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Pumpkins. Growing Giant Pumpkins in The Home Garden

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Growing Giant Pumpkins In The Home Garden, HYG-1646-94 http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1646.


Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet

Department of Horticulture and Crop Science
2001 Fyffe Court, Columbus, OH 43210-1096

Growing Giant Pumpkins In The Home Garden


David A. Mangione
Pickaway County Extension


Growing giant pumpkins can be a fascinating experience. Before you can master the art of growing a giant,
however, you must be familiar with the basic principles of growing pumpkins. This information can be found
in the Extension FactSheet entitled "Growing Squash and Pumpkins in the Home Garden" (HYG-1620).
Once you have become familiar with this information, you are ready to try your hand at growing a GIANT!

Fertilizer and Lime

Always apply lime and fertilizers based on soil test recommendations. Providing adequate nutrients
throughout the growing season will insure healthy, vigorous vines, not to mention large pumpkins. Granular
fertilizers should be applied as a broadcast application over the soil surface and incorporated into the soil 4 to
6 inches deep a few days ahead of setting out your transplants. Giant pumpkin vines require approximately 2
pounds nitrogen (N), 3 pounds phosphorous (P2O2) and 6 pounds potash (K2O) per 1,000 square feet of
growing space. The addition of organic matter (manure, etc.) to the garden is important to establish good soil

A foliar feeding program should be started after pollination and fruit set have occurred. There are several
foliar fertilizers available. Follow label directions and continue application throughout the growing season.

Planting and Space Requirements

Growing giant pumpkins requires an early start. Seeds should be sown individually and started indoors in
12-inch peat pots about the end of April. A well balanced potting medium is recommended. Plants are ready
for transplanting when the first true leaf is fully expanded. This is usually 10 to 14 days after seeding.

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Growing Giant Pumpkins In The Home Garden, HYG-1646-94 http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1646.html

Transplants can be protected from late spring frost using a floating row cover.

Growing space in the garden is important. Each plant should be allowed approximately 2,500 square feet.
This area may sound quite large, but it is essential for vine growth. Pumpkins prefer long hours of sunlight, so
select your garden site accordingly. Avoid shaded areas and select an area with good surface and internal


Pumpkins are shallow rooted, so water slowly with at least one inch of water per week if rainfall is not
adequate. More water may be required during hot, windy summer days. Water during morning or early
afternoon hours so foliage dries by evening. This helps prevent the spread of leaf diseases.

Trickle irrigation is best, but soaker hoses also work well. Overhead sprinklers are effective; however, wet
foliage increases the chance of disease, especially mildew.


If planting is done in a well-prepared bed, weeds will seldom be a problem and can be controlled by
hand-weeding or hoeing. Continue to remove weeds until the vines cover the ground. At this time, the dense
foliage will shade out most weeds.

Plastic mulches are very effective for controlling weeds. Plastic mulches also warm the soil, and can maintain
good soil moisture levels. The plastic can be installed when the soil is in good planting condition, any time
from a few days to 2 to 3 weeks before planting. If you do not use plastic, pumpkins will benefit from organic
mulches applied in the summer after the soil has warmed.

When summer mulching materials are used, such as straw, additional nitrogen is recommended. Mix one
tablespoon of ammonium sulfate, calcium nitrate, or nitrate of soda per one bushel of mulch. Apply once or
twice during the early growing season. A complete fertilizer that is high in nitrogen may be substituted for
any of the above. Apply the fertilizer when the mulch is moist.

Herbicides are also available for weed control. However, only a trained and licensed applicator should apply
these materials.


Windbreaks are necessary to protect young plants that are not fully rooted. Windbreaks should be positioned
on plants most susceptible to southwest winds until late June when side-runners are 3 to 4 feet long. The use
of a snow fence and burlap can make an excellent windbreak. Covering the vines at each node with soil will
help anchor vines down and promote secondary root development.

Insects and Diseases

The planting site of your plants should be rotated each year to reduce the incidence of insect and disease
pressure. Without a regular spray program for insects and diseases, your success rate for producing a giant
pumpkin can be significantly reduced. An insect and disease control program must be initiated at
transplanting. Insects are the primary vectors for transmitting viruses. Once a viral infection has occurred,
there is no way to stop it. There are several pesticides recommended for insect and disease control. Check
with your local Extension agent for current rates and compounds. You may refer to Ohio Vegetable

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Growing Giant Pumpkins In The Home Garden, HYG-1646-94 http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1646.html

Production Guide (Bulletin 672) for current pesticide recommendations. The licensed pesticide applicator
will have more options regarding insecticides and fungicides available to them.


Although hand pollination is the preferred method to fruit setting, natural pollination by bees will work well.
Hand pollination allows for a more controlled genetic cross. Do not begin pollinating until the plant has
approximately 200 leaves. Initially it is recommended to allow only 4 to 6 pumpkins per plant. Once
pumpkins reach volleyball size, trim back to one pumpkin. The more you reduce the competition for
nutrients, the greater your success rate will be for achieving a giant size pumpkin.

Stem Stress

Because of the size and fast growth of these pumpkins, training vines and root pruning is important. This will
prevent stem breakage and splitting. While the pumpkin is basketball size, curve the vine 80 to 90 degrees
away from the fruit. About 3 feet out from the fruit, curve the vine back in the general direction it was
headed. Clip roots 3 feet out on the vine. This will allow the vine to easily move upward as the pumpkin
grows. Pumpkins long in shape tend to push the vine forward, resulting in a kink. If this happens, slide the
pumpkin back about 4 to 5 inches - this is usually necessary when the pumpkin is about 300 pounds.
Pumpkins round in shape are difficult to rotate without damaging the stem.


To protect the pumpkin from direct sunlight, construct a shade out of burlap or other lightweight material.
This will prevent premature hardening of the outer skin and will allow the pumpkin to reach its full genetic
potential in terms of physical size.


Be sure to select plant varieties that have the genetics to attain large size. Check seed catalogs and garden
centers for possible giant pumpkin seed cultivars.


Pumpkins should be harvested when they have a deep, solid color and the rind is hard. The vines are usually
dying back at this time. Cover during a light frost and avoid leaving pumpkins out during a hard freeze to
prevent softening.

Refer to the Extension FactSheet "Growing Squash and Pumpkins in the Home Garden" (HYG-1620) for
more detailed information on storage.

All educational programs conducted by Ohio State University Extension are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis
without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, age, disability or Vietnam-era veteran

Keith L. Smith, Associate Vice President for Ag. Adm. and Director, OSU Extension.

TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868

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Growing Giant Pumpkins In The Home Garden, HYG-1646-94 http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1646.html

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