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Symbian - Smart Platform For Mobile Innovation: Presented By: Ashutosh Hema Kashyap Neeti Bisht

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Symbian – Smart Platform for

Mobile Innovation
Presented By:
Hema Kashyap
Neeti Bisht
Why Symbian??
􀂾 Suitable for Small Mobile Devices

􀂾 Addressing Mass market

􀂾 Wireless connectivity

􀂾 Diversity of products

􀂾 Open platform
Main Facts
• Designed to be used on higher-end mobile
phones (also known as smartphones).
• Open application environment.
• Owned and licensed by most major phone
• All Symbian OS devices have Java available
on them.
• The higher end devices tend to have Personal
Java .
 Robust

 Extensive API Support

 Multitasking

 Memory less Restricted

 Reusable Code
Symbian Multitasking
• One of the major design decisions taken in developing
Symbian OS was to optimize the system for efficient event
handling from the ground up
• The Symbian OS multitasking description can be explained in
the following way:

– 􀀂 Symbian OS implements preemptive multitasking.

– 􀀂 Preemptive multitasking is optimized for thread switching,

thus the name "preemptive multithreading.“

– 􀀂 Cooperative multitasking is used in the context of thread

Commercial Benefits
 Operators will benefit from having a wide pool of interoperable
devices, built on open standards. They will be able to select from
a wide range of terminal and infrastructure manufacturers with a
rich set of interoperable solutions.

 In terms of value that operators can add, applications and

content can all be made more cost effectively supplied - given
the common OS shared across phones.

 Developers will benefit from being able to target a greater

number of consumers across one platform. Their porting and
development costs will dramatically decline as the common OS
means that applications will need to be developed once.
 Symbian OS is a robust multi-tasking operating system,
designed specifically for real-world wireless environments and
the constraints of mobile phones (including limited amount of

 Symbian OS is natively IP-based, with fully integrated

communications and messaging.

 It supports all the leading industry standards that will be

essential for this generation of data-enabled mobile phones.
Symbian OS enables a large community of developers.

 The open platform allows the installation of third party software

to further enhance the platform.
Symbian OS
Today And Tommorow

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