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Green Beans

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Green Bean Production  

By Henry G. Taber
Extension Vegetable Specialist
Department of Horticulture  
Iowa State University
Updated: March 2009  

Green beans are a warm weather crop but they

require a short growing season. The major
production in the United States is located in
Wisconsin, western New York, and Oregon.
They have been grown in quantity all along the
Atlantic coastal plain and in the Midwest from
Arkansas up through Minnesota and Wisconsin, generally the eastern Corn Belt. A problem we
have in the Great Plains occasionally is the lack of moisture for successful production. Also,
temperatures may be too high during certain parts of the growing season. Thus, irrigation is a
necessity for long term successful production. The largest risk for green bean growers is a
stable market with good prices. A grower must establish a market before planting which may be
wholesale, such as through grocery stores or institutions, or retail through farmers markets or
roadside stands. Production risks are weather related, mainly high temperatures in July and wet
weather interfering with harvest or causing pod diseases.

Management of successful green or snap bean production involves two phases: 1) scheduled
planting to maintain continuous supply through the harvest period, and 2) timely harvesting
when beans are peak quality.

For up-to-date information on varieties and pest management obtain FG-600, titled "Midwest
Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers", from your local county extension office
or from Extension Distribution Center, Printing and Publications Bldg., Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa 50011. You may also access the publication online my using the link on the ISU
commercial vegetable homepage at: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~taber/Extension/index.htm

Soil Site Selection

Green beans can be successfully grown on sandy loam, or coarser, to silt loam soils. Sandy
soils will allow earliness but irrigation is essential. The soil should be well-drained and level for
ease of mechanical harvesting. A heavy soil, such as a silty clay loam, that is poorly drained is
not suitable for green bean production because root rot could be a big problem. Green beans
will drop their blossoms under wet soil conditions.

Green beans are shallow rooted with most of the root absorbing surface in the top foot of the
soil so irrigation is necessary for top quality production, particularly in the western regions of the
University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
state. Bean rotation should follow a grain crop, such as wheat or corn. Do not follow legumes as
disease problems, particularly Pythium, are prevalent. Generally, three years of non legume
crops between bean plantings is recommended. Further, do not plant fall beans behind a spring
crop of broccoli or cauliflower.

The soil pH should be between 6.0 and 6.5. In the western part of the state, soil pH may
approach 8.0, reducing zinc (Zn) availability. Micronutrient availability can be tested by plant
analysis coupled with soil tests. Green beans are a low user of nutrients and do not require high
amounts. If beans follow corn, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) levels are usually ample for
top production. A maintenance recommendation might be 50 pounds of P205 (phosphate) and
50 pounds of K20 (potash) per acre broadcast and disked in prior to planting. Or, you could
apply the fertilizer in a 3 X 2 band at seedling. Be extremely careful to check equipment as
beans are highly susceptible to soluble salt injury, a result of placing the fertilizer too close to
the germinating seed row. A high soil test for P and K would require no fertilization.

Green beans are a legume and do fix some needed nitrogen (N) but the N fixing bacteria are
not as active as with other legumes. Inoculation is not practical. Therefore, an N addition is
usually helpful. Use about 30 pounds of N per ace, applied early when first trifoliate leaf is
visible. Do not apply too much N. Some varieties become too bushy and few flower buds will
set. Check with your seedsman. Sandy soils, under high rainfall conditions, may need a second
N application at the bud stage.

There are two major types: bush or pole beans. Bush are short, erect plants (determinate) that
grow 1-2 feet with a uniform pod set. Variety examples are Greencrop (flat pod or generally
referred to as Kentucky wonder types) and Strike, a round or oval pod (referred to as bush blue
lake types).

Pole beans are trained on poles, fence, or string and grow 7-8 feet in height and bear fruit
continuously (indeterminate). An example would be Kentucky blue.

University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
Days to Disease
Variety Pod Color Maturity resistance Comments

Provider Med-green 52 cbmv, pm A consistent producer, home garden

Bronco Med-green 53 cbmv Excellent quality

Benchmark Med-green 59 cbmv High yield

Festina Dk-green 54 cbmv Straight pods, low fiber

Hialeah Lt-green 53 cbmv Excellent quality, concentrated set

Strike MdLt-green 55 cbmv Mechanical harvest – standard variety

BBLake 274 MdLt-green 60 cbmv Popular garden variety

Fortex Dk-green 60 cbmv Pole bean, excellent flavor

Ky Blue Med-green 58 cmbv Pole bean, old time standard

cbmv = common bean mosaic virus, pm = powdery mildew

For bush bean variety evaluation results from the Muscatine Island Research Farm go to:

When: Green beans are warm season crop and frost sensitive and should not be planted until
the temperature at the 2-inch depth is greater than 55 oF. Optimum temperature for seed
emergence is 77 oF. If the soil is too cool, you will have uneven emergence, resulting in uneven
harvest. Also, under cool, wet conditions green beans are very susceptible to root rot infections,
such as Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and Fusarium. The Provider variety is one of the better ones that
will germinate under low soil temperatures.

Generally, mid-May is the suitable time in most of Iowa. Sequence plant for once-over
mechanical harvest of high yield and quality. The quality may be present for only one or two
days. Also, optimum growth of the bean plant and yield occurs between 65 and 85 oF. There are
usually problems with production if the mean temperature is greater than 85 oF. High
temperature interferes with pollination, resulting in blossom drop, crooked or deformed pods due
to the lack of ovule development. Pods become fibrous and poorly formed. When daytime
temperatures turn cooler new flowers form which set new pods. This is called split set where
two different stages of maturity occur on the plant which is undesirable. Therefore, some

University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
western areas of Iowa may be too hot in late July for satisfactory bean production. However, in
western Iowa late July seeding for the fall crop have produced the highest yields and quality.

Seed Rate: This is dependent on seed size and desired plant population. The amount of seed
varies from 50 to 90 pounds per acre, more commonly 60 to 80 pounds.

Row width varies from 30 to 38 inches depending on harvesting equipment. The main
harvesters are manufactured to handle 30-32 up to 38-inch row widths, depending on the type
of machine. In-row plant spacing varies from 6 to 8 plants per foot – generally, 8 or possibly 9
plants on sandy soil when irrigated and 6 plants per foot on heavy silt loam soil without
irrigation. Be sure you check the correct seeding rate for the selected variety because over-
seeding leads to lodging, pod rot, pod breakage, and harvested trash. There has been some
work with high density production, plant populations up to 175,000 plants per acre, but this has
not been completely accepted because of a number of cultural problems, such as high disease

Example of Seed Required:

Row width = 30 inches

Plants per foot of row = 6

Plants per acre at the spacing = approximately 104,000

Seeds per pound: Bronco at 1,700 seeds per pound (read tag for actual number)

Germination = 90%

Pounds of seed required per acre = 68 pounds

i.e. 104,000/1700/0.9 = 67.9 lbs/acre

Note: seed cost is a major component of acreage expense. Most seed is sold by the 1000 (M)
rather than pound. Thus, in our example at a seed cost of $2.45 per M our cost per acre would
be $254.80 per acre.

The high plant population is based on requirements of top management under conditions of high
fertility and irrigation to produce high uniformity and maturity in grade for mechanical harvesting.

Depth: One to 2 inches. Plant deeper on sandy soils and for fall plantings. Use a depth of about
one inch on silt loams with irrigation. Drive slowly – about 2 to 3 miles per hour to avoid seed
coat cracking with plate planters. Green beans are fragile. Dropping seed bags or rough
handling will cause cracking of the seed coat resulting in poor emergence and deformed plants
(bald headed).

University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
Because green beans are shallow rooted, they will need to have adequate moisture for top
production. The most critical time is the blossom and bud development through pod set period.
Green beans are particularly susceptible to blossom drop under water stress, causing a split
set. Recommended application on loams to silt loam soils would be 1 ¼ inches of water per
week unless rainfall supplies that amount. For sandy soils, more frequent application with lesser
amounts at each application are necessary. To avoid excessive costs and over watering, use
soil water measuring techniques, such as tensiometers or watermarks coupled with a water
budget balancing sheet incorporating evapotranspiration (ET) criteria. See the tensiometer tips
fact sheet at; http://www.public.iastate.edu/~taber/Extension/Second.htm. Irrigation practices
will give more consistent yields from year to year.

0 0

12” 12”

24” 10 24”


Note, from the above diagram:

• shallow rooted: 70% roots in top 12”
• need 1 ½” water per week
• critical time = bud development to pod set
• Silt loam would have a 10 day capacity
(2”/foot, 50% usable, rooting depth 2’, ET = .2/day)

University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
Pest Management
For the latest recommendations refer to FG 600, Midwest Guide for Commercial Vegetable
Growers mentioned in the introduction on the first page.

Pod damage from bean leaf beetle feeding Adult bean leaf beetle

Major insect pests are: bean leaf beetle, and to a lesser extent corn borer, aphids, spider mites.

Major diseases are: root rots, white mold

(Sclerotinia), gray mold (Botrytis) and
bacterial blight.

To reduce disease incident consider the following:

• maintain good air drainage, avoid narrow rows

• avoid plant injury
• avoid over fertilization and frequent irrigation
• control weeds (source of inoculum)
• rotate with small grains or corn
• incorporate debris immediately following harvest so soil microorganisms can feed on
• apply fungicides as flowering, if needed, to ensure good coverage of blossoms
University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
There are many good herbicides available for weed management.

Weed Control Options for Green Beans

Product Ppi Pre Post REI (PHI)

Treflan 4E Yes No No 12 hr
Eptam 7E Yes Yes No 12 hr
Dual II Magnum Yes Yes No 24 hr
Prowl 3.3EC Yes Yes No 24 hr
Command 3ME No Yes No 12 hr (45)
Dacthal 75W Yes Yes No Dry
Sandea 75WSG No Yes Yes 12 hr (30)
Basagran 4SL No No Yes 48 hr (30)
Poast 1.5E No No Yes 12 hr (15)
Assure II 0.88E No No Yes 12 hr (15)
Raptor No No Yes 4 hr
Reflex No No Yes 24 hr (30)
REI = re-entry interval, (PHI) = pre-harvest interval, i.e. required days between last application
and harvest.

Efficacy of selected product

Product Grass Broadleafs Escapes
Treflan 4E Good Poor Good = P,Pu,L
Eptam 7E Good Poor Good = P,Pu
Dual II Magnum Good Poor Good = N,P,Pu
Prowl 3.3EC Good Poor Good = L,P,Pu
Command 3ME Good Good Poor = N,P,J
Dacthal 75W Good None Fair = L,P,Pu
Sandea 75WSG Poor Good Poor = Pu,J
Basagran 4SL None Good Poor = N,P,R

University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
Poast 1.5E Good None
Assure II 0.88E, Good None
Raptor Good Good Poor = FP, R
Reflex None None Good = N, R
FP = fall panicum, J = jimsonweed, L = lambsquarters, N = nightshade, P = pigweed, Pu =
purslane, R = ragweed

Harvest generally occurs 50 to 60 days from planting and 15 to 18 days following full bloom
although temperatures will affect this time period. Sieve size measurements are used to
determine when to mechanically harvest. This is highly dependent on variety. For example,
some varieties are harvested when 50% of the beans are in sieve size 4. The sieve size is
essentially a graduated series of openings of standard dimensions in a screen through which
the beans will or will not pass. Sieve sizes are standard throughout the processing industry.
The key as to how fast the beans will mature from one sieve size to another is the fiber and
seed content. Generally, under most conditions and for most varieties, size 4 represents the
optimum combination of a relatively large size, but yet a relatively low seed and fiber content.
Some varieties, such as the Bush Blue Lake, can become larger without an increase in seed
and fiber content. Thus, Bush Blue Lake 47 is harvested when 20 to 25% of the beans are sieve
size 5.

Mechanical harvesting with a one-row, tractor drawn harvester of a determinate, concentrated

set green bean variety. Attention to maturity rate, bean sieve size, and equipment parameters
as screens and fan speed are very important.

University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
Sieve size No. 4, ideal for harvest. Sieve size > No.4, large seed, high fiber

Beans may be stored at 42 to 45 oF and at 95% relative humidity for about one week before
quality begins to deteriorate. If the temperature is lowered to below 40 oF, chilling injury will
occur in the form of surface pitting and russet blotches on the pods. Also, once brought to room
temperature, rapid decay will occur. Further, beans are ethylene-sensitive so do not place them
in storage with vegetables or fruit that generate ethylene, i.e. apples, muskmelons, etc.

For fresh market measurements, a bushel is about 28 pounds.

Boxed after water drained thoroughly Cooler storage for shipping in marked boxes

University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 
Costs per Acre (Kansas State University, Iowa Growers – estimate only)

Variable Costs – Machine Harvest, 250 bushel/acre

Land charge $275
Fertilizer 80
Seed (104M) 254
Herbicide, insecticide 62
Fuel and oil 55
Repairs 85
Cartons @ 1.25 ea 338
Packaging 160
Labor (quite variable) 525
TOTAL $1834

Note: no depreciation taken for machinery, buildings

Returns @ $10.00/bu (average wholesale price)

Yields can range from a low of < 30 bu/acre (hot, dry conditions without irrigation) to >300
bu/acre with irrigation. Comparable processing yields might be 6 to 7 tons/acre.

Yield Gross Net Income

100 bu 1000 - 834

150 bu 1500 -334

200 bu 2000 166

250 bu 2500 666

. . . and justice for all

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs
and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability,
political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases
apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for
ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights,
Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC
20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964.

Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation
with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Jack Payne, director,
Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.
University Extension 
Horticulture Department , (515) 294‐2751, taber at e‐mail @iastate.edu  
Copyright © 2008, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. 

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