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Song Lyrics - Part I, Viet Nam: ""Nguoi Con Gai Viet Nam Da Vang" (Girl With Yellow Skin), by The Late-Trinh Cong Son

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Song Lyrics--Part I, Viet Nam

""Nguoi Con Gai Viet Nam Da Vang" (Girl with Yellow Skin), by the late-Trinh Cong Son,
Viet Nam. Translated by Rich Fuller

Nguoi con gai Viet Nam da vang, Girl so young, with skin like gold,
Yeu que huong nhu yeu dong lua chin, Home you love like fields of grain,
Nguoi con gai Viet Nam da vang, Girl so young, with skin like gold,
Yeu que huong nuoc mat lung dong. On your face fall tears like rain.

Nguoi con gai Viet Nam da vang, Girl so young, with skin like gold,
Yeu que huong nen yeu nguoi yeu kem. Home you love, so do love the weak.
Nguoi con gai ngoi mo thanh binh. Seated there in dreams of peace,
Yeu que huong nhu da yeu minh. Proud of home as of your womanhood.

Em chua biet que huong thanh binh. You've never known our land in peace.
Em chua thay xua kia Viet Nam. You've never known olden Viet Nam.
Em chua hat ca dao mot lan. You've never sung our village songs.
Em chi co con tim cam hon. All you have is an angry heart.

Nguoi con gai mot hom qua lang. Passing by the village gate,
Di trong dem, dem vang am tieng sung. In the night with guns booming low,
Nguoi con gai chot om tim minh. Girl so young, you clutch your heart.
Tren da thom vet mau loang dan. On soft skin a bleeding wound grows.

Nguoi con gai Viet Nam da vang, Girl so young, with skin like gold,
Yeu que huong nhu yeu dong lua chin. Home you love like fields of grain,
Nguoi con gai Viet Nam da vang Girl so young, with skin like gold,
Yeu que huong nay da khong con. You love home which is no more.

Oi cai chet dau thuong vo tinh! O! Unfeeling and heartless death.

Oi dat nuoc u me ngan nam! Dark our land a thousand years.
Em da den que huong mot minh, Home, my sister, you've come alone.
Rieng toi van au lo di tim. And I, alone, still search for you.

Nguoi con gai Viet Nam da vang (3 X fading) Girl so young, with skin like gold (3 times, fading)

"Dai Bac Ru Dem" (Lullaby of the Artillery), by the late-Trinh Cong Son, Viet Nam. Translated
by Rich Fuller
Dai bac dem dem doi ve thanh pho. Night after night fall shells t'wards town;
Nguoi phu quet duong dung choi lang nghe. A sweeper stops her broom to hear.
Dai bac qua day danh thuc me day. As shells do fly, a mother wakes,
Dai bac qua day con tho buon tui. As shells do fly, a child's soft cry.
Nua dem sang choi hoa chau tren nui. Bright flares burst open above the mountains.

Dai bac dem dem doi ve thanh pho. Night after night fall shells t'wards town;
Nguoi phu quet duong dung choi dung nghe. A sweeper stops her broom to hear.
Tung chuyen bay dem con tho giat minh. Each round's dark trip, a child in fright.
Ham tru tan hoang oi da thit vang! A shelter hit--O! Horrid sight!
Tung dem chom sang la mat que huong. Each night keeps flashing the face of our land.
REFRAIN: Hang van tan bom trut xuong dau lang! REFRAIN: O! Tons of bombs fall on the gate.
Hang van tan bom trut xuong ruong dong! The bombs like rain fall on our fields.
Cua nha Viet Nam chay do cuoi thon. A house burns red at the end of the lane.
Hang van chuyen xe, claymore luu dan, Grenades, claymores the trucks haul down.
Hang van chuyen xe mang vo thi thanh. Such endless stores they bring through town.
Tung vung thit xuong co me co em. Our mother's bones lie everywhere.

Dai bac dem dem doi ve thanh pho. Night after night fall shells t'wards town;
Nguoi phu quet duong dung choi dung nghe. A sweeper stops her broom to hear.
Dai bac dem dem tuong lai rung vang. Night after night, the future quakes,
Dai bac nhu kinh khong mang loi nguyen. As shells like empty prayers repeat.
Tre tho quen song tung dem nghe ngong. A child half-living each night waits listening.

Dai bac dem dem doi ve thanh pho. Night after night fall shells t'wards town;
Nguoi phu quet duong dung choi dung nghe. A sweeper stops her broom to hear.
Dai bac dem dem ru da thit vang. Each night, the rounds, they sing for us,
Dai bac nghe quen nhu cau dao buon. Familiar sounds, like sad refrains.
Tre con chua lon de thay que huong. What child will ever see home again? (3 times,fading)

"Gia Tai Cua Me" (A Mother's Heritage), by the late-Trinh Cong Son, Viet Nam. Translated by
Rich Fuller

Mot ngan nam no le giac Tau, A thousand years of Chinese reign.

Mot tram nam do ho giac Tay, A hundred years of French domain.
Hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay. Twenty years fighting brothers each day,
Gia tai cua me de lai cho con. A mother's fate, left for her child,
Gia tai cua me la nuoc Viet buon. A mother's fate, a land defiled.

Mot ngan nam no le giac Tau, A thousand years of Chinese reign.

Mot tram nam do ho giac Tay, A hundred years of French domain.
Hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay. Twenty years fighting brothers each day,
Gia tai cua me mot rung xuong kho. A mother's fate, bones left to dry,
Gia tai cua me mot nui day mo. And graves that fill a mountain high.

Refrain: Refrain:
Day cho con tieng noi that tha. Teach your children to speak their minds.
Me mong con cho quen mau da, Don't let them forget their kind--
Con cho quen mau da nuoc Viet xua. Never forget their kind, from old Viet land.
Me trong con mau buoc ve nha. Mother wait for your kids to come home,
Me mong con lu con duong xa. Kids who now so far away roam.
Oi lu con cung cha quen han thu. Children of one father, be reconciled.

Mot ngan nam no le giac Tau, A thousand years of Chinese reign.

Mot tram nam do ho giac Tay, A hundred years of French domain.
Hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay. Twenty years fighting brothers each day.
Gia tai cua me ruong dong kho khan. A mother's fate, our fields so dead,
Gia tai cua me nha chay tung hang. And rows of homes in flames so red.

Mot ngan nam no le giac Tau, A thousand years of Chinese reign.

Mot tram nam do ho giac Tay, A hundred years of French domain.
Hai muoi nam noi chien tung ngay. Twenty years fighting brothers each day.
Gia tai cua me mot bon lai cang. A mother's fate, her kids' misdeeds,
Gia tai cua me mot lu boi tinh. Her kids filled with disloyalty.

(Refrain) (Refrain)

Song Lyrics--Part II, Indonesia

"Dermaga" (The Harbor), a North Sulawesi Love Song. Translated by Rich Fukller with the help of
Ken and Ikhe
Sekarang cuma mata deng hati yang bicara Speaking together with just our eyes and hearts,
Sadiki leh somo bapisa. Moments before our parting.
Lia jo pa kita, inga-inga di mimpi. Look at me and remember me in your dreams.
Seka air mata di pipi. Wipe away the tears from your cheeks.

Lenso warna putih basah deng air mata. Your white perfumed hanky, all soaking wet with tears;
Kapal so tiop tiga kali. Now the final whistle's blown already.
Kapal so lapas tali, The ropes have been withdrawn,
Nakoda putar kamudi. The ship is heading to sea,
Selamat tinggal ke kasih! So, good-bye, my own true love!

Kapal bajalan, ngana masih di dermaga. The ship is sailing, yet you're still here in the harbor,
Lambaikan tangan, kong baseka air mata; So wave your hand, and wipe away your tears.
Di atas kapal kita cuma babadiam. Oh, on this ship, how I will be so lonely.
Martapehati cuma inga pa ngana. But in my heart, I will always think of you.

Suatu hari nanti kita pasti bale And one day soon, I promise to return
For torang dua pebaku sayang. (nyanyi 2 kali) To you for our everlasting love. (2 times)

"Hulondalo Lipu'u" (Gorontalo, My Homeland), a Gorontalo, Sulawesi, song in the Gorontalo

Dialect. Translated by Rich Fuller, with the help of STKP, Gorontalo
1. Hulondalo lipu'u 1. Gorontalo, my country,
Pilotu tuwa ola'u. That is where I was born.
Dilata oli pata'u. I will always love you
Detunggulo mate wa'u. Until I leave this life.

2. Lipu'u Hulondalo. 2. My country, Gorontalo,

Tetowa'u bilandalo. That is where I grew up.
Wa'u malo mololo, I will always miss you,
Mo otola Hulondalo. If I leave you, Gorontalo.

Tilong Kabila hui dio, Your Tilong Kabila Mountain,
Bune dutula lio, Your Bone River,
Limutu bulalo lio, Your Lake Limboto,
Amani tao lio-- Your gentle, gentle people--

3. Hulondalo mato la'u 3. Gorontalo, I must leave you.

Lipu ilo toli angu'u. But I'll never forget you.
Wa'u malo mololo. I will always miss you
Mo oto la Hulondalo When I leave you, Gorontalo.

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