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The Writing Process: Prewriting Drafting

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The Writing Process

Prewriting Drafting
• Brainstorm ideas
• Choose your: • Stay focused on your topic.
Form : What kind of • Skip lines as you write.
writing are you doing? • Turn your outline into
Audience : Who will sentences and paragraphs.
read your writing? • Use transitions to help
Topic : What will you your writing flow (first,
write about? next, finally…)
Purpose : Why are you • Add details and use
writing this? descriptive words.
• Use an organizer or
make an outline

• Listen to your story-
how does it sound?
Publishing • Are your ideas in order?
• Choose a title for your • Does your writing make
work. sense?
• Use your best handwriting. • Did you use details and
• Add a picture to match strong words?
your writing. • Do your sentences have
• Share it with someone! different beginnings?

• Use CUPS to edit.
Capitals : Fix your capitals.
Usage : Did you use the words the right way?
Pun ctuation : Check for end punctuation,
apostrophes, commas and quotation marks.
Spellin g : Use a dictionary if a word looks funny.
• Have a friend, parent or teacher edit your
work, too.
• Brainstorm ideas
• Choose your:
Form :
What kind of writing are you doing?
Audience :
Who will read your writing?
Topic :
What will you write about?
Purpose :
Why are you writing this?
• Use an organizer or
make an outline
• Stay focused on your
• Skip lines as you
• Turn your outline into
sentences & paragraphs.
• Use transitions to help
your writing flow
(first, next, finally…)
• Add details and use
descriptive words.
• Listen to your story-
how does it sound?
• Are your ideas in
• Does your writing
make sense?
• Did you use details
and strong words?
• Do your sentences
have different
• Use CUPS to edit.
Capitals : Fix the capitals.
Usage : Did you use the
words the right way?
Punctuation : Check for
end punctuation,
apostrophes, commas and
quotation marks.
Spelling : Use a dictionary
if a word looks funny.
• Have a friend, parent or
teacher edit your work.
• Choose a title for
your work.
• Use your best
• Add a picture to
match your writing.
• Share it with

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