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The Guide
Prevention & Recovery

 ‫ا و‬
Revised February 21, 2010

Audio files to
Remove Magic Spells,
Possessions and Haunting

M. F. Salem


First and foremost, all thanks is due to Allah, for inspiring

me to write about this important subject and for giving me
the power to see this project through, may Allah accept this
humble labor of mine and I pray that all who read this book,
will be pleased by its wealth of information and will be of a
benefit to them. Furthermore, I pray that he will accept and
reward the owners and developers of the following websites,
for providing a greatly needed online presence, where as, if
they were not present, it would have took me an enormous
amount of time searching and compiling the needed verses
and references contained in this book.
References Sites
Introduction to Islam Websites


Introduction……………………………………………. 5
Angels and Jinns………………………………………...6
Witchcraft and Sorcery………………………………...13
Witches and Warlocks…………………………………16
Types of Magic………………….……………………..18
Identifying bewitched victims….……………………...18
Symptoms of being bewitched ...……………………...19
Protection and Treatment..…………………………….20
Healing Foods and Plants… …………………………..20
Strengthen your shield ………………………………...25
Anxiety and Depression……………………………….26
Insomnia and Nightmares……………………………..33
Magic and Magic Spells………………………………37
The Quranic Treatment……………………………….39
MP3 Streaming Audio………………………………..44
A Diet for a healthy life………………………………45

All praise is due to Allah, the one who guided us to his
righteous path and for sending us our beloved Prophet,
Muhammad, may peace be upon him and on his family and
companions and on all who follow him till the Day of
The intention for writing this book was to briefly explain to
the reader, what witchcraft is, how to protect from it and
what to do nullify it, if you were the unfortunate victim of its
evil. The objective was to compile a complete resource
guide that will include all the needed divine tools to ward off
and or recover from Sorcery, envy Insomnia, anxiety,
depression and other ailments, using only authentic resources
derived from the Quran and the sayings of the Prophet, peace
be upon him.(p.b.u.h)
And to make it easier for those who can not read the Arabic
Quranic text, I have listed a website one can go to and
download the required verses and supplications in an MP3
audio file format in the hope that it will help the reader recite
and memorize at their convenience.
Lastly, I pray to Allah, that the sequence of this book will be
beneficial to the understanding of this topic and pray that the
reader will adhere to the listed preventative measures, which
if applied, Insha Allah, will prevent all types of magic spells,
possessions and other ailments.

Angels and Jinns

Before we discuss the subject of Witchcraft and Sorcery, I

thought it would be essential and highly beneficial, if the
reader was introduced to the other unseen creations of Allah.
First, to the non-Muslim readers, let me take the opportunity
to clarify a misunderstanding, Contrary to what many non-
Muslims think, Allah is not a new God, which is only being
worshipped by the Muslims, far from it. Simply stated,
Allah is the Arabic word for “God” translated to the English
language. But, more accurately, Allah is the actual personal
name of God, which, has been prayed to and called upon, by
the Arabic speaking Jews and Christians for hundreds or
even thousands of years before the advent of Islam.

With this being clarified, let us move on to the important

topic of the unseen creations of Allah, by gaining knowledge
to this fact, the reader will have an easier time understanding
the main topic of this book.

Let’s begin by asking who is watching us? Of course, the

answer that comes to mind should be Allah, which is
supported by the following verse: -

( ٌ%ِ'(َ ‫ن‬
َ *ُ,-َ /ْ 0َ 1َ-(ِ ُ ,2‫ْ وَا‬34ُ 5ُ‫ آ‬1َ7 8
َ 9ْ ‫ْ َأ‬3;ُ /َ 7َ *َ ‫َ) َو ُه‬
4 ?@@@@9?‫@@@@*رة ا‬C

“And He(Allah) is with you, where so ever ye may be.

And Allah is Seer of what ye do.”
Quran 57:04
Now, if I ask, is there anyone else watching us? Well, the
answer is still yes! The Quran reports that before the

creation of Adam, peace be upon him, Allah, created two
other beings namely Angels and Jinns. The following
verses convey to us the nature of Man, and Jinn and reports
of Allah’s command to the Angels and Eblees (the devil) to
prostrate to Adam, peace be upon him.

(ٍ‫ر‬12E 8F7 ‫ج‬

ٍ ‫ ِر‬127 8ِ7 ‫ن‬
2 1َHْ ‫ ا‬I
َ ,َJ
َ ‫ر َو‬12KLَ ْ 1َ‫ ٍل آ‬1َ',ْ N
َ 8ِ7 ‫ن‬
َ 1َEِOْ ‫ ا‬I
َ ,َJ
َ )
14 ,15 8@@‫ـ‬-T‫@@*رة ا‬C
“He created man of clay, And He created
Jinns from fire free of smoke”
Quran 55:14-15

FHِ ْ ‫ ا‬8
َ 7ِ ‫ن‬
َ 1َ‫] آ‬
َ %ِ,(ْ ‫ ِإ‬12‫?ُوا ِإ‬H
َ ^َ ‫ َد َم‬Wِ ‫?ُوا‬H
ْ ‫ ا‬Xِ ;َ Yِ 1َ,-َ ,ْ ِ 1َ5,ْ Zُ ْ‫) َوِإذ‬
50 `@@@a;‫@@@*رة ا‬C
“ Behold! We said to the angels, "Prostrate down to Adam":
They Prostrated down except Eblees. He was one of the
Jinns” Quran 18:50

Due to his arrogance and refusal to prostrate to Adam,

p.b.u.h, as commanded by Allah, the creation of Adam,
p.b.u.h, did not turn out to be a happy ending for “Eblees”.
(Eblees is the actual name of the Devil) Hence, the
following verse reports the exact moment when Allah
declared Eblees and all disbelieving Jinn to be enemies of
the human race, as stated by the Quran: -

‫ َد ُم‬c 1َ9 1َ5,ْ dُ ^َ , bَ(‫] َأ‬

َ %ِ,(ْ ‫ ِإ‬12‫?ُوا ِإ‬Hَ
َ ^َ ‫ َد َم‬Wِ ‫?ُوا‬H
ُC ْ ‫ ا‬Xِ ;َ Yِ 1َ,-َ ,ْ ِ 1َ5,ْ Zُ ْ‫) َوِإذ‬
(e َ ِ ْ‫و‬fَ ِ‫ َو‬e
َ 2 ‫و‬g ?ُ
َ ‫َا‬h‫ن َه‬2 ‫ِإ‬
116 , 115 @@‫ـ‬j ‫*رة‬C
“When We said to the angels, "Prostrate yourselves to
Adam", they prostrated themselves, but not Eblees: he
refused. Then We said: "O Adam! verily, this is an enemy to
thee and thy wife..” Quran: 20:115-116

ْ87ِ ‫ن‬ َ 1َ‫ َ َوآ‬nَ ;ْ 4َ C ْ ‫]ا‬ َ %ِ,(ْ ‫ ِإ‬12‫ ِإ‬73 ‫ن‬ َ *ُ/-َ  ْ ‫ْ َأ‬3aُ ,k‫ ُآ‬Xُ ;َ Yِ 1َ,-َ ْ ‫ َ? ا‬H
ََ ^َ )
2 ?َ %َ (ِ p ُ dْ ,َJ
َ 1َ-ِ ?َ H ُْ 0َ ‫ أَن‬e َ /َ 5َ 7َ 1َ7 ] ُ %ِ,(ْ ‫ ِإ‬1َ9 ‫ َل‬1َZ 74 8 َ 9ِ^ِ 1َ;ْ ‫ا‬
‫ ٍر‬12E 8ِ7 rِ54َ dْ ,َJ َ ُ 5ْ 7F ٌ%ْ J َ 1َE‫ َل َأ‬1َZ 75 8 َ %ِ1َ/ْ ‫ ا‬8َ 7ِ p َ 5ُ‫ت َأمْ آ‬ َ ْnَ ;ْ 4َ C
ْ ‫َأ‬
َ %ْ ,َ َ ‫ن‬ 2 ‫ َوِإ‬77 ٌ3%ِ‫ َر‬e َ E2 Oِ^َ 1َa5ْ 7ِ ْ‫ ُج‬J ْ 1َ^ ‫ َل‬1َZ 76 8 ٍ %ِj 8ِ7 ُ 4َ dْ ,َJ َ ‫َو‬
‫ َل‬1َZ 79 ‫ن‬ َ *ُt/َ nْ 9ُ ‫*ْ ِم‬9َ bَ‫ ِإ‬rِEْu ِ Eَv^َ ‫ب‬ F ‫ َل َر‬1َZ 78 8 ِ 9?F ‫*ْ ِم ا‬9َ bَ‫ ِإ‬rِ45َ /ْ َ
َ 0ِ f2 /ِ nِ ^َ ‫ َل‬1َZ 81 ‫ُ* ِم‬,/ْ -َ ْ ‫ ا‬p ِ Zْ *َ ْ ‫*ْ ِم ا‬9َ bَ‫ ِإ‬80 8 َ 9ِu َ 5ُ-ْ ‫ ا‬8 َ 7ِ e َ E2 Oِ^َ
k  َ ْ 1َ^ ‫ َل‬1َZ 83 8 َ %ِ',َK ْ -ُ ْ ‫ ا‬3ُ aُ 5ْ 7ِ ‫ك‬َ ‫ َد‬1َn ِ 12‫ ِإ‬82 8 َ %ِ/-َ  ْ ‫ْ َأ‬3aُ 52 9َ *ِ y
ْ vَُ
(85 8 َ %ِ/-َ  ْ ‫ْ َأ‬3aُ 5ْ 7ِ eَ /َ nِ 0َ 82-7ِ ‫ َو‬e َ 5ِ7 3َ 52 aَ 
َ ‫ن‬ 2 vَ,َ7ْ vََ 84 ‫ُ* ُل‬Z‫ َأ‬I 2  َ ْ ‫َوا‬
‫@@@*رة ص‬C

“So the angels prostrated themselves, all of them together:

Not so Eblees: he was haughty, and became one of those
who reject Faith. (Allah) said: "O Eblees! What prevents
thee from prostrating thyself to one whom I have created
with my hands? Art thou haughty? Or art thou one of the
high (and mighty) ones?" (Eblees) said: "I am better than
he: thou created me from fire, and him thou created from
(Allah) said: "Then get thee out from here: for thou art
rejected, accursed. "And My curse shall be on thee till the
Day of Judgment." (Eblees) said: "O my Lord! Give me
then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised." (Allah) said:
"Respite then is granted thee- "Till the Day of the Time
Appointed." (Eblees) said: "Then, by Thy power, I will
deviate everyone of them Except, Thy Servants amongst
them, sincere and purified (by Thy Grace).”
(Allah) said: "Then it is just and fitting- and I say what is
just and fitting- That I will certainly fill Hell with thee and
those that follow thee, - every one." Quran 38:73-85

Hence, if we go back to the original question, Allah provides
us with the following summarized historical answer
concerning the Devil and the ability of the Jinn race in
general: -
َ َ J
ْ ‫ َأ‬1َ-‫ن َآ‬ُ 1َ}%ْ ~ 2 ‫ ا‬3ُ ;ُ 52 5َ 4ِ Lْ 9َ َ ‫ َد َم‬c rِ5(َ 1َ9 ”
1َ-aِ 0ِ ‫*ْءَا‬C
َ 1َ-aُ 9َ ِ %ُ ِ 1َ-aُ C
َ 1َnِ 1َ-aُ 5ْ َ ‫ع‬ ُ fِ 5َ9 Xِ 52 H
َ ْ ‫ ا‬8
َ 7F 3ُ;9ْ *َ (َ ‫َأ‬
" ْ3aُ Eَ ْ‫ َو‬0َ َ ‚ ُ %ْ T
َ ْ87ِ ُ ,ُ%ِnZَ ‫ْ ُه َ* َو‬3‫َا ُآ‬9َ ُ E2 ‫ِإ‬
27 ‫@@*رة ا… @@اف‬C
“O Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you as he
caused your (first) parents to go forth from the Garden and
tore off from them their robe (of innocence) that he might
manifest their shame to them. Lo! He (the Devil) Seeth you,
he and his tribe (The Jinn race), from a position where ye
cannot see them” Quran 7:27
By now, I hope the reader has gained a quick and brief
understanding to our creation history and an insight to the
endless animosity posed by the devil and his Jinn followers
towards Humanity. Never the less, and before I go any
further, I think it will be beneficial to the reader to list a
comparison between the nature and powers granted by Allah
to the Angels and Jinn race.

Regarding the nature of Angels, it was reported and

authenticated by Imam Muslim that the Prophet, peace be
upon him, said:-
“He (Allah) created the Angels from Light and created the
Jinn from Smokeless Fire and created Adam from what he
Described to you.” Refers to the clay verses in the Quran.
Using the previously mentioned verses along with other
authentic Hadith sources, I came up with the following table
by which the reader will be able recognize that the angels are
superior and more powerful than the Jinns.

Angels Jinns

1. Created from pure 1. Created from smokeless

light. fire.
2. Not granted free will, 2. Granted free will, to
nor it is in their nature obey or disobey Allah.
to disobey Allah.
3. Ability to fly, change 3. Ability to fly, change
form and or form and or appearance.
4. They do not eat, 4. They eat, drink, marry,
drink, marry, procreate and have nature
procreate and or have calls.
nature calls.
5. They perform specific 5. Disbelieving Jinn serve
duties assigned by Satan.(Eblees)
6. Angels are soldiers of 6. They serve disbelieving
Allah, cannot be humans who call on them
defeated by Jinns or to harm others using
anyone else. witchcraft.” Only if
Allah allows it”

With the above comparison in mind, let’s take a closer look

on a specific assigned duty performed by angels, which
directly affect our personal well-being and safety. Because
of the threat posed by the devil and his followers of
disbelieving Jinns, Allah has appointed Protecting Angels
(Hafaza) to every human being regardless, if he/she is a
Muslim or Not. These Angels, mainly to protect us from
the Jinn and other daily worldly activities we do; Among
them are Two (Scribes) Angels are assigned to record all of
our good/bad deeds and or intentions until our departure
from this world. As we read in the following verses: -

(ِ,ّ‫ ِ ا‬7ْ ‫ْ َأ‬87ِ ُ Eَ *ُuLَ 
ْ 9َ ِ Lِ ,ْ J
َ ْ87ِ ‫ ِ َو‬9ْ ?َ 9َ 8
ِ %ْ (َ 8F7 ٌ‫ت‬1َndF /َ 7ُ ُ َ )
17 ?@@ ‫@@*رة ا‬C
“For each, there are (angels) in succession,
before and behind him: They guard him by
command of Allah.” Quran 13:11
17 ٌ?%ِ/Zَ ‫ ِل‬1َ-~
F ‫ ا‬8
َ ‫ َو‬8ِ %ِ-%َ ْ ‫ ا‬8 ِ َ ‫ن‬ ِ 1َ%dF ,َ4َ -ُ ْ ‫ ا‬b2d,َ4َ 9َ ْ‫)ِإذ‬
( 18 ٌ?%ِ4 َ ٌŠ%ِZ‫ ِ َر‬9ْ ?َ َ 12‫*ْ ٍل ِإ‬Zَ 8ِ7 ‹ ُ Lِ ,ْ 9َ 1َ7
‫@@@*رة ق‬C
Behold, two (guardian angels) appointed to record
(his doings), one sitting on the right and one on the left.
Quran 50:17
Lastly, it should be mentioned that each human being has
also been assigned a devil to whisper and or tempt them into
mischief. This ongoing whisper and temptations will
continue till the Day of Judgment as it was reported in the
following verses: -

َ %ِ',َK
ْ -ُ ْ ‫ ا‬3ُ aُ 5ْ 7ِ ‫ك‬
َ ‫ َد‬1َn
ِ 12‫ ِإ‬82 8
َ %ِ/-َ 
ْ ‫ْ َأ‬3aُ 52 9َ *ِ y
ْ vَُ e
َ 0ِ f2 /ِ nِ ^َ ‫ َل‬1َZ )
‫@@@*رة ص‬C
(Eblees ,i.e. the Devil) said: "Then, by Thy power, I will put
them all in the wrong, "Except Thy Servants amongst them,
sincere and purified (by Thy Grace)."
Quran 38:82-83

ْ3aِ Eِ 1َ-9ْ ‫ْ َأ‬8

َ ‫ْ َو‬3aِ Lِ ,ْ J
َ ْ87ِ ‫ْ َو‬3aِ 9ِ?9ْ ‫ َأ‬8
ِ %ْ (َ 8F7 3ُa52 %َ 0ِ  32 Žُ "
" ْ3aِ ,ِYِ Wَ-
َ 8َ ‫َو‬
17 ‫@@*رة ا… @@اف‬C
"Then will I assault them from before them and
behind them, from their right and their left:”
Quran 7:17

" ْ3aُ Lَ ,ْ J
َ 1َ7‫ْ َو‬3aِ 9ِ?9ْ ‫ َأ‬8
َ %ْ (َ 127 3ُaَ ‫ُ*ا‬592 fَ ^َ ‫ء‬1َEَ Zُ ْ3aُ َ 1َ5
ْ %2 Zَ ‫" َو‬
25 p,@@@@@'^ ‫@@@@@*رة‬C
“ And We have assigned for them companions (in this
world), who made alluring to them what was before them
and behind them” Quran 41:25

" ٌ89ِZَ ُ َ *َ aُ ^َ 1ًE1َ}%ْ 

َ ُ َ ْ’%F dَ Eُ 8
ِ -َ T
ْ 2 ‫ ِذ ْآ ِ ا‬8َ “
ُ /ْ 9َ 8َ7‫" َو‬
36 ‫ف‬Jf@@@‫@@@*رة ا‬C
“And he who lives away from the remembrance of the
Beneficent, We assign unto him a devil who becometh his
comrade” Quran 43:36

After reading the above verses, we get a pretty good idea that
the devil and his disbelieving Jinns mean business and they
will do what ever they can to harm and or tempt as many of
us into hell fire with them.

Now, with this background in mind, I believe it is time to go

into the subject of this book.

Witchcraft and Sorcery
Ever since the creation of Adam, p.b.u.h, mankind across the
ages and to this day fear disease, poverty, envy, superstition,
and what the future holds. Feeding on these fears, those
with wicked hearts and lust for power, discovered then
resorted to the help of the Jinn to teach them Witchcraft and
Sorcery, thinking, this is the ultimate and sure way to power
and prosperity.
As a result, witchcraft, sorcery and all types of magic, black
or so called white magic, is being pursued, learned or used
by those wicked people with the aim to achieve or enhance
their own personal worldly gains, mainly through the aid of
the Jinn to implement and cause harm to mankind.

Briefly stated, sorcery is the deception or illusion of the

senses and or the nerves of an observer or a bewitched
individual, instigated by a sorcerer, firstly, through the use of
specific satanic incantations and or spells, secondly, by
assigning a devil from the Jinn to posses and or enforce the
magic spell on the targeted victim.

To be a victim of sorcery is considered to be one of the worst

diseases someone to be inflicted with and anyone is prone to
its harm, of course, Only if Allah allows it.

"ِ ,ّ‫ن ا‬
ِ ْ‫ذ‬Oِ (ِ 2 ‫ ٍ? ِإ‬T
َ ‫ْ َأ‬87ِ ِ (ِ 8
َ 9F‫ر‬Wَ(ِ 3ُ‫ ه‬1َ7‫" َو‬
102 ‫@@@@@ة‬dn‫@@@@@*رة ا‬C
“But they could not harm anyone except by
Allah's permission.” Quran 2:102
For this reason, Allah clearly states in the Quran that it is
forbidden to utilize or learn Witchcraft and warns those who
learn or resort to it, they will not profit from it and, in fact,

Sorcery will lead to blaspheme and is a guaranteed path to
hell fire. As we read in the following Quranic verses:-

" ْ3aُ /ُ Lَ 5َ9 َ ‫ْ َو‬3‫ ُه‬k 

ُ 9َ 1َ7 ‫ن‬
َ *ُ-,2/َ 4َ 9َ ‫" َو‬
102 ‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C
“And they learned what harmed them, not what profited
Quran 2:102

" ِ 
ِ ْ‫ْ ِء َو َزو‬-َ ْ ‫ ا‬8
َ %ْ (َ ِ (ِ ‫ن‬
َ *ُZF Lَ 9ُ 1َ7 1َ-aُ 5ْ 7ِ ‫ن‬
َ *ُ-,2/َ 4َ %َ ^َ "
102 ‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C
"They learned from them the means to sow discord between
man and wife.”
Quran 2:102
1َ7 ]
َ ™ْ nِ َ‫ق َو‬
َ ْ87ِ ‫ َ ِة‬J
ِ ‫ ا‬rِ^ ُ َ 1َ7 ُš‫َا‬4َ  ْ ‫ا‬8 ِ -َ َ ْ‫ُ*ا‬-,ِ
َ ْ?dَ َ‫" َو‬
" ‫ن‬ َ *ُ-,َ/ْ 9َ ْ‫ُ*ا‬E1َ‫ْ َ*ْ آ‬3aُ 
َ Lُ Eَ‫ َوْاْ ِ( ِ أ‬
102 ‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C
“And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no
share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the
price for which they did sell their souls, if they but knew”
Quran 2:102
In addition to the Quranic verses, the prophet, (p.b.u.h),
reported that practicing witchcraft is a Major sin and
prohibited in Islam.
3,C‫ و‬%, ›‫ ا‬b,N ›‫*ل ا‬C‫ة أن ر‬9‫ ه‬r(‫ أ‬8
›1( ‫ل ا~ك‬1Z 8‫ ه‬17‫*ل ا› و‬C‫ ر‬19 %Z ‫ت‬1d(*-‫œ ا‬n‫*ا ا‬n54‫ل ا‬1Z
3%4%‫ل ا‬17 ‫ وأآ‬I1( ‫م ا› إ‬T r4‫] ا‬L5‫ ا‬4Z‫وا و‬
‫ت‬157Ÿ-‫^ت ا‬1ž‫ت ا‬15'-‫ف ا‬hZ‫` و‬Tf‫*م ا‬9 r*4‫ وا‬1(‫وأآ ا‬
3,7  %N
Abu Huraira Narrated: The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Avoid
the seven great destructive sins." The companions enquired,
"O Allah's Apostle! What are they? "He said, "To join others

in worship along with Allah, to practice sorcery,
unlawfully take a life, eat Riba (usury), eat the property of an
orphan, run away from the battlefield, and falsely accuse
chaste women..” Sahih Muslim

Lastly, the prophet, (p.b.u.h), warned those who seek

Witches, Warlocks, Fortune Tellers or people who proclaim
knowledge of the future by talking with the dead, or
calculating and reading astrology, horoscope, signs, crystals,
numbers, cards, palms, stones, shells, coffee and tea grounds,
use or wear magic amulets or any similar satanic verses and
methods, they are not considered followers of Him, p.b.u.h.,
meaning, it is an act of kufr, blaspheme against Islam.
‫ة‬9‫ ه‬r(‫ أ‬8 3‫آ‬1‫? وا‬-T‫ أ‬X9‫ روا‬r^‫و‬
‫ل‬fE‫ أ‬1-( L‫? آ‬d^ ‫*ل‬d9 1-( Z?'^ 15‫ه‬1‫ أو آ‬1^‫ ا‬b0‫ أ‬87 "
“ ?-7 b,
It was reported that Abu Huraira Narrated: The Prophet
(p.b.u.h) said, Whom ever approaches a magician or a
fortune teller and ”followed his instructions” or “ believed
him” , then this person rejects the revelation of Allah which
was brought by Muhammad.”
By Ahmed and Al Hakem

Witches and Warlocks
Witches and Warlocks are women and men who practice
sorcery and partner and serve the wishes of the Devil. Their
main aim is to cause harm and to spread misguidance and
evil unto others, while seeking to satisfy their own lust for
greed and wealth regardless if it conflicts with divine laws
or decency. Hence, it must be noted that the devils among
the Jinn, will not teach nor serve a person until he/she rejects
Allah, and to demand of him or her to perform specific
rituals, and blasphemous acts against Allah and the Quran.
In addition, the Jinn will perform indecent acts on them.
Furthermore, the would be sorcerer, must prostates, worship
and obey his devil Jinn master. Only then, the devil will
serve the wishes of the sorcerer, by teaching him magic,
bringing him food, drinks, money, take him to far away
places, help him to deceive people by doing seemingly super
natural acts like raise him in the air, appears to pass swords
and other objects through his body, walk through fire, brings
or whispers to him of hidden or lost things, which, may
appear to the average person that this sorcerer knows the
unseen or can tell the future, etc. Basically, this is achieved
by Jinns talking and conspiring with each other, to convey
and report what they’ve seen or heard somewhere, however,
they will lie or add to what they heard or knew, for the
purpose of creating more confusion, hatred, animosity and
harm to others, in addition, the sorcerer will learn how to
Bewitch the eyes of the people, with the aid of the Jinn, so
people will see things not as they are. As to what was
reported between Moses, p.b.u.h, and the sorcerers during
the time of the Pharaoh of Egypt. The Quran reported that
the sorcerers bewitched the eyes of the people; making the
people think the sorcerer’s sticks and ropes turn into snakes.
However, when Allah told Moses, p.b.u.h, to throw his stick,
the sorcerers saw the stick actually turned to a live snake and

ate their ropes and sticks, it was then, the sorcerer realized
that Moses was not a magician and he is indeed the prophet
of Allah and asked Allah to forgive them for their previous
transgressions, as Allah reveals in the following verses:-

ْ(َ ‫ َل‬1َZ 65 bَdْ ‫ْ َأ‬87َ ‫و َل‬2 ‫ن َأ‬ َ *ُ;E2 ‫ أَن‬127‫ َوِإ‬r َ dِ ,ْ 0ُ ‫ أَن‬127‫ ِإ‬bَC*ُ7 1َ9 ‫ُ*ا‬1َZ
66 bَ/ ْ 0َ 1َaE2 ‫ْ َأ‬3‫ ِ ِه‬
ِ 8ِ7 ِ %ْ َ‫ ُ ِإ‬%2 K
َ 9ُ ْ3aُ %k 'ِ ِ ‫ْ َو‬3aُ ُ1َnTِ ‫ذَا‬Oِ^َ ‫ُ*ا‬dْ ‫َأ‬
68 bَ, ْ vَْ ‫ ا‬pَ Eَ‫ أ‬e
َ E2 ‫`ْ ِإ‬Kَ 0َ 1َ 1َ5,ْ Zُ 67 bَC*k7 Xً Lَ %ِJ ِ  ِ Lْ Eَ rِ^ ] َ  َ ْ‫و‬vَ^َ
ُ ,ِLْ 9ُ 1َ‫ ٍ َو‬T ِ 1َC ?ُ %ْ ‫ُ*ا َآ‬/5َ N
َ 1َ-E2 ‫ُ*ا ِإ‬/5َ Nَ 1َ7 ْ`dَ ,ْ 0َ e َ 5ِ %ِ-9َ rِ^ 1َ7 I ِ ْ ‫َوَأ‬
َ ‫رُو‬1َ‫ب ه‬ F َ (ِ 1257َ c ‫ُ*ا‬1َZ ‫?ًا‬H 2Cُ ‫ َ ُة‬ َ
2 ‫ ا‬r َ dِ ْ vُ^َ 69 bَ0‫‚ َأ‬ ُ %ْ T
َ ُ T ِ 12‫ا‬
70 bَC*ُ7‫َو‬
‫ـ‬j ‫*رة‬C

They said: "O Moses! whether wilt thou that thou throw
(first) or that we be the first to throw?"
He said, "Nay, throw ye first!" Then behold their ropes and
their rods-so it seemed to him on account of their magic -
began to be in lively motion! So Moses conceived in his mind
a (sort of) fear. We said: "Fear not! for thou hast indeed the
upper hand: "Throw that which is in thy right hand: Quickly
will it swallow up that which they have faked what they have
faked is but a magician's trick: and the magician thrives not,
(no matter) where he goes."
So the magicians were thrown down to prostration: they
said, "We believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses". Quran

"For us, we have believed in our Lord: may He forgive us

our faults, and the magic to which thou didst compel us: for
Allah is Best and Most Abiding." Quran 20:73

Types of Magic
There are many types of magic spells; thus, as previously
stated, they basically fall under two parts, the first which is
initiated or performed by a sorcerer and the second part is
implemented or enforced by a devil of the Jinn. Some of
these spells are made to cause animosity or love between
individuals, some target body parts to ache or not function
properly, such in a couple’s inability to consummate their
marriage, some to stop individuals from getting married,
some to stop individuals from being productive or become
lazy, and some to make a person see things to lose his mind
and some to force a Jinn to possess someone.
The types of magic mentioned above are mostly initiated or
administered by incantations or spells which is unknowingly
taken by the victim while eating or drinking, or by breathing
it through some kind of vapor or incense, or when a sorcerer
blows on knots and or by spraying or spreading it over areas
the victim lives or walks over, or by using physical bodily
samples and or personal items of the victim and or even
trigger the magic during specific time or a movement of a
star or a moon phase.

Identifying bewitched victims

It is not an easy task to differentiate between a victim of
magic and person who have been envied because the
symptoms could be similar. First let’s explain envy. Envy
is when someone gives you an evil eye by saying, looking or
even silently wishing that he/she has what you have and
you No longer have it. This applies to everything, good
health, good looks, nice body, nice eyes, good job, nice car,
nice kids, etc. Envy is mentioned in the Quran and in the
coming pages I will list the verses that will protect you from
envy or evil eyes.
Symptoms of being bewitched
The following are the known symptoms and or behaviors
displayed by individuals who may have been afflicted with
magic and or possessions: -
It is important that you first seek and be examined by a medical
doctor, just to confirm, that you do not have a physical or
chemical ailment that can be diagnosed and treated by common
1. Bad smell comes out from the mouth, scalp, womb,
or from the body in general, which is noticeable by
the victim and the ones around him, smell will come
back, regardless to amount of times the victim
2. Sudden change of victim’s mood from kindness to
hatred, health to sickness, from worship to
disobedience, happiness to anxiety or depression,
from patience to anger. Complains of seeing
nightmares and when wakes up senses a shadow
moving quickly, may see things while awake, may
hear someone talking to him.
3. Pain and appearance of blue or bruised spots
normally in areas of magic in body.
4. Compelled to say or do things beyond his/her control
and may complain of fear.
5. Pain in the stomach, womb, in the lower back and
sudden weak or no vision.
6. Does not want to hear the Azan, the Quran, or
approach water nor pray.
7. If someone recites Quran, the victim will not make
eye contact, will look up or down, may cry, tremble,
complains of feeling as if a small ball moving in
his/her throat or air bubbles in the abdomen, and/or,
of heat internally, also will demands that you stop
reciting the Quran.
Protection and Treatment
Simply said, the best treatment begins with prevention. By
increasing the lines of defense between you and the devil, the
harder it is for him to penetrate and reach you. Furthermore,
the closer you are to keeping the commandments of Allah,
the most likely; it is that, Allah will protect you from any
harm coming your way. Soon, I will be listing a few action
items, which if adhered to; it will enhance and increase your
shield against the Devil and his followers. In the meantime,
let me list what was revealed regarding the healing powers of
certain foods, plants and therapies, some of which will used
to treat victims of bites, poison, sorcery and other diseases.
Healing Foods and Plants
Black Seed
Is known commonly in Arabic as Habbat-ul-Baraka or habba
alsawdah and in English is known as, Nigella Sativa, black
cumin, and or black caraway. One can ground or chew then
swallow. also it can be purchased and taken in capsule or oil
extract form. The following Hadith sums it up pretty well,
it was reported that the Prophet, p.b.u.h, to have said: -

“‫م‬1‫ آ داء إ ا‬87 ‫ء‬1L ‫ ا*داء‬Xn‫ ا‬r^ ‫“ إن‬

” In this Black Seed” Healing to all ailments”,
except Death.”
The Prophet, p.b.u.h, specifically, mentioned the eating of
Ajwa dates (lean dates from Madina is preferred) before
anything else, is a preventative measure to Magic Spells and
Poison for that day, some scholars also suggested if taken at
night, can be a preventative measure till day break.

 n'0 87 ‫ل‬1Z 3,C‫ و‬%, ›‫ ا‬b,N rn5‫ ا‬8 )
‫*ة‬H ‫ات‬-0 œnC
(C ‫ و‬3C ‫*م‬%‫ ا‬e‫š ذ‬9 3
JKLM‫ري و‬VWXY‫ ا‬NOPQ‫أ‬
"Whosoever takes seven 'Ajwa dates in the morning,
neither magic nor poison will hurt him that day."
(Bukhari & Muslim)
Allah specifically mentioned that honey has in it a cure to
mankind. If you are a health conscious individual, then I
highly recommend taking Honey, along with and Ajwa dates
and the black seed on a daily basis.

ُ Eُ ‫`ٌ َأ ْ*َا‬,ِ 4َ K
ْ 7k ٌ‫َاب‬ َ 1َaEِ *ُ}(ُ 8ِ7 ‫ج‬ ُ ُ ْK9َ )
ِ 125,ِ ‫ء‬1َL ِ ِ %ِ^
(‫ن‬ َ ‫;ُو‬2 Lَ 4َ 9َ ‫*ْ ٍم‬dَ F Xً 9َ  e
َ ِ ‫ َذ‬rِ^ ‫ن‬
2 ‫ِإ‬
69 5‫*رة ا‬C
“From within their bodies a drink of varying colours, in it
a healing for mankind: verily in this is a Sign
for those who give thought.”
Quran 16:69
It is a physical procedure that will cure many types of
diseases and will extract and expel magic spells from the
body. It was recommended by the Prophet, p.b.u.h, to be
performed on the 17th, 19th or 21st day of the Islamic lunar
calendar, Never on a Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or
Sunday. The following reports the importance of Hujama: -

­-( r( ‫ي‬C‫ أ‬X,% ‫رت‬7 17 )

( X71H1( e47‫ أ‬7 ?-7 19 ‫*ا‬1Z ‫إ‬
[OVM \]‫_^\ ا‬

“ During the night of ascension, I did not pass
a group of Angels, Unless, they said
“ Order your nation to do Hujama.”
(Ibn Majah)

“ X71H1^ %J ( ‫?اوون‬0 1-7 ‫ء‬r r^ ‫ن‬1‫“ إن آ‬

“If there was any good in a medicine you would take,
it will be in Hujama ”

X/0 ‫ ~ أو‬X/nC 4%,^ X71H‫ أراد ا‬87 )

( 89~ ‫?ى و‬T‫ ~ أو إ‬
[OVM \]‫_^\ ا‬
“Whosoever needs Hujama, seek the Seventeenth,
Nineteen’s, or the twenty first”
(Ibn Majah)

X71H‫*ا ا‬n54‫وا‬... ]%-K‫*م ا‬9 ‫*ا‬-H4T1^ )

( ?T…‫*م ا‬9‫ و‬pn‫ وا‬X/-H‫ء وا‬1/(‫*م ا…ر‬9
[OVM \]‫_^\ ا‬
“Perform Hujama on Thursday, and avoid it on
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday”
(Ibn Majah)
Olive Oil
Olive oil is also mentioned in the Quran and Hadith, its oil is
blessed to eat and has healing powers. Recite Quran on the
oil prior drinking or spreading on your body or the affected
35 “ Xٍ Eِ *ُ49ْ ‫ َز‬Xٍ ‫ َر َآ‬1َn7k ‫ َ ٍة‬H
ََ “
‫^`ر‬Y‫_`رة ا‬
“Blessed Olive Tree”
Quran 24:35
20 “ 8
َ %ِ,‫ ِآ‬Wْ,F °ٍ nْ N
ِ ‫ َو‬8
ِ ‫? ْه‬k 1ِ( p
ُ nُ 5َ0 “
‫^`ن‬McdY‫_`رة ا‬
“Which produces oil, and relish
for those who use it for food.”
Quran 23:20

“ X‫رآ‬1n7 ‫ة‬H 87 EO^ ( ‫*ا‬5‫ واده‬p9f1( ‫*ا‬7?4Y‫“ ا‬

[OVM \]‫_^\ ا‬
“Eat the olive oil and massage it over your
bodies since it is a blessed tree”
(Ibn Majah)
Sena plant
Is a well known plant found in the middle east, The Prophet,
p.b.u.h, reported to have said: -
“ If there was ever a cure for death,
it would have been the Sena plant.”
(Al Tirmizi)

1-a%^ ‫ن‬O^ ، ‫*ت‬5‫ وا‬b51( 3;%, ”

“‫م‬1‫ آ داء إ ا‬87 ‫ء‬1L
“Stay with Sena and Sanout (Honey)
a healer to all except death” (Sahih)
Sena is placed in one liter pot of water then boiled,
afterwards, the water is strained and left to cool, sweeten
with Honey after reciting specific verses of Quran on it, a
sick person should drink about 3 cups before breakfast.
It will remove magic spells by expelling it through the
mouth and bowl movements.
Sidr plant
Also known as nebk in the Arabic language, and Lote or
Spini-christi in English. Sidr is mainly used to remove
magic spells. To prepare, one takes seven sidr leaves and

beat between two stones, place the residue in plenty of water,
recite specific Quranic verses on the Sidr water, then let the
bewitched person take at least three drinks afterwards he/she
Washes their body with the rest.
Zam Zam water
ZamZam is the name of water well in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Reported to be a source of nourishment and a cure to
ailments. Before you drink it, one makes supplication to
Allah or recites Quran, on it, prior to drinking or washing
with it. Also, used to remove magic spells. The Prophet,
p.b.u.h, said : -
“The best water on the face of the Earth is Zam Zam water,
it is the food for the hungry and a cure To aliments.”
87 ‫م‬1/j %^ ، ‫م‬f7‫ء ز‬17 ‫ و ا…رض‬b, ‫ء‬17 %J)
(3d‫ ا‬87 ‫ء‬1L‫ و‬3/}‫ا‬
“  ‫ ب‬1- ‫م‬f7‫ء ز‬17 “
[OVM \]‫_^\ ا‬
“ ZamZam water is for whatever you supplicated to”
(Ibn Majah)

Strengthen your shield
The following are the action items I alluded to earlier, if
followed, you’ll strengthen your shield against the Devil and
other evils: -
1. Pray on time especially Fajer, Isha and when
everyone are asleep at night.
2. Recite the Quran daily. At least Ayatul Kursi, Fatha,
and last 3 Suras.
3. Always be on Wudu (ablution); especially when you
go to bed.
4. Always be busy with remembrance of and
supplicating to Allah. (zikre &Dua)
5. Daily and before breakfast eat 7 dates, chew then
swallow a tea spoon of Black Seed (Haabit Al
Barka), take small spoon of honey and olive oil.
Brush your teeth with (Miswak) before and after
Wudu. And if available supplicate then drink
ZamZam water.
6. Say “Salamu Alikum” when you enter your home.
Your Jinn can’t enter.
7. Say “Bissmilallah” before you eat or drink. Your Jinn
can’t eat or drink with you.
8. Say “Aouzu billah min Alkhoubs wal khaba es” before
you take your clothes off and when you enter the
restroom. Jinns can’t see your nakedness.
9. Married couples must recite the previous and the
following supplication before they approach each
other “Bissmillah, Allah-huma Janibna AL Shai-ttan
was Janib AL Shai-ttan Ma Razaqtina”
10. Never hang pictures, statues or have dogs in your
home, the only pictures you can hang are the ones
that have no soul in them, such as a picture of the
sky, Sea, mountains, forest, etc. The Angels do not
enter a place that has pictures, statues and or dogs.

11. Never deal with usury. (Riba) and Avoid listening to
12. Do not look at prohibited (Haram) things and lower
your gaze.
13. Give charity, no matter how small it is.
14. Always purify and correct your intention, be sincere
with Allah.
15. Be patient and thank Allah when a calamity befalls
you. (it is a test)
16. Avoid backbiting, slander, and hanging out with bad
Treating Anxiety and Depression
Almost all anxieties and or depressions are due to a chemical
psychological or allergic imbalance and or reaction, which
can be diagnosed and treated, God willing, by most medical
doctors. It is also reported that most depressions and or
anxieties could be prevented by avoiding being stuck in a
systematic daily routine. Try to be active with your family,
friends, community or even take up a hobby; these can be
great preventative measures. However, if a medical attention
is required, then I suggest that you stay on your medicine
while adhering to the following spiritual remedies, which
was revealed to us by Allah through our prophet p.b.u.h.
Those afflicted with anxiety or depression may have some or
all of the following symptoms: -
Feel tired, lazy, sad, feeling hopeless, have no desire to do
anything, feel anxious, cry, hardly sleep or may sleep too
much, have nightmares, may complain of hearing or seeing
things, fearful, especially sudden fear of death, or feeling
like their heart will stop, or can’t breath, and all other types
of subconscious anxiety and or fears. These symptoms could
also be a product of magic, which was initiated by a sorcerer
and implanted or enforced by the Jinn.

The treatment begins, when the afflicted person puts his/her
trust in Allah and to never give up nor ever give in to the
subconscious whisper of the Jinn. Hence, for example,
let’s use the fear of death symptom to expose the tricks of
the devil. First of all, the victim must know that the Jinn
can not do anything, unless Allah allows. In addition, it is
not up to the Jinn when someone is born or dies.
Remember, if it was up to the Jinn, they would have killed us
all already. As you’ve read earlier, the devil envies and
despise mankind yet, he can’t do much about it; Once we
simply remind ourselves to what Allah revealed regarding
the guardian angels assigned to each one of us. This fact
alone, should immediately give us courage and reduce or
eliminate this type of anxiety attack one may be
Furthermore, Allah did not give us the power to stop our
hearts nor our breathing. These two functions are involuntary
another word, these are controlled by Allah therefore, life
and death is in Allah’s hands alone. For instance, we hear
many cases of people been stabbed, shot or even fallen from
high places, yet they do not die. Normally or logically they
should, right? Yes, but we all must remember this, Allah is
not constrained by the physical or natural laws, HE,
created for us in this universe. It is a simple as that.
Therefore, what ever the circumstance is, life and death is in
the hands of Allah alone. So let me assure the victim of
depression and or anxiety To feel at ease! Nothing will
happen to you. No matter how much the devil whispers in
your head. Your heart and breezing will not stop. That’s not
all, because of your perseverance and patience, Allah will
heal you from what ever depression and or anxiety you may
have. On top of this, you will come out of it with a stronger
believe in Allah and a higher awareness and understanding to
the sly tricks of the devil.

Now let’s move on to the spiritual treatment of depression
and Anxiety. First, remember that prevention is the best
treatment to all ailments. ” See Strengthen your shield list.”
Second, recite the following verses and supplications as
much as you can on daily basis. Insha Allah, your feeling of
anxiety and or depression will be removed:-
3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
rِ^ 1َ7 ُ 2 ٌ‫*ْم‬Eَ َ ‫ٌ َو‬X5َ C ِ šُ hُ Jُ vْ 0َ َ ‫* ُم‬k%dَ ْ ‫ ا‬r
kَ ْ ‫ ُه َ* ا‬2 ‫ ُ َ ِإَـ َ ِإ‬,ّ‫" ا‬
1َ7 3ُ ,َ/ْ 9َ ِ Eِ ْ‫ذ‬Oِ(ِ 2 ‫ َ? ُš ِإ‬5ْ
ِ œُ Lَ ~
ْ 9َ ‫ِي‬h2‫ ذَا ا‬8َ7 ‫ض‬ ِ ْ‫ ا َ…ر‬rِ^ 1َ7‫ت َو‬ ِ ‫وَا‬1َ- 2 ‫ا‬
‫ء‬1َ 1َ-(ِ 2 ‫ ِ ِإ‬-ِ ,ْ ِ ْ87F ‫ْ ٍء‬r~ َ (ِ ‫ن‬ َ *ُ}%ِ9ُ َ ‫ْ َو‬3aُ Lَ ,ْ J َ 1َ7‫ْ َو‬3aِ 9ِ?9ْ ‫ َأ‬8 َ %ْ (َ
k ,ِ/َ ْ ‫ َو ُه َ* ا‬1َ-aُ u ُ Lْ T ِ šُ ‫Ÿُو ُد‬9َ َ ‫ض َو‬ َ ْ‫ت وَا َ…ر‬ ِ ‫وَا‬1َ- 2 ‫ ُ ا‬%k Cِ ْ‫ َœ ُآ‬C ِ ‫َو‬
255 ‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C "3ُ %ِu/َ ْ ‫ا‬
Ayatul Kursi
Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-
subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His
are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can
intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He
knoweth what (appeareth to His creatures as) before or after
or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His
knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend over
the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in
guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the
Supreme (in glory). Quran 2:255
(3ُ %ِ,/َ ْ ‫ ُœ ا‬%ِ-
2 ‫ ُ ُه َ* ا‬E2 ‫ ِ ِإ‬,21ِ( ْh/ِ 4َ C
ْ 1َ^ ٌ‫ْغ‬fEَ ‫ن‬
ِ 1َ}%ْ ~
2 ‫ ا‬8
َ 7ِ e
َ 52 y
َ fَ 5َ9 127‫) َوِإ‬
36 p,'^ ‫*رة‬C
And if (at any time) an incitement to discord is made to thee
by the Evil One, seek refuge in Allah. He is the One Who
hears and knows all things. Quran 41:36
َ ‫ْ ٍء‬r
َ F ;ُ (ِ *َ ‫ َو ُه‬8
ِ 1َnْ ‫ ِه ُ وَا‬12u‫ ُ وَا‬J
ِ Wْ‫و ُل وَا‬2 vَْ ‫ُه َ* ا‬
3 ?9?‫*رة ا‬C
He is the First and the Last, the Evident and the Immanent:
and He has full knowledge of all things. Quran 57:3

َ %ِ-ِ12u‫ ا‬8
َ 7ِ p
ُ 5ُ‫ آ‬rFE‫ ِإ‬e
َ Eَ 1َnْ C
ُ p
َ Eَ‫ أ‬12‫ ِإَ َ ِإ‬12
87 ‫ء‬1%nE…‫*رة ا‬C
There is no Allah save Thee. Be Thou Glorified!
Lo! I have been a wrong-doer. Quran 21:87
‫ن‬f‫ وا‬3a‫ ا‬87 e( ‫ أ *ذ‬rE‫ إ‬3a,‫ا‬
‫ل‬1‫ ا‬Xn,y‫ و‬89?‫œ ا‬,½‫ و‬8nH‫ وا‬Kn‫ وا; وا‬fH/‫وا‬
‫ري‬VWXY‫ ا‬NOPQ‫أ‬
Oh Allah, I seek refuge in thee from worry and sadness,
disability and laziness, being a miser and from fear and from
the burden of debts and strength of other men. (Bukhari)
39;‫ ا‬3%,‫ إ إ ا› ا‬
3%u/‫ش ا‬/‫ن ا› رب ا‬1nC
œn‫*ات ا‬-‫ن ا› رب ا‬1nC
39;‫ش ا‬/‫ورب ا‬
JKLM‫ري و‬VWXY‫ ا‬NOPQ‫أ‬
"None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Majestic,
the Most Forbearing. None has the right to be worshipped
but Allah, the Lord of the Tremendous Throne. None has the
right to be worshipped but Allah, the Lord of the Seven
Heavens and the Lord of the Honourable Throne.
(Bukhari &Muslim)
‫?ك‬%( r4%N1E e47‫ أ‬8(‫?ك وا‬n 8(‫?ك وا‬n rE‫ إ‬3a,‫ا‬
e *‫ ه‬3C‫ (; ا‬evC‫ؤك أ‬1Z r^ ‫ ?ل‬e-;T r^ ‫ض‬17
e(14‫ آ‬r^ 4fE‫ أو أ‬ed,J 87 ‫?ا‬T‫ أ‬4-, ‫ أو‬eLE ( p%-C
rn,Z œ%(‫ن ر‬cd‫ ا‬/H0 ‫?ك أن‬5 Š%ž‫ ا‬3, r^ ( ‫Žت‬v4C‫أو ا‬
r-‫ب ه‬1‫ وذه‬rEfT ‫?ري وء‬N ‫*ر‬E‫و‬
ndo‫ أ‬p‫روا‬
Oh Allah, I am your servant and son of your servant and son
of your , my forehead (destiny) is in your hands, content
with your decision, just in your judgment, I ask you by every
name you’ve named yourself or taught to any of your
creations or revealed in your Book or kept hidden, from us,

within yourself , to make the Quran the center of my heart,
the light of my chest that will remove my sadness and
worry.” (Ahmad)
Place your hands on the head or the affected area
and repeat 3 times:-
r^1~‫ ا‬pE‫ وا` وأ‬، ‫س‬1n‫ أذهŠ ا‬, ‫س‬15‫ رب ا‬3a,‫"ا‬
" 1-dC ‫در‬1ž9  ‫ء‬1L ، ‫ؤك‬1L ‫ء إ‬1L 
“O Sustainer of mankind, remove the sickness and bring
cure, You are the one who cures, and there is no cure except
from you, a cure that will not any sickness behind.”
Preventing Envy
Remember that prevention is the best treatment to all
ailments. “See Strengthen your shield list.”
Envy is a serious weapon that can cause lots of grieve and
harm. It is used by people with wicked and evil hearts, who
may not like you or do not like to see you or others in a
better status than themselves. Hence, they utilize their eyes
and or tongues as weapons to inflect harm. Envy can also
occur unintentionally by anyone. An Example of Envy: -
“Wow! Nice Car! How did you manage to get it?”
Seems like a harmless remark, right? Wrong! If you do not
recite the verse below, you may wound up in a wreck and
your car gets totaled soon afterwards! That’s how powerful
the eye and envy are. Never forget to the say the following
during all similar circumstances, envious looks or words
directed to you or anything that you own or toward someone
you love.
ِ ,21ِ( 12‫* َة ِإ‬2 Zُ 1َ ُ ,2‫ء ا‬1َ 1َ7 ”
39 `a;‫*رة ا‬C
'Allah's will (be done)! There is no power but with Allah!'
Quran 18:39
In addition, you need to recite the following verses daily and
Especially, before you go to sleep: -
1. The Fatha and Aytul Kursi.
2. Recite 3 times each, the last 3 Suras in the Quran.
3. Sleep on Wudu and turn to your right side.
4. Recite Subhana Allah 33, Alhamdu Lil Allah 33, and
Allahou Akbar 34 times.
If adhered to the above, Insha Allah, you will be protected
from envy, and the devil will not come near you that night.
In addition, If you want to wake up refreshed, then try to get
up every night, make Wudu, supplicate and pray 2 Rakats.
Verses to recite before sleep: -
3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
48ِ 9F?‫*ْ ِم ا‬9َ e
ِ ,ِ‫َـ‬7 3 3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8 ِ ‫ـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ا‬2 8 َ %ِ-َ1َ/ْ ‫ب ا‬
F ‫ ِ َر‬,ّ ?ُ -ْ  َ ْ ‫ا‬
6 3َ %ِd4َ ُ-‫ط ا‬ َ ‫'َا‬ F ‫ ا‬1‫َــــ‬E?ِ ‫ اه‬5 8 ُ %ِ/4َ ْ Eَ ‫ك‬َ 129‫ ُ? وِإ‬nُ /ْ Eَ ‫ك‬
َ 129‫ِإ‬
َ %F12‫ْ َو َ ا‬3aِ %َ, َ ‫ب‬ ِ *ُž-َ ‫ ِ ا‬%َy ْ3aِ %َ, َ p َ -َ/Eَ‫ أ‬8 َ 9ِh2‫ط ا‬ َ ‫َا‬N ِ
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
“Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds,
The Beneficent, the Merciful.
Master of the Day of Judgment,
Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.
Show us the straight path,
The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path)
of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. “
Quran 1:1-7
3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ  ْ (ِ
rِ^ 1َ7 ُ 2 ٌ‫*ْم‬Eَ َ ‫ٌ َو‬X5َ C ِ šُ hُ J
ُ vْ 0َ َ ‫* ُم‬k%dَ ْ ‫ ا‬rk
َ ْ ‫ ُه َ* ا‬2 ‫ ُ َ ِإَـ َ ِإ‬,ّ‫ا‬
1َ7 3ُ ,َ/ْ 9َ ِ Eِ ْ‫ذ‬Oِ(ِ 2 ‫ َ? ُš ِإ‬5ْ
ِ œُ Lَ ~ْ 9َ ‫ِي‬h2‫ ذَا ا‬8َ7 ‫ض‬ ِ ْ‫ ا َ…ر‬rِ^ 1َ7‫ت َو‬ ِ ‫وَا‬1َ- 2 ‫ا‬
‫ء‬1َ 1َ-(ِ 2 ‫ ِ ِإ‬-ِ ,ْ ِ ْ87F ‫ْ ٍء‬r~ َ (ِ ‫ن‬ َ *ُ}%ِ9ُ َ ‫ْ َو‬3aُ Lَ ,ْ J َ 1َ7‫ْ َو‬3aِ 9ِ?9ْ ‫ َأ‬8 َ %ْ (َ
k ,ِ/َ ْ ‫ َو ُه َ* ا‬1َ-aُ u ُ Lْ T ِ šُ ‫Ÿُو ُد‬9َ َ ‫ض َو‬ َ ْ‫ت وَا َ…ر‬ ِ ‫وَا‬1َ- 2 ‫ ُ ا‬%k C
ِ ْ‫ َœ ُآ‬C ِ ‫َو‬
255 ‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C “ 3ُ %ِu/َ ْ ‫ا‬

“Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal.
Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him
belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in
the earth. Who is he that intercedeth with Him save by His
leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that
which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His
knowledge save what He will. His throne includeth the
heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving
them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.”
Quran 2:255
3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
3 ْ?َ*ُ9 ْ3َ‫?ْ َو‬,ِ9َ ْ3َ 2 ?ُ -َ '
2 ‫ ُ ا‬,2‫ ا‬1 ٌ?T َ ‫ ُ َأ‬,2‫ْ ُه َ* ا‬Zُ
4ٌ ?َT‫*ًا َأ‬Lُ ‫ ُ ُآ‬2 8ُ;9َ ْ3َ‫َو‬
“Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally Besought of
all! He begetteth not nor was begotten.
And there is none comparable unto Him.”
Quran 112:1-4
3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ ْ (ِ
2I َ ,َJَ 1َ7 F  َ 8ِ7 1 I ِ ,َLَ ْ ‫ب ا‬
F َ (ِ ‫ْ َأ ُ* ُذ‬Zُ
3Š َ Zَ ‫ ِإذَا َو‬I
ٍ C
ِ 1َy F  َ 8ِ7‫َو‬
5 ?َ 
َ T
َ ‫ ٍ? ِإذَا‬C
ِ 1َT F  َ 8ِ7‫ َو‬4 ?ِ dَ /ُ ْ ‫ ا‬rِ^ ‫ت‬ ِ 1َŽ12L52 ‫ ا‬F 
َ 8ِ7‫َو‬
“Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Daybreak
From the evil of that which He created;
From the evil of the darkness when it is intense,
And from the evil of malignant witchcraft,
And from the evil of the envier when he envieth.”
Quran 113:1-5
3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
ِ 125‫ ِإَ ِ ا‬2 ‫س‬ ِ 125‫ ا‬e ِ ,ِ7َ 1 ‫س‬ ِ 125‫ب ا‬ F َ (ِ ‫ْ َأ ُ* ُذ‬Zُ
4‫س‬ ِ 125K َ ْ ‫س ا‬
ِ ‫*َا‬C ْ *َ ْ ‫ ا‬F 
َ 8ِ7 3
ِ 125‫ َو ا‬Xِ 52 H
ِ ْ ‫ ا‬8َ 7ِ 5 ‫س‬ ِ 125‫?ُو ِر ا‬N ُ rِ^ ‫س‬ ُ *ِ C ْ *َ 9ُ ‫ِي‬h2‫ا‬

“Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, The King of
mankind, The God of mankind, From the evil of the sneaking
whisperer, Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind,
Of the jinn and of mankind.”
Quran 114:1-6
Place your hands on the affected area (head or other body
parts) and repeat 3 times:-
“In the name of Allah, I heal you, from all that is hurting
you, from all souls or envious eye, may Allah heal you”
?C1T 8% ‫] أو‬LE ‫ آ‬87 ، e9‫Ÿذ‬9 ‫ء‬r ‫ آ‬87 ,e%Z‫ ا› أر‬3( "
" e%Z‫ ا› أر‬3( , e%L~9 ›‫ ا‬،
Insomnia and Nightmares
Remember, prevention is the best treatment to all ailments.
“see Strengthen your shield list.”
If you see or wake up due to a nightmare do the following: -
1. Spit 3 times to your left.
2. Say I “seek refuge in Allah from the cursed
3%‫ن ا‬
ِ 1َ}%ْ ~
2 ‫ ا‬8
َ 7ِ ِ ,21ِ( ‫ا *ذ‬
3. Change the position you were sleeping on.
4. Finally, Never Tell the Nightmare to anyone, Only
then, It will not harm or affect you.
To prevent insomnia and Nightmares, make sure to do the
following before going to bed: -
1. Make Wudu.
2. Before you lie in bed, air, wipe or shake the bed with
your bed covers.
3. Lie on your right side.

4. Recite the Fatha, Aytul Kursi then recite 3 times
each, the last 3 short Suras.
5. Recite the following supplications 3 times each: -
š‫د‬1n  87‫ و‬، (1d ‫ و‬، ny 87 ‫ ؛‬X714‫ت ا› ا‬1-,;( ‫“ أ *ذ‬
“ ‫ون‬9 ‫ وان‬، 8%j1%~‫ات ا‬f-‫ ه‬87‫و‬
‫ داود‬s]‫أ‬
“ I seek refuge in all of Allah’s words, from his anger,
punishment, and from the evil of his servants and from the
whispering of the devils and if they approach.”
Abu Dawoud

1^ ‫ ( و‬8‫وزه‬1H9  r4‫ت ا‬1714‫ت ا› ا‬1-,;( ‫أ *ذ‬

 87‫ و‬، ‫ و(أ‬، ‫ وذرأ‬، I,J 17  87 “
1a%^ ‫ج‬/9 17  87‫ و‬، ‫ء‬1-‫ ا‬87 ‫ل‬f59 17
1a57 ‫ج‬K9 17  87‫ و‬، ‫ ا…رض و(أ‬r^ ‫ ذرأ‬17  87‫ و‬،
“ ‫رق‬1j ‫رق ؛ إ‬1j ‫  آ‬87‫ و‬، ‫ر‬1a5‫ وا‬%,‫ ا‬84^  87‫ و‬،
8-T‫ ر‬19 %K( ‫}ق‬9
( eghi p‫د‬V^_‫) ا‬

“ I seek refuge in all of Allah’s words, in which, no pious or

transgressor can penetrate, from the evils of Allah’s
creatures, seen or unseen, and from what descents or
ascends from the skies or comes out of the earth, and from
the trials of the night and day time and from every news
bearer except a bearer of good, O Merciful One.”
‫ن‬f‫ وا‬3a‫ ا‬87 e( ‫ أ *ذ‬rE‫ إ‬3a,‫ا‬
‫ل‬1‫ ا‬Xn,y‫ و‬89?‫œ ا‬,½‫ و‬8nH‫ وا‬Kn‫ وا; وا‬fH/‫وا‬
‫ري‬VWXY‫ ا‬NOPQ‫أ‬
Oh Allah, I seek refuge in thee from worry and sadness,
disability and laziness, being a miser and from fear and from
the burden of debts and strength of other men. (Bukhari)

6. Say ”Subhana Allah 33, Alhamdu Lil Allah 33, and
Allahou Akbar 34 times.”
7. Finally try not to sleep keeping grudges in your heart,
try to forgive everyone when going to sleep.

We have come to a subject that needs to be addressed due to
its relative closeness to the main topic of this book. In the
non-Muslim world, the term “Haunted” may be heard; used
and even understood completely different from their
counterparts in the Muslim world. In non-Muslim countries,
they think or believe that haunted houses or places are a
result of a lost spirit that is, for some reason or another, lost
its way back to the creator! Or due to some unfinished
earthly business the spirit can’t depart! Of course, this is far
from the truth, according to the Quran, the Angel of Death, is
the one assigned to take our lives when the time comes, this
can neither be delayed, bargained with nor can the soul
escape and decide to stay somewhere on Earth in order to
complete some unfinished business.
So exactly what is haunting? First off it is phenomenon of
the Jinn. Second, the reader should know that the Jinn do
use and share our world too, and even though, they would
rather live in abandoned areas away from humans, they may
decide to live in our dwellings, or for example, if someone
moves into a dwelling which is already being occupied by
the Jinn, then they will try to create all types of mischief in
the hope that the new human tenant move out, hence, the
term “Haunted House” is appropriately applied. Hence,
haunting can occur if and when the Jinn decide to take up
residence in areas used or unused by humans. That is why
the Prophet, p.b.u.h, forbids us from living in places with
excess unused rooms. Meaning the areas you do not use, the
Jinn will occupy with their families. Therefore, do not

purchase or move into a 5 room dwellings knowing, you will
only use 3 rooms.

The following actions will expel and prevent devil Jinns

from haunting a dwelling: -

1. Make Azzan (The call to prayers) preferably; before

you move into your new home, however, if you did
not, you still can make Azzan afterwards. The
Azzan is your warning to all Jinns that a Muslim will
be moving in. The Jinn are aware of your rights, if
they do not leave, they know you can make their stay
a miserable one. As a result, all non-Muslim Jinns
will leave.
2. Recite the complete Surat “Al Baqura” 2 Sura of the
Quran, this Sura should be recited every three days
or as much as you like. The prophet, p.b.u.h, said
“The devil can not enter a home, this Sura, was
recited in” Meaning, it will also expel devils that are
haunting an area it was recited at.
3. You and your family recite Fatha, Aytul Kursi and
the last 3 short Suras.
4. You and your family try to stay on Wudu.
5. Never hang pictures, statues and keep dogs in your
6. Say “Salamu Alikum” every time you enter your
7. Say “Bissmilallah” before you eat or drink.
8. The devils reside in the bathrooms, therefore Say”
Aouzu billah min Alkhoubs wal khaba es” before you
enter and anytime you take your clothes off.
9. Married couples must recite the previous and the
following supplication before they approach each
other “Bissmillah, Allah-huma Janibna AL Shai-ttan
was Janib AL Shai-ttan Ma Razaqtina”

Magic and Magic Spells
Remember, Prevention is the best treatment to all ailments.
“see Strengthen your shield list.”
The following are the Quranic verses, Insha Allah, one may
recite, in order for a magic Spell is nullified and or a Jinn to
be expelled from the body. The Quranic verses will
Cause great discomfort, pain, even death to the Jinn. The
Jinn normally leave the body to avoid this, but may come
back later, that’s why you may recite these verses over
And over till the Jinn, Insha Allah, forever departs or is
killed by Allah.
For this reason, it is very important that the victim, who is
afflicted with this, try to prevent the Jinn from coming back
by doing the Following: -
1. Always perform prayers on time.
2. Recite Ayatul Kursi, Fatha, and last 3 Suras of the
3. Always be on Wudu (ablution); especially when you
go to sleep.
4. Always be busy with remembrance of Allah and ask
for forgiveness. (zikre &Dua)
5. Say “Salamu Alikum” when you enter your home.
6. Say “Bissmilallah” before you eat or drink.
7. Say” Aouzu billah min Alkhoubs wal khaba es”
before you take your clothes off and when you enter
the restroom.
8. Married couples must recite the previous and the
following supplication before they approach each
other “Bissmillah, Allah-huma Janibna AL Shai-ttan
was Janib AL Shai-ttan Ma Razaqtina”
9. Never be around pictures, statues or dogs where ever
you’re staying and do not listen to music; listen to
Azzan and Quranic recording instead.

The following verses can be recited on Olive oil, ZamZam,
Sidr, or Sena water or directly on the victim. After reciting
the following verses on the olive oil or water, let the victim
drink from it then wash the body with the rest.

The Person who is trying to remove or nullify the Jinn and or

Magic, must have strong believe in Allah, and protected
himself by reciting the previously mentioned verses and has
Wudu prior to seeing or talking to the victim.

If the victim is a female, she must be covered and in the

presence of her family or guardian. You are not allowed to
touch or be alone with her, if she is not your Mahrum.
(Meaning: if she is not your wife, sister, aunt, mother, grand
mother or niece, then it is forbidden to be alone with her.)
Important Note:
If you make Azzan (Prayer Call) the Devil will immediately
leave the body and or the area where Azzan is being called
then will come back afterwards, so don’t be tricked.

As Narrated by Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "When the Adhan is pronounced Satan
takes to his heels And passes wind with noise during his
flight in order not to hear the Adhan. When the Adhan is
completed he comes back and again takes to his heels
when The Equamat is made for prayers”

The Quranic Treatment
To Sorcery, Magic and Possessions
The following verses to be recited 7 times each
3%‫ن ا‬
ِ 1َ}%ْ ~
2 ‫ ا‬8
َ 7ِ ِ ,21ِ( ‫ا *ذ‬
3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
48ِ 9F?‫*ْ ِم ا‬9َ e
ِ ,ِ‫َـ‬7 3 3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫ـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ا‬2 8 َ %ِ-َ1َ/ْ ‫ب ا‬
F ‫ ِ َر‬,ّ ?ُ -ْ َ ْ ‫ا‬
6 3َ %ِd4َ ُ-‫ط ا‬ َ ‫'َا‬
F ‫ ا‬1‫َــــ‬E?ِ ‫ اه‬5 8 ُ %ِ/4َ 
ْ Eَ ‫ك‬
َ 129‫ ُ? وِإ‬nُ /ْ Eَ ‫ك‬
َ 129‫ِإ‬
َ %F12‫ْ َو َ ا‬3aِ %َ, َ ‫ب‬ِ *ُžَ-‫ ِ ا‬%َy ْ3aِ %َ, َ p َ -َ/Eَ‫ أ‬8 َ 9ِh2‫ط ا‬ َ ‫َا‬N ِ
Quran 1:1-7

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
rِ^ 1َ7 ُ 2 ٌ‫*ْم‬Eَ َ ‫ٌ َو‬X5َ C ِ šُ hُ Jُ vْ 0َ َ ‫* ُم‬k%dَ ْ ‫ ا‬rk
َ ْ ‫ ُه َ* ا‬2 ‫ ُ َ ِإَـ َ ِإ‬,ّ‫ا‬
1َ7 3ُ ,َ/ْ 9َ ِ Eِ ْ‫ذ‬Oِ(ِ 2 ‫ َ? ُš ِإ‬5ْ
ِ œُ Lَ ~
ْ 9َ ‫ِي‬h2‫ ذَا ا‬8َ7 ‫ض‬ ِ ْ‫ ا َ…ر‬rِ^ 1َ7‫ت َو‬ ِ ‫وَا‬1َ- 2 ‫ا‬
‫ء‬1َ 1َ-(ِ 2 ‫ ِ ِإ‬-ِ ,ْ ِ ْ87F ‫ْ ٍء‬r~ َ (ِ ‫ن‬ َ *ُ}%ِ9ُ َ ‫ْ َو‬3aُ Lَ ,ْ Jَ 1َ7‫ْ َو‬3aِ 9ِ?9ْ ‫ َأ‬8 َ %ْ (َ
k ,ِ/َ ْ ‫ َو ُه َ* ا‬1َ-aُ u ُ Lْ T ِ šُ ‫Ÿُو ُد‬9َ َ ‫ض َو‬ َ ْ‫ت وَا َ…ر‬ ِ ‫وَا‬1َ- 2 ‫ ُ ا‬%k C
ِ ْ‫ َœ ُآ‬C ِ ‫َو‬
3ُ %ِu/َ ْ ‫ا‬
255 ‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C
Quran 2:255

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
‫*ًا‬Lُ ‫ ُ ُآ‬2 8ُ;9َ ْ3َ‫ َو‬3 ْ?َ*ُ9 ْ3َ‫?ْ َو‬,ِ9َ ْ3َ 2 ?ُ -َ '
2 ‫ ُ ا‬,2‫ ا‬1 ٌ?T
َ ‫ ُ َأ‬,2‫ْ ُه َ* ا‬Zُ
4ٌ ?َT‫َأ‬
Quran 112:1-3

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
2I َ ,َJَ 1َ7 F َ 8ِ7 1 I ِ ,َLَ ْ ‫ب ا‬
F َ (ِ ‫ْ َأ ُ* ُذ‬Zُ
3Š َ Zَ ‫ ِإذَا َو‬I
ٍ C
ِ 1َy F  َ 8ِ7‫َو‬
5 ?َ 
َ T
َ ‫ ٍ? ِإذَا‬C
ِ 1َT F 
َ 8ِ7‫ َو‬4 ?ِ dَ /ُ ْ ‫ ا‬r^ِ ‫ت‬ ِ 1َŽ12L52 ‫ ا‬F 
َ 8ِ7‫َو‬
Quran 113:1-5

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ

F 
َ 8ِ7 3 ‫س‬ ِ 125‫ ِإَ ِ ا‬2 ‫س‬ ِ 125‫ ا‬e
ِ ,ِ7َ 1 ‫س‬ِ 125‫ب ا‬ F َ (ِ ‫ْ َأ ُ* ُذ‬Zُ
4‫س‬ِ 125Kَ ْ ‫س ا‬
ِ ‫*َا‬C
ْ *َ ْ ‫ا‬
6‫س‬ ِ 125‫ َو ا‬Xِ 52 H
ِ ْ ‫ ا‬8
َ 7ِ 5 ‫س‬
ِ 125‫?ُو ِر ا‬Nُ rِ^ ‫س‬ ُ *ِ Cْ *َ 9ُ ‫ِي‬h2‫ا‬
Quran 114:1-6

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
2‫ن‬َ ‫?ُو‬nُ /ْ 0َ 1َ7 ?ُ nُ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1َ 1 ‫ن‬ َ ‫ ِ^ُو‬1َ;ْ ‫ ا‬1َa9k ‫ َأ‬1َ9 ْZُ
3 ?ُ nُ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1َ7 ‫ن‬َ ‫ ِ(?ُو‬1َ ْ34ُ Eَ‫ أ‬1َ‫َو‬
ْ3;ُ 5ُ 9ِ‫ْ د‬3;ُ َ 5 ?ُ nُ
ْ ‫ َأ‬1َ7 ‫ن‬َ ‫ ِ(?ُو‬1َ ْ34ُ Eَ‫ أ‬1َ‫ َو‬4 ْ30k ?َn َ 127 ٌ?(ِ 1َ 1َE‫ َأ‬1َ‫َو‬
68 ِ 9ِ‫ د‬r َ ِ‫َو‬
َ‫ ِ^ُون‬1َ;ْ ‫*رة ا‬C
Quran 109:1-6

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
“ 3ُ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ُ -َ T
ْ 2 ‫ ُه َ* ا‬2 ‫ ِإَ َ ِإ‬2 ٌ?T
ِ ‫ْ ِإٌَ وَا‬3;ُ aُ ‫“ َوِإَـ‬
163 ‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C
Quran 2:163

The following to be recited at least 3 times each

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
ِ %ْ žَ ْ 1ِ( ‫ن‬
َ *ُ57ِ ْŸ9ُ 8
َ 9ِh2‫ ا‬2 8 َ %ِd42 -ُ ,ْ F ‫ ِ ُه?ًى‬%ِ^ Š َ 9ْ ‫ب َ َر‬ ُ 1َ4;ِ ْ ‫ ا‬e
َ ِ‫ َذ‬1 3‫ا‬
‫ َل‬fِ Eُ‫ أ‬1َ-(ِ ‫ن‬ َ *ُ57ِ ْŸ9ُ 8
َ 9ِh2‫ وا‬3 ‫ن‬ َ *ُdLِ 5ُ9 ْ3‫ ُه‬1َ5Zْ ‫ َر َز‬12-7ِ ‫ َة َو‬2'‫ن ا‬ َ *ُ-%ِdُ9‫َو‬
4‫ن‬ َ *ُ5Zِ *ُ9 ْ3‫ َ ِة ُه‬J
ِ 1ِ(‫ َو‬e َ ,ِnْ Zَ 8ِ7 ‫ َل‬fِ Eُ‫ أ‬1َ7‫ َو‬e
َ %ْ َ‫ِإ‬
‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C
Quran 2:1-4

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
ُ ,ِLْ 9ُ 1َ‫ ٍ َو‬T
ِ 1َC ?ُ %ْ ‫ُ*ا َآ‬/5َ N
َ 1َ-E2 ‫ُ*ا ِإ‬/5َ N
َ 1َ7 ْ`dَ ,ْ 0َ e
َ 5ِ %ِ-9َ rِ^ 1َ7 I
ِ ْ ‫َوَأ‬
69 bَ0‫‚ َأ‬ ُ %ْ T
َ ُ T
ِ 12‫ا‬
‫ـ‬j ‫*رة‬C
Quran 20-69

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8 ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ ْ (ِ

َ َ ,ّ‫ن ا‬ 2 ‫ ُ ِإ‬,ُ}
ِ nْ %ُ C
َ َ ,ّ‫ن ا‬ 2 ‫ ُ ِإ‬ْ F ‫ ِ(ِ ا‬3ُ4™ْ  ِ 1َ7 bَC*ُ7 ‫ َل‬1َZ ْ‫َ*ا‬dْ ‫ َأ‬12-,َ^َ
šَ ِ ‫ ِ َوَ*ْ َآ‬0ِ 1َ-,ِ;َ (ِ I
2  َ ْ ‫ ُ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬Ik 
ِ 9ُ َ‫ و‬81 8 َ 9ِ?ِ Lْ -ُ ْ ‫ َ ا‬-َ
ُ ,ِ'
ْ 9ُ
82 ‫ن‬ َ *ُ7ِ H ْ -ُ ْ ‫ا‬
]E*9 ‫*رة‬C
Quran 10:81-82

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ
117 ‫ن‬ َ *ُ;^ِ vْ 9َ 1َ7 `
ُ dَ ,ْ 0َ r
َ ‫ذَا ِه‬Oِ^َ ‫ك‬
َ 1َ' َ I ِ ْ ‫ َأنْ َأ‬bَC*ُ7 bَ‫ ِإ‬1َ5%ْ T َ ْ‫وََأو‬
ْ‫ُ*ا‬n,َdَ E‫ وَا‬e
َ ِ1َ5‫ُ*اْ ُه‬n,ِžُ ^َ 118 ‫ن‬ َ *ُ,-َ /ْ 9َ ْ‫ُ*ا‬E1َ‫ آ‬1َ7 َ }
َ (َ ‫ َو‬I
َ ْ ‫ َœ ا‬Zَ *َ ^َ
119 8 َ 9ِy ِ 1َN
‫*رة ا… اف‬C
Quran 7:117-119

3ِ %ِT2 ‫ ا‬8
ِ ‫َـ‬-ْT2 ‫ ِ ا‬,ّ‫ ا‬3ِ 
ْ (ِ

ْ‫ْ َأو‬3;ُ ِ Lُ Eَ‫ أ‬rِ^ 1َ7 ْ‫?ُوا‬nْ 0ُ ‫ض َوإِن‬ ِ ْ‫ ا َ…ر‬rِ^ 1َ7‫ت َو‬ ِ ‫وا‬1َ- 2 ‫ ا‬rِ^ 17 ِ ,2F
bَ, َ ُ ,ّ‫ء وَا‬1َ~9َ 8َ7 ‫ب‬ ُ hF /َ 9ُ ‫ء َو‬1َ~9َ 8َ-ِ ُ Lِ žْ %َ ^َ ُ ,ّ‫ ِ( ِ ا‬3ُ;nْ C ِ 1َ9ُ šُ *ُLK ْ 0ُ
َ *ُ57ِ ْŸ-ُ ْ ‫( ِ وَا‬F ‫ر‬2 8ِ7 ِ %ْ َ‫ َل ِإ‬fِ Eُ‫ أ‬1َ-(ِ ‫ُ* ُل‬C2 ‫ ا‬8 َ 7َ c 284 ٌ9ِ?Zَ ‫ْ ٍء‬r َ F ‫ُآ‬
ِ ,ِC
ُ ‫ر‬k 8F7 ?ٍ T َ ‫ َأ‬8 َ %ْ (َ ‫ق‬
ُ F Lَ Eُ َ ِ ,ِC ُ ‫ ِ َو ُر‬nِ 4ُ ‫ ِ َو ُآ‬4ِ ;َ Yِ Åَ7‫ ِ َو‬,ّ1ِ( 8َ 7َ c g ‫ُآ‬
ُ ,ّ‫` ا‬ ُ ,F;َ 9ُ َ 285 ُ %ِ'-َ ْ ‫ ا‬e َ %ْ َ‫ َوِإ‬1َ5(2 ‫ َر‬eَ Eَ ‫ َا‬Lْ y
ُ 1َ5/ْ j َ ‫ َوَأ‬1َ5/ْ -ِ C
َ ْ‫ُ*ا‬1َZ‫َو‬
‫ إِن‬1َEْhJ ِ ‫Ÿَا‬0ُ َ 1َ5(2 ‫ْ َر‬pnَ  َ 4َ ‫ ا ْآ‬1َ7 1َa%ْ َ, َ ‫ْ َو‬pnَ  َ ‫ َآ‬1َ7 1َaَ 1َa/َ C ْ ‫ ُو‬2 ‫ ِإ‬1ًLْ Eَ
َ 9ِh2‫ ا‬bَ, َ ُ 4َ ,ْ -َ T
َ 1َ-‫ًا َآ‬N ْ ‫ ِإ‬1َ5%ْ ,َ َ ْ-ِ  ْ 0َ َ ‫ َو‬1َ5(2 ‫ َر‬1َEvْ } َJْ ‫ َأوْ َأ‬1َ5%ِE2
1َ5َ ْLِ y
ْ ‫ وَا‬125 َ ` ُ ْ ‫ ِ( ِ وَا‬1َ5َ Xَ Zَ 1َj َ 1َ7 1َ5,ْ -F  َ 0ُ َ ‫ َو‬1َ5(2 ‫ َر‬1َ5,ِnْ Zَ 8ِ7
‫ة‬dn‫*رة ا‬C 286 8 َ 9ِ^ِ 1َ;ْ ‫*ْ ِم ا‬dَ ْ ‫ ا‬bَ, َ 1َEْ' ُ E1َ^ 1َEَ ْ*7َ p َ Eَ‫ أ‬Wَ5-ْ T َ ْ‫وَار‬
Quran 2:284-286
‫‪ 8‬ا ‪3ِ %ِT2‬‬
‫ ِ‪ 3‬اّ‪ ِ ,‬ا ‪َ-ْT2‬ـ ِ‬
‫ِ( ْ‬
‫ن ِإَ َ‪ْ3;ُ a‬‬
‫ت ِذ ْآًا ‪ِ 3‬إ ‪2‬‬ ‫ًا ‪ِ 1َ%ِ1241َ^ 2‬‬ ‫ت َز ْ‬ ‫َا ِ‬ ‫‪2f1َ^ 1 1ÆLN‬ا ِ‬ ‫ت َ‬ ‫َوا'‪ِ 12^12‬‬
‫ق ‪ِ 5‬إ‪12E‬‬ ‫ب ا ْ َ‪ِ 1َ~-‬ر ِ‬
‫ض َو‪َ 1َ-aُ 5َ %ْ (َ 1َ7‬و َر ‪k‬‬ ‫ت وَا َْ‪v‬رْ ِ‬ ‫‪1َ-‬وَا ِ‬ ‫ب ا ‪2‬‬ ‫‪َ 4 ٌ?T‬ر ‪k‬‬ ‫َ*َا ِ‬
‫ن ‪ِ 127‬ر ٍد ‪1َ 7‬‬ ‫ ْ‪ٍ 1َ}%‬‬
‫‪ُ 8F7 1ًuLْ T‬آ ‪َ F‬‬ ‫Š ‪َ 6‬و ِ‬ ‫‪1َ-‬ء ا ‪ Xٍ 5َ 9ِf(ِ 1َ%Eْ ?k‬ا ْ َ;*َا ِآ ِ‬ ‫َز ‪ 12592‬ا ‪2‬‬
‫Š ‪ُ 8‬د‪*ُT‬رًا َوَ ُ‪ْ3a‬‬ ‫ن ‪ُ 8ِ7‬آ ‪ٍ Eِ 1َ F‬‬ ‫ ‪َ bَ,‬و ُ‪َ *ُ^hَ dْ 9‬‬ ‫ن ِإَ‪ b‬ا ْ َ‪ Oِ,َ-‬ا ْ َ‪ْ v‬‬
‫ ‪َ *ُ/-2‬‬
‫َ‪2 9‬‬
‫‪1َa‬بٌ Žَ‪10 ٌŠZِ 1‬‬ ‫} َ‪ِ ُ /َ nَ 0ْ vَ^َ Xَ L‬‬
‫‪ْK‬‬ ‫` ا ْ َ‬
‫} َ‬ ‫‪ِJ‬‬ ‫‪ِ 9 ٌŠN‬إ‪َ ْ87َ 12‬‬ ‫ ‪َh‬ابٌ وَا ِ‬ ‫َ‬
‫‪*C‬رة ا'‪1^1‬ت‬
‫‪Quran 37:1-10‬‬

‫‪ 8‬ا ‪3ِ %ِT2‬‬

‫ ِ‪ 3‬اّ‪ ِ ,‬ا ‪َ-ْT2‬ـ ِ‬
‫ِ( ْ‬
‫‪َ Ç‬‬
‫ ِ‪َ Xُ َ;Y‬وُأوُْ*اْ ا ْ ِ‪ْ dِ ْ 1ِ( 1ً-َ Yِ WَZ 3ِ ,ْ /‬‬‫‪ ?َ ِa‬اّ‪َ ُ ,‬أ ‪ِ َ ُ E2‬إَـ َ ِإ ‪ُ 2‬ه َ* وَا ْ َ‪َ -‬‬
‫;ِ‪3ُ %‬‬
‫ِإَـ َ ِإ ‪ُ 2‬ه َ* ا ْ َ‪ fُ 9ِf/‬ا ْ َ‬
‫‪*C‬رة ‪c‬ل ‪-‬ان ‪18‬‬
‫‪Quran 3:18‬‬

‫‪ 8‬ا ‪3ِ %ِT2‬‬

‫ ِ‪ 3‬اّ‪ ِ ,‬ا ‪َ-ْT2‬ـ ِ‬
‫ِ( ْ‬
‫‪َ*4َ C‬ى‬
‫‪َ Xِ 42 C‬أ‪ٍ 129‬م ُŽ ‪ 32‬ا ْ‬
‫ض ^ِ‪ِ r‬‬ ‫ت وَا َ…رْ َ‬ ‫‪1َ-‬وَا ِ‬ ‫‪ I‬ا ‪2‬‬ ‫‪َ ,َJ‬‬
‫ن َر ‪ 3ُ ;ُ (2‬اّ‪ ُ ,‬ا‪ِh2‬ي َ‬
‫ِإ ‪2‬‬
‫] وَا ْ َ‪َ -َ d‬‬
‫~ ْ‪َ -‬‬ ‫‪ 1ًt%ِtT‬وَا ‪2‬‬ ‫}ُ‪َ ُ nُ ,‬‬ ‫ش ُ‪ rِ~žْ 9‬ا‪ َ %ْ ,2‬ا ‪َ 1َa52‬ر َ‪ْ 9‬‬ ‫ ‪ bَ,‬ا ْ َ‪ِ ْ/‬‬ ‫َ‬
‫ك اّ‪َ ُ ,‬ر ‪k‬‬ ‫‪ I‬وَا َ… ْ‪َ 1َn0َ ُ 7‬ر َ‬‫‪ُ ,ْ K‬‬ ‫ت ِ(َ‪َ ِšِ 7ْ v‬أ َ َ ُ ا ْ َ‬
‫‪َK‬ا ٍ‬
‫‪2‬‬‫وَا ‪َ *ُH5k‬م ُ‪َ 7‬‬
‫‪55 8‬‬ ‫Š ا ْ ُ‪َ 9ِ?4َ /ْ -‬‬
‫ ‪k‬‬‫‪ِ Xً %َ Lْ J‬إ ‪ِ 9ُ َ ُ E2‬‬
‫ ‪َ 1ً k‬و ُ‬ ‫‪ 54 8‬ادْ ُ*اْ َر ‪َ 0َ ْ3;ُ (2‬‬ ‫ا ْ‪َ %ِ-َ1َ/‬‬
‫‪*C‬رة ا… اف‬
‫‪Quran 7:54-55‬‬

‫‪ 8‬ا ‪3ِ %ِT2‬‬

‫ ِ‪ 3‬اّ‪ ِ ,‬ا ‪َ-ْT2‬ـ ِ‬
‫ِ( ْ‬
‫ش ا ْ َ;ِ‪َ 116 3ِ 9‬و‪8َ7‬‬ ‫ب ا ْ َ‪ِ ْ/‬‬
‫‪ِ 1َ I‬إ َ َ ِإ‪ُ 12‬ه َ* َر ‪k‬‬
‫ ‪k‬‬
‫‪ e‬ا ْ َ‬
‫َ^ َ‪ bَ1َ/4‬ا‪ ُ ,2‬ا ْ َ‪ُ ,ِ-‬‬
‫‪َ ?َ 5ِ ُ (ُ 1َT‬ر ‪ِ ِ (F‬إ ‪1َ ُ E2‬‬
‫ن َُ ِ( ِ َ^ِ‪ِ 1َ-E2 O‬‬
‫‪ْ(ُ 1َ َ J‬هَ‪َ 1‬‬‫ع َ‪ œَ 7‬ا‪ِ ِ ,2‬إَ‪َ c 1ًa‬‬ ‫َ‪ُ ْ?9‬‬
‫‪َ %ِ-T‬‬ ‫‪ ُ %ْ J‬ا‪2‬ا ِ‬ ‫‪َ p‬‬ ‫‪َ ْ3T‬وأَ‪َ E‬‬‫‪ ْLِ y‬وَارْ َ‬ ‫با ْ‬ ‫ن ‪َ 117‬و‪2 ُZ‬ر ‪F‬‬ ‫‪  ‬ا ْ;َ‪ُ^ِ 1‬و َ‬ ‫ُ‪ُ ,ِLْ 9‬‬
‫‪*C‬رة ا‪*57Ÿ-‬ن‬
‫‪Quran 23:116-118‬‬

‫‪ 8‬ا ‪3ِ %ِT2‬‬
‫ ِ‪ 3‬اّ‪ ِ ,‬ا ‪َ-ْT2‬ـ ِ‬
‫ِ( ْ‬
‫~ َ‪ Xِ %‬ا‪ِ ,2‬‬
‫‪ْ J‬‬ ‫' ‪َ ْ87F 1ً ?F‬‬ ‫‪َ 4َ 7k 1ً/‬‬ ‫ َ‪ََ 2 ٍ n‬أ ْ‪ِ 1َJ ُ 4َ 9‬‬
‫ ‪َ bَ,‬‬ ‫ن َ‬ ‫َ*ْ أَ‪َ 1َ5ْ fَ E‬ه‪َh‬ا ا ْ ُ‪َ cْd‬‬
‫ن ‪ُ 21‬ه َ* ا‪ ُ ,2‬ا‪ِh2‬ي َ‪ِ 1‬إَ َ‬ ‫س َ َ‪ُ;2 Lَ 4َ 9َ ْ3aُ ,2/‬و َ‬
‫ ِ ُ(‪ِ 125,ِ 1َa‬‬ ‫‪ e‬ا َْ‪ُ 1َt7ْ v‬ل َ‪ْ E‬‬ ‫َو ِ‪َ ,ْ 0‬‬
‫‪ 8‬ا ‪ُ 22 3ُ %ِT2‬ه َ* ا‪ ُ ,2‬ا‪ِh2‬ي َ‪1‬‬ ‫‪ُ -َ T‬‬‫~‪َ 1َa‬د ِة ُه َ* ا ‪ْ 2‬‬ ‫Š وَا ‪2‬‬ ‫ِإ‪ُ 12‬ه َ* َ‪ 3ُ ِ 1‬ا ْ َž ْ‪ِ %‬‬
‫‪ُ 12nH‬ر‬
‫‪ 8‬ا ْ َ‪ fُ 9ِf/‬ا ْ َ‬
‫‪ 8‬ا ْ ُ‪ُ -ِ %ْ aَ -‬‬
‫‪ُ 1َ,‬م ا ْ ُ‪ُ 7ِ ْŸ-‬‬‫س ا ‪2‬‬ ‫‪ e‬ا ْ ُ‪k?d‬و ُ‬‫ِإَ َ ِإ‪ُ 12‬ه َ* ا ْ َ‪ُ ,ِ-‬‬
‫‪ I‬ا ْ‪ِ 1َn‬ر ُ‬
‫ن ‪ُ 23‬ه َ* ا‪ ُ ,2‬ا ْ‪ُ ِ1َK‬‬ ‫~ ِآُ* َ‬ ‫ ‪ْ 9ُ 12-‬‬ ‫ن ا‪َ ِ ,2‬‬ ‫‪َ 1َnْ C‬‬ ‫ا ْ ُ‪ُ ُ nF ;َ 4َ -‬‬
‫ت وَا َْ‪v‬رْ ِ‬ ‫‪1َ-‬وَا ِ‬ ‫‪ rِ^ 1َ7 ُ َ  ‬ا ‪2‬‬ ‫ ‪ُ nF‬‬‫‪َ 9ُ bَ5‬‬ ‫ ْ‬
‫‪1َ-C‬ء ا ْ ُ‬ ‫' ‪ُ *F‬ر َ ُ ا َْ‪ْ v‬‬ ‫ا ْ ُ‪َ -‬‬
‫;ِ‪24 3ُ %‬‬ ‫َو ُه َ* ا ْ َ‪ fُ 9ِf/‬ا ْ َ‬
‫‪*C Quran 59:21-24‬رة ا~‬

‫‪ 8‬ا ‪3ِ %ِT2‬‬

‫ ِ‪ 3‬اّ‪ ِ ,‬ا ‪َ-ْT2‬ـ ِ‬
‫ِ( ْ‬
‫‪1ًnH‬‬‫ َ‬ ‫‪َ 1ًEcْZُ 1َ5/ْ -ِ C‬‬
‫‪*ُ1َd^َ 8‬ا ِإ‪َ 12E‬‬ ‫‪FH‬‬ ‫‪ 8‬ا ْ ِ‬
‫‪َ 7F ٌLَ Eَ œَ -َ 4َ C‬‬
‫‪َ r‬أ ‪ ُ E2‬ا ْ‬
‫‪ِ r‬إَ ‪2‬‬
‫‪َT‬‬ ‫ُ‪ ْZ‬أُو ِ‬
‫ ‪?k‬‬
‫‪ً?T‬ا ‪َ 2‬وَأ ‪َ bَ1َ/0َ ُ E2‬‬ ‫ك ِ( َ ‪َ 1َ5(F‬أ َ‬
‫~ ِ َ‬‫ ِ? ^َ‪َ ِ (ِ 1257َ W‬وَ‪ْ Ek 8‬‬ ‫‪ِ?aْ 9َ 1‬ي ِإَ‪ b‬ا ‪ْ k‬‬
‫ ‪ bَ,‬ا‪ِ ,2‬‬
‫‪َ 1َ5aُ %ِLC‬‬ ‫ن َ‪ُ *ُd9‬ل َ‬ ‫‪َ Xً nَ T‬وَ‪َ 1‬وَ?ًا ‪َ 3‬وَأ ‪ ُ E2‬آَ‪َ 1‬‬ ‫‪ِ 1َN hَ K‬‬ ‫َر ‪ 1َ7 1َ5(F‬ا ‪َ 02‬‬
‫‪Quran 72:1-4 8‬‬ ‫}}ً‪*C 4 1‬رة ا‪ّ H‬‬ ‫َ‬‫َ‬

MP3 Streaming Audio
To help the Arabic and non-Arabic speakers recite and
memorize the previously listed Quranic verses and
supplications, I thought it will be a good idea if they all were
compiled into an MP3 audio file format to be downloaded
and listened to as much as possible.
At your convenience, please visit the following link to
download and save to your PC.
MP3 Audio files Content
chaser.mp3: Contains the following verses, that will remove
magic spells and satanic possessions:-
Azzan (prayer call) Yunus 10: 81-82
AL Fatha 1: 1-7 AL Araf 7: 117-119
AL Kkursi 2: 255 AL Baqara 2: 284-286
AL Ikhlass 112: 1-4 AL Safat 37: 1-10
AL Falaq 113: 1-5 AL Imran 3: 18
AL Nas 114: 1-6 AL Araf 7: 54-55
AL Kafiroon 109: 1-6 AL Mouminoon 23:116-118
AL Baqara 2: 163 AL Husher 59: 21-24
AL Baqara 2: 1-4 AL Jinn 72: 1-4
Taha 20: 69
duaa.mp3: Contains 6 specific supplications, for you to
memorize and use, some of which, you can recite to ward off,
satanic mind attacks, which targets your thoughts. The
others you recite to ask Allah for repentance, to stop
nightmares, block or remove envy, debts, cure body pains
and other ailments such as depression or anxiety.
sura2.mp3: Contains the complete Surat AL-BAQARA. It
will expel and prevent devils from entering an area this Sura,
was recited at.
A Daily Diet for a Healthy Life
Diabetics, please consult with your doctor first.
• Eat seven dates when you wake up.
• Take 1 Table spoon of natural pure Honey.
• Take 1 Table spoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
• Take 1 Aspirin a day, consult with your doctor first.
• Take 1 a day Solgar Kosher/Halal Multi-vitamin
• Sprinkle 1 Tea spoon of black seeds on your food.
• Sprinkle 1 Tea spoon of Organic Flax seed or take 1
Solgar1000 mg cap of Omeg3 fish oil.
• Take one 1200 mg Garlic tablet. I prefer slices of raw
Garlic, Ginger and Onions on my salads instead.
• Only drink reverse osmosis filtered water.
• Drink the Juice of 3 Lemons 2 times a day (Good pH)
• Eat lots of Raw/Boiled Green salads and vegetables.
• Eat Salmon or other Deep Sea Fish on weekly basis.
• Eat more boiled, stewed or baked Pilgrim’s Bride
natural fed Chicken as opposed to Beef.
• Eat Beef/Lamb/Goat only once a month.
• Eat more Almonds, Walnuts, Lima, Garbanzo,
Lentils, Kidney and Black eye beans.
• Do not eat pasta, deep fried food, sugar and sweets.
• Reduce eating rice, bread, pizza and potatoes.
• Never eat or drink imitation, genetically altered, or
any Diet drinks or food.
• Reduce or stop drinking Coffee drink Tea instead.
• Never drink any type of Soda, Alcohol or eat Pork.
• Allow the stomach to have 1/3 of Air, Food & Water.
• Never smoke or take any type of illegal mind-altering
• Walk or jog between 1 to 3 miles, 3 times per week.
• Get a complete medical exam once a year and a
complete blood exam twice a year.


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