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Salam my brothers and sisters

Three day fast begins on a Thursday Friday Saturday

This Thursday after the break at 7 p.m. you do the zikr of the 2nd verse of sura

4444 times each day for the 3 days with increasing order of number like this

4/40/400/4000 /

But every day before doing the zikr pray for the light like this

4 rakaats each rakaats

1) fatiha ikhlass 10

2) fatiha ikhlass 20

3) fatiha ikhlass 30

4) fatiha ikhlass 40

After you do the zikr now inchallah God will help you by virtue of the verse to use

Here is that verse:

Allahu samadou (phonetic)

Salam to you by Master Tour�

#�Mystical recipe to have a strong memory

For getting pregnant (for infertility)�#

Mystical secret to speaking several foreign languages

Posted on�September 7, 2016by�latifouhakim22

To speak all languages

Write Surah fatiha 70 times, you get Nancy.�You take the Nancy to prepare the
tongue of the cow, sheep and goat on the fire, all together.�And after it will be
leather eat only the languages ##prepare and it's over walahi talahi, there is not
where you will go without understanding their language and knowing how to speak
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