ICP mmHg
ICP Measurement
• lumbar puncture (contraindicated with known/suspected intracranial mass lesion)
• ventricular catheter (“gold standard”, also permits therapeutic drainage of CSF to decrease ICP)
• intraparenchymal monitor
• subdural/subarachnoid monitor (Richmond bolt)
1. Subfalcine
2. Central 1
3. Uncal
4. Upward
5. Tonsillar
increased CSF production
• e.g. choroid plexus papilloma (0.4-1% of intracranial tumours)
decreased CSF absorption (see below)
Obstructive (Non-Communicating) Hydrocephalus
absorption is blocked within ventricular system proximal to the arachnoid granulations
causes/location of block
• intraventricular hemorrhage
• ventricular tumours (e.g. 3rd ventricle colloid cyst)
• supratentorial mass causing tentorial herniation and aqueduct compression
• infratentorial mass causing 4th ventricle or aqueduct obstruction
• congenital e.g. aqueductal stenosis, Dandy-Walker malformation, or Chiari malformation
(see Pediatric Neurosurgery section)
CT findings
• lateral and 3rd ventricles dilated
• normal 4th ventricle (e.g. aqueduct stenosis) or deviated/absent 4th ventricle
(e.g. posterior fossa mass)
Communicating (Non-Obstructive) Hydrocephalus
absorption is blocked at some part of extraventricular pathway, such as arachnoid granulations
• meningitis
• trauma
CT findings
• all ventricles dilated
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)
gradual onset of classic triad
• incontinence
• gait apraxia/ataxia
• dementia
CSF pressure often within clinically “normal” range
usually communicating
Hydrocephalus Ex Vacuo
enlargement of ventricles (and sulci) secondary to diffuse brain atrophy
usually a function of normal aging
not true hydrocephalus
Acute Hydrocephalus
signs and symptoms of acute raised ICP
usually obstructive type
Chronic Hydrocephalus
similar to NPH
ventricular enlargement, may see prominent temporal horns
periventricular lucency (CSF forced into extracellular space)
narrow/absent sulci, +/– 4th ventricular enlargement
Ultrasound (through anterior fontanelle in infants)
ventricular enlargement
Shunt Complications
• etiology: infection, obstruction by choroid plexus, buildup of
proteinaceous accretions, blood, cells (inflammatory or tumour)
• signs and symptoms of acute hydrocephalus or increased ICP
• radiographic evaluation: “shunt series” (plain x-rays which only
show disconnection of tube system), CT, isotope shunt study (nuclear medicine)
infection (3-4%)
• etiology: S. epidermidis, S. aureus, gram-negative bacilli
• presentation: fever, nausea and vomiting, anorexia, irritability;
signs and symptoms of shunt obstruction; shunt nephritis (antibodies
generated against bacteria in shunt leads to kidney damage)
• investigation: CBC, blood culture, shunt tap
(lumbar puncture (LP) usually NOT recommended in obstructive hydrocephalus)
• slit ventricle syndrome (collapse of ventricles leading to shunt catheter occlusion by ependymal lining)
• subdural effusion, hygroma, hematoma
• secondary craniosynostosis (children)
• low pressure headache
see Colour Atlas NS15
differential diagnosis: “tumour, pus or blood”, cyst
history important for localizing and differentiating mass lesions
important features on CT (with and without contrast enhancement)
• lesions (+/– edema, necrosis, hemorrhage)
• midline shifts and herniations
• effacement of ventricles and sulci (often ipsilateral), basal cisterns
Supratentorial Infratentorial
Children Astrocytoma - all grades Cerebellar astrocytoma
(< 15 years, primarily Craniopharyngioma Medulloblastoma
infratentorial - 80%) Ependymoma Ependymoma
Other: dermoid/epidermoid, pineal tumours, Choroid plexus papilloma
primitive neuroectodermal tumours Brain stem astrocytoma
CT, MRI, stereotactic biopsy (tissue diagnosis)
• serial history, physical, imaging for slow growing/benign lesions
• corticosteroids to reduce vasogenic cerebral edema
• pharmacological treatment for pituitary tumours (see Pituitary Adenoma section)
• excisional: total, partial, decompressive, palliative
• shunt if CSF flow is blocked
radiotherapy - stereotactic radiosurgery (Gamma-knife, Linear Accelerator)
chemotherapy – e.g. alkylating agents (temozolomide)
Metastatic Tumours (see Colour Atlas NS19)
most common brain tumour seen clinically
• 15% of cancer patients present with cerebral mets
• source
• Lung 44% (especially bronchogenic cancer)
• Breast 10%
• Kidney 7% (renal cell carcinoma (RCC))
• GI 6%
• Melanoma 3%
route of spread – hematogenous
location – 3/4 are supratentorial, often at grey-white matter junction
diagnosis: metastatic work-up (CXR, CT chest/abdo, abdominal U/S)
• CT with contrast (round, well-circumscribed uniformly lesion)
• consider biopsy (as up to 10% may not be cerebral met in patient with cancer history)
and patient may not have a cancer history
prognosis: median survival with optimal Rx 26-32 weeks but varies depending on primary
treatment: palliative
• single accessible lesion ––> surgical excision + radiation
• multiple lesions ––> whole brain radiation
compression of heterogenous
ventricles, contrast
midline shift enhancement
ill-defined borders
necrosis peritumour
Figure 4. Malignant Astrocytoma on CT
dural attachment
distinct margins
Figure 5. Meningioma on CT
central low
density (pus)
Figure 6. Brain Abscess on CT
epidural, subdural hematoma (see Trauma section)
intracerebral, intraventricular hemorrhage, SAH (see Cerebrovascular Disease section)
Vascular Abnormality
aneurysm, AVM (see Cerebrovascular Disease section)
Risk Factors
pregnancy/parturition in patients with pre-existing AVMs
oral contraceptives (OCP)
substance abuse (cigarette smoking; cocaine; alcohol (debatable))
diurnal variation in BP
slight increased risk with advancing age, and with LP/cerebral angiogram in patients with cerebral aneurysm
Clinical Features
sudden onset severe headache: “worst headache of my life”
sentinel/warning leaks
• small SAH with sudden severe H/A +/– transient focal neurological deficit
• blood on CT or LP
• 30-60% of patients with full blown SAH give history suggestive of a warning leak
• diagnosis must be made or excluded the first time it is suspected
vomiting, nausea (increased ICP)
meningismus (neck stiffness, positive Kernig’s and Brudzinski’s sign)
decreased level of consciousness
focal deficits: cranial nerve palsy (e.g. III, IV), hemiparesis
ocular hemorrhage in 20-40% (due to sudden increase in ICP)
occasionally exertional (straining, intercourse)
Clinical Course/Natural History
10-15% die before reaching hospital
overall mortality 50-60% in first 30 days
major cause of mortality is rebleeding
• risk of rebleeding: 4% on first day, 15-20% within 2 weeks, 50% by 6 months
• if no rebleed by 6 months chance of rebleeding decreases to same incidence
of unruptured aneurysm (2%)
Diagnosis (see Figure 7)
differential diagnosis: migraine, tension H/A, meningitis, stroke, flu
CT without contrast (see Figure 8)
• 90% sensitivity, 100% specificity
• may be negative if small bleed or presentation delayed several days
• positive history for SAH with negative CT - MUST do LP
• hydrocephalus, IVH, ICH, infarct or large aneurysm may be present
• CT may also suggest site of aneurysm that has bled
lumbar puncture (LP)
• contraindications
• known or suspected intracranial mass
• non-communicating (obstructive) hydrocephalus
• decreased LOC, focal neurological deficit (hemiparesis), papilledema
• coagulopathy (platelets < 50, anticoagulants, etc.)
• correctable if no alternative to LP
• change site - e.g. cisternal or C 1 -C2
• infection at site desired for LP (e.g. epidural abscess)
• CSF colour: bloody initially ––> xanthochromic supernatant (yellow) by 12-48 hours
• high sensitivity
• traumatic tap (false positive): if bloody MUST centrifuge and observe the supernatant,
clear supernatant means traumatic tap and xanthochromia means SAH
cerebral angiography
• demonstrates source of SAH in 80-85% of cases
level of consciousness
neurological assessment limb movements
stiff neck
negative positive
CT scan
clear, colorless, blood +/–
no microscopic blood xanthochromic
call neurosurgery
Figure 7. Diagnosis of SAH
blood in blood in
blood in suprasellar interhemispheric
basal cisterns cistern fissure
blood on blood in
surface of sylvian
Figure 8. SAH on CT tentorium fissures
• constriction of blood vessels in response to high pressure arterial
blood outside vessels in the subarachnoid space (starting day 4 after SAH)
• confusion, decreased LOC, focal neurodeficit (speech or motor)
• detect clinically and/or with angiogram (decreased vessel caliber) or
transcranial doppler (increased blood velocity)
• radiographic evidence seen in 30-70% of arteriograms performed 7 days following SAH (peak incidence)
• symptomatic only in 20-30% of patients with SAH
• onset: 4-14 days post SAH (if patient deteriorates within first 3 days, MUST look for another cause)
• can produce permanent infarcts and death
• a major cause of morbidity and mortality
hydrocephalus (15-20%)
• can be acute or chronic - requiring shunt or drain
neurogenic pulmonary edema
hyponatremia (SIADH, cerebral salt wasting)
diabetes insipidus
cardiac - arrhythmia, MI, CHF
bed rest, elevate head (30 degrees), minimal external stimulation
control HTN, avoid hypotension since CBF autoregulation impaired by SAH
prophylactic anticonvulsant: short course of Dilantin (one week)
neuroprotective agent: nimodipine (for vasospasm)
early surgery to prevent rebleed
intraventricular catheter if acute hyrdocephalus present
“Triple H ” therapy for vasospasm: h ypertension, hypervolemia, hemodilution
angioplasty for refractory vasospasm
bleeding into brain parenchyma without accompanying trauma
can dissect into ventricular system (IVH) or through cortical surface (SAH)
vascular anomalies
• aneurysm
• AVM’s and other vascular malformations
• cerebral amyloid angiopathy
• vasculitis
tumours (1%) – often malignant (eg. glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), lymphoma, metastases)
hemorrhagic transformation of previously ischemic area (infarct)
drugs (amphetamines, cocaine, etc.)
anticoagulants (coumadin, tPA, streptokinase)
Clinical Features
30 day mortality rate is 44%, mostly due to cerebral herniation
gradual onset of symptoms over minutes to hours (unlike ischemic stroke)
H/A, vomiting, decreased LOC are common
specific symptoms depend on location of ICH
• putamen
• contralateral hemiparesis progressing to hemiplegia, coma or death
• thalamus
• contralateral hemisensory loss
• contralateral hemiparesis with internal capsule involvement
• cerebellum
• sudden severe vertigo and vomiting
• ataxia, nystagmus, dysmetria, incoordination
• preserved consciousness until late then sudden death, “talk ‘til death”
• mass effect (tonsillar herniation) ––> surgical emergency
• headache (occipital)
• pons
• quadriplegia
• sudden decreased LOC
• “pinpoint pontine pupils”, disconjugate extraocular movements
• respiratory abnormalities
• hyperthermia
• rapid death
• lobar
• frontal lobe: frontal H/A with contralateral hemiparesis
• parietal lobe: contralateral hemisensory loss and mild hemiparesis
• occipital lobe: ipsilateral eye pain and contralateral homonymous hemianopsia
• temporal lobe: on dominant side, fluent dysplasia with receptive aphasia
high density blood on CT without contrast
MRI does not show blood immediately - not procedure of choice
• correct HTN, coagulopathy
• control ICP (mannitol, hyperventilate, elevate head of bed)
• anticonvulsants
• craniotomy with evacuation of clot under direct vision, resection of
source of ICH (i.e. AVM, tumour, cavernoma), ventriculostomy to treat hydrocephalus
• indications
• symptomatic
• marked mass effect, raised ICP - evacuate clot, decompress
• rapid deterioration (especially with signs of brainstem compression)
• favorable location, e.g. cerebellar
• young patient (< 50)
• if tumour, AVM, aneurysm, or cavernoma suspected
(resection or clip to decrease risk of rebleed)
• contraindications
• small bleed: minimal symptoms, high GCS (not necessary)
• massive hemorrhage (especially dominant lobe), low GCS/coma, brainstem lost (poor prognosis)
• medical reasons, e.g. very elderly, severe coagulopathy, difficult location,
e.g. basal ganglia, thalamus (poor surgical candidate)
INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSMS(see Colour Atlas NS12, NS13 and NS14)
anterior communicating artery
basilar artery
vertebral artery
prevalence of about 5%
female > male
20% multiple aneurysms
age 35-65 years
saccular (berry)
• most common type of aneurysm
• located at branch points of major cerebral arteries (Circle of Willis)
• 85-95% located in the carotid system:anterior communicating artery/anterior cerebral artery (30%),
posterior communicating artery (25%), middle cerebral artery (20%)
• 5-15% in posterior circulation (vertebrobasilar)
• atherosclerotic
• more common in vertebrobasilar system
• rarely rupture
• secondary to any infection of vessel wall
• most commonly Streptococcus and Staphylococcus
(associated with spontaneous bacterial endocarditis (SBE))
MCCQE 2006 Review Notes Neurosurgery – NS15
. . . CONT.
Clinical Presentation
rupture (SAH, ICH, IVH, subdural blood) – 90%
mass effect (giant aneurysms)
• internal carotid or anterior communicating aneurysm may compress
1) the pituitary stalk or hypothalamus causing hypopituitarism.
2) the optic nerve or chiasma producing a visual field defect
• basilar artery aneurysm may compress the midbrain, pons (limb weakness),
or CN III (impaired eye movements)
• posterior communicating artery aneurysm may produce a CNIII palsy
• intracavernous aneurysms may compress CN’s III, IV, VI, and V1 producing
ophthalmoplegia and facial pain
small infarcts due to distal embolization
headache without hemorrhage
incidental CT or angiography finding (asymptomatic)
imaging: CT, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), angiogram
ruptured aneurysms
• initial management of SAH/ICH
• overall trend towards better outcome with early surgery (48-96 hours after SAH)
• surgical clipping is the optimal treatment
• other treatment options: trapping(clipping of proximal and distal vessels),
thrombosing (endovascular technique), wrapping, proximal ligation
unruptured aneurysms
• 1-3% annual risk of rupture: risk dependent on size of aneurysm
• no clear evidence on when to operate: need to weigh life expectancy,
risk of hemorrhage and mortality/morbidity of SAH vs. that of aneurysm surgery
(age, medical risk, etc.)
• treat unruptured aneurysms >10 mm;
consider treating when aneurysm 7-9 mm in middle-aged or younger patients
• follow smaller aneurysms with serial angiography
• decreases risk of future hemorrhage and seizure
• surgical excision
• endovascular embolisation (glue, balloon)
• stereotactic radiotherapy (for small AVMs; i.e. δ 3 cm in diameter)
• conservative (seizure control if necessary)
Cavernous Malformations
benign vascular hamartoma consisting of irregular thick and thin
walled sinusoidal vascular channels located within the brain
symptoms: H/A, seizure, neurological deficit, ICH
prevalence: 0.3-0.5%
hemorrhage risk may be up to 3.6% per year
diagnosis: MRI usually not seen with angiography
treatment: surgical excision - depending on presentation and location (most are observed)
fasciculus cunaetus
fasciculus gracilis
corticospinal tract
spinocerebellar tract
lateral spinothalamic tract
spinal artery
Clinical Features
local pain at site of lesion
• Motor: weakness, wasting, decreased deep tendon reflex in root distribution
• Sensory: dermatomal decreased pinprick sensation, numbness, paresthesiae, pain
• Trophic changes: eg. dry skin (if long-standing radiculopathy)
• LMN signs/symptoms at level of lesion
• UMN signs/symptoms below lesion
• motor: proximal weakness and spasticity of lower extremities, increased reflexes,
clonus, Babinski sign (extenser plantar response), sphincter disturbance
• sensory: findings may be minimal (reduced vibration, proprioception), +/– Lhermitte sign
C2 C2
C3 C3
C4 T1 C4
C5 C5
C6 T2 C6C7 C8
C6 T3
C8 T7
L1 T8 L1
T9 L2
L2 T10 L3
L3 L5
S4 L1
L4 L2
L5 S1 L4
plain x-ray of spine
electromyography (EMG), electrophysiology
for disc herniation see Lumbar Disk Syndrome
unstable fractures may require surgical intervention
neoplasms are treated with a combination of surgery and radiation therapy
MRI is best method
myelogram with delayed CT
conservative if NOT progressing
shunt (syringosubarachnoid, synringoperitoneal or syringopleural)
if associated with Chiari malformation
• first decompress posterior fossa, if not successful then shunt
progressive deterioration in >1/3 despite therapy
most common levels
• C5-C6 (C6 root) more common vs. C6-C7 (C7 root)
less common, but important with respect to activities of daily living
• C4-5 (C5 root), C7-T1 (C8 root)
Clinical Features
lateral disc protrusion compresses nerve root
• pain down arm in nerve root distribution, worse with neck extension
• referred parascapular pain
• +/– nerve conduction velocity abnormalities
central cervical disc protrusion compresses spinal cord as well as nerve roots
Differential Diagnosis
shoulder lesion
thoracic outlet syndrome (including Pancoast tumour)
cervical spine tumour
peripheral nerve lesion (e.g. carpal tunnel)
acute brachial neuritis
myocardial infarction (MI) (left C6 radiculopathy)
C-spine x-ray
CT, MRI (procedure of choice)
EMG, nerve conduction studies
conservative (recovery in 95%)
• NSAIDs, collar, traction may help
• most patients get better spontaneously in 4 to 8 weeks
surgical indications
• intractable pain despite adequate conservative treatment for > 3 months
• progressive neurological deficit
• anterior cervical discectomy is usual surgical choice
Clinical Features
leg pain > back pain
limited back movement (especially forward flexion)
symptoms and signs of radiculopathy
• pain in root distribution (worse with movement, valsalva)
• dermatomal sensory deficit
• LMN weakness
• reduced deep tendon reflex
• +/– reflex paravertebral muscle spasm (functional scoliosis, loss of lordosis)
nerve root tension signs:
• straight leg raise (SLR: Lasegue’s test), crossed SLR ––> L5, S1 roots
• femoral stretch ––> L4 root
Differential Diagnosis
spinal: stenosis, tumour, spondylolisthesis (see Colour Atlas NS21)
leg: spinal stenosis, arthritic hip, sciatic nerve lesion (e.g. tumour)
pelvic bones: tumour
functional /nonorganic
X-ray spine (only to rule out other lesions)
myelogram and post-myelogram CT (if surgery contemplated and plain CT not conclusive)
• no bedrest unless severe radicular symptoms
• activity modification (reduce sitting, lifting)
• physiotherapy (PT), exercise programs
• analgesics (acetominophen, NSAIDs)
• patient education
• 95% improve spontaneously within 4 to 8 weeks
surgical indications
• intractable leg pain despite adequate conservative treatment for > 3 months
• disabling neurological deficit
• progressive neurological deficit
• cauda equina syndrome
Extradural (“Epidural”) Hematoma (see Figure 12) (see Colour Atlas NS2)
young adult, male > female
temporal-parietal skull fracture ––> ruptured middle meningeal artery
symptoms: lateral transtentorial herniation, classically there is lucid interval between concussion and coma
prognosis: good with optimal prompt management, since the brain is often not damaged
CT without contrast: high density biconvex mass against skull, usually with uniform density
and sharp margins “lens-shaped”
management: head elevation, mannitol pre-operatively, evacuation with small craniotomy
compression of
(midline shift)
compression of ventricles
old blood midline shift
Primary Impact Injury
mechanism of injury determines pathology: i.e. with penetrating injuries, gun shot wounds
• low velocity ––> local damage
• high velocity ––> distant damage possible (due to wave of compression)
• American Academy of Neurology (AAN) definition: “a trauma-induced alteration in mental status
that may or may not involve loss of consciousness”
• AAN Classification:
Grade 1: altered mental status <15 min
Grade 2: altered mental status >15 min
Grade 3: any loss of consciousness
• no parenchymal abnormalities on CT
coup (damage at site of blow)
contre-coup (damage at opposite site of blow)
• acute decompression causes cavitation
• followed by a wave of acute compression
contusion (hemorrhagic) (see Colour Atlas NS7)
• high density areas on CT with little mass effect
• commonly occurs with brain impact on bony prominences (falx, sphenoid wing, floor of frontal
and temporal fossae)
diffuse axonal injury (diffuse axonal shearing)
• may tear blood vessels->hemorrhagic foci (may not be proportionate to axonal injury)
• wide variety of damage results
• all brain injury causes shear
• often the cause of decreased LOC if no space occupying lesion on CT
Vertebral Column (bone, discs, ligaments)
stable fracture
• compression fracture
unstable fracture
• burst fracture (note: not all burst fractures are unstable)
• dislocation
“special” fractures
• Odontoid (Type I, II, III): Type II is unstable and most require fixation
• Jefferson (fractures in ring of C1): due to axial loading (C1)
• Hangman’s (fractured C2 pedicles at pars interarticularis): due to hyper-extension (C2)
Classification and Clinical Course
neuropraxia: nerve intact but fails to function, recovery within hours to days
axonotomesis: axon disrupted but nerve sheath intact ––> Wallerian degeneration
(of axon segment distal to injury) ––> recovery 1 mm/day
neurotmesis: nerve completely severed, need surgical repair for recovery
electrophysiological studies (EMG, nerve conduction velocities (NCV))
may be helpful in assessing nerve integrity
surgical repair unless nerve is known to be intact
delay surgical repair for a few weeks (unless first 2 conditions met) to allow
• clean wound
• optimal surgical facilities
• optimal cell metabolism
• possible spontaneous recovery/regeneration
microsurgery: suture nerve sheaths +/– nerve graft
nerve compressed by nearby anatomic structures
often secondary to localized, repetitive mechanical trauma with additional vascular injury to nerve
consider systemic causes
• rheumatoid arthritis
• diabetes mellitus
• hypothyroid
• acromegaly
• vasculitis
• amyloidosis
• pregnancy
• pain distal (occasional proximal) to lesion
• burning paresthesia/dysesthesia
• sensory loss in nerve distribution
• muscle weakness/wasting (advanced cases)
acute pain (< 2-3 weeks duration): analgesics +/– tranquilizers
benign chronic pain: antidepressants, anticonvulsants, topical (capsicin), NOT narcotics or sedatives
malignant chronic pain: strong narcotics in frequent, small doses
stereotactic thalamotomy
• remove spinoreticular relay
• indication: malignancy of head, neck or brachial plexus
deep brain stimulation
• stimulation of electrodes placed in periventricular gray matter, sensory relay nucleus of thalamus
or internal capsule +/– radiocontrolled stimulator subcutaneously
hypophysectomy (chemical: uses alcohol)
• unknown mechanism
• indication: metastatic disease
dorsal root entry zone lesions
• indication: deafferentation pain (brachial plexus avulsion, postherpetic neuralgia)
• major complication: ipsilateral leg weakness
percutaneous anterolateral cordotomy
• lesion of spinothalamic tract giving pain relief contralaterally
• 90% patients respond
• complications: respiratory difficulties and ipsilateral limb weakness
commisural myelotomy
• division of decussating pain fibers for temporary pain relief
• indication: terminal malignancy
dorsal column stimulation
• percutaneous electrodes in epidural space
• indication: intractable chronic pain
nerve blocks
• dermatomal pain relief, loss of motor and sympathetic function
• permanent: neurolytics (phenol, alcohol)
• temporary: local anesthetics
• paravertebral or peripheral: NOT neurolytics ––> painful neuritis
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
• prolonged stimulation of large diameter fibers inhibiting
ascending pain fibers or via higher centers
dorsal rhizotomy
• dorsal root division
• infrequently done: high failure rate and short effect
denervation of facet joints
• cut posterior ramus of spinal nerves
• temporary: relief until nerve regrows
Spina Bifida Occulta
• congenital absence of a spinous process and variable amounts of lamina
• no visible exposure of meninges or neural tissue
• 20-30% of the general population
• failure of fusion of the posterior arch
clinical features
• no obvious external markings
• no obvious clinical signs
• presence of lumbosacral cutaneous abnormalities (dimple, sinus, port- wine stain, or hair tuft)
should increase suspicion of an underlying anomaly (lipoma, dermoid, diastomatomyelia)
• plain film: absence of the spinous process along with minor amounts of the neural arch
• most common at L5 or S1
treatment and results
• requires no treatment
Meningocele (Spina Bifida Aperta)
• a defect consisting of a herniation of meningeal tissue and CSF
through a defect in the spine
• 2 theories
• primary failure of neural tube closure
• rupture of a previously closed neural tube due to overdistension (Gardner; unpopular theory)
clinical features
• most common in lumbosacral area
• usually no disability
• low incidence of associated anomalies and hydrocephalus
• plain films, CT, MRI, U/S, ECHO, genitourinary (GU) investigations
• MRI of entire spinal column because increased liklihood of additioal anomalies
treatment and results
• surgical excision (excellent results)
• a defect consisting of a herniation of meningeal tissue and CNS tissue through a defect in the spine
etiology - same as meningocele
clinical features
• sensory and motor changes distal to anatomic level producing varying degrees of weakness,
anesthesia, urine and fecal incontinence
• 65-85% of patients with myelomeningocele have hydrocephalus
• most patients with myelomeningocele have Type II Chiari malformation
• plain films, CT, MRI, U/S, ECHO, GU investigations
surgical indications
• preserve intellectual, sensory and motor functions
• prevent CNS infections
• operative mortality close to 0%
• 95% 2 year survival
• 80% have IQ in > 80 (but most are 80-95)
• 40-85% ambulatory
• 3-10% have normal urinary continence
• most common cause of early mortality are complications from chiari malformation
(respiratory arrest and aspiration), whereas late mortality is due to shunt malfunction
MCCQE 2006 Review Notes Neurosurgery – NS31
meninges meninges
spinal cord
hair tuft
Predisposing Factors
low gestational age
high cerebral blood flow and cerebral perfusion pressure
• birth asphyxia, resuscitation
• respiratory distress syndrome
• rapid volume re-expansion
• hypoxemia, hypercarbia, acidosis
• seizure, pneumothorax
ultrasound is the method of choice to screen for ICH/IVH
should be done routinely to screen preterm babies < 24 weeks gestation or < 1,500 gm
CT scan will also show ICH and IVH as described above
best to withhold tapping ventricles, ventriculostomies, and shunting until blood has cleared
if progressive hydrocephalus develops, then
• serial LP
• acetazolamide (25-100 mg/kg/day) and Lasix (2 mg/kg/day)
• ventriculostomy
• shunt (low pressure)
grade I-III hemorrhages can do as well as children without hemorrhages
grade IV: only 50% chance of attaining normal life status
prognosis more dependent on the degree of asphyxia than on hydrocephalus
NS32 – Neurosurgery MCCQE 2006 Review Notes
• aqueductal anomalies
• primary aqueductal stenosis in infancy
• secondary gliosis due to intrauterine viral infections (mumps, varicella, TORCH)
or germinal plate hemorrhage
• Dandy Walker (2-4%)
• Chiari malformation, especially Type II
• myelomeningocele
• post meningitis
• post hemorrhage (SAH, IVH)
• masses (vascular malformation, neoplastic)
Clinical Features
symptoms and signs of hydrocephalus are age related in pediatrics
increased head circumference (HC)
irritability, lethargy, poor feeding and vomiting
bulging anterior fontanelle
widened cranial sutures
”cracked pot” sound on cranial percussion
scalp vein dilation (increased collateral venous drainage)
sunset sign - forced downward deviation of eyes
episodic bradycardia and apnea
similar to adults (see Hydrocephalus section)
atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka, resulting in
• complete or incomplete agenesis of the cerebellar vermis with
widely separated, hypoplastic cerebellar hemisphere
• posterior fossa cyst
• dilatation of 4th ventricle
• enlarged posterior fossa
associated anomalies
• hydrocephalus (90%)
• agenesis of corpus callosum (17%)
• occipital encephalocele (7%)
2-4% of pediatric hydrocephalus
Clinical Features
20% are asymptomatic
only 50% have normal IQ
symptoms and signs of hydrocephalus combined with a prominent occiput in infancy
ataxia, spasticity, poor fine motor control common in childhood
seizures occur 15%
asymptomatic patients require no treatment
associated hydrocephalus requires surgical treatment
the following are guidelines ONLY; follow clinical judgment and up-to-date prescription recommendations
in practice; dosages refer to adults unless otherwise specified
Carbamazepine (Tegretol)
Tic Douloureux
• dosage: 100 mg PO bid, increase by 200 mg/day up to a maximum of 1,200 mg/day divided tid
• usual optimum dosage: 200 mg tid
• dosage: 600-2,000 mg/day, start low and increase in small increments
(inpatient: every 3 days; outpatient: every week)
• usual optimum dosage: 800-1,200 mg/day
• monitor CBC (potential hematological toxicity)
Dexamethasone (Decadron)
cerebral edema (e.g. secondary to tumour, head injury, pseudotumor cerebri)
preoperative preparation for patients with increased ICP secondary to brain neoplasms
palliation in recurrent inoperable brain neoplasms
• dosage: loading: 10-20 mg IV maintenance: 4-6 mg IV/day divided qid (may be given PO)
Lorazepam (Ativan)
status epilepticus
• dosage: 4 mg IV over 2 minutes, q5 minutes
• start phenytoin loading simultaneously
raised ICP
• dosage: 1 gm/kg IV rapid infusion (350 mL of 20% solution)
followed by 0.25 g/kg IV q6h
• effect occurs in 1-5 minutes, maximal at 20-60 minutes
• often alternated with furosemide (Lasix) 10-20 mg IV q6h
• indwelling urinary catheter
Nimodipine (Nimotop)
vasospasm in SAH
• dosage: 60 mg PO/NG q4h x 21 days, started within 96 hours of SAH
• causes vasodilation
• only calcium channel blocker (CCB) to cross BBB (blood brain barrier)
• use half the normal dose for liver failure
• monitor BP
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
• dosage: loading: 18 mg/kg IV
maintenance: 200-500 mg IV/day
rate: 40-50 mg
loading: 300-600 mg PO/day divided bid/tid
maintenance: 300 mg PO q4h until 17 mg/kg given
(average maintenance dose: 300 mg/day PO)
• important to give over time to prevent causing a cardiac arrest
status epilepticus
• dosage: 1200 mg IV over 30 minutes (~ 20 mg/kg) (if patient not on phenytoin regularly)
500 mg IV over 10 minutes (if already on phenytoin)
MCCQE 2006 Review Notes Neurosurgery – NS35
Lumbar Puncture
• to enter the subdural space to measure or reduce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure
or obtain CSF for analysis
• meningitis
• encephalitis
• meningeal carcinomatosis
• subarachnoid hemorrhage
• pseudotumour cerbri
anatomical landmarks
• conus medullaris (spinal cord termination) is usually located around L1/L2
• superior border of posterior iliac crests aligns with the spinous process of L4 (may be variable)
• insert needle with a slight cephalad inclination into the L4-5 interspace
until the subdural space is entered
• tonsillar herniation
• infection
• headache (“low pressure”)
• spinal epidural hematoma
• nerve root trauma
• vestibulocochlear dysfunction
• ocular abnormalities
• dural sinus thrombosis
Burr Hole
• to decompress brain by removing a compressive fluid lesion through a small opening in the skull
(called a burr hole)
• because it is small, cranioplasty is not generally used to fill-in the burr hole
• subdural hematoma
• subdural hygroma
• brain abscess
• ventriculostomy
• biopsy
anatomical landmarks
• varies according to location of trauma or CT/MRI-identified lesion
• seizures
• intracerebral hemorrhage (0.7-5%)
• failure of brain to re-expand
• re-accumulation of compressive fluid
• tension pneumocephalus
• subdural empyema
• infection
• biopsy
• to gain exposure to any structural lesion in the brain by removing a section of skull (called a bone flap)
so that the lesion may be eliminated without harming intact brain
• once the lesion is eliminated the bone flap is fixed back in place
• brain tumour
• brain abscess
• intracranial aneurysm
• hematoma
• lobectomy
• biopsy
anatomical landmarks
• numerous approaches depending on the site of the lesion (e.g. frontal, frontotemporal, temporal,
subtemporal, pterional, petrosal, suboccipital)
• depending on the approach, important landmarks include the midsagittal line (overlying the superior
sagittal sinus and falx cerebri), coronal suture (often palpable through the scalp; anterior to the
precentral gyrus or motor cortex), glabella, nasion
Crossman AR, Neary D.Neuroanatomy: an illustrated colour text . Toronto, ON: Churchill Livingston, 1998.
Goetz CG, Pappert EJ. Textbook of clinical neurology (1st edition). Toronto, ON: WB Saunders, 1999.
Greenberg MS. Handbook of neurosurgery (5th edition). New York: Thieme, 2001.