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Compression: Author: Paul Penfield, Jr. 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Url: Start: Back: Next

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Chapter 3


In Chapter 1 we examined the fundamental unit of information, the bit, and its various abstract represen-
tations: the mathematical bit, the classical bit, and the quantum bit.
A single bit is useful if exactly two answers to a question are possible. Examples include the result of a
coin toss (heads or tails), the gender of a person (male or female), the verdict of a jury (guilty or not guilty),
and the truth of an assertion (true or false). Most situations in life are more complicated. In Chapter 2
we considered some of the issues surrounding the representation of complex objects by arrays of bits. The
mapping between the objects to be represented (the symbols) and the array of bits used for this purpose is
known as a code.
In our never-ending quest for improvement, we were led to representations of single bits that are stronger,
smaller, faster, and cheaper. Following this route led to fundamental limitations imposed by quantum
mechanics. In a similar way, we want codes that are stronger and smaller. In this chapter we will consider
techniques of compression that can be used for generation of particularly efficient representations.
In Chapter 2 we looked at this general sort of a system, in which objects are encoded into bit strings, these
are transported (in space and/or time) to a decoder, which then recreates the original objects. Typically
the same code is used for a succession of objects one after another.


Input - - - Output -
(Symbols) (Arrays of Bits) (Arrays of Bits) (Symbols)

Figure 3.1: Generalized communication system

The role of data compression is to convert the string of bits representing a succession of symbols into a
shorter string for more economical transmission, storage, or processing. The result is this system, with both
a compressor and an expander. Ideally, the expander would exactly reverse the action of the compressor so
that the coder and decoder could be unchanged.
Author: Paul Penfield, Jr.
Version 1.1.0, February 12, 2004. Copyright
c 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
URL: http://www-mtl.mit.edu/Courses/6.050/notes/chapter3.pdf
start: http://www-mtl.mit.edu/Courses/6.050/notes/index.html
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Source Encoder

Source Decoder

Input- - - - - Output
(Symbols) (Arrays (Arrays (Arrays (Arrays (Symbols)
of Bits) of Bits) of Bits) of Bits)

Figure 3.2: More elaborate communication system

This approach might seem surprising. Is there any reason to believe that the same information could be
contained in a smaller number of bits? There are two types of compression, relying on different approaches:

• Lossless or reversible compression, which can only be done if the original code was inefficient, for
example by not taking into account the fact that some symbols are more frequently used than others,
or by having unused bit patterns.
• Lossy or irreversible compression, in which the original symbol, or its coded representation, cannot
be reconstructed exactly, but instead the expander produces an approximation that is ”good enough”

[This version of Chapter 3 is a draft that is not yet complete. Two detail sections have been written so far
and are attached. There is more to come.]
3.1 Detail: 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform∗ 28

3.1 Detail: 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform∗

The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is one of many transforms that takes its input and transforms it into
a linear combination of weighted basis functions. These basis functions are commonly the frequency, like
sine waves. The 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform is just a one dimensional DCT applied twice, once in the
x direction, and again in the y direction. One can imagine the computational complexity of doing so for a
large image. Thus, many algorithms, such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), have been created to speed
the computation.
The 2 dimensional DCT is defined to be

Y = CT XC (3.1)
where X is an N×N image block, Y contains the N×N DCT coefficients, and C is an N×N matrix defined
(2m + 1)nπ
Cmn = kn cos where kn = p1/N if n = 0 (3.2)
2N 2/N otherwise
where m, n = 0, 1, . . . (N − 1).
Below is the matrix C which are the basis functions of an 8×8 DCT from which weighted values of each
basis function (image block) can be added or subtracted from each other to produce an 8×8 image. We refer
to these values as DCT coefficients. When you apply the DCT to an 8×8 image, it will yield an 8×8 matrix
of weighted values corresponding to how much of each basis function is present in the original image.

Figure 3.3: Discrete Consine Transform 8×8 Basis

∗ This section is based on notes written by Joseph C. Huang, February 25, 2000.
3.1 Detail: 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform∗ 29

One can see from observation that an 8×8 image that just contains one shade of gray will consist only of a
weighted value for the upper left hand DCT basis function (the DCT basis function which has no frequencies
in the x or y direction).
The following is the MATLAB code to generate the basis functions as shown above for the 4×4, 8×8,
and 16×16 DCT.

for N = [4 8 16]; % N is the size of the NxN block being DCTed.

% For this code, it does a 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16
% Create C
C = zeros(N,N);
for m = 0:1:N-1
for n = 0:1:N-1
if n == 0
k = sqrt(1/N);
k = sqrt(2/N);
C(m+1,n+1) = k*cos( ((2*m+1)*n*pi) / (2*N));

% Get Basis Functions

for m = 0:1:N-1
for n = 0:1:N-1
Y = [zeros(m,N);
zeros(1,n) 1 zeros(1,N-n-1);
X = C’*Y*C;
axis square;
axis off;

Figure 3.4: Discrete Cosine Transform Matlab Code

There is also an Inverse DCT which just takes the DCT coefficients and multiplies them with the basis
functions and adds all of them together. Surprisingly, the IDCT is very similar to the DCT. Using linear
algebra, one can produce the inverse C matrix and apply it to Y to yield X.
3.2 Detail: LZW Compression 30

3.2 Detail: LZW Compression

There are several compression algorithms that use a “dictionary,” or code book, known to the coder and
the decoder, which is generated during the coding and decoding processes. Many of these build on work
reported in 1967 by Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv, and are known as “Lempel-Ziz” encoders. In essense,
these coders replace repeated occurrences of a string by references to an earlier occurrence. The dictionary
is merely the collection of these earlier occurrences.
One widely used LZ algorithm is the LZW algorithm described by Terry A. Welch in 1984.1 This
algorithm was originally designed to minimize the number of bits sent to and from disks, but it has been
used in many contexts, including GIF compression programs for images.
The LZW compression algorithm is “reversible,” meaning that it does not lose any information – the
decoder is able to reconstruct the original message exactly.

LZW Algorithm, Example 1

Encode and decode the text message

itty bitty bit bin

(this peculiar phrase was designed to have repeated strings so that the dictionary forms rapidly).
The initial set of dictionary entries is 8-bit character code with values 0-255, with ASCII as the first 128
characters, including specifically the following which appear in the string

32 space
98 b
105 i
110 n
116 t
121 y

Table 3.1: LZW Example 1 Dictionary

Dictionary entry 256 is reserved for the “clear dictionary” command, and 257 is reserved for “end of
During encoding and decoding, new dictionary entries are created using all phrases present in the text
that are not yet in the dictionary.
Encoding algorithm: Accumulate characters until the string does not match any dictionary entry. Then
define this new string as a new entry, but send the entry corresponding to the string without the last character
(this entry is already in the dictionary). Then use the last character received as the first character of the
next string to match.
When this procedure is applied to the string in question, the first character is “i” and the string consisting
of just that character is already in the dictionary. So the next character is added, and the accumulated string
is “it” which is not in the dictionary. At this point the string which was in the dictionary, “i”, is sent and
the string “it” is added to the dictionary, at the next available entry, which is 258. The accumulated string
is reset to be just the last character, which was not sent, so it is “t”. The next character is added so the
accumulated string is “tt” which is not in the dictionary. The process repeats.
For a while at the beginning the additional dictionary entries are all two-character strings, and there is a
string transmitted for every new character encountered. However, the first time one of those two-character
strings is repeated, it gets sent (using fewer bits than would be required for two characters sent separately)
and a new three-character dictionary entry is defined. In this example it happens with the string “itt” (this
1 Welch, T.A. “A Technique for High Performance Data Compression,” IEEE Computer, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 8-19, 1984.
3.2 Detail: LZW Compression 31

message was designed to make this happen earlier than would be expected with normal text). Later in this
example, one three-character string gets transmitted, and a four-character dictionary entry defined.
Decoding algorithm: Output character strings whose code is transmitted. For each code transmission,
define a new dictionary entry as the previous string plus the first character of the string just received. Note
that the coder and decoder each create the dictionary on the fly; the dictionary therefore does not have to
be explicitly transmitted, and the coder deals with the text in a single pass.

Encoding - Transmission - Decoding

z }| { z }| { z }| {
New New
Input dictionary 9-bit characters dictionary Output
entry transmitted entry
z }| { z }| {  z }| { z }| {

105 i – – 256 (start) – – –
116 t 258 it 105 i – – i
116 t 259 tt 116 t 258 it t
121 y 260 ty 116 t 259 tt t
32 space 261 y-space 121 y 260 ty y
98 b 262 space-b 32 space 261 y-space space
105 i 263 bi 98 b 262 space-b b
116 t – – – – – – –
116 t 264 itt 258 it 263 bi it
121 y – – – – – – –
32 space 265 ty-space 260 ty 264 itt ty
98 b – – – – – –
105 i 266 space-bi 262 space-b 265 ty-space space-b
116 t – – – – – –
32 space 267 it-space 258 it 266 space-bi it
98 b – – – – – –
105 i – – – – – –
110 n 268 space-bin 266 space-bi 267 it-space space-bi
– – – – 110 n 268 space-bin n
– – – – 257 (stop) – – –
I 8-bit characters
input Table 3.2: LZW Example 1 Transmission Summary

Does this work, i.e., is the number of bits needed for transmission reduced? We sent 18 8-bit characters
(144 bits) in 14 9-bit transmissions (126 bits), a savings of 12.5%, even for this very short example. For
more normal text there is not much reduction for strings under 500 bytes. In practice, however, larger text
files often compress by a factor of 2, and drawings by even more.

LZW Algorithm, Example 2

Encode and decode the text message

itty bitty nitty grrritty bit bin

(again, this peculiar phrase was designed to have repeated strings so that the dictionary forms rapidly; it
also has a three-long sequence rrr which illustrates one of the aspects of this algorithm).
The initial set of dictionary entries include the characters in Table 3.3, which are found in the string,
along with control characters for start and stop.
Using the same algorithms as before, we obtain the transaction shown in Table 3.4.
3.2 Detail: LZW Compression 32

32 space 114 r
98 b 116 t
103 g 121 y
105 i 256 clear dictionary
110 n 257 end of transmission

Table 3.3: LZW Example 2 Dictionary

The same algorithms that were used in Example 1 can be applied here. The result is shown in Table 3.4.
Note that the dictionary builds up quite rapidly, and that there is one instance of a four-character dictionary
entry transmitted. Was this compression effective? Definitely. A total of 33 8-bit characters (264 bits) were
sent in 22 9-bit transmissions (198 bits, even including the start and stop characters), for a saving of 25% in
There is one place in this example where the decoder needs to do something special. Normally, on receipt
of a transmitted codeword, the decoder does two things. It outputs the character string associated with that
codeword, and it adds a new dictionary entry consisting of previously received string and the first character
of the newly received string.
However, when the transmission of code 271 occurs, the decoder does not yet have that code in the
dictionary. Thus it cannot output the corresponding character string, nor can it look in the dictionary to
discover the first character of the newly received string. Instead, it must recognize that the new dictionary
entry and the received codeword must be the same. Since the new codeword is always the previous codeword
with the first character of the transmitted codeword appended, in the case it uses the previous codeword
with the first character of the previous codeword appended. Then, after the new codeword is entered in the
dictionary, the corresponding character string can be outputted.
This special case arises when a symbol or a string appears for the first time three times in succession.
The designer of a decoder might be tempted to ignore it, figuring that it would never happen in practice.
But would that be wise? Consider what that attitude would do for Web sites whose address starts with
3.2 Detail: LZW Compression 33

Encoding - Transmission - Decoding

z }| { z }| { z }| {
New New
Input dictionary dictionary Output
entry entry
z }| { z }| { z }| { z }| {
105 i – – 256 (start) – – –
116 t 258 it 105 i – – i
116 t 259 tt 116 t 258 it t
121 y 260 ty 116 t 259 tt t
32 space 261 y-space 121 y 260 ty y
98 b 262 space-b 32 space 261 y-space space
105 i 263 bi 98 b 262 space-b b
116 t – – – – – – –
116 t 264 itt 258 it 263 bi it
121 y – – – – – – –
32 space 265 ty-space 260 ty 264 itt ty
110 n 266 space-n 32 space 265 ty-space space
105 i 267 ni 110 n 266 space-n n
116 t – – – – – – –
116 t – – – – – – –
121 y 268 itty 264 itt 267 ni itt
32 space – – – – – – –
103 g 269 y-space-g 261 y-space 268 itty y-space
114 r 270 gr 103 g 269 y-space-g g
114 r 271 rr 114 r 270 gr r
114 r – – – – – – –
105 i 272 rri 271 rr 271 rr rr
116 t – – – – – – –
116 t – – – – – – –
121 y – – – – – – –
32 space 273 itty-space 268 itty 272 rri itty
98 b – – – – – – –
105 i 274 space-bi 262 space-b 273 itty-space space-b
116 t – – – – – – –
32 space 275 it-space 258 it 274 space-bi it
98 b – – – – – – –
105 i – – – – – – –
110 n 276 space-bin 274 space-bi 275 it-space space-bi
– – – – 110 n 276 space-bin n
– – – – 257 (stop) – – –

Table 3.4: LZW Example 2 Transmission Summary

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