Ebook - Mind Power
Ebook - Mind Power
Ebook - Mind Power
mppoorrttaanntt N
There has been every attempt made to ensure that the techniques listed in this
step-by-step manual are legal, honest, accurate and up-to-date. The publisher
however can accept no responsibility for any inaccuracy that may appear. There is
also no form of warranty made or implied by this publication and the publisher
hereby disclaims any and all liability to any user for loss or damage of any and
whatsoever nature however it arises, whether it is as a consequence of omission,
error, inaccuracy or any other cause.
Everest Publications
Publisher’s Note 6
Author’s warning 8
Introduction 10
Final recommendations 67
Conclusion 68
Then where the above precept has disappeared? Why people are
unhappy? Why human is not contented he/she does not get
satisfaction and fulfilment? The writer of this book has aimed to
discover the principles of life and how one can travel free of any
ailment on the journey of life from birth until death.
This book does not merely contain the gist from another books
but is has an author’s reflective as well as analytical thinking
with which every reader can benefit and learn the science of
the Mind Power.
Nir Rana
CEO of Everest Publications
United Kingdom
In the next few minutes, you are going to learn how to develop
and use these fantastic possibilities that are dormant within
each one of us. The techniques of remote influence, that you
will soon get to know, will allow you to perform remarkable
feats that you would never believed possible.
Soon, you will see your own life, and theirs, literally
transformed, becoming with every passing day. You will also see
your deepest wishes come true, even those you have had for
many years and thought would never be realized.
When you have read every word in this book, you will at last
have realized the amazing possibilities that are locked within
Arjun’s pride would not let him take back his arrogant words,
and he could not avoid the challenge. So raising his bow he
loosened an arrow at his opponent. To his amazement the
stranger brushed his arrow aside. When Arjun had tried all his
arrows, he drew his sword but the stranger instantly disarmed
and held him in an iron grip like a helpless child. Disarmed and
unable to move Arjun closed his eyes and humility took place of
arrogance and with passionate sincerity he prayed to the Gods
to save him from his helpless plight.
In the story, Lord Shiva says, “I wanted to help you but you
would not listen. You thought you could do everything unaided.
Did you think the powers which created you had abandoned you?
I wanted to give you superior weapons but you would not listen
or ask me until I made you helpless”.
Whhaatt EEvveerryyoonnee SShhoouulldd KKnnooww AAbboouutt H
aanndd SSeellff H
The middle of 20th century will go down in history as the period
in which HYPNOTISM emerged as a science. Earlier it had been
some thing of a mystical art and was not considered quite
respectable. This attitude was the result of ignorance.
There are however, applications in the other fields that are not
familiar to most people such as its application in Advertising and
Selling, Business management and Public Relations, Personality
Development, Education/Sports, Criminal Investigation and Law
Enforcement. When hypnotism is employed in such areas it is
applied more as an educational modality than a medical tool,
and is not considered to be governed by the restrictions of
medical practice. These are called Non-Medical applications.
Sir Churchill once asked if a certain man had the ability to relax
and on hearing that he had not, remarked “he will not last”.
This comment could be made on many businessmen. Nervous
strain is inseparable from positions of responsibility today, and
stress complaints are now occupational risks of those in
executive positions.
The conscious mind does the thinking and “willing” and behind
the curtain (which separates these two minds) the unconscious
mind working quietly in the background, regulates, the major
parts of the activities necessary for living. It transforms food
and oxygen into the tissues and energy. It regulates the routine
functions, coordinating the activities of all the organs of the
body; the heart stomach, liver, lungs etc. It superintends the
maintenance and repairs which the body requires broken bones
will knit, torn flesh will heal, antitoxins, will be manufactured
to combat fevers and in additional to this, the unconscious mind
also controls almost all the functions of the physical and
emotional life. It has absolute power over the routine functions.
Nature, it has been said, would not trust man to digest his food
by his own efforts, because through his carelessness or
forgetfulness he will soon starve to death. The unconscious
mind, with robot like efficiency controls all the organic
functions of the body and consciously man is unaware of all this
complex inner activity.
(Left Hemisphere) (Right Hemisphere)
You feel that your work is not being recognized and that you
are underpaid. By using these remote influence techniques, you
will finally get what you deserve.
Every time you want to make love, your wife finds every
excuse possible. The situation is becoming increasingly
intolerable. What can you do? You think you have already tried
every thing, but if you use MIND POWER Remote Influence
Techniques, you will have every chance of the success.
IIss M
Moonneeyy O
Onnee ooff YYoouurr M
Maajjoorr PPrreeooccccuuppaattiioonnss??
How can you manage to have more,
so that you can live better and more
comfortably, with no need to worry
about tomorrow? When you apply the
remote influence technique, you will
learn how to attract money to you.
Do you think that people who earn
four times as much as you do are
smarter than you? No, however, they
do know and use certain secrets to
obtain what they want. In a very short time, you too will be able
to attract money to you and live a life of ease.
That’s quite understandable. But don’t let that stop you. TRY
IT! Action is the essential ingredient for you success.
After using this technique for only 15 days, I noticed that she
had grown much warmer toward me, and we made love four
times in one week, something which had never happened
before. To my great surprise, I had to admit that Charlene was
becoming more and more uninhibited with every passing day.
Today she's the one who takes the initiatives in bed. What a
transformation! It's incredible”
So why not try it, I thought. Maybe it would work. In any case, I
had nothing to lose and everything to gain. After four weeks'
practice, I was being offered a job that paid three times as
much as before, and on top of that, it was work I enjoyed.
Haavvee yyoouu eevveerr hhaadd tthhee ffeeeelliinngg tthhaatt ssoom
waass kkeeeeppiinngg tthhee ttrruutthh ffrroom m yyoouu??
If this is happening to you, do what Marry Smith did. In the
words of this young woman: “I didn't know what to do anymore.
I was desperately looking for the money that I had put aside to
pay my rent. I was sure that I'd put it in a drawer in the kitchen,
and it seemed like there was only one possibility ……”
Think of all the secrets you'd like to know. All the things your
neighbours don't tell you. Perhaps something your partner is
hiding from you, or what your friends really think about you. In
future, they will reveal all their secrets to you. And they'll do
this without being asked, without ever knowing why.
Here's another example. You go to your bank ask for a loan. The
bank manger looks at your files, smiles, but replies. “I'm sorry
but you don't satisfy our credit requirements right now.” At that
very moment, you use the secret that I will reveal to you
Heerree iiss w
whhaatt tthhee bbaannkk m
maannggeerr w
wiillll ddoo::
After a few moments’ silence, for no apparent reason, he
suddenly changes his tone and adds: I’m going to personally
arrange for to you get this loan. I’m going to personally arrange
for you to get this loan. Come back and see me tomorrow
Today, you too can benefit from all the blessings and benefits
that this method can bring. It’s really true: this secret method
of influencing others can get you all you want. All you need to
do is adapt the method to your own situation, to your own
needs, and from then on, your life will be transformed, just like
those whose stories I’ve just told.
I’m sure you’ve already noticed that when you are in contact
with calm people, you become calm yourself, and that when you
are with nervous people, you become nervous too. This can
happen without a word being spoken. It is purely because you
are receiving that person’s vibrations, both positive and
negative ones.
w ddoo ssuucchh iinnfflluueenncceess ooccccuurr??
Mind has an all powerful control over matter; not only over your
body, but also over the bodies and minds of others. Do you
know that doctors consider that 80% of all illnesses are
psychosomatic, that is, provoked by the patient’s own thoughts?
Even diseases such as cancer often have a psychosomatic origin,
since the power of our minds over our bodies is almost
You’ve seen a girl you like very much and you think about her a
lot. What will happen? To begin, with your thoughts will form
themselves into a kind of concentrated mass, first inside you,
The more sensitive and respective she is, the easier she will be
to influence. The more affinity there is between you, the fewer
barriers you will have to overcome. This is why love occurs so
often between complementary or similar people. “Like attracts
This man has devoted his entire life to hypnotism and remote
influence. He performed miracles simply because he is a master
of the art of influencing others.
Here are the secrets that he reveals in his book “The Rational
Method of Remote Influence, published by Niclaus.”
This is the advice Mr. Reant gives to his students who wish to
attain the effect of remote influence.
When your mind is emptied of every other thought, all its power
is reserved for action. With Mind Power Techniques, you will
discover how to calm your metal activity and render it totally
Uri Geller claims that we all have the power to do what he does,
to a greater or lesser degree. He defines himself as the
revealers of these phenomena.
He wants to show the average man and woman what the human
mind is capable of. This is the method that Uri Geller uses to
remote influence, whether on an object or a human being.
J. Pierre Girard is a man in his forties who has been the subject
of much scientific research. Among those who have studied his
powers are Professor John B. Hasted, Professor H. Bender and
the famous physicist, Oliver Costa de Beauregard.
““TThhee ppoow
weerr ooff tthhee iimmaaggiinnaattiioonn aallw
waayyss hhaass pprreecceeddeennccee oovveerr tthhee
ppoow e r o f th e w
wer of the will.” i l l . ”
Right now, you are going to learn to cultivate this talent that
you already possess within you. This power is more or less
developed from one individual to the next. But with the right
training, everyone can achieve excellent results. Just as
exercise develops the muscles, the appropriate training will
make you a master of the art of remote influence.
How can you hope to obtain anything at all if you don’t want it
badly enough? Desire is the spark which lights the fire without
which nothing is possible. The desire to obtain something will
set off a powerful force within you that is capable of producing
miracles. The stronger your desire, and the more sustained it
is, the more certain it is being realized. When it comes to
remote influence, desire is the basis of all actions.
The second question that you must ask yourself, which in fact
follows from the answer you give to the first is “Does this desire
truly flow from my inner being?
This kind of person is much sought after for his advice and his
tremendous ability to resolve problems. He imposes his will
upon others effortlessly and these people seek his company for
the sense of security he gives them.
On the other hand, the person who does not possess his quality
is constantly preyed to failure. For such a person, no matter
how many other qualities he may possess, success is the
You have to develop discipline; the firmer it is, the more quickly
you will succeed. For example, you have met a man you would
like to know more intimately; maybe you’re even fallen in love
with him. Unfortunately, he does not share your feelings at all.
At that moment, you have two solutions; you either say that it is
impossible, and you give up, or you persevere and you discipline
yourself in order to obtain what you want. What will you do in
such a case?
Every time you meet this charming person, you will make an
effort to put on your very best face: you’ll be smiling and full of
affection and charm. Little by little, you will notice that the
man you adore is starting to pay more and more attention to you
until; finally, he invites you out to dinner.
3. Action
w ttoo m
moovvee iinnttoo aaccttiioonn??
Let’s take the example of this method or of any other book that
promises to enrich your life. “Never be satisfied just with
reading: apply what you read”.
1. Doubt
AA m
miirraaccllee ffoorrm
muullaa ffoorr ccoonnqquueerriinngg ddoouubbtt
All great men, at one time or another, have uttered the phrase
that you are about to discover. It possesses magnificent,
extraordinary virtues. Throughout the centuries, in many
civilizations, the power of these few words has been
demonstrated time and time again.
Have you ever noticed that when you look at depressing and
ugly things, it is as if you were impregnated with their flavour,
and that every time this happens, you feel unhappy and more
If you continually try to see the good side of things, you will
become increasingly enthusiastic and will gain more and more
confidence in yourself. By continuing to act in this way, you will
eliminate doubt from your life. Furthermore, the more you look
on the good side of things, the more these things will
impregnate you with their positive power, and attract even
more positive events towards you. The simple phrase “attempt
to see the good side of things!” is one of the keys to happiness
in your life.
2. Fear
AA m
miirraaccllee ffoorrm
muullaa ffoorr ccoonnqquueerriinngg ffeeaarr
Why be afraid? You possess within you all the ingredients for
success. Everything is possible if you apply the principles
contained in this method. Try and you will see that what I am
saying here is absolutely correct. So why be afraid?
You have certainly noticed that when you are afraid, it becomes
more difficult to breathe, that you need more air, and this is
why, when you are afraid, the best thing is to first of all breathe
deeply and calmly.
3. Fatigue
Remote influence needs a body and mind that are rested and
alert. At such a moment, your thoughts have all the strength
they need for you to exert a powerful action. When you are
tired, it is more difficult to concentrate. You find everything
distracting, and sometimes you even tend to fall asleep. If this
happens to you, go to sleep and start again when you wake up.
Don’t worry, you will wake up quite naturally when you are
rested, and afterwards, you will be extremely efficient once
Every time you feel tired, rest and if possible, sleep. Don’t find
all kind of excuses such as “I still have to do such and such.”
No. Rest first and do it afterwards. In any case, you know very
well that when you are tired, it takes you twice as long to do
the same work. When you feel overcome by fatigue and
sleepiness, lie down and have a nap. Maybe all you need is a
quarter or a half-hour sleep. This will do you so much good that
you will more than make up for the lost time, no matter what
you have to do.
Have you ever noticed that when you are tired, you can’t
sustain your concentration, and nothing seems to work? Don’t
keep on trying, take nap! Don’t try to use remote influence
when you’re tired, because you won’t get any results. Indulge
in a short, recuperative nap and you will be totally alert and in
top shape to accomplish miracles.
When you get up in the morning, after you shower, drink a large
glass of water and practice your remote influence program,
following the principles revealed in this method.
If you are returning from work, first take a little time to wind
down and relax before beginning. If you are really hungry, eat
something light before you begin your remote influence
AA sseeccrreett tthhaatt w
wiillll hheellpp yyoouu m
maakkee yyoouurr pprrooggrraam
aa ggrreeaatt ssuucccceessss..
You now know that discipline is very important in every sphere
of life, and that remote influence is no exception. One very
important secret for success is: choose the timetable that suits
By applying the remote influence techniques that are taught in
this book, you will be able to “perform miracles.” We assure
you, however, that nothing is possible unless you discipline
yourself and, of course, unless you act.
But I’m sure that you’re not one of those people with no
courage or will-power. No. You’re one of those who want a
better life, filled with joy and satisfaction.
When you bought this method, you certainly imagined what your
life would be like if you could achieve all the knowledge, all the
possibilities, and all the powers that is promised.
Today your dream can come true. For this to happen, you just
have to apply the principles that are laid down here and – once
again – ACT!
Nothing like this book has ever been published before. All the
secrets which are revealed have always been jealously guarded
until now, reserved for a certain select minority who were
highly favoured by destiny. Today, destiny will begin to smile
on you.
When you were in high school, you were in contact with some
very average students who were nonetheless often more
successful in life than some of the very best students. The same
is true for the world of mind power - remote influence. If you
really want to, you can soon be part of the very best; with a
little discipline and patience, you will not have to wait long for
If this seems too long for you, you should at the very least aim
for a quarter of an hour per day. If you want to increase the
effectiveness of your technique, you could practice for a quarter
of an hour or half an hour twice a day, for example, once in the
morning and once in the evening.
When you are practicing, don’t force it. Take it easy! Relax!
You’re not doing body-building exercises. The more relaxed you
are, the clearer your image will be, and the better your results.
It’s obvious that the practice time we have given you is relative;
it is only an average indication. However, concrete results will
rarely be obtained if you practice less than a quarter of an hour
a day; that’s really the minimum.
This means that you will now only need a month to achieve what
previously would have taken you three months. Results come
with practice; you will soon see how true this is.
You will be able to obtain things you have always desired, and
all you have to do is apply the advice you are going to discover
in the following pages.
Not only will you not get what you wish, but all the evil you
have wished will be directed against you. That’s why it works in
Nature. This is why the ancient civilizations disappeared.
You will direct your energies toward improving your life and that
of others, and if you follow the steps I propose, you will perform
miracles and live a magnificent life filled with joy, love, success
and happiness.
Your body and mind will have reached a state of peace and
contentment. At that moment, you can start the mind power
remote influence technique with the maximum chance of
success. Let us now consider the technique of self-hypnosis,
which is capable of ridding you of all your tensions and relaxing
you completely.
10. Act with faith, desire and love. This is the only way to
truly succeed.
15. It is after this step that you will actually begin the
remote influence phase.
Let’s say that you would like to get a large sum of money. In
this case, simply visualize the sum of money that you would like
to get.
Remember, you can practice it when you wake up, before going
to sleep or at any other time during the day, if it’s impossible
for you to do it at any fixed times. But for more precise
instructions, refer back to the section “the best times of the day
to practice remote influence”.
The same is true for remote influence itself. At first, you will
need a relatively long time to obtain what you wish.
The more you practice, the more you will obtain rapid,
spectacular results. You will often find it difficult to believe,
but one day the time will come when it will all happen very
quickly, since your mind will have become very efficient. One
simple thought will be enough to produce the influence.
w ttoo m
maakkee yyoouurr cchhiillddrreenn bbeeccoom
mee qquuiieett aanndd
Your children do just as they please and you can’t get them to
do anything at all, no matter how much you talk to them. Begin
by mentally visualizing your child in a calmer state; if you gave
several, visualize them one after the other. Do this for each
child for no more than fifteen minutes in each session.
w ttoo rreeccoovveerr aa lloosstt lloovvee??
Your husband is cheating on you and refuses to talk about it.
First of all visualize your husband, and imagine him in love with
you, if you possibly can. Once this image has formed in your
mind, send your message and imagine that it is entering his
mind through the space between his eyes.
w ttoo eeaassee ppaaiinn iinn yyoouurrsseellff aanndd ootthheerrss??
Certain famous healers use the remote influence technique you
are going to learn and are able to perform real miracles.
Here is how you can have the same success: if you have a photo
of the sick person, take it in your hands and stare at it hard.
When you feel that you have captured the image clearly, close
your eyes. If you don’t have a photo, go directly to the next
step. Now form a mental image of the person in the photo.
When your mental image is clear, there are two choices
w ttoo iinnccrreeaassee yyoouurr eeaarrnniinnggss??
You would like your bank account to grow by $2000, $5,000,
$20,000 or more. Imagine that you already possess this sum of
money, and feel all the joy that it would bring you. Visualize
very clearly the sum of money that you want to have. When you
have formed a clear image of this, repeat the following formula
to yourself for ten to fifteen minutes: “In six months, I will have
over $6000 in my bank account”. (Or any other amount of
money you would like to have).
w ttoo ggeett aa llooaann tthheeyy ddiiddnn’’tt w
waanntt ttoo ggiivvee
You go into a bank to ask for a loan. The bank manager looks at
your file, smiles, but replies: “I’m sorry but you don’t satisfy our
credit requirements right now.” At that very moment, you put
yourself into a state of remote influence (that is, a calm and
relaxed state, a hypnotic state). Stare the bank manager in the
eye, and make the following message penetrate his mind
through his forehead, repeating it several times “You will give
me the loan now.”
I hope these few examples have given you a glimpse of the way
you should proceed. Obviously, you can use this method in any
other field of action.
As for the last examples, those of Huge Grant and the bank
manager, it should be pointed out that these involved more
practice and experience than the others, since the result was
produced immediately, in the space of only a few seconds. But
even there, you will easily succeed after only a few weeks of
w ttoo rreeaacchh tthhee ppeerrssoonn yyoouu lloovvee??
First, just as with all the remote influence distance techniques,
relax, and remove all tensions from your mind and body. If you
can’t manage to do this quickly, use self-hypnosis. Breathe
deeply for five minutes, and then clear your mind of every
thought that is not connected with the object of your desire.
How? Simply by ignoring them and fixing your attention on your
The first part of the operation has already been performed. You
have made contact with the person you love through the
intermediary of the photo.
If you can, agree on the time when you want to try to establish
contact with the one you love. He or she will then be able to
get into a state of relaxation at the specified time and think of
Then, imagine that you are standing in front of him or her and
that your whole being is with that person. If you know where
the person is, form a mental image of the place.
Then, as soon as you feel the link has been established, say the
person’s name and ask the following question: “WHAT ARE YOU
DOING?” Let yourself go, and above all do not analyze anything
that comes into your head. On the contrary, accept everything
that comes to you as the truth, and write it down right after the
session; if need be, share the results of your investigation with
the other person.
The part of your brain that is involved when you practice this
kind of exercise is the right hemisphere, i.e. the seat of the
The left half of the brain is the rational side, which is employed
in mathematics, judgment, analysis, and will power. Perhaps
you can now understand better why it is so harmful to analyze
and attempt to use your rational mind during these exercises.
As you practice, you will discover the thousand marvels you are
able to accomplish. As in everything else, the beginning is
always the hardest and this is why we advise you to be patient
and persevere. Your efforts will be rewarded a hundred times
Never forget:
“The only difference between a man who knows and a man who
succeeds is practice.”
Read and re-read this method. Study until you have really
understood all the techniques and principles it contains. As
soon as everything is clear to you, start practicing. You will
then begin seeing marvels that will never cease to amaze you.
Never forget that pain and fatigue are nature’s signals for
attracting our attention. Suggestions should not be to cancel out
these signals before ascertaining their cause. Do not remove
symptoms of pain fatigue unless you are sure it is wise to do so.
"Always obtain a medical opinion regarding any suspicious or
persistent pain or symptom.
All the thinking and all the analyzing should have been done
beforehand. Make and accept the suggestion you are putting to
yourself with conviction. Give yourself up to the belief that
what you are saying is sow in every respect. In the measure your
conviction will grow stronger.