the signature is used in PROM program, a device is damaged due to applying 12V # 0.5 Vto the address pin 9 (A9). The signature must not be used. 87PH46-8 2003-09-17 TOSHIBA TMP87PH46 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter ‘Symbor ‘Conditions Ratings Un supply Voltage Yoo =03t065 v Input Voltage Yin =03t0Vop+03 |v Exceptsink open drain pin, butincluse P2 Vouns_| Dcepeaioven dine =03toVop +03 Output voltage and RESET v Voure =03t0Vop +03 ‘Sink open drain pin except port P2, RESET tour | PortsP3, P2, 6, P7 32 Output current (Per 1 pin) ma lou [Port PO 30 Elou [PortsPt, PZ, 6, P7 100 Output Curent (Total) ma Slow [Por Po 120 Power Disipation [Tope = 70°C] Po ferPHa6 500) mw Soldering Temperature time) 136 260(109) “c Storage Temperature stg =sstos | c Operating Temperature Tope = 30070 *c ‘Note: The absolute maximum ratings are rated values which must not be exceeded during operation, even for an instant. Any. ‘one ofthe ratings must not be exceeded. If any absolute maximum rating is exceeded, a device moy break down or Is performance may be degraded, causing it to catch fie or explode resulting in injury tothe user. Thus, when designing Droducts which include this device, ensure that no absolute maximum rating value will ever be exceeded. Recommended Operating Conditions | (Vss=0V, Topr= -30%070°C) Parameter] symbol Pins Conditions Min [Max _| unit NORMALI, 2 mode fe=8MHe as IDLET, 2 mode tena2 via | NORMALI.2 mode Supply Voltage Yoo IDLET, 2mode a ss |v ism SLOW mode sa7eskHe | sieepmode ‘STOP mode 20 Vini | Except hysteresis nput Vo0%070 ey ee Vop=45V Input High Voltage [Vie [Hysteresis input Voo%075 | Voo | v Vine Voo

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