What Are Human Values
What Are Human Values
What Are Human Values
• Inner agitation stops and we are left feeling peaceful. When there is
peace in the individual, there will be peace in the family, when there is
peace in the family, there will be peace in the community. In order to
learn self esteem, calmness and freedom from anxiety are necessary.
• Learning to speak the truth is a first and vital step in the formation of strong
• Telling lies hurts ourselves as well as others in a subtle, but very real way.
• One great distinction between humankind and the rest of the animal kingdom
is the ability to choose how to behave, rather than just to follow the lower
instincts (the law of the jungle).
Truth -Using the power of intellect (Conti.)
• A human being is also able to recognize past, present and future and
to take note of changes occurring over time.
• Short term pain, long term gain. Choosing to refer to this higher level
of awareness and to consciously exercise moderation in our behavior
leads to better health and greater contentment.
• The value of truth can also be taught through story telling which
promotes curiosity, optimism, fairness to all and noble ideals. It also
aids the understanding of the value of hones speech and self-analysis.
Right Conduct - Using the tool of the body
• Information is received through the five senses, i.e. smell,
taste, sight, touch and hearing.
• When the former four values are practiced (i.e. the conscious
mind is keenly aware, love is flowing, there is peace and action
are right) and life is lived without harming or violating anything
(b) then, taking specific actions:
What actions can I naturally take when I am
working from my spiritual theme and the Human