Most people fail to achieve a ‘state’ of genius because they do not have the right tool to
imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive beliefs and values that
will allow them to easily and quickly access the ‘genius’ that is inside everyone alive.
Most people fail to achieve a ‘state’ of great and permanent health because they do not
have the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds all those useful, supportive
beliefs and values that will make their bodies respond with radiant, youthful health.
MOST people cannot learn "How to Think like a Millionaire" because they do not have the
RIGHT tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds the Millionaire Mind Secrets of the
millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires!
Most people cannot develop wonderful, fulfilling relationships because they do not have
the right tool to imprint into their Subconscious minds those useful, supportive beliefs
and values that will attract those relationships into their lives.
And YOUR GREATEST tool to help you accomplish all of the above and more is "SELF-
HYPNOSIS, your ability to place yourself into a deep altered (trance) states and have your
Subconscious mind totally open and ready to receive and accept your instructions and
Whatever your goal, YOUR Subconscious mind is the key to the achievement of those
goals and the BEST and fastest tool to use is Self-hypnosis.
Being able to function at will at the deepest alpha and theta levels, where YOU have quick
and easy access to your Subconscious mind is the MOST valuable tool you will ever learn.
Are you ready to learn the method used by the world's greatest geniuses, YOUR FASTEST
way to financial success, money, wealth, riches, health and happy relationships?
They FAIL because they do NOT teach you HOW TO use the deep altered (hypnotic) states
to access and reprogram the contents of your Subconscious mind.
Instead, they LIMIT you to use ONLY your Conscious mind, the same mind telling you that
you are a failure, that it is hard to make money, that you will never be rich. Changes are
superficial and temporary. And they seldom teach you HOW to identify and eliminate all
the conflicting beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors blocking your financial goals
-- without your conscious knowledge.
You can set all the creative, financial, health and relationship goals you want with your
Conscious mind. But, if your Subconscious does NOT ACCEPT them (because of
conflicting beliefs, values and rules), you will NEVER achieve them.
Self-hypnosis is your fastest way to health, financial success and is definitely the KEY to
Many are familiar with the famous Napoleon Hill and his nightly 'reunions' with his
Invisible Counselors, nine departed geniuses. In his imagination, he would hold
conversations with these geniuses asking them for their help and inspiration in changing
and reprogramming his personality weaknesses and pitfalls. Read the Chapter on "The
Sixth Sense" in his best-selling book "Think and Grow Rich". When performing this task,
Napoleon Hill was in a deep trance (hypnotic) state - even though he did not call it that
way most likely because 'hypnosis' had such a undeservedly bad reputation during those
days. And even today, many people are still too superstitious to use self-hypnosis to
achieve their goals.
In what state was Albert Einstein when he was traveling on a beam of light while trying to
formulate his "Theory of Relativity"? You guessed it. In a light or deep trance state.
Nikola Tesla, one of the world's greatest inventive geniuses, would go into that 'twilight'
state known as deep hypnosis and would start all his electromechanical inventions
working IN HIS MIND. He would come back to them days or weeks later and be able to see
the wear and tear and whatever improvements were needed, ALL IN HIS HEAD.
Leonardo DaVinci used to concentrate on the wall until going into trance in order to
connect with the Universal Source where supposedly all answers are stored.
Thomas Edison was famous for his "catnaps" during which his Subconscious MIND
would provide answers to his questions. He trained himself to operate in deep trance
without falling asleep by holding a can, yes, a metal can.
Mozart was not only great at putting himself in a trance state, he was also a great
'channeler'. During trance, he would receive his music as if someone were dictating to
him, and he was just taking notes.
The great Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff lost his touch. He underwent hypnosis
sessions. Following post-hypnotic suggestions, he wrote his Concerto #2, his most
famous work, which he dedicated to his hypnotist.
Frederick Chopin, Goethe and Metternich were serious students of Hypnosis at the
University of Strausbourg, France.
Many people are familiar with "The Treasure Island" and "Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde", works
of Robert Louis Stevenson. What you and they do not know is that every night at bedtime
he would go into trance and instruct the little "brownies" inside his head to come up with
stories that would make money for him.
The famous financier J. P. Morgan had a special table in his yacht. Whenever confronted
with a financial decision, he would get a deck of cards and play 'solitaire' games for about
an hour. After that, the answer would be clear in his mind. During all that time, he was in a
state of trance, totally concentrated on the card game, and his Subconscious was able to
find the solution without the interference of the Conscious part of his mind.
Famous financier Henry Kaiser would go into a deep trance state each night before going
to sleep and would give ASSIGNMENTS for his Subconscious mind to carry out. No
wonder he was so successful. He was using the method of the geniuses. Read about him.
In a not very distant future, genius will be regarded with a lot LESS admiration than today
because using the tools of self-hypnosis, it will become normal to operate at the genius
But at least, let me tell you that you can use self-hypnosis very easily to change your Self-
Image, improve your financial talents, abilities and capabilities and help you make more
money, improve your health dramatically, skyrocket your inventive/creative genius and
develop wonderful relationships. That should be enough to get you excited about the
possibilities of self-hypnosis.
Hypnotic trance (deep altered states) is the KEY to genius, health, wealth, love, you name
it. Once you develop the ability to hypnotize yourself AT WILL, you may reprogram your
mind in any way, shape or form you so desire.
I am talking about "going into a deep hypnotic trance". I am talking not only about
functioning at the alpha level, but also at deep theta levels with FULL CONSCIOUS
AWARENESS -- any time, anywhere, at WILL!
Sure, there are techniques like visualization, affirmations, NLP, others that you may use to
make changes in your subconscious computer. ALL these techniques are
TREMENDOUSLY AMPLIFIED when in the hypnotic trance state.
And there are many, many things that NONE of those techniques will allow you to
achieve. Only DEEP trance states will allow you to achieve them -- it is all a matter of habit
and practice.
Once you master Self-hypnosis, YOU will be using the FASTEST method known to men to
deliberately bypass your Conscious mind and implant new beliefs, values, rules directly
into the Subconscious part of your mind, make the changes you desire quickly and easily,
and set and achieve your financial goals much FASTER than before -- with the HELP of
your Subconscious mind.
By using deep altered states, you will be able to reach the deepest levels of your
Subconscious mind, change your Self-Image, TRAIN your Subconscious minds to GUIDE
YOU in achieving all your goals, and REJECT all the negative thoughts and beliefs
coming daily from many external sources.
about it in a book titled “The Einstein Factor” by Win Winger and Richard Poe, Ch. 8, pg
Dr. Rainkov stated the following: “I am able to evoke this phenomenon of
reincarnation only when the subject is in exceedingly deep trance”.
In “Trance-formations”, Richard Bandler and John Grinder in their book pg. 185-
189, talk about Deep-Trance Identification, “a state of consciousness in which the subject
assumes the identity of someone else.... one of the hardest hypnotic phenomena of all”.
Therefore, the subject MUST be put in an extremely deep trance in order to be able to
implant these new past into the subject’s mind without crashing against his previous belief
system, which includes his current identity.
After selecting the genius most appropriate to the area in which the subject wants
to excel, he/she would read and learn as much as possible about this genius. Then, Dr.
Rainkov would hypnotize him/her, not only once but many, many times during a period of
weeks, using many “reincarnation” sessions.
While in a VERY deep trance state, he would give him/her instructions to the effect
that he/she is that genius, that he/she thinks, sees, acts, produces like and has all the
talents and abilities of that genius. After a few of these sessions the subject started to
incorporate to his/her own personality, and in varying degrees, those talents and abilities
that supposedly belonged to that particular genius. There was no substitution of
Even though when under hypnosis the subject thought that he/she was that
genius, he/she did not forget who he/she was when returned to full awakening
consciousness. But his/her new talents and abilities started to explode.
Notice that the subject must FIRST learn everything possible about the personality
he/she wants to reincarnate, so that his/her Subconscious mind stores enough
information on how that personality used to think, see and act.
It would be totally useless to put you in the deepest possible trance state and tell
you that you think, see and act like Einstein and that you are Einstein. And then I bring you
out of trance only to find out that you do not have the slightest idea who this Einstein
person was and you never heard of him in your entire life. And how can your
Subconscious mind make you think, see and act like somebody IT has no previous
history about?
In Win Wenger’s “The Einstein Factor”, he presents a couple of methods that do not
go through a FORMAL hypnotic induction. Winger’s method is a more sophisticated
version of the one used by Napoleon Hill.
And contrary to what W. Wenger claims, the person using this method still goes
into a self-induced trance state, make no mistakes about it. The subject does not go through
a FORMAL induction. Still, by the very nature of the procedure, a light and maybe even
deep trance state will be achieved. Results will be much faster when using very deep
trance states.
Due to lack of training, most people are not capable of functioning consciously
EVEN at the alpha level. They fall asleep. On the other hand, geniuses operate at
much lower frequencies than most people, predominantly at the deepest alpha and theta
When you start practicing self-hypnosis you TRAIN yourself to LOWER your
brainwave frequencies so that you begin to operate at a level at which your mind will
absorb new information much quicker and more readily. And you will have access to
talents, abilities and capabilities that you did not even know you could have.
Your goal should be to keep practicing every day until you are able to function at the
deepest alpha and even theta levels WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP. The more you practice,
the deeper you will be able to go WITHOUT FALLING ASLEEP. And with a lot of practice, you
should be able to function in a deep hypnotic trance even while talking to
people and walking and moving around with your eyes “wide” open. And then, you will
be able to accomplish quire amazing things.
Albert A Cristaldo has been always interested in using deep altered (hypnotic)
states to develop genius and to achieve goals, ANY goals in ANY area quickly,
easily, as effortlessly as possible, and having fun in the process.