Title Facts Issue/S Ruling Doctrine GR No. 79777: PD 27, Eos 228
Title Facts Issue/S Ruling Doctrine GR No. 79777: PD 27, Eos 228
Title Facts Issue/S Ruling Doctrine GR No. 79777: PD 27, Eos 228
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
paying Yusay a lease rental of 16 tenant-farmer’s lease rentals to “filling in” the details. All that is
cavans per crop, but stopped the landowner were not credited required is that the regulation
paying in 1991-92. Instead, he in his favor against the should be germane to the objects
remitted the payments to the LBP determined purchase price of the and purposes of the law; that the
pursuant to DAR’s Memorandum land, thus making him a regulation be not in contradiction
Circular No. 6 (MC 6), which set perpetual obligor for said to but in conformity with the
the guidelines in the payment of purchase price. Since the assailed standards prescribed by law.
lease rental/partial payment by Circular essentially sought to
farmer-beneficiaries under the accomplish the noble purpose of
land transfer program of PD 27. PD 27, it is therefore valid.
Lilia Gonzales, co-administratrix W/N an irreconcilable conflict NO. PD 816 provides that the
of Yusay’s estate, filed a petition exists between PD 816 and MC tenant-farmer shall pay lease
for prohibition and mandamus 6, such that PD 816 must prevail rentals to the landowner until the
with the CA, seeking to prohibit over MC 6. value of the property has been
the LBP from accepting Sigre’s determined or agreed upon by
leasehold rentals. According to the landowner and the DAR. On
Gonzales, she had no notice that the other hand, MC 6 mandates
DAR had already fixed the value that the tenant-farmer shall pay
of the land. Her petition also to the LBP the lease rental after
assails the validity of MC 6 and the value of the land has been
PD 27. determined. Thus, there is no
incompatibility between these
The CA then declared MC 6 null two. On the contrary, the two
and void, and directed the LBP to supplement each other as they set
return to Gonzales the lease the guidelines for the payments
rentals paid by Sigre, and Sigre of lease rentals on the
to pay the rentals directly to agricultural property.
W/N PD 27 is unconstitutional NO. Jurisprudence has upheld
for setting limitations on the the constitutionality of the said
judicial prerogative of decree. Moreover, the
determining just compensation. determination of just
compensation under PD 27 is not
final or conclusive, because
unless both the landowner and
the tenant-farmer accept the
valuation by DAR, the parties
may bring the dispute to court in
order to determine the
appropriate amount of
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by tenancy law.
Natalia Realty v. DAR PP 1637 set aside several W/N the Natalia properties were YES. Natalia and EDIC Lands not devoted to agricultural
GR No. 103302 hectares of land in Antipolo, San validly converted from complied with all the activity are outside the coverage
12 August 1993 Mateo, and Montalban as agricultural to residential land. requirements of law, even of CARL.
Bellosillo, J. townsite areas to absorb the securing prior approval from
population overspill in the DAR. As a matter of fact, there “Agricultural land” refers to
metropolis which were was no need for Natalia and “land devoted to agricultural
designated as the Lungsod EDIC to do so because the activity, and not classified as
Silangan Townsite, where Natalia properties were within mineral, forest, residential,
Natalia Realty’s properties were the areas set aside for the commercial, or industrial land.”
situated. Estate Developers and Lungsod Silangan Reservation.
Investors Corporation (EDIC), Since PP 1637 created the
the developer of the Natalia townsite reservation for the
properties, was granted approval purpose of providing additional
to develop the said properties housing to the burgeoning
into low-cost housing population of Metro Manila, it in
subdivisions. The Natalia effect converted for residential
properties then became the use what were erstwhile
Antipolo Hills Subdivision. agricultural lands provided all
requisites were met.
When the CARL came into
effect, the DAR issued a Notice W/N the Natalia properties are NO. The undeveloped portions
of Coverage on the undeveloped covered by the CARL. of the Antipolo Hills Subdivision
portions of the Antipolo Hills cannot be considered as
Subdivision. Natalia immediately “agricultural lands.” These lots
registered its objection to the were intended for residential use.
said Notice and requested the They ceased to be agricultural
DAR Secretary to cancel the lands upon approval of their
same. However, members of the inclusion in the Lungsod
Samahan ng Magsasaka sa Silangan Reservation.
Bundok Antipolo (SAMBA)
filed a complaint against Natalia
and EDIC before the DAR
Regional Adjudicator to restrain
them from developing areas
under their cultivation. The RA
issued a writ of Preliminary
Injunction. Natalia and EDIC
appealed to the DARAB but the
latter merely remanded the case
to the RA. Natalia then requested
the DAR Secretary to set aside
the Notice of Coverage. Neither
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problems; and
3. Approval and
disapproval of the
restructuring, or
readjustment of
agricultural lands into
commercial, industrial,
and other non-
agricultural uses.
Monsanto v. Zerna Leonarda Monsanto owned a W/N an agrarian dispute existed YES. The resolution of an agrarian
GR No. 142591 parcel of land, wherein Jesus and between the parties. 1. The subject of the dispute is a matter beyond the
7 December 2001 Teresita Zerna were overseers. In dispute between them legal competence of regular
Panganiban, J. 1995, the Zernas harvested was the taking of courts. The DARAB exercises
coconuts from the plantation coconuts from the primary jurisdiction—both
without Monsanto’s consent, and property owned by original and appellate—to
processed them into copra for the Monsanto; determine and adjudicate all
purpose of confirming their 2. The Zernas were the agrarian disputes, cases,
claim that they are tenants of the overseers of the controversies, and matters or
land. It was alleged that the total property at the time of incidents involving the
amount that they actually made the taking of the implementation of agrarian laws
was P6,262.50; they deposited coconuts, as can be and their implementing rules and
P5,162.50 with the Barangay gleaned from their regulations.
Secretary of the locality, keeping Kasabutan;
the balance of P1,100.00 for their 3. Monsanto allowed the An agrarian dispute refers to any
labor. Zernas to plant controversy relating to tenurial
Monsanto instituted a criminal coconut, coffee, arrangements—whether
case of qualified theft against the jackfruit, and cacao as leasehold, tenancy, stewardship
Zernas, but the Zernas were shown by the or otherwise—over lands
acquitted for lack of criminal Kasabutan; devoted to agriculture, including
intent. The barangay captain of 4. A tenurial arrangement (1) disputes concerning farm
the locality was ordered to return exists among herein workers’ associations; or (2)
to Monsanto the money that the parties as regards the representation of persons in
Zernas deposited. Monsanto filed harvesting of the negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
an MR for the return of the agricultural products, changing, or seeking to arrange
P1,100.00. as shown by the terms or conditions of such
several remittances tenurial arrangement.
The court then ruled that since made by the Zernas to
the harvesting of the coconuts Monsanto, A tenancy relationship may be
and processing of the same into substantiated by established either verbally or in
copra were not with the consent receipts. writing, expressly or impliedly.
of Monsanto, then they could not
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be entitled to compensation for W/N the RTC was stripped of its NO. There is no question that the
their labor. criminal jurisdiction when the RTC had criminal jurisdiction to
CA annulled the Order regarding try the Zernas for the crime of
On appeal, the CA ruled that the the remaining P1,100.00. qualified theft. However, the
trial court had no jurisdiction to resolution of the issue of who is
order the Zernas to pay entitled to the P1,100.00 falls
Monsanto the P1,100.00. squarely within the jurisdiction
Because the dispute involved an of the DARAB, as it is an
agricultural tenancy relationship, agrarian dispute.
the matter fell within the primary
and exclusive jurisdiction of the
DARAB. It then annulled the
RTC order requiring the return of
the P1,100.00.
Sanchez v. Marin David Felix owned a fishpond. W/N a fishpond is an agricultural NO. By virtue of Sec. 2, RA Fishponds are no longer
GR No. 171346 Jaime Sanchez was instituted as land. 7881, the operation of fishponds considered agricultural lands.
19 October 2007 a tenant on the said fishpond, is no longer considered an
Chico-Nazario, J. with a 50/50 sharing agreement. agricultural activity, and a parcel
After a few years, Felix sold and of land devoted to fishpond
transferred ownership of the operation is no longer an
subject fishpond to the Marins. agricultural land.
As new owners of the fishpond,
they entered into a civil law W/N a tenurial arrangement YES. Although the fishpond is
agreement with their mother, exists between Sanchez and not covered by the CARL, it
Zemaida, which was renewable Zenaida Marin. bears emphasis that Sanchez’
yearly. status as a tenant in the subject
fishpond and his right to security
Zenaida then made an of tenure were already previously
arrangement with Sanchez settled. Having been declared as
wherein Sanchez would receive a a tenant with the right to security
regular salary and a 20% share in of tenure as provided by the law
the net profit of the fishpond. enforced at the time of the filing
When her lease agreement with of the complaint, Sanchez has
her children expired, Zenaida acquired a vested right over the
ordered Sanchez to vacate the subject fishpond. Therefore, even
premises. Sanchez refused, if fishponds were later
asserting that he was a tenant of excluded/exempted from CARL
the fishpond and not a mere coverage, and despite the fact
contractual worker; hence, he that no CLOA has been issued to
had the right to its peaceful Sanchez, the same cannot defeat
possession and security of the aforesaid vested right already
tenure. He then asked the court granted and acquired by Sanchez
to declare him as a tenant of the long before the passage of RA
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land, and pay at least the first the ambit of an “agrarian specific matters are accorded not
installment, within a period of 6 dispute.” Consequently, the only respect but even finality by
months. DARAB had no jurisdiction over the courts, care should be taken
the controversy and should not that administrative actions are
21 years later, Verdillo filed an have taken cognizance of not done without due regard to
application with the DAR for the Verdillo’s petition in the first the jurisdictional boundaries set
purchase of the said lots claiming place. by the enabling law for each
that he had complied with the agency.
conditions set forth in the Order W/N the DARAB acted in grave YES. The revocation by the
of Award. Restituto Rivera abuse of discretion. Regional Director of DAR of the The DAR is vested with the
protested this application, earlier Order of Award by the primary jurisdiction to determine
claiming that it was he who had DAR Secretary falls under the and adjudicate agrarian reform
been in possession of the land administrative functions of the matters and shall have the
and had been cultivating the DAR. The DARAB and its exclusive jurisdiction over all
same. He also filed his own provincial adjudicator or board matters involving the
application for the said parcels in of adjudicators acted erroneously implementation of the agrarian
opposition to that of Verdillo. and with grave abuse of reform program. The DARAN
discretion in taking cognizance has primary original and
After the DAR’s investigation of of the case, then overturning the appellate jurisdiction to
the conflicting claims, it found decision of the DAR Regional determine and adjudicate all
that Verdillo violated the terms Director and deciding the case on agrarian disputes, cases,
of the Order of Award, and the merits without giving Rivera controversies, and matters or
cancelled the said Order. Hence, the opportunity to present his incidents involving the
Verdillo filed with the Provincial case. implementation of the CARP and
Adjudication Board a petition for other agrarian laws and their
the annulment of the said order. IRRs.
Instead of filing an Answer to the
Petition, Rivera filed a Motion to An “agrarian dispute” is defined
Dismiss. However, the DARAB to include “any controversy
Provincial Adjudicator chose to relating to tenurial arrangements,
resolve the case on the merits, whether leasehold, tenancy,
and ruled in favor of Verdillo. stewardship, or otherwise over
The DARAB and the CA lands devoted to agriculture,
affirmed this decision. including disputes concerning
farmworkers’ associations or
representation of persons in
negotiating, fixing, maintaining,
changing or seeking to arrange
terms or conditions of such
tenurial arrangements. It includes
any controversy relating to
compensation of lands acquired
under RA 6657 and other terms
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The CA then reversed the lower tenancy relationship, the juridical person who, either as
courts, and ruled that there was complaint for unlawful detainer owner, civil law lessee,
no tenurial arrangement between is properly within the jurisdiction usufructuary, or legal possessor
the parties, and that Remigio of the MTC. lets or grants to another the
only possessed the property by cultivation and use of his land for
mere tolerance. a price certain.
Sintos v. CA From 1963 to 1983, Teofilo W/N the tenants have a right to YES. There existed a landlord Where persons cultivated the
GR No. 96489 Magarin, Aguido Ebasco, disturbance compensation. and tenant relationship between land and did not receive salaries
14 July 1995 Guillermo and Manuel Casinillo, the parties. He allowed them to but a share in the produce or the
Quiason, J. Sergio Corpus, Severino cultivate the land and, in return, cash equivalent thereof, the
Magarin, Rufina Mendoza, received a share of the harvest. relationship created between
Victoria Orilan, and Fausta Being tenants, they are entitled to them and the landowner is one of
Salidaga had been cultivating disturbance compensation. tenancy and not employment.
portions of a parcel of land
owned by Nicolas Sintos. They
agreed to pay him one-fourth of
their harvest as their shares.
Subsequently, Nicolas amended
the sharing agreement by
requiring them to give him 10
sacks of 50 kilos per sack, per
hectare, per harvest. Thereafter,
the said tenants paid him on the
basis of the new sharing scheme.
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property into 2 lots. The first was possession as a tenant of the said thing with or without right.
assigned to Lourdes, Candido, property is proven, it will entitle Possession may be had in two
and the heirs of Dionisia; the him and his heirs to protection ways: possession in the concept
other was assigned to Francisca, against dispossession. of owner and possession of a
Librada, Elocadio, and Roman. holder.
In 1971, the first lot was sold by
its owners to the spouses Abalos, A judgment for ownership does
while the ¾ of the second lot was not necessarily include
sold to the same spouses by possession as a necessary
Elocadio, Francisca, and Librada. incident.
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Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal
Agrarian Law Case Digest Matrix Set 1 – Stef Macapagal