National Science Foundation: Since 2001, The Administration
National Science Foundation: Since 2001, The Administration
National Science Foundation: Since 2001, The Administration
As part of the President’s American Competitiveness Initiative (ACI), the 2008 Budget provides
an increase of 6.8 percent over the 2007 Budget for the National Science Foundation (NSF),
continuing a 10-year commitment to double critical basic research investments across key agencies
in the physical sciences, engineering, and related fields. NSF research builds the foundations for
innovative technologies that drive economic growth and enhance quality of life. A broad portfolio
of basic research—from the fields at the heart of ACI, such as physics, chemistry, mathematics,
engineering, and computer science, to other fields, such as the geological, biological, behavioral, and
social sciences—will energize science broadly and sustain the productivity of the Nation’s science
and engineering enterprise and keep America at the forefront of world discovery and innovation.
Past NSF research has contributed to the development of the Internet and Internet search engines,
fiber-optics, color plasma displays, magnetic resonance imaging, and other advances that now help
each of us in our daily lives.
of polar ice sheets on global phenomena, and organisms that live in the cold and dark. NSF’s IPY
research will include a focus on education and outreach to motivate future generations of scientists,
engineers, and educators.
Through its new strategic plan, NSF will provide increased emphasis in its goals of discovery,
learning, research infrastructure, and stewardship. These priorities, along with NSF’s investments
supporting basic research across all fields, are central to advancing the vitality of the U.S. research
and education enterprise. The Budget enables NSF to work toward these goals with fiscal discipline,
maintaining overhead expenses at less than six percent of its total budget.
The 2008 Budget supports research facilities, infrastructure, and instrumentation critical to
scientists and engineers. The Budget supports the development of state-of-the-art facilities and
equipment that substantially enhances research efforts throughout a wide range of fields, including
astronomy and research on the oceans and the environment.
Computing and advanced networking tools that broadly benefit the Nation’s entire science and
engineering community, collectively known as “cyberinfrastructure,” have become essential to
advancing the frontiers of knowledge through science and engineering. The Budget provides $644
million for NSF’s targeted investments in these tools.
The 2008 Budget proposes a major upgrade for the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave
Observatory. Being able to detect gravitational waves—first predicted in Einstein’s theory of
general relativity—would advance understanding of fundamental physics and enable a new window
on the universe through gravitational wave astronomy. This investment will dramatically expand
the ability to detect gravitational waves, which also significantly increases the potential for
discovering completely new phenomena of physics.
The President’s Budget supports NSF’s efforts to promote the development of a diverse and well-
prepared workforce of scientists, engineers, and educators and a well-informed citizenry. NSF makes
strategic investments in K–12, undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral education. Consistent
with the work of the Administration’s Academic Competitiveness Council (ACC), NSF and other
agencies that fund science and math education are redoubling their efforts to demonstrate results
and improve coordination.
The 2008 Budget will help strengthen the preparation of American students for the science
and engineering workforce, with a focus on broadening participation in those fields. The Budget
ensures that NSF’s Math and Science Partnerships program will continue, with $29 million of its
$46 million budget available for new awards, in recognition of the program’s focus on evaluation
and past successes identified by the ACC.
The Budget funds graduate fellowships and traineeships for approximately 5,300 graduate
students across the country. NSF funding for basic research at American academic institutions also
plays a central role in supporting the education of future American scientists and engineers.
2006 Estimate
Actual 2007 2008
Discretionary Budget Authority:
Research and Related Activities ..................................................................... 4,340 4,333 5,132
Education and Human Resources ................................................................. 797 797 751
Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction ........................ 191 234 245
Agency Operations and Award Management ............................................ 247 247 286
National Science Board...................................................................................... 4 4 4
Inspector General ................................................................................................. 11 11 12
Total, Discretionary budget authority ................................................................. 5,590 5,626 6,430
Mandatory Outlays:
H–1B Fee Programs ............................................................................................ 76 103 102
All other .................................................................................................................... 39 29 23
Total, Mandatory outlays ........................................................................................ 115 132 125