1-Annurev - Ecolsys.29.1 Early Evolution of Land
1-Annurev - Ecolsys.29.1 Early Evolution of Land
1-Annurev - Ecolsys.29.1 Early Evolution of Land
Terrestrial Radiation
Richard M. Bateman,1 Peter R. Crane,2 William A. DiMichele,3
Paul R. Kenrick,4 Nick P. Rowe,5 Thomas Speck,6
and William E. Stein7
1Royal Botanic Garden, 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR, United Kingdom;
e-mail: r.bateman@rbge.org.uk; 2Department of Geology, The Field Museum,
Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496; 3Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of
Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560; 4Department of
Palaeontology, The Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom;
5Laboratoire de Paléobotanique, Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution (UMR 5554
The Siluro-Devonian primary radiation of land biotas is the terrestrial equiva-
lent of the much-debated Cambrian “explosion” of marine faunas. Both show
the hallmarks of novelty radiations (phenotypic diversity increases much more
rapidly than species diversity across an ecologically undersaturated and thus
low-competition landscape), and both ended with the formation of evolutionary
and ecological frameworks analogous to those of modern ecosystems. Profound
improvements in understanding early land plant evolution reflect recent libera-
tions from several research constraints: Cladistic techniques plus DNA sequence
data from extant relatives have prompted revolutionary reinterpretations of land
plant phylogeny, and thus of systematics and character-state acquisition patterns.
Biomechanical and physiological experimental techniques developed for extant
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plants have been extrapolated to fossil species, with interpretations both aided
and complicated by the recent knowledge that global landmass positions, cur-
rents, climates, and atmospheric compositions have been profoundly variable
(and thus nonuniformitarian) through the Phanerozoic. Combining phylogenetic
and paleoecological data offers potential insights into the identity and function of
key innovations, though current evidence suggests the importance of accumulat-
ing within lineages a critical mass of phenotypic character. Challenges to further
progress include the lack of sequence data and paucity of phenotypic features
among the early land plant clades, and a fossil record still inadequate to date
accurately certain crucial evolutionary and ecological events.
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by Universidad Nacional de Colombia-sede Medellin on 05/02/07. For personal use only.
Within paleobotany, there are few more popular review topics than the origin
and initial radiation of vascular land plants in the Silurian (438–410 mya) and
Devonian (410–355 mya) periods (20, 21, 23, 25, 34, 37, 39, 40, 51, 56, 57, 66,
67, 70, 95, 97, 132). Fortunately, each crop of reviews is separated by remark-
able empirical and conceptual advances in a wide range of fields that amply
justify frequent reappraisals.
Recent Advances
Any uniformitarian views of the Earth’s environment that have survived the
paradigm shift of plate tectonics and continental drift have since been under-
mined by evidence of dramatic changes in global climate and atmospheric com-
position through the Phanerozoic. Thus, paleoecologists must now deal with
profound changes in the environmental theater as well as the evolutionary play.
During the Siluro-Devonian there was a strong concentration of land masses in
the Southern Hemisphere, with only North America, northern Europe, and parts
of China straddling the equator (115). Consequently, both atmospheric and
oceanic currents contrasted starkly with modern patterns. Atmospheric CO2
levels were falling precipitously and O2 levels rising rapidly; both phenomena,
driven at least in part by the “greening”of the continents, had profound implica-
tions for the physiological competence of land plants (3, 13, 14, 44, 80, 85, 97).
Building on earlier intuitive advances (5), the systematics of early land plants
has been revolutionized by the integration of morphological data from living
and fossil species to generate cladistic phylogenies (50, 64–66). These not
only define putative monophyletic (and thus natural) groups of species but also
elucidate the sequence of acquisition of features and functions within specific
lineages (9, 75). Molecular phylogenies of extant species have further clarified
evolutionary relationships and tested the supposed primitive nature of some
“living fossils” (9, 139).
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2. The Anatomical Phase spanned the Ordovician and Silurian. Erstwhile pio-
neering land plants struggled with the physical and physiological problems
posed by a terrestrial existence, challenged more by the hostile environ-
ment than by competition with one another. Most of the tissue types that
characterize modern land plants evolved, together with the alternation be-
tween independent sporophytic and gametophytic generations that defines
the pteridophytic life history.
Focusing more directly on the fossil evidence, Edwards & Selden (40)
recognized phases corresponding largely to those of Bateman, but they ef-
fectively subdivided his anatomical phase into an Upper Ordovician-Silurian
(quasi)bryophytic phase (Phase 2a) and a later Silurian rhyniophytic phase
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raphyletic group, but the identity of the living land plant sister group remains
unresolved. The most likely sister taxa to land plants are Coleochaetales (ca. 15
living species), Charales (ca. 400 living species), or a clade containing both.
The fossil record of charophycean algae is relatively poor, and the earliest
evidence post-dates that of land plants (67). Fossils are limited mostly to decay-
resistant or calcified parts of the life cycle, and only two groups (Charales,
Zygnematales) are well represented. The earliest and most abundant charo-
phycean algae are Charales (46), which first appear in the fossil record in the
Late Silurian but probably had a considerably earlier origin, given that early
fossils have well-developed and highly distinctive gametangia that resemble
those of modern forms. The appearance of Charales in the fossil record may
be linked to the evolution of calcification in the more derived members of this
group. Zygnematales occur more rarely in the fossil record (58), and the group
is first recognized in the Middle Devonian. The phylogenetically important
Coleochaetales have not been recognized unequivocally in the fossil record.
Some cuticular compressions in the Lower Devonian (notably Parka) resemble
the delicate, filamentous thalli of living Coleochaete orbicularis, though other
aspects of their morphology are inconsistent with this interpretation (cf. 61, 86).
Land Plants
Monophyly of land plants is strongly supported by comparative morphology
(16, 32, 56, 66, 84) and nucleic acid sequences (62, 72, 73). Although relation-
ships among the major basal living groups remain uncertain (4, 9, 32, 48, 56, 59,
66, 84), the hypothesis currently supported by the broadest range of data resolves
“bryophytes” as paraphyletic, with liverworts basal in land plants and either
mosses or hornworts as the living sister group to vascular plants. Liverworts
themselves may be paraphyletic to other land plants, with marchantialeans basal
and jungermannialeans more closely related to hornworts, mosses, or vascular
plants (4, 15).
An alternative hypothesis, suggested by 18S rRNA sequences, places horn-
worts as basal and a liverwort-moss clade as sister group to vascular plants (59).
Less parsimonious hypotheses recognize bryophyte monophyly and either a
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sister group relationship with vascular plants (66) or an origin from within
basal vascular plants (32, 48, 62, 132). Phylogenetic evidence suggests that
“bryophytes”1 in general, and liverwort-like plants in particular, should have
been important components of early terrestrial floras (67).
Evidence from fossil spores indicates that land plants originated in the mid-
Ordovician and that the divergence of the four major living clades (liverworts,
hornworts, mosses, vascular plants) may have occurred during the Late Ordovi-
cian and Silurian (52, 57); this hypothesis is consistent with phylogenetic data
that resolve “bryophytes” as a basal grade within land plants. In contrast, the
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megafossil record documents a Late Silurian origin and Early Devonian diver-
sification of vascular plants and a much later origin of “bryophytes.” Kenrick
& Crane (66, 67) argued that the spore record provides a more accurate picture
of the time of origin and pattern of early diversification of land plants than the
megafossil record because spores are more numerous and less influenced by
taphonomic biases. They suggested that the late appearance of “bryophytic”
megafossils probably reflects the combined effects of under-representation of
this group in the fossil record and also the difficulties of recognizing early plants
at the “bryophyte” grade that may have lacked the distinctive features of living
However, the late appearance also offers comfort to a minority of phylo-
geneticists who view as credible scenarios of “bryophyte” origins via sporo-
phytic reduction from isomorphic “pretracheophytes” (9), particularly if the
Ordovician supposed bryophytic spores, cuticular sheets of cells, and tubes of
nematophytes were in fact derived from free-living or lichenized fungi (128).
The most inclusive phylogenetic studies of liverworts resolve a jungermanni-
alean (Metzgeriales, Jungermanniales, Calobryales) clade (4, 15, 83), a pattern
consistent with traditional systematic treatments (114). Morphological studies
indicate that Metzgeriales are paraphyletic to Jungermanniales (83), and this
hypothesis has some support from 18S rRNA sequences (19). Recent mole-
cular and morphological analyses also support monophyly of marchantialean
liverworts (Sphaerocarpales, Marchantiales, Monocleales; 15). Within mar-
chantialeans, the enigmatic Monocleales (two species) are nested within Mar-
chantiales, and Sphaerocarpales are probably sister group to a Marchantiales–
Monocleales clade.
Despite widespread support for an early origin of liverworts from phyloge-
netic studies, the group has a poor fossil record. Some of the earliest land
plant spores possess features that are consistent with a sphaerocarpalean affinity
1 This use of quotes is a convention in phylogenetics for identifying taxa as paraphyletic grades
(57, 137), but there are insufficient characters to substantiate an unequivocal af-
filiation with liverworts. Many early spores could also belong to extinct taxa
in the stem groups of land plants or major basal land plant clades. Most Paleo-
zoic megafossils are related to Metzgeriales, including the earliest unequivocal
liverwort (Upper Devonian). The precise relationships of earlier liverwort-like
megafossils (38, 49) require further clarification. Jungermanniales first appear
in the Mesozoic, and there are only a handful of well-substantiated Jurassic and
Cretaceous records. Sphaerocarpales are first documented in the Triassic, and
Marchantiales are clearly present in the Mid–Late Triassic.
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Hornworts are a small, divergent group of land plants comprising ca. 400 liv-
ing species. Monophyly of hornworts is well supported and uncontroversial
(32, 83, 84), though generic limits and relationships among genera are poorly
resolved. Notothylas may be sister group to an Anthoceros–Dendroceros–
Megaceros–Phaeoceros clade (83), though a marginally less parsimonious al-
ternative solution interprets the small, simple sporophytes of Notothylas as
derived, and taxa with larger sporophytes such as Dendroceros and Megaceros
as basal in the group. The fossil record of hornworts is poor and has not yet
contributed important information to cladistic studies of this group.
Monophyly of mosses has broad support in recent phylogenetic studies (15, 59,
60, 82). Within mosses, Sphagnales and Andreaeales are consistently resolved
as basal groups. Molecular data support two major clades of peristomate mosses:
(a) a nematodontous clade comprising Buxbaumiales, Tetraphidales, Poly-
trichales, and perhaps Andreaeales and (b) an arthrodontous clade containing
Bryales (59, 60). New morphological data on sporophytes and gametogene-
sis in Takakia provide compelling evidence for an affinity with basal mosses
(Andreaeales, Sphagnales), rather than with liverworts (Calobryales), as previ-
ously hypothesized (32, 48, 101); this relationship is also supported by similar-
ities in 18S rRNA sequences (59).
Mosses have a poor Paleozoic and Mesozoic megafossil record. Arthrodon-
tous groups such as Dicranales, Pottiales, Funariales, Leucodontales, and Hyp-
nales have been documented in the Late Permian and Early Triassic (118).
Sphagnales are also known from the Late Permian (Protosphagnum). Putative
Polytrichales have been reported from the Carboniferous, but the first unequiv-
ocal record is from the Late Cretaceous (71). The earliest megafossils of possi-
ble moss affinity include Sporogonites (Lower Devonian) and Muscites (Lower
Carboniferous), though the latter is more likely to be a lycopsid (NP Rowe,
unpublished data).
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Vascular Plants
Monophyly of vascular plants is supported by comparative morphology (66,
130) and by data from 18S rRNA (72) and 16S rDNA sequences (77). The in-
clusion of fossils results in the recognition of several additional clades that can-
not be discriminated among living taxa alone. Phylogenetic analyses (65, 66)
interpolate two Early Devonian Rhynie Chert plants, Aglaophyton and Horneo-
phyton, as paraphyletic between “bryophytes” and basal vascular plants because
they possess some features unique to vascular plants sensu lato (e.g. branched,
nutritionally independent sporophyte) but also retain several plesiomorphic,
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In eutracheophytes, monophyly of a euphyllophyte clade comprising living
horsetails, ferns, and seed plants has broad support (28, 29, 62, 66, 72, 94, 107,
130), whereas the widely recognized “trimerophytes” are viewed as para-
phyletic or polyphyletic. Some conflicting molecular data sets place elements
of lycopsids within euphyllophytes (77) or resolve lycopsids as sister group
to seed plants (76), but internal consistency of the data is low and neither
hypothesis is supported by comparative morphology. The euphyllophyte stem
group contains early fossils such as the “trimerophytes” Psilophyton and Pertica
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Within euphyllophytes there is strong support for monophyly of lepto-
sporangiate ferns (93), lignophytes (paraphyletic “progymnosperms” plus
monophyletic seed plants), and seed plants (72, 76, 109, 130), as well as for
a horsetail clade comprising living Equisetum plus extinct Calamites and Ar-
chaeocalamites (129). Relationships among these groups and other smaller
living taxa (Ophioglossales, Marattiales, Psilotales) and extinct taxa (Cladoxy-
lales, Zygopteridales, Iridopteridales, Stauropteridales) remain highly ambigu-
ous. For morphological data, one hypothesis views ferns sensu lato as mono-
phyletic. The basal dichotomy in ferns is between a clade containing living
eusporangiate ferns plus Filicales (fern crown-group) and a clade comprising
Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous fernlike fossils of the Cladoxylales, Zy-
gopteridales, and Stauropteridales (106). An alternative hypothesis shows ferns
as paraphyletic to seed plants. Certain fernlike fossils, and possibly also living
eusporangiate ferns, are depicted as more closely related to seed plants than to
leptosporangiate ferns (107, 130).
indicate that the stele of derived, S-type tracheids (65) similarly offers little
direct contribution to flexural stiffness. The stem could have reached a maxi-
mum height of 13–22 cm without mechanical failure, supported largely by the
parenchymatous cortex [99% of the stem flexural stiffness (123)]. In none of
the rhyniopsids tested does the stele contribute significantly to flexural stiffness
of the stem. The phylogenetically heterogeneous fossils assigned to Cooksonia
(e.g. Cooksonia pertonii) are also turgor systems, although those showing dif-
ferentiation of an outer hypodermal sterome may be predominantly supported
by this tissue. The banded tracheid elements that characterize the earliest tra-
cheophytes, like those of “protracheophytes,” would not have been suitable for
mechanical support against bending forces, though they were better designed
for resisting internal negative pressures and facilitating maintenance of turgor
In summary, the earliest land plant axes tested indicate that upright axes of
protracheophytes and rhyniopsids were dependent on a maintained turgor pres-
sure to remain upright and to prevent wilting. This must have represented an
important constraint on stem height and on the ability to support both termi-
nal and lateral appendages (i.e. end-loads and branches). The appearance of
conducting tissues represented a marked physiological and mechanical innova-
tion for maintaining turgor pressure. It made possible a self-supporting axial
growth habit that could far exceed in height the light-trapping and spore dis-
persal capabilities observed among thalloid gametophores and smaller-bodied
bryophytic gametophytes and sporophytes. Despite these innovations, early
terrestrial plants with turgor-stabilized axes would have been confined to habi-
tats with a continuous and sufficient water supply that provided relatively high
humidity (100).
Mechanical investigations of “zosterophylls” sensu lato and basal lycopsids
reveal few further innovations for improving axial mechanical stability. The
turgescent cortex represented the predominant tissue contributing to the flex-
ural stiffness of the stem in the lycopsids Asteroxylon mackiei (>95%) and
Drepanophycus spinaeformis (84–98%), and a similar figure is calculated for
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have required yet more efficient water conductance than was supplied by the
primary steles in small-bodied early land plants. This may partially explain the
relatively larger and mechanically more significant steles observed in Leclerc-
qia and similar taxa.
The appearance of secondary growth in the Middle Devonian, following the
initial phase of land plant evolution, influenced water conductance, canopy for-
mation, and mechanical support, and also prompted diversification in growth
forms. The appearance of secondary xylem in eutracheophytes was probably
linked to the water supply of megaphylls and selection for enlarging canopy sur-
faces, mechanically supported by hypodermal steromes. Biomechanical analy-
ses indicate that secondary xylem in some early seed plants (and probably many
early lignophytes) did not provide significant mechanical support; for example,
the outer sparganum cortex in Calamopitys contributed over 85% to flexural
stiffness of the stem and was essential for supporting the large megaphyllous
leaves (111). Secondary xylem was confined within the primary body of the
stem in many aneurophyte “progymnosperms” and basal seed plants, offering
little mechanical strength but probably enhancing water conduction. Signif-
icant mechanical contributions from secondary xylem, such as that observed
among archaeopteridalean “progymnosperms,” were possible only following
additional developmental innovations; the most notable was periderm forma-
tion, which permitted the wood cylinder to exceed the limits of the primary
body of the stem (119).
The evolution of ecological patterns during the Devonian parallels the appear-
ance of morphological and phylogenetic structure and diversity. The Devonian
record suggests a steady increase in ecological complexity at all spatial scales,
from an alien simplicity at the beginning to nearly modern organization by the
onset of the Carboniferous (25). Early Devonian ecosystems were composed
of structurally simple plants with dynamically simple interactions (39). The
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differences in dynamics at local and landscape scales were slight and difficult
to differentiate. By the end of the Devonian, landscapes were varied and local
assemblages of plants were structurally complex, with much greater diversity
of body plans, life histories, and survival strategies (112).
supported by turgor pressure, and showed homosporous life histories, most vas-
cular plants were probably constrained to wetter parts of the landscape. Within
these humid habitats there may have been more niche partitioning than gener-
ally supposed. Recent work on paleosols (63) implies that vascular plants had
gained the capacity to colonize some habitats with seasonal moisture availabil-
ity, pointing to the evolution of physiological drought tolerance. Furthermore,
the recognition of probable roots in weakly developed paleosols of streamside
environments (44) indicates that some groups of Early Devonian plants may
have been more complex morphologically than previously believed, having the
ability to tap into deeper sources of groundwater.
The Rhynie Chert flora, now one of the best-understood floras of the entire
Paleozoic, offers a remarkable window into an Early Devonian ecosystem. Al-
though sporophyte architecture was simple, many sporophyte ecological strate-
gies clearly coexisted, such as the ability of Rhynia gwynne-vaughanii to spread
rapidly over a substrate via deciduous lateral branches (41). Sporophyte diversi-
fication was matched by a wide array of gametophyte morphologies that record
many variations on aids to syngamy (64, 98), and fungi played a “modern”
spectrum of roles in the ecosystem (133, 135). Unfortunately, the supposedly
archetypal Rhynie Chert flora appears to be an unusual assemblage specialized
for life in a low-pH, periodically flooded habitat (9); the flora may have included
species secondarily reduced for aquatic life habits. The Chert thus allows only
a small and potentially relictual perspective on the ecology of this crucial time.
Recent paleosol studies revealed evidence for prototype “forests” as early as
the Middle Devonian from waterlogged soils of New York State (31) and even
in well-drained habitats from Antarctica (103). Lowland wetland macrofossil
assemblages also demonstrate increasing plant-animal interactions; the evolu-
tion of terrestrial arthropods was proceeding rapidly and may have included
herbivory (74, 117).
Late Devonian
The evolution of community and landscape complexity escalated dramatically
during the Late Devonian. Empirical studies of the relationship between
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megafloras and environments of deposition (17, 112) have revealed the ini-
tial phases of landscape partitioning by the major plant clades. Floras typi-
cal of swamps that were dominated by the fernlike plant Rhacophyton, and
periswamp areas that included lycopsids, were distinct from floras of interfluves
and drier parts of flood plains, dominated by the arboreous “progymnosperm”
Archaeopteris. Seed-bearing “pteridosperms” appear to have originated in
wetter parts of the landscape but then spread as opportunists into areas of
disturbance and physical stress, including relatively arid habitats (108).
Pioneering studies using paleosols to resolve vegetational patterns across
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Strengths of the Phylogenetic Framework
Cladogram topology determines the relationships of higher taxa (and hence
their delimitation into monophyletic groups) and the relative (but not absolute)
timings of the speciation events that correspond to the lineage divergences. But
more importantly, a rooted cladogram also provides an explicit evolutionary
hypothesis that describes not only sister-group relationships but also character-
state transitions. The relative position of character-state transitions determines
branch lengths—effectively, the amount of evolution between the speciation
events encompassed by the cladogram. This allows measurement of the phy-
logenetic distance among analyzed taxa as disparity (the number of characters
separating taxa through their most recent shared divergence point) rather than
as raw similarity (10, 18, 47).
The enhanced ability to understand character evolution is at least as valuable
as recognizing clades, particularly where the analysis includes morphological
data (9–11). Advantages include the replacement of statistical correlations by
phylogenetic correlations among characters, so that the active origination of a
character state can be distinguished from mere passive inheritance from a shared
ancestor. Also, the co-occurrence of transitions in two or more characters on
the same branches can be interpreted in terms of the underlying evolutionary
mechanism. Given a cladistic branch of several character-state transitions, two
extremes of interpretation are possible. The saltation model (9–11) argues for
a null hypothesis that the co-transitional characters are developmentally linked
(pleiotropic) and reflect a single speciation event. In contrast, the adaptive
model (27, 75) assumes that the accumulation of developmentally independent
character states in response to selection pressures is gradual, and probably in-
volves phylogenetically intermediate species absent from the sampled terminal
taxa (either deliberately excluded or not yet known to science).
More recently, morphological phylogenies have been supplemented (or, in
many cases, supplanted) by molecular phylogenies based on nucleic acid base
sequences. These have proved especially valuable for comparing taxa that are
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characteristics of the genome (e.g. introns, inversions; 94), may prove more in-
formative than oversaturated base mutations when assessing deep phylogenetic
patterns in land plants.
Thus, molecular data have been less helpful that might be supposed in un-
ravelling the Siluro-Devonian radiation, though they have usefully revealed the
fallacy of viewing certain pteridophytes as “living fossils” unchanged since the
radiation. The most notable examples are the phenotypically simple Psilotaceae
and Ophioglossaceae, which are actually secondarily reduced “pseudoplesio-
morphs” rather than truly primitive relicts (9, 93). Sequencing has also re-
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vealed that among truly primitive lineages, such as the homosporous lycop-
sid Huperzia, most of the extant species may nonetheless be of recent origin
and trivially distinct (139); longevity of clades does not necessarily equate with
longevity of their constituent species.
establishment of self-recognition and auxin activity at the shoot apex; (b) normal
cell division, modeled as an iterative and recursive process; (c) developmen-
tal switches and cascades leading to normal tissue of epidermis, cortex, and
vascular tissues; and (d ) establishment of new shoot apices by reassignment of
self-recognition of the apex, during either bifurcation or de novo apex formation.
Although more detail is required to enable important evolutionary comparisons
with more derived taxa, conceptualizing homology as a developmental dy-
namic (as opposed to static, end-result morphology) may significantly improve
our understanding of both phylogenetic relationships and underlying develop-
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by Universidad Nacional de Colombia-sede Medellin on 05/02/07. For personal use only.
mental/evolutionary causal agents during the primary land plant radiation (127).
The resulting phylogenetic characters would be truly transformational and their
degrees of dependency truly tested (8, 9).
potential functional switching (if we transfer focus from the physical landscape
to the theoretical adaptive landscape of gene frequency variation, the latter tem-
porarily becomes a “seascape,” changing too rapidly to be tracked by changes
in gene frequencies through populations; 10). Alternatively, new habitats must
be invaded, a challenge generally requiring additional key innovations.
Overall, this model predicts a nested and fractal pattern of radiations, each
generating more species and fewer higher taxa than the last as the average degree
of phenotypic divergence between ancestor and descendant decreases. It also
implies that attempts to explain the Early Devonian increases in diversity using
adaptive landscapes (69, 89) may be misplaced; competition among plants was
restricted by their tenuous hold on the abiotic landscape, which acted as a
passive environmental filter for any viable novel phenotypes.
When compared with the above model, observed patterns of diversity suggest
that Early and Middle Devonian ecology offered weak constraints to evolution
relative to the Late Devonian, given that much of the land surface was either
uncolonized or minimally occupied by vascular plants. Potential for positive
feedbacks was also strong in areas such as nutrient cycling, creation of new re-
source spaces by morphological innovation, and the development of mutualistic
interactions with the concomitantly expanding faunas and mycotas. The con-
striction of such opportunities was probably scale-dependent, beginning within
certain resource pools while greater flexibility persisted in others. Landscape-
scale opportunities for evolutionary innovation may have remained permissive,
even when more local opportunies were becoming increasingly constrained.
stimulus to that radiation than any other synapomorphies acquired on the same
phylogenetic branch.
Following the preferred phylogeny of Kenrick & Crane (66), embryophyte
synapomorphies include multicellular sporophytes and the desiccation resis-
tance conferred by both cuticles and sporopollenin-walled spores. The func-
tional values of these characters for terrestrialization are clear, yet there is
no evidence that any or all of these characters prompted an immediate ra-
diation. This conclusion also applies to the stomates that are present in most
stomatophytes (tracheophytes plus “bryophytes” excluding liverworts), and the
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by Universidad Nacional de Colombia-sede Medellin on 05/02/07. For personal use only.
Later in the Devonian, these characters were supplemented with the develop-
ment of at least the early stages of secondary growth in perhaps five lineages (66)
and with at least the early stages of heterospory in perhaps ten lineages (9, 24).
Secondary thickening conferred the ability to exploit the vertical dimension,
which in turn allowed a switch from a patchwork of monotypic “lawns” to more
diverse nonclonal communities. Heterospory was a key precursor for more ef-
fective resourcing of propagules, facilitating more K-selective strategies. Both
are tempting as key innovations, but neither has been tested effectively in this
Annu. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 1998.29:263-292. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org
by Universidad Nacional de Colombia-sede Medellin on 05/02/07. For personal use only.
No one character can be accused of having engendered the Siluro-Devonian
radiation. Even if attempts are made to tease apart the radiation into a nested
sequence of smaller-scale radiations, key innovations are still not readily iden-
tified. It seems more likely that a critical mass of phenotypic characters accu-
mulated in several clades, eventually offering sufficient flexibility to define and
divide many niches. This process eventually generated the threshold number of
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September 28, 1998 10:15 Annual Reviews AR067-10
O2 (toward its Late Carboniferous maximum; 13, 85) should have greatly in-
creased the effective balance between photosynthesis and respiration. Thus, the
didactic distinction made by Bateman (7) between the physiological, anatomi-
cal, and morphological phases of plant evolution is revealed as simplistic.
Moreover, Bateman’s (7) attribution of the ecologically driven “behavioral
phase” of plant evolution to the post-Devonian is being progressively under-
mined as it becomes increasingly clear that paleobiologists have underesti-
mated the role of interkingdom coevolution in early terrestrial ecosystems. For
example, many enigmatic fossil taxa such as the Nematophytales (putative
liverworts of the all-important Late Silurian preservation gap) and Prototax-
ites are increasingly perceived as fungal, and Spongiophyton (from the Early
Devonian of Gaspé; 128) has a fungal architecture strongly comparable with
modern lecanoralean lichens. Also, the recognition of both mycorrhizal (135)
and saprophytic (133) fungi in the Rhynie Chert strongly supports arguments
that fungi played an important mediating role allowing plants to accommo-
date to the rigors of terrestrial life (97, 116). When its diverse carnivorous and
phytophagous arthropods (74) and representatives of the embryophyte sister
group, the aquatic charophytes (134), are also considered, the Chert graphi-
cally illustrates that understanding the origin and early diversification of the
land flora requires consideration of relationships among kingdoms, as well as
relationships among classes and orders within Plantae.
Despite recent successes, additional reconstructions of fossil species, and
genuinely worldwide floristic treatments of Siluro-Devonian plant communities
and habitats, are badly needed. Nonetheless, even the available data are consid-
erably better than those underpinning the much-vaunted studies of the marine
Cambrian “explosion” of animal life, and at the level of exceptionally preserved
Lagerstätten, the terrestrial Rhynie Chert undoubtedly ranks alongside the ma-
rine Burgess Shale (11, 18, 33, 55). Devonian ecosystems evidently constitute
an excellent working laboratory for studying the relationships between the form
and function of organisms during profound evolutionary radiations—especially
primary radiations that occur across an ecologically undersaturated landscape
and in a strongly nonuniformitarian environment.
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Sato, Sandra Nagl, Colm O'hUigín 1