This document summarizes a seminar on education for all by 2015 that was held in Mirzapur, Nawabshah.
The seminar discussed the challenges facing Pakistan in achieving universal primary education by 2015 as committed globally. Speakers highlighted that rural education is in poor condition, with low literacy rates, teacher absenteeism, and a lack of facilities. The curriculum was also noted as outdated and irrelevant. Seminar objectives included raising awareness of education's role in development and discussing stakeholders' responsibilities. Recommendations focused on adopting a uniform education strategy and prioritizing rural education to achieve the committed goal of education for all.
This document summarizes a seminar on education for all by 2015 that was held in Mirzapur, Nawabshah.
The seminar discussed the challenges facing Pakistan in achieving universal primary education by 2015 as committed globally. Speakers highlighted that rural education is in poor condition, with low literacy rates, teacher absenteeism, and a lack of facilities. The curriculum was also noted as outdated and irrelevant. Seminar objectives included raising awareness of education's role in development and discussing stakeholders' responsibilities. Recommendations focused on adopting a uniform education strategy and prioritizing rural education to achieve the committed goal of education for all.
This document summarizes a seminar on education for all by 2015 that was held in Mirzapur, Nawabshah.
The seminar discussed the challenges facing Pakistan in achieving universal primary education by 2015 as committed globally. Speakers highlighted that rural education is in poor condition, with low literacy rates, teacher absenteeism, and a lack of facilities. The curriculum was also noted as outdated and irrelevant. Seminar objectives included raising awareness of education's role in development and discussing stakeholders' responsibilities. Recommendations focused on adopting a uniform education strategy and prioritizing rural education to achieve the committed goal of education for all.
This document summarizes a seminar on education for all by 2015 that was held in Mirzapur, Nawabshah.
The seminar discussed the challenges facing Pakistan in achieving universal primary education by 2015 as committed globally. Speakers highlighted that rural education is in poor condition, with low literacy rates, teacher absenteeism, and a lack of facilities. The curriculum was also noted as outdated and irrelevant. Seminar objectives included raising awareness of education's role in development and discussing stakeholders' responsibilities. Recommendations focused on adopting a uniform education strategy and prioritizing rural education to achieve the committed goal of education for all.
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Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
April 28, 2007
Mirzapur, Nawabshah
Seminar Report By Nisar Brohi
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges 1. An Introduction 2. Objectives of the Seminar 3. Seminar Proceedings 3.1 Mr. Nek Soomro, Welcome Address 3.2 Mr. Nisar Brohi, Director, SDF 3.3 Mr. Abdul Hameed, DDO Education, 3.4 Mr. Zulfiqar Ali, Branch Manager, SRSP, Nawabshah 3.4 Mr. Nawaz Brohi, Eminent Journalist 3.5 Mr. Qurban Brohi, lecturer Rangers Public School, Nawabshah 3.6 Mr. Nazir A. Zardari, Vote of thanks 4. Recommendations of the Seminar
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges 1. An Introduction Education is the basic right of every individual; therefore, easy access to education for every citizen should be ensured, it is an evitable for the human resources development and ultimately for socio-economic development of the nation. However, according to government figures, in 2001-2002, the over all estimated literacy rate in the country was 50.5 percent, for male 63 percent and for female 38 percent. The rural literacy rate was 30 percent and urban literacy rate was 70 percent. But there are still millions of children are out of schools. The figures reveal that there are about 6 million children of 5-9-age group who are left out of school. The left out includes those children who never enrolled and those who drop out. There are a lot of discouraging elements exist in education system of the country, which created hindrances for the poor masses to get their children admitted in the schools, such as the low literacy rate, high drop out rate, a large scale teacher absenteeism, weak and poor management and supervision structure of our educational departments, dearth of trained and qualified teachers, lack of dedication, motivation and interest in their teaching profession and shortage of physical facilities in the schools especially in the rural areas. Moreover the curriculum is mostly
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges outdated, irrelevant and does not meet the contemporary challenges. Education for All (EFA) Education For All refers to the world wide commitment for the universal primary education completion of all children by 2015 all over the world. This global commitment was made at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal in April 2000 and later on reaffirmed in the Millennium declaration in New York in September 2000. But the Government of Pakistan seems to be lagging behind in achieving the committed goal by 2015, if she would not chalk out uniform strategy for the promotion of universal education in the country, especially focusing on the backward and rural areas, where there is very low education ratio due to lack of educational facilities to the rural community. 2. Objectives of the Seminar To join the Global Action Week from April-23- 28, 2007, education for all by 2015, To get realized the government for its global commitments for the promotion and illumination of universal primary education completion by 2015,
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges To discuss the importance of education for the socio-economic development, To highlight the flaws in the education structure in the country, To discuss the role of the local stakeholders, including the local government and elected representatives for the promotion of education, To sensitize the rural community to play their due role for the education promotion in their respective rural areas 3. Seminar Proceedings 3.1 Mr. Nek Soomro, Welcome Address Mr. Soomro welcomed to all the participants and offered his gratitude’s to SDF holding seminar on the importance of education on the eve of Global Action Week, education for all at Mirzapur, Nawabshah. While highlighting the current education scenario in the district said that the majority of people are uneducated in the area. They have still been confronting with various problems in accessing education for their new generation. A large number of schools in the area either closed since long time or the teachers are reluctant to attend the schools. He further said, education is the most ignored social sector in the district, neither the local administration has any education promotion policy nor the provincial government has taken any serious and fruitful
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges efforts for the effective and result-oriented functioning of the rural schools in the district. Therefore, education of the district especially in the rural areas is in pathetic and deterioration condition. 3.2 Mr. Nisar Brohi, Director, SDF While speaking in the seminar Mr. Brohi said that SDF is for non-profit and non-governmental organization, working closely with civil society stakeholders on socio-economic and human rights awareness issues. The education awareness of the rural masses is also one of the main thematic areas of the organization; therefore, the Sangat organization has been busy in developing close coordination and collaboration with local public and private organizations as well as national organizations for the promotion of education in the district. He further talking on the topic “Education and Development” said, it is now universal fact that without education no nation could achieve the socio-economic development, because education is the basic and founding element for the human resource development, which ultimately leads to socio-economic development of any society. When we take stock of the developed nations, education has had a vital role in their socio- economic and political clout and development. On the other side, the developing countries are lacking behind in all fields of life just due to lack of education of their people. History reveals that those nations held sway over others, which first focused on the education and skill development of their people. But in the contemporary world, education is an inevitable for the survival and development of any nation. Without it, no nation could pave its way for the prosperity and development.
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges Education merely not helps us to understand the latest trends around the globe, but also a way to get rid of socio-intellectual poverty. Education and development are inseparable elements. Education helps the people to understand the new development paradigm-taking place around the globe. The government and civil society should come forward to play their due role for the illumination of education in our rural society, to bring them at a par with other people and reduce their powerlessness and depression. 3.3 Mr. Abdul Hameed, DDO Education, Govt of Pakistan While delivering his thought provoking presentation on “Education and Curriculum flaws”, said that education has never been on the first priority of all the rulers of the country for the last six decades, which has today brought us socio-political upheaval. If we would not taken immediate bold and valiant efforts for the promotion of equally standardized and universal education in the country, we would be leading ourselves to social holocaust. The double standards in our education system has alarmingly widen the gulf of haves and haves not. Our society has clearly divided into two classes, one highly rich and other extremely poor, and the poor community is desperately fighting for their survival. This entire problem lies in the lack of education facilities and curriculum developed by the government, for the rich class, is separate and standardized curriculum and for the poor and backward class is other. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the elite class is being trained that how to hold sway over the under privileged and marginalized class and the poor one is either left illiterate or given low level
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges education just be able to understand the obey orders of their bosses. He lashed out at the ruling class to change their bent of mind and conventional approaches in dealing with the affairs of the state, and now adopt unilateral approach handling the problems of the people, the country can only be safe and secure when the over all business of the state should be based on social equality and justice. All the subjects of the state should be treated irrespectively. The education is the basic right of all masses; it is therefore, the government should take urgent measures for the universalization of education in the country. There should be a uniform educational policy in the country, and the curriculum should be adopted keeping in mind the contemporary global development trends, and as well as protecting the local and national values and traditions. It has been noted that during the last couple of years the mother languages are largely discouraged in our educational institutions, which resulted into large-scale drop out rate of the students. So, that trend should be reversed in order to control the drop out ratio which happens due to language problem in the early years of children in the schools. 3.4 Mr. Zulfiqar Ali, Branch Manager, SRSP, Nawabshah Mr. Zulfiqar talked on the topic “Education and Gender Equality” he said that gender equality has not been maintained in our educational institutions. The government also seems reluctant to make any serious efforts to develop the gender- based approach in the educational institutions. Due to indifferent attitude of government as well as the civil society, today we have a very low ratio of educated women in the country. Our education
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges system/institutions have very discouraging elements and unfavorable environment for the girls to have education freely. Due to unawareness and illiteracy, our female class has been facing with multidimensional problems in the society. They have been marginalized from our joint social set up. They are confined in the houses just bearing babies and performing the duties in their houses. As for as their education and awareness issues are concerned, they are deliberately kept away by their respective male members. Simultaneously, the previous governments have never designed women oriented policies, which would have help them in getting education freely and join the social development sphere. It is now high time that the government and the civil society stakeholders should come forward to collectively and collaboratively make sustained efforts for developing gender equality approaches in socio-economic polices of the country, and to ensure the women participation in the decision making process. Unless and until, the women community would not be involved in the over all planning and policy designing cycle, the country could not achieve any development and progress in any field of life. Let us get participation of our women population in the mainstream of our society and provide them equal social status in the society. 3.4 Mr. Nawaz Brohi, Eminent Journalist While delivering his presentation on “Education and Role of Local Government” said that education is the key to all developments in the life. It is therefore, education has been top priority of developed nations in the world. But alas, our governments have never taken any tangible efforts for the promotion of education in the country. Due to lack of education, we are having
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges multidimensional socio-economic and political problems in the country. There were high public expectations that with the establishment of local government system in the county, would reduce the problems of the poor and backward segment of the society at the grass root level and would also involve the powerless in the decision making process at the local level, but all in vain. This so called local government system has once again introduced the local elite class, who has been making all possible efforts to hold the local power and keep the poor masses away from the power cadre. As for the local government’s role for the promotion of education is concerned, it is very disappointing. There have been no changes in the socio-educational landscape at the local level. The local government administration has taken no healthy efforts for the education promotion in their respective areas. There are a large number of schools are either closed or dysfunctional, but the local government has a lot of excuses to make them functional. A great numbers of school teachers are regularly remaining absent from their duties and used to sit and serve the interests of the local Nazim and Naib Nazim, in order to get protection from any expected punitive action. The Nazims should have to play their due role for the promotion and illumination of the education in their respective local areas. They should make the teachers bound for their duties, above board from their political affiliations as to save the future of the nation. With this, the local elected representatives have to change and replace the poor and ineffective education management, which is the root cause for the deterioration of education in the country. Due to the appointment of corrupt and inefficient officers in the education departments has brought the education at brink of collapse. So, the time is
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges calling for shots in order to bring the education of the country on the track, other wise we would have a lot of sufferings and miseries if we would not take corrective measures for the betterment of our education system. 3.5 Mr. Qurban Brohi, Lecturer, Rangers Public School, Nawabshah, While speaking on the topic “Our Education System and Role of Teacher” Mr. Qurban said that the educational professionals have a paramount important role in the promotion of education. They are the nation-building actors of the society. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the teachers have had a decisive role for any change in any society; they are the change agents of the nation. But on the other side, it is the great dilemma that the most sacred profession has been systematically made inefficient and corrupts in our country. He recalled that during the 90s decade, a large numbers of so-called teachers were recruited in public educational department, which was the sowing of seeds for the destruction and deterioration of education in the country. Due to slaughtering of merit culture by our so-called democratic governments in the appointments of the teachers has played havoc with the education system, and ultimately brought many problems for the society. He recommended that either this so called inefficient army of teachers should be fired or given trainings for their capacity building, and after that trainings and education they should also be made bound to pass the proposed test/examination for their service continuity in the education department, if they failed they should be either fired or send to other departments, but don’t let them to play the future of the nation. He also appealed to teaching professional to make hard work
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges for their capacity and skill development, than they could build the future of nation. 3.6 Mr. Nazir A. Zardari, Vote of Thanks In the conclusion of the seminar, Mr. Nazir Zardari presented the vote of thanks, and said that it is onus and responsibility of all stakeholders of the society to work collectively for the education awareness in the society, in order to have better socio-economic future of the nation. He suggested establishment of Union, Taluka and district level education watch groups consisted upon representatives of all stakeholders of civil society and the civil society group should work very closely with the local elected and educational department for the betterment of education especially in the rural areas of the district. 3. Recommendations of the Seminar ♦ There is badly need of awareness campaign regarding the importance of education in the rural community ♦ The all stakeholders should be provided massive capacity building training in order to ensure better performance and understanding of their roles and responsibilities. ♦ The communities should be sensitize and given proper orientation, as to play their role in the enhancement of education levels and standards. ♦ The physical infrastructure isn’t properly in place yet, there, the creation of proper infrastructure is critically important. ♦ The monitoring staff needs to be made mobile to ensure effective functioning ♦ The public representatives should refrain from unnecessary interference and political clout over education officials. ♦ A number of managerial staff is from teaching cadres. They should be provided with necessary managerial training
Seminar Report: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges
r Repot: Education For All By 2015: The Challenges