Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1
remitted the payments to the determined purchase price of the and purposes of the law; that the
LBP pursuant to DAR’s land, thus making him a regulation be not in contradiction
Memorandum Circular No. 6 perpetual obligor for said to but in conformity with the
(MC 6), which set the guidelines purchase price. Since the assailed standards prescribed by law.
in the payment of lease Circular essentially sought to
rental/partial payment by farmer- accomplish the noble purpose of
beneficiaries under the land PD 27, it is therefore valid.
transfer program of PD 27.
W/N an irreconcilable conflict NO. PD 816 provides that the
Lilia Gonzales, co-administratrix exists between PD 816 and MC tenant-farmer shall pay lease
of Yusay’s estate, filed a petition 6, such that PD 816 must prevail rentals to the landowner until the
for prohibition and mandamus over MC 6. value of the property has been
with the CA, seeking to prohibit determined or agreed upon by
the LBP from accepting Sigre’s the landowner and the DAR. On
leasehold rentals. According to the other hand, MC 6 mandates
Gonzales, she had no notice that that the tenant-farmer shall pay
DAR had already fixed the value to the LBP the lease rental after
of the land. Her petition also the value of the land has been
assails the validity of MC 6 and determined. Thus, there is no
PD 27. incompatibility between these
two. On the contrary, the two
The CA then declared MC 6 null supplement each other as they set
and void, and directed the LBP the guidelines for the payments
to return to Gonzales the lease of lease rentals on the
rentals paid by Sigre, and Sigre agricultural property.
to pay the rentals directly to
Gonzales. W/N PD 27 is unconstitutional NO. Jurisprudence has upheld
for setting limitations on the the constitutionality of the said
judicial prerogative of decree. Moreover, the
determining just compensation. determination of just
compensation under PD 27 is not
final or conclusive, because
unless both the landowner and
the tenant-farmer accept the
valuation by DAR, the parties
may bring the dispute to court in
order to determine the
appropriate amount of
Whatever provisions of PD 27
that are not inconsistent with RA
6657 shall be suppletory to the
latter, and all rights acquired by
the tenant-farmer under PD 27
are retained even with the
passage of RA 6657.
Office of the President v. CA and Aurora Tinio-Reyes owned 24 W/N Jose’s land should be NO. There is no doubt that the Seizure only takes effect on the
Heirs of Jose Reyes hectares of land in Nueva Ecija, covered by the OLT under RA original landholding of Aurora, payment of just compensation.
GR No. 131216 which she bequeathed to her 9 6657 or PD 27. consisting of 24 hectares of
19 July 2001 children upon her death, one of Riceland tenanted by farmers
Pardo, J. which was Jose. was covered by PD 27. However,
the expropriation of the
When Jose tried to get a TCT landholding did not take place on
over his lot, he was told that he the effectivity of PD 27, as the
first needed a clearance from the seizure only takes effect on the
DAR attesting to the non- payment of just compensation;
inclusion of his land in the OLT. and the DAR had not even
However, the PARO ruled that determined the just
his land was covered under the compensation for the taking of
OLT. the landholding when it decreed
that the land was under the
The DAR then issued 12 TCTs coverage of RA 6657. Moreover,
in his favor after he appealed the when Aurora died and her
PARO Decision. However, children inherited the land, they
subsequently, the Secretary of only acquired 2.5 hectares each,
the Office of the President which is decidedly within the
affirmed the PARO as Aurora’s retention area of 7 hectares under
will was not registered prior to PD 27, or 5 hectares under RA
PD 27’s effectivity, and thus 6657.
could not bind third persons.
When Jose appealed, the CA
reversed the Secretary’s Order.
Corpuz v. Grospe Gavino Corpuz was a farmer- W/N the waiver of rights is YES. The sale or transfer of Voluntary surrender, as a mode
GR No. 135297 beneficiary under the OLT contrary to agrarian law. rights over a property covered by of extinguishment of tenancy
8 June 2000 Program of the DAR. Pursuant to a Certificate of Land Transfer is relations, does not require court
Panganiban, J. PD 27, he was issued a void except when the alienation approval as long as it is
certificate of land transfer over 2 is made in favor of the convincingly and sufficiently
parcels of agricultural land. government or through proved by competent evidence.
hereditary succession. This
Corpuz then mortgaged the land ruling is intended to prevent a Obiter:
to the Grospes. In their mortgage reversion to the old feudal The farmers’ cooperatives were
contract, Corpuz allowed the system in which the landowners established to provide a strong
spouses Grospe to use or reacquire vast tracts of land, thus social and economic
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
cultivate the land during the negating the government’s organization to ensure that the
duration of the mortgage. program of freeing the tenant tenant-farmers will enjoy on a
from the bondage of the soil. lasting basis the benefits of
Corpuz subsequently instituted a agrarian reform.
complaint which alleged that the W/N Corpuz had abandoned his NO. Corpuz’ surrender of
Grospes had entered the disputed landholding. possession did not amount to an
land by force and destroyed the abandonment because there was
palay that he had planted on it. an obligation on the part of the
However, according to the Grospes to return possession of
Grospes, Corpuz had already the landholding upon full
executed a “Waiver of Rights” payment of the loan. There was
over the landholding in favor of no clear, absolute, or irrevocable
the spouses in consideration of intent to abandon.
W/N Corpuz had voluntarily YES. Corpuz’ intention to
Provincial Agrarian Reform surrendered his landholding. surrender the landholding was
Adjudicator Ernesto Tabara ruled clear and unequivocal. He signed
that Corpuz abandoned and his concurrence to the Samahang
surrendered the landholding to Nayon Resolutions. His
the Samahang Nayon of Nueva voluntary surrender to the
Ecija. Said Samahang Nayon Samahang Nayon qualifies as a
even passed Resolution Nos. 16 surrender or transfer to the
and 27 recommending the government because such action
reallocation of said lots to the forms part of the mechanism for
Grospes, who were the “most the disposition and the
qualified farmers-beneficiaries.” reallocation of farmholdings of
The DARAB and the CA both tenant-farmers who refuse to
affirmed the Decision. become beneficiaries of PD 27.
Luz Farms v. DAR Secretary In 1988, RA 6657 was approved W/N the CARL should include NO. It was never the intention of Raising of livestock, poultry, and
GR No. 86889 by the President of the the raising of livestock, poultry the framers of the Constitution to swine are excluded from the
4 December 1990 Philippines. It includes the and swine in its coverage. include the livestock and poultry coverage of the CARL.
Paras, J. raising of livestock, poultry, and industry in the coverage of the
swine in its coverage. agrarian reform program of the
government. The intention of the
In 1989, the Secretary of Committee was to limit the
Agrarian Reform promulgated application of the word
the IRR of Secs. 11, 13, and 39 “agriculture”. Thus, Section II of
of the said law. RA 6657 which includes “private
agricultural lands devoted to
Luz Farms, a corporation commercial livestock, poultry,
engaged in the livestock and and swine raising” in the
poultry business, allegedly definition of “commercial farms”
stands to be adversely affected is invalid, to the extent that the
by the enforcement of certain aforecited agro-industrial
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
designated as the Lungsod EDIC to do so because the activity, and not classified as
Silangan Townsite, where Natalia properties were within mineral, forest, residential,
Natalia Realty’s properties were the areas set aside for the commercial, or industrial land.”
situated. Estate Developers and Lungsod Silangan Reservation.
Investors Corporation (EDIC), Since PP 1637 created the
the developer of the Natalia townsite reservation for the
properties, was granted approval purpose of providing additional
to develop the said properties housing to the burgeoning
into low-cost housing population of Metro Manila, it in
subdivisions. The Natalia effect converted for residential
properties then became the use what were erstwhile
Antipolo Hills Subdivision. agricultural lands provided all
requisites were met.
When the CARL came into
effect, the DAR issued a Notice W/N the Natalia properties are NO. The undeveloped portions
of Coverage on the undeveloped covered by the CARL. of the Antipolo Hills Subdivision
portions of the Antipolo Hills cannot be considered as
Subdivision. Natalia immediately “agricultural lands.” These lots
registered its objection to the were intended for residential use.
said Notice and requested the They ceased to be agricultural
DAR Secretary to cancel the lands upon approval of their
same. However, members of the inclusion in the Lungsod
Samahan ng Magsasaka sa Silangan Reservation.
Bundok Antipolo (SAMBA)
filed a complaint against Natalia
and EDIC before the DAR
Regional Adjudicator to restrain
them from developing areas
under their cultivation. The RA
issued a writ of Preliminary
Injunction. Natalia and EDIC
appealed to the DARAB but the
latter merely remanded the case
to the RA. Natalia then requested
the DAR Secretary to set aside
the Notice of Coverage. Neither
the DAR Secretary nor the DAR
Director concerned took action
on the protest letters.
Morta v. Occidental Jaime Morta and Purificacion W/N the cases are properly NO. Since there is a dispute as to For DARAB to have jurisdiction
GR No. 123417 Padilla filed a suit against Jaime cognizable by the DARAB. who is the rightful owner of the over a case, there must exist a
10 June 1999 Occidental, Atty. Mariano land, the issue is clearly outside tenancy relationship between the
Pardo, J. Baranda, and Daniel Corral, for DARAB’s jurisdiction. Whatever parties. In order for a tenancy
allegedly gathering pili nuts, findings made by the DARAB agreement to take hold over a
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
anahaw leaves, and coconuts regarding the ownership of the dispute, it would be essential to
from their respective land and land are not conclusive to settle establish all its indispensable
destroying their banana and the matter. At any rate, whoever elements, to wit:
pineapple plants. Occidental is declared to be the rightful 1. That the parties are the
claimed that he was a tenant of owner of the land, the case landowner and the
the actual owner of the land, cannot be considered tenancy- tenant or agricultural
Josefina Baraclan, and that related for it still fails to comply lessee;
Morta and Padilla were not with the other requirements. 2. The subject matter of
actually the owners of the land in Assuming arguendo that Josefina the relationship is an
question. is the owner, then the case is not agricultural land;
between the landowner and 3. That there is consent
The trial court ruled in favor of tenant. If, however, Morta is the between the parties to
Morta and Padilla. Occidental, et landowner, Occidental cannot the relationship;
al. appealed, contending that the claim that there is consent to a 4. That the purpose of the
case was cognizable by the DAR landowner-tenant relationship relationship is to bring
Adjudicatory Board (DARAB). between him and Morta. Thus, about agricultural
Thus, the RTC reversed the for failure to comply with the production;
lower court and ruled in favor of requisites, the issue involved is 5. That there is personal
Occidental, stating that the case not tenancy-related cognizable cultivation on the part
is a tenancy-related problem by the DARAB. of the tenant or
which falls under the exclusive agricultural lessee; and
jurisdiction of DARAB. The CA Dissent: Davide, CJ. 6. That the harvest is
affirmed the RTC. It is a tenancy-related issue shared between the
because whether it is Josefina or landowner and the
Morta who is the owner of the tenant or agricultural
land is no moment. It does not lessee.
affect Occidental’s tenancy.
Tenancy attaches to the land. The Limited jurisdiction of DAR:
cases filed by Morta and Padilla 1. Adjudication of all
were a clever way to defeat the matters involving
agrarian law. While the cases implementation of
were ostensibly for damages, agrarian reform;
they were, at bottom, a fight on 2. Resolution of agrarian
issues incident to or arising from conflicts and land-
an agrarian relationship. tenure related
problems; and
3. Approval and
disapproval of the
restructuring, or
readjustment of
agricultural lands into
commercial, industrial,
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
been in possession of the land administrative functions of the matters and shall have the
and had been cultivating the DAR. The DARAB and its exclusive jurisdiction over all
same. He also filed his own provincial adjudicator or board matters involving the
application for the said parcels in of adjudicators acted erroneously implementation of the agrarian
opposition to that of Verdillo. and with grave abuse of reform program. The DARAN
discretion in taking cognizance has primary original and
After the DAR’s investigation of of the case, then overturning the appellate jurisdiction to
the conflicting claims, it found decision of the DAR Regional determine and adjudicate all
that Verdillo violated the terms Director and deciding the case on agrarian disputes, cases,
of the Order of Award, and the merits without giving Rivera controversies, and matters or
cancelled the said Order. Hence, the opportunity to present his incidents involving the
Verdillo filed with the Provincial case. implementation of the CARP and
Adjudication Board a petition for other agrarian laws and their
the annulment of the said order. IRRs.
Instead of filing an Answer to
the Petition, Rivera filed a An “agrarian dispute” is defined
Motion to Dismiss. However, the to include “any controversy
DARAB Provincial Adjudicator relating to tenurial arrangements,
chose to resolve the case on the whether leasehold, tenancy,
merits, and ruled in favor of stewardship, or otherwise over
Verdillo. The DARAB and the lands devoted to agriculture,
CA affirmed this decision. including disputes concerning
farmworkers’ associations or
representation of persons in
negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
changing or seeking to arrange
terms or conditions of such
tenurial arrangements. It includes
any controversy relating to
compensation of lands acquired
under RA 6657 and other terms
and conditions of transfer and
other agrarian reform
beneficiaries, whether the
disputants stand in the proximate
relation of farm operator and
beneficiary, landowner and
tenant, or lessor and lessee.
Almuete v. Andres Since the National Resettlement W/N the case is an agrarian NO. The action filed by Almuete The jurisdiction of the DARAB
GR No. 122276 and Rehabilitation dispute and, as such, falls under before the trial court was for is limited to cases involving a
20 November 2001 Administration (NARRA) the DARAB’s jurisdiction. recovery of possession and tenancy relationship between the
Ynares-Santiago, J. awarded a parcel of land to reconveyance of title. The issue parties.
Rodrigo Almuete in 1957, he and to be resolved was who between
his family exercised exclusive Almuete and Andres has a better Elements of a tenancy
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Subsequently, SALES, Inc. was then later, 1/7 during the period not limited merely to the tilling,
able to acquire the land. Its of Wenceslao’s lease. Their plowing or harrowing of the land.
possession was relinquished to status as tenants based on the It includes the promotion of
Wenceslao Hernandez under a foregoing cannot be gainsaid. growth and the care of the plants,
civil law lease. The watchers’ Where they cultivated the land or husbanding the ground to
pay was reduced to 1/7 of the and did not receive salaries but a forward the products of the earth
harvest. However, from 1980 to share in the produce or the cash by general industry.
1983, they were not paid their equivalent of his share in lump,
shares. the relationship is one of tenancy It may be said that the caretaker
and not employment. The fact of an agricultural land can also
SALES, Inc. averred that the that they have huts erected on the be considered the cultivator of
watchers had been ejected from landholdings shows they are the land.
the land even before it acquired tenants.
the same; thus, they did not have RA 3844 abolished and outlawed
a right to a share of the harvests, share tenancy and put in its stead
since they were not tenants. It the agricultural leasehold system.
also claimed that under the lease RA 6389 subsequently declared
agreement, Hernandez was that share tenancy was contrary
forbidden to take any tenants, to public policy. Although share
and that these watchers were tenancy was statutorily
only subsequently hired as wage abolished, leasehold tenancy for
laborers to do the picking, coconut and sugar lands has not
gathering, and hauling of yet been implemented. The
cocounuts. The court ruled in policy makers of government are
favor of the watchers, and still studying the feasibility of its
declared them as tenants of application and the consequences
SALES, Inc. and Wenceslao of its implementation.
Hernandez. The latter were also Nonetheless, this did not end the
ordered to pay the former their rights of share tenants in these
unpaid shares in the harvest. The types of lands. The eventual goal
CA affirmed. of legislation of having strong
and independent farmers working
on lands which they own
Valencia v. CA When Victor Valencia acquired Can a contract of civil law lease YES. Sec. 6 of RA 3844 does not The right to hire a tenant is
GR No. 122363 two parcels of land, he entered prohibit a civil law lessee from automatically authorize a civil basically a personal right of a
29 April 2003 into civil law leases with employing a tenant on the land law lessee to employ a tenant landowner, except as may be
Bellosillo, J. Glicerio Henson and Fr. Andres subject matter of the lease without the consent of the provided by law. Inherent in the
Flores. Henson instituted agreement? landowner. The lessee must be so right of landholders to install a
Crescenciano and Marciano Frias specifically authorized. A tenant is their authority to do so;
to work on the property; while different interpretation would be otherwise, without such
Fr. Flores appointed the Friases, most unfair to the hapless and authority, civil law lessees as
plus some others, as farmhands. unsuspecting landowner who landholders cannot install a
However, in Fr. Flores’ lease entered into a civil law lease tenant on the landholding.
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Social justice is for the
deserving, whether he be a
millionaire in his mansion or a
pauper in his hovel. It is never
justified to give preference to the
poor simply because they are
poor, or reject the rich simply
because they are rich, for justice
must always be served for the
poor and the rich alike
according to the mandate of law.