Robots were probably one of history’s well-known made inventions. Robots date
at least as far back as ancient myths and legends. Digitally controlled Industrial
robots and robots making use of Artificial intelligence have been built since the
Today, our robots are better programmed, and automatically guided and able to do
tasks on their own.
Robots also have special tasks also, like in industrial use, where special types of
robots are used in making products or handling hazardous materials such as the
‘’Pick and Place’’ robot.
Another is the service robot. Most commonly used industrial robots are fixed
robotic arms and manipulators used primarily for production and distribution of
goods. The term "service robot" is less well-defined. IFR has proposed a tentative
definition, "A service robot is a robot which operates semi- or fully- autonomously
to perform services useful to the well-being of humans and equipment, excluding
manufacturing operations."
In South Africa robot is an informal and commonly used term for a set of traffic
This year many experimental robots are produced such as robots that are
programmed to have emotions, feelings and to express.