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Contents [hide] 1 Introduction 2 Unique Features 3 1.10 Changes 4 Normal Mo es ! "ullet Mo es # $%ecial Mo es #.1 &lternate $'ill Cards ( $%ellcards ) Com*os Introduction

More in+o, -ouhou .i'i &n ice +air/ o+ten sighted around the mist/ la'e near the $carlet 0e il Mansion. $he is e1ce%tionall/ %o2er+ul +or her 'ind3 though she is quite childish and not the *rightest +air/ around.

&d antages, Cirno4s strengths lie in her mo*ilit/3 com*o %ro+icienc/ and s%eed. 5er small si6e and +loating 7um% allo2 her to e ade man/ %ro7ectiles 2ithout e en ha ing to dash and 2hile her dashing s%eed is im%ressi e on its o2n3 she also has the longest normal *ac'dash in the game. 5er *ullets are +ast 2ith unorthodo1 s%reads3 +orcing the enem/ to 'ee% on their toes as *ullets %elt them +rom unco ered angles 8cough 2" cough9. Cirno also e1cels in 2a'eu% game 8hence 0iamond 0ust 2eather and +rog tra% s/stem card9 *ecause o+ her a*ilit/ to dela/ *ullet release3 +orcing the o%%onent into de+ense right a+ter 2a'ing u%. 0isad antages, 5er melee either has a er/ slo2 startu% +or a *ig hit*o1 8#&9 or is the +astest in the game 2ith %un/ range 8!&3 2&9. 5er *ullets are un*elie a*l/ +ragile: a single ;eisen !" *ullet can *lo2 through all +our o+ Cirno4s !"4s totall/ unharmed. <n to% o+ this3 her regular *ullet damage is also er/ 2ea' 2ith the e1ce%tion o+ certain s%ell cards and s'ills. Unique Features

Floating, Cirno +loats on 7um%=high 7um%. &n/ air actions e1ce%t mo ing le+t and right 2ill cancel it. >i'e2ise3 2hile standing neutral on the ground3 she +loats slightl/ a*o e it3 %rotecting her +rom some more shallo2 attac's. Crouching causes Cirno to +all +rom an aerial +loat immediatel/3 or land on the ground i+ in her ground +loat %osition. !&, Cirno has the +astest !& s%eed in the game ne1t to Meiling3 *oth o+ them sharing a 4:+rame startu%. -his is countered */ *oth o+ them ha ing er/ tin/ hit*o1es. -in/, Cirno is %ossi*l/ the smallest character in the game 2ith a hit*o1 that ri als $ui'a4s +or 4most com%act43 ma'ing her harder to hit and causing her to ta'e less damage +rom s'ills that ar/ their damage de%ending on hit*o1:im%act. -his hit*o1 generall/ doesn4t mor%h 2hen dashing3 +l/ing3 or attac'ing li'e other character4s might. 1.10 Changes

Normals, +.!& and !&&& no2 ha e u% to 3 hits her acelleration 2hile charging *ullets has *een changed. $he no2 descends slo2l/ instead o+ %ausing in %lace. !" no2 4charges4 er/ quic'l/3 *ut can still *e dela/ed +or quite some time *e+ore +iring. 2C tra els much +urther hori6ontall/. $'ills, >ittle Ice*erg 822"=C9 :: No longer shatters into *oulders at le el 1?. >anding causes small s%i'es to a%%ear on the ground3 essentiall/ 2idening the radius. Icicle $hoot 823#"=C9 :: No longer %auses her in the air 2hile +iring.$he descends slo2l/. Frost @illars 8alt 23#"=C9:: 2ill not acti ate i+ the o%%onent is 'noc'ed do2n3 ma'ing it much more use+ul +or o'i. Icicle ;ise 8alt #23"=C9 :: deals more damage. -he C ersion no2 s%reads icicles +ull screen 2hen charged. Ice Charge 8alt 214"=C9 :: C ersion no2 sends Cirno +urther and +aster. Free6ing "eam 8alt 23#"=C9 :: Ne2 loo'. >e elling u% causes the *eams to *ecome longer. Icicle "om* 8alt 22"=C9 :: Ne2 s%i'/ loo'. Clouds slo2 do2n graduall/ and hang on screen li'e mines and onl/ e1%lode i+ touched. I+ the/ don4t reach an o%%onent a+ter a certain amount o+ time the/ disa%%ear 2ithout e1%loding. $%ellcards, Cold $ign [Instant Free6ing "eam] :: Anem/ is no longer +ro6en in hitstun 2hile touching the lasers3

allo2ing them to sometimes *e 7uggled u% and do2n uselessl/. Free6e $igh [@er+ect Free6e] :: Ne2 loo'. 0oes a lot more damage in general on it4s o2n. Normal Mo es

$ee Cirno=Normal Mo es +or details. !&&&&, -2o short %unches3 hitting mid. -hird attac' is an ice*all thro2n in +ront o+ Cirno that hits high. Fourth attac' is a sho2er o+ ice shards +rom her hands that hits high. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 3rd hit does 1=2 or*3 4th hit does 1 or*. +.!&, Cirno creates a small ice*all that hits high 3 times. $lo2 mo e that can *e %unished3 *ut the %ersistent hit*o1 can ma'e it 2orth2hile. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 and 1=2 81=2 %er hit9 2&, @un/ leg 'ic'. 5its lo2. It is one o+ the +ast %o'es in this game3 4+ startu%. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1=2 or* 3&, Cirno slides +or2ard 2ith a *loc' o+ ice. 5its lo2. A en a+ter the intial s2ing3 the cu*e 2ill still deal damage 2hile Cirno slides. "ullet=s%ecial=su%er cancela*le. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 or* #& 8Chargea*le9, Cirno +ires shards o+ ice +rom her hands3 %ushing her +or2ard. 5its high. Charged ersion 2allslams on hit and guard crushes on 2rong*loc'. $lo2 mo e3 *ut it has a massi e hit*o1. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 or*. ##&, 0ashing %unch. 5its high. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1=2 or* ##", Cirno dashes +or2ard and sta*s 2ith ice s%ears # times. 5its high. Bood o erall a%%roaching mo e. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1=4 or* %er hit ##C, 0ashing ersion o+ 3&. 5its lo2. Bra6es3 %unisha*le on 2hi++. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 or* 7.!&, &ir ersion o+ !&. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 or* 7.2&, Cirno t2irls in the air 2ith a s%rin'ling sno2*all at her +eet. 5its 4 times. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1=2 or* %er hit 8onl/ hits 4 times in the corner 2hen 2rong*loc'ed dee%9

7.#&, &ir ersion o+ #&. 0oes not mo e /ou +or2ard. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 or* 7.)&, Cirno %auses a moment *e+ore +loating u%2ards in a head*utt. Carries Cirno u%2ards and has a +air reco er/ i+ it 2hi++s3 *ut other2ise a er/ good mo e. 0ue to Cirno4s stature3 the head*utt4s hit*o1 starts onl/ slightl/ higher than the middle o+ 7.#&3 so this isn4t strictl/ a i+:the/4re:higher:than:/ou:onl/ mo e. Can cancel into *ullets=s%ecials on hit or *loc'. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 or* "ullet Mo es

!" 8Chargea*le9, Cirno +ires 4 icicles aimed at the o%%onent in a random cone:sha%ed s%read. Charging and immediatel/ releasing 2ill release # icicles 2hile a +ull charge releases C. Full charge ta'es ridiculousl/ long. Benerates a nice amount o+ s%irit +or onl/ 4 icicles. <r* damage on *loc', 1=! %er hit 2", Cirno tosses a *all o+ ice at the ground that shatters into +i e thin icicles that *ounce into the air. .hi++s at %oint *lan'. -he *ullets are quite +ragile. -he *ullet4s angle is highl/ unorthodo13 so it4s *est used to %o'e the enem/ out o+ their o2n *ullets rather than +ailing misera*l/ at tr/ing to out:densit/ them. <r* damage on *loc', 1=! : 1 8de%ending on icicles that land9 #", Cirno +ires an ice s%ear at the o%%onent that hits ) times. 0ecent *loc'stun3 es%eciall/ midscreen. Use+ul +or %ushing a *loc'ing o%%onent to the corner. $lo2 startu%. Can *e held to dela/ the shot. $ome2hat more dense than most o+ her *ullet *ut has er/ limited trac'ing. <r* damage on *loc', 4=! 7.!", &ir ersion o+ !". <r* damage on *loc', 4=! : 1 and 4=! 8de%ending on le el o+ charge9 7.2", &ir ersion o+ 2". -he *all o+ ice has no hit*o1 and deals no damage until shattering on im%act 2ith the ground. <r* damage on *loc', 1=! : 1 8de%ending on icicles that land9 7.#", $ame as #". <r* damage on *loc', 4=! !C, Cirno +ires a *unch o+ ice in +ront o+ her at short range. 5its ar/ de%ending on distance3 mostl/ 3 to 4 hits. Ice is slightl/ cur ed to2ards the enem/. <ne o+ her stronger and denser %ro7ectiles 8i+ it can *e called that.9 Use+ul due to it4s s%eed and range. <r* damage on *loc', 1=4 8 er/ ti% is *loc'ed9 : 1 and 1=2 8*loc'ed at %oint *lan' mid:screen9

2C, Cirno tosses an ice *oulder in +ront o+ her. -his ice *oulder %rotects /ou +rom %ro7ectiles as 2ell. "utton can *e held to increase the si6e o+ the *oulder to a*out 1.!1 Cirno4s si6e and dela/ the shot3 *ut it does no e1tra damage. <r* damage on *loc', 1 #C, Cirno +ires a aimed trail o+ ice to2ards the target that can e1tend to the end o+ the screen and e1%lodes a+ter a er/ short dela/. 5its ar/ +rom 2:3. & decent *ullet i+ com*ined 2ith others in order to co er the long start u%. <r* damage on *loc', 1=4 : 1=2 7.!C, &ir ersion o+ !C. <r* damage on *loc', 1=4 8 er/ ti% is *loc'ed9 : 1 and 1=2 8*loc'ed at %oint *lan' mid:screen9 7.2C &ir ersion o+ 2C. <r* damage on *loc', 1 7.#C, &ir ersion o+ #C. <r* damage on *loc', 1=4 : 1=2 $%ecial Mo es

Icicle $hoot :: 23#"=C 8&lso in &ir3 Chargea*le9 Cirno shoots ice needles 2hich are slightl/ %ointed at the enem/. $hoots 3:! or 3:# icicles uncharged3 10 or 1! icicles charged. "e care+ul 2ith this mo e though3 it 2hi++s on %oint:*lan' *ecause o+ a ga% in +ront o+ /ou. It 2ill also lose to denser %ro7ectiles. <r* damage on *loc', 2=! or* %er 3 hits >e el u%, ?10D damage and a decrease in the time it ta'es to +ull/ charge the s'ill. " Eersion, Fuic' startu% and charges +aster. Fires 10 icicles 2hen +ull/ charged. >e el 0, 3 Icicles Uncharged3 4C( damage3 12D >imit. >e el 1, 4 Icicles Uncharged3 (00 damage3 1#D >imit. >e el 2, 4 Icicles Uncharged3 (#2 damage3 1#D >imit. >e el 3, ! Icicles Uncharged3 CCC damage3 20D >imit. >e el 4, ! Icicles Uncharged3 10(! damage3 20D >imit. C ersion, 0ela/ed startu% and slo2er charge3 *ut +ires more icicles de%ending on charge time and le el. Fires 1! icicles 2hen +ull/ charged.

>e el 0, 3 Icicles Uncharged3 4C( damage3 12D >imit. >e el 1, 4 Icicles Uncharged3 (00 damage3 1#D >imit. >e el 2, ! Icicles Uncharged3 C21 damage3 20D >imit. >e el 3, # Icicles Uncharged3 11#3 damage3 24D >imit. >e el 4, # Icicles Uncharged3 12!1 damage3 24D >imit.

Free6e3 -ouch Me :: #23"=C 8&lso in &ir9 & +ield o+ ice surrounds her 2hile she ma'es a 2hirl2ind s%in3 causing u% to # hits at closest range. -his attac' is similar to her !C in that it onl/ does damage 2hen the ice +irst a%%ears. It can *e used on *oth ground and in the air and co ers a lot o+ s%ace. -he # hits in total cause a limit o+ !0D3 so it4s a great 100D com*o ender. <r* damage on *loc', 1=# or* %er hit >e el u%, ?10D damage. " ersion, Fuic' startu% C ersion, $lo2er startu%3 *ut has a slight larger range. 5arder to com*o into than the " ersion.

Midsummer $no2man :: 214"=C 8Chargea*le9 Cirno lands on the ground to s%a2n a giant *oulder o+ ice3 that continues to roll until it e1%lodes on contact 2ith the 2all. .ithout charging3 /ou let it roll on its smallest si6e. It 2ill e1%lode on contact 2ith the enem/3 unless /ou hold it. -he longer /ou hold the *utton3 the +urther /ou 2al' *ut the larger the *oulder gets3 until it4s a*out hal+:si6e o+ the le el. "ecause it 2on4t e1%lode i+ /ou charge it3 it is also %ossi*le to 7uggle the o%%onent multi%le times3 de%ending on distance. &s it a*sor*s %ro7ectiles in its 2a/3 it can *e e++ecti el/ used as a 2all. 5its high 2hen held3 *ut has normal %ro7ectile %ro%erties 2hen /ou don4t hold it an/more. Interestingl/ enough3 i+ /ou get caught in $a'u/a4s -ime $ign G$a'u/a4s $%ecial $to%2atchG s%ellcard3 the *oulder 2ill continue to gro2 e en 2hile Cirno is +ro6en. <r* damage on 2rong*loc' 2hen held, 2=! or* %er hit <r* damage on *loc' as %ro7ectile, 1 or* >e el u%, ?10D damage. " ersion, $hort startu% so /ou 2ill roll a +ast ice *oulder. C ersion, >ong startu%3 *ut /ou mo e the ice *oulder slo2er3 causing it to gro2 larger and more a*le

to 7uggle the enem/.

>ittle Ice*erg :: 22"=C 8Chargea*le9 Cirno creates a mini:glacier a*o e her head3 that she thro2s on a +i1ed distance. .hile this is chargea*le3 the e++ects o+ it are still un'no2n3 *esides dela/ing it. <nce /ou le el this s'ill card u%3 the glacier 2ill *rea' into small *oulders3 that ha e their o2n hit*o1es. "oth the glaciers and the *oulders hit high. <r* damage on *loc' +or the glacier, 1 or*3 *ut 2 or*s on 2rong*loc'. <r* damage on *loc' +or the *oulders, 1=4 or* %er hit3 *ut 1=2 or* on 2rong*loc'. >e el u%, ?10D damage. &t +irst3 there 2ill *e no *oulders *rea'ing out o+ the glacier. &t >e el 13 +our *oulders e1ist on im%act o+ the glacier. -he le els a+ter2ards 2ill onl/ increase the si6e o+ the glacier. " ersion, Cirno thro2s the glacier 1=4 the length o+ the le el. C ersion, Cirno thro2s the glacier 1=2 the length o+ the le el. &lternate $'ill Cards

Frost @illars :: 23#"=C Cirno in*ues the +loor in +ront o+ her 2ith glaciers3 as a tra%. -his tra% emits +og and sta/s on the +ield +or a%%ro1imatel/ ! seconds. .hen the o%%onent stands on this tra%3 the glaciers come out o+ the ground +or a mere H#00 damage. -here can onl/ *e one tra% at the same time too. Can *e used to +orce the o%%onent to gra6e=7um% o er the tra%3 2here Cirno can smash them 2ith her #&4s massi e hit*o1. &lternati el/ used in o'i3 ma'ing /our o%%onent act de+ensi el/ on 2a'eu%. 5o2e er3 /ou cannot la/ this do2n *eneath a 'noc'ed do2n o%%onent3 as the tra% 2ill acti ate harmlessl/ on a do2ned o%%onent. &s o+ ersion 1.103 the tra% 2ill not acti ate on a 'noc'ed do2n o%%onent3 ma'ing it much more use+ul at doing it4s 7o*. <r* damage on *loc', 1 or* >e el u%, A er/ le el u% increases the damage 2ith 10D and the duration o+ the tra% 2ith H1 second. " and C ersion don4t seem to di++er.

Free6ing "eam :: 23#"=C 8&lso in &ir9 Cirno shoots three *eams3 one straight ahead3 the other 2 at an angle o+ 4! degrees. -hese *eams disa%%ear on hit and cause 1!D limit each. It comes out +airl/ slo23 *ut the *eams are er/ dense and 2ill *lo2 through man/ other %ro7ectiles. -he damage is +airl/ lo2. "eing hit */ one *eam

generall/ +lings them u% into the *eam a*o e it de%ending on s%acing. Use+ul in *loc'strings due to it4s high or* damage at close range and +ast startu%. <r* damage on *loc', 2=! or* %er *eam >e el u%, Increases damage 2ith 10D and the length o+ the ice *eams. " and C ersion don4t seem to di++er.

Icicle ;ise :: #23"=C 8Chargea*le9 Cirno s%a2ns 3 to # icicles in the ground and 'ic's them u% in the s'/. -he directions o+ the icicles are com%letel/ randomi6ed3 there doesn4t seem to *e a di++erent ersion *et2een " and C. .hen charging3 the amount o+ icicles increases. Note that the s%a2ned icicles ha e a hit*o1 *e+ore the/ are launched into the s'/3 *ut the total damage out%ut is still lo2. &s o+ ersion 1.103 the C ersion 2ill s%read icicles across the screen and the attac' does a lot more damage on it4s o2n. It4s no2 a +antastic tool +or sni%ing at %es'/ air*orn o%%onents and also 7ust +or using in com*os and *loc'strings due to ho2 +ast the icicles a%%ear on the ground. & reall/ great s'ill card to use. <r* damage on *loc', 1=10 or* %er hit >e el u%, Increases damage 2ith 10D and increase the amount o+ icicles 2hen it4s charged 2ith 1. -he s%eed o+ the icicles also seems to increase3 +or *oth s%a2ning and +l/ing. " and C ersion don4t seem to di++er.

Icicle $2ord :: #23"=C Cirno uses one o+ her icicle 4+eathers4 o+ her 2ings to do +ast %in2heel s%inning attac'3 doing u% to 2 hits. @ro ides Cirno 2ith a quic' melee attac' that hits a +air distance u%2ard or +or2ard. It4s a strong com*o ender *ut it4s easil/ %unisha*le and doesn4t gra6e. Ice charge 8alt 2149 is *etter +or lunging +or2ard as it is sa+e on *loc'3 *ut ha ing an u%2ard mo ing melee ma/ *e use+ul. -he +irst hit causes immense 'noc'*ac' and the second hit causes 'noc'do2n3 e en though /ou can 2hi++ the second hit on enough occasions. It hits high. &s o+ ersion 1.103 Cirno 2ill do multi%le hits 2hile s%inning3 *e+ore deli ering the +inal slash 2hen she hits the ground. -his adds to its damage out%ut considera*l/3 ma'ing this argua*l/ her *est com*o ender. <r* damage on 2rong*loc' on +irst hit, 1=2 or* <r* damage on 2rong*loc' on second hit, 1 or* 2ith " ersion3 guard crush 2ith C ersion. >e el u%, ?10D damage and an increase in the length o+ the s2ord. " ersion, @in2heel +li% to2ard the o%%onent3 can cause a 2 hit 'noc'do2n.

C ersion, @in2heel +li% u%2ards 2ith still 2 hits3 the s%inning and the landing.

Ice Charge :: 214"=C 8&lso in &ir9 Ice cannon*allI Cirno surrounds hersel+ in ice3 +l/ing straight to2ards the o%%onent. It4s s%eed and damage is er/ good3 *ut it 2ill onl/ hit once. Betting hit means a 'noc'do2n though. It causes 40D limit3 another good com*o ender. Jou4re ulnera*le to %ro7ectiles. Fortunatel/3 this mo e has melee %ro%erties and it hits high. It su%%lements her close range game 2ell i+ used in con7unction 2ith !C3 2C and other close:range *ullets. It is also sa+e on *loc' +or the most %art. -his alternate 2ill gi e /ou more +reedom 2ith rushdo2n and in com*os. &s o+ ersion 1.103 Ice Charge cannot *e used in the air until >e el 2. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1 or* >e el u%, $o +ar onl/ 10D more damage. " ersion, 0e+ault charge C ersion, Charge goes much +aster and much +arther.

Ice Kic' :: 214"=C 8&lso in &ir9 Cirno 7um%s u% to do a di e 'ic' a+ter2ards. <nl/ the di e hits3 and it4ll hit +rom 4 to # times3 2ith each hit causing 10D limit. It4s damage is so:so3 *ecause /ou can 2hi++ some o+ the hits here and there. -his is a ris'/ mo e to do on the ground3 *ecause Cirno is com%letel/ ulnera*le 2hen +l/ing u% in the s'/. Note that she 2on4t do a 7um% startu% i+ she4s alread/ in air. -he di e 'ic' hits high3 and /ou4re onl/ a*le to hit her 4 times ma1. 2hen she4s *loc'ing. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1=2 or* %er hit. >e el u%, Aach le el adds 10D damage and adds an e1tra hit e er/ 2 le els. " ersion, Lum%s u% to normal 7um% height3 then does a di e 'ic'. C ersion, Lum%s u% to high 7um% height3 then does a di e 'ic'.

Icicle "om* :: 22"=C Cirno shoots an ice cloud that 2ill e1%lode on close contact 2ith the enem/. It 2ill e1%lode into 12 ice shards in a circle. Aach shard 2ill do 4D limit 2ith a%%ro1. 1(0 damage3 so it 2ill hurt on close range. 5o2e er3 the shards 2ill not +l/ so +ar *e+ore disa%%earing. -he cloud itsel+ is not e++ected */ %ro7ectiles3 so it can *e use+ul +or getting through o%%onent danma'u. <r* damage on *loc', 1=10 or* %er hit >e el u%, 0amage u% 2ith 10D3 and the *om* 2ill e1%lode earlier 2hen it nears the enem/8range o+

%ro1imit/ increased9. " ersion, -he *om* is shot straight +or2ard. C ersion, -he *om* is shot diagonall/ u% on the ground3 diagonall/ do2n in the air.

Fro6en Free6ing Method :: 22"=C .ith not a too long startu%3 Cirno 2ill cast ice cloud o er a short range. I+ the o%%onent gets hit in the cloud3 she4ll get +ro6en solid. &+ter2ards3 Cirno 2ill automaticall/ do the 3& mo ement to deli er massi e damage to the enem/. -his 2ill cause an auto:limit on the enem/. Note that /ou %ush the cu*e to the *order o+ the le el. $ummed u%, -his is actuall/ quite a good mo e3 since it4s a s%ecial mo e that has UN"><CK&">A %ro%erties3 *ut it4s still gra6ea*le. It does 1200 : 1(00 damage3 2hich is quite ia*le +or a %rett/ short startu%. &ltogether 2ith 'noc'do2n to the corner. @articularl/ e++ecti e i+ /ou can score a corner 'noc'do2n during 0iamond 0ust3 since the o%%onent 2ill *e una*le to tech a2a/ +rom a 22"=C o'i6eme and 7um%ing=gra6ing has a +e2 +rames o+ acti ation. >e el u%, Increases the damage 2ith 10D3 and the hit*o1 o+ the 4gra*4 *ecomes tad larger. " and C ersion don4t seem to di++er. $%ellcards

Ice $ign [Icicle Machine Bun] 8Bround=air9 Costs 2 cards Fire 20 icicles at the o%%onent in a cone:sha%ed line. .hi++s at close range. 0oes )0D limit itsel+. $to%s hitting a+ter /ou reach 100D limit3 though. <r* damage on *loc', 1 and 1=2 or*

Ice $ign [Fair/ $%in] 8Bround=air9 Costs 2 cards Cirno s%ins around3 +iring icicles all around her. 5its 14 times in melee range. <r* damage on *loc', 1=! or* %er 2a e

Ice Cu*e [Cold $%rin'ler] 8Bround9 Costs 3 cards Cirno +ires a large *all o+ ice that shoots out icicles li'e a s%rin'ler. It goes hal+2a/ through the le el3 ma'ing t2o +ull s%ins o+ icicles. Not recommended +or com*os.

<r* damage on *loc', 1=10 or* %er hit

Cold "od/ [$u%er Ice Kic'] 8Bround=air9 Costs 3 cards Cirno lea%s into the air and 'ic's do2n into the o%%onent3 hitting 1# times. It 2ill 2hi++ on %oint:*lan'. 5its high. 0oes not 2or' in -/%hoon3 though. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1=2 or* $%ecial Note, Using this card midair right *e+ore landing3 *ut *e+ore the +lash3 allo2s /ou to cancel an/ attac' and land in a neutral %osition3 read/ to rene2 /our assault. -his is %articularl/ use+ul +or canceling out o+ the #23C s2ord attac'3 2hich can amusingl/ com*o into itsel+ on an air*orne target 2ith this method.

Ice $ign [$2ord Free6er] 8Bround9 Costs 3 cards Cirno ta'es out a huge s2ord made o+ ice and s%ins the o%%onent into the air ! times. 100D limit i+ the +inal slash hits 82here most o+ the damage is 2eighted9. Fuic' startu%3 *ut has no in inci*ilit/ +rames. 5its high. A1cellent 2hen hit con+irmed +rom ##* or com*oed +rom ##c. Can easil/ *e used to catch someone tr/ing to h7.( a2a/ +rom /ou. <r* damage on 2rong*loc', 1=! or*

Free6e $ign [Free6e &tmos%here] 8Bround=air9 Costs 3 cards Cirno s%ins around to generate +ree6ing air3 2hich then trails *ehind her +or a short time. &+ter a moment3 the trail 2ill graduall/ *urst into ice li'e a +use3 hitting the o%%onent. Ma1 is usuall/ 4 hits3 "loc'ers *loc' 10 hits though. it 2ill hit 10 times in -/%hoon 2eather. <r* damage on *loc', 3 or*s in total

Cold $ign [Instant Free6ing "eam] 8Bround=air9 Costs 3 cards Cirno shoots 3 *eams o+ ice +rom her hands3 hitting the o%%onent 4! times at melee range3 holding 4 or # 2ill also tilt the outer *eams to a ma1imum o+ )0=20 degrees a%ro1imatell/ and res%ecti ell/. <r* damage on *loc', U% to 2 and 1=! or* on %oint:*lan' distance

Frost $ign [Frost Columns] 8Bround9 Costs 4 cards Cirno co ers the ground 2ith ice3 hitting the o%%onent 1:3 times and tem%oraril/ +ree6ing them. Jou are a*le to com*o them during the +ree6e. &+ter the +ree6e the/ 2ill get launched so %re%are an aircom*o3 %re+era*l/.

<r* damage on *loc', 2 or*s

"lo2ing Ice [Ice -ornado] 8Bround9 Costs 4 cards Cirno summons a huge tornado3 hitting the o%%onent 1:1) times. .or's 2ell in t/%hoon3 14:1) hits *ased on character si6e3 *ut 'noc's o%%onents into the air out o+ range. &s a result3 it generall/ does *et2een 10:12 hits 2hen it hits +rom %oint:*lan'. 5as re ersal %ro%erties. <r* damage on *loc', 1 and 4=! or*

Free6e $ign [@er+ect Free6e] 8Bround=air9 Costs ! cards Cirno lea%s u% in the air to do her signature mo e. First3 she s%reads 2hite *ullets all o er the screen. -hese *ullets can4t *e destro/ed */ other %ro7ectiles. -he *ullet hell is +ollo2ed u% */ a screen +ree6e. -his 2ill +ree6e all the ice *ullets3 and i+ /our o%%onent gets hit */ this +ree6e3 she4ll *e una*le to mo e +or a%%ro1. 2 seconds. -his ma'es it ideal +or com*os3 since /ou can mo e 2hile e er/thing is +ro6en. Not to mention that the +ro6en ice *ullets 2ill start to mo e in a random direction a+ter the +ree6e ended. It has a lot o+ damage ca%a*ilit/3 *ut e er/thing can *e *loc'ed. Use this 2hen the enem/ 2ould lac' s%irit3 2hen he4s +l/ing=*loc'ing too much. &lternati el/3 using the mo e 2hen /our o%%onent is directl/ a*o e /ou catches them in the +ree6ing %oint and does quite a *it o+ damage. <r* damage on *loc', U% to 2 or*s until the +ree6e3 then e er/ remnant *ullet 2ill do 2=! or* damage

Ice Cu*e [Breat Crusher] 8Bround9 Costs ! cards CI;N< $M&$5 @UNJ .A&K>INB .I-5 B>&CIA;. 5uge damage. It4s an o erhead 2ith a lot o+ chi% damage on high *loc'. 5as auto:limit %ro%erties. No or* damage since it4ll hit on lo2 *loc'. It *arel/ has an/ startu% and reco er/3 so it an ideal mo e +or a round ender. 0amage e++ecti el/ decreases 2ith %roration3 use it 2isel/ 2hen tr/ing to com*o into it. -his mo e is e1tremel/ +ast and cannot *e air*loc'ed or lo2*loc'ed3 ma'ing it good +or catching an o%%onent o++ guard. Com*os

Midscreen=Corner, !&&& !C 23#"=C = #23" = &lt 214"=C 8Ice Charge9 : 20!0 = 1C00:2200 = 2300 damage $%irit <r* usage, 2 Notes, 0ela/ the 23#"=C = &lt 214"=C slightl/ +or ma1 damage &lt 23#"=C 8Frost @illars9 5LC #"=7.#" !C=7.!C : 1)00:1)!0 = 1C00:1C30 = 2000:2040= 20!0:20(( damage

$%irit <r* Usage, 2:3 Notes, 100D >imit. &+ter Frost @illar -ra% acti ates +ollo2 u% 2ith this com*o. on the unli'el/ e ent that /ou acti ate Frost %illar directl/ on o%%onent u%on casting it3 /ou must 2atch s%acing and 5LC +or +ollo2 u%. er. 1.10 &lt #23"=C 8Icicle ;ise9 dash .. !&&&83 hits9 !C #23" 8hold +or all hits and release9 : 2334:2434 damage $%irit <r* Usage, 2 Notes, I+ /ou4re not starting this com*o +rom a dash3 omit the third hit o+ !&&&4s last hit +or slightl/ less damage3 *ecause there4s a high chance !C not com*o on some o%%onents er. 1.10 de+ault 214"=C 8Midsummer $no2man9 dash .. !&&&83 hits9 !C 214" 8hold +or all hits and release9 : 2400:2(0# damage $%irit <r* Usage, 2 Notes, Benerall/ 2ill not 2or' %ro%erl/ 2ithout some starting momentum +rom a dash +irst. 100D limit i+ all hits o+ the sno2*all connect. ;elease the sno2*all 7ust *e+ore the +inal hit +or ma1imum damage. & %rett/ good 2a/ to %unish a slo%%/ o%%onent 2ho has /ou cornered and lea es themsel es o%en */ using non:airtight *ullet *loc'strings +or %ressure. Corner <nl/, !&&& !" !C #23" = &lt 214"=C 8Ice Charge9 : 24)#:2#1C = 22#2 damage $%irit <r* usage, 3 Notes, 0amage de%ends on the hits o+ !C. !&&&& #23" : 231# damage $%irit <r* usage, 1 !&&&& !" !C #23" = 214"=C = 22"=C : 2234 = 2441 = 2341 damage $%irit <r* usage, 3 Notes, 20D chance to succeed3 due to the random nature o+ !". ;equesting remo al +or this com*o since it4s randomi6ed and it can cause less damage than the com*o a*o e. !&&&& !&&& !C #23"=C : 0amage, 24():2!(# $%irit <r* usage, 2 Notes, Needs slight dela/ *e+ore second 0ial:&. ;ecommended to use this com*o onl/ on larger characters. 0oes not 2or' on, Ju/u'o3 Joumu3 $a'u/a3 Marisa3 $anae3 Cirno3 ;eisen3 &/a3 I'u.

!&&& !" !C 214"=C 8Ice Cannon*all9 23#"=C : 0amage, 23#0 : H2#00 $%irit <r* usage, 4 Notes, ;equires "lue $'/. &ir, 7.!& 7.!C ## 2ith enders 7.2& 7.!C <; 7.!& 7.#&=7.)& : 21#! : 2!21 damage $%irit <r* usage, 2 Notes, Corner <nl/. 100D limit i+ most o+ the !C icicles hit. Use the 7.2&3 7.#&3 and 7.)& enders de%ending on the o%%onent4s %osition relati e to /ours. 0amage de%ends on ender used and amount o+ icicles that hit. +or smaller o%%onents 2ho 2on4t *e hit 2ith most icicles3 7.!C or #23 "=C can *e tac'ed on the end +or e1tra damage and the limit 'noc'do2n. 7.!&=7.2& 7.#" 7.!C : 2000 = 1(!0 damage $%irit <r* usage, 2 Notes, 100D limit i+ /ou use 7.2& and dela/ 7.!C enough. >ea es /ou in a *etter %osition and 2ith more time +or o'i6eme than other air com*os. 7.!&=7.2&=7.)& 7.!C 7.#23" : 1)00:2300 = 1#!0 = 1(!0 damage $%irit <r* usage, 2 Notes, No limit 'noc'do2n i+ using 7.!&. >imit 'noc'do2n %ossi*le 2ith 7.2& i+ /ou allo2 all hits to connect. >arge damage ranges *ecause o+ the random natures o+ 7.!C and 7.#23" 7.!&=7.2&=7.)& 7.!C &lt 7.214"=C 8Ice Charge9 : 1(!0:2100 = 1(4# = 1)00 damage $%irit <r* usage, 2 Notes, 7.)& com*o not al2a/s guaranteed *ecause o+ %ositioning >og in @age 0iscussion ;ead Eie2 source Eie2 histor/

Na igation Main %age

Current e ents ;ecent changes -o 0o >ist tasogare +rontier -ouhou $uimusou -ouhou 5isouten -ouhou 5isoutenso'u Beneral F&F con+iguration net%la/ controls menus 5U0 glossar/ lin's media Characters 5a'urei ;eimu Kirisame Marisa &lice Margatroid $hameimaru &/a I6a/oi $a'u/a Kon%a'u Joumu @atchouli Kno2ledge $aig/ou7i Ju/u'o ;emilia $carlet Ja'umo Ju'ari

I*u'i $ui'a ;eisen Udongein Ina*a <no6u'a Komachi Nagae I'u 5inanai -enshi Kochi/a $anae Cirno 5ong Meiling Mori/a $u2a'o ;eiu7i Utsuho Mods english translation +rame tools %alette editor 2eather te1t %atch misc tools linu1 su%%ort $/stem &rcanae changelog s%irit or*s s%ellcards 2eather mo ement %roration *loc'ing attac' le els %ro7ectiles Communit/

tournaments @la/er list -ool*o1 .hat lin's here ;elated changes $%ecial %ages @rinta*le ersion @ermanent lin' -his %age 2as last modi+ied on 2C Lune 20123 at 21,0). -his %age has *een accessed #0304! times. @ri ac/ %olic/&*out -ouhou 5isoutenso'u0isclaimers

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$onia4s guide to 2eather 0e23 +rost and +og


.hat is 2eatherM Climate and egetation @ressure and 2inds 0e23 +rost and +og

@reci%itaion -hunder and lightning 5urricanes and -ornadoes

-he amount o+ 2ater a%our that air can hold de%ends u%on its tem%erature. -he 2armer the air the more moisture it can hold in the +orm o+ in isi*le a%our. &ir at 20oC +or instance can hold +our times as much 2ater as air at 0oC. .hen air contains as much 2ater a%our as %ossi*le it is said to *e saturated and the tem%erature at 2hich this oocurs is called the de2 %oint. I+ the air is cooled *elo2 this tem%erature the e1cess 2ater a%our condenses 8turns to liquid9 to +orm 2ater dro%lets.

Condensation in the air near the ground %roduces +og. .ater a%our 2hich condenses on cold sur+aces +orms de2 or i+ the tem%erature is lo2 enough3 +rost. Fog3 Frost and de2 +orm %articularl/ in alle/s *ecause the cold air is hea ier than 2arm air and sin's.

Fog can +orm in t2o 2a/s:;adiation +og occurs on clear3 cold nights 2hen the land ra%idl/ loses the heat that it has gained during the da/ and chills the l/ing a*o e it. ;adiation +ogs are common in the &utumn months. &d ection +og occurs 2here 2arm3 moist air mo es o er a cold sur+ace. -his o+ten ha%%ens 2hen the sea air crosses a cold current or meets a cold land.

0e2 +orms 2hen the tem%erature o+ the ground is a*o e +ree6in %oint. >i'e radiation +og3 it is most common in autumn. .hen the tem%erature is *elo2 +ree6ing %oint ice cr/stals are de%osited as +rost. Frost on the ground3 or in +ern li'e %atterns on 2indo2 %anes3 is called hoar +rost.

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$onia4s guide to 2eather 0e23 +rost and +og


.hat is 2eatherM Climate and egetation @ressure and 2inds 0e23 +rost and +og @reci%itaion -hunder and lightning 5urricanes and -ornadoes

-he amount o+ 2ater a%our that air can hold de%ends u%on its tem%erature. -he 2armer the air the more moisture it can hold in the +orm o+ in isi*le a%our. &ir at 20oC +or instance can hold +our times as much 2ater as air at 0oC. .hen air contains as much 2ater a%our as %ossi*le it is said to *e saturated and the tem%erature at 2hich this oocurs is called the de2 %oint. I+ the air is cooled *elo2 this tem%erature the e1cess 2ater a%our condenses 8turns to liquid9 to +orm 2ater dro%lets.

Condensation in the air near the ground %roduces +og. .ater a%our 2hich condenses on cold sur+aces +orms de2 or i+ the tem%erature is lo2 enough3 +rost. Fog3 Frost and de2 +orm %articularl/ in alle/s *ecause the cold air is hea ier than 2arm air and sin's.

Fog can +orm in t2o 2a/s:;adiation +og occurs on clear3 cold nights 2hen the land ra%idl/ loses the heat that it has gained during the da/ and chills the l/ing a*o e it. ;adiation +ogs are common in the

&utumn months. &d ection +og occurs 2here 2arm3 moist air mo es o er a cold sur+ace. -his o+ten ha%%ens 2hen the sea air crosses a cold current or meets a cold land.

0e2 +orms 2hen the tem%erature o+ the ground is a*o e +ree6in %oint. >i'e radiation +og3 it is most common in autumn. .hen the tem%erature is *elo2 +ree6ing %oint ice cr/stals are de%osited as +rost. Frost on the ground3 or in +ern li'e %atterns on 2indo2 %anes3 is called hoar +rost.

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$onia4s guide to 2eather @ressure and 2inds


.hat is 2eatherM Climate and egetation @ressure and 2inds 0e23 +rost and +og @reci%itaion -hunder and lightning 5urricanes and -ornadoes

-he atmos%here is held to the Aarth */ the +orce o+ gra it/3 and the 2eight o+ the column o+ air %ressing do2n on our head and shoulders is a*out one tonne3 or one 'ilogram %er square centimetre. .e do not +eel this 2eight as our *odies are su%%orted on all sides */ an equal air %ressure.

&ir %ressure also aries +rom %lace to %lace on the earth4s sur+ace. .arm air rises and e1%ands creating an area o+ lo2 %ressure 2hile cold dense air sin's creating an area o+ high %ressure.

-he %ressure o+ the air is measured */ *arometers. -he mercur/ consists o+ a glass tu*e +illed 2ith mercur/3 sealed at one end and standing in a trough o+ mercur/. -he height o+ the column o+ mercur/ in the tu*e aries according to the %ressure o+ the air acting on the mercur/ in the trough. -he aneroid *arometer is the t/%e most o+ten seen in homes. It contains a small metal ca%su'e out o+ 2hich most o+ the air has *een dra2n. -he sides o+ the ca%sule are held a%art */ a s%ring and mo es 2ith changes in the air %ressure. -hese mo ements are recorded on a dial.

.ind is sim%l/ air *lo2ing +rom an area o+ high %ressure to an area o+ lo2 %ressure. <ne 2a/ in 2hich this ha%%ens can *e seen on a summer4s da/ at the seaside3 2here %ressure di++erences *uild u% *ecause the land heats u% and cools do2n more ra%idl/ than the sea. 0uring the da/3 the ra%idl/ heated air a*o e the land rises3 creating an area o+ lo2 %ressure3 and a current o+ cooler3 denser air mo es in +rom the sea to re%lace the rising air. -his3 o+ten 2elcome3 drought o+ cool air is called a sea *ree6e. &t night the air stream is re ersed as the land cools more ra%idl/ than the sea.

-he strength o+ the 2ind de%ends on the di++erence *et2een the high and lo2 %ressure areas and distance *et2een them. -he greater the di++erence and the less distance the stronger the 2ind. -he s%eed o+ the 2ind is measured */ an anemometer. <ne 'ind consists o+ re ol ing cu%s 2hich are s%un */ the 2ind and o%erate a s%eedometer. -he "eau+ort scale is used to classi+/ 2ind strength . Num*ered 0:12 it descri*es the 2ind and its noticea*le a++ects on land. Num*er #. +or instance3 is a +resh *ree6e 2hich causes small trees in lea+ to s2a/ and +lags to ri%%le.

-he 2ind direction is descri*ed */ the %oint o+ the com%ass +rom 2hich the 2ind *lo2s most o+ten +rom one direction are called %re ailing 2inds.


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N.$ &ll N<&&

>ightning and Fires

A er/ /ear3 lightning causes +orest3 grass3 and house +ires across the U.$. &ccording to the National Fire @rotection &ssociation3 lightning causes an a erage o+ a*out 243#00 +ires each /ear and costs a*out N40( million in damages.

.hile most +ires occur in outdoor areas3 lightning starts a*out 43400 house +ires each /ear3 costing some2here around N2)3 million in damages. In addition3 2ild+ires caused */ lightning *urn an a erage o+ !.! million acres annuall/. &*out 1# +ire deaths are attri*uted to lightning:caused +ires each /ear3 most o+ 2hich are the occu%ants o+ houses that ignited */ lightning.

&lthough e er/ lightning stri'e has the %otential to start a +ire3 some +lashes are more li'el/ than others to cause ignition. Most lightning +lashes consist o+ one or more leaders=return stro'es. $ome +lashes contain a continuous +lo2 o+ electricit/3 called continuing current. ;ather than the charge +lo2ing intermittentl/ in one or more quic' surges 8return stro'es93 in continuing current3 the charge +lo2s continuousl/ o er a longer %eriod o+ time. -his longer %eriod o+ charge +lo2 causes the struc' o*7ect to heat u% and %ossi*l/ ignite. .hile lightning +lashes containing return stro'es tend to +lic'er3 +lashes containing continuing current a%%ear as a continuousl/ illuminated channel 2ith ar/ing degrees o+ *rightness. "ecause o+ the heat the/ generate3 +lashes 2ith continuing current are sometimes re+erred to as hot lightning 2hile +lashes containing onl/ return stro'es are re+erred to as cold lightning. Flashes can also contain *oth return stro'es and continuing current.

N<&&3 National .eather $er ice <++ice o+ Climate3 .ater3 and .eather $er ices 132! Aast .est 5igh2a/ $il er $%ring3 M0 20C10 Fuestions3 CommentsM

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$onia4s guide to 2eather @reci%itaion


.hat is 2eatherM Climate and egetation @ressure and 2inds 0e23 +rost and +og @reci%itaion -hunder and lightning 5urricanes and -ornadoes

@reci%itation is the name gi en to the rain3 sno2 and hail that 2hich +rom clouds. &s more and more 2ater a%our condenses the cloud gro2s dar'er. -he cloud dro%lets collide and 7oin together until

the/ are hea / enough to +all as rain. 5undreds o+ thousands o+ cloud dro%lets are needed to ma'e one raindro%. -his is ho2 rain +orms in 2arm lands. In colder lands a raindro% *egins its li+e as a tin/ ice cr/stal. .ater a%our +ree6es onto these ice cr/stals until the/ are hea / enough to +all +rom the cloud. &s the ice cr/stals %ass through 2armer air at lo2er le els the/ melt and turn to raindro%s. "ut i+ the air is er/ cold the/ +all as sno2. $leet is a mi1ture o+ sno2 and rain. 5ail consists o+ large %ellets o+ ice 2hich ha e *een tossed u% and do2n in a thundercloud3 gathering la/ers o+ ice.

;ain results +rom the rising and cooling o+ air. -his can ha%%en in se eral 2a/s. <rogra%hic rain occurs 2hen air is +orced to rise o er mountain ranges. -he rising air cools3 clouds +orm3 and rain +alls o er the mountain slo%es. C/clonic rain occurs in de%ressions 8lo2 %ressure air s/stems9 2here 2arm air rises u% o er a ram% o+ colder air3 or is li+ted +rom the ground */ a 2edge o+ cold air. Con ectional rain occurs 2hen hot3 moist air rises in the strong con ection currents. &s the air cools3 large amounts o+ 2ater a%our condense and rain +alls in hea / sho2ers or thunderstorms.

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$onia4s guide to 2eather -hunder and lightning


.hat is 2eatherM Climate and egetation @ressure and 2inds 0e23 +rost and +og @reci%itaion -hunder and lightning 5urricanes and -ornadoes

5ot3 sultr/ 2eather in summer is o+ten *ro'en */ thunderstorms. & rum*le o+ thunder is +ollo2ed */ a draught o+ cool air. -hen the storm *rea's3 2ith +lashes o+ lightning3 %eals o+ thunder3 torrential rain and sometimes hail. -hunderstorms de elo% 2here hot3 moist air rises ra%idl/ in strong con ection currents3 or 2here 2arm is +orced alo+t */ cold air *urro2ing *eneath it. -hunderstorms are most common in the tro%ics and o er land areas 2ith 2arm3 moist summers. -he 2orst storms are in the lands near the equator 2here the/ occur nearl/ e er/ a+ternoon.

& +lash o+ lightning is a huge s%ar' o+ electricit/. 0uring a thunderstorm3 electric charges o+ millions o+ olts *uild u% in the clouds. Alectric charges *uild u% on the ground too. .hen the charges *ecome %o2er+ull enough3 electricit/ runs through the air *et2een them causing a +lash o+ lightning. -he lightning stri'es *et2een a cloud and the ground3 or *et2een t2o clouds.

@eo%le ma/ sa/ that lightning ne er stri'es in the same %lace t2ice. In +act it o+ten stri'es stri'es in the same %lace t2ice or more o+ten. & +lash o+ lightning comes +rom the s'/3 and it usuall/ stri'es high o*7ects li'e *uildings and trees.

$heet lightning does not loo' li'e the 6ig6ag +lashes o+ lightning that /ou normall/ see. It %roduces a sudden glo2 o+ light in the s'/. In +act3 it is no di++erent +rom ordinar/ lightning. $heet lightning is sim%l/ ordinar/ seen through clouds in the s'/.

& +lash o+ lightning causes a thundercla%. >ight +rom the +lash tra els almost instantl/ to our e/es. -he sound o+ the thundercla% tra els more slo2l/3 and arri es a +e2 seconds later. I+ /ou count the

seconds *et2een the +lash o+ lightning. A er/ three seconds is equal to one 'ilometreO e e/ +i e seconds is equal to one mile.

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$onia4s guide to 2eather 5urricanes and -ornadoes


.hat is 2eatherM Climate and egetation @ressure and 2inds 0e23 +rost and +og

@reci%itaion -hunder and lightning 5urricanes and -ornadoes

5urricanes are the greatest o+ all storms. -he energ/ the/ contain is +ar greater than that o+ a h/drogen *om* e1%losion. 5urricanes are also 'no2n in di++erent %arts o+ the 2orld as tro%ical c/clones3 t/%hoons and 2ill/:2illies.

5urricanes are *orn in the tro%ics during the late summer 2hen the heat o+ the sun e a%orates3 large amounts o+ 2ater +rom the sea. -he hot3 moist air rises and condenses to +orm cumulus cloud. -he %rocess o+ condensation releases heat and the air continues to rise. .inds s2ee% in to +ill the oid le+t */ the rising air and create a 2hirl%ool o+ air s%iralling in2ard3 e er +aster3 to2ards the centre o+ lo2 %ressure. In the orte1 the/ ma/ reach s%eeds o+ 320 '%h3 *ut at the central 4e/e4 o+ the storm the air is still and clear.

5urricanes o+ten de astate Carri**ean islands and the Bul+ coast o+ the United $tates3 2here huge 2a es ):C metres high3 called hurricane surges3 s2am% the coastal areas. In no em*er 1C(0 at least !003000 %eo%le died 2hen a hurricane surge reached the mouth o+ the ri er Banges in "angladesh3 and in 1C(4 the cit/ o+ 0ar2in3 &ustralia3 2as de astated.

5urricanes are seasonal in the &tlantic. Most occur in late summer3 though the/ ma/ stri'e Me1ico3 the Cari**ean and he $outh:eastern United $tates at an/ time +rom Lune to <cto*er. .hen the sun has 2armed the sur+ace o+ the sea to a tem%erature o+ 2(oC 8)0oF9 or higher3 a hurricane ma/ de elo%. &t such tem%eratures3 millions o+ tons o+ 2ater e a%orate e er/ da/. -he la/ers o+ air close to the ocean also a*sor* heat +rom the 2ater. -he 2armed3 moistened air *egins to rise in a column. .hen this ha%%ens3 the rotation o+ the earth t2ists the air anti:cloc'2ise in the Northern hemis%here3 cloc'2ise in the $outhern hemis%here. -he rising column creates a suction +orce: an area o+ lo2 %ressure at its centre.

& tornado is more iolent than a hurricane3 *ut is smaller. &s clouds condense3 a +unnel o+ air is suc'ed u% into the s'/. < er the sea this +orms a 2ater s%out. .inds 2hirl at u% to )00 '%h as the +unnel +ollo2s a meandering %ath3 %erha%s 400 metres 2ide3 lea in a %ath o+ damage *ehind.

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;elated re%ort NF@& mem*ers 2012 G5ome and Non:5ome $tructure Fires Caused */ >ightning Fires ;e%orted to >ocal Fire 0e%artmentsG 8@0F3 2)1 K"9 Arrata incor%orated &ugust 213 2012. 0o2nload the errata. 8@0F3 C K"9.

Fact sheet G>ightning Fires and >ightning $tri'esG +act sheet 8@0F3 4) K"9 $a+et/ ti%s ;ead NF@&4s lightning sa+et/ ti%s.

NF@& mem*ers can do2nload +ree @0F co%ies o+ <ne:$to% 0ata $ho% re%orts. &ll re%orts are also a aila*le +or sale. -o order3 e:mail @aula >e esque or call ?1 #1( C)4:(443. Not an NF@& mem*erM Loin toda/. ;e%ort, NF@&4s G>ightning Fires and >ightning $tri'esG &uthor, Mart/ &hrens Issued, Lune 2013 -his anal/sis o+ lightning +ires and lightning stri'es includes in+ormation on incident t/%e3 and 2hen and 2here the incidents occurred. &lso includes selected %u*lished incident descri%tions.

A1ecuti e $ummar/ 0uring 200(:20113 U.$. local +ire de%artments res%onded to an estimated a erage o+ 223#00 +ires %er /ear that 2ere started */ lightning. -hese +ires caused an a erage o+ nine ci ilian deaths3 !3 ci ilian

in7uries3 and N4!1 million in direct %ro%ert/ damage %er /ear. Most o+ these +ires occurred outdoors3 *ut most associated deaths3 in7uries3 and %ro%ert/ damage 2ere associated 2ith home +ires. Fires started */ lightning %ea' in the summer months and in the later a+ternoon and earl/ e ening. -he Lanuar/ 200# .est Eirginia coal mine e1%losion that claimed 12 li es 2as the deadliest U.$. +ire started */ lightning in recent /ears. Nine +ire+ighters 2ere 'illed in an &ugust 200) helico%ter crash as the/ 2ere *eing e acuated +rom a Cali+ornia 2ildland +ire started */ lightning.

>ightning:related +ires are more common in Lune through &ugust and in the late a+ternoon and e ening. @ea' seasons +or lightning:related +ires ar/ */ region3 as do 2eather %atterns in general.

In addition to the +ires re%orted to local +ire de%artments3 +ederal and state 2ildland +ire+ighting agencies re%orted an a erage o+ C3000 2ildland +ires started */ lightning to the National Interagenc/ Fire Center %er /ear in 200):2012. -hese +ires tended to *e larger than +ires started */ human causes. -he a erage lightning:caused +ire *urned 402 acres3 nine times the a erage o+ 4! acres seen in human:caused 2ildland +ires.

< er the 10 /ears +rom 2003:20123 42 U.$. +ire+ighters 2ere 'illed as a result o+ lightning:caused +ires. -hese deaths include +atalities during +ireground acti ities3 as 2ell as res%onding or returning to +ires. Four o+ these deaths occurred at structure +ires3 and the remaining 3) 2ere 'illed as the result o+ 2ildland +ires. Ale en o+ these deaths occurred in helico%ter crashes.

In addition to causing +ires3 lightning is dangerous on its o2n. 0ata +rom the National .eather $er ice sho2 that in 200): 20123 an a erage o+ 2C %eo%le %er /ear died as a result o+ lightning stri'es. -he most common location +or these deaths 2as outside or in an o%en area. -he a erage num*er o+ lightning +lashes %er square mile aries considera*l/ */ state3 as does the death rate +rom lightning incidents. $ee htt%,==222.lightningsa+et/.noaa.go +or more in+ormation.

In 20033 the last /ear +or 2hich data a*out +ire de%artment res%onses to non:+ire incidents is currentl/ a aila*le3 103200 non:+ire lightning stri'es 2ere re%orted to local +ire de%artments. -he ma7orit/ o+ these3 #2D3 occurred at home %ro%erties.

5ome Contact @ri ac/ @olic/ -erms o+ Use 5el% R National Fire @rotection &ssociation 2013


.hat is lightningM >ightning is a *right +lash o+ electricit/ %roduced */ a thunderstorm. &ll thunderstorms %roduce lightning and are er/ dangerous. I+ /ou hear the sound o+ thunder3 then /ou are in danger +rom lightning. >ightning 'ills and in7ures more %eo%le each /ear than hurricanes or tornadoesO *et2een (! to 100 %eo%le.

.hat causes lightningM >ightning is an electric current. .ithin a thundercloud 2a/ u% in the s'/3 man/ small *its o+ ice 8+ro6en raindro%s9 *um% into each other as the/ mo e around in the air. &ll o+ those collisions create an electric charge. &+ter a 2hile3 the 2hole cloud +ills u% 2ith electrical charges. -he %ositi e charges or %rotons +orm at the to% o+ the cloud and the negati e charges or electrons +orm at the *ottom o+ the cloud. $ince o%%osites attract3 that causes a %ositi e charge to *uild u% on the ground *eneath the cloud. -he grounds electrical charge concentrates around an/thing that stic's u%3 such as mountains3 %eo%le3 or single trees. -he charge coming u% +rom these %oints e entuall/ connects 2ith a charge reaching do2n +rom the clouds and : 6a% : lightning stri'esI

5a e /ou e er ru**ed /our +eet across car%et and then touched a metal door handleM I+ so3 then /ou 'no2 that /ou can get shoc'edI >ightning 2or's in the same 2a/.

Clic' 5ere to see 2here lightning is currentl/ stri'ing across the U.$.

5o2 hot is lightningM >ightning is a%%ro1imatel/ !43000 degrees Fahrenheit. -hat is si1 times hotter than the sur+ace o+ the sunI

.hat color is lightningM >ightning seems to *e clear or a 2hite:/ello2 color3 *ut it reall/ de%ends on the *ac'ground.

.hat causes thunderM -hunder is caused */ lightning. .hen a lightning *olt tra els +rom the cloud to the ground it actuall/ o%ens u% a little hole in the air3 called a channel. <nce then light is gone the air colla%ses *ac' in and creates a sound 2a e that 2e hear as thunder. -he reason 2e see lightning *e+ore 2e hear thunder is *ecause light tra els +aster than soundI

5o2 do /ou 'no2 i+ lightning is near*/M I+ /ou see dar' clouds3 then lightning could *e %resent3 *ut the *est thing /ou can do is to listen +or thunder. I+ /ou hear thunder3 then /ou need to go indoors or get in a car. 0on4t *e outside3 2here lightning could stri'eI I+ /our hair stands on end or /our s'in starts to tingle3 lightning ma/*e a*out to stri'e. Bet do2n on /our hands and 'nees and 'ee% /our head tuc'ed in. 0o not la/ +lat3 *ecause it can gi e lightning a *etter chance o+ stri'e /ou.

5o2 +ar a2a/ can /ou see lightning and hear thunderM .ithin those distant thunderstorms3 the lightning *olts can *e seen as much as 100 miles +rom us3 de%ending on the height o+ the *olt3 the clarit/ o+ the air3 and our ele ation. -hunder3 in com%arison3 has a much shorter range o+ detection : usuall/ less than 1! miles in a quiet rural setting and under ! miles in a nois/ cit/ en ironment.

.h/ are /ou less li'el/ to see static electricit/ in the summerM In the summer3 our de2 %oints are much higher due to 2arm and humid air coming +rom the Bul+ o+ Me1ico and that is 2h/ 2e ha e humid 2eather. In the 2inter3 our de2 %oints are much lo2er due to cold and direr air coming +rom Canada. -he lo2er the de2 %oint the *etter it is to create static electricit/3 so that4s 2h/ /ou see it more in the 2inter.

.hat is cloud:to:ground lightningM &ll lightning is dangerous3 *ut cloud:to:ground lightning is the most dangerous t/%e o+ lightning. Most cloud:to:ground lightning stri'es come +rom the negati el/ charged *ottom o+ the cloud tra eling to the %ositi el/ charged ground *elo2.

Cloud:to:ground lightning *olts stri'e the tall o*7ects3 li'e trees and *uildings. -hese lightning stri'es can cause +ire and %ro%ert/ damage. I+ /ou4re the tallest o*7ect3 then lighting can stri'e /ou. >ightning is the second 2eather related 'illed.

.hat is intracloud lightningM Intracloud lightning is the most common t/%e o+ lightning. -his occurs 2hen there are *oth %ositi e and negati e charges 2ithin the same cloud. Usuall/3 the %rocess ta'es %lace 2ithin the cloud and loo's li'e a *right +lash o+ light 2hich +lic'ers.

.hat is intercloud lightningM Intercloud lightning is less common. It4s 2hen a lightning stri'e occurs 2hen there are %ositi e and negati e charges 2ithin di++erent clouds and the stri'e tra els in the air *et2een them.

.hat is +or'ed lightningM For'ed lighting a%%ears as 7agged lines o+ light. -he/ can ha e se eral *ranches. For'ed lightning can *e seen shooting +rom the clouds to the ground3 +rom one cloud to another cloud3 or +rom a cloud out into the air. -his lightning can stri'e u% to 10 miles a2a/ +rom a thunderstorm.

.hat is sheet lightningM $heet lightning a%%ears as +lashes o+ light that seem to light u% or illuminate entire clouds.

.hat is heat lightningM 5eat lightning is a term used to descri*e lightning +lashes that are too +ar a2a/ +rom /ou to hear the thunder. -he reason that it is called heat lightning is that it a%%ears most o+ten on a hot summer da/ 2hen the s'/ is clear o erhead.

.hat is high:altitude lightningM 5igh:altitude lightning has *een gi en other names such as Gred s%rites3G Ggreen el es3G and G*lue 7ets.G -his +orm o+ lightning a%%ears as *rightl/ colored +lashes3 high a*o e thunderstorms. Jou can4t

see these t/%es o+ lightning +rom the ground.

.hat is ri**on lightningM ;i**on lightning is 2hen a *olt o+ lightning se%arates due to 2ind and a%%ears as %arallel lightning strea's.

.hat is chain or *ead lightningM Chain or *ead lightning is 2hen a lightning *olt is *ro'en into dotted lines 2hile +ading.

.hat is *all lightningM "all lightning is a rare +orm o+ lightning. It usuall/ a%%ears as a reddish3 luminous *all3 *ut can come in an/ color. "all lightning is usuall/ s%herical in sha%e and a*out one +oot in diameter. 5issing noises originate +rom such *alls and the/ sometimes ma'e a loud noise 2hen the/ e1%lode.

.hat is $t. Almo4s FireM $t. Almo4s Fire a%%ears as a *lue or greenish glo2 a*o e %ointed o*7ects on the ground. It is created 2hen tin/ %ositi el/ charged s%ar's reach u% in res%onse to negati el/ charges in the air or clouds a*o e the ground. I+ a thunderstorm is near*/3 $t. Almo4s Fire might *e seen right *e+ore a lightning stri'e.

.hat is an il lightningM &n il lightning is a t/%e o+ lightning re+erred to as Gthe *olt +rom the *lueG *ecause it o+ten a%%ears suddenl/ +rom a seemingl/ cloudless s'/. & *olt at the to% o+ a thunderstorm arcs a2a/ +rom the main cloud and stri'es the ground 2here the s'ies a*o e o+ten a%%ear clear.

Can /ou tell ho2 +ar a2a/ a storm isM Jes3 /ou can use thunder to tell ho2 +ar a2a/ a storm is. Ne1t time /ou see a storm3 count the num*er o+ seconds *et2een 2hen /ou see the lightning and hear the thunder. -a'e the num*er o+ seconds and di ide */ ! and that 2ill tell /ou ho2 +ar a2a/ the storm is in miles. For e1am%le, I+ /ou counted 10 seconds *et2een the lightning and the thunder3 the lightning is 2 miles a2a/I

Kno2 the >ingo $AEA;A -5UN0A;$-<;M .&-C5 : & se ere thunderstorm 8damaging 2inds o+ !) miles %er hour or more3 or 1G hail in diameter or greater9 is li'el/ to de elo% in /our area.

$AEA;A -5UN0A;$-<;M .&;NINB : & se ere thunderstorm 8damaging 2inds o+ !) miles %er hour or more3 or hail three:+ourths o+ an inch in diameter or greater9 is ta'ing %lace in /our area.

@;<-<N$ : -he/ are %articles 2ith a %ositi e charge.

A>AC-;<N$ : -he/ are %articles 2ith a negati e charge.

$-&-IC A>AC-;ICI-J : It is a +orm o+ electricit/ that is created 2hen an o*7ect has too man/ electrons3 gi ing it a negati e charge.

>A&0A;$ : & channel o+ charged air created */ e1cess electrons in a thunderstorm cloud. & leader reaches +rom the cloud to the ground *elo23 loo'ing +or %ositi e charges.

;A-U;N $-;<KA : It4s an electrical charge that tra els +rom the ground to a thundercloud. -his return stro'e releases tremendous energ/3 *right light and thunder.

$-;A&MA;$ : & channel o+ charged air created */ %rotons on the ground. -he/ are created 2hen leaders are created and reach +rom the ground to the s'/ loo'ing +or a leader to connect 2ith.

Kno2 the Facts & lightning +lash is no more than one inch 2ide.

.hat 2e see as a +lash o+ lightning ma/ actuall/ *e +our di++erent stro'es in e1actl/ the same %lace3 one right a+ter another. -hat4s 2h/ lightning a%%ears to +lic'er.

Clic' 5ere to see i+ there are an/ acti e 2arnings in /our area.

>ightning $a+et/ -i%s IF J<US;A <U-0<<;$, Kee% an e/e at the s'/. >oo' +or dar'ening s'ies3 +lashes o+ lightning3 or increasing 2inds. >ightning o+ten %roceeds rain3 so donSt 2ait +or the rain to *egin. I+ /ou hear the sound o+ thunder3 go to a sa+e %lace immediatel/. -he *est %lace to go is a sturd/ *uilding or a car3 *ut ma'e sure the 2indo2s in the car are shut. & oid sheds3 %icnic areas3 *ase*all dugouts and *leachers. I+ there is no shelter around /ou3 sta/ a2a/ +rom trees. Crouch do2n in the o%en area3 'ee%ing t2ice as +ar a2a/ +rom a tree as +ar as it is tall. @ut /our +eet together and %lace /our hands o er /our ears to minimi6e hearing damage +rom thunder. I+ /ouSre 2ith a grou% o+ %eo%le sta/ a*out 1! +eet +rom each other. $ta/ out o+ 2ater3 *ecause itSs a great conductor o+ electricit/. $2imming3 2ading3 snor'eling and scu*a di ing are not sa+e. &lso3 donSt stand in %uddles and a oid metal. $ta/ a2a/ +rom clotheslines3 +ences3 and dro% /our *ac'%ac's *ecause the/ o+ten ha e metal on them. I+ /ouSre %la/ing an outdoor acti it/3 2ait at least 30 minutes a+ter the last o*ser ed lightning stri'e or thunder. IF J<US;A IN0<<;$, & oid 2ater. ItSs a great conductor o+ electricit/3 so do not ta'e a sho2er3 2ash /our hands3 2ash dishes or do laundr/. 0o not use a corded tele%hone. >ightning ma/ stri'e e1terior %hone lines. 0o not use electric equi%ment li'e com%uters and a%%liances during a storm. $ta/ a2a/ +rom 2indo2s and doors and sta/ o++ %orches.

IF $<MA<NA I$ $-;UCK "J >IB5-NINB, Call +or hel%. Call C:1:1 or send +or hel% immediatel/. -he in7ured %erson does not carr/ an electrical charge3 so it is o'a/ to touch them.

>ightning &cti ities >ightning A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that allo2s 'ids to ma'e lightning in their mouth. It4s a great 2a/ +or them to understand ho2 lightning 2or's.

>ightning A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e lightning. &ll /ou need is a *alloon and a light *ul*I

>ightning A1%eriment, 5ere is another great e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e lightning. -his teaches 'ids a*out the %ositi e and negati e charges and 2here the/ come +rom.

$tatic Alectricit/ A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to learn a*out static electricit/ */ stic'ing a *alloon to a 2all. -his teaches 'ids a*out the %ositi e and negati e charges and 2here the/ come +rom.

$tatic Alectricit/ A1%eriment, 5ere is another static electricit/ e1%eriment that *ends 2ater. -his teaches 'ids a*out the %ositi e and negati e charges and 2here the/ come +rom.

$tatic Alectricit/ A1%eriment, 5ere is /et another static electricit/ e1%eriment 2ith using a *alloon and /our hair. -his teaches 'ids a*out the %ositi e and negati e charges and 2here the/ come +rom.

-hunder A1%eriment, -his e1%eriment allo2s 'ids to ma'e thunder3 in a 2a/ that allo2s them to understand ho2 it is made */ lightning.

-hunderstorm A1%eriment, 5ere is a great 2a/ to teach 'ids ho2 to trac' a thunderstorm.

-hunderstorm A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that sho2s 'ids ho2 our 2eather 2or's. It teaches them ho2 thunderstorms are +ormedI

$cience Fair @ro7ect Ideas, 5ere is a com%lete list o+ science +air %ro7ect ideas. 0isco er the science *ehind the 2eather that im%acts us e er/ da/.

5ome P &*out Cr/stal P Contact Cr/stal P @ri ac/ @olic/ P RCo%/right 2010 .eather .i6 KidsT .eather .i6 Kids $tore P 5urricanes P -ornadoes P .inter $torms P Clouds P ;ain Q Floods P -hunderstorms >ightning P .ind P -em%erature P .ild+ires P Aarthqua'es P Eolcanoes P Climate P <%tical Illusions .eather A1%eriments P .eather $a+et/ P .eather Bames P .eather Flashcards P .eather Lo'es P .eather Fol'lore .eather .ords P .eather Instruments P .eather @hotos P Career Corner P .eather >in's


.hat is 2indM .ind is air in motion. It is %roduced */ the une en heating o+ the earthSs sur+ace */ the sun. $ince the earthSs sur+ace is made o+ arious land and 2ater +ormations3 it a*sor*s the sunSs radiation une enl/. -2o +actors are necessar/ to s%eci+/ 2ind, s%eed and direction.

.hat causes the 2ind to *lo2M &s the sun 2arms the Aarth4s sur+ace3 the atmos%here 2arms too. $ome %arts o+ the Aarth recei e direct ra/s +rom the sun all /ear and are al2a/s 2arm. <ther %laces recei e indirect ra/s3 so the climate is colder. .arm air3 2hich 2eighs less than cold air3 rises. -hen cool air mo es in and re%laces the rising 2arm air. -his mo ement o+ air is 2hat ma'es the 2ind *lo2.

.hat is a 2indstormM & 2indstorm is 7ust a storm 2ith high 2inds or iolent gusts *ut little or no rain.

.hat is a gust +rontM & gust +ront is the leading edge o+ cool air rushing do2n and out +rom a thunderstorm. -here are t2o main reasons 2h/ the air +lo2s out o+ some thunderstorms so ra%idl/. -he %rimar/ reason is the %resence o+ relati el/ dr/ air in the lo2er atmos%here. -his dr/ air causes some o+ the rain +alling through it to e a%orate3 2hich cools the air. $ince cool air sin's 87ust as 2arm air rises93 this causes a do2n:rush o+ air that s%reads out at the ground. -he edge o+ this ra%idl/ s%reading cool %ool o+ air is the gust +ront. -he second reason is that the +alling %reci%itation %roduces a drag on the air3 +orcing it do2n2ard. I+ the 2ind +ollo2ing the gust +ront is intense and damaging3 the 2indstorm is 'no2n as a do2n*urst.

.hat is a do2n*urstM & do2n*urst is created */ an area o+ signi+icantl/ rain:cooled air that3 a+ter hitting ground le el3 s%reads out in all directions %roducing strong 2inds. Unli'e 2inds in a tornado3 2inds in a do2n*urst are directed out2ards +rom the %oint 2here it hits land or 2ater. 0r/ do2n*ursts are associated 2ith thunderstorms 2ith er/ little rain3 2hile 2et do2n*ursts are created */ thunderstorms 2ith high amounts o+ rain+all.

.hat is a derechoM & derecho is a 2ides%read and long:li ed 2indstorm that is associated 2ith a +ast:mo ing *and o+ se ere thunderstorms. -he/ can %roduce signi+icant damage to %ro%ert/ and %ose a serious threat li+e3 %rimaril/ */ do2n*urst 2inds. -o *e classi+ied as a derecho3 the %ath length o+ the storm has to

*e at least 2)0 miles long. .idths ma/ ar/ +rom !0:300 miles. 0erechos are usuall/ not associated 2ith a cold +ront3 *ut a stationar/ +ront. -he/ occur mostl/ in Lul/3 *ut can occur at an/time during the s%ring and summer.

.hat is the 7et streamM -he 7et stream is a +ast +lo2ing3 ri er o+ air +ound in the atmos%here at around 12 'm a*o e the sur+ace o+ the Aarth 7ust under the tro%o%ause. -he/ +orm at the *oundaries o+ ad7acent air masses 2ith signi+icant di++erences in tem%erature3 such as o+ the %olar region and the 2armer air to the south. "ecause o+ the e++ect o+ the Aarth4s rotation the streams +lo2 2est to east3 %ro%agating in a ser%entine or 2a e:li'e manner at lo2er s%eeds than that o+ the actual 2ind 2ithin the +lo2.

.hat is a monsoonM & monsoon is a seasonal 2ind3 +ound es%eciall/ in &sia that re erses direction *et2een summer and 2inter and o+ten *rings hea / rains. In the summer3 a high %ressure area lies o er the Indian <cean 2hile a lo2 e1ists o er the &sian continent. -he air masses mo e +rom the high %ressure o er the ocean to the lo2 o er the continent3 *ringing moisture:laden air to south &sia. 0uring 2inter3 the %rocess is re ersed and a lo2 sits o er the Indian <cean 2hile a high lies o er the -i*etan %lateau so air +lo2s do2n the 5imala/a and south to the ocean. -he migration o+ trade 2inds and 2esterlies also contri*utes to the monsoons. $maller monsoons ta'e %lace in equatorial &+rica3 northern &ustralia3 and3 to a lesser e1tent3 in the south2estern United $tates.

.hat are the glo*al 2ind %atternsM -he equator recei es the $un4s direct ra/s. 5ere3 air is heated and rises3 lea ing lo2 %ressure areas *ehind. Mo ing to a*out thirt/ degrees north and south o+ the equator3 the 2arm air +rom the equator *egins to cool and sin'. "et2een thirt/ degrees latitude and the equator3 most o+ the cooling sin'ing air mo es *ac' to the equator. -he rest o+ the air +lo2s to2ard the %oles.

.hat are the trade 2indsM -he trade 2inds are 7ust air mo ements to2ard the equator. -he/ are 2arm3 stead/ *ree6es that *lo2 almost continuousl/. -he Coriolis A++ect ma'es the trade 2inds a%%ear to *e cur ing to the 2est3 2hether the/ are tra eling to the equator +rom the south or north.

.hat are the doldrumsM

-he doldrums is an area o+ calm 2eather. -he trade 2inds coming +rom the south and the north meet near the equator. -hese con erging trade 2inds %roduce general u%2ard 2inds as the/ are heated3 so there are no stead/ sur+ace 2inds.

.hat are the %re ailing 2esterliesM "et2een thirt/ and si1t/ degrees latitude3 the 2inds that mo e to2ard the %oles a%%ear to cur e to the east. "ecause 2inds are named +rom the direction in 2hich the/ originate3 these 2inds are called %re ailing 2esterlies. @re ailing 2esterlies in the Northern 5emis%here are res%onsi*le +or man/ o+ the 2eather mo ements across the United $tates and Canada.

.hat are the %olar easterliesM &t a*out si1t/ degrees latitude in *oth hemis%heres3 the %re ailing 2esterlies 7oin 2ith the %olar easterlies to reduce u%2ard motion. -he %olar easterlies +orm 2hen the atmos%here o er the %oles cools. -his cool air then sin's and s%reads o er the sur+ace. &s the air +lo2s a2a/ +rom the %oles3 it is turned to the 2est */ the Coriolis e++ect. &gain3 *ecause these 2inds *egin in the east3 the/ are called easterlies.

.hat is a sea *ree6eM <n a 2arm summer da/ along the coast3 this di++erential heating o+ land and sea leads to the de elo%ment o+ local 2inds called sea *ree6es. &s air a*o e the land sur+ace is heated */ radiation +rom the $un3 it e1%ands and *egins to rise3 *eing lighter than the surrounding air. -o re%lace the rising air3 cooler air is dra2n in +rom a*o e the sur+ace o+ the sea. -his is the sea *ree6e3 and can o++er a %leasant cooling in+luence on hot summer a+ternoons.

.hat is a land *ree6eM & land *ree6e occurs at night 2hen the land cools +aster than the sea. In this case3 it is air a*o e the 2armer sur+ace 2ater that is heated and rises3 %ulling in air +rom the cooler land sur+ace.

5o2 is 2ind hel%+ul to AarthM .ind is the +astest gro2ing source o+ electricit/ in the 2orld. It4s o+ten one o+ the least e1%ensi e +orms o+ rene2a*le %o2er a aila*le. $ome e1%erts sa/ it can sometimes *e the chea%est +orm o+ an/ 'ind o+ %o2er. Benerating %o2er +rom the 2ind lea es no dangerous 2aste %roducts *ehind. "est o+ all3 its su%%l/ is unlimited.

5o2 do 2indmills 2or'M .indmills 2or' *ecause the/ slo2 do2n the s%eed o+ the 2ind. -he 2ind +lo2s o er the air+oil sha%ed *lades causing li+t3 li'e the e++ect on air%lane 2ings3 causing them to turn. -he *lades are connected to a dri e sha+t that turns an electric generator to %roduce electricit/.

.hat are some di++erent t/%es o+ 2ind namesM Man/ local 2ind s/stems ha e their o2n names. 5ere4s a +e2I chinoo':82esterl/ 2ind o++ the eastern side o+ the ;oc'/ Mountains9 santa ana:8easterl/ to2ards $outhern Cali+ornia 9 scirocco:8southerl/ +rom North &+rica to southern Auro%e9 mistral:8north2esterl/ +rom central France to Mediterranean9 marin:8southeasterl/ +rom Mediterranean to France9 *ora:8northeasterl/ +rom eastern Auro%e to Ital/9 gregale:8northeasterl/ +rom Breece9 etesian:8north2esterl/ +rom Breece9 li*eccio:8south2esterl/ to2ards Ital/9

"eau+ort $cale -he "eau+ort scale is an em%irical measure +or the intensit/ o+ the 2eather *ased mainl/ on 2ind %o2er. -he scale 2as created */ the "ritish na al commander $ir Francis "eau+ort around 1)0#. "eau+ort num*er M@5 Knots 0 1 2 3 .ind s%eed

.ind $%eed 0escri%tion U1 1:3 4:( ):12 U1 1:3 4:# (:10 $ea conditions Calm >ight air Flat >and conditions Calm

;i%%les 2ithout crests .ind motion isi*le in smo'e $mall 2a elets >arge 2a elets >ea es rustle $maller t2igs in

>ight *ree6e Bentle *ree6e

constant motion 4 13:1) *egin to mo e ! 1C:24 trees s2a/ # 2!:31 *ranches in motion ( 32:3) trees in motion ) 3C:4# *ro'en +rom trees C 4(:!4 structure damage 10 !!:#3 11:1# 1(:21 22:2( 2):33 34:40 41:4( 4):!! Moderate *ree6e Fresh *ree6e $trong *ree6e $mall 2a es Moderate longer 2a es >arge 2a es 2ith +oam crests $mall *ranches $maller >arge .hole -2igs >ight

Near gale $ea hea%s u% and +oam *egins to strea' Bale Moderatel/ high 2a es 2ith *rea'ing crests 5igh 2a es 2ith dense +oam

$e ere gale $torm

Eer/ high 2a es.

-he sea sur+ace is 2hite 11

-rees u%rooted. Considera*le structural damage A1ce%tionall/ high 2a es Massi e

#4:(2 !#:#3 Eiolent storm .ides%read structural damage

12 (3:)2 #4:(1 5urricane $ea com%letel/ 2hite 2ith dri ing s%ra/. and 2ides%read damage to structure

.ind &cti ities >esson @lan, 5ere is a great acti it/ the sho2s students ho2 the 2inds 2or' across the glo*e.

.ind A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to +ind out 2hat4s in the 2ind. -he 'ids 2ill *e er/ sur%rised at 2hat the/ seeI

&nemometer A1%eriment, 5ere is another great e1%eriment that lets 'ids ma'e an anemometer or 2ind ane.

@in2heel A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a %in2heel to see ho2 2ind is created.

.indsoc' A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a 2indsoc'.

@ressure A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s ho2 %ressure is created in our atmos%here */ suc'ing an egg in a *ottle. -his is a er/ cool e1%erimentI

Ma'e & "arometer A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a *arometer.

A a%oration A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s 'ids ho2 e a%oration ta'es %lace.

$cience Fair @ro7ect Ideas, 5ere is a com%lete list o+ science +air %ro7ect ideas. 0isco er the science *ehind the 2eather that im%acts us e er/ da/.

5ome P &*out Cr/stal P Contact Cr/stal P @ri ac/ @olic/ P RCo%/right 2010 .eather .i6 KidsT .eather .i6 Kids $tore P 5urricanes P -ornadoes P .inter $torms P Clouds P ;ain Q Floods P -hunderstorms >ightning P .ind P -em%erature P .ild+ires P Aarthqua'es P Eolcanoes P Climate P <%tical Illusions .eather A1%eriments P .eather $a+et/ P .eather Bames P .eather Flashcards P .eather Lo'es P .eather Fol'lore .eather .ords P .eather Instruments P .eather @hotos P Career Corner P .eather >in's


.hat is 2indM .ind is air in motion. It is %roduced */ the une en heating o+ the earthSs sur+ace */ the sun. $ince the earthSs sur+ace is made o+ arious land and 2ater +ormations3 it a*sor*s the sunSs radiation une enl/. -2o +actors are necessar/ to s%eci+/ 2ind, s%eed and direction.

.hat causes the 2ind to *lo2M &s the sun 2arms the Aarth4s sur+ace3 the atmos%here 2arms too. $ome %arts o+ the Aarth recei e direct ra/s +rom the sun all /ear and are al2a/s 2arm. <ther %laces recei e indirect ra/s3 so the climate is colder. .arm air3 2hich 2eighs less than cold air3 rises. -hen cool air mo es in and re%laces the rising 2arm air. -his mo ement o+ air is 2hat ma'es the 2ind *lo2.

.hat is a 2indstormM & 2indstorm is 7ust a storm 2ith high 2inds or iolent gusts *ut little or no rain.

.hat is a gust +rontM & gust +ront is the leading edge o+ cool air rushing do2n and out +rom a thunderstorm. -here are t2o main reasons 2h/ the air +lo2s out o+ some thunderstorms so ra%idl/. -he %rimar/ reason is the %resence o+ relati el/ dr/ air in the lo2er atmos%here. -his dr/ air causes some o+ the rain +alling through it to e a%orate3 2hich cools the air. $ince cool air sin's 87ust as 2arm air rises93 this causes a do2n:rush o+ air that s%reads out at the ground. -he edge o+ this ra%idl/ s%reading cool %ool o+ air is the gust +ront. -he second reason is that the +alling %reci%itation %roduces a drag on the air3 +orcing it do2n2ard. I+ the 2ind +ollo2ing the gust +ront is intense and damaging3 the 2indstorm is 'no2n as a do2n*urst.

.hat is a do2n*urstM & do2n*urst is created */ an area o+ signi+icantl/ rain:cooled air that3 a+ter hitting ground le el3 s%reads out in all directions %roducing strong 2inds. Unli'e 2inds in a tornado3 2inds in a do2n*urst are directed out2ards +rom the %oint 2here it hits land or 2ater. 0r/ do2n*ursts are associated 2ith thunderstorms 2ith er/ little rain3 2hile 2et do2n*ursts are created */ thunderstorms 2ith high amounts o+ rain+all.

.hat is a derechoM & derecho is a 2ides%read and long:li ed 2indstorm that is associated 2ith a +ast:mo ing *and o+ se ere thunderstorms. -he/ can %roduce signi+icant damage to %ro%ert/ and %ose a serious threat li+e3 %rimaril/ */ do2n*urst 2inds. -o *e classi+ied as a derecho3 the %ath length o+ the storm has to *e at least 2)0 miles long. .idths ma/ ar/ +rom !0:300 miles. 0erechos are usuall/ not associated 2ith a cold +ront3 *ut a stationar/ +ront. -he/ occur mostl/ in Lul/3 *ut can occur at an/time during the s%ring and summer.

.hat is the 7et streamM

-he 7et stream is a +ast +lo2ing3 ri er o+ air +ound in the atmos%here at around 12 'm a*o e the sur+ace o+ the Aarth 7ust under the tro%o%ause. -he/ +orm at the *oundaries o+ ad7acent air masses 2ith signi+icant di++erences in tem%erature3 such as o+ the %olar region and the 2armer air to the south. "ecause o+ the e++ect o+ the Aarth4s rotation the streams +lo2 2est to east3 %ro%agating in a ser%entine or 2a e:li'e manner at lo2er s%eeds than that o+ the actual 2ind 2ithin the +lo2.

.hat is a monsoonM & monsoon is a seasonal 2ind3 +ound es%eciall/ in &sia that re erses direction *et2een summer and 2inter and o+ten *rings hea / rains. In the summer3 a high %ressure area lies o er the Indian <cean 2hile a lo2 e1ists o er the &sian continent. -he air masses mo e +rom the high %ressure o er the ocean to the lo2 o er the continent3 *ringing moisture:laden air to south &sia. 0uring 2inter3 the %rocess is re ersed and a lo2 sits o er the Indian <cean 2hile a high lies o er the -i*etan %lateau so air +lo2s do2n the 5imala/a and south to the ocean. -he migration o+ trade 2inds and 2esterlies also contri*utes to the monsoons. $maller monsoons ta'e %lace in equatorial &+rica3 northern &ustralia3 and3 to a lesser e1tent3 in the south2estern United $tates.

.hat are the glo*al 2ind %atternsM -he equator recei es the $un4s direct ra/s. 5ere3 air is heated and rises3 lea ing lo2 %ressure areas *ehind. Mo ing to a*out thirt/ degrees north and south o+ the equator3 the 2arm air +rom the equator *egins to cool and sin'. "et2een thirt/ degrees latitude and the equator3 most o+ the cooling sin'ing air mo es *ac' to the equator. -he rest o+ the air +lo2s to2ard the %oles.

.hat are the trade 2indsM -he trade 2inds are 7ust air mo ements to2ard the equator. -he/ are 2arm3 stead/ *ree6es that *lo2 almost continuousl/. -he Coriolis A++ect ma'es the trade 2inds a%%ear to *e cur ing to the 2est3 2hether the/ are tra eling to the equator +rom the south or north.

.hat are the doldrumsM -he doldrums is an area o+ calm 2eather. -he trade 2inds coming +rom the south and the north meet near the equator. -hese con erging trade 2inds %roduce general u%2ard 2inds as the/ are heated3 so there are no stead/ sur+ace 2inds.

.hat are the %re ailing 2esterliesM

"et2een thirt/ and si1t/ degrees latitude3 the 2inds that mo e to2ard the %oles a%%ear to cur e to the east. "ecause 2inds are named +rom the direction in 2hich the/ originate3 these 2inds are called %re ailing 2esterlies. @re ailing 2esterlies in the Northern 5emis%here are res%onsi*le +or man/ o+ the 2eather mo ements across the United $tates and Canada.

.hat are the %olar easterliesM &t a*out si1t/ degrees latitude in *oth hemis%heres3 the %re ailing 2esterlies 7oin 2ith the %olar easterlies to reduce u%2ard motion. -he %olar easterlies +orm 2hen the atmos%here o er the %oles cools. -his cool air then sin's and s%reads o er the sur+ace. &s the air +lo2s a2a/ +rom the %oles3 it is turned to the 2est */ the Coriolis e++ect. &gain3 *ecause these 2inds *egin in the east3 the/ are called easterlies.

.hat is a sea *ree6eM <n a 2arm summer da/ along the coast3 this di++erential heating o+ land and sea leads to the de elo%ment o+ local 2inds called sea *ree6es. &s air a*o e the land sur+ace is heated */ radiation +rom the $un3 it e1%ands and *egins to rise3 *eing lighter than the surrounding air. -o re%lace the rising air3 cooler air is dra2n in +rom a*o e the sur+ace o+ the sea. -his is the sea *ree6e3 and can o++er a %leasant cooling in+luence on hot summer a+ternoons.

.hat is a land *ree6eM & land *ree6e occurs at night 2hen the land cools +aster than the sea. In this case3 it is air a*o e the 2armer sur+ace 2ater that is heated and rises3 %ulling in air +rom the cooler land sur+ace.

5o2 is 2ind hel%+ul to AarthM .ind is the +astest gro2ing source o+ electricit/ in the 2orld. It4s o+ten one o+ the least e1%ensi e +orms o+ rene2a*le %o2er a aila*le. $ome e1%erts sa/ it can sometimes *e the chea%est +orm o+ an/ 'ind o+ %o2er. Benerating %o2er +rom the 2ind lea es no dangerous 2aste %roducts *ehind. "est o+ all3 its su%%l/ is unlimited.

5o2 do 2indmills 2or'M .indmills 2or' *ecause the/ slo2 do2n the s%eed o+ the 2ind. -he 2ind +lo2s o er the air+oil sha%ed *lades causing li+t3 li'e the e++ect on air%lane 2ings3 causing them to turn. -he *lades are connected to a dri e sha+t that turns an electric generator to %roduce electricit/.

.hat are some di++erent t/%es o+ 2ind namesM Man/ local 2ind s/stems ha e their o2n names. 5ere4s a +e2I chinoo':82esterl/ 2ind o++ the eastern side o+ the ;oc'/ Mountains9 santa ana:8easterl/ to2ards $outhern Cali+ornia 9 scirocco:8southerl/ +rom North &+rica to southern Auro%e9 mistral:8north2esterl/ +rom central France to Mediterranean9 marin:8southeasterl/ +rom Mediterranean to France9 *ora:8northeasterl/ +rom eastern Auro%e to Ital/9 gregale:8northeasterl/ +rom Breece9 etesian:8north2esterl/ +rom Breece9 li*eccio:8south2esterl/ to2ards Ital/9

"eau+ort $cale -he "eau+ort scale is an em%irical measure +or the intensit/ o+ the 2eather *ased mainl/ on 2ind %o2er. -he scale 2as created */ the "ritish na al commander $ir Francis "eau+ort around 1)0#. "eau+ort num*er M@5 Knots 0 1 2 .ind s%eed

.ind $%eed 0escri%tion U1 1:3 4:( U1 1:3 4:# (:10 11:1# 1(:21 $ea conditions Calm >ight air Flat >and conditions Calm

;i%%les 2ithout crests .ind motion isi*le in smo'e $mall 2a elets >arge 2a elets $mall 2a es Moderate longer 2a es >ea es rustle $maller t2igs in $mall *ranches $maller

>ight *ree6e Bentle *ree6e Moderate *ree6e Fresh *ree6e

3 ):12 constant motion 4 13:1) *egin to mo e ! 1C:24 trees s2a/

# 2!:31 *ranches in motion ( 32:3) trees in motion ) 3C:4# *ro'en +rom trees C 4(:!4 structure damage 10 !!:#3

22:2( 2):33 34:40 41:4( 4):!!

$trong *ree6e

>arge 2a es 2ith +oam crests

>arge .hole -2igs >ight

Near gale $ea hea%s u% and +oam *egins to strea' Bale Moderatel/ high 2a es 2ith *rea'ing crests 5igh 2a es 2ith dense +oam

$e ere gale $torm

Eer/ high 2a es.

-he sea sur+ace is 2hite 11

-rees u%rooted. Considera*le structural damage A1ce%tionall/ high 2a es Massi e

#4:(2 !#:#3 Eiolent storm .ides%read structural damage

12 (3:)2 #4:(1 5urricane $ea com%letel/ 2hite 2ith dri ing s%ra/. and 2ides%read damage to structure

.ind &cti ities >esson @lan, 5ere is a great acti it/ the sho2s students ho2 the 2inds 2or' across the glo*e.

.ind A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to +ind out 2hat4s in the 2ind. -he 'ids 2ill *e er/ sur%rised at 2hat the/ seeI

&nemometer A1%eriment, 5ere is another great e1%eriment that lets 'ids ma'e an anemometer or 2ind ane.

@in2heel A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a %in2heel to see ho2 2ind is created.

.indsoc' A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a 2indsoc'.

@ressure A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s ho2 %ressure is created in our atmos%here */ suc'ing an egg in a *ottle. -his is a er/ cool e1%erimentI

Ma'e & "arometer A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a *arometer.

A a%oration A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s 'ids ho2 e a%oration ta'es %lace.

$cience Fair @ro7ect Ideas, 5ere is a com%lete list o+ science +air %ro7ect ideas. 0isco er the science *ehind the 2eather that im%acts us e er/ da/.

5ome P &*out Cr/stal P Contact Cr/stal P @ri ac/ @olic/ P RCo%/right 2010 .eather .i6 KidsT .eather .i6 Kids $tore P 5urricanes P -ornadoes P .inter $torms P Clouds P ;ain Q Floods P -hunderstorms >ightning P .ind P -em%erature P .ild+ires P Aarthqua'es P Eolcanoes P Climate P <%tical Illusions .eather A1%eriments P .eather $a+et/ P .eather Bames P .eather Flashcards P .eather Lo'es P .eather Fol'lore .eather .ords P .eather Instruments P .eather @hotos P Career Corner P .eather >in's



! three ounce %a%er 0i1ie Cu%s 2 soda stra2s %in %a%er %unch

scissors sta%ler shar% %encil 2ith an eraser @;<CA$$,

-a'e +our o+ the 0i1ie Cu%s and use the %a%er %unch to %unch one hole in each3 a*out a hal+ inch *elo2 the rim.

-a'e the +i+th cu% and %unch +our equall/ s%aced holes a*out a quarter inch *elo2 the rim. -hen %unch a hole in the center o+ the *ottom o+ the cu%.

-a'e one o+ the +our cu%s and %ush a soda stra2 through the hole. Fold the end o+ the stra2 and sta%le it to the side o+ the cu% across +rom the hole. ;e%eat this %rocedure +or another one:hole cu% and the second stra2.

$lide one cu% and stra2 assem*l/ through t2o o%%osite holes in the cu% 2ith +our holes. @ush another one:hole cu% onto the end o+ the stra2 7ust %ushed through the +our:hole cu%.

"end the stra2 and sta%le it to the one:hole cu%3 ma'ing certain that the cu% +aces the o%%osite direction +rom the +irst cu%. ;e%eat this %rocedure using the other cu% and stra2 assem*l/ and the remaining one:hole cu%.

&lign the +our cu%s so that their o%en ends +ace in the same direction either cloc'2ise or counter: cloc'2ise around the center cu%.

@ush the straight %in through the t2o stra2s 2here the/ intersect.

@ush the eraser end o+ the %encil through the *ottom hole in the center cu%. @ush the %in into the end o+ the %encil eraser as +ar as it 2ill go.

No2 /our anemometer is read/ +or useI


&n anemometer is use+ul *ecause it rotates 2ith the 2ind. -o calculate the elocit/ at 2hich /our anemometer s%ins3 determine the num*er o+ re olutions %er minute 8;@M9. Ne1t3 calculate the circum+erence 8in +eet9 o+ the circle made */ the rotating %a%er cu%s. Multi%l/ /our ;@M alue */ the circum+erence o+ the circle and /ou 2ill ha e an a%%ro1imation o+ the elocit/ o+ at 2hich /our anemometer s%ins 8in +eet %er minute9. Jour anemometer doesn4t need to *e %ointed in the 2ind +or use.

Note, $ome +orces are *eing ignored including drag and +riction +or this elementar/ illustration3 so the elocit/ at 2hich /our anemometer s%ins is not the same as 2ind s%eed.

5ome P &*out Cr/stal P Contact Cr/stal P @ri ac/ @olic/ P RCo%/right 2010 .eather .i6 KidsT .eather .i6 Kids $tore P 5urricanes P -ornadoes P .inter $torms P Clouds P ;ain Q Floods P -hunderstorms >ightning P .ind P -em%erature P .ild+ires P Aarthqua'es P Eolcanoes P Climate P <%tical Illusions .eather A1%eriments P .eather $a+et/ P .eather Bames P .eather Flashcards P .eather Lo'es P .eather Fol'lore .eather .ords P .eather Instruments P .eather @hotos P Career Corner P .eather >in's

.5&-4$ IN -5A .IN0


a +e2 %lastic lids %etroleum 7ell/ magni+/ing glass %a%er %unch /arn 2ind/ da/ @;<CA$$,

@unch a hole at one end o+ each lid.

-hread each hole 2ith a length o+ /arn and 'not the ends o+ the /arn together to +orm a loo% +or hanging.

$%read %etroleum 7ell/ o er one side o+ each lid.

-a'e the lids outdoors on a 2ind/ da/ and hang them in arious areas.

>ea e them outside +or a*out an hour or t2o to collect 2hat ma/ *e *lo2ing in the 2ind.

;etrie e the lids and see 2hat the/ ha e collected.


$ome o+ the items that ma/ ha e *een collected include insects3 dirt3 seeds and lea es. Use the magni+/ing glass +or +urther o*ser ation.

5ome P &*out Cr/stal P Contact Cr/stal P @ri ac/ @olic/ P RCo%/right 2010 .eather .i6 KidsT .eather .i6 Kids $tore P 5urricanes P -ornadoes P .inter $torms P Clouds P ;ain Q Floods P -hunderstorms >ightning P .ind P -em%erature P .ild+ires P Aarthqua'es P Eolcanoes P Climate P <%tical Illusions .eather A1%eriments P .eather $a+et/ P .eather Bames P .eather Flashcards P .eather Lo'es P .eather Fol'lore .eather .ords P .eather Instruments P .eather @hotos P Career Corner P .eather >in's

$'i% to content

M<;A @&;-NA;$

-his "log Net2or'

FI;ABAAWA; &"<U- U$ C<N-&C- U$ C<MMAN-$M ;A&0 -5A ;U>A$ FI;$FI;ABAAWA; $5<@ FI;ABAAWA; C<FFAA MUB <U-";A&K X C0 FI;ABAAWA; -;&EA> MUB >IB5-NINB $-;IKA3 FI;A KI>>$ $>A0 0<B$ No comments

&nother 3#0 .or'ing 0ogs $ur i e

& FI;A $-&;-A0 "J & >IB5-NINB stri'e at the Choc%a2 Anter%rises sled dog 'ennels last 2ee' lead to the deaths o+ t2o o+ the animals.

-he lightning hit in the main /ard 2here the 3#0? dogs are 'e%t and started a +ire in a large storage shed 2hen most o+ the equi%ment 2as 'e%t. &+ter it 2as %ut out it 2as disco ered that t2o o+ the dogs had %erished3 most li'el/ +rom the heat. <ne o+ them ma/ ha e also *een a direct ictim o+ the lightning *olt.

@aul ;ied3 o2ner o+ Choc%a2 A1%editions3 stands

*eside the remains o+ the +ire. 8North "a/ Ni%issing9

-he North "a/ Ni%issing is re%orting,

-2o sled dogs 2ere 'illed in a +ire recentl/ at Choc%a2 A1%editions +ollo2ing a lightning stri'e in the /ard the animals 2ere 'e%t. -he morning +ire ended u% *urning a storage *uilding to the ground and ma'ing a 2ide range o+ equi%ment com%letel/ unusa*le.

@aul ;eid3 o2ner o+ Choc%a2 A1%editions3 said in the 2! /ears he has *een located at the %ro%ert/ this is the +irst time an/thing li'e this has ha%%ened.

-he summer time is alread/ a di++icult %eriod +or the hard2or'ing animals 2ho get isi*l/ e1cited at the %ros%ect o+ %ulling a sled. -he 3#! &las'an sled dogs that call the /ard their home arenSt a*le to %ull sleds during the summer months due to the heat.

-he *uilding *urned so quic'l/ that */ the time the +ire de%artment sho2ed u% there 2as alread/ er/ little to sa e.

G-he *uilding *urned to the ground and too' all m/ 2inter cam%ing and dog sledding equi%ment 2ith it3G said ;eid. G.hen the +ire de%artment got here e er/thing had +allen into the hole X it 2ent u% that +ast.G

-he list o+ destro/ed gear includes 2inter harnesses3 dro% chains3 2( tents and meat sa2s. ;eid and his team are going to *e s%ending the ne1t +e2 da/s digging through the hole le+t */ the +ire to see i+ thereSs an/thing 2orth sal aging.

-he equi%ment is 'e/ to the Choc%a2 *usiness3 2hich is to %ro ide educational and recreational 2ilderness ad enture %rograms around the area. &ccording to ;eid3 Choc%a2 is the largest %ro ider o+ dog sled e1%editions in the countr/. ;eid said des%ite the +ire3 he his dogs 2ill *e read/ +or the 2inter.

G.e donSt ha e an/ choice3G said ;eid. GM/ dogs need to 2or' to eat3 and IS e got a sta++ o+ 24 %eo%le de%ending on this +or their 2inter li elihood3 and ISd li'e to eat too.G

;ead the +ull $-<;J 5A;A. Choc%a2 A1%editions .A"$I-A.


;elated @osts &cross the FireAM$ "logs Net2or' -ermination letter +or career +ire+ighter is signed */ 13 o+ his colleagues. 8$-&-terC11.com9 $nea'ing Nudie $na%s Ands @aramedicSs Career 8Firegee6er9 0aniel Martin3 <'lahoma 5igh2a/ @atrol Moron o+ the /ear 8Medic -hree9 ZLU$- $AA[ EI0A<, .h/ didnSt an/one sto% this +ire+ighter +rom *lo2ing himsel+ u%M 8Fire0ail/.com9 ;ecommended */ @osted */ +iregee6er on $e%tem*er 113 2013 \ Filed under, dogs3 +ire3 Fires \ -agged, Choc%a2 A1%editions3 lightning stri'e 'ills sled dogs3 sled dogs

F<>><. -5A FI;ABAAWA;

.atermelon Man Eideo .idget */ 0ai'o

;ACAN- @<$-$

Fire+ighter Charged .ith ! &rsons 2 0ead in <hio 5ouse Ka:"oom

@la/ing Musical Firehouses Morning >ineu% X $e%tem*er 1( NJC to @reser e and ;estore >ast ;emaining Fire .atchto2er ;ACAN- C<MMAN-$

0aBon6 on Fire -an'er ;olls in Kentuc'/ ".Morgan on >oo'ing "ac' ".Morgan on 21st:Centur/ Marital Con+lict ;esolution LM@ on F0 Creates Z&m*ulance 0ri er[ @osition Matthe2 5ansen on F0 Creates Z&m*ulance 0ri er[ @osition @&BA$

&*out Us CommentsM ;ead the ;ules First Contact Us Firegee6er $ho% Firegee6er Co++ee Mug <ut*rea' X C0 Firegee6er -ra el Mug -5I$ 0&J IN 5I$-<;J


"ac'ste% Fire+ighter4s "log

"oron A1trication Cali+ornia Fire Ne2s Che6Fire*all Chicago &rea Fire 0e%ts. AM$1 A er/da/ AM$ -i%s Feuer2ehr .e*log FF4s <2n .orst Anem/ Fire & iation Fire Chie+ Fire 0ail/ Fire AM$ "logs Fire >a2 "log Fire -raining -ool*o1 Fire+ighter "log Fire+ighter Close Calls Fire+ighter Nation Fire+ighter $%ot Firehouse Wen FireNe2s.net Fire;escue1 Breen Maltese 5a%%/ Medic >os &ngeles F0 ne2s Not -rained3 "ut .e -r/ 5ardI @ete >am* ;aleigh=.a'e Fire+ighting ;am*ling Chie+

;e%ort on Conditions $-&-terC11 -e1as:Fire -he Fire Critic E& Fire Ne2s .est Coast C11 .ild+ire -oda/ &;C5IEA$


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.inter $torms

5o2 do 2inter storms +ormM .inter storms deri e their energ/ +rom the clash o+ t2o air masses o+ di++erent tem%eratures and moisture le els. .inter storms usuall/ +orm 2hen an air mass o+ cold3 dr/3 Canadian air mo es south and interacts 2ith a 2arm3 moist air mass mo ing north +rom the Bul+ o+ Me1ico. -he %oint 2here these t2o air masses meet is called a +ront. I+ cold air ad ances and %ushes a2a/ the 2arm air3 it +orms a cold +ront. .hen 2arm air ad ances3 it rides u% o er the denser3 cold air mass to +orm a 2arm +ront. I+ neither air mass ad ances3 it +orms a stationar/ +ront.

Clic' 5ere to see 2hat 2inter is li'e 2here /ou li e.

5o2 is sno2 +ormedM $no2 is commonl/ +ormed 2hen 2ater a%or undergoes de%osition3 2hich is 2hen 2ater a%or changes directl/ to ice 2ithout +irst *ecoming a liquid3 high in the atmos%here at a tem%erature o+ less than 32^F and then +alls to the ground.

5o2 do *li66ards +ormM & *li66ard is a long:lasting sno2storm 2ith er/ strong 2inds and intense sno2+all. Jou need three things to ha e a *li66ardO cold air at the sur+ace3 lots o+ moisture3 and li+t. .arm air must rise o er cold air.

.hat are sno2+la'esM $no2+la'es are made o+ ice cr/stals. Aach sno2+la'e is si1:sided and made o+ as man/ as 200 ice cr/stals. $no2+la'es +orm in clouds 2here the tem%erature is *elo2 +ree6ing. -he ice cr/stals +orm

around tin/ *its o+ dirt that has *een carried u% into the atmos%here */ the 2ind. &s the sno2 cr/stals gro23 the/ *ecome hea ier and +all to2ard the ground.

.h/ is sno2 2hiteM "right sno2 *linds us 2ith its gleaming 2hite color *ecause it re+lects *eams o+ 2hite light. Instead o+ a*sor*ing light3 sno24s com%le1 structure %re ents the light +rom shining through its lattice +ormation. & *eam o+ 2hite sunlight entering a sno2 *an' is so quic'l/ scattered */ a 6illion ice cr/stals and air %oc'ets that most o+ the light comes *ouncing right *ac' out o+ the sno2 *an'. .hat little sunlight is a*sor*ed */ sno2 is a*sor*ed equall/ o er the 2a elengths o+ isi*le light thus gi ing sno2 its 2hite a%%earance. $o 2hile man/ natural o*7ects get their *lue3 red3 and /ello2 colors +rom a*sor*ing light3 sno2 is stuc' 2ith its 2hite color *ecause it re+lects light.

.hat is thundersno2M -hundersno2 is 2hen thunder and lighting occur during a sno2storm. -his occurs most o+ten in late 2inter or earl/ s%ring. -o get thundersno23 /ou need a mass o+ cold air on to% o+ 2arm air3 %lus moist air closer to the ground. -hundersno2 starts out li'e a summer thunderstorm. -he sun heats the ground and %ushes masses o+ 2arm3 moist air u%2ard3 creating unsta*le air columns. &s it rises3 the moisture condenses to +orm clouds3 2hich are 7ostled */ internal tur*ulence. -he Gtric'/ %artG +or ma'ing thundersno2 is creating that atmos%heric insta*ilit/ in the 2intertime. For thundersno2 to occur3 the air la/er closer to the ground has to *e 2armer than the la/ers a*o e3 *ut still cold enough to create sno2. 0uring thundersno2 e ents3 hea / sno2+all is to *e e1%ected. In some cases3 t2o inches %er hour is %ossi*le.

.hat is sleetM $leet is 7ust rain dro%s that +ree6e into ice %ellets *e+ore reaching the ground. $leet usuall/ *ounces 2hen hitting a sur+ace and does not stic' to o*7ects. 5o2e er3 it can accumulate li'e sno2 and cause a ha6ard to motorists.

.hat is +ree6ing rainM Free6ing rain is 7ust rain that +alls onto a sur+ace 2ith a tem%erature *elo2 +ree6ing. -his causes it to +ree6e to sur+aces3 such as trees3 cars3 and roads3 +orming a coating or gla6e o+ ice. A en small accumulations o+ ice can cause a signi+icant ha6ard.

.hat is an ice stormM &n ice storm is a t/%e o+ 2inter storm caused */ +ree6ing rain. -he U.$. National .eather $er ice de+ines an ice storm as a storm 2hich results in the accumulation o+ at least 0.2!:inch o+ ice on e1%osed sur+aces.

5o2 do ice storms +ormM Ice storms +orm 2hen a la/er o+ 2arm air is *et2een t2o la/ers o+ cold air. Fro6en %reci%itation melts 2hile +alling into the 2arm air la/er3 and then %roceeds to re+ree6e in the cold la/er a*o e the ground. -his creates +ree6ing rain or a gla6e o+ ice.

.hat is +rostM Frost is 2hite ice cr/stals that +orm on a sur+ace3 li'e the ground or lea es o+ a %lant. Frost is created 2hen the air tem%erature dro%s *elo2 +ree6ing and the 2ater a%or in the air +ree6es into ice cr/stals.

.hat is a +rost qua'eM Frost qua'es are non:tectonic seismic e ents3 meaning the/ are not caused */ the shi+ting o+ the Aarth4s tectonic %lates. &lso 'no2n as cr/oseisms3 +rost qua'es are caused */ a sudden ra%id +ree6ing o+ ground and *edroc'3 usuall/ 2hen tem%eratures go +rom a*o e +ree6ing to *elo2 6ero. &s moisture a*sor*ed in the roc' and soil +ree6es3 it e1%ands. -his %uts a great amount o+ stress on the areas around it. A entuall/3 the stress is too much and the soil and roc' 2ill crac' in an Ge1%losi eG manner3 creating a loud sound and e en sha'ing the ground sur+ace. $ince tem%eratures are coldest in the o ernight hours3 most %eo%le e1%erience +rost qua'es in the middle o+ the night.

5o2 is la'e:e++ect sno2 +ormedM &s the cold air +lo2s o er the 2arm la'e 2ater3 the relati el/ 2arm 2ater heats the air4s *ottom la/er as la'e moisture e a%orates into the cold air. $ince 2arm air is lighter or less dense than cold air3 the heated air rises and *egins to cool. &s the air cools3 the moisture that e a%orated into it condenses and +orms clouds and sno2 *egins +alling +rom the cloud i+ the air is humid enough. 8Bra%hic Credit, U$& -<0&J.9

Cold air mo es o er 2arm 2ater and is 2armed +rom *elo2. Moisture e a%orates in the air. .arm moist air rises do2n2ind o+ la'es and +orms hea / sno2.

.hat is a Nor4easterM Nor4easters can occur in the eastern United $tates an/ time *et2een <cto*er and &%ril3 2hen moisture and cold air are %lenti+ul. & Nor4easter is named +or the 2inds that *lo2 in +rom the northeast and dri e the storm u% the east coast along the Bul+ $tream3 a *and o+ 2arm 2ater that lies o++ the &tlantic coast. -he/ are 'no2n +or dum%ing hea / amounts o+ rain and sno23 %roducing hurricane: +orce 2inds3 and creating high sur+s that cause se ere *each erosion and coastal +looding.

.hat is an &l*erta Cli%%erM &n &l*erta cli%%er is an area o+ lo2 %ressure that generall/ +orms o er &l*erta3 Canada3 east o+ the ;oc'/ Mountains. -he/ de elo% east o+ the ;oc'ies *ecause air +lo2ing east2ard o er the mountains creates +a ora*le conditions. <nce an &l*erta Cli%%er +orms it usuall/ mo es er/ ra%idl/ to the southeast across the U$&4s northern @lains and then to the east o++ the mid:&tlantic Coast. Cli%%ers usuall/ cause onl/ light %reci%itation 2ith er/ +e2 %roducing ma7or sno2storms. 5o2e er3 i+ conditions are +a ora*le3 some &l*erta cli%%ers can ra%idl/ intensi+/ o++ the Aast Coast once the storm ta%s the relati el/ 2arm moist air o er the &tlantic <cean. -he storms that ra%idl/ intensi+/ sometimes s%read hea / sno2 o er Ne2 Angland and southeastern Canada. Benerall/3 the main 2eather +eatures associated 2ith &l*erta cli%%ers are some light sno2 and a rein+orcement o+ cold air o er the U$&.

.hat is .ind ChillM -he 2ind chill is the tem%erature /our *od/ +eels 2hen the air tem%erature is com*ined 2ith the 2ind s%eed. -he higher the 2ind s%eed the +aster e1%osed areas o+ /our *od/ lose heat and the colder /ou +eel.

Clic' 5ere to calculate the .ind Chill.

.hat is +rost*iteM Frost*ite is damage to the s'in due to %rolonged e1%osure to cold tem%eratures3 usuall/ *elo2 32^ F.

.hat is an a alancheM &n a alanche is a mo ing mass o+ sno2 that ma/ contain ice3 soil3 roc's3 and u%rooted trees. -he height o+ a mountain3 the stee%ness o+ its slo%e3 and the t/%e o+ sno2 l/ing on it all hel% determine the li'elihood o+ an a alanche. & alanches *egin 2hen an unsta*le mass o+ sno2 *rea's a2a/ +rom a

mountainside and mo es do2nhill. -he gro2ing ri er o+ sno2 %ic's u% s%eed as it rushes do2n the mountain. & alanches ha e *een 'no2n to reach s%eeds o+ 24! miles an hour 83C4 'ilometers %er hour9_a*out +our times as +ast as the s%eediest do2nhill s'ier.

Clic' 5ere to learn more a*out & alanche $a+te/.

Kno2 the >ingo .IN-A; .A&-5A; &0EI$<;IA$ : Issued +or accumulations o+ sno23 +ree6ing rain3 +ree6ing dri66le3 and sleet 2hich 2ill cause signi+icant incon eniences and3 i+ caution is not e1ercised3 could lead to li+e:threatening situations. .IN-A; $-<;M .&-C5 : &lerts the %u*lic to the %ossi*ilit/ o+ a *li66ard3 hea / sno23 hea / +ree6ing rain3 or hea / sleet. .inter $torm .atches are usuall/ issued 12 to 4) hours *e+ore the *eginning o+ a 2inter storm.

.IN-A; $-<;M .&;NINB : Issued 2hen ha6ardous 2inter 2eather in the +orm o+ hea / sno23 hea / +ree6ing rain3 or hea / sleet is occurring. .inter $torm .arnings are usuall/ issued 12 to 24 hours *e+ore the e ent is e1%ected.

">IWW&;0 .&;NINB : Issued +or sustained or gust/ 2inds o+ 3! m%h or more3 and +alling or *lo2ing sno2 creating isi*ilities at or *elo2 1=4 mile. -hese conditions should %ersist +or 3 hours.

F;<$-=F;AAWA .&;NINB : Issued 2hen *elo2 +ree6ing tem%eratures are e1%ected.

>&KA AFFAC- $N<. &0EI$<;J : Issued 2hen accumulation o+ la'e e++ect sno2 2ill cause signi+icant incon enience.

>&KA AFFAC- $N<. .&;NINB : Issued 2hen hea / la'e e++ect sno2 is occurring.

.IN0 C5I>> &0EI$<;J : Issued 2hen the 2ind chill tem%erature is +orecast to *e *et2een :1!^F to :24^F.

.IN0 C5I>> .&;NINB : Issued 2hen the 2ind chill tem%erature is +orecast to *e :2!^F or lo2er.

Clic' 5ere to see i+ there are an/ acti e 2arnings in /our area.

.inter $torm $a+et/ -i%s "AF<;A & .IN-A; $-<;M, 5a e a disaster %lan and %re%are a disaster su%%lies 'it +or /our home and car. Include a +irst aid 'it3 emergenc/ +ood su%%l/3 *ottled 2ater3 *atter/:o%erated radio3 +lashlight3 %rotecti e clothing3 and *lan'ets. 0on4t +orget3 *e a2are o+ changing 2eather.

0U;INB & .IN-A; $-<;M, $ta/ indoors and dress 2arml/. Aat regularl/3 *ecause +ood %ro ides the *od/ 2ith energ/ +or %roducing its o2n heat. &lso3 drin' lots o+ 2ater. I+ /ou must go outside3 2ear la/ered clothing3 mittens and a hat. .atch +or signs o+ h/%othermia and +rost*ite. ;emem*er to 'ee% dr/. &l2a/s change 2et clothing to %re ent the loss o+ *od/ heat. I+ /ou must dri e3 carr/ a cell %hone. &l2a/s3 'ee% the gas tan' +ull. 0on4t +orget3 let someone 'no2 2here /ouSre going3 7ust in case /our car gets stuc'. I+ /ouSre car gets stuc'3 sta/ 2ith it and 2ait +or hel% unless hel% is isi*le 2ithin 100 /ards. Use ma%s and car mats to sta/ 2arm.

&F-A; & .IN-A; $-<;M, & oid dri ing until conditions ha e im%ro ed. & oid o ere1ertionI 5eart attac's +rom sho eling sno2 are the leading cause o+ deaths during the 2inter. &lso3 chec' on neigh*ors to ma'e sure the/4re o'a/.

.inter $torm &cti ities >esson @lan, 5ere is a great lesson %lan on learning a*out 2inter 2eather. In this acti it/3 'ids in estigate as%ects o+ 2inter 2eather3 such as tem%erature and 2ind. -he/ +amiliari6e themsel es 2ith 2eather:related 2ords. It4s a great acti it/ +or K:2nd graders.

>esson @lan, 5ere is a great lesson %lan on learning a*out 2inter 2eather. In this acti it/3 'ids learn ho2 2inter storms +orm and a*out the di++erent t/%es o+ +ronts. It4s a great acti it/ +or 3rd:!th graders. Note, -his is a @0F +ile3 so /ou need to ha e &do*e &cro*at ;eader.

Measuring $no2 A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that lets 'ids measure sno2. -he/ let the sno2 melt and then measure it again. It teaches 'ids that sno2 is er/ dense and is 2h/ it holds more s%ace than 2ater.

Melting $no2 A1%eriment, 5ere is another e1%eriment that teaches 'ids the di++erence *et2een the +ree6ing and melting %rocess. It allo2s 'ids to ta'e the tem%erature o+ a glass o+ sno2. -hen3 2atch

the sno2 melt and o*ser e ho2 the tem%erature changed.

A1amining $no2+la'es A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that lets 'ids see sno2+la'es u% close. -he/ can e1amine the sno2+la'e4s si1 sides.

Frost A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that lets 'ids ma'e +rost. -he/ can see ho2 de2 turns into +rost in a matter o+ minutes.

@ressure A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s ho2 %ressure is created in our atmos%here */ suc'ing an egg in a *ottle. -his is a er/ cool e1%erimentI

Ma'e & "arometer A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a *arometer.

A a%oration A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s 'ids ho2 e a%oration ta'es %lace.

$cience Fair @ro7ect Ideas, 5ere is a com%lete list o+ science +air %ro7ect ideas. 0isco er the science *ehind the 2eather that im%acts us e er/ da/.

5ome P &*out Cr/stal P Contact Cr/stal P @ri ac/ @olic/ P RCo%/right 2010 .eather .i6 KidsT .eather .i6 Kids $tore P 5urricanes P -ornadoes P .inter $torms P Clouds P ;ain Q Floods P -hunderstorms >ightning P .ind P -em%erature P .ild+ires P Aarthqua'es P Eolcanoes P Climate P <%tical Illusions .eather A1%eriments P .eather $a+et/ P .eather Bames P .eather Flashcards P .eather Lo'es P .eather Fol'lore .eather .ords P .eather Instruments P .eather @hotos P Career Corner P .eather >in's


.hat are cloudsM & cloud is a large collection o+ er/ tin/ dro%lets o+ 2ater or ice cr/stals. -he dro%lets are so small and light that the/ can +loat in the air.

5o2 are clouds +ormedM &ll air contains 2ater3 *ut near the ground it is usuall/ in the +orm o+ an in isi*le gas called 2ater a%or. .hen 2arm air rises3 it e1%ands and cools. Cool air can4t hold as much 2ater a%or as 2arm air3 so some o+ the a%or condenses onto tin/ %ieces o+ dust that are +loating in the air and +orms a tin/ dro%let around each dust %article. .hen *illions o+ these dro%lets come together the/ *ecome a isi*le cloud.

.h/ are clouds 2hiteM $ince light tra els as 2a es o+ di++erent lengths3 each color has its er/ o2n unique 2a elength. Clouds are 2hite *ecause their 2ater dro%lets or ice cr/stals are large enough to scatter the light o+ the se en 2a elengths 8red3 orange3 /ello23 green3 *lue3 indigo3 and iolet93 2hich com*ine to %roduce 2hite light.

.h/ do clouds turn gra/M Clouds are made u% o+ tin/ 2ater dro%lets or ice cr/stals3 usuall/ a mi1ture o+ *oth. -he 2ater and ice scatter all light3 ma'ing clouds a%%ear 2hite. I+ the clouds get thic' enough or high enough all the light a*o e does not ma'e it through3 hence the gra/ or dar' loo'. &lso3 i+ there are lots o+ other clouds around3 their shado2 can add to the gra/ or multicolored gra/ a%%earance.

.h/ do clouds +loatM & cloud is made u% o+ liquid 2ater dro%lets. & cloud +orms 2hen air is heated */ the sun. &s it rises3 it slo2l/ cools it reaches the saturation %oint and 2ater condenses3 +orming a cloud. &s long as the cloud and the air that its made o+ is 2armer than the outside air around it3 it +loatsI

5o2 do clouds mo eM Clouds mo e 2ith the 2ind. 5igh cirrus clouds are %ushed along */ the 7et stream3 sometimes tra eling at more than 100 miles:%er:hour. .hen clouds are %art o+ a thunderstorm the/ usuall/ tra el at 30 to 40 m%h.

.h/ do clouds +orm at di++erent heights in the atmos%hereM -he characteristics o+ clouds are dictated */ the elements a aila*le3 including the amount o+ 2ater a%or3 the tem%eratures at that height3 the 2ind3 and the inter%la/ o+ other air masses.

5o2 is +og +ormedM -here are man/ di++erent t/%es o+ +og3 *ut +og is mostl/ +ormed 2hen southerl/ 2inds *ring 2arm3 moist air into a region3 %ossi*l/ ending a cold out*rea'. &s the 2arm3 moist air +lo2s o er much colder soil or sno23 dense +og o+ten +orms. .arm3 moist air is cooled +rom *elo2 as it +lo2s o er a colder sur+ace. I+ the air is near saturation3 moisture 2ill condense out o+ the cooled air and +orm +og. .ith light 2inds3 the +og near the ground can *ecome thic' and reduce isi*ilities to 6ero. 8Bra%hic Credit, U$& -<0&J.9

Jou need 2arm airI $outherl/ 2inds *ring 2arm3 moist air o er cold ground or sno2. FormsI Moisture condenses into +og as air is cooled +rom *elo2.


Cloud Chart Cloud Brou% 5igh Clouds ` Cirrus Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus Middle Clouds ` &lto &ltocumulus >o2 Clouds ` $tratus U% to #3!00 +eet $tratocumulus Nim*ostratus Clouds 2ith Eertical Bro2th Cumulonim*us $%ecial Clouds Mammatus Cumulus $tratus #3!00 +eet to 1)3000 +eet &ltostratus Cloud 5eight &*o e 1)3000 +eet Cloud -/%es Cirrus

>enticular Fog Contrails

Cirrus Clouds Cirrus clouds are the most common o+ the high clouds. -he/ are com%osed o+ ice and are thin3 2is%/ clouds *lo2n in high 2inds into long streamers. Cirrus clouds are usuall/ 2hite and %redict +air to %leasant 2eather. "/ 2atching the mo ement o+ cirrus clouds /ou can tell +rom 2hich direction 2eather is a%%roaching. .hen /ou see cirrus clouds3 it usuall/ indicates that a change in the 2eather 2ill occur 2ithin 24 hours.

Cirrostratus clouds are thin3 sheetli'e high clouds that o+ten co er the entire s'/. -he/ are so thin that the sun and moon can *e seen through them. Cirrostratus clouds usuall/ come 12:24 hours *e+ore a rain or sno2 storm.

Cirrocumulus clouds a%%ear as small3 rounded 2hite %u++s that a%%ear in long ro2s. -he small ri%%les in the cirrocumulus clouds sometime resem*le the scales o+ a +ish. Cirrocumulus clouds are usuall/ seen in the 2inter and indicate +air3 *ut cold 2eather. In tro%ical regions3 the/ ma/ indicate an a%%roaching hurricane.

G&ltoG Clouds &ltostratus clouds are gra/ or *lue:gra/ mid le el clouds com%osed o+ ice cr/stals and 2ater dro%lets. -he clouds usuall/ co er the entire s'/. In the thinner areas o+ the clouds3 the sun ma/ *e diml/ isi*le as a round dis'. &ltostratus clouds o+ten +orm ahead o+ storms 2ith continuous rain or sno2.

&ltocumulus clouds are mid le el clouds that are made o+ 2ater dro%lets and a%%ear as gra/ %u++/ masses. -he/ usuall/ +orm in grou%s. I+ /ou see altocumulus clouds on a 2arm3 stic'/ morning3 *e %re%ared to see thunderstorms late in the a+ternoon.

$tratus Clouds $tratus clouds are uni+orm gra/ish clouds that o+ten co er the entire s'/. -he/ resem*le +og that doesn4t reach the ground. >ight mist or dri66le sometimes +alls out o+ these clouds.

$tratocumulus clouds are lo23 %u++/ and gra/. Most +orm in ro2s 2ith *lue s'/ isi*le in *et2een them. ;ain rarel/ occurs 2ith stratocumulus clouds3 ho2e er3 the/ can turn into nim*ostratus clouds.

Nim*ostratus clouds +orm a dar' gra/3 2et loo'ing cloud/ la/er associated 2ith continuousl/ +alling rain or sno2. -he/ o+ten %roduce %reci%itation that is usuall/ light to moderate.

Cumulus Clouds Cumulus clouds are 2hite3 %u++/ clouds that loo' li'e %ieces o+ +loating cotton. Cumulus clouds are o+ten called G+air: 2eather cloudsG. -he *ase o+ each cloud is +lat and the to% o+ each cloud has rounded to2ers. .hen the to% o+ the cumulus clouds resem*le the head o+ a cauli+lo2er3 it is called cumulus congestus or to2ering cumulus. -hese clouds gro2 u%2ard and the/ can de elo% into giant cumulonim*us clouds3 2hich are thunderstorm clouds.

Cumulonim*us clouds are thunderstorm clouds. 5igh 2inds can +latten the to% o+ the cloud into an an il:li'e sha%e. Cumulonim*us clouds are associated 2ith hea / rain3 sno23 hail3 lightning and e en tornadoes. -he an il usuall/ %oints in the direction the storm is mo ing.

$%ecial Clouds Mammatus clouds are lo2 hanging *ulges that droo% +rom cumulonim*us clouds. Mammatus clouds are usuall/ associated 2ith se ere 2eather.

>enticular clouds are caused */ a 2a e 2ind %attern created */ the mountains. -he/ loo' li'e discs or +l/ing saucers that +orm near mountains.

Fog is a cloud on the ground. It is com%osed o+ *illions o+ tin/ 2ater dro%lets +loating in the air. Fog e1ists i+ the atmos%heric isi*ilit/ near the Aarth4s sur+ace is reduced to 1 'ilometer or less.

Contrails are condensation trails le+t *ehind 7et aircra+ts. Contrails +orm 2hen hot humid air +rom 7et e1haust mi1es 2ith en ironmental air o+ lo2 a%or %ressure and lo2 tem%erature. -he mi1ing is a result o+ tur*ulence generated */ the engine e1haust.

Breen Clouds are o+ten associated 2ith se ere 2eather. -he green color is not com%letel/ understood3 *ut it is thought to ha e something to do 2ith ha ing a high amount o+ liquid 2ater dro%s and hail inside the clouds. In the Breat @lains region o+ the U.$. green clouds are associated 2ith storms li'el/ to %roduce hail and tornadoes.

Cloud &cti ities >esson @lan, 5ere is a great lesson %lan on clouds. In this acti it/3 'ids see clouds +orm 2hen the/ *reath on s%oons. .hen 2arm3 moist *reath hits the cool s%oon3 2ater a%or condenses and turns into a cloud::or 2ater /ou can see. Note, -his is a @0F +ile3 so /ou need to ha e &do*e &cro*at ;eader.

>esson @lan, 5ere is a great lesson %lan on identi+/ing clouds. In this acti it/3 'ids *uild a cloud +inder and identi+/ 2hat clouds the/ see outside. Note, -his is a @0F +ile3 so /ou need to ha e &do*e &cro*at ;eader.

>esson @lan, 5ere is a great lesson %lan +ocusing on di++erent t/%es o+ clouds3 ho2 the/ are +ormed3 and 2hat the/ indicate a*out the 2eather. -his acti it/ is +or grades 3:#. Note, -his is a @0F +ile3 so /ou need to ha e &do*e &cro*at ;eader.

Cloud A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a cloud in a *ottle.

Fog A1%eriment, 5ere is a great e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e +og.

@ressure A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s ho2 %ressure is created in our atmos%here */ suc'ing an egg in a *ottle. -his is a er/ cool e1%erimentI

Ma'e & "arometer A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that allo2s the 'ids to ma'e a *arometer.

A a%oration A1%eriment, 5ere is an e1%eriment that sho2s 'ids ho2 e a%oration ta'es %lace.

$cience Fair @ro7ect Ideas, 5ere is a com%lete list o+ science +air %ro7ect ideas. 0isco er the science *ehind the 2eather that im%acts us e er/ da/.

5ome P &*out Cr/stal P Contact Cr/stal P @ri ac/ @olic/ P RCo%/right 2010 .eather .i6 KidsT .eather .i6 Kids $tore P 5urricanes P -ornadoes P .inter $torms P Clouds P ;ain Q Floods P -hunderstorms >ightning P .ind P -em%erature P .ild+ires P Aarthqua'es P Eolcanoes P Climate P <%tical Illusions .eather A1%eriments P .eather $a+et/ P .eather Bames P .eather Flashcards P .eather Lo'es P .eather Fol'lore .eather .ords P .eather Instruments P .eather @hotos P Career Corner P .eather >in's

sno2:ma'er ice ma'er ice gun

&ll &*out .inter $torms...


.hat are .inter $tormsM Most %eo%le thin' o+ a .inter $torm as a sno2storm. .hile this can *e true3 there are other t/%es o+ 2eather associated 2ith 2inter storms that can *e e1tremel/ ha6ardous. $torms 2ith $trong .inds $ometimes 2inter storms are accom%anied */ strong 2inds creating *li66ard conditions 2ith *linding 2ind:dri en sno23 se ere dri+ting3 and dangerous 2ind chill. $trong 2inds 2ith these intense storms and cold +ronts can 'noc' do2n trees3 utilit/ %oles3 and %o2er lines. $torms near the coast can cause coastal +looding and *each erosion as 2ell as sin' shi%s at sea. A1treme Cold A1treme cold o+ten accom%anies a 2inter storm or is le+t in its 2a'e. @rolonged e1%osure to the cold can cause +rost*ite or h/%othermia and *ecome li+e:threatening. In+ants and elderl/ %eo%le are most susce%ti*le. .hat constitutes e1treme cold and its e++ect aries across di++erent areas o+ the United $tates. In areas unaccustomed to 2inter 2eather3 near +ree6ing tem%eratures are considered Ge1treme cold.G Free6ing tem%eratures can cause se ere damage to citrus +ruit cro%s and other egetation. @i%es ma/ +ree6e and *urst in homes that are %oorl/ insulated or 2ithout heat. In the north3 *elo2 6ero tem%eratures ma/ *e considered as Ge1treme cold.G >ong cold s%ells can cause ri ers to +ree6e3 disru%ting shi%%ing. Ice 7ams ma/ +orm and lead to +looding. Ice $torms 5ea / accumulations o+ ice can *ring do2n trees3 electrical 2ires3 tele%hone %oles and lines3 and communication to2ers. Communications and %o2er can *e disru%ted +or da/s 2hile utilit/ com%anies 2or' to re%air the e1tensi e damage. A en small accumulations o+ ice ma/ cause e1treme ha6ards to motorists and %edestrians. 5ea / $no2 $torms 5ea / sno2 can immo*ili6e a region and %aral/6e a cit/3 stranding commuters3 sto%%ing the +lo2 o+ su%%lies3 and disru%ting emergenc/ and medical ser ices. &ccumulations o+ sno2 can colla%se *uildings and 'noc' do2n trees and %o2er lines. In rural areas3 homes and +arms ma/ *e isolated +or da/s3 and un%rotected li estoc' ma/ *e lost. In the mountains3 hea / sno2 can lead to a alanches. -he cost o+ sno2 remo al3 re%airing damages3 and loss o+ *usiness can ha e large economic im%acts on cities and to2ns.


5o2 do .inter $torms de elo%M

-here are three *asic ingredients necessar/ +or a 2inter storm to de elo%,

C<>0 &I;,

*elo2 +ree6ing tem%eratures in the clouds and near the ground are necessar/ to ma'e sno2 and=or ice.


to +orm clouds and %reci%itation. &ir *lo2ing across a *od/ o+ 2ater3 such as a large la'e or the ocean3 is an e1cellent source o+ moisture.


something to raise the moist air to +orm the clouds and cause %reci%itation. &n e1am%le o+ li+t is 2arm air colliding 2ith cold air and *eing +orced to rise o er the cold dome. -he *oundar/ *et2een the 2arm and cold air masses is called a +ront. &nother e1am%le o+ li+t is air +lo2ing u% a mountain side.


.h/ are .inter $torms 0angerous and ho2 do the/ cause deathsM

Most deaths +rom .inter $torms are not directl/ related to the storm itsel+

@eo%le die in tra++ic accidents on ic/ roads.

@eo%le die o+ heart attac's 2hile sho eling sno2. @eo%le die o+ h/%othermia +rom %rolonged e1%osure to cold.

A er/one is %otentiall/ at ris' during 2inter storms. -he actual threat to /ou de%ends on /our s%eci+ic situation. ;ecent o*ser ations indicate the +ollo2ing,

;elated to ice and sno2, &*out (0D occur in automo*iles. &*out 2!D are %eo%le caught out in the storm. Ma7orit/ are males o er 40 /ears old. ;elated to e1%osure to cold, !0D are %eo%le o er #0 /ears old. < er (!D are males. &*out 20D occur in the home.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .hat are the t/%es o+ .inter @reci%itationM

$N<. F>U;;IA$ : >ight sno2 +alling +or short durations. No accumulation or light dusting is all that is e1%ected. $5<.A;$ : $no2 +alling at ar/ing intensities +or *rie+ %eriods o+ time. $ome accumulation is %ossi*le. $FU&>>$ : "rie+3 intense sno2 sho2ers accom%anied */ strong3 gust/ 2inds. &ccumulation ma/ *e signi+icant. $no2 squalls are *est 'no2n in the Breat >a'es region. "><.INB $N<. : .ind:dri en sno2 that reduces isi*ilit/ and causes signi+icant dri+ting. "lo2ing sno2 ma/ *e sno2 that is +alling and=or loose sno2 on the ground %ic'ed u% */ the 2ind. ">IWW&;0 : .inds o er 3! m%h 2ith sno2 and *lo2ing sno2 reducing isi*ilit/ to near 6ero.

$>AA;ain dro%s that +ree6e into ice %ellets *e+ore reaching the ground. $leet usuall/ *ounces 2hen hitting a sur+ace and does not stic' to o*7ects. 5o2e er3 it can accumulate li'e sno2 and cause a ha6ard to motorists.

F;AAWINB ;&IN ;ain that +alls onto a sur+ace 2ith a tem%erature *elo2 +ree6ing. -his causes it to +ree6e to sur+aces3 such as trees3 cars3 and roads3 +orming a coating or gla6e o+ ice. A en small accumulations o+ ice can cause a signi+icant ha6ard.


.hat are the dangers associated 2ith e1%osure to coldM

F;<$-"I-A: Frost*ite is damage to *od/ tissue caused */ that tissue *eing +ro6en. Frost*ite causes a loss o+ +eeling and a 2hite or %ale a%%earance in e1tremities3 such as +ingers3 toes3 ear lo*es3 or the ti% o+ the nose. I+ s/m%toms are detected3 get medical hel% immediatel/I I+ /ou must 2ait +or hel%3 slo2l/ re2arm a++ected areas. 5o2e er3 i+ the %erson is also sho2ing signs o+ h/%othermia3 2arm the *od/ core *e+ore the e1tremities.

5J@<-5A;MI&, ><. "<0J -AM@A;&-U;A: .arning signs : uncontrolla*le shi ering3 memor/ loss3 disorientation3 incoherence3 slurred s%eech3dro2siness3 and a%%arent e1haustion. 0etection : -a'e the %erson4s tem%erature. I+ *elo2 C!F 83!C93immediatel/ see' medical careI I+ medical care is not a aila*le3 *egin 2arming the %erson slo2l/. .arm the *od/ core +irst. I+ needed3 use /our o2n *od/ heat to hel%. Bet the %erson into dr/ clothing3 and 2ra% them in a 2arm *lan'et co ering the head and nec'. 0o not gi e the %erson alcohol3 drugs3 co++ee3 or an/ hot *e erage or +oodO 2arm *roth is *etter. 0o not 2arm e1tremities 8arms and legs9 +irstI -his dri es the cold *lood to2ard the heart and can lead to heart +ailure.

.IN0 C5I>> : is *ased on the rate o+ heat loss +rom e1%osed s'in caused */ com*ined e++ects o+ 2ind and cold. &s the 2ind increases3 heat is carried a2a/ +rom the *od/ at an accelerated rate3 dri ing do2n the *od/ tem%erature. &nimals are also a++ected */ 2ind chill.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .hat are some other dangers associated 2ith 2inter 2eatherM <EA;AVA;-I<N3 such as sho eling hea / sno23 %ushing a car3 or 2al'ing in dee% sno2. -he strain +rom the cold and the hard la*or ma/ cause a heart attac'. $2eating could lead to a chill and h/%othermia.


.5&- 0< I 0< IF I &M C&UB5- IN & .IN-A; $-<;MM

.hen C&UB5- in a .inter $torm... Find shelter,

tr/ to sta/ dr/ co er all e1%osed %arts o+ the *od/. No shelter,

%re%are a lean:to3 2ind:*rea'3 or sno2 ca e +or %rotection +rom the 2ind. *uild a +ire +or heat and to attract attention. %lace roc's around the +ire to a*sor* and re+lect heat.

0o not eat sno2, It 2ill lo2er /our *od/ tem%erature. Melt it +irst. IN & C&; <; -;UCK $ta/ in /our car or truc'. 0isorientation occurs quic'l/ in 2ind:dri en sno2 and cold. ;un the motor a*out ten minutes each hour +or heat, o%en the 2indo2 a little +or +resh air to a oid car*on mono1ide %oisoning. ma'e sure the e1haust %i%e is not *loc'ed. Ma'e /oursel+ isi*le to rescuers, turn on the dome light at night 2hen running engine. tie a colored cloth 8%re+era*l/ red9 to /our antenna or door. raise the hood indicating trou*le a+ter sno2 sto%s +alling. A1ercise +rom time to time */ igorousl/ mo ing arms3 legs3 +ingers3 and toes to 'ee% *lood circulating and to 'ee% 2arm. &- 5<MA <; IN & "UI>0INB $ta/ inside. .hen using &>-A;N&-IEA 5A&- +rom a +ire%lace3 2ood sto e3 s%ace heater3 etc., use +ire sa+eguards. %ro%erl/ entilate. No heat, close o++ unneeded rooms. stu++ to2els or rags in crac's under doors. co er 2indo2s at night. Aat and drin'. Food %ro ides the *od/ 2ith energ/ +or %roducing its o2n heat. Kee% the *od/ re%lenished 2ith +luids to %re ent deh/dration. .ear la/ers o+ loose:+itting3 light2eight3 2arm clothing. ;emo e la/ers to a oid o erheating3 %ers%iration3 and su*sequent chill.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: KAA@ &5A&0 <F -5A $-<;M */ listening to N<&& .eather ;adio3 commercial radio3 and tele ision +or the latest 2inter storm 2atches3 2arnings3 and ad isories.

F<; M<;A 0A-&I>$ <N @;A@&;A0NA$$ 0<.N><&0 -5A .IN-A; $-<;M$ ";<C5U;A

$creen reader users3 clic' here to turn o++ Boogle Instant. .e*ImagesMa%s$ho%%ingMore$earch tools &*out 12C3000 results 80.2C seconds9 $earch ;esults gala GgaleG in Irish Boogle -ranslate .hat is the Baelic +or 4gale4 : .i'i&ns2ers 2i'i.ans2ers.com b ... b Anglish to $cottish Baelic and Irish 8Baelic9 Can /ou ans2er these Anglish to $cottish Baelic and Irish 8Baelic9 questionsM 5o2 do /ou %ronounce the Baelic 2ord +or %er+ectionM &ns2er itI .hat is the ... Irish 2ord +or gale 222.irish:2ord.com=g=gale Fuic'l/ +ind the Irish 2ord +or gale using this incredi*l/ +ast Irish 2ords dictionar/. Cinealacha $toirmeacha 8Kinds o+ $torms9 P Irish >anguage "log *logs.trans%arent.com=irish=cinealacha:stoirmeacha:'inds:o+:storms= $e% 33 2010 : Earious 2ords +or storms3 hurricanes3 tem%ests3 and 2inds in Irish3 the ... $e%3 2010 */ rcisldn in Irish >anguage. >ast *log ... gala 8an gala9, gale. Irish %hrases in the Baelic language : Irish sa/ings : Ireland

222.ireland:in+ormation.com=irish%hrases.htm */ Michael Breen -he Irish %hrases and 2ords *elo2 ha e a%%eared as a regular article in our +ree ... +ar gale:geh *rishteh na2 *ear:elh clish:teh MA&NINB, "ro'en Irish is *etter ... >anguage in Ireland 8Irish Baelic9 : Ameraldtiger 222.emeraldtiger.com=general=lang.htm

-he name Baelic is deri ed +rom the 2ord Bale the name gi en to the Celts. -he Irish 2ord +or the language is GBaeligeG. &ll o+ the a*o e aside there is no ... Bale P stranger. -he Irish 2ord +or +oreigner is gall. 8Bree'9 healer ... 222.emmasdiar/.co.u' b "a*/ Names stranger. -he Irish 2ord +or +oreigner is gall. 8Bree'9 healer. Named a+ter the +amous Bree' %h/sician Balen 8&0 12C:2009 Anglish to Irish translation : Im-ranslator imtranslator.net=translation=english=to:irish=translation= Free <nline Anglish to Irish <nline -ranslation $er ice. -he Anglish to Irish translator can translate te1t3 2ords and %hrases into o er !0 languages. Irish dictionar/ online3 Irish gaelic dictionar/3 Irish 0ictionar/3 Baelic ... 222.irishdictionar/.ie= &s' +or Irish translations on. IrishBaelic-ranslator.com. Anglish 2ord8s9. Irish 2ord8s9. &dd a Fada, [a] [e] [d] [c] [f]. < er 2#3000 2ords translated and %ut to use. Irish %hrase*oo' : .i'itra el 2i'itra el.org=en=Irishg%hrase*oo' Irish is one o+ the three Boidelic languages3 the others *eing $cottish Baelic and Man1. ... 4$ea 8$5&&O note that there is no real translation +or /es and no in Irish : the 2ords here literall/ ..... /ield, Beill sld 8Bale shlee9O no %ar'ing, no %ar'ing 8. Irish 2ords in Irish:Anglish : $te e Ad2ards4 old:+ashioned 2e*site 222.ste enro/ed2ards.com=t2ig.html -he term Gcre2 *eansG might sound li'e a eu%hemism3 *ut it4s not. \ Baeltacht 8%ronounced [a%%ro1.] Ggale:ta'htG9 _ &n area in 2hich Irish is an im%ortant dail/ ... 1 2 3 4 ! # ( )

C 10 Ne1t &d anced search$earch 5el%$end +eed*ac' Boogle 5ome&d ertising @rograms"usiness $olutions@ri ac/ Q -erms&*out Boogle

Bale From .i'i%edia3 the +ree enc/clo%edia -his article is a*out the 2ind. For other uses3 see Bale 8disam*iguation9.

&+ter a Bale X .rec'ers */ Lames 5amilton & gale is a er/ strong 2ind. -here are con+licting de+initions o+ ho2 strong a 2ind must *e to *e considered a gale. -he U.$. go ernment4s National .eather $er ice de+ines a gale as 34X4( 'nots 8#3X)( 'm=h3 1(.!X24.2 m=s or 3CX!4 miles=hour9 o+ sustained sur+ace 2inds.[1] Forecasters t/%icall/ issue gale 2arnings 2hen 2inds o+ this strength are e1%ected. <ther sources use minima as lo2 as 2) 'nots 8!2 'm=h3 32 m%h9 and ma1ima as high as C0 'nots 81(0 'm=h3 100 m%h9. -hrough 1C)#3 the National 5urricane Center used the term gale to re+er to 2inds o+ tro%ical +orce +or coastal areas3 *et2een 33 'nots 8#1 'm=h3 3) m%h9 and #3 'nots 811( 'm=h3 (2 m%h9. -he C0:'not 81(0 'm=h9 de+inition is er/ non:standard. & common alternati e de+inition o+ the ma1imum is !! 'nots 8102 'm=h3 #3 m%h9.[2] -he most common 2a/ o+ measuring 2inds is 2ith the "eau+ort scale =*o+rt=3[3] 2hich de+ines gale as 2ind +rom !0 to 102 'm=h. It is an em%irical measure +or descri*ing 2ind s%eed *ased mainl/ on o*ser ed sea conditions. Its +ull name is the "eau+ort .ind Force $cale. <n the "eau+ort .ind $cale3 a Bale is classi+ied as, Moderate Bale832X3) miles %er hour93 Fresh Bale83C:4# m%h93 $trong Bale 84(:!4 m%h9 and .hole Bale8!!:#3 m%h9. & Bale is a t/%e o+ .ind 0escri%tion %receded */ Calm3 >ight &ir3 light "ree6e3 Bentle "ree6e3 Moderate "ree6e3 Fresh "ree6e3 $trong "ree6e and succeeded */ $torm3Eiolent $torm and 5urricane on a "eau+ort .ind $cale. -here is a unique "eau+ort $cale num*er and a unique &rro2 Indication +or each t/%e o+ .ind 0escri%tion mentioned a*o e. -he 2ord gale is deri ed +rom the older gail3 *ut its origin is uncertain.[4] ;e+erences[edit source P edit*eta]

Lum% u% h National .eather $er ice Blossar/3 s. . GgaleG. Lum% u% h Blossar/ o+ Meteorological -erms3 No a>/n1 Cor%oration. Lum% u% h see article +or more on the traditional nautical use o+ the 2ord GgaleG Lum% u% h htt%,==222.et/monline.com=inde1.%h%Mterm`gale -his climatolog/=meteorolog/:related article is a stu*. Jou can hel% .i'i%edia */ e1%anding it. Categories, .ind&tmos%heric science stu*s Na igation menu Create account>og in&rticle-al';eadAdit sourceAdit*etaEie2 histor/

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>&NBU&BA Q CU>-U;A "><B$ Irish >anguage "log Connect 2ith us on Face*oo'Connect 2ith us on -2itter Cinealacha $toirmeacha 8Kinds o+ $torms9 @osted on 03. $e%3 2010 */ rcisldn in Irish >anguage >ast *log 2e discussed hairicdnd3 +or 2hich the Irish 2ord is an ada%tation o+ either the Cari* +or ZBod o+ A il[ or the name o+ a Ma/an storm god3 5ura'an X the sources +or this donSt agree on 2hich. Aither 2a/3 the 2ord 2ent through a cou%le o+ +ilters *e+ore reaching Irish3 namel/ $%anish Zhuracan[ and Anglish Zhurricane.[ 5ere are a +e2 more 2ords +or storms and the li'e. -he/Sre listed 2ith the de+inite article3 2hich 2ill usuall/ sho2 the gender o+ the 2ord. stoirm 8an stoirm9, storm stoirm mhcr 8an stoirm mhcr9, *ig storm s%eirling 8an s%eirling9, thunderstorm stoirm thoirnd 8an stoirm thoirnd9, thunderstorm stoirm ghaoithe 8an stoirm ghaoithe9, 2ind storm sdon 8an tsdon9, 2eather3 usuall/ im%l/ing storm/O c+. gaillshdon in the note *elo2

an+a 8an t:an+a9, storm3 tem%est an+a gaoithe 8an t:an+a gaoithe9, 2ind storm saighnean gaoithe 8an saighnean gaoithe9, sudden *last o+ 2ind gala 8an gala9, gale cioclcn 8an cioclcn9, c/clone cuaran+a 8an cuaran+a9, c/clone 8+rom cuar3 cur ed ? an+a3 storm9 tdo+fn 8an tdo+fn9, t/%hoon &nd 7ust +or good measure3 on the drier side3 sireacc 8an sireacc9, sirocco ZMistral3[ ho2e er3 sta/s the same in Irish. <+ course3 one can al2a/s 7ust sa/, drochaimsir 8*ad 2eather9. Ncta, &s +ar as I can tell3 none o+ the $cottish Baelic 8$B9 2ords +or Zhurricane[ come +rom the Cari*=Ma/a root. 5ere are a +e2 o+ the 2ords IS e +ound considered equi alent to Zhurricane3[ listed 2ith their Irish equi alent 8listed as ZIB[9 and usual meaning, $B, doineann 82ild 2eather3 hurricane9 IB, doineann 8storm/ 2eather9

$B, gailleann 8storm3 tem%est3 hurricane9 IB, gaillshdon or gail+ean 8rough *luster/ 2eather3 storm3 tem%est93 c+. $B, giill3 a Zstorm[ or a Zsurl/ loo'.[ Nice use o+ mea+ar 8meta%hor93 thatI Needless to sa/3 most languages are richest in oca*ular/ %ertaining to the li+est/le in the region 2here the/ are s%o'en. $o3 although3 *oth $cotland and Ireland are 'no2n +or *ad or rain/ 2eather3 and ha e man/ 2ords to descri*e it3 the oca*ular/ +or Zhurricane3[ as such3 is either ada%ted +rom an e1isting 2ord3 as in $cottish Baelic3 or3 as in Zhairicdn3[ *orro2ed. @ersonall/3 I thin' that 2ith so man/ t/%es o+ 2ind and storms3 the most %recise a%%roach is actuall/ to *orro2 the nati e 2ord3 at least as *est 2e 'no2 it +rom $%anish3 and ada%t it3 as necessar/3 to Irish s%elling3 as in Zhairicdn.[ Ma/*e */ the ne1t *log3 5airicdn Aarl3 and e en 5airicdn Ficna3 2ill ha e dissi%ated. In 2hich case3 2e can either continue discussing 2eather3 or mo e on to other $e%tem*er: related to%ics3 li'e school3 +oliage3 and=or arious holida/s +or this month3 +rom around the 2orld 8Brand%arents 0a/3 in the U.$. and CanadaO ;es%ect +or the &ged 0a/3 in La%an3 and -al' >i'e & @irate 0a/ on $e%tem*er 1C9. Moltad ar *ithM $lan go +cill3 ;cisldn @.$. Nuashonrfchan 830 0eireadh Fcmhair 20129, -here is another *log3 2ith related oca*ular/ at, htt%,==*logs.trans%arent.com=irish=cinealacha:stoirmeacha:'inds:o+:storms:an:sceal:leantach:the: sequel= -ags, an+a3 an+a gaoithe3 *ad 2eather3 *ig storm3 Cari*3 Cinealacha3 cioclcn3 cuar3 cuaran+a3 cur ed3 c/clone3 de+inite article3 doineann3 drochaimsir3 Baelic3 gail+ean3 giill3 gailleann3 gaillshdon3 gala3 gale3

gaoithe3 gender3 Bod o+ A il3 Brand%arents 0a/3 5airicdn Aarl3 5airicdn Ficna3 5airicdnd3 huracan3 5ura'an3 hurricane3 Irish3 La%an3 Kinds o+ $torms3 Ma/a3 Ma/an storm god3 mea+ar3 meta%hor3 Mistral3 ;es%ect +or the &ged 0a/3 rough *luster/ 2eather3 saighnean3 saighnean gaoithe3 $cottish Baelic3 $e%tem*er 1C3 sdon3 sireacc3 sirocco3 $%anish3 s%eirling3 stoirm3 stoirm ghaoithe3 stoirm mhcr3 stoirm thoirnd3 stoirmeacha3 storm3 storm/ 2eather3 storm/O gaillshdon3 sudden *last o+ 2ind3 surl/ loo'3 t:an+a3 -al' >i'e & @irate 0a/3 tem%est3 thunderstorm3 tdo+fin3 tdo+fn3 toirneach3 toirnd3 tsdon3 t/%hoon3 2eather3 2ild 2eather3 2ind3 2ind storm $hare this @ostI


&*out rcisldn Eie2 all %osts */ rcisldn n <ne ;es%onse to ZCinealacha $toirmeacha 8Kinds o+ $torms9[

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;ACAIEA @<$-$ IN J<U; AM&I>

;ACAN- @<$-$ $eamus o hpanad = $eamus 5eane/ 81C3C:20139 Bluaisdn do qo -illich go 85enr/9 "emis, $olitude s. >oneliness agus 0earcadh na BaeilgeS o -illich go 85enr/9 "emis, q$olitudeS s. q>onelinessS agus 0earcadh na Baeilge Fuaimnif3 =+umSn4u,=3 [F<<:im:n/oo] 8@ronunciation 139 "hu+I "hu+I 8&rds9, q$unn/S _ 0eir+ifr do q"oS 8Cead Mhadra na $tat &ontaithe9 I;I$5 &;C5IEA$ Q C&-AB<;IA$ b Com%an/ In+ormation -rans%arent >anguage is a leading %ro ider o+ *est:%ractice language learning so+t2are +or consumers3 educational institutions3 go ernment agencies and *usinesses. -rans%arent >anguage4s %roducts are also used in more than 123000 ci ilian and go ernment institutions3 including ma7or uni ersities and go ernment +acilities3 such as the 0e+ense >anguage Institute and Foreign $er ice Institute. R 2013 Irish >anguage "log. &ll ;ights ;eser ed. P >earn Irish Contact Us -rans%arent >anguage3 Inc. 12 Mur%h/ 0ri e Nashua3 N5 030#2 U$&

-el, 8#039 2#2:#300 Amail, in+ortrans%arent.com

$tar'2ind &ls $tar'2ind 2ird in .est: und Mitteleuro%a meist eine .indstsr'e 62ischen # und ( "eau+ort *e6eichnet. 0art*er s%richt man on usttrmischZ *62. on $turm. Untenstehend die t*lichen Bren62erte einiger .indstsr'en. .indstsr'e m=s 4 msvige "rise ! +risch 'm=h !3! : (3C Knoten 20 : 2) 1# : 21 $eegang 11 : 1! 8moderate "rise9

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sehr hohe $ee

810 engl.` storm 8+r.tem%wte93 2ogegen C ` strong gale9 "ei oraussichtlichem &u+treten on u$tar'2indZ 8meist #:( "+t.3 also 3CX#1 'm=h9 oder $turm 8a* ) "+t. oder #2 'm=h9 2erden $turm2arnungen %er Fun' ausgestrahlt *62. durch o%tische $ignale ge2arnt. 0ie $tar'2ind: *62. $turm2arnungen er+olgen im ;ahmen des regelmsvigen .etter*erichts on den 6ustsndigen .etterdiensten *62. Ktsten+un'stellen. Kategorien, .ind$chi+++ahrt Na igationsment "enut6er'onto anlegen&nmelden&rti'el0is'ussion>esen"ear*eitenEersionsgeschichte

5au%tseite -hemen%ortale Eon & *is W Wu+slliger &rti'el Mitmachen &rti'el er*essern Neuen &rti'el anlegen &utoren%ortal 5il+e >et6te xnderungen Konta't $%enden 0ruc'en=e1%ortieren .er'6euge

In anderen $%rachen Catali Anglish As%ajol Nors' n/nors' Nors' *o'myl @ols'i $im%le Anglish $ ens'a >in's *ear*eiten 0iese $eite 2urde 6ulet6t am 31. Msr6 2013 um 1),20 Uhr gesndert. &*ru+statisti'

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-raditions3 +ol'lore3 histor/ and more. I+ it4s Irish3 it4s here. <r 2ill *eI

G@eo%le 2ill not loo' +or2ard to %osterit/ 2ho ne er loo' *ac'2ard to their ancestors.G :Admund "ur'e


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$ho%s Ireland

"unfs na Baeilge 8"asic Irish9

Circle o+ @ra/er


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0id Jou Kno2M


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"unfs na Baeilge : "asic Irish >anguage

-here is no other 2a/ to re i e Irish than +or a cro2d o+ %eo%le to s%read it. : 0ouglas 5/de

Note, -he s%ellings and %ronunciations used are *ased on &ideen4s o2n natural use o+ Connemara Irish *ut the/ ha e *een 'e%t sim%le3 so as to *e understood 2here there are di++erences in the language. For e1am%le3 the 2ord 4+eic+idh4 is used onl/ in Connemara IrishO in >einster3 Ulster and Munster the 2ord is 4cd+idh4. -here are t2o %ronunciationsO >einster=Munster : 'ee:+eeO Ulster : chee:+ee.

-he *iggest %ro*lem +or %eo%le 2hose nati e language is Anglish is that the so+t 4t4 and 4d4 are in Irish3 *ut not in AnglishO it4s di++icult to 4re%roduce4 them in 2riting. .here I use 4th4 and 4dh4 here3 the/ are *est achie ed */ %utting /our tongue gentl/ *ehind /our +ront u%%er teeth.G

Clic' here +or our 2ords Q %hrases Inde1.

>esson |20 : $easons and .eather. 5ere3 2e tac'le the seasons and the 2eather. It4s a some2hat 2ide:ranging to%ic 3 so 2e4re *ringing /ou 2ords in this lesson and 2e4ll gi e related %hrases ne1t. <nce again3 2e are most grate+ul to &ideen3 our nati e Irish s%ea'er3 +or ma'ing this lesson %ossi*le. @hoto Credit, $%ring in Ireland=Irish -hatch <2ners

.ord, $eason Irish, $easfr @ronunciation, sha/:soor

.ord, .eather Irish, &imsear @ronunciation, am:shir

.ord, $%ring Irish, Aarrach @ronunciation, arr:och

.ord, $ummer Irish, $amhradh @ronunciation, so28as in co29:rah

.ord, &utumn=Fall Irish, Fomhair @ronunciation, +oh:2ir

.ord, .inter Irish, Beimhreadh @ronunciation, gee :reh 8note, a hard 4g4 sound3 as in 4gale4 and not in 4gel49

.ord, .et Irish, +liuch @ronunciation, +li:u'h

.ord, 0r/ Irish, tirim @ronunciation, chi:rm

.ord, 5ot Irish, te @ronunciation, cheh

.ord, Cold Irish, +uair @ronunciation, +oo:er

.ord, $un Irish, griain @ronunciation, green

.ord, $unrise Irish, eird na greine @ronunciation, e/e:ree na gra/:ne

.ord, $unset Irish, lud 8na9 greine @ronunciation, lee 8na9 gra/:ne

.ord, $unshine Irish, dealramh na greine @ronunciation, 7al:ra na gra/:ne

.ord, $no2 Irish, sneachta @ronunciation, shno'h:tha

.ord, ;ain Irish, *aisteach @ronunciation, *a2:ish:thioch

.ord, .ind Irish, gaoth @ronunciation, g2ee

.ord, "itter Irish, gear @ronunciation, ga/r

.ord, "ree6e Irish, +eothan @ronunciation, +ee:oh:ha2n

.ord, $torm Irish, stoirm @ronunciation, stherm

.ord, $torm/ Irish, stoirmeach @ronunciation, stherm:oc'h

.ord, "li66ard Irish, sdo*adh sneachta @ronunciation, shee:*ah shno'h:tha

.ord, "last 8o+ 2ind9 Irish, seidean ghaoithe @ronunciation, sha/:dha2n g2ee:heh

.ord, $heet 8o+ ice9 Irish, leac oighir @ronunciation, lac':e/er

.ord, $'/ Irish, s%eir @ronunciation, s%are

.ord, $leet Irish, +lichshneachta @ronunciation, +lic'h:shno'h:tha

.ord, Um*rella Irish, scath +earthainne @ronunciation, sca2 +arr:hinne

.ord, -o%coat Irish, ccta mcr @ronunciation, 'o:tha mor

.ord, ;aincoat Irish, ccta *aistd @ronunciation, 'o:tha *a2:ish:thee

.ord, 5at Irish, hata @ronunciation, hah:tha

Irish, Ca% Irish, cai%dn @ronunciation, co%:een

Irish, $hoes Irish, *rcga @ronunciation, *roh:gah

Irish, "oots Irish, *uatad @ronunciation, *oo:thee

>esson |21 : .eather @hrases.

@hrase, -a'e care o+ /oursel+ 8mind /oursel+93 or /ou might catch a cold in this 2eather Irish, -a*hair aire duit +hein no gheo*haidh tf slaidean san aimsear seo @ronunciation, -hohr arr:eh dhitch ha/n noh /eo:ee thoo sl/:dha2n son am:shir shuh

@hrase, -he +orecast +or tomorro2 is good Irish, -a comharthad na haimsire go maith le haghaidh amarach

@ronunciation, -ha2 cohr:hee na ham:shir:eh guh m/e leh he/e a:ma2r:och

@hrase, -here is a *last o+ shar% 2ind coming +rom the north = the south:east Irish, -a seidean gaoithe gheirr ag teacht c thuaidh = c thoir:theas @ronunciation, -ha2 sha/:dha2n g2eeheh /a/r egg tiochth oh hoo:ee 8oh herr:hass9

@hrase, No2 that $%ring is here the da/s 2ill *e lengthening Irish, &nois teacht an Aarrad *eidh na laethe ag dul chun sdne @ronunciation, &:nish tiocht on arr:ee */e na la/:heh egg dhul 'hun shee:neh

@hrase, Isn4t it so 2onder+ul to loo' at a lo el/ sunset Irish, Nach aoi*heann *heith ag *reathnf ar lud 8na9 greine aileann @ronunciation, Knoc' ee :en eh egg *ra:noo err lee 8na9 gra/:ne a2l:/inn

@hrase, 0o /ou ha e an um*rella 2ith /ouM -here 2ill *e rain=sleet in the a+ternoon Irish, "h+uil scath +earthainne leatM "eidh *aisteach=+lichshneachta sa trathncna @ronunciation, .ill sca2 +arr:hinne li:athM "/e *a2:ish:thioch=+lic'h:shno'h:tha sa thra2:nona

@hrase, No need +or a to%coat=raincoat toda/ Irish, Nd ga ccta mcr = ccta *aistd inniu @ronunciation, Nee ga2 'o:tha mor = 'o:tha *a2:ish:thee inn:/uh

@hrase, -he Irish 2eather is usuall/ so uncertain Irish, 0e ghnath in pireann *donn an aimsear neamhchinnteacht @ronunciation, 07eh gna2 in a/r:inn *ee:on on am:shir na :'hinn:thiochth

@hrase, .e 2ill ha e a *on+ire tonight Irish, "eidh tine chnamh againn anocht

@ronunciation, "/e chin:eh 'na2 og:inn a:no'hth

@hrase, Come in +rom the sun. It4s hot out there no2 Irish, -ar isteach on ngriain. -a se te amach ansin anois @ronunciation, -har is:tioch o2n ngreen. -ha2 sha/ cheh amo'h on:shin a:nish

@hrase, M/ shoes are 2et Irish, -a mo *hrcga +liuch @ronunciation, -ha2 muh roh:gah +li:u'h

@hrase, .e are ha ing a er/ good summer this /ear Irish, -a $amradh *rea againn i m*liana @ronunciation, -ha2 so28as in co29:rah *ra og:inn i m*lee:na

For More Irish 2ords Q %hrases %lease clic' here, Irish Inde1

Image, Baeilge "eo +rom &ll @osters and @rints.

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"itesi6e Irish Baelic

$tart learning on line 2ith a +ree trialI

.h/ >earn Irish 2ith "itesi6e Irish BaelicM Aoin is a nati e Irish s%ea'er 2ho /ou can listen to in the online lessons. $asa has hel%ed de elo% the lessons +rom the %ers%ecti e o+ a com%lete *eginner. &udre/ has created con ersation lessons to get /ou s%ea'ing Irish. &nd last *ut certainl/ not least3 the/ are %roud o+ the Irish language and 2ant more %eo%le to s%ea' it. &++orda*le3 +un and e++ecti e : -o learn more3 Clic' "itesi6e Irish

Irish Brammar */ Noel Mogonagle

-his *oo' is e1cellent +or *eginners 2ho are 2anting a *oo' that gi es *asic grammar 2ithout all the e1tra in+ormation that con+uses *eginners. -he *oo' is 2ell laid out3 2ith in+ormation er/ eas/ to +ind. &ma6on ;e ie2er

5ere is a good +ollo2:on to our 2ords and %hrases. Clic' +or Irish Brammar.

Irish : Anglish Anglish : Irish 0ictionaries

Note, .e ha e /et to see a dictionar/ 2ith %honetic %ronunciations +or each 2ord. .e sus%ect this is %artl/ due to the ariations. @ro iding +or all +our 4green +ields4 8Connacht3 >einster3 Ulster and Munster93 2ould *e cum*ersome at *est. $till3 someone ma/ do it some da/. Until then3 these are all er/ good and recommended. $erious students 2ill ha e more than oneO the/ are ine1%ensi e.

Collins Bem Mini:0ictionar/

<1+ord @oc'et 0ictionar/

-hese t2o 8either or *oth9 are the hand/:re+erences needed to go 2ith a good grammar or 4teach /oursel+4 course. .e 2ould need *oth 8and some other hel%9 i+ +ound 2andering in a Baeltacht late at night. &ma6on has an o++er o+ either one com*ined 2ith a grammar +or a reduced %rice. Clic' +or Collins Bem Clic' +or <1+ord @oc'et.

.ic'ed Irish */ 5o2ard -om*

.hile I 2ouldn4t recommend /ou use man/ o+ these %hrases3 this is a terri*l/ +unn/ *oo'. I %ic'ed it u% a+ter lea+ing through it at the store and +inding %hrases a*out shee% and inns and the ha6ards o+ dri ing in Ireland 2ithout insurance. Aach little section starts out innocuousl/ enough3 then quic'l/ degenerates into trul/ +unn/ comments. I+ /ou li'e Mont/ @/thon or "lac'&dder3 this 2ill reall/ ma'e /ou laugh. I+ /ou li'ed the Father -ed t sho23 this little *oo' 2ill ma'e /ou 'eel o er giggling. &h3 go on3 /a ee7it3 *u/ it alread/I &ma6on ;e ie2er 8.e 2ant this3 /ou ma/ see a +e2 on these %ages : 2atch out9. Clic' +or .ic'ed Irish

-each Joursel+ Irish Com%lete Course

*/ 0iarmuid <4$he Q Lose%h $heils

&n eas/:to:use %rogram +or learning on /our o2n3 or can *e used as su%%lemental material +or /our classes. -hese ne2 editions ha e *een thoroughl/ re ised and u%dated to include the engaging dialogues and hel%+ul e1ercises /ou ha e come to e1%ect +rom the -each Joursel+ series. Clic' +or -each Joursel+

>earning Irish */ Micheal <4$iadhail

-he "est Irish Course & aila*leI -hree /ears ago I decided to learn Irish3 and in the ne1t t2o /ears I *ought three di++erent courses. -he +irst t2o 2ere sim%l/ useless3 8that4s the o* ious reason +or m/ *u/ing ne2 courses9 /ou could learn some %hrases3 *ut not construct sentences /oursel+. >earning Irish3 on the other hand3 is an e1cellent *oo'3 2hich gi es /ou a thorough oca*ular/ and grammatical 'no2ledge. It consists o+ 3# lessons3 all containing oca*ularies3 grammar instructions3 te1ts and e1cercises. &ma6on ;e ie2er.

Clic' +or >earning irish

$ite Inde1 P Kids P Kitchen P $ho%%ing P @oetr/ P .eddings P -ra el P "asic Irish Fuotes P "oo's P Music P Mo ies P -ri ia P "lessings P >in's P Lo'es P

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A0I-<;4$ @ICK$

<U@*log } >anguage } 0ictionaries Q >e1icogra%h/ } & .ord in $eason, "li66ard & .ord in $eason, "li66ard %ermalin' @osted on .ednesda/3 Lanuar/ 2nd3 200) at 11,!C am $5&;A,

"/ &natol/ >i*erman

A er/ no2 and then3 some 2ords arouse %u*lic curiosit/ and %roduce a torrent o+ corres%ondence, %eo%le 2rite letters to the editors3 argue 2ith one another3 and o++er et/mological con7ectures. In the %ast3 Notes and Fueries on *oth sides o+ the &tlantic3 -he &thenaeum3 and -he Nation regularl/ ser ed as an outlet +or this t/%e o+ e1change. It is hard to *elie e ho2 much in' 8/es3 in the %ast 2riters used in', loo' it u% in some good dictionar/9 2as 2asted on the histor/ o+ theodolite Zan instrument +or measuring anglesO le el3 *u**le3[ a 2ord that hardl/ an/one remem*ers toda/ 8m/

s%ell:chec' suggested that I re%lace it 2ith theologi6e3 *ut I re+used9. & similar case is *li66ard. &longside the %redicta*le attem%ts to trace the 2ord to its source 8AnglishM BermanM IrishM93 the +ate+ul question_"ritish or &mericanM_2as *roached again and again. <n one hand3 it is a %it/ to cede territor/O on the other3 2ho needs 2hat is not oneSs o2nM Modern dictionaries ma'e cautious suggestions a*out the et/molog/ o+ *li66ard or sa/ Zorigin un'no2n[ 8*etter solidl/ sa+e than eternall/ sorr/9. &nd /et 2e 'no2 almost e er/thing 2e need a*out the rise and de elo%ment o+ this 2ord.

&s usual3 a good deal de%ends on ho2 2e de+ine Z'no2.[ I+ it means disco ering the %erson 2ho on a certain da/ coined the 2ord and e1%lained his or her moti ation +or coming u% 2ith it3 the origin o+ +e2 2ords 2ill e er *e Z'no2n.[ "ut i+ 2e stri e to reconstruct the circumstances in 2hich our 2ord could ha e arisen and sho2 that our reconstruction does not run counter to the ca%ricious la2s o+ semantics and the rigid la2s o+ %honetics3 our chance o+ success 2ill o+ten *e high.

5ere are a +e2 %oints. &lthough *li66ard ends in the su++i1 :ard3 it need not *e equal to the trans%arent sum o+ *li66: and :ard. "astard3 *u66ard3 co2ard3 dastard3 gi66ard3 haggard3 and niggard3 let alone *illiard3 %lacard3 and %oniard3 /ield no meaning+ul roots a+ter the su*traction o+ :ard 8*astards ha e nothing to do 2ith *ast3 *u66ards do not *u663 and co2ards are not co2herds3 2hile dast:3 gi66:3 and the others do not e en e1ist as se%arate entities93 *ut drun'ard3 *raggart3 and dullard do +all into t2o recogni6a*le com%onents each, a drun'ard is a drun'3 *raggarts are %rone to *ragging3 and dullards are dolts. "li66 Zrainstorm[ has *een attested3 *ut it had minimal currenc/. No2 to the countr/ o+ origin. -he +amil/ name "li66ard3 2ith one 6 or t2o3 has *een around +or centuries3 *ut the deri ation o+ the name and its ties 2ith the noun *li66ard are uncertain. "li66er3 *li66om3 *li66omer3 and e en the %ast %artici%le *li66arded ha e *een recorded in "ritish dialects. &ccording to the recollections o+ an old lad/3 the +ollo2ing charm 2as recited in Jor'shire at the *eginning o+ the 1Cth centur/, ZFrom 2i6ards3 and *li66ards3 and long:tailed *u66ards3 = From things as +lies3 and things as cree%s through other +ol'sS hedges3 = Bood >ord3 deli er us.[ -his is gi**erish3 and the 2oman had no idea 2hat *li66ards meant3 *ut the 2ord stuc' in her memor/. -he Centur/ 0ictionar/ ma'es the reasona*le assum%tion that *li66ard Ze1isted almost unrecogni6ed in "ritish %ro incial use3 2hence it %assed into &merican use.[

-han's to a thorough in estigation o+ &llen .al'er ;ead3 2e 'no2 that in 1(#! the +orm "li6ard 82ith one 69 a%%eared as the name o+ a Massachusetts shi%. -here is no one to as' 2h/ this name 2as chosen. 0id Mr. "li6ard o2n the shi%M <r 2as it su%%osed to carr/ a message com%ara*le to Formida*le and In inci*leM From 1)2C on 2e ha e an uninterru%ted record o+ the 2ordSs use3 and these are its meanings 8in the order o+ a%%earance3 as the/ sa/ in theater %rograms9, Za iolent *lo2[ 8%resuma*l/ a +isticu++9 81)2C93 Za ri+le shot[ 81)3493 Za olle/ o+ 2ords[ 81)3!93 Za hard stri'e in *ase*all[ 81)3#93 Za hit +rom an arro2[ 81)!#9. & %oetaster used *li66ard as some sort o+ inter7ection or +iller 2ith the ague meaning Zquic'.[ In the earl/ eighties3 *li66ard3 the noun and the er*3 turned u% 2ith the signi+ications Zan alcoholic drin'O a sudden stormO discharge o+ mus'etr/O to mo e at high elocit/O to shoot a shotgun.[ -he great da/ in the histor/ o+ *li66ard 2as March 143 1)(0. Z-he +irst storm o+ 2hich there is an/ record came on the 14th o+ March3 1)(03 and 2as +or /ears remem*ered as the great *li66ard. -here had *een storms *e+ore3 man/ o+ them e er/ 2inter3 *ut the one in the

s%ring o+ 1)(0 came at a time not e1%ected[ 8quoted */ ;ead9. -he %lace o+ action is Io2a3 and it is +rom there that *li66ard Za sno2storm[ s%read to the rest o+ the countr/3 to *ecome e entuall/ 'no2n in Angland as 2ell. Its other meanings 2ere soon +orgotten. -hus3 it is not the 2ord *li66ard *ut its current meaning that can *e called an &mericanism.

0es%ite the Zorigin un'no2n[ stigma attached to *li66ard3 most researchers 8and I mean researchers3 not the authors o+ +anci+ul or +ol' et/mological h/%otheses9 ha e o++ered similar deri ations o+ our 2ord. -he original sense o+ *li66ard must ha e *een Za iolent out*urst3[ and *luster immediatel/ comes to mind as a 2ord o+ nearl/ the same sound sha%e and meaning. -he grou%s *l: and *]l render arious sound e++ects, consider *a**le3 *lo*3 *ur*le3 *u**le3 *o*olin' 8a *irdSs name93 and *lo2 among others. @resuma*l/3 *luster and *li6869 *elonged to that grou%. $uch 2ords ma/ ne er acquire *roader meanings3 *ut a meta%hor occasionall/ gi es them greater e1%osure. For e1am%le3 *u663 to quote the <A03 means Zto ma'e a si*ilant humming sound[ 8oh3 the a%tness and *eaut/ o+ such de+initionsI9. -he a%%earance o+ the noun *u662ord allo2ed *u66 to increases its sco%e o+ a%%lication3 2hile the %olite ad ice to an im%ortune %erson to *u66 o++ 2ea'ened its ties 2ith si*ilant +lies and mosquitoes still +urther. Cattle running a2a/ +rom the s2arms o+ *u66ing horse+lies 2ere called *isig in the old languageO this is the most li'el/ origin o+ the ad7ecti e *us/ and its 0utch cognate *e6ig 8originall/ Zincessantl/ occu%ied[, com%are *us/*od/9. "li663 li'e *u663 must ha e e1isted on the outs'irts o+ s%o'en Anglish +or an inde+inite %eriod o+ time. -o *e sure3 2e cannot 'no2 2hen it arose. In similar +ashion3 2e ha e no 2a/ o+ 'no2ing 2hen %u++3 hush3 2he23 and their il' +irst emerged in the language. Nor do 2e care. $omeone added a li ing su++i1 to *li6869 and %roduced *li66ard. .e should not as' 2ho e1%anded *li6869 into *li66ard and 2hen. &s long as the su++i1 remained %roducti e3 it could ha%%en in an/ %lace at an/ time.

$o this is the solution o+ the %u66le. In "ritish rural s%eech3 there e1isted a sound imitati e com%le1 *li66 e1%ressing the idea o+ great quic'ness. .hen the su++i1 :ard 2as added to it3 the ne2 2ord *egan to denote all 'inds o+ things ha ing an immediate e++ect on its ictim3 +rom Za gunshot[ to Zan into1icating drin'.[ Most records are +rom &merican Anglish. In 1)(03 in Io2a3 a iolent sno2storm 2as called a *li66ard. $torms and hurricanes tra el +ast. -oda/ *li66ard is an esta*lished %art o+ the oca*ular/ o+ Anglish. .hat else do 2e not 'no2 a*out its histor/M $uggestions are 2elcome.

&natol/ >i*erman is the author o+ .ord <rigins]&nd 5o2 .e Kno2 -hem. 5is column on 2ord origins3 -he <1+ord At/mologist3 a%%ears here each .ednesda/. $end /our et/molog/ question to *log.usrou%.comO heSll do his *est to a oid res%onding 2ith Zorigin un'no2n.[ $5&;A, ;A>&-A0 @<$-$, -5U;$0&J $A@ 3;03 200C

Class X @odictionar/ .ord o+ the 0a/ ..... .A0NA$0&J L&N 11-53 2012

-he in+amous C:2ord ..... .A0NA$0&J M&J 1)-53 2011

-2o hard >:2ords3 second 2ord, >un'er ..... .A0NA$0&J LU> 22N03 200C

0roll *ut 5armless, -he .ord $call/2ag ..... -rac'*ac' 0iscussion Feed, ;$$ 2.0 Categories, 0ictionaries Q >e1icogra%h/3 >anguage3 <1+ord At/mologist # ;A$@<N$A$ -< Z& .<;0 IN $A&$<N, ">IWW&;0[ $te%hen sa/s, Lanuar/ 43 200) at C,30 am .hile I 2ouldnSt claim much a*out the +ollo2ing 1)#( quote 2ith Z*li66ard3[ %erha%s it illustrates the sense o+ *li66ard as a iolent *lo2 or loud shot *last used in the conte1t o+ consequent sho2er and rain o+ *lac'*irds. Ma/*e3 or ma/*e not. From the Ne2ar' [<hio] &d ocate3 Frida/3 <cto*er 2!3 1)#(O Issue 43O %age 13 col A. [a sill/ letter,] $um $hootin in the $ta/t o+ <hio .hiteMs Corners3 <ct143 1)#( &. 5.. It su%%osedl/ recounts an attem%t to get rid o+ *lac'*irds */ shooting at them.

ZI and $am loded and +ired as +ast as 2e could3 and at e er/ *roadside the *lac' rascals +ell in sho2ers around us].-he cro2 2as 'eer+ul to 'ee% as high a*u the rest as %ossi*le3 *ut e er/ time heSd lite 2eSd gi e him a *last. &t length3 to2ard e enin3 2e 'ind o+ hi ed him3 and the last o+ the *lac'*irds in a *ig old tree].No23 $am3 se6 I3 no2 +or *ig lodes and a simultuous *li66ardI].5o2 it did rain *lac'*irds].[ Lac' Bi**ard sa/s, Lanuar/ 123 200) at 2,43 %m Z& similar case is *li66ard. &longside the %redicta*le attem%ts to trace the 2ord to its source 8AnglishM BermanM IrishM9] q>e1icogra%her attem%ts to trace 2ord to its sourceS shoc'. $hurel/ some mista'eM 0a id "li66ard sa/s, Ma/ 133 200C at #,1( %m It is old French. Z"li6 qard[ @ronounced Z"lis qaird[ -he reason it has such an o*scure histor/ is *ecause French g/%sies ado%ted the 2ord and 2ere er/ secreti e %eo%le *ecause o+ %ersecution in Auro%e. Mar' -uttle sa/s, Lanuar/ !3 2010 at 4,!0 %m 5ere is a lin' to a recent ne2s stor/ in the 0es Moines ;egister 2hich cites a diar/ re+erence +rom >e%he .ells Coates3 2ho 2as a school teacher and 2i+e o+ the +irst %ostmaster o+ $%encer3 Io2a. It 2as she 2ho +irst uttered the 2ord *li66ard in re+erence to a sno2storm */ relating itSs +ur/ to a character3 Mr. "li66ard in a stor/ she had read. -he children o+ Asther ;idle/3 +rom 2hom the to2n o+ Asther ille3 Ia 2as named3 attended CoatesS school and carried the e1%ression to Asther ille3 2here it 2as later %u*lished. htt%,==222.desmoinesregister.com=article=20100102=NA.$=102032(=>i*rarianX"li66ard:*orn:in: $%encer:not:Asther ille Berald "a'er sa/s, Lanuar/ 133 2010 at 3,0C %m 5o2 can I get in touch 2ith 0a id "li66ard3 2ho %osted on this site on Ma/ 13M & cousin o+ mine3 2ho li es in France3 told me that Z*li66ard[ has the same meaning in French that it has in Anglish. ;e 0a idSs comments3 data +rom the 1C)0 U$ Census indicated that there 2ere more ZFrench "asques[ li ing in Ne*ras'a3 that in an/ other %lace. -hat 2as 2rong3 *ut it 2as su%%osed that the +igures 2ere +or some other ethnic grou% that had *een con+used 2ith Z"asques.[ @erha%s the so:called Z"asques[ 2ere gi en that nic'name */ their enemies3 ta'en +rom the Bree' 2ord Z*as'anos3[ 2hich means Zsorcerer[ and that

name might also ha e *een a%%lied to B/%sies3 as in the song 2ith the 2ords3 Z"onn/3 *onn/ "isca/.[ -erminologia etc. ~ ~ &rri a il +antomatico "li66ardI sa/s, Fe*ruar/ C3 2012 at (,3# am [...] >Setimologia di *li66ard3 %arola che contiene elementi di +onosim*olismo3 l [...] >A&EA & ;A@>J Name 8required9 Mail 82ill not *e %u*lished9 8required9 .e*site

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Z.hether or not one agrees 2ith MormonismSs teachings and theolog/3 those interested in learning its nuances and relationshi% to the larger Christian communit/ li'el/ 2ill %ro+it +rom Mr. .e**Ss 2or'. ItSs a +ascinating su*7ect3 and one Mr. .e** c Mormon Christianit/ +eatured in the .ashington -imes ..... Gthis is a *rilliant *oo' a*out the inter+ace o+ chemistr/ and %h/sics. &*o e all3 the stories argue %o2er+ull/ +or curiosit/:dri en research3 and sho2 ho2 hard it is to see the 2ood +or the trees in the thic' o+ a scienti+ic *attle.G & -ale o+ $e en Alements re ie2ed in Ne2 $cientist ..... G5eil*ron4s account o+ "ohr4s intellectual 7ourne/ is insight+ul and in+ormati e.G >o e3 >iterature3 and the Fuantum &tom re ie2ed in Ne2 $cientist ..... &*outContactFollo2>egal R Co%/right <1+ord Uni ersit/ @ress U$& 200#:2013. &ll rights reser ed. $hare-his Co%/ and @aste

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Jou ha e +ound quite a unique 2e* site3 i+ 2e ma/ sa/ soI No other site 2ill allo2 /ou to easil/ listen to all three dialects o+ the Irish language side:*/:side. It4s an e1cellent 2a/ to get to 'no2 the sounds o+ the language3 at /our o2n %ace. <r /ou can 7ust im%ress /our +riends */ learning o++ /our +a orite %hrases. "ecoming a Bold Mem*er "/ signing u% to *ecome an Irish:$a/ings.com Bold Mem*er3 /ou4ll ha e access to more that 7ust those +ree %hrases a*o e. Jou4ll *e a*le to listen to a massi e C00? recordings o+ the Irish language3 read/ to listen to at /our o2n %ace. .hat4s more3 mem*ershi% is non:e1%iring. Bold Mem*ers can e en do2nload the M@3 ersion o+ each recording. .ant to hear moreM "ecome a Bold Mem*erI

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*4 ;esol ed Fuestion$ho2 me another ~ .hats the irish 2ord +or the 2eather in the last t2o 2ee's o+ a%ril and the +irst t2o 2ee's o+ ma/M 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use &dditional 0etails i thin' its somethin li'e scori*in i 2ant the %ro%er 2ord and s%elling..its 2ild 2eird 2eather +or these 2ee's o+ the /ear.../ou4d hear the older generations tal'ing *out it 4 /ears ago

magidge "est &ns2er : Chosen */ Eoters

Changea*le... 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 100D 1 Eote 3 %eo%le rated this as good

Not the right ans2erM -r/ JahooI $earch

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&%ril is &i*rean and Ma/ is "ealtaine3 er/ close to the name o+ the %agan +esti al "eltane 2hich is cele*rated in earl/ Ma/. I couldn4t +ind an/ 2ord close to /our s%elling scori*in in m/ Irish dictionar/.

Adit I as'ed the teachers at a Baelscoil3 and one o+ them remem*ered a grand%arent using a sean+hocal 8%ro er*9 in this conte1t. It seems the 2ords are *c ria*hach : %ronounced *oe ree oc' : 2hich literall/ means stri%ed co2. No*od/ 'ne2 ho2 the sean+hocal arose3 7ust that it 2as in use long ago. 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 2 %eo%le rated this as good


I4 e heard it *eing descri*ed as 0ro%%ing .eather */ the stra2*err/ gro2ers in .e1+ord. &%%arentl/3 it re+ers to a dro% o+ rain and a dro% o+ sun3 the com*ination o+ the t2o is ideal condition +or gro2ing so+t +ruit. "ut3 I thought it 2as the last 2 2ee's in Ma/ and the +irst 2 in Lune3 2hen the cro% is read/ +or %ic'ing. 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes

durandur... I am Irish and I ne er heard o+ that. I ha e heard o+ &%ril $ho2ers. &s +or an Irish 2ord I am m/sti+ied. $o I loo'ing +or2ard to this ans2er. -he Irish 2ord +or 2eather is &imsir. 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 4 %eo%le rated this as good

Kat/ C I li e in Ireland and learnt Irish at school3 I also ha e a lot o+ older relati es 2ho 2ould use some o+ the older sa/ings3 and I can sa+el/ sa/ that I ha e ne er heard o+ 2hat /ou are loo'ing +or....sorr/I 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 1 %erson rated this as good

cat/c!) */ irish standards, galanta 8lo el/9 */ other standards, iontach +liuch 8 er/ 2et9 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes

good'arm... shoc'in...

ne er heard o+ that other 2ord. last t2o 2ee's o+ a%ril: usuall/ shYte t2o 2ee's in ma/: not as shYte3 *ut still shYteI 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes

<rla C 4&imsir4 is the Irish 2ord +or 42eather43 *ut I didn4t 'no2 2e had a 2ord +or those %articular 2 2ee's. 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 2 %eo%le rated this as good

"rian< Cac : the Irish 2ord +or shYteII

&lthough it has to *e said : G*hi se an mhaith ar 0e h&oine agus 0e $athairnIG 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 2 %eo%le rated this as good

Charit/ FluichM FuarM 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 3 %eo%le rated this as good

I;I$5 BI;> an aimsir sa dha seacthain deirneach i md ai*rean agus sa dha seachtain i md *eautana

4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 2 %eo%le rated this as good

5o**es ;ainingsha 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes

am*o num*er +i e -he Irish ha e a 2ord +or thatM A1cellent. 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 4 %eo%le rated this as good

Irish Cutie:lli $ha 0a .haaaatMMIII

.interMMI 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 1 %erson rated this as good

Mist/ "lue $hiteM

<r ma/*e 4*light4 2eather. 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use

0D 0 Eotes ) %eo%le rated this as good

>i'e a Fo1 $hite. 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 3 %eo%le rated this as good

Lames B it cannot *e 2ritten here lest the /ounger among us *e tainted 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes

-rust me I4m a 0octor cra% 4 /ears ago ;e%ort &*use 0D 0 Eotes 4 %eo%le rated this as good 0isco er Fuestions in <ther : Ireland

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.h/ Linri @ar' is lea ing the @hili%%ines

"o/s3 hold *ac' /our tears as 0L:host Linri @ar' mo es *ac' to her homeland $outh Korea.

.histle:*lo2ers, ;e/es had ties to Na%oles

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01:2#:20103 10,!( @M |1 Kisatchie I sto% at railroad crossings

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Baelic .ord +or $tormM 0oes an/one 'no2 2hat the Baelic 2ord +or GstormG isM -han's +or an/ hel%.

01:2#:20103 11,00 @M |2 IceCreamAm%ress 5a%less Eirago

Loin 0ate, No 200( @osts, #34!1

Irish or $cottishM &nd 2hat 'ind o+ stormM gggggggggggggggggg

Find me at "oo'-2eeting on -2itter +or a *oo' re ie2 a da/3 e er/ da/I LU$- >&UNC5A0, A*oo'Chea%s'ate3 2here /ou4ll +ind re ie2s o+ +ree and chea% e*oo's 8under N! U$9I

01:2#:20103 11,1) @M |3 Kisatchie I sto% at railroad crossings

Loin 0ate, Lun 200C >ocation, $t. Lose%h3 >ouisiana @osts, 131

Fuote, <riginall/ @osted */ IceCreamAm%ress Irish or $cottishM &nd 2hat 'ind o+ stormM $cottish. I4m loo'ing +or a generic storm3 rain3 2ind and such.

01:2(:20103 12,3) &M |4 @eter> $oc'%u%%et

Loin 0ate, &ug 200C @osts, 13130

-r/ one o+these, htt%,==2222.smo.uhi.ac.u'=gaidhlig=+...rmQeisgsaor`on

01:2(:20103 01,0) &M |! Kisatchie I sto% at railroad crossings

Loin 0ate, Lun 200C >ocation, $t. Lose%h3 >ouisiana @osts, 131

I +ound this3 2hich seems to *e 2hat I need 8than's a millionI9,

Gstoirm : n+. g.?eO %l.?ean or ?eannan3 a stormG

I am guessing that n+. means noun3 +eminine3 and that %l. ?ean 8etc9 means %lural endings.

5o2e er3 I am at a loss as to 2hat Gg.?eG means. &n/ one ha e an/ ideas.

01:2(:20103 01,1( &M |# IceCreamAm%ress 5a%less Eirago

Loin 0ate, No 200( @osts, #34!1

It means that /ou +orm the geniti e case */ adding an :e to the end o+ the root.

I don4t 'no2 $cottish Baelic3 *ut the Irish stoirm ta'es an e in the geniti e, =an stoirm=3 Gthe stormG3 *ut =neart na stoirme= Gthe +orce o+ the storm.G gggggggggggggggggg

Find me at "oo'-2eeting on -2itter +or a *oo' re ie2 a da/3 e er/ da/I LU$- >&UNC5A0, A*oo'Chea%s'ate3 2here /ou4ll +ind re ie2s o+ +ree and chea% e*oo's 8under N! U$9I

01:2(:20103 01,20 &M |( Medie alist Cultus Bo%herus Mac&llister

Loin 0ate, Fe* 200! >ocation, one e in meoduhealle @osts, 233!0(

Fuote, <riginall/ @osted */ Kisatchie I +ound this3 2hich seems to *e 2hat I need 8than's a millionI9,

Gstoirm : n+. g.?eO %l.?ean or ?eannan3 a stormG

I am guessing that n+. means noun3 +eminine3 and that %l. ?ean 8etc9 means %lural endings.

5o2e er3 I am at a loss as to 2hat Gg.?eG means. &n/ one ha e an/ ideas. -hat4s a loan 2ord3 *orro2ed +rom Anglish. I4d use gailleann::it does im%l/ 2ind and rain *oth though3 not 7ust rain. gggggggggggggggggg

&*out.Me i@ad @ro7ects &.ers <n -2itter M/ o%inions are m/ o2n. P .ho else 2ould 2ant themM

01:2(:20103 02,01 &M |) Kisatchie I sto% at railroad crossings

Loin 0ate, Lun 200C >ocation, $t. Lose%h3 >ouisiana @osts, 131

Fuote, <riginall/ @osted */ Medie alist -hat4s a loan 2ord3 *orro2ed +rom Anglish. I need a 2ord that sounds close to storm3 so I4m stuc' 2ith GstoirmG

01:2):20103 10,41 &M |C Michael @ar's In the moment

Loin 0ate, Mar 200) >ocation, Northern Cali+ornia @osts, 30#

From m/ )C4 %age 2ord doc o+ GBaelic .ords and @hrases +rom .ester ;ossG3 GstoirmG is indeed a Baelic 2ord used +or GstormG. gggggggggggggggggg

G-here are intangi*le realities 2hich +loat near us3 +ormless and 2ithout 2ordsO realities 2hich no one has thought out3 and 2hich are e1cluded +or lac' o+ inter%reters.G : :Natalie Cli++ord "arne/.

"oo'mar's 0igg del.icio.us $tum*leU%on Boogle -2itter

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@;<M<-A J<U; "U$INA$$ 5<MA

I;I$5 .<;0Irish 2ord in seconds3 >argest Irish 2ords dictionar/

.<;0 <; @5;&$A Irish 2ord +or sno2storm,

stoirm shneachta

& P " P C P 0 P A P F P B P 5 P I P L P K P > P M P N P < P @ P F P ; P $ P - P U P E P . P V P J P W P @o%ular &ll content Co%/right 2014. &*out P Contact P -erms P @ri ac/ P 0isclaimer 0esign */,

0altai na Baeilge5<MA P EIA. C&;- P AM&I> >I$- $IBNU@

B< &"<U- U$ F<;UM$ $5<@ AEAN-$ C>&$$A$ @5;&$A$ B;&MM&; @;<EA;"$ B&MA$ &;-IC>A$ NA.$ @ro er*s @ro er*s $ean+hocal na $eachtaine >i ing and 0/ing Material -hings @ersonal Fualities = -/%es o+ @eo%le ;elationshi%s = 0ealing .ith <thers -he "igger .orld

Craic = Bood -imes Freedom Bod >earning Nature <%%ortunit/ @eace ;ight and .rong -he Church -he Irish >anguage -he Nation -he .eather .or' 0altad $ho%, Featured Item,

5ome b @ro er*s b -he .eather Is iomad athrf a chuireann la Marta dhe. -here is a lot o+ 2eather in a March da/.

Note, <ne meaning o+ this 2ee'4s %ro er* is the o* ious one a*out the ariations o+ 2eather in March. GMarch comes in li'e a lion and goes out li'e a lam*.G Charming and +ascinating he resol ed to *e. >i'e March3 ha ing come in li'e a lion3 he %ur%osed to go out li'e a lam*. Charlotte "ront3 $hirle/3 1)4C Ne2 Angland has this ariet/ o+ 2eather all /ear long. -here is a sum%tious ariet/ a*out the Ne2 Angland 2eather that com%els the strangers admiration :: and regret. -he 2eather is al2a/s doing something thereO al2a/s attending strictl/ to *usinessO al2a/s getting u% ne2 designs and tr/ing them on %eo%le to see ho2 the/ 2ill go. ... Jes3 one o+ the *rightest gems in the Ne2 Angland 2eather is the da66ling uncertaint/ o+ it. Mar' -2ain3 $%eech3 -he .eather3 1)(#

It has *een said that i+ /ou don4t li'e Ne2 Angland 2eather3 7ust 2ait a minute. -here is another more su*lte meaning in this 2ee'4s %ro er*. It is a meta%hor +or the +ic'leness o+ /outh. -his is hinted at in the use o+ the 2ord 4athrf4 2hich actuall/ means change. -he sean+hocal literall/ means3 G4-is man/ a change that a da/ gets done [in] March.G -he 2ord 4cuir4 used 2ith the %re%osition 4d8h9e4 means3 among other things3 4accom%lish4 or 4get done.4 -he 2ord 4March4 is the actual meta%hor +or /outh. -his meta%hor is3 %erha%s3 more a%%arent in a ariation o+ this %ro er* that comes +rom the north o+ Ireland. GIs ioma taghd a thagann i la earraigh.G 84-is man/ a change that comes in a s%ring da/.9 It is im%licit in the use o+ the 2ord 4taghd4 2hich usuall/ means 4+it4 or 4im%ulse.4 G-a taghd ann.G 85e is im%ulsi e. >iterall/, -here is im%ulse in him.9 $%ring ma/ *e a more +amiliar meta%hor +or /outh than March. Note also, -he s%ea'er %ronounces the 2ord 4iomad4 as umi, 2hile 2e re%resent it a*o e as imi,. -he %ronunciation umi, is more common in the south and 2est o+ Ireland3 2hile imi, is more common in the north. 5o2e er3 the %ronunciation imi, 2as %ro%osed as the >archanfint 8Core dialect9 %ronunciation that is used in Foclcir @cca. -he G@ronunciation BuideG in Collins @oc'et Irish 0ictionar/ also uses the >archanfint %ronunciation3 sa/ing that the s%elling 4io4 is %ronunced as a short 4i34 e.g.3 4+ionn4 2here the short 4i4 is %ronounced li'e the 4i4 in the Anglish 2ord 4shin.4 ;eturn to -he .eather. 5ome , &*out Us , Forums , $ho% , A ents , Classes , @hrases , Brammar , @ro er*s , Bames , &rticles , Ne2s R 2013 0altad na Baeilge &ll ;ights ;eser ed. P -ell a Friend a*out 0altad na Baeilge P $ite 0irector/ P -erms

>ogin P Loin our 1!3))3 mem*ers <nline Course P M@3 Course P 0ail/ Irish P 0ictionar/ P Bames P 0o2nloads P Forum P M/ -al'Irish P >earners4 "log P Contact P 0onate Forum ~ -al' Irish Forums ~ Beneral ~ &s'ing a*out the 2eather

&s'ing a*out the 2eather @re ious -o%ic P Ne1t -o%ic >atest %ost 03:0(:2011 21,1# */ seano. 4 re%lies. 02:03:2011 !,2#


Loined on 02:02:2011 @osts 3C @oints #)# &s'ing a*out the 2eather ;e%l/ P Contact

5o2 2ould /ou as'...hat4s the 2eather li'eM .ould it *e GCad e mar a an aimsirG or...o' I ha en4t a clue. 5el% %leaseI lol -han's

@ost @oints, 21 02:14:2011 13,21 &udre/ In re%l/ to

Loined on 02:02:2011 @osts 2 @oints 42 ;e, &s'ing a*out the 2eather ;e%l/ P Contact

Cen scrt aimsir ata annM

5o%e this hel%s


@ost @oints, 21

02:1):2011 1),0) seano

In re%l/ to

Loined on 11:2):200) @osts 41! @oints 33)C3 ;e, &s'ing a*out the 2eather ;e%l/ P Contact

Nearl/ right3 &udre/. Lust one letter o++I Cen scrt aimsire ata annM 8"ecause the 2eather has to *e in the geniti e : 2hat sort <F 2eather9 5o2e er3 this is onl/ in the 2riting : /ou 2ouldn4t reall/ hear the :e in s%eechI

I 2ould sa/ GCad e mar ata an aimsirMG or /ou could use a more southern 2ord : GConas ata an aimsirMG

-cg go *og eI

@ost @oints, ! 03:0(:2011 20,04 0'c In re%l/ to

Loined on 02:02:2011 @osts 3C @oints #)# ;e, &s'ing a*out the 2eather ;e%l/ P Contact

-han's to /ou *oth and it hel%s a lot. I ha e *een gone +or a 2hile *ut am *ac' and read/ to learn

some more. "ut I ha e seen the 2ord Gaimsir and aimsireG *oth in other language learning sites. 5o2 are /ou to 'no2 2hen to aimsire = aimsir M


@ost @oints, 21 03:0(:2011 21,1# seano In re%l/ to

Loined on 11:2):200) @osts 41! @oints 33)C3 ;e, &s'ing a*out the 2eather ;e%l/ P Contact

5i 0e*3 "oth aimsir and aimsire are 2ords in Irish. &imsire means Go+ 2eatherG and Gna haimsireG means o+ the 2eather. $o :

"eidh malairt aimsire ann ag deireadh na seachtaine. -here 2ill *e a change <F 2eather at the 2ee'end.

&n *h+aca tf ;eamh+haisneis na h&imsireM 0id /ou see the .eather Forecast 8the Forecast <F .eather9M

&s 2ell as 2eather3 aimsir also means time. 8Lust as tem%s in French has these t2o meanings9

$o caitheamh aimsire is a s%ending <F time3 a %astime3 a ho**/.

5o%e this hel%sI

@ost @oints, ! @age 1 o+ 1 8! items9 P ;$$

>earn Irish 2ith -al' Irish3 11(a <rmeau ;oad3 "el+ast3 "-( 1$53 N Ireland R Co%/right 2012 -al'Irish.com : @ri ac/ @olic/ : &*out Us : Lo*s : Ne2s : >in's

5<MA C<N-&C- @IC-U;A$ @;<FI>A FU<-A$ -uesda/ 14 $e% 2010 Irish 2ords +or ;ain & 2hile *ac' I as'ed +or 2ords 2e Irish use to descri*e rain. I 2anted to demonstrate to the &ustrians3 2ho seem to ha e onl/ 1 2ord +or rain3 that the/ are +ailing to con e/ the su*tlet/ and nuance o+ the e1%erience /ou can e1%ect 2hen /ou go outside and it is %reci%itating.

-han's +or all the suggestions. I ha e ended u% 2ith a list o+ 30 2hich /ou can see at the *ottom o+ the %ost. I ha e ran'ed all o+ them on a chart. -he /:a1is descri*es the a erage si6e o+ the Zrain[ dro% coming +rom the s'/. &nd the 1:a1is con e/s the quantit/ o+ dro%s +alling at an/ gi en instant. -his is a su*7ecti e chart3 *ased on m/ ie2s o+ rain+all. $ome terms I 2as a little unsure o+3 and one Z-he >ad[ 8than's Mic'9 has me *a++led. I am o%en to +eed*ac' on an/ and all. &nd i+ /ou ha e more3 let me 'no2 and I might add them to a +uture ersion.

No2 the gra%h,

Irish terms +or rain. $ource3 arious.> .hat isnSt con e/ed is the time dimension. & %hrase li'e Zgrand so+t da/ than' god[ im%lies that it 2ill

continue to rain li'e this +or the remainder o+ the da/3 and %ossi*l/ the season. M/ sim%le hand dra2n gra%h +ails there.

Ne1t I need to organise a meeting and do a %o2er %oint %resentation +or m/ &ustrian colleagues. I 2ill e1%lain to them ho2 I 2ant the to discuss rain in +uture.

"-.3 the terms I collected 2ere, Mildering3 hea ens o%en3 torrential3 lashing3 *uc'eting3 needles3 Zthe lad[3 mi66le3 monsoon3 %ouring3 do2n%our3 dum%ing3 hea / rain3 hammering3 hooring3 s%illing3 %issing3 +at rain3 rain3 light rain3 dro% o+ rain3 Zgrand so+t da/ than' god[3 s'itting3 thin rain3 sho2er3 dri66le3 s%itting3 +ine mist3 and misht.

4 comments $K P Fun3 Ireland 4 ;es%onses to ZIrish 2ords +or ;ain[ on 11 Fe* 2012 at 1C,!) %m 5o2 man/ 2ords do the Irish ha e +or Z;ain[M P 40 $hades o+ >i+e

[...] a great list as 2ell *ut $lai*h has a +a*ulous hand:dra2n chartI &d ertisement B&ggoogle&dd&ttr8G&d<%tG3 G1G9O [...]

on 23 &ug 2012 at 1#,00 %m -he .eather

[...] the 2eather it is nearl/ al2a/s a*out rain. .hile researching this %age I +ound 21 di++erent Irish 2ords +or rain 2hich are re%resented in the *ac'ground o+ the +irst section o+ our site. I also +ound this nice [...]

on 2( $e% 2012 at 13,03 %m Ma/ the "lessing o+ the ;ain "e on Jou

[...] are some other 2et:2eather 2ords 8and hereSs a chart to hel% /ou deci%her their relation to si6e and num*er o+ dro%s9, \ Misht, mist 2ith a countr/ [...]

on 2) $e% 2012 at 02,!# am Fergal 0al/

Jears ago I read a *oo' 2ith a list o+ Irish terms +or rain 8there 2as more than that in the *oo'9. It includes Zs%uc'etting[ 2hich I can onl/ assume 2as the 8non:Irish9 authorSs mishearing o+ ZitSs *uc'etting[ *ut I li'e it an/2a/.


5<MA C<N-&C- @IC-U;A$ @;<FI>A FU<-A$ Frida/ 0# &ug 2010 >oo'ing +or hel%=2ords I need a little hel% +rom /ou all. ItSs raining here in Eienna this morning 8a+ter ha ing some great thunderstorms last night a*out 1am9 and I had a discussion 2ith a local a*out ho2 I must +eel at home in the rain. I had to %oint out that 7ust as the Inuit are su%%osed to ha e 30 2ords +or sno2 Irish %eo%le ha e loads +or descri*ing ho2 2ater +alls +rom the s'/3 and technicall/ 2hat 2e 2ere e1%eriencing 2as not Zrain[ as such to me 8more li'e Zlight rain[9.

"ut +or com%leteness I told him I 2ould share a list o+ all the terms that 2e ha e +or rain. I ha e started to *uild a little list. "ut I 2ould li'e o+ %eo%le could add others *elo2 in the comments. I ha e a little idea +or ho2 I am going to %resent them later.

For no2 I ha e

;ain dri66le Mist $%itting @ouring $%illing 5ea / rain 5ouring do2n 5ammering

@issing >ight rain Monsoon 0o2n%our $ho2er &nd then there are the eu%hemisms,

Brand so+t da/ than' god Fine 2eather +or duc's -ime to *uild an ar' @lease let me 'no2 o+ others that /ou might ha eI

! comments $K P Auro%e3 Fun3 Beneral3 Ireland ! ;es%onses to Z>oo'ing +or hel%=2ords[ on 0# &ug 2010 at 0C,42 am N'

>ashing. -orrential. @issing or %ouring +rom the hea ens.

on 0( &ug 2010 at 12,44 %m -reasa

I donSt see the 2ords Z*uc'eting do2n[ either.

on 0( &ug 2010 at 12,44 %m -reasa

<h and something a*out hea ens o%ening too.

on 02 $e% 2010 at 10,3C am ;am*lingMan


on 02 $e% 2010 at 10,40 am $K

Nice one. It 2ill *e ne1t 2ee'3 *ut I should tr/ %ut u% something that uses all o+ these.


40 $hades o+ >i+eC5;<NIC>INB MJ -5<UB5-$ &N0 &0EAN-U;A$ &$ & F<<0:<"$A$$A0 AV@&- &MA;IC&N >IEINB IN C<;K CI-J. Main menu $'i% to content Cor' Cit/ $lang ;estaurants ;eci%es $ho%%ing Knitting &ddresses 5o2 man/ 2ords do the Irish ha e +or Z;ain[M 2 -he Irish ha e %lent/ o+ rain and %lent/ o+ 2ords to descri*e it. I 2as chatting 2ith m/ %arents *ac' in the $tates toda/ and the/ as'ed i+ it 2as raining and 2hat 'ind o+ rain 2as it toda/. I said it 2as more rain than so+t *ut not as hard or 2ind/ as lashing. It made me reali6e I needed to *rush u% on m/ 2eather oca*ular/3 so hereSs the rain %ortion o+ m/ Irish $lang 0ictionar/ 2hich is a more e1tensi e listing o+ m/ original *log %ost Understanding Irish @hrases.

.eather -orrential ;ain ` Unrelenting. Falling ra%idl/ and 2ith +orce3 in co%ious quantities. >ashing ;ain ` 0iagonal hard rain 8thin' hurricane 2eather9

$heets o+ ;ain ` $eems li'e 2alls o+ rain coming do2n. 5ea ens <%ened ` $udden onset o+ strong solid +lo2 o+ rain. "uc'eting ;ain ` <ut in this rain /ou +eel li'e /ouSre instantl/ soa'ed. @issing ;ain ` Eertical hard rain 8not as much 2ind as >ashing ;ain9 .et ;ain ` Not necessaril/ a hea / rain3 *ut one that dam%ens /ou and soa's /our clothes -r/ing to ;ain ` -he clouds ha e some in them *ut itSs not quite coming do2n 2ith consistenc/. $un $ho2er ` ;aining 2hile sunn/ out. @er+ect rain*o2 2eatherI $o+t da/ ` Cloud/ 2eather 2ith so+t mist or dri66le 8t/%ical Irish 2eather9 Brand $o+t 0a/ ` & humid da/ 2ith a +ine3 light dri66le. 0r/ ;ain ` Mist that doesnSt get /ou 2et e en though itSs technicall/ raining

-han' /ou to Lohn and $arah +or their contri*utions to this list.

>oo'ing4"lue$'/ has a great list as 2ell *ut $lai*h has a +a*ulous hand:dra2n chartI

&*out these ads

>ogin P Loin our 1!3))3 mem*ers <nline Course P M@3 Course P 0ail/ Irish P 0ictionar/ P Bames P 0o2nloads P Forum P M/ -al'Irish P >earners4 "log P Contact P 0onate Focal an >ae : Irish .ord a 0a/ ~ Irish .ord a 0a/ : Fearthainn : ;ain

Irish .ord a 0a/ : Fearthainn : ;ain Focal an >ae : Irish .ord a 0a/ Irish .ord a 0a/ 5ome Contact Irish .ord a 0a/ Amail .ant to get an Irish 2ord a da/ sent to /our email addressM Lust enter it *elo2 and clic' $u*scri*e.

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0ecem*er 2012 8319 No em*er 2012 8309 <cto*er 2012 8319 $e%tem*er 2012 8139 Beneric Content

+earthainn rain

Clic' here to do2nload this audio +ile

.ith &rticle 8$ingular9 an +hearthainn the rain

Clic' here to do2nload this audio +ile

A1am%le $entence Is dcigh liom go m*eidh +earthainn ann inniu. I thin' it 2ill rain toda/.

Clic' here to do2nload this audio +ile Flashcards

@osted <ct 0) 2012 &ttachment, raing+earthainng5..m%3


"utter+l/ 2rote re, Irish .ord a 0a/ : Fearthainn : ;ain on 10:0):200C 4,!) .hat ha%%ened to "aiste M

Lonathan 2rote re, Irish .ord a 0a/ : Fearthainn : ;ain on 10:0):200C 20,!4 I also 2ould li'e to 'no2. I4m using ;osetta $tone and "/'i to learn Irish. ;osetta $tone uses G*aisteG *ut "/'i uses G+earthainnG. Is there a di++erenceM &re the/ interchangea*leM

"utter+l/ 2rote re, Irish .ord a 0a/ : Fearthainn : ;ain on 10:10:200C 11,23 I chec'ed "untus Cainte and +earthainn is listed there as2ell3 I learned Irish in school3 and it 2as al2a/s4 ta se ag cur +earthainn43 2hen sa/ing 4it is raining4 *ut +or some reason I remem*er *aiste as rain3 so I 2onder i+ it4s the di++erence *et2een rain Q descri*ing it as raining3 glad to see someone else remem*ers *aiste3 than's Lonathan +rom &ngela

&rthfr 2rote re, Irish .ord a 0a/ : Fearthainn : ;ain on 10:1):200C !,!# $eo e an +reagair as an sudomh htt%,==222.irishdictionar/.ie

ta se ag cur +earthainne or *aistd3 ta se ag *aisteach ` it4s rainingO


-a %eo%le sa/ -a se +luich. it is 2et

Joung$%oon 2rote re, Irish .ord a 0a/ : Fearthainn : ;ain on 10:0):2011 12,!1 -here are se eral 2a/s to sa/ it4s raining. $ince 2e get so much o+ it3 it4s hard to sa/ it in one 2a/. &lso3 the dialects add more 2ords to it. -he 2ords can im%l/ di++erent intensities,

5ere4s a list o+ them,


>earn Irish 2ith -al' Irish3 11(a <rmeau ;oad3 "el+ast3 "-( 1$53 N Ireland R Co%/right 2012 -al'Irish.com : @ri ac/ @olic/ : &*out Us : Lo*s : Ne2s : >in's

5<MA &"<U- F&E<U;I-A$ &$@A;BA;$ >IFA Q 0A&-5 C5I>0 "ANAFI- 0I$&"I>I-J ">UA $KIA$ .A0NA$0&J3 0ACAM"A; 1#3 200C

100 Irish .ords +or ;ain

I 2as er/ a2are o+ the rain 2hile m/ &ustralian relati es 2ere in Ireland. I 2as a+raid the/ 2ould hate it3 *ut actuall/ I thin' it 2as a no elt/ +or them. "ut the/ 2eren4t com%letel/ %re%ared +or it3 2hich is ho2 Uncle and Niece ended u% each *u/ing a hat +rom a stall in Bra+ton $treet. &nd since rain is such a ma7or %art o+ our li es3 I 2as 2ondering 2h/ 2e don4t ha e more 2ords +or rain : li'e the 100 2ords the Inuit are su%%osed to ha e +or di++erent t/%es o+ sno2. <+ course ma/*e there are as Baeilge.

&n/2a/ here are some o+ the di++erent t/%es I4 e thought o+ so +ar,

$o+t rain : so light it +alls u% as 2ell as do2n. $o no esca%e

>ight rain : catches /ou una2ares and causes *ad hair da/ *e+ore /ou notice

;ain : M<; rain that can *e 'e%t at *a/ 2ith an um*rella or a raincoat

5ea / ;ain : serious 2ater%rooo+s needed +or this

0ri ing ;ain : *est sta/ indoors as um*rellas 2ill *lo2 inside out and the 2ater 2ill see% through e er/thing

-hen there is thunder3 lightening3 hail3 sno2 and rain*o2s that all add to the mi1.

&n/thing else I4 e +orgottenM

@ost to Face*oo' @ost to -2itter $end ia $hareaholic Mail @ost to @interest &dd to -um*lr @ost to Boogle? &dd to >in'edIn @osted */ >oo'ing +or "lue $'/ >a*els, rain hats C comments,

Irish Mamm/Lanuar/ 13 2010 at 3,10 @M >o el/ %icII some I4 e heard : GIt4s a so+t da/G3 Git4s %eltingG3 Git4s *uc'etingG3 Git4s teamingG3 Git4s %iYYing do2nG3 Gthe s'/ has o%enedG3 Git4s raining cats and dogsG3 Git4s a great da/ +or the duc'sG...Gget the ar' read/G etc &s Baelige : G-a se ag cur *aisteG .ishing /ou and /ours a +antastic 2010 : &th*hliain +aoi mhaise duit3 -reasa 11


@etuniaLanuar/ 23 2010 at (,24 @M "rilliant. Jou should add G2et rainG to the list too3 /ou 'no2 the t/%e3 it %enetrates to the under2ear almost instantl/ lol 11


Michelle<cto*er 2!3 2010 at 2,4) &M 0o /ou ha e G+ree6ing rainGM


7a66/gal<cto*er 2!3 2010 at 2,41 @M Un+ortunatel/ the onl/ other 2ords=%hrases I cn thin' o+ are slightl/ rudeII



Amma<cto*er 2!3 2010 at !,!0 @M &h3 I reall/ don4t miss all those t/%es o+ rain3 the onl/ t/%e 2e get here is G<h m/ god3 2hat is that 2et stu++ +alling +rom the s'/G I


r7encull 87en9<cto*er 2)3 2010 at (,14 @M >ashing3 *uc'eting3 thunder/3 2e 2ill ha e to meet u% +or more co++ee and I 2ill gi e /ou an intro to more 4rain4 2ords ,0 Len


>oo'ing +or "lue $'/No em*er 2!3 2010 at C,0C &M rMichelle : sometimes ,8

rLa66/ : <oh do share 11

rAmma : he heI

r7encull : remind me at our ne1t co++ee meet u%


'eshlingMa/ 2)3 2012 at 10,1( @M 5i Lust seen this. I gre2 u% in 0u*lin and 2e used to sa/ the rain came do2n 4in stair rods4. 5eard that oneMI

K 11


>oo'ing +or "lue $'/Ma/ 2)3 2012 at 10,21 @M rKeshling : -han's +or that one3 /es I ha e heard it3 good to add it to the collection ,9 11


>oad more... Ne2er @ost <lder @ost 5ome $u*scri*e to, @ost Comments 8&tom9

-5&NK J<U $< MUC5I

BA- -5I$ "J AM&I>

$A&;C5 -5I$ "><B

$-<;IA$ @A<@>A >IKA

& right to li+e +or m/ daughters, a %ost +or 2orld %rematurit/ da/ -oda/ is .orld @rematurit/ 0a/3 a da/ to cele*rate our children 2ho 2ere *orn too soon 3 and to remem*er those 2ho did not ma'e it. ItQ|...

<ne /ear ago toda/, a |s%ecialsaturda/ %ost <ne /ear ago I 2as nearl/ 4C and alread/ re+lecting on middle age . No2 I am rushing headlong to2ards m/ !0s and */ this time ne1t 2ee' I 2...

100 Irish .ords +or ;ain I 2as er/ a2are o+ the rain 2hile m/ &ustralian relati es 2ere in Ireland. I 2as a+raid the/ 2ould hate it3 *ut actuall/ I thin' it 2as a...

$no2 stories and store cu%*oard sou%3 sorr/I $adl/ the ie2 outside m/ 2indo2 did not loo' li'e this. No3 0u*lin is en7o/ing 2ind3 rain3 gre/ s'ies and hea / tra++ic. I 'no2 this...

.hen is it o'a/ +or a /oung adult to *e con+ined to *edM .hen the/ ha e cere*ral %als/ and are li ing in residential care. &%%arentl/. .hen I read that a %arent claims that she is *eing denied %...

Children loc'ed u% in Ireland in a school near /ou Fuiet rooms3 seclusion rooms3 isolation rooms3 2ithdra2al rooms3 small sa+e s%aces. 0i++erent names3 *ut the/ mean the same thing. -here c...

Unusual isn4t the 2ord, M/ $N$$ %ost Jou 'no2 2hat the/ sa/ a*out *usesM .ell toda/ I4m lin'ing to m/ third guest %ost in as man/ 2ee's3 than's to the a2esome Earda 2ho *l...

-he Meningitis scare It started li'e an/ other school morning 2ith /oung children. & mad scram*le to organise clothes and cereal and school *ags and teeth clea...

$o Minister3 2hat 7o* 2ould /ou suggest +or m/ daughterM $o 2ho too' a 4#D cut in their income in /esterda/4s "udgetM .as it the 2ealth/M No%e. @oliticians

%erha%sM No%e. <r "an'ers. .ron...

.hat I 2ish I4d 'no2n a*out &s%ergers &s%ie *o/ is m/ third child3 and not diagnosed until the age o+ ). Betting the diagnosis 2as a relie+3 it seemed to e1%lain his di++eren... F<>><.A;$

"><B &;C5IEA

2013 8()9 2012 813#9 2011 81119 2010 810)9 200C 81#9 0ecem*er 849 100 Irish .ords +or ;ain -he &ussie ie2 o+ Ireland -he ne2 4 ulnera*le4 I used to ote Breen No em*er 8!9 <cto*er 8(9 $<MA <F MJ F&E<U;I-A "><B$

@remmeditations It -a'es -2o : ItSs *een a *it intense here +or the %ast 2ee' or so3 so ISm thrilled that $mall $te%s &ma6ing &chie ements has come along to 'noc' some sense into me and ... 3 Children and It

Con+essions o+ a 40:something Mum : I ha e *een 'no2n to %ic' u% the %hone3 a use+ul tool on occasionO -o dro2n the noise o+ *oisterous *o/s3 *e+ore gra**ing a glass o+ chilled $au ignon. ... Mumm/ From -he 5eart... -he *eaut/ o+ the Kitchen Barden : I o+ten see the %osts lin'ed u% 2ith Mammasaurus lin'/ 4ho2 does /our garden gro2M4 and normall/ I4m le+t in a2e o+ the great things that %eo%le are doing ... Ma'ing It U% 0inner 2as good. : Full re ie2 o+ 5ello Fresh to +ollo2. "ut *asicall/3 /um. Mostl/ -rue $tu++ In her silence3 she is golden. : ZIs there an/thing else the %reschool teacher needs to *e a2are o+M[ I 2as on the %hone 2ith the $%ecial Aducation director +or %reschools in our distric... Northern Mum $%onsored @ost, Craig tara holida/ %ar'3 scotland : -oda/Ss %ost is *rought to /ou */ 5a en. M/sel+ and the children ha e en7o/ed 2ee'ends 2ith 5a en +or the last +e2 /ears and ha e had an e1cellent time3 I... Amma4s 5o%e "oo' In &ns2er to X MedicationM : & num*er o+ %eo%le 2rote in on the %ost3 -o Medicate or Not 2ith their e1%eriences. -he %ost 2as not a*out medicating autism3 *ut a*out some o+ the co:mor... Cherished "/ Me &s the season starts to change : I canSt *elie e ho2 quic'l/ the summer holida/s came and 2ent and no2 in the s%ace o+ a +e2 da/s 2e seem to *e on a do2n2ard s%iral to2ards autumn and then... "ead6oid M/ "a*/ 8Woid9 is 4 /ears oldI : .here did the time goM $eriousl/I &s /ou 'no23 it4s *een a *us/ time +or us o+ late : 2ith Father:in:la2 criticall/ ill in hos%ital 8he is still3 than'+... >o e -hat Ma1 @arents 2ho run races 2ith their 'ids 2ith disa*ilities : Y-his guest %ost is +rom reader "ar* .illiams3 mom to ;h/s3 103 2ho has cere*ral %als/3 glo*al dela/s and Cortical Eision Im%airment. -his /ear3 the t2... Kate -a'es ! & hea / heart : I ha e a er/ hea / heart this morning. In the s%ace o+ 24 hours I ha e had all three children cr/ing to me a*out ho2 the/ +eel. >ast night the eldest so**... >ittle Mamma said ... I4ll ha e the usual %lease... : In the +irst 2inter o+ 5ugh4s li+e3 he *ecame a regular isitor to the children4s 2ard. I remem*er during one o+ those earl/ admissions tal'ing to the nurs...

Caleigh4s Corner Funding a $%ecial Needs -ric/cle : .hat do /ou do 2hen /our soon to *e si1 /ear old as's +or a tric/cle se enteen da/s *e+ore her *irthda/M ;un out to .al:Mart3 &cadem/3 or -arget and *u/ ... Musings and chatterings... -ugging at the heartstrings X starting school %art 2 : Follo2ing on +rom m/ %ost a +e2 2ee's ago 2hen I 2as getting read/ +or m/ darling girl to start *ig school here3 I +ull/ intended to 2rite a +e2 %osts on t... -he ;am*lings o+ a Formerl/ ;oc'4n4;oll Mum. Not Feeling $o Funn/ : I 7ust sa2 a t2eet +rom Mumsnet *loggers announcing me as one o+ the s%ea'ers on the 4In it +or the ><>W, 2riting +unnier stu++4 %anel at "logFest in No em... Cr/stal Ligsa2 $tic's and $tones : $%acca. Not a nice 2ord is itM -here 2ere man/ names %eo%le used long ago to descri*e those %eo%le %erha%s a little less +ortunate than themsel es. I *... .holesome Ireland : Irish Food Q @arenting "log -assimo ;e ie2 &nd Co++ee "iscuits : & cou%le o+ 2ee's ago I 2as a guest o+ Mondele6 International to the launch o+ their ne2 -assimo ;ange in Ireland. I 2as luc'/ enough to recei e a machi... &s%ie in the +amil/ Contem%t : I 2rote to the >& com%laining a*out the 2a/ m/ daughterSs tuition had *een a*ru%tl/ ended. I argued that it 2as un+air that no thought had *een gi en to h... .as this in the %lanMMMM Betting it into %ers%ecti e : .e seem to li e in a time o+ com%etiti e %arenting3 and no2here more so than >ondon. It4s all a*out getting /our child into the right school3 %la/ing the ... >egless In 0u*lin "ad "o*s : Y YY YY"ad "o*s Y YAast Asse1 $treet3 -em%le "ar3 0u*lin 2Y *ad*o*s.ie >ast time I 2as in "ad "o*s3 I 2as months a2a/ +rom m/ >ea ing Cert and @uss/cat 0o... F<VB><EA >&NA $-U0I< 5er little *ed o+ roses : In her garden it4s the s2eet %er+ume that I remem*er. 5er little *ed o+ roses. $he *ro'e her *ac' in a car accident in the 1C304s and 2as *ent o ... Eegemite i1 "uc'le U% and An7o/ the ;ide : &s ISm a2a/ at the a2esome @ro*logger -raining A ent on the Bold Coast 8e1cited muchM9 IS e as'ed a cou%le o+ *logging %als to hel% out steering the Eege... "right $ide o+ >i+eI

;oc'ing the non er*al : .hen 2e +irst started our ;0I 7ourne/3 I concentrated hea il/ on changing m/ st/le o+ communication. I sto%%ed *eing a chatter*o1 and instead leaned to2ar... 5A;0... .;educed to GIshG : YHGI ne er sa2 a man 2ho loo'ed 2ith such a 2ist+ul e/e u%on that little tent o+ *lue 2hich %risoners call the s'/GH <scar .ildeY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y $o the sc... 5erMelness $%ea's...<ut "logging good *reeding : <*7ectiona*le %eo%le can *e hard to +athom3 and I o+ten 2onder i+ it is a question o+ that old +ashioned notion called qBood "reedingS. .ell:*red %eo%le te... $ho2 &ll NA-.<;KA0 "><B$

Follo2 this *log -<-&> @&BAEIA.$

42#310) C<<KIA @<>ICJ

Coo'ies allo2 /our *ro2ser to mo e around +amiliar 2e*sites in the *est and quic'est 2a/ %ossi*le *ut /ou do not ha e to allo2 them. M/ *log does seem to ha e some3 mostl/ +rom third %art/ a%%lications3 such as some o+ the %rett/ *adges I ha e in m/ side*ar. I+ /ou %re+er /ou ma/ disa*le coo'ies +or /our *ro2ser3 ta'e a loo' at htt%,==222.alla*outcoo'ies.org= to +ind out ho2. I+ /ou do not change /our *ro2ser settings /ou consent to recei e coo'ies 2hen isiting this *log.

Eisit "ritish Mumm/ "loggers

Medical:;e+erence : & @ioneer in Medical "logging & @ioneer in Medical "logging... "a*/ .ill >o e It -he musings and ma'ings o+ a 0orset Mumm/ and 'nit2ear designerI... Free 0a/s <ut in Cum*ria Ideas +or +un and +ree +amil/ da/s out in the >a'e 0istrict.... $ometimes Mermaid Bluten +ree *a'ing3 guilt +ree %arenting and radical sel+ lo e.... UK @arent "logs +rom the -ots100

@&BA ;&NK

@o2ered */ "logger. Co%/right R 200C >oo'ing +or "lue $'/.

$luice3 $trath3 $u*2a/3 -om*3 -orrent, <rigins3 Forms3 5istories o+ .ords Meaning Ealle/3 Ca e

0arr/l >/man3 Jahoo Contri*utor Net2or' 0ec 2)3 200C G$hare /our oice on Jahoo 2e*sites. $tart 5ere.G M<;A,$u*2a/s-orrent-orrents-om*s Flag@ost a comment -he natural +eatures o+ a region are its to%ogra%h/ 8Bree' to%os3 G%laceG9. Most to%ogra%hic entities ha e acquired man/ di++erent names to stand +or the same or similar +eatures. Ealle/s and ca es3 +or e1am%le3 as 2ell as related natural +eatures and human:made +orms3 are

'no2n */ a 2ide range o+ 2ords in Anglish. In the current al%ha*etic series o+ such terms3 the ne1t e1am%les are sluice3 strath3 su*2a/3 tom*3 and torrent.

$luice Modern Anglish sluice 81(th centur/9 comes +rom sluse 81#th centur/93 an alteration o+ Middle Anglish scluse 814th centur/93 +rom Middle French escluse3 +rom >ate >atin e1clusa3 +rom >atin e1clusa3 the +eminine o+ e1clusus3 the %ast %artici%le o+ e1cludere 8Gto e1cludeG9.

&n arti+icial 2ater %assage +itted 2ith a al e or gate +or regulating +lo2 is a sluice 814th centur/93 as is a channel to drain or carr/ o++ e1cess 2ater 81!3)9 and a long inclined trough designed to catch gold 81)#29.

&n arti+icial channel into 2hich 2ater is let */ a sluice is a sluice2a/ 81((C9.

$trath $trath entered Anglish in the 1#th centur/ +rom $cottish Baelic srath. -he 2ord is a'in to Middle Irish srath 8G2ide alle/G9 and .elsh /strad 8G2ide alle/G9.

& 2ide3 +lat ri er alle/ or the lo2:l/ing grassland along it is a strath 81!409.

$u*2a/ $u*2a/ entered Anglish in the 1Cth centur/ as a com*ination o+ the Anglish %re+i1 su*: 8+rom >atin su*3 Gunder3 *elo2G9 and 2a/.

&n underground 2a/3 such as a %assage +or %i%es or a tunnel +or %edestrians3 is a su*2a/ 81)2!9.

&n underground rail2a/ 8including the rails3 the train3 and the tunnel itsel+9 2as +irst called a su*2a/ in 1C04 in the United $tates. In Angland such a s/stem is called an underground or a tu*e.

-om* Modern Anglish tom* comes +rom Middle Anglish tom* 814th centur/9 and tum*e 813th centur/93 +rom

&nglo:French tum*e3 +rom >ate >atin tum*a 8Gse%ulchral moundG93 +rom Bree' t/m*os 8Gse%ulchral moundG9. -he 2ord ma/ *e a'in to >atin tumere 8Gto *e s2ollenG9.

&n e1ca ation in the earth +or the *urial o+ a dead *od/ is a tom* 813th centur/9.

-orrent -orrent entered Anglish in the 1#th centur/ +rom Middle French torrent3 +rom >atin torrent:3 a com*ining +orm o+ torrens3 +rom the >atin ad7ecti e torrent:3 torrens 8G*urning3 seething3 rushingG93 +rom the %resent %artici%le o+ torrere 8Gto %arch3 *urnG9.

& mountain stream +lo2ing 2ith great +orce3 hence the channel that carries the stream3 is a torrent 81#th centur/9. ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Anc/clo%aedia "ritannica ;ead/ ;e+erence 2004. C0:;<M. Anc/clo%aedia "ritannica3 2004.

Merriam:.e*ster4s Collegiate 0ictionar/. 11th ed. $%ring+ield3 Mass., Merriam:.e*ster3 200#.

Merriam:.e*ster4s Beogra%hical 0ictionar/. 3rd ed. $%ring+ield3 Mass., Merriam:.e*ster3 200(.

-he <1+ord Anglish 0ictionar/. 2nd ed. <1+ord3 Angland, Clarendon @ress3 1C)C.

@u*lished */ 0arr/l >/man . Eie2 %ro+ile &n Am%t/ $u*2a/ in $hanghai Fing Ming, -om* $2ee%ing Festi a...$u*2a/ in $hanghai3 China

;elated Content

Introduction, $ir Ba2ain and the Breen Knight */ Ba2ain:%oet3 14th Centur/ Angland Lo*s and <ccu%ations in the UK in the 1#th Centur/ 04&u*igne4s 5istor/ o+ the ;e+ormation o+ the 1#th Centur/, $ummar/ o+ "oo' 13 Cha... "oo' ;e ie2, -he Icon::5ol/ Images #th to 14th Centur/ 04&u*igne4s 5istor/ o+ the ;e+ormation o+ the 1#th Centur/, $ummar/ o+ "oo' 13 Cha... 04&u*igne4s 5istor/ o+ the ;e+ormation o+ the 1#th Centur/, $ummar/ o+ "oo' 13 Cha... 0 Comments $ign in to Comment

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@;<M<-A J<U; "U$INA$$ 5<MA

I;I$5 .<;0Irish 2ord in seconds3 >argest Irish 2ords dictionar/

.<;0 <; @5;&$A Irish 2ord +or torrent,


& P " P C P 0 P A P F P B P 5 P I P L P K P > P M P N P < P @ P F P ; P $ P - P U P E P . P V P J P W P @o%ular &ll content Co%/right 2014. &*out P Contact P -erms P @ri ac/ P 0isclaimer 0esign */,

home a*out histor/ social histor/ genealog/ names +ol'lore %laces %eo%le

II._&NCIAN- I;I$5 @;<@A; N&MA$

From Irish @edigreesO or the <rigin and $tem o+ the Irish Nation */ Lohn <45art

-he ;ound -o2ers o+ Ireland P Contents P Irish &d+i1es ~

&- this stage it ma/ *e 2ell to gi e +or the reader4s in+ormation the +ollo2ing Irish %ro%er names and ad+i1es,_

&odh [ee]3 anglicised 5ugh3 2as one o+ the most +requent names o+ Kings and Chie+s among the IrishO the 2ord signi+ies +ire3 the Eesta o+ the @agan Irish3 and 2as %ro*a*l/ deri ed +rom the religious 2orshi% o+ the 0ruids. -his name has *een latini6ed &edus3 &edanus3 &idus3 &idanus3 5ugo3 and

<doO and is the root o+ 5ughes3 Mac5ugh3 5odson3 5udson3 etc.

&ongus3 or neas3 deri ed +rom &on3 e1cellent3 and gus3 strength3 is the root o+ Buinness3 MacBuinness3 Innes3 Annis3 5enness/3 etc.

&rdgal ma/ *e deri ed +rom ard3 e1alted3 and gal3 alourO and &rtgal3 +rom the %ro%er name &rt3 and gaol [geel]3 a relati e o+.

&rt signi+ies no*le3 great3 generous3 etc.O and is the root o+ <45art3 etc.

"losgach im%lies great strengthO and is the root o+ the sirname Mac"losgaidh3 anglicised MacClos'e/.

"randu*h3 +rom *ran3 2hich here means a ra en3 and du*h3 *lac'. -his name 2as a%%lied to a %erson 2hose hair 2as o+ er/ dar' colour.

"rian is deri ed +rom *ri3 strength3 and an3 er/ great3 meaning a 2arrior o+ great strengthO or *rian ma/ *e deri ed +rom *ran3 a mountain torrent3 2hich im%lies %o2er+ul strength. "ran3 in this meaning o+ the term3 is the root o+ the sirnames "rain3 "rian3 "rien3 "r/an3 "r/ant3 "/rne3 "/ron3 <4"rien3 <4"/rne3 etc.

Cair*re3 +rom cor*3 a chariot3 and ri3 a 'ingO signi+/ing the Gruler o+ the chariot.G

Cathair [cahir]3 +rom cath3 a *attle3 and ar3 slaughter.

Cathal [cahal] signi+ies Ga great 2arrior,G and is deri ed +rom cath3 a *attle3 and all3 great.

Cath*har [cah:2ar] signi+ies a Ghelmeted 2arrior,G +rom cath*har3 a helmetO *ut some deri e it +rom cath3 a *attle3 and *arr3 a chie+. -his 2as a +a ourite name 2ith the chie+s o+ the <40onnells o+ -/rconnellO *ecause it is thought3 o+ their lineal descent +rom Conn o+ the 5undred "attles 8in Irish3 called Conn Ceadcatha93 the 110th Monarch o+ Ireland3 2ho li ed in the second centur/ It is3 ho2e er3 %ro*a*le that the/ assumed the ad+i1 cath3 in commemoration o+ that illustrious ancestor.

Conall means +riendshi%O or it ma/ *e deri ed +rom con3 the geniti e o+ cu3 a hound 8as a%%lied to a s2i+t:+ooted 2arrior93 and +rom all3 great3 or might/.

Concho*har signi+ies the Ghel%ing 2arriorOG and is deri ed +rom cu or con as a*o e3 and co*hair [co2ir] aid. -he name has *een anglicised GConn3G and latini6ed GCorneliusG and GConquo arusOG and the root o+ the sirname Connor3 <4Conor and <4Connor. .here er cu3 a hound3 commences the name o+ an/ chie+3 it means3 +igurati el/3 Ga s2i+t:+ooted 2arriorOG as3 Cuchonnacht3 Cuchullan 8Ulladh [ulla]3 sometimes in+lected Ullain, Irish GUlsterG93 Cumidhe 8Midhe [mee], Irish3 GMeathG93 Cu: Ulladh, meaning3 res%ecti el/3 Gthe 2arrior o+ Connaught3G Gthe 2arrior o+ Meath3G Gthe 2arrior o+ Ulster3G etc. It ma/ *e here o*ser ed that Ulladh3 meaning the %ro ince o+ Ulster3G *ut no2 re%resented */ the counties o+ 0o2n and &ntrim3 2as so called *ecause it 2as the territor/ into 2hich the ancient Ulla 2ere dri en */ the three Collas3 in &.0. 333. -he name Cuchonnacht has *een anglicised GConnorG and GConstantine.G

Conn 8latini6ed GFuintus3G and anglicised Fuinn9 is deri ed +rom conn3 2isdom. It is */ some deri ed +rom cu 8geniti e con93 a hound or s2i+t:+ooted 2arrior.

Cormac signi+ies Gthe son o+ the chariot3G etc.O and is deri ed +rom cor*3 a chariot3 and mac3 a son.

0iarmaid signi+ies the Ggod o+ armsOG and is deri ed +rom dia3 a god3 and G armaidG 8the geniti e %lural o+ arm9 o+ arms. &s an e%ithet3 it 2as a%%lied to a 2arrior3 and 2as equi alent to one o+ 5omer4s heroes _ 0ios Krateros 0iomedes3 or G-he god: li'e +ighting 0iomede.G -he name has *een anglicised 0ar*/3 0ermod3 0ermot3 and Lerem/ or LeremiahO and *ecame a sirname3 as Mac0iarmada3 anglicised Mac0ermott3 in Ireland3 and Mac0iarmid3 in $cotland.

0omhnall [donal] is deri ed +rom domhan [do2an]3 the 2orld3 and all3 might/O and is the root o+ the sirnames Mac0onald3 Mac0onnell3 0aniel3 Mac0aniel3 and <40onnell.

0onoch3 0oncha3 or 0onchu is the root o+ Mac0onough3 and <40onohueO and is */ some considered to *e deri ed +rom donn3 *ro2n3 and cu3 a 2arrior. -his name is more %ro%erl/ deri ed +rom the Clann 0omhnaigh 8see the GMac0onoughG %edigree93 and is anglicised 0onogh and 0enis3 in IrelandO and 0uncan3 in $cotland.

Aachmarcach [oghmarchagh] and Aachmilidh [oghmili] ha e almost a similar signi+ication, the +ormer is deri ed +rom each3 a steed3 and marcach3 a riderO the latter3 +rom each3 a steed3 and G mileadh3G a hero.

Aigneachan [enehan] is deri ed +rom eigean3 +orce3 and neach [nagh]3 a %ersonO and ma/ signi+/ Ga %lundering chie+.G

Aochaidh is deri ed +rom each or eoch [och]3 a steedO and signi+ies Ga 'night or horseman.G It is %ronounced GAoch/3G G<h/3G and G&h/.G -his name has *een latini6ed &chaius.

Aoghan signi+ies Ga /oung man3G or G/outh+ul 2arriorOG and as a %ersonal name has *een anglicised Augene and <2en.

Feargal is deri ed +rom +ear [+har]3 a man 8lat. ir93 and gal3 alourO and signi+ies Ga aliant 2arrior.G -his Irish 2ord is the root o+ the >atin %ro%er name GEirgil3G and o+ the surnames <4Farrell3 <4Ferrall3 and FreelO it also *ecame a Christian name in some +amilies3 as GFarrell <4;our'e3G etc.

Feidhlim or Feidhlimidh3 signi+ies Ggreat goodness.G It is %ronounced GFelim3G and GFelim/OG is anglicised Feli13 and latini6ed FedlimiusO it is deri ed +rom the Irish +eile3 hos%italit/.

Fergus signi+ies Ga strong 2arriorOG and is deri ed +rom +ear3 a man3 and gus3 strength.

Fiacha or Fiach3 is deri ed +rom +iacha3 a hunterO and is a +requent name o+ Kings and Chie+s3 +rom the earliest ages, %ro*a*l/ +rom the occu%ation or amusement o+ hunting3 so %re alent in earl/ times.

Fionn means +air:haired3 and 2as a +a ourite ad+i1 to the names o+ man/ Kings and Chie+s.

Flaith*heartach [+lahertagh] is deri ed +rom +laith3 a chie+3 and *earthach3 cunningO and means Ga cle er or cunning chie+3G

Flann3 *lood3 signi+ies Go+ a red com%le1ion.G

Bearrmaide signi+ies Gthe chie+ 2ith the short cudgelOG and is deri ed +rom gearr3 short3 and maide3 a stic'.

Biolla means Ga ser ant or disci%leOG as Biolla:Iosa 8anglicised Biles3 and latini6ed Belasius93 Gthe ser ant o+ LesusOG Biolla:Chriosd3 Gthe ser ant o+ ChristOG Biolla:Muire3 Gthe ser ant o+ Mar/OG Biolla: @aidraig3 Gthe ser ant o+ $t. @atric'3G etc. -his name Biolla is latini6ed GBulielmus3G and anglicised G.illiam.G

Buaire signi+ies Gno*le or e1cellent.G

Maol 2as %re+i1ed chie+l/ to the names o+ ecclesiasticsO and signi+ies a G*ald or tonsured %erson3G 2ho *ecame the s%iritual ser ant or de otee o+ some saint, as Maol:Iosa3 Gthe ser ant o+ LesusOG Maol: @eadair3 Gthe ser ant o+ @eterOG Maol:@oil3 Gthe ser ant o+ @aulOG Maol Colum 8contracted to GMalcolm3G9 Gthe ser ant o+ $t. Colum'ille.G -his 2ord Maol is the root o+ the sirname Mo/les.

Maolmordha is deri ed +rom mordha3 %roud3 and maol 8as a*o e9O it is anglicised M/les.

Maolseachlainn3 signi+/ing Gthe ser ant o+ $t. $eachnalG 8or $ecundinus93 the ne%he2 o+ $t. @atric'3 2as a name +requent amongst the Chie+s and Kings o+ MeathO it is contracted to Melachlin3 2hich is the Irish +or the Christian name Malach/ or GMalachiOG and has *een a%%lied as a sir:name to the latest Kings o+ Meath and their descendants_namel/3 <4Melaghlin.

Muircheartach is deri ed +rom muir3 the sea3 and ceart3 a rightO and ma/ signi+/ Ga na al 2arrior3G or a chie+ 2ho esta*lished his rights at sea. -his name is the root o+ the sirname Murtagh3 Moriart/3 Mortimer3 etc.

Muireadhach 8the root o+ the sirname Murdoch93 ma/ *e deri ed +rom muir3 the sea3 and eadhach3 a %rotectorO it is a name equi alent to that o+ Gadmiral3G and has *een anglicised Maurice and Murra/.

Niall 8geniti e Neill9 signi+ies a Gno*le 'nightG or Gcham%ionOG this name is the root o+ the sirname <4Neill3 etc.

;uadhraige or ;udhraighe has *een anglicised ;or/3 ;oderic'3 and ;ogersO and ma/ *e deri ed +rom ruadh3 aliant3 or ruadh3 red3 and righ3 a 'ing, signi+/ing Gthe aliant3 or red:haired 'ing.G

-adhg 8moderni6ed -eige9 originall/ meant Ga %oetOG it is the root o+ the sirnames -eague3 Mac-ague3 -ighe3 Montague3 etc.

-ighearnan [tiarnan] is deri ed +rom tighearna3 a lordO and is the root o+ -ierne/ Mac-ernan3 etc.

-oirdheal*hach [torlogh] is deri ed +rom tor3 a to2er3 and deal*hach3 sha%e or +orm, signi+/ing Ga man o+ to2er:li'e stature.G -his name has *een anglicised -erence3 -errie3 -err/3 etc.

-omaltach is deri ed +rom tomailt %ro isionsO and hence came to signi+/3 Ga man o+ hos%italit/.G -he root o+ the 2ord is Gtomhas3G a measureO and +rom Gtomhas3G */ metathesis3 comes G-homas.G

-orloch 8+rom tor3 a to2er3 and leac3 a stone9 signi+ied a man %ossessed o+ Ggreat strength and stature.G

-uathal [tool] comes +rom tuatha3 territories _ meaning one %ossessed o+ Glarge landed %ro%ert/OG it is the root o+ the sirnames -oole3 <4-oole3 -ootal3 -olan3 etc.

Ualgarg meant Ga +amous and +ierce 2arriorOG it is deri ed +rom uaill3 +amous3 and garg3 +ierce.

8a.9 C5;I$-I&N N&MA$ <F MAN

-he +ollo2ing are a +e2 o+ the ancient Irish Christian names o+ Men3 2hich ha e *een anglicised,

-he Name in Irish "erach3 "rian3 Conn3 "arr/.


"ernard3 "arne/3 "arna*/. Constantine3 Corne/3 Cornelius.

Cosna a3 Constantine. Cuconnacht3 Cumaighe3 Fuintin. Constantine3 Connor.


0a id. 0udle/. 0udle/.

0u*halethe3 0u*haltach3 0u*hdara3 0udle/.

Ferdorach3 Frederic3 Frederic'3 Ferdinand. Biolla:@adraic3 @atric'.

5eremon3 Ir2in 8no2 nearl/ o*solete9. >ughaidh3 >e2/3 >e2is. Melaghlin3 Malach/3 Malachi. ;uadhri3 ;or/3 ;oderic'3 ;oger.

-omoltach3 -imoth/3 -homas. 8*.9 N&MA$ <F .<MAN

& +e2 ancient Irish names o+ .omen are here gi enO *ut3 +or +uller in+ormation on the su*7ect3 the reader is re+erred to "an:$eanchus 8meaning G5istor/ o+ ;emar'a*le .omenG9O 2hich +orms a curious tract in the "oo' o+ >eacan3 +ol. 1C3_

Name in Irish. &ine3 "righid3 5annah. "ridget.


Finola or Finnghuala3 meaning Go+ the +air shoulders.G Braine3 Brace. >assarina. Maud3 Ma*3 Ma**/.

Nuala3 and @enelo%e.

>asair+hina3 Meadh*h [mea e]3

Mor [more]3 ma7estic3 Martha3 Mar/. $adh*h [so/ ]3 $orcha3 Una3 $a*ina3 $all/.

$arah3 $all/3 >uc/3 >ucinda. .inni+red3 .inn/.


Celia3 $i**/.

-o these ma/ *e added,_ 0ear+orgail or 0ear orgal3Y 2hich signi+ies Ga %urel/ +air daughterOG and is deri ed +rom dear3 a daughter3 and

0u*hdeasa or 0udeasa3 signi+ies Ga dar':haired *eaut/OG and is deri ed +rom du*h [du++]3 dar'3 and deas3 *eauti+ul. -his 2ord is the root o+ the sirnames 0ease and 0eas/.

Flanna signi+ied Ga ros/:com%le1ioned *eaut/.G

Y 0ear orgal, $ee No. 112 on the G<4;our'eG %edigree3 +or 0ear orgal3 the 2i+e o+ -iernan <4;uarc3 @rince o+ .est "re+niO to 2hom3 in G-he $ong o+ <4;uarc3G -homas Moore alludes in his Irish Melodies.

-he ;ound -o2ers o+ Ireland P Contents P Irish &d+i1es ~

FA&-U;A0 e"<<K$

-ruelo e4s Lournal, & "oo'sho% No ella From a sad3 com+ortless childhood Biles -ruelo e de elo%ed into a reclusi e and uncommunicati e man 2hose sole %assion 2as *oo's. For so long the/ 2ere the onl/ meaning to his e1istence. "ut 2hen +ate e entuall/ inter ened to ha e the outside 2orld intrude u%on his li+e3 he *egan to disco er emotions that he ne er 'ne2 he had.

& touching stor/ +or the genuine *oo'lo er3 2ritten */ an Irish *oo'seller under the %seudon/m o+ ;al%h $t Lohn Featherstonehaugh.

&nnals o+ the Famine in Ireland

&nnals o+ the Famine in Ireland3 */ &senath Nicholson3 still has the %o2er to shoc' and sadden e en though the e ents descri*ed are e er:receding +urther into the %ast. .hen /ou read3 +or e1am%le3 o+ the %oor 2ido2ed mother 2ho 2as caught tr/ing to sal age a +e2 %otatoes +rom her landlord4s +ield3 and 2hat the magistrate disco ered in the %ot in her ca*in3 /ou cannot hel% *ut *e a%%alled and distressed.

-he e*oo' is a aila*le +or do2nload in .mo*i 8Kindle93 .e%u* 8i"oo's3 etc.9 and .%d+ +ormats. For +urther in+ormation on the *oo' and author see details ~.

Ireland4s .elcome to the $tranger

-his *oo'3 the %requel to &nnals o+ the Famine in Ireland cannot *e recommended highl/ enough to those interested in Irish social histor/. -he author3 Mrs &senath Nicholson3 tra elled +rom her nati e &merica to assess the condition o+ the %oor in Ireland during the mid 1)40s. ;e+using the lu1ur/ o+ hotels and +irst class tra el3 she sta/ed at a ariet/ o+ lodging: houses3 and e en in the crude ca*ins o+ the er/ %oorest. Not to *e missedI

-he e*oo' is a aila*le +or do2nload in .mo*i 8Kindle93 .e%u* 8i"oo's3 etc.9 and .%d+ +ormats. For +urther in+ormation on the *oo' and author see details ~.

-he $cotch:Irish in &merica

5enr/ Ford Lones4 *oo'3 +irst %u*lished in 1C1! */ @rinceton Uni ersit/3 is a classic in its +ield. It co ers the histor/ o+ the $cotch:Irish +rom the +irst settlement in Ulster to the &merican ;e olutionar/ %eriod and the +oundation o+ the countr/.

-he e*oo' is a aila*le +or do2nload in .mo*i 8Kindle93 .e%u* 8i"oo's3 etc.9 and .%d+ +ormats. For +urther in+ormation on the *oo' and author see details ~.

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<ct 1(3 200! : he/ e er/one. -han's +or ta'ing the time to read this. I 7ust need to 'no2 the Irish=Baelic translation +or GIceG. It4s +or a hallo2een costume ... .ords +rom Ang to Baelic : Irish -ranslation Forum 222.irishgaelictranslator.com=translation=to%ic#1042.html $e% 213 200( : 5ere the/ are, -hunder >ightning Fire Ice .arrior >eader Breatest ... little assistance 2ith the correct manner o+ ma'ing an english 2ord gaelic. Irish dictionar/ online3 Irish gaelic dictionar/3 Irish 0ictionar/3 Baelic ... 222.irishdictionar/.ie= &s' +or Irish translations on. IrishBaelic-ranslator.com. Anglish 2ord8s9. Irish 2ord8s9. &dd a Fada, [a] [e] [d] [c] [f]. < er 2#3000 2ords translated and %ut to use. .hat is the Baelic translation +or 4ice4 : .i'i&ns2ers 2i'i.ans2ers.com b ... b Anglish to $cottish Baelic and Irish 8Baelic9 .hat is the Baelic translation +or 4ice mountain4M slia*h oighir. .hat is the translation +or Ice to $cottish BaelicM deigh or eigh. .hat is the Baelic translation o+: ... Mi'itish, -ranslation and the time o+ ice P Jale 0ail/ Ne2s /aledail/ne2s.com=*log=2010=...=mi'itish:translation:and:the:time:o+:ice... <ct 213 2010 : <ne translation o+ this line3 in 0a id Breene4s ZBolden -reasure o+ Irish @oetr/3[ is Zit is the time o+ ice.[ I ha e seen more color+ul renderings /et ... 0ingle @eninsula Ireland, Irish >anguage : -he 0ingle ;egion 222.dingle:region.com=irishlanguage.htm &n Internet guide to Irish language resources +or s%ea'ers and learners... language courses3 radio %rogramming3 ... @hrase, I4d li'e ice 2ith m/ drin'3 %leaseY .ords : Irish culture and Irish customs 222.irishcultureandcustoms.com=3Focloir=.ordsFood02L.html @hrase, ice:cream. Irish, uachtar reoite. @ronunciation, oo'h:thahr roh:tcheh. @hrase, Irish co++ee. Irish, cai+e Baelach @ronunciation, 'ah:+a/ g2a/:lu'h. @hrase, ... $earches related to irish 2ord +or ice irish 2ord +or ice cream gaelic 2ords translation irish 2ord +or ro*in celtic 2ord +or ice

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uachtar reoite ice:cream

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@osted Lun 22 2013 &ttachment, ice:creamguachtar reoiteg5..m%3

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.ords +rom Ang to Baelic

Moderator, Moderators : Mcdhncird


-ranslation Forum &uthor Message

$e%tem*er 21 200(3 11,2# &M KurtMichael

&nseo again

@osts, 1C Bood morning all. I 2ould li'e a little assistance 2ith the correct manner o+ ma'ing an english 2ord gaelic. I than' all in ad ance +or hel%ing me 2ith this. 5ere the/ are,

-hunder >ightning Fire Ice .arrior >eader Breatest -he &1e &n il ;oc' >o/al M/ 8as %ossession o+9

-hat is all +or no2. -han' /ou so muchI Jes3 these are %ossi*le names.


$e%tem*er 21 200(3 11,40 &M

"uachaill"eo $cealad Mcr

@osts, 1#44 -hunder : toirneach >ightning : tintreach Fire : tine Ice : oighear .arrior : laoch >eader : ceannaire Breatest : Gis +earrG 8de%ends a lot on conte1t9 -he : an &1e : tua &n il : inneoin ;oc' : carraig >o/al : ddlis M/ 8as %ossession o+9 : mo

@ossi*le names +or 2hat e1actl/M &l2a/s 2ait +or con+irmation on m/ translationsI

$e%tem*er 21 200(3 11,42 &M 7ulius &ndfileach IB-F

@osts, 13!#!

KurtMichael 2rote, Bood morning all. I 2ould li'e a little assistance 2ith the correct manner o+ ma'ing an english 2ord gaelic. I than' all in ad ance +or hel%ing me 2ith this. 5ere the/ are,

-hunder toirneach >ightning tintreach Fire tine Ice oighear .arrior >aoch >eader tosad Breatest Noun?is mc3 ma/*e -he &n 8nominati e singular masc.=+em.3 geniti e singular masc.3 dati e singular masc.=+em.9 Na 8geniti e singular +em.3 nominati e=geniti e=dati %lural masc.= +em9 &1e tua &n il inneoin ;oc' carraig >o/al ddlis M/ 8as %ossession o+9 Mo

-hat is all +or no2. -han' /ou so muchI Jes3 these are %ossi*le names.


Morning mate. .ait +or more in%uts on this3 %lease. -a an domhan uile ina staitse agus teastadonn cleachtadh go gear cn mcrchuid againn. :$ean o Cathasaigh

ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg $tu%idit/ has a certain charm :: ignorance does not.


Ifil o Co+aigh $e%tem*er 21 200(3 11,4# &M 7ulius &ndfileach IB-F

@osts, 13!#! & "huachaill"eo3 nd +haca me thf ansin a chara. Ceannann ceanna smaointeI -a an domhan uile ina staitse agus teastadonn cleachtadh go gear cn mcrchuid againn. :$ean o Cathasaigh ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg $tu%idit/ has a certain charm :: ignorance does not.


Ifil o Co+aigh $e%tem*er 21 200(3 12,04 @M KurtMichael &nseo again

@osts, 1C For a dog.

$e%tem*er 21 200(3 1!,34 @M KurtMichael &nseo again

@osts, 1C I+ /ou can3 ho2 2ould these sound in Anglish3 8e1am%le...-hunder...toirneach : too eern eechM9

-hunder : toirneach >ightning : tintreach Fire : tine Ice : oighear .arrior : laoch >eader : ceannaire Breatest : Gis +earrG 8de%ends a lot on conte1t9 -he : an &1e : tua &n il : inneoin ;oc' : carraig >o/al : ddlis M/ 8as %ossession o+9 : mo $e%tem*er 21 200(3 21,43 @M &n -reasach $cealad Mcr

@osts, 21#1 5ere4s a rough guide to %ronunciation. GchG is li'e the Anglish GchocolateG and the G'hG is li'e the $cottish GlochG

-hunder : toirneach -U;N/a'h >ightning : tintreach C5INchra'h Fire : tine C5AANeh Ice : oighear &Jrh .arrior : laoch >AAa'h >eader : ceannaire KINNireh=K&NNireh Breatest : Gis +earrG 8de%ends a lot on conte1t9 iss F&&;h=iss FJ&&;h -he : an un &1e : tua -<<ah &n il : inneoin INN/oh:in ;oc' : carraig K&&rig >o/al : ddlis LAA>ish M/ 8as %ossession o+9 : mo mU5 Mar'eting Ideas Irish Name Free Font Free +amil/ tree ma'er .rote Anglish .ord For Free 0is%la/ %osts +rom %re ious, $ort */ ;e%l/ -ranslation Forum

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&s' +or Irish Baelic translations on this Anglish to Irish3 Irish to Anglish translator +orum. Irish language translations gi en on this oluntar/ communit/ site cannot *e guaranteed to *e correct. &l2a/s as' +or a second or third o%inion3 es%eciall/ +or requests +or tattoos3 2edding rings3 etc. ;egister to as' +or /our translation.F&F>ogin

I need a quic' -ranslation ,9

Moderator, Moderators : Mcdhncird


-ranslation Forum &uthor Message

<cto*er 1( 200!3 20,02 @M &ngel4Men Ne2 &rri al

@osts, 1 he/ e er/one. -han's +or ta'ing the time to read this. I 7ust need to 'no2 the Irish=Baelic translation +or GIceG. It4s +or a hallo2een costume I+ an/one can hel% that 2ould *e $U@A;III -han's a *unch3


<cto*er 1( 200!3 20,04 @M Brainne"haoil $cealad Mcr

@osts, 2044 5ello there

Ice ` oighear $heet o+ ice ` leac oighir

<nce3 as a child3 out in a +ield o+ shee%=-homas 5ard/ %retended to *e dead=&nd la/ do2n +lat among their daint/ shins. In that sni++ed:at3 *leated:into3 grass/ s%ace=5e e1%erimented 2ith in+init/=5is small cool *ro2 2as li'e an an il 2aiting For s'/ to ma'e it sing the %re+ect %itch=<+ his dum* *eing3 and that stir he caused=In the +leece:hustle 2as the original <+ a ri%%le that 2ould tra el eight/ /ears=<ut2ard +rom there3 to *e the same ri%%le=Inside him at its last circum+erence. <cto*er 1( 200!3 20,04 @M %rincessleia Ne2 &rri al

@osts, 3 oigearII <cto*er 1( 200!3 20,0! @M L$mith13 $crd*hneoir d4pigean

@osts, 20!40 &ngel4Men 2rote, he/ e er/one. -han's +or ta'ing the time to read this. I 7ust need to 'no2 the Irish=Baelic translation +or GIceG. It4s +or a hallo2een costume I+ an/one can hel% that 2ould *e $U@A;III -han's a *unch3


>eac oighir3 or 7ust oighear. -he +irst one is a sla* o+ ice3 I *elie e. "eidh ar la linn.......go luathII

I4m a *eginner. .ait +or more in%ut 2ith m/ translations.

<cto*er 1( 200!3 20,0) @M Codette Ne2 &rri al

@osts, 2 I thin' the 2ord +or ice is 4oighir4 <cto*er 1( 200!3 20,3( @M ;ed2ol+ &rd:"anrdon na ;aimeise

@osts, !(!CC Codette 2rote, I thin' the 2ord +or ice is 4oighir4

No...that4s the geniti e +orm. -he nominati e3 as se eral ha e alread/ noted3 is Goighear.G

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geimhreadh 2inter

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.ith &rticle 8$ingular9 an geimhreadh the 2inter

Clic' here to do2nload this audio +ile A1am%le $entence -a se chomh +uar leis an gheimhreadh anois. It +eels li'e 2inter no2.

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Irish .ord o+ the 0a/: .inter Loin Martin 2rote Irish .ord o+ the 0a/: .inter QlaquoO Loin Martin on 12:0(:200) (,2) @ing*ac' +rom Irish .ord o+ the 0a/: .inter Loin Martin

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>&NBU&BA Q CU>-U;A "><B$ Irish >anguage "log Connect 2ith us on Face*oo'Connect 2ith us on -2itter -earmad Beimhridh 8.inter -erms9 @osted on 30. Lan3 2012 */ rcisldn in Irish >anguage 8le ;cisldn9

-his 2inter is %ro ing to *e unusuall/ cold 8+uar9 in some %arts o+ the 2orld 8an Aorai%9 and unseasona*l/ mild 8*og9 in others 8Meiricea3 *S+heidir Ceanada9. "e+ore 2e %roceed3 letSs loo' *rie+l/ at the %ronunciation o+ the ad7ecti es Z+uar[ and Z*og.[ For Z+uar3[ ISll sim%l/ note that each o2el is %ronounced3 so itSs Z+oo:ur.[ -hatSs noticea*l/ di++erent +rom most other 2: o2el com*inations in Irish3 2hich usuall/ ha e 7ust one discrete sound 8+ear3 duine3 *ud3 maith3 srl.9. -he %ronunciation o+ Z*og3[ might seem to *e straight+or2ard3 *ut it is 2orth noting that itSs not the same as the %ronunciation o+ Z*og[ in Anglish3 although the t2o 2ords are historicall/ related 8a *og *eing a so+t %lace9. Z"og[ in Irish3 is most commonl/ used as an ad7ecti e 8so+t3 tender3 lenient3 mello23 loose9. &s such3 the short Zo[ sound is as in Z%ota[ 8not quite the same sound as Anglish Z%ot[9 or Zros.[ I em%hasi6e this *ecause it is eas/ to assume that t2o similar:loo'ing 2ords3 es%eciall/ short one:s/lla*le ones 2ith onl/ one o2el3 2ould *e %ronounced the same3 e en i+ the/ are in t2o di++erent languages. ItSs almost a gut reaction 8and IS e heard the %henomenon ha%%en man/ times o er the /ears in teaching Irish9. "ut chance homogra%hs +rom t2o di++erent languages are rarel/ %ronounced ali'e. Irish and Anglish share a num*er o+ homogra%hs *ut the/ are di++erent in %ronunciation3 meaning3 and %art o+ s%eech. A1am%les include as=as3 is=is3 air=air3 and gorm=gorm 8the Anglish Zgorm[ *eing the nearl/ de+unct root o+ Zgormless[9. &nd that intriguing situation might actuall/ *e a*har *log eile. -o 2ra% that u%3 Z*og[ in Irish isnSt actuall/ the noun +or Za *og[ 8a %lace +or digging %eat3 or in the U.$.3 +or gro2ing cran*erries9O that is generall/ Z%ortach[ 8or Zcriathrach3[ although that is more s%eci+icall/ a Z%itted[ *ogO hmm3 a Zcran*err/ *og3[ I might ha e to re:thin' that one since cran*err/

*ogs donSt loo' an/thing li'e an Irish Z%ortach[9. Z"og[ in Irish can also *e a er* 8so+ten3 *ecome so+t3 loosen93 or it can *e a noun re+erring to something so+t3 as in Z*og na cluaise[ 8the ear lo*e9. &n/2a/3 no2 that 2eS e esta*lished the *asics 8geimhreadh iontach +uar s. geimhreadh *og93 letSs loo' at some other 2inter:related 2ords, an geimhreadh [un BJAE:ruh or BJAA;:uh]3 the 2inter 8com%ara*le to .elsh Zgaea+[9 geimhridh3 [BJAE:ree]3 o+ 2inter3 as in Zeadad geimhridh[ or Zglaslus geimhridhO[ 2hen used 2ith +eminine singular nouns3 gheimhridh [JAE:ree]3 as in Zaimsir gheimhridh[ ] an gheimhridh [un JAE:ree]3 o+ the 2inter3 as in Zraithe an gheimhridh[ 82inter:time3 lit. the season o+ the 2inter9 geimhrd [BJAE:ree] or geimhrdocha [BJAE:ree:u'h:uh]3 2inters3 and na geimhrd3 or na geimhrdocha3 the 2inters geimhreata or geimhrifil3 2intr/ &s +or Zsno23[ the *asic 2ord is Zsneachta3[ 2ith the +ollo2ing +orms, an sneachta3 the sno2 ] an tsneachta3 o+ the sno23 as in Zdoimhne an tsneachta[ It doesnSt occur much in the %lural3 *ut it can3 so3 2e do ha e Zna sneachtad3[ the sno2s. "ut3 +or 2hate er reason3 the classic %hrase Zthe sno2s o+ /ester/ear[ 8one o+ the +e2 %lural uses e en in Anglish9 remains in the singular3 as Zsneachta na *liana anuraidh.[ I 2ould ha e thought Zsneachtad3[ *ut so *e it. Jossarian did %lurali6e his Z$no2dens o+ /ester/ear[ qui% 8Catch:2293 *ut that3 o+ course3 is deri ati e. $neachtad Kiliman7aro3 2ould *e a legitimate e1am%le3 is dccha3 *ut I see neither hide nor hair o+ it online. 0onSt tell me no one has translated 5eming2a/ into IrishI &n ndeir tf 8tf *eing BoogleI9 liomM &nd no23 a little more oca*ular/ %ractice. Can /ou match these 2inter terms 2ith their de+initionsM Freagrad thdos 8&9. 1. sneachta 2. +lich:shneachta #. greallach shneachta a. sno2+la'es *. icicle c. sno2 3. calcga sneachta d. slush e. sleet 4. reodcg !. sdo*adh sneachta +. *li66ard

&nd 2hat ha%%ens to some o+ our Anglish %hrases that e o'e 2intriness in a more a*stract or meta%horic mannerM &s one might guess3 their Irish equi alents are a little more literal. Can /ou match u% these e1%ressionsM 1. 2intr/ rece%tion a. gaire *eag +uar 2. a dead +rost 3. slush/ sentimentalit/ c. +uar+hailte 4. 2intr/ smile d. gan aon mhaith

*. tru+lais mhaoth:chainte

More 2intr/ terms coming u%3 in u%coming *logs3 since 2e are i ndfladocht an gheimhridh3 at least +rom the North &merican %ers%ecti e 82inter season ` 0ecem*er3 Lanuar/3 Fe*ruar/3 equino1es not2ithstanding9. In the traditional Irish calendar3 s%ring starts on >a Fheile "rdde 81 Fea*hra9. Bo dtd

sin3 agus ag smaoineamh ar an ngrian3 $BF3 ;cisldn Bluaisdn, *og3 mild 8re, 2inter3 not +or a Zmild %ersonalit/3[ 2hich 2ould use ad7ecti es li'e Zseimh[ or Zcaomh3[ or Zmild *eer3[ 2hich 2ould *e Zseimh[9O greallach3 loam3 mire3 tram%led ground Freagrad &, 1c3 2e3 3a3 4*3 !+3 #dO Freagrad ", 1c3 2d 8as in Z+ailure3[ rather dated slang3 I 'no23 *ut still meta%horic93 3*3 4a Ncta, sneachta s. sneachtad. 5mm3 ;ossetti 'e%t the %lural in his iconic translation o+ ZMais o sont les neiges dSantanM[ *ut I see a Berman translation in the singular Z.o ist der $chnee om ergangenen LahrM $o3 is sno2 counta*le or uncounta*leM Is Irish di++erent +rom Anglish in this regardM <r does it matter3 since the Zsno2s[ in EillonSs %oem are actuall/ 2omen3 such as Loan o+ &rc3 5eloise3 and Z"erte au grant %ie[ 8"ertha o+ the "ig Foot3 as %er the medie al French s%elling9. >oo'ing +or Zsneachtad[ online3 I +ind er/ +e2 actual uses in conte1t. Most o+ the #3 hits 8a %rett/ small sam%le3 at that9 are sim%l/ dictionar/ entries that re%eat the e1istence o+ a %lural +orm. &n unusual e1ce%tion is the %hrase Zda m*einn i d-dr "heannaithe na $neachtad3[ a re+erence to -i*et3 +rom a %oem called ZFeinghlacadh[ */ Z-F[ 8a 0u*liner 2hose +ull name isnSt gi en in his *log3 htt%,==machnamh.*logs%ot.com=200#g03g01garchi e.html9. <n the other hand3 Irish %oet and translator Ba*riel ;osenstoc' treats IssaSs Zsno2s o+ $hinano[ as singular in his %hrase Zsneachta $hinano[ 8htt%,==hai'ugu/.com=issa=rosenstoc'.html9. &nd that raises a question that I canSt ans2er X is Zsno2[ counta*le or uncounta*le in La%aneseM "huel3 *ia smaoinimh as seo amach. Nuashonrfchan 8U%date9, Ncta re, Ceartfchan do na Freagrad 8Freagrai &9, -a siad ceartaithe 8corrected9 agam anois. "hd dha +hreagra Zc[ agam. "rcn orm ma chuir se amf thf. -ags, *li66ard3 calcg3 Catch:223 +lichshneachta3 geimhreadh3 greallach3 hai'u3 icicle3 Irish3 Issa3 La%anese3 neiges3 %ronunciation3 reodcg3 $chnee3 $hinano3 sdo*adh3 sleet3 sneachta3 sno23 $no2dens3 sno2s3 sno2s o+ /ester/ear3 Eillon3 .here &re the $no2s o+ Jester/earM3 2inter3 Jossarian $hare this @ostI


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