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2.1 HOLD CLP Expanded Outlines - Updated For HOLD Use. April

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CLP- Revised for HOLD.

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The Christian Life Program (CLP) is an integrated course intended to lead the program
participants into a renewed understanding of and response to God's call to them as Christian
women. The program has a total of 13 separate sessions, usually held once a week.

Goals of the CLP

Specifically, the CLP is intended to achieve the following:

1. Bring the participant to repentance and a renewed faith in Jesus.
2. Empower the participant in the Christian life through baptism in the Holy Spirit.
3. Integrate the participant into a strong environment of support and ongoing formation.

Content of the CLP

The CLP starts with an orientation session, then goes into 3 further modules of 4 sessions each.

The first module presents the absolute basics of Christian life. The second module presents the
kind of life that God calls us to, and helps participants to make a reorientation of their lives
around Jesus. The third module helps the participants to appropriate for their lives the power of
the Holy Spirit, and provides the basis for continuing spiritual growth.

The topics of the sessions are:


1. God's love
2. Who is Jesus Christ?
3. What it means to be a Christian
4. Repentance and faith
5. The Christian ideal: loving God
6. Loving your neighbor
7. Handmaids of the Lord and the Christian family
8. Life in the Holy Spirit
9. Receiving the power of the Holy Spirit
10. Growing in the Spirit
11. The life and mission of HOLD
12. Transformation in Christ

Expanded Outline
The expanded outline we use for HOLD CLP is based on the outline of Couples for Christ's
"Christian Life Program", except for talks 4, 7, 11 and 12. Speakers (CFC wives) should be
conscious that this is a HOLD CLP, therefore, they must relate the topics to the different life
situations of the handmaids.

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HOLD PFO. Revised for HOLD Use. April 2007. 77 pages.



GOAL : To present a relationship with Jesus as the only way out of the sorry state of the world
today and to offer the audience a concrete way of entering into that relationship
through the CLP and ultimately an ongoing involvement in CFC.

Expanded outline

A. Introduction.

1. Why should we take time and effort to participate in a program such as this? To answer
that, we have to consider first why Jesus himself came into this world.

2. Luke 4:16-21. Jesus proclaims his mission.

a) The salvation promised by God was to be fulfilled in and through him. He was to
announce the good news of God's reign (Lk 4:43).

b) His mission is for all. His proclamation is timeless. The promise applies to us too.

B. Do we understand Jesus' message? If for us, how have we received his offer of salvation?

1. Jesus refers to four kinds of people. Do we recognize ourselves among them?

a) The poor. These are those who live lives apart from God.

b) The captives. We can be in captivity to things, desires and ideas of no real worth.
We can be slaves to money, power, work, achievements--those things the world

c) The blind. We can be blinded by prejudices, pride, wrong self-image, false ideals and
ideologies. We often do not recognize the things that are of real value.

d) The oppressed. We can be oppressed by our bondages--to unrighteous relationships;

to hatred or intolerance; to greed and immorality in business; to fears, worries,
anxieties, insecurities; to alcohol, drugs, illicit sex.

2. But Jesus came precisely to bring salvation to us in all these areas.

a) He brings glad tidings to the poor. What is of real value is the good news of salvation
and a real relationship with God.

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b) He proclaims liberty to captives. Jesus can free us from our captivity to worldly
things that are of no true and lasting worth.

c) He gives sight to the blind. With Jesus, we will never be in darkness, unable to see.
John 8:12.

d) He lets the oppressed go free. Only Jesus can truly set us free from our bondages.

C. But are we experiencing today the salvation that Jesus offers? Do we have spiritual
abundance, are we living in freedom, do we see with God's eyes?

1. What do we see in the world today? Moral degeneration in all levels of society.

a) Upsurge in sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, perversity.

b) Rampant greed and dishonesty.

c) Workaholics leaving no room for God.

d) Alarming break-up of families due to a lack of commitment of spouses.

e) Spiritual blindness, giving rise to man-made religions and cults.

2. Why are Christians behaving like this in the modern world?

a) Superficially, one may point to "economic hard times" as the reason. When times are
hard, people look for concrete things which can help them.

* Bribing in order to win a contract.

* Alcohol, drugs and illicit sex to cover up difficulties.
* Turning to the occult for good luck.

b) Others point to sociological reasons.

* If everyone is doing it, it must be OK.

* In society today, there is a lack of objective moral norms for right conduct.

c) But these can only be partially correct. Because we see that throughout history,
especially for the early Church, Christians did not easily trade off their Christian
values, even in the face of imprisonment, pain and death.

d) Thus we can only conclude that the Christianity we know today is no longer the same
brand of Christianity as the one the early Christians knew. Our Christianity today is
lacking in power and effectiveness.

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D. Why are we lacking in spiritual power as Christians? There are a number of reasons.

1. Some are unwilling to give up sin.

a) Sin in our lives blocks the power of God.

b) Or there may be no serious sin, but many still live a split-level Christianity.

2. One may be a good person, but conversion to the Lord is not full. We may be satisfied
with an emotional experience and not allow our conversion to effect concretely the way
we think, live, act and relate to others.

3. Many do not have a personal relationship with Jesus.

a) For many Christians, Jesus is out of reach. He is God who is far away in heaven.

b) But in order for us to receive power, we must have a direct link-up with the source of
power. John 15:5.

4. There are those who have no Christian support.

a) We are called to be part of a body, the body of Christ. We need the care and support
of others in order to become better Christians.

b) The world is a hostile environment for Christians. We can easily become assimilated
into the values and points-of-view of the world.

5. Some Christians are not living in the power of the Holy Spirit.

a) We believe in the Trinity and we know well the Father and the Son. But many
Christians do not know the Spirit nor understand his role.

* Jesus affirms the Spirit's importance. John 16:7-8.

* Before his ascension, Jesus told the disciples to wait for power from on high.
Luke 24:49.

* This power will be given when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. Acts 1:8.

b) And the Spirit did come, on the day of Pentecost.

* The disciples were emboldened and empowered.

* Christianity spread quickly. And within a couple of centuries, the whole Roman
Empire was converted.

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c) This was the power of the Holy Spirit at work.

* And this same spiritual power is available to us.

E. What then must we do about our situation?

1. To begin with, understand that we are not meant for this world but for a higher life with

a) Our stay in this world is transitory. Our true citizenship is in heaven (Phil 3:20).

b) If true, then we should not just invest ourselves in this world. We should invest for
the next.

2. Investigate for yourself what Jesus is offering. Don't just pass it up. Right now,
approach this in faith and know that your God is extending to you an invitation. Rev.

3. Concretely, what does this invitation mean for you?

a) Our Lord wants to offer you a personal, concrete expression of his reality in your
lives in an ongoing way.

b) The first step is to join this Christian Life Program.

* The CLP has 3 modules of 4 sessions each.

* You do not have to commit yourself to the whole CLP, but can take each of the
sessions as they come.

c) At the end of the CLP, you will be invited to join CFC-HANDMAIDS OF THE
LORD so you can continue to receive support for your Christian life.

d) All these will bring you to the doorway to spiritual freedom, maturity and power in
Christian living.

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GOAL: To communicate the truth that God loves us and has a plan for our welfare.

Expanded Outline

A. The situation in the world today.

1. There is serious disorder in the world today.

a) There is war. (Cite some of the current wars going on).

b) There is poverty.
* Starvation in different parts of the world.
* Poor people even in rich countries.

c) There is murder.
* Particularly despicable is abortion, resulting in the killing of millions of unborn

d) There is social injustice.

2. On a personal level, there is loneliness, depression, fear, insecurity, mistrust, etc.

3. Everyone agrees that something major is needed to correct the situation in the world.

a) Man has made various efforts to improve the world, but their efforts are not
succeeding. For example:

* In the field of medicine, through the ultrasound technique, we can discover the
sex of a child before it is born. But some people decide to kill the unborn child if
found defective, or if it is not the desired sex.

- Man cannot be completely trusted to use God's wisdom properly.

* In food production, we have learned better and more productive ways of

increasing the yield of the land. But millions of people are still dying of
malnutrition and starvation.

- The human race has not learned to share God's provision with their less
fortunate members.

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* Some even propose solutions through man-made religions and other ideologies.
Examples: TM, Marxism, New Age.

b) Man is not succeeding because all these efforts are based on man's wisdom.

* What is needed is God's wisdom and ways. Is 55:8-9.

B. What is the way of God? Does God have a plan for bringing us out of our confusion and

1. Yes! The starting point for understanding God's plan is found in the story of creation in

a) Gen 1:31. What God creates is good.

* The confusion and disorder is not in accordance with the plan of God.

b) Gen 1:27. God created man in His image.

* The ugliness and sin in the lives of people today are not in accordance with God's

c) Gen 3:8-9. Man is meant for friendship with God.

* The disruption in our relationship with God is our doing, and is not as God

2. However, things did not turn out according to God's plan. Original sin entered the
picture. And from then, man continued to turn against God and His ways.

3. But still, even if God punished man, God did not abandon him.

a) God punished Adam and Eve when they sinned, yet God extended to them a gesture
of grace: He gave them clothing (Gen 3:21) and even promised that the offspring of
the woman will crush the head of the serpent (Gen 3:15).

b) God punished Cain for murdering his brother Abel, yet He gave Cain a mark to
protect him from being killed on sight (Gen 4:15).

c) Further on in Genesis (Gen 6 ff), we read about the wickedness of man in the time of
Noah. God sent a flood to eradicate the evil on earth, yet He had compassion. He
directed Noah to build an ark that would deliver the righteous from death.

d) Still further in Genesis (Gen 11:1-9), the wickedness of man continued to provoke the
wrath of God, illustrated by the building of the tower of Babel.

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4. But this incident of the tower of Babel is immediately followed by the story of Abraham
(Gen 12), which is the beginning of the great restoration that Jesus was to bring.

5. From these accounts, we can see how God loves the human race, how God would not
leave man alone to his fate.

a) God is not indifferent nor distant. God is someone who loves us and is interested in
having a personal relationship with us. He is interested in the details of our daily

* Is 48:17. Jer 29:11.

b) In fact, God wants to bring us all back to Himself, to restore our fellowship and
intimacy with him. Eph 1:9-10.

c) This is God's plan! It is an expression of His love.

* God does not want us to live lives of pain, poverty, injustice. God wants the
world to be a place of peace, justice and happiness. A place in which He would

C. How can God's plan happen?

1. When we look at the world around us, it seems impossible.

2. Again, we need to turn to God's wisdom. We need God's point of view. What does God
say about life's realities?

a) The Bible tells us about the reality of Satan. Eph 6:12.

* We are not just confronted with particular wrongs in society or in ourselves.

Behind all these is something bigger. Satan is orchestrating these evils.
* On our own, we cannot overcome Satan.

b) God also says that our human efforts apart from Him will prove useless. John 15:5.

* On our own strength, we cannot overcome the challenges in our Christian life.

3. So what is the solution? Jesus Christ!

a) Christ is the answer.

* He is a spiritual being more powerful than Satan.

* He is the vine from which we draw life, strength and power.

b) In fact, Christ is the fullness of God's love. Jn 3:16.

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4. Thus, in Jesus we experience the love of God. And in Jesus, God's plan for restoration
can begin to happen.

D. What do we need to do?

1. We need to simply accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Rom 10:9.

a) What this means will become clearer as we move on in this CLP.

b) But for now, what is important to know is simply this:

* God loves us.

* God sent Jesus His own Son.
* In Jesus we are saved and restored to our relationship with God, with the fullness
of life He intended.

2. So God has done His part. It is now our move.

a) The choice is ours: to live under the dominion of darkness, a life of slavery under
Satan, or to live in the kingdom of God, a life of freedom, dignity, peace and

b) Let us accept Jesus and the salvation that he brings. Let us begin to truly experience
God's love.

E. A final word.

1. When Jesus spoke to his disciples, some were turned off (Jn 6:60). They could not
accept the truths Jesus revealed to them and they left (Jn 6:66). Jesus turned to the other
disciples and asked if they were going to leave too. They stayed.

2. You too will be confronted with the basic truths of the gospel of Jesus. Some of you may
find difficulty accepting them. Some people do.

a) Some say the devil is pure imagination, some silly superstition. Not so.

b) Some say sin was just a concoction of a rigid Victorian era, and that in today's liberal
views there are no more sins.

* If there are no more sins, then who needs a savior? Who needs Jesus? He came
for nothing.

c) Some even question the divinity of Jesus Christ. Is Jesus really God?
* For the answer, come back next week.

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3. The choice is given to each of you.

a) Will you continue to investigate how God's plan can work in your life? Will you
continue to explore, along with us, how God's love can make a difference in your

b) Or will you just walk away like the disciples who left Jesus?

c) I hope that just like Simon Peter you will say: "Lord, to whom shall we go? You
have the words of eternal life" (Jn 6:68).

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

The situation in the world today.

* Serious disorder in society: war, poverty, murder, etc.
* On a personal level: loneliness, depression, fear, etc.
* Man makes various efforts to improve the world but is not succeeding because these are
not based on God's wisdom.

God has a plan for bringing us out of confusion and disorder.

* God is interested in our lives.
* God wants to restore our fellowship and intimacy with Him.

We need God's point of view.

* Satan is real and is behind the evils in the world.
* On our own strength, we cannot overcome the challenges in our Christian life.

Jesus Christ is the answer.

* Jesus is the fullness of God's love.
* In Jesus, God's plan for restoration can begin to happen in our lives.
* We need simply to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Discussion starter

1. Share with one another how you came to the Christian Life Program and what you expect or
seek to experience. Start with a brief introduction about your life.
2. Share about how you have personally experienced God's love.

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 Isaiah 55:8-9 Day 5 Ephesians 1:7-10

2 Isaiah 48:17-19 6 John 3:16-18
3 Jeremiah 29:11-14 7 Romans 10:9-13
4 John 15:4-7

The challenge

God has loved you with an eternal love. The ultimate manifestation of this love was sending
God's own Son to suffer and die for you. Will you open your heart to receive the fullness of His
love? Will you open your mind to explore the richness of God's plan for you through the rest of
the Christian Life Program?

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GOAL : To attract people to Jesus and to challenge them to respond to his deity and lordship.

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction.

1. As Christians, we derive our identity from a person, one whom we can be truly proud of.
He is truly impressive.

a) Millions today claim to be his followers, almost 2,000 years after his death.

b) Countless numbers have been martyred for their faith in him.

c) The book about him, the Bible, is easily the No. 1 best seller of all time.

2. It is this person who won for us our salvation, who restored us to our relationship with
God. In him we can have a full and a new life.

3. Thus, realizing the importance of this person to us, we want to know him more fully.
And so we ask: "Who is Jesus Christ?"

B. The uniqueness of Jesus.

1. Having been born and raised as Christians, we take for granted our conviction that Jesus
is the Son of God. But this was not so for his contemporaries. They found it hard to
accept that he was not just an ordinary person (Mk 6:3).

2. What we want to know is whether there is any reason not to put Jesus on the same level
as Buddha, Confucius, Lao-Tze, Socrates or other wise men. Was Jesus more than just a
great religious man or moral teacher?

a) History is full of men who have claimed that they came from God, or that they were
gods, or that they bore messages from God. Even the person who this very day
founded a new religion.

b) How is Jesus different from them all?

3. Three things that make Jesus an absolutely unique figure in human history:

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a) He was preannounced and his coming was expected. Because of Old Testament
prophecies, people for a long time were waiting for the messiah, which saw its ful-
fillment in Jesus.

b) Once he appeared on the scene, he struck history with such impact that he split it in
two, dividing it into two periods: BC and AD.

c) Every other person who came into this world came into it to live. Jesus came into the
world to die. His death was the goal and fulfillment of his life.

C. Some details about his life.

1. Jesus was a young carpenter in Nazareth. For three years he became an itinerant
preacher. He was never more than 100 miles from his home. He had never been into
cities with a population larger than 50,000.

a) Within 3 years he was dead, killed in little Jerusalem on the fringes of the Roman
empire. He was crucified for stirring up the people.

b) By right he should simply have faded into complete oblivion. Instead, he is surely the
most famous, honored, and best-loved person who ever walked the earth.

2. What was he like?

a) A very attractive personality. Warm, personal, dynamic. A major attraction of the

times. People are constantly amazed at his teaching and works. Mk 9:15.

b) Strong in mind and body. He outwitted the leaders of his day in discussion as a boy
of twelve, and later as a man who did not have their educational advantages. He was
able to fast for 40 days.

c) Down to earth. Not a romantic or a dreamer. Courageous.

d) A magnetic leader. He summoned Simon and Andrew (Mk 1: 16-18), James and
John (Mk 1:20), and Levi (Mk 2:14), who all followed him immediately.

e) A man of extraordinary authority.

* He broke long-standing traditions for the sake of a higher righteousness.

* He healed the disabled and the sick.
* He gave orders to nature which were obeyed.

f) Not confused or unsure of himself or of his mission.

* He resisted the desire of his followers to make him a political king.

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* He rebuked Peter for standing in the way of his fulfilling the mission given by the
Father. Mt 16:21-23.

g) Very human.

* He showed tenderness and personal concern.

* He experienced anger and grief (Mk 3:5), love (Mk 10:21), compassion (Mk
1:41), sadness (Mk 14:34).
* He even had his favorite time, which was early morning.

D. Jesus' claim to be God.

1. Jesus is totally unique from any other personality and so is clearly worth knowing. But is
there more to him?

a) Is Jesus worthy to be the center of my life?

b) The answer is yes. There is something more to Jesus than to any other person. He is
worth paying more attention to than any other man. BECAUSE HE IS GOD.

2. How do we know he is God?

a) By his miracles? Miracles only show that God is working through a person. A man
could work miracles and not be God. Jn 14:12.

b) So how do we know? The answer simply is that Jesus himself told us so.

3. Time and again throughout his public ministry, Jesus claimed to be God.

a) Mk 14:61-62.

b) In John, Jesus time and again speaks of his divinity. Jn 12:45, 10:30, 8:58.

4. Jesus' claim to divinity is a far different claim than Buddha or Confucius or Mohammed
ever made. None of them ever claimed to be God.

* Quote from C.S. Lewis (see quote A).

5. Also, Jesus claimed that he could forgive sin.

a) Story of the paralytic at Capernaum. Mk 2:3-12.

b) Quote from C.S. Lewis (see quote B).

E. Liar, lunatic, or Lord.

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1. Jesus' claim to be God must be either true or false. If false, then we have two and only
two alternatives. Either he knew it was false, in which case he would be a liar, or he did
not know it was false, in which case he would be a lunatic.

2. Could Jesus have lied?

a) If he lied, then he would have been deliberately deceiving his followers. But not only
would he have been a liar, he would also be:

* A hypocrite, because he told others to be honest, whatever the cost, while he

himself taught and lived a colossal lie.

* A demon, because he told others to trust him for their eternal destiny. If he could
not back up his claims and knew it, then he was unspeakably evil.

* A fool, because it was his claim to being God that led to his crucifixion.

b) But we need only look at his person, his words and his work to conclude that he could
not have been a liar.

* Look at his moral purity, dignity, sound intellect, air of truth.

* Consider his character that is so original, consistent, perfect, high above human

* He carried out a plan of unparalleled beneficence, moral magnitude and sublimity,

and sacrificed his own life for it. Would he die for a lie?

* The results of his life and teachings have been lives changed for the better, thieves
made honest, hateful individuals becoming channels of love, etc.

c) Such a man cannot be a liar.

3. Could Jesus have been a lunatic?

a) In Jesus we do not see any abnormalities or imbalance that usually go along with
being deranged. In fact, his poise and composure would be amazing if he was insane.

b) He spoke some of the most profound sayings ever recorded.

c) Such a man cannot be a lunatic.

4. If not a liar or a lunatic, the only alternative left to us is that Jesus did speak the truth. He
was, and is, the Son of God as he claimed.

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5. Throughout scripture, we can read about a number of Jesus' contemporaries coming to

the realization that he was God.

a) Simon Peter. Mt 16:13-16.

b) Martha. Jn 11:27.
c) Nathanael. Jn 1:49.
d) Thomas. Jn 20:27-28.
e) The centurion. Mt 27:54.
f) Even the evil spirits. Mt 8:29, Mk 1:24, Mk 3:11, Lk 4:41.

F. God confirmed Jesus' claim.

1. As many as there were who accepted the divinity of Jesus, there were also others who
refused to accept him. How can we have confirmation of Jesus' divinity?

2. God Himself confirmed it.

a) In the miracle of the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Jn 11:41-42.

* Jesus was giving a demonstration.

* To the Jews, God alone was the one who had the prerogative to give life or to take
away life.

b) But the most conclusive proof is Jesus' own resurrection from the dead. The tombs of
Buddha, Muhammed and the founders of all the great world religions are still with us.
Only Jesus' tomb is empty.

G. Conclusion.

1. Jesus is a man whose words and life demand a response from us. He is making claims
that affect us.

a) If he is not God, then we should have nothing to do with him, because we do not want
to be followers of a liar or a lunatic.

b) But if he is God, then we should seriously consider him. Our response will have
eternal consequences.

2. Who is Jesus Christ? Liar, lunatic or Lord? The choice is yours.

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Quote A. C.S. Lewis.

"On the one side clear, definite, moral teaching. On the other, claims which, if not true, are those
of a megalomaniac, compared with whom Hitler was the most sane and humble of men. There is
no half-way house, and there is no parallel in other religions. If you had gone to Buddha and
asked him, 'Are you the son of Bramah?', he would have said, 'My son, you are still in the vale of
illusion'. If you had gone to Socrates and asked, 'Are you Zeus?', he would have laughed at you.
If you would have gone to Mohammed and asked, 'Are you Allah?', he would first have rent his
clothes then cut your head off. If you had asked Confucius, 'Are you heaven?', I think he would
have probably replied, 'Remarks which are not in accordance with nature are in bad taste'. The
idea of a great moral teacher saying what Christ said is out of the question. In my opinion, the
only person who can say that sort of thing is either God or a complete lunatic suffering from that
form of delusion which undermines the whole mind of man"

Quote B. C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity.

"Now unless the speaker is God, this is really so preposterous as to be comic. We can all
understand how a man forgives offenses against himself. You tread on my toe and I forgive you,
you steal my money and I forgive you. But what should we make of a man, himself unrobbed
and untrodden on, who announced that he forgave you for treading on other men's toes and
stealing other men's money? Asinine fatuity is the kindest description we should give of his
conduct. Yet this is what Jesus did. He told people that their sins were forgiven, and never
waited to consult all the other people whom their sins had undoubtedly injured. He
unhesitatingly behaved as if He was the party chiefly concerned, the person chiefly offended in
all offenses. This makes sense only if He really was the God whose laws are broken and whose
love is wounded in every sin. In the mouth of any speaker who is not God, these words would
imply what I can only regard as a silliness and conceit unrivalled by any other character in histo-

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Participant's Handout


Brief outline

1. The impact of Jesus on history.

* His coming was pre-announced through Old Testament prophecies.
* He struck history with such impact that he split it in two: BC and AD.
* He came into the world not to live but to die.

2. Jesus was a very impressive person.

* A very attractive personality.
* A magnetic leader.
* A man of extraordinary authority.

3. Jesus claimed to be God.

* No other great religious leader claimed to be God.
* He clearly was not a liar or a lunatic.
* He claimed that he could forgive sin, something only God can do.
* Many of his contemporaries came to the realization that he indeed was God.
* God confirmed his claim by raising him from the dead.

Discussion starter

1. Share about your Christian background.

2. Discuss how you saw or thought of Jesus before, and what new insights you have gotten
through the talk.

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 John 6:32-40 Day 5 Mark 2:5-12

2 John 10:7-15 6 John 8:51-58
3 John 14:6-11 7 John 11:25-27, 38-44
4 John 5:18-24

The challenge

Jesus is God. Are you willing to accept him as Lord of your life? As Lord, will you allow him
to rule your life totally?

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GOAL : To make clear what Christianity is and to get people to appreciate the blessings of
being a Christian.

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction.

1. Last week we asked the question "Who is Jesus Christ?" And we should have come
away with the conviction that he is God, and that he is our Lord and Savior. As such, we
are his followers.

2. In fact, as Christians, we carry his name. And so now we want to learn about what it
really means to be a Christian.

B. Misconceptions or incomplete notions about Christianity.

1. Christianity is reduced to a mere religious system.

a) A set of doctrines to believe in, like the Apostles Creed.

* Faith remains on an intellectual level.

b) A set of religious practices.

* Going to Mass, novenas, etc.

c) Knowing or reading a lot about God.

d) Doing a lot for God.

** All the above are misconceptions or incomplete notions unless what we believe in is
translated into our lives, i.e., we base our values and lives on these doctrines we believe
in. Our religious practices ought to be experiences of faith and not mere rituals we do as a
matter of habit.

2. Christianity is a mere moral system.

a) A set of do's and don'ts; a set of rules regarding right and wrong.

b) Avoiding those things that can make you go to hell.

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** These are incomplete notions because they make religion legalistic and sterile. There is
no life and joy. Rather, our religion is our life. We do or don't do certain things not
because the rule book says so, but as an expression of our relationship with God and with
our brethren.

3. Christianity is a social, humanitarian system.

a) Equating Christianity with humanitarianism.

b) A Christian is someone who does good and is kind. He is a nice man or woman who
always smiles, is friendly, never gets angry, and tries to please everyone.

** An incomplete notion because it leaves out the deity of Christ, and limits Christianity to
merely being a good Samaritan. In fact, a Christian can get angry, as Jesus did. In fact,
non-Christians can do good.

4. Christianity is an escape from the realities of life, an opium of the poor and the
oppressed. It is for the weak, for those who cannot cope with life.

** A wrong notion, because Christians are not taught to escape problems but to face them.

C. What is Christianity?

1. The essence of Christianity is union with God, made possible through the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.

a) What makes us Christians is our loving, personal relationship with God. Our whole
life becomes an expression of this relationship.

b) Everything else we do (viz misconceptions above) merely expresses this relationship.

2. Some important truths about Christianity.

a) It is a relationship initiated by God, out of His mercy and love for us.

* Eph 2:4-8. Titus 3:3-7.

* Since God is the source of Christianity, its truths are enduring and unchanging.
They cannot be reduced or watered down to suit man's fancy or convenience.

* We have to take the word of God as is and base our life on it.

b) In Christianity, we become a new creation and participate in the very life of Christ.

* 2 Cor 5:17. Gal 2:20.

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* We enter into the same relationship that Jesus has with the Father. Our identity
changes and we become sons and daughter of God (Gal 4:4-7).

* We share in the eternal life of Christ. Our life does not end with physical death.

c) We take on the nature of God: holiness.

* Col 3:5-10.

D. Practical implications of being a Christian.

1. If God is our Father, trust Him!

a) God has a plan for us and it is good. Jer 29:11-13.

b) God's plan for us, whatever it is, is the best. We cannot expect anything better. Thus
we just need to seek His plan out and live our lives accordingly.

2. Our Father knows our needs and He will provide for us.

a) In fact, He is providing for us right now (Tick off blessings).

b) Who do you think is providing for you? Lk 12:22-31. There is more where it came
from. Open yourself up and receive more.

3. Since we all have the same Father, what does that make of us? Brothers and sisters!

a) In a vibrant Christian community (such as CFC), people really experience this

brotherhood and sisterhood. There is a sharing of life, or joy or sorrow. There is
respect, honor and esteem for each other which you do not find anywhere else.

b) As brethren, we are committed to support and care for one another.

4. As Christians, we learn that life on this earth is temporary. Therefore, do not invest
yourself here. Paul realized this (Phil 3:8).

a) What should our goal be? Phil 3:14.

b) Where do we really belong? Phil 3:20.

5. If you believe all these (quickly enumerate the above 4), then what should our attitude be
as Christians? Only one attitude can be reasonable: be peaceful at all times.

a) Any other attitude is unreasonable and illogical. Because God is our Father and He
loves us and cares for us. Heb 13:5-6.

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b) Even if a revolution comes tomorrow, or our economy collapses completely, or any

other event, God is committed to help us and provide for us. Be peaceful!

E. Conclusion.

1. If we are Christians, we are the most fortunate and privileged of people. For God
Himself is our Father. We need never be afraid of anything, for God will care for us.

2. How do we know these things? God said so! We can count on His Word. Not to believe
this truth is to call God a liar. But God does not lie. We can count on Him completely.

3. Put your lives now completely in God's hands, and experience the tremendous peace of
Christ flowing into your lives and into your family.

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

1. Misconceptions or incomplete notions about Christianity.

* A mere religious system.
* A mere moral system.
* A social or humanitarian system.
* An escape from the realities of life.

2. The essence of Christianity is union with God, made possible through the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
* It is a relationship initiated by God, out of His mercy and love for us.
* In Christianity, we become a new creation and participate in the very life of Christ.
* We take on the nature of God, which is holiness.

3. Practical implications of being a Christian.

* We can trust in God because He is our loving Father.
* We can stop worrying because God knows our needs and will provide for us.
* We are brothers and sisters in Christ and are committed to care for one another.
* Since life on earth is temporary, we are to look to things that will enrich us for our eternal
life rather than for this earthly life.
* We can have peace and joy in spite of any circumstances.

Discussion starter

1. What misconceptions about Christianity do you identify with?

2. Are you experiencing the practical implications of Christianity in your life?

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 Titus 3:3-7 Day 5 Luke 12:22-31

2 Galatians 4:4-7 6 Luke 11:9-13
3 Colossians 3:5-10 7 Romans 8:28-39
4 Jeremiah 29:11-13

The Challenge

God is a loving Father Who cares for us and has a plan for our lives. Will you continue to be
open to discover the fullness of God's plan for you? Can you do this in absolute trust in God,
ready to place yourself completely in His hands?

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GOAL: To lead people to repent of sin and turn to renewed faith in Jesus Christ.

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction.

1. So far we have heard about God's love, about what Jesus has done for us, about the
relationship initiated by God with us. God has done all these things for us. Now it is
time to respond.

2. Our proper response is repentance and faith. Mk 1:14-15.

a) We need to repent, i.e., to reform our lives. And we need to believe in the gospel,
i.e., have faith in Jesus and the message he brings.

b) Repentance and faith go together. It is a double-action response. We cannot just

have one without the other.

* To just reform our lives is an inadequate response to God. We need to believe in

Him and in His plans and promises.

* To simply believe without doing anything to reform our lives to become pleasing
to God is also inadequate.

B. Repentance.

1. The Greek word for repentance is "metanoia", which literally means a change of mind.

a) It is not just a simple confession of wrongdoing. Rather, it refers to a change in


* It is a significant change in the way you live your life: dropping an old set of
ideals and values by which you live your life and adopting new ones.

* Repentance affects the way you think and act, your attitudes, motives, thought
and behavior.

b) More specifically, repentance means a turning away from sin, evil, wrongdoing and
running your own life. Further, it is turning to a life of obedience to God and having
Jesus on the throne of your life.

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* It includes turning away from doublemindedness, lukewarmness (Rev 3:15-16)

and neglect of our Christian responsibilities.

2. What repentance is not.

a) It is not dependent on feelings.

* Rather, it depends on an objective decision to accept only God's righteousness

into one's life and reject anything not compatible with this.

b) It is not being sorry for sin because we are afraid of the consequences.

* We should not confuse sorrow for sin with sorrow for the consequences of sin.
We must hate sin itself.

3. What must we do to repent?

a) Be honest. Admit that we have sin in our lives.

* Call a spade a spade. If it is sin, do not call it a "growth experience".

b) Exercise humility.

* Be willing to change, and be willing to receive help from the Lord to change.
Don't expect to be able to change all by yourself.

c) Renounce sin. Actively turn away from sin and decide not to do it again.

d) Ask God's forgiveness.

* 1 Jn 1:9.

* Story of the prodigal son. Lk 15:11-24.

4. There are specific sins we need to renounce. These are serious sins that are totally
incompatible with a relationship with God. We are not referring to just so-called
"small-stuff" (e.g., character flaw like always getting irritated). These serious sins are:

a) Non-Christian religions (involvement in such is seriously wrong for a Christian).

* This includes such "religious" as Freemasonry, New Age, Transcendental


b) Spiritualism and the occult.

* This includes witchcraft, fortune telling, seances, playing spirit of the glass, etc.

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c) Sexual wrongdoing.

* This includes sexual intercourse outside marriage, adultery, active lesbianism.

d) Serious crimes such as murder (abortion), robbery, corruption, etc.

e) Drunkenness (not just drinking but drunkenness) and getting stoned on drugs.

** Note carefully which of these apply to you. It would be helpful for you to talk to
your facilitator this week about how to turn away from them. Remember that the
point here is not to feel bad about yourself for past sins, but to decisively turn
away from them.

5. Repentance only becomes complete after totally turning away from evil and accepting
Jesus as Lord.

a) Our lives need to come under his management. We need to let Jesus have the run of

b) Accepting Jesus and letting him be Lord of our lives require faith.

C. Faith.

1. Faith is belief in the gospel, which is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Faith is both belief in the messenger, Jesus, and in the message that he brings.

Faith means not just believing with our minds (an intellectual belief) that Jesus is the
Savior, but believing in our hearts that he came to be our personal Savior.

2. Faith is a personal act and decision. It has several aspects (Rev 3:20).

a) It is a definite act. We must open the door if Jesus is to come into our lives.

b) It is an individual act. We need to decide on our own to open the door. No one can
decide for us to do so.

c) It is a deliberate act. We do not have to wait for a supernatural light to flash upon us
from heaven (like Paul's experience) or an emotional experience to overtake us. We
already know that Jesus came into this world and died for our sins. He is now
standing outside the door of our hearts and is knocking. The next move is ours.

d) It is an urgent act. The future is uncertain and time is passing away.

e) It is an indispensable act.

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* It is part of our double-action response.

* It is the step needed to receive all God has promised. Faith is relying on all God
has said. Example of Peter walking on the water (Mt 14:25-29)

3. What faith is not.

a) It is not just a feeling.

* Rather, we accept God's word as truth, no matter what we feel.

b) It is not just wishful thinking. It is not based on illusions or personal desires, but on
God's word.

c) It is not a blind leap.

* Peter stepped on the water because Jesus invited him to. He relied on what Jesus
said because he trusted Jesus would not lie and because he knew Jesus had the
power to do whatever he said he would do.

4. God has promised us new life. Faith is accepting that life and letting God show us how
to live it. We must be willing to do whatever God wants of us, and actually do it.

D. Consequences of repentance and faith.

1. Acts 16:31.

a) A promise of salvation from sin, Satan, death.

b) A promise of forgiveness and eternal life with God.

2. Luke 11:9-13.

a) A promise of new life in the Spirit.

b) We can pray for a greater release of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

E. Conclusion.
1. 2,000 years ago, Jesus sounded the call to repentance and faith. It is the same call to us
today. We are called to turn away from sin and all obstacles to God, and to accept Jesus
as Lord.

2. As we respond positively, God promises us salvation from sin, forgiveness and

reconciliation, eternal life, and the power of the Holy Spirit for our lives.

3. Accept the challenge to repent and believe in Jesus. Then take God up on His promises,
and expect to experience the peace and joy and power of the Lord in your lives.

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

1. God loves us, God sent His own Son to die for us, God has initiated a relationship with us as
Father. Our proper response to all God has done for us is repentance and faith.

2. The greek word for repentance is "metanoia", which literally means a change of mind.
* It is a change of direction in life. It is a change in the way we live our lives, dropping an
old set of ideals and values and adopting new ones.
* Specifically, repentance means a turning away from sin, evil, wrongdoing and running
your own life.
* Further, it is turning to a life of obedience to God and having Jesus on the throne of your

3. Specific serious sins we must renounce: non-Christian religions; Spiritualism and the occult;
Sexual wrongdoing; Serious crimes (murder, abortion, corruption, etc.); Drunkenness and drugs.

4. Faith is belief in the good news of salvation in Jesus.

* It is a belief in Jesus as our personal Savior.

5. Consequences of repentance and faith:

* Salvation from sin, Satan, death.
* Forgiveness and eternal life with God.
* New life in the Holy Spirit.
Discussion starter

1. Share with one another areas where you need to turn more fully to God.
2. Share areas where you need to grow in faith.
Scripture for daily prayer

Day 1 Mark 1:14-15 Day 4 1 John 1:5-10

2 Galatians 5:29-21 and 5 Luke 15:11-24
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 6 Luke 11:9-13
3 Ephesians 5:1-10 7 Hebrews 11:1-40

The Challenge

Jesus sounded the call to repentance and faith 2,000 years ago. This is the same call to us today.
Turn away from sin and all obstacles to God, and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then take
God up on all His promises.

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GOAL : To explain the meaning of the first and greatest commandment, and to teach people
how they can start to live out this Christian ideal.

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction (may be omitted or modified if the team leader already gives this).

1. In the first module of our CLP, we talked about: God's plan for the human race, the
centrality of Jesus in salvation history, our place in it, and God's call for us to repent and
believe in the good news.

2. We are now starting the second module, and here we will focus on:

a) How we can live successfully as Christians in the modern world.

b) How we can apply God's plan in order to experience His power and His peace.

B. The Christian ideal of loving God.

1. Ideals are important to move us on.

a) Goals direct our human behavior and plans for life.

* Money? Position? Fame?

b) Our goals become our ideal of life, influencing and directing our lives.

2. As Christians in the world, what should be our ideal?

a) We can give our lives to pursuing good goals (e.g., a better society), but if loving God
is not our ideal, then this falls short.

b) God wants us to make loving Him our highest ideal. Thus God made it into a
commandment of the highest priority. Mk 12:28-30.

3. Some people try to express love for God in different ways:

a) Psyching up pious feelings.

b) Humanist or philantrophic endeavors.

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c) Acts of piety

** These are not wrong actions, but they are also not adequate expressions of loving God.

C. What it means to love God with all our heart.

1. First understand what Jesus meant by heart.

a) Modern day understanding = feeling or emotion.

b) Biblical understanding of heart: the seat of intelligence and decision. In English, we

would use "mind" or "will".

* The heart is the symbol of the core of man, who the man is. It includes intelligent
thought and will, along with feeling.

c) The Biblical understanding makes more sense, because the kind of love God requires
cannot depend on feelings, which are changeable, but rather based on a commitment,
a decision to love.

2. To love God with all our heart is to be totally committed to Him.

a) It is similar to the commitment we make in marriage.

b) It is a commitment to seek the Lord first and foremost. It is a decision to put God
first, to be loyal to Him, to place His will and interest above our own.

3. How do we put the Lord first in our life?

a) It requires a decision to obey Him. Jn 14:15.

b) We need to develop a personal relationship with Him.

* A relationship that is dynamic and alive, not legalistic.

* A personal experience arising from our relationship as His sons and daughters.

c) We need to spend regular time with Him. In prayer. In reading the Bible.

D. What it means to love God with all our mind.

1. When God created us, He enabled us to think. He did this so we can figure out how to
love and serve Him.

a) A good mind is not necessarily an intelligent mind.

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b) The question is not so much how best to develop our mind, but rather how our
mind can fulfill its main purpose--to love God.

2. To love God with all our mind means to serve Him with the use of our mind, or simply to
make available our minds for His purposes.

3. Using our minds can have incredible consequences for society.

a) It can be applied to contribute to world progress (e.g., science, neurosurgery).

b) Or it can become an instrument for destruction (e.g., nuclear bomb, biological


4. How do we love and serve God with our mind?

a) Keep your mind clean and holy.

* Free of all evil thoughts. Mt 5:28.

* Free of uncharitable thoughts. Mt 7:1-5.

* Away from suspicion that can lead to estranged relationships.

b) Use your mind according to God's truths and not according to the ways of the world.

* The way we think and act must reflect the fact that we are not just living for this
temporal world but for God's eternal kingdom.

* Our decisions and choices must be guided by God's word in the Bible.

* Keep our minds be free of worries, because God promises to provide and care for

c) Let your mind be preoccupied with the things of God.

* How you can be holy, not just how you can be rich materially.

* How you can please God, and not how you can glory in the praises of men.

d) Protect and preserve your mind from unholy influences so that God can use you for
His purposes.

* Be very discerning in the use of T.V. and other media, which can expose our
minds to inputs not consistent with Christian living.

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* Fill your mind with thoughts of God. Read the Bible and other helpful Christian
literature which can help form your Christian mind.

e) Use your mind actively for God's purpose.

* In your business, family, peer group, etc.

* In Christian service.

E. What it means to love God with all our strength.

1. This means giving God all our resources--time, money, energy, possessions, gifts,

a) We are God's creation. He owns us. What we call "ours" is not really ours but His.

b) We must not set limits on our giving.

2. What are the concrete ways we can love God with our resources?

a) Money.

* Develop proper attitudes towards money.

- God is interested in our money, not because He needs it, but in order to see
the condition of our heart. Mt 6:21.

- We are stewards, not owners.

- We have a responsibility to manage and use well the resources given to us.
We must act according to God's interests.

* Concrete steps we can take:

- Tithing. Mal 3:7-10.

- Almsgiving.

b) Time.

* Have the proper attitude:

- We do not own our time, we merely manage it.

- We need to be generous with our time. Use it not just for ourselves, but for

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* Concrete applications:

- Seek God's direction as to how you are to spend your time.

- Examine what you do with your free time. Movie, novel, sleep? These are
not wrong, but time can be better spent (e.g., Bible, Christian books).

- Volunteer to do Christian service.

F. Loving God is a very high ideal. Jesus showed us the way. Jesus is our model in loving

1. He was dedicated to accomplishing his mission. Jn 4:34.

2. He was obedient unto death. Lk 22:42.

3. He was constantly seeking the Father's will. Mk 1:35. Mt 14:23.

G. Conclusion.

1. Loving God is not as vague and impractical as you might think. Rather, it involves
specific, practical actions, decisions and commitments.

2. But you cannot do it merely by deciding to do it. What will make it possible is the power
of the Holy Spirit.

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline
1. God wants us to make loving Him our highest ideal. Thus God made it into a commandment
of the highest priority.

2. We are to love God with all our heart.

* Not an emotion, which is changeable, but rather a commitment, a decision to love.
* We are to be totally committed to God, to put Him first.
* We need to have a personal relationship with God, and spend regular time with Him in
prayer and the Bible.

3. We are to love God with all our mind.

* We are to serve God with the use of our mind.
* We keep our mind clean and holy.
* We use our mind according to God's truths and not according to the world's ways.
* We preoccupy our mind with the things of God.
* We protect and preserve our mind from unholy influences.

4. We are to love God with all our strength.

* We give God all our resources--time, money, energy, gifts, abilities, possessions.

5. Jesus is our model in loving God.

* Dedicated to accomplishing his mission.
* Obedient unto death.
* Constantly seeking the Father's will.

Discussion starter
How have I loved God in a concrete way?

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 Matthew 22:36-38 and Mark 12:28-30 Day 4 Matthew 7:1-5
2 John 14:21-24 5 Malachi 3:7-10
3 Romans 12:1-2 6 1 Timothy 6:7-14
7 John 4:34
The challenge
Loving God is not as vague and impractical as you may think. It involves specific, practical
actions, decisions and commitments. Can you make loving God your first and highest ideal?
Are you ready to make Jesus the model of your life?

Suggested reading
“God First” by Ken Wilson

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GOAL : To explain the meaning of Christian love and to help people apply Christian love in
their lives.

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction.

1. Last week we looked at the first and greatest commandment. Today we look at the
second. Mk 12:28-31.

2. Loving neighbor, together with loving God, form the core of the Christian life. Jesus
summed up the whole law in these two greatest commandments.

3. The two go together. 1 Jn 4:20-21. Thus it is clear: no love for others, no Christianity.

B. What Christian love is not.

1. Love is not only having positive feelings.

a) Love is often equated with feelings of sexual attraction, personal affection, warmth.

b) But feelings change and thus cannot be the sole basis for love.

c) Feelings follow true love, but love is not equal to feelings.

2. Love is not always saying "yes".

a) To serve others or to put them first does not mean never turning down opportunities
to serve.

* Sometimes you are unable. Sometimes you should not, even if able.

b) We have the wrong concept of a loving person as a nice guy who tries to please

3. Love is not defensive.

a) Love is risky business. What if one betrays you? What if your loved one dies? Love
seems to set one up to get hurt.

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* Thus guarded love tries to protect itself from injury. Avoidance of pain, difficulty
and trial then become a condition attached to love.

b) Christian love is not guaranteed to be painless. But the pain is endured through
commitment, and the injury is sustained through forgiveness, forbearance, etc.

4. Love is not self-seeking.

a) The focus in loving is not ourselves but others. By its nature, Christian love is ready
for self-denial.

b) We recognize that putting others first can be bothersome or inconvenient for us.

5. Love is not manipulative.

a) You manipulate when you give love as a reward or withdraw love as a punishment.

b) Because love is so powerful, people are tempted to use it in this way. But this is a
conditional form of love.

C. So what is Christian love? What does God mean by love?

1. Answer in John 15.

a) Jesus spoke of a love that is connected with keeping God's commandments. Jn


* There can be no Christian love apart from righteousness. Loving is not

compatible with sinning.

* The world's experience shows that love apart from God has become convoluted
with sin (e.g., sex outside marriage).

b) Jesus was specific about how we are to love one another. Jn 15:12.

* We are not free to change or dilute Jesus' direction.

c) How does Jesus love? Jn 15:13. By a self-sacrificial love.

* It is not just giving our time, imparting our wisdom, praying for others, etc., but
dying for others.

2. But most are not called to actually die for others. How then do we translate love into
practical everyday terms?

a) The answer is in John 13:1-5 (the footwashing episode).

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* What Jesus did was most unusual, because it was the task of the youngest slave.
Thus Peter objected.

b) Thus, dying on the cross was not the only example Jesus gave. He demonstrated
Christian love as service love.

c) When he finished, Jesus told them to do likewise. Jn 13:14-15.

* Later he commanded them to love each other according to his example. Jn 13:34.

d) Christian love is committed service. Gal 5:13b-14.

3. And who is your neighbor? Can you choose whom to love?

a) The answer is in the parable of the good Samaritan. Lk 10:29b-37.

* The Jews hated the Samaritans, who had inter-married among the gentiles. Thus
it was remarkable for this Samaritan to help the Jew who was robbed and beaten.

b) The implication for us: All men in need of your help are your neighbors.

D. How do we love in everyday life?

1. Characteristics of Christians love. 1 Cor 13:4-7.

a) Patient - slow to anger; able to give allowance for the shortcoming of others.

b) Kind - not an attitude of criticism, but posture and speech that is upbuilding and

c) Not jealous - not coveting what others have, or begrudging another for having
something you do not have.

d) Not pompous or inflated - humble, not thinking of your own importance; more
impressed with your own unworthiness than merit.

e) Not rude - accord honor and respect to one another.

f) Not self-seeking - not focused on having your rights met, but more on your duties.

g) Not quick-tempered - able to master your emotions and feelings.

h) Not brood over injury - not holding grudges or resentments.

i) Not rejoice over wrongdoing - always seeking the good of others, even enemies.

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j) Rejoices with the truth - telling the truth to one another.

k) Forbears - can bear insult, injury, disappointment, without taking counter action; has

l) Trusts - believing the best about other people.

m) Hopes - having a positive attitude towards life and problems; can remain joyful and
peaceful under any circumstances.

n) Endures - can bear things, not with passive resignation but with triumphant fortitude.

2. Read the passage yourself but substitute "I" for "love".

E. Conclusion.

1. Christian love is a command, and it is essential to Christianity.

a) We have seen what it is not (enumerate).

b) We have seen what it is (summarize)

c) We have also taken a look at the various characteristics of love.

2. If you come to the conclusion that Christian love is difficult or even impossible, you are

a) Given the nature of love and also our own human limitations, mere human effort will
fail. It is impossible without God's help.

b) But He who commanded us to love also gives us the power to love. To enable us to
love, God made us temples of the Holy Spirit.

* Rom 5:5.

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

1. Loving neighbor, together with loving God, form the core of the Christian life.

2. Love is not only having positive feelings, not always saying "yes", not defensive, not
self-seeking, not manipulative.

3. Christian love is:

* Connected with keeping God's commandments.
* A self-sacrificial love.
* Committed service to others.

4. Our neighbor is anyone who is in need of our help.

5. Characteristics of Christian love in 1 Cor 13:4-7.

* Substitute "I" for "love".

Discussion starter
1. Do you understand the Biblical meaning of love as contrasted with that of the world?
2. How have you failed to love in everyday life?

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 Matthew 22:37-40 and
Mark 12:28-34
2 John 13:1-5,12-15,34-35
3 John 15:9-17
4 1 Corinthians 13:1-13
5 1 John 2:7-11
6 1 John 3:16-18
7 1 John 4:7-21

The challenge
Jesus showed us the way to true Christian love by the parable of the good Samaritan, by his
washing of his disciples' feet, and most of all by his dying for us on the cross. Are you prepared
to love others in the way Jesus loved you?

Suggested reading
“Decision to Love” by Ken Wilson

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Goal : To stress the importance and give practical advice for building up a strong Christian

Expanded Outline

A. God's Plan for Families

1. Basic unit of society (Gen 1:27-28: Gen. 2:18-24)

a) The family as a basic of society is no accident of history. It was meant to be so even

at the beginning.

b) God created man, male and female, with their physiology so formed as to enable man
to increase and multiply and fill the earth. God intended man and woman to be one,
not independent individuals producing babies, but husband and wife raising a family,
a unit in society.

c) An expanded concept of family is evident especially in a country like the Philippines

where close family ties and extended families is very common.

Even with the temporary or permanent absence of a husband or father to your

children in your life, every member of the Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD) is a
member and part of the family; whether she is a

* Single parent
* Single mature woman
* Widow
* wife of oversees worker

B. God's Plan for the Family

1. The family is a place for caring, supporting and loving one another. We need to review
our own values and see the place of Jesus in our lives, because these are the values that
affect our relationship with everyone in the family.

2. Towards our parents

a) The Lord established that children should respect and honor their parents. Exodus
20:12 "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the
Lord your God is giving you."

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Although there has come to a point when we are no longer under obligation to obey
our parents and their authority ceased:

* when we got married (Mt 19:4-6)

* when we committed ourselves to God's work (Mk 3:31-35) (e.g. nuns, priests,
etc.) and

* when we chose our vocation and have achieved independence (Luke 2:41-52) this
must not be allowed to obscure our obligation to honor them, which is a lifelong
* to honor: to hold in respect, to confer distinction.

* honor is something we owe to our parents regardless of their particular merits and

b) To take care of your father in his old age and not to cause him sorrow as long as he
lives. Even if he has lost his mind, have patience; do not be disrespectful to him
while you are in full health. For a kindness done to one's father will never be
forgotten, it will serve as reparation for the sins (Sir 3:12- 14).

2. Towards our brothers and sisters

a) To love them since they are our closest neighbors.

b) Be faithful to your brother. "Do not exchange ... a real brother for the gold of Aphir
(Sir 7:18)

c) Do not lie against your brother (Sir 7:218)

d) Be a good example to them and bring them close to God by our words and deeds.
Bear witness to God's greatness.

e) Forgive and forget any hurt feeling that we have experienced. Ask also for
forgiveness for the times we have caused them pain (Mt 18:21-22).

3. Towards our spouse.

a) God has created you to complement as head of the family and you as suitable partner
and helpmate (Gen 2:18-25).

* The woman as a helpmate is not

 Pastor for husband - not showing his fault

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 Foe: not a tug of war, his way vs. my way

 Coach: figure head; directing how he should discharge his responsibility

as head of family

b) Express love and respect.

c) His personal needs are cared for, etc.

* Raise children to love, honor and respect the father

* Pray and intercede for the husband

4. Towards our children.

God has given us the task of being the heart of the home. We nurture and care for our

a) The family is a place to transmit wisdom and values of life.

b) Wisdom: is not a mere knowing a lot of things but is a practical way of living
according to God's ways.

Teaching is not formal (Det 6:6-7, 20:21) comes in the everyday activities at home;
presence of God should permeate the home.

Review your own values and see the place of Jesus in your lives because these are the
values our children will learn.

C. Place for training leaders (1 Tim 3:4-5)

A man who is a proven leader in his home can be a church leader. Parents are (in the case of
HOLD, mothers assume the role of the father, or in some instances leaders even for older
members of the family as applicable to single mature women with parents and other members
of the family) to be the priest of their families.

D. But God's Plan for families is not happening? Why not?

1. God has lost His central place in the family.

a) Husbands and wives do not follow God's order for them.

. There is a confusion of roles today.

* confusion of roles especially for wives of overseas workers, shifting of roles when
husband is at home and when husband is away.

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* husbands take the lead on temporal concerns but wives take the lead on the
spiritual development of other members of the family.

c) More and more parents look to psychology as source of wisdom for raising their

d) Stress on materialism and an easy life.

e) Confusion/pain sometimes affect responsibilities and changes in Roles because of

changes in the family set-up.

* Separated/widowed women have to hurdle hurts/loneliness/bitterness which

greatly affect their responsibility in handling their children.

* Stability and security threatened by loss of partner and by death or by separation.

2. Family is losing its importance.

a) Through the years, many of its responsibilities have been taken over by other groups
in society.

* Education in schools.
* Livelihood in factories or offices.

b) Modern recreation facilities allow very little interaction among family members (TV,
video games etc.)

c) The family has become dispensable. This is the trend abroad that is creeping into
Philippine society.

* Live-in
* Divorce or separation

3. The pace of modern life has become fast. This has made it difficult for lasting
relationships to develop.

a) People are constantly on the go and are too busy to interact or to relate.

b) Livelihood is taking a big chunk of the time of fathers, and oftentimes of the mothers.

c) Mothers assume role of father and mother and therefore spend more time outside the

d) One of the sad realities of our times is more and more mothers are economically
forced to work outside of the home.

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4. As a result, there is growing differences and disparity in interests, values priorities thus
widening the gap between and among members of the family.

5. Family is under attack by evil forces.

a) The devil wants to break up the family, which is the basic foundation for a healthy

b) The devil promotes many things that work to undermine the family, such as secular
humanism and communism.


1. Make a decision that in your family, you want God's plan to happen, to become a reality.

Basic decision is important.

2. Take time and give attention to the task of building a strong family life. Take the lead in
building a relationship that is built on love, trust and understanding.

a) Examine your daily life to ensure that you have time with (make it quality and not
residual time) your family.

* mother with young or even growing children

* grandmother with single, married children and especially grandchildren

* time with aging parents

* making the most of time together with children when spouse from abroad has
limited time to spend with family

* Others

3. Take an active role in the formation and especially for growing or older members of the
family reformation of Christian values.

a) Pray together as a family. Make prayer a daily common occurrences in your family.
This is the highest expression of love and most pleasing to our God the Father.

b) For wives whose husbands do not share their spiritual life intercede for them. Cor

c) Share your experience in the Lord.

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d) Introduce to other members of the family. (children or grown-ups) the Christian

practice of thanksgiving for blessings and petitions to the Lord in times of needs.

4. In times of need, share your bounty with others for that will give glory to God.

5. Share your talents by helping the little ones in their schoolwork, giving advice or counsel
or putting your skills in action and be useful in practical ways (e.g. sharing in household
6. Learn more about God's vision for your family.

For you and your children/your spouse whether living with you, abroad or separated from
you/as grandmother with grown children and with grandchildren/as one with responsibili-
ties over relatives/ as one who is alone and who can help others)

* By attending Christian teachings, seminars; reading scriptures and other religious

books, attending HOLD and other CFC activities, and by growing in prayer and
closeness to God.

7. Seek other Christian women who are your concern about family life, and be in regular

a) This is what you can look forward to in our HOLD community.

* HOLD will provide you support and formation.

b) You can look forward to developing real friendships and life-giving relationships.

* Do not limit yourselves to regular meetings, but look for opportunities to be


These are starting points. The vision and objective is a Christian lifestyle in the home
and family. You are called to work in God's vineyard. Would you accept the offer?

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

1. God's plan for the family

* The basic unit of society.
* A place for caring, supporting and loving one another.
* A place for training leaders for the church.

2. God's plan for the family is not happening.

* God has lost His central place in the family.
* The family itself is losing its importance.
* The pace of modern life is too fast.
* The family is under attack by evil forces.

3. What you can do.

* Make a decision that you want God's plan to happen in your family.
* Take time and give attention to the task of building a strong Christian family.
* Pray together as a family.
* Learn more about God's vision for the family.
* Seek other Christian women who share your concern about family life, and be in regular
fellowship with them.

Discussion starter
1. How have you experienced the negative effects of the world's ways on your family?
2. What areas in your family life need to change in order to conform to God's plan?

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 Genesis 1:26-28, 2:18-24
2 1 Timothy 3:4-5
3 Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 20-25
4 Ephesians 5:21-6:4
5 1 Peter 5:8-10
6 1 Peter 3:1-7
7 Sirach 3:1-16

The challenge

God is trying to restore the Christian family back to His original plan. We are called to respond
to His divine efforts and to be a part of His work. Will you take the steps necessary to have
God's plan happen in your family?

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GOAL : To stir up expectant faith and an eager desire for a greater working of God in people's
lives through the Holy Spirit.

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction.

1. Our topic, life in the Holy Spirit, is a very important topic, because it is this kind of life
that God wants for us.

a) This life in the Spirit was normal for the early Christians. They truly experienced the
Holy Spirit at work.

* In the book of Acts, we see the Holy Spirit acting among them, guiding them,
speaking to them, giving them gifts.

b) We need to know the Holy Spirit not just as a doctrine, but as a Person Who truly
affects our lives.

* But while we know the Father and the Son, many do not know the ministry of the
Holy Spirit.

* The Spirit's importance was stressed by Jesus. Jn 16:7.

2. Much of Christianity today looks weak, lacking in power and effectiveness.

a) But Christians have not always been so lifeless. The early Christian movement was
dynamic, strong, attractive.

* From a small sect, it conquered the Roman empire.

b) That same power is available to us today. That is the power of the Holy Spirit.

3. We need to realize that true Christian living is not just a matter of human willpower, but
a new heart, a new life from God.

a) We cannot do it on our own steam. It is the Holy Spirit Who enables us to experience
God, a living relationship with Him, and His action in our lives.

b) With the Holy Spirit, men gain:

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* Union with God. Eph 2:18. A new relationship with God as Father that is deep
and personal.

* A new nature. 2 Cor 5:17. We now have spiritual power for living the Christian

* Power to serve as Jesus' witnesses. Acts 1:8.

4. God wants all men to have this new life. This new life in the Holy Spirit is available to
all who turn away from a life of sin and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

B. Receiving the Holy Spirit (what does it mean?).

1. The experience of the early disciples.

a) Jesus promises the Holy Spirit. Lk 24:49. Acts 1:8.

b) The disciples do as they are told. They stay in Jerusalem and wait.

c) The day of Pentecost (a Jewish holiday). Acts 2.

* V.1-4. An exciting event. Noise like a strong wind, fire, speaking in tongues.
* V.5-13. It created a big stir.
* V.14-21. Peter explained they were not drunk but that the Old
Testament prophecies (Joel) were coming true.
* V.22-36. Peter proclaims the gospel.
* V.37-39. Peter tells them the response needed.
* V.40-41. The disciples were transformed from frightened men into
bold, powerful apostles. 3,000 are converted!
* V.42-47. The Holy Spirit created bonds of love and unity among the
new Christians. The Church was born.

d) Others as well received the Holy Spirit.

* Acts 8:14-17 (Samaria). Acts 10:44-46 (Cornelius). Acts 19:1-6 (Ephesus).

* Those who received the Holy Spirit knew the Lord more personally and more

2. What does receiving the Holy Spirit (or being baptized in the Spirit) mean for us today?

a) We can experience the same power and gift of the Spirit that the early Christians did.

* Same relationship with Jesus.

* Same transforming power.

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* Same deep worship.

* Same power for speaking the gospel.

b) We can receive the same spiritual gifts. 1 Cor 12:1,4-11.

c) A word on the gift of tongues.

* Tongues is a common experience with the baptism in the Spirit. Just like in Acts.

* It is a gift from God. Thus it is important.

* Unlike the other spiritual gifts, tongues is a gift that is immediately manifest.

* Tongues can have great consequences on one's spiritual life, especially prayer and

* It is an important first step, and is often the gateway to a fuller life in the Spirit.

3. How can we receive the baptism in the Spirit?

God has promised us the Holy Spirit. Lk 11:9-13.

So we simply take God up on His promise. We ask our Father to give us the Holy Spirit.

* We can be sure we will receive the Spirit because God said so. We just need to
ask in faith.

4. What being baptized in the Spirit means for us.

a) For Christians, this will not be the initial reception of the Holy Spirit. We already
received the Spirit at Baptism and Confirmation.

b) Rather, what will be experienced is a fuller release of the power of the Holy Spirit in
our lives.

c) Give a brief personal testimony.

* Knowing God more personally.

* Praying in a new way (more God-centered, more of thanksgiving and praise rather
than petition, more of listening).
* The Bible comes to life.
* Better relationships (with spouse, children, others).
* A new joy despite problems.
* Much more: peace, answered prayers, guidance, etc.

5. Obstacles to receiving God's gifts.

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a) An unrepentant attitude. Refusing to admit sin as sin.

b) Feeling unworthy.

c) Fear. Of what others will think, of looking foolish, of being overtaken.

d) Doubt.

e) Pride. Attitude of not wanting or needing God's gifts.

f) Being selective as to what gifts we want.

C. What we will do in the prayer session next week.

1. Mainly, we will pray. We will have corporate prayer, and then the discussion group
leaders will pray with each person individually.

2. We will start the praying over with the "Commitment to Christ". Be prepared to pray this
next week. Take time to read it through and get yourself behind the words so you can
pray it sincerely.

3. Each of you should meet individually with your discussion group leader before next
week's prayer session. This will be an opportunity to clear up any questions and to
receive greater clarity on baptism in the Holy Spirit.

D. Conclusion.

1. One important warning: Since you are doing so well responding to God (you have
finished 2/3 of this CLP), you are making Satan very unhappy. He is losing his grip, but
will not give up.

a) So beware of temptations this week, or irrational doubt, or of strange circumstances

that Satan may pose in order to keep you from attending next week.

b) But do not be afraid. Simply call on Jesus' name to resist Satan and his works.

2. Take time also to review your intentions and expectations in this CLP. What are you
seeking? Is God's offer clear to you? How do you intend to respond?

3. God offers each of you new life.

a) This new life in the Spirit is the normal Christian life. God desires it for all.

b) Be open to it. Better yet, desire it. And have faith that you will receive it, because
God has so promised.

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

1. Much of Christianity today looks weak and is lacking in power and effectiveness.
* True Christian living is not just a matter of human will-power, but a new heart, a new life
from God.
* God wants all men to have this new life.
* This new life in the Holy Spirit is available to all who receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.

2. What it means to receive the Holy Spirit.

* This was the experience of the early disciples at Pentecost.
* We can experience the same power and gifts of the Spirit that the early Christians did.
* We simply take God up on His promise. We ask our Father to give us the Holy Spirit.
* This will not be the initial reception of the Holy Spirit, Whom we already received at
baptism. Rather, what will be experienced is a fuller release of the power of the Holy
Spirit in our lives.

3. Obstacles to receiving God's gifts: an unrepentant attitude, feeling unworthy, fear, doubt,
pride, being selective.

4. How to prepare yourself for next week's prayer session.

* Have an individual meeting with your facilitator during the week.
* Think and pray about the "Commitment to Christ", which we will all pray next week.
* Be aware of Satan's action. Call upon Jesus' name.

Discussion starter
Share about your experience of God's Spirit in your life.

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 Ezekiel 36:25-27 Day 5 Luke 11:9-13
2 Jeremiah 31:31-34 6 Acts 1:8,2:1-12
3 Joel 3:1-5 7 1 Corinthians 12:1-11
4 John 14:23-26

The Challenge
God is calling us to live a life of holiness and spiritual power. For this, God has promised us the
Holy Spirit. Will you trust in the promise of your Father? Will you accept Jesus as your Lord
and Savior? Will you ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit in your life?
Suggested reading
“Baptized in the Spirit” by Stephen B. Clark
“Spiritual Gifts” by Stephen B. Clark

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GOAL : To lead people to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues.

Expanded Outline

A. What the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

1. Many people during the prophet Ezekiel's time were enmeshed in sin and spiritual
lifelessness, like many Christians today. This is what God said to them:

a) Ez 36:26. God's promise of the Holy Spirit.

b) Ez 36:27. God's promise of help and power to do what is right. The Holy Spirit
gives us the power.

2. The Holy Spirit that God promised through Ezekiel, Jesus gave to his disciples. With the
Holy Spirit, men gain:

a) A new nature, spiritual power. Gal 5:16-23. The inward dimension.

b) Power to serve. Acts 1:8. The outward dimension.

3. God wants all men to have this new life. God sent His Son into the world so that we
could be given the source of the new life, the Holy Spirit.

B. Introductory explanation prior to praying for baptism in the Holy Spirit.

1. We are here to claim God's promise of the Holy Spirit. Lk 11:9-13.

2. What will happen in the prayer session (procedure).

a) Commitment to Christ.

b) How people will pray over them.

3. Some important points:

This is not a second baptism (for Catholics), but a release of the power of the Holy Spirit.

b) Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Spirit.

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* We will lay hands on you and pray with you. But it is basically between you and
God. We are just instruments.
* Thus you ask God to give you what He promised. And expect it to happen!

c) Different things will happen to different people.

* Don't seek a particular kind of experience.

* Just turn to the Lord and receive the new life of the Holy Spirit from Him.

C. Receiving God's gifts.

1. You know what you need. Ask for it.

a) More courage to live the Christian life, strength to fight temptation, more knowledge
of God, etc.

b) Also, God is offering you various gifts. 1 Cor 12:4-11.

* Be open to whatever God wants to give you.

2. Some important right attitudes:

a) Relax. The more relaxed you are, the easier it is to receive God's gifts. It is harder to
put something in a clenched fist than in a relaxed and open hand.

b) Don't be afraid. The Lord is here with us, and He loves you very much. He wants
you to experience His love in a new way.

c) Don't be concerned about how you might act as you respond to the Spirit's

* Don't entertain thoughts that you might look or sound foolish if you begin to
praise God in a new way, by raising your hands or speaking in tongues.

* We won't laugh at you. We will rejoice and be glad with you. We love you.

3. Receiving the gift of tongues.

a) Tongues is a gift of praise. It is one of God's gifts. That is what makes it important.
God wants you to have this gift.

b) Yielding to the gift.

* After you have asked to be baptized in the Holy Spirit (and the ones praying over
you have asked for this), ask for the gift of tongues.

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* Yield to the leading and prompting of the Spirit.

* Begin by just praising God in your own words. Then start speaking out in
tongues. If necessary, begin by uttering meaningless sounds (e.g., la-la-la). The
Holy Spirit will form these sounds into tongues. (Analogy: it is easier to
manipulate the steering wheel of a car when it is in motion rather than stationary).

* Do not be analyzing the sounds or focusing on the experience. Just focus on the
Lord and offer Him your utterance as prayers of praise.

* Resist the temptation to think that it is just you and not the Holy Spirit forming
the sounds.

c) Thus to sum up: you first of all desire the gift of tongues, because it is a gift from
God; then you ask for it in faith; and then you cooperate with God's Spirit by opening
your mouth and speaking out.

4. After you are finished being prayed with, please return to your seat. We have some
closing remarks and then we will all end together.

a) While waiting, you can continue to pray in your heart. Pray for your brothers and
sisters here as well.

b) We want to maintain an atmosphere of prayer and reverence. Let us not do anything

that will disturb those being prayed with.

5. Final words:

a) God wants you to have His gifts because He loves you and wants to live in you by
His Holy Spirit. Desire God's gifts!

b) God offers and gives His gifts. Our part is to accept. Let us all give the Holy Spirit a
welcome into our lives.

D. The prayer session.

1. Explain the procedure quickly.

2. Sing a song (Create in me).

3. Do the prayer of "commitment to Christ".

4. Praying over for baptism in the Spirit.

After all have been prayed with, have a short worship time (including singing in tongues).

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E. Closing exhortation.

1. Different people have different experiences.

a) Feeling is not the important thing. Rather, look for the new way that God is at work
in you and respond to it (e.g., a new desire for prayer, for Scripture, etc.).

b) If you did not speak in tongues, do not worry about it. Do not equate being baptized
in the Spirit with getting the gift of tongues.

c) In your prayer time this week, give plenty of time to praise and thanksgiving.

* Do this aloud, if you can without disturbing others. And continue to be open to
the Lord forming your praise into tongues.

2. Be aware that Satan can tempt you to doubt.

a) Satan is seeking to rob everyone of God's gift. For him the next best thing to keeping
you from getting is to keep you from using it.

b) Do not let feelings of doubt bother you. Just remember the fact that God promised it
and that you asked for it.

3. Do not expect all your problems to go away all at once, though many will. The Holy
Spirit will make a big change in you, and you will see it. But not everything will change.
Some things will take a while to get worked out. But now you have a new power to use
in working them out.

4. Be faithful to a regular time of daily prayer. Spend a good portion of your prayer time in
praise and thanksgiving in your own words. Pray in tongues everyday.

5. What happened tonight is just a beginning.

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

1. God has promised the Holy Spirit to His people. With the Holy Spirit, we gain a new nature,
spiritual power, and the power to serve.

2. Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Spirit. We turn to him and receive the new life in the Holy
Spirit from him.

3. God offer us various gifts. One of these is the gift of tongues.

* Tongues is a gift of praise.
* To receive this gift, we simply desire it, ask for it in faith, and cooperate with the Spirit's
promptings in speaking out.

4. We must nurture the new life and God's gifts.

* Do not allow Satan to rob you of your gift.
* Do not expect all problems to go away at once, though many will.
* Be faithful to a regular time of daily prayer.

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 Galatians 5:16-25

2 Romans 8:5-13
3 1 Corinthians 14:1-5
4 1 Corinthians 3:16-17
5 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:5
6 Ephesians 6:18
7 Matthew 25:14-23

The challenge

You have claimed Christ's promise of the Holy Spirit to anyone who asks. You have been
baptized in the Holy Spirit and have received a new life from the Lord. You are "a new creation:
the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come" (2 Corinthians 5:17). You have
begun a new life in faith. Will you commit yourself fully to Jesus Christ and grow into the life in
the Holy Spirit?

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GOAL : To teach the basic tools to growth and maturity as Christians.

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction.

The baptism in the Spirit is only a beginning. Now we need to grow in this new life in the

2. In order to grow, we need to make use of the basic means of growth which the Lord
provides us. These are: prayer, study, service and fellowship.

a) The Christian life can be pictured as a wheel of a cart. It has three components:

* The outer rim. This is the part of the wheel that meets the road. This represents
daily Christian life.

* The hub. This is the part of the wheel from which the power inmates to the rim.
It holds the wheel together. The hub is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is at the center
of our lives. The power is that of the Holy Spirit.

* The spokes. These transmit the power and direction from the hub to the rim. In
Christian experience, the spokes are the means of putting our whole life in contact
with Christ, so that our life can be transformed by his power and direction.

b) Note: For Catholics, there is a fifth tool to growth: the sacraments.

B. The first tool: prayer.

1. Prayer is the primary means for establishing and maintaining a deep and loving personal
relationship between ourselves and God.

2. A successful prayer life involves 3 important principles.

a) Our prayer must be faithful.

* Decide to spend time with the Lord everyday.

* Decide on the practical details.

- When? Decide on a specific time of the day, which you can then protect.
- Where? Mt 6:6. Find a place where you will not be disturbed or distracted.

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- How long? Begin with 5 to 10 minutes, and increase later.

* Adopt a format to begin.
- ACTS. Adoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication.
- Use daily prayer guides (e.g., God's Word Today).

b) Our prayer must be led by the Holy Spirit.

* Scheduled and structured prayer is helpful, but could make our prayer dry and
mechanical. Be open to changing your format as the Spirit leads.

c) Our prayer must be centered on a relationship with Jesus.

* Prayer is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Our goal is not "to pray" or even
"to pray well", but to grow in our relationship with the Lord.

* People can get wrapped up in techniques. While these can help, prayer is really
very simple. It is a matter of loving God and being loved by Him.

* Concentrate not on prayer but on the Lord.

3. In the Catholic tradition, the intercession of Mary and the saints is a powerful tool of
prayer. A devotion to Mary and the saints is part and parcel of a Catholic’s faith.

C. The second tool: study.

1. We need to know God and understand Him and His ways. Study is a deliberate, focused
exercise of the intellect, not referring primarily to scholarly or academic endeavor but to
the wider process of understanding more about God so we can love and better serve Him.

2. Three ways we can learn more about God.

a) The Bible.

* This is the most important, because this is the very word of God. It teaches us
who God is, what He has done, and what He wants us to do.

* We should read the Bible daily.

- Start with 10 to 15 minutes.
- Pursue a more deliberate study of portions of the Bible.
- We should make it a goal to read the whole Bible.

b) Spiritual reading.

* After reading what God has said of Himself (Bible), we can read what men have
said about God. We can draw on spiritual insights and study throughout the life
of the Church.

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* This includes reading spiritual books, magazines, articles, etc.

c) Teachings and preachings.

* Our teaching and formation program in CFC.

* The word of God spoken in the Sunday homily, in parish events, in conferences,

* Begin the habit of taking notes.

D. The third tool: service.

1. Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is at work in us, not just for our personal development but
also to equip us for effective service for him and his people.

2. We need to take on a mentality of service so that we see our whole life given over to
God's work. We need to take on the heart of a servant. Mt 20:26-28.

a) As we put the Lord first in our lives, he calls us to reach out also to others.

b) Service helps us grow because it touches the most basic attitudes we have of
ourselves and our independence. To serve others is to be humble.

3. Ways we can serve:

a) First we serve God by the way we live.

* Daily prayer and Scripture reading.

* Pursuit of righteousness and holiness.

We also serve by performing the basic responsibilities God has given us in our daily

* E.g., as spouse, as parent, as employee, etc.

c) Then we serve our fellow men by recognizing the many built-in opportunities for
service in day-to-day life.

* E.g., hospitality, offering a ride, babysitting, visiting the sick, etc.

d) We give witness to our faith in Jesus by the way we live our lives. Be alert to
opportunities to share your faith verbally with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers,
and the world at large.

e) Make ourselves and our resources available for God's work. Our time, talent,

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* Do good works. James 2:14-17.

* Support through prayer and financial giving sound Christian ministries that
further the spread of the gospel.
* Look for opportunities to give your time and energy to serve in a Christian group
on a regular basis.

E. The fourth tool: fellowship.

1. Fellowship refers to almost everything that Christians do together as a body. It is the

concretization of a spiritual reality, that we are brothers and sisters belonging to one

2. We do not become complete Christians by ourselves. We must be joined to others in

order to experience the fullness of Christian life.

a) We need the support of others. We need their wisdom and strength.

b) We need to do things together. Fellowship is not an optional extra.

3. Some ways to experience Christian fellowship.

a) Worship in liturgies, prayer meetings, conferences.

b) Coming together for teaching and formation.

c) Serving together (like the team in this CLP).

d) Social gatherings.

4. Mention invitation to join CFC-HANDMAIDS OF THE LORD, which will be discussed

fully next week.

F. The fifth tool (for Catholics): the sacraments.

1. In the Catholic tradition, the most important tool for spiritual growth are the sacraments.
They are the main channels of God's grace for our lives.

2. We recommend frequent confession and communion.

a) Though confession is required only once a year, we should avail of this more often.

b) Though communion is required only once a year, we should receive communion

much more frequently, with the proper disposition.

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G. Conclusion.

1. This CLP, your commitment to Christ, the baptism in the Holy Spirit--all these are just
the beginning of a new life. We are "babies in Christ" and we need to grow. Make use
of the tools provided by God.

2. If you are faithful, you will not be disappointed.

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Participant's Handout


Brief Outline

The baptism in the Spirit is only a beginning. Now we need to grow in this new life of the Spirit.

2. There are 4 basic tools to growth (5 for Catholics):

a) Prayer. The primary means for establishing and maintaining a deep and loving personal
relationship with God.
* Must be faithful. Pray daily.
* Must be led by the Holy Spirit.
* Must be centered on a relationship with Jesus.
b) Study.
* The Bible. Read daily.
* Spiritual reading (books, magazines, articles, etc.).
* Teachings and preachings.
c) Service.
* By the way we live. Pursuit of righteousness and holiness.
* Serving our fellow men.
* Performing our basic responsibilities in life.
* Giving witness to our faith in Jesus.
* Giving of our time, talent and treasure.
d) Fellowship.
e) Sacraments (for Catholics).

Discussion starter
What tools to Christian growth have not been fully utilized in your life?

Scriptures for daily prayer

Day 1 1 Peter 1:13-16 Day 5 Matthew 20:26-28
2 Matthew 6:5-13 6 James 2:14-17
3 Matthew 18:19-20 7 1 Corinthians 12:12-27

4 Hebrews 4:12-13

The Challenge
God's call for every Christian is to grow in holiness. To this end, God has provided us with the
tools for growth. Will you eagerly avail of these tools and strive to be holy as God is holy?

Suggested reading
“Growing Closer to God” by Tom Gryn

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GOAL: To explain the life and mission of Handmaids of the Lord and to inspire women with
the desire to be a part of this committed group of Christians.

Expanded Outline

A. Last week we talked about the basic tools for growth in our Christian life. One tool is the
need to be in regular fellowship and supportive relationships with other Christians, especially
Christian women. Today we will discuss with you in greater detail how we can learn to
appropriate God's wisdom and power in our environment as we enter into committed rela-
tionship with one another as Christian women.

B. What is Handmaids of the Lord?

1. Description.

- It is an integral part of the family ministry of Couples for Christ.

- It is a Christian renewal and support ministry for mature women, such as:
* single parents and widows
* separated women
* unmarried mature women
* married women whose husbands are working in another country or are not willing nor
able to participate in any religious affiliation.

2. Brief history.

The HOLD was officially born on June 18, 1993. It was a response to God's call to
Couples for Christ (CFC) to establish a wholistic family ministry, most especially to

3. What is Couples for Christ?

It is a global evangelistic community created by God for the evangelization and renewal
of families.

4. What are we called to do?

a) Read the "HOLD Statement of Mission".

b) Read the "HOLD Statement of Philosophy".

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C. How do we support one another in HOLD?

1. By our committed relationships.

a) We believe first of all, that we have a responsibility to encourage and support one
another in the Christian life. Thus, we make a commitment to grow together as
Christian women to grow to maturity as individual Christians, to serve the Lord and
to fulfill our vocations as mature Christian women in our environment.

b) We have a 5-point commitment which is embodied in a small white card which we

carry with us. (Read covenant card and explain briefly.)

2. Through households. All members of HOLD belong to cell groups which we call
"households". At the end of this CLP, if you make your commitment to HOLD, you will
be assigned to a household.

a) The purpose of a household group is to have a smaller and more intimate environment
for personal support in the Christian life, and to provide a means for encouraging and
hastening growth as a Christian.

* Here you can share life experiences and God's practical wisdom.
* You can be helped to overcome obstacles in the Christian life.
* You will develop real friendships and true sisterhood, without which our Christian
life would lack joyful expression.

b) A household is composed of from 4 to 7 members and is headed by a leader, and is

set up immediately after the CLP.

c) The household meets once a week, on the same day of the week as mutually agreed
on by its members.

* Less than once a week would not provide enough contact to have adequate
support and encouragement in the Christian life.

* More than once a week may become a burden and may take time that is more
properly allocated to work, family, personal needs or Christian service.

d) The household meetings are held in the homes of the group members, on rotation
basis from week to week. Holding the household meetings in our homes has the
following values:

* Worshiping the Lord in our home makes the truth that the home is a domestic
church a concrete reality. And God's blessings will surely descend upon the home
where God's people can be found, worshipping Him together and growing in faith

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* The people living with us--our children, brothers and sisters perhaps our parents,
household help, the people who are closest to us--will be aware of what we are
involved in and what we do every week. To them we will become people who are
living their Christian faith openly and powerfully.

* What we do in our home may be used by the Lord as an effective tool for
evangelization, especially to our relatives, neighbors and friends.

e) There are basically three ingredients in a typical household meeting: an extended

period of prayer and worship, a time for sharing or discussion, and some time for

Explain refreshment: one solid, one liquid.

3. By our ongoing teaching and formation.

a) There is a formal first-year teaching program.

* Covenant Orientation.
* Handmaids Enrichment Retreat.
* Evangelization Training.

b) Beyond the first year, there are many other courses (name some) and various training
modules for those who will undertake services in HOLD.

c) Various teachings will also be given through our newsletter Ugnayan, in prayer
meetings, and other occasions.

4. By the other regular activities of our community.

a) Monthly prayer meeting.

b) Lord's Day celebrations, Anniversaries, Family Days, Evangelization Rallies, Leaders

Conferences, etc.

c) Social activities.

D. Conclusion.

1. We are living in exciting times. As we see the deterioration of Christian values all
around us in all parts of the world, we are also seeing God's loving hand in our lives.

a) We need to see this spiritual drama with the eyes of faith.

b) We are called to be part of God's work and we should gladly respond to this call.

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c) We are inviting you to be a part of God's work by being a part of us in HOLD.

2. Think and pray about "The Covenant of HOLD".

a) Look on the covenant as an ideal, not yet fully in place, but as what God calls us to.

b) What is important for you to be able to make the covenant is that:

* You understand it.

* You accept it as helpful and in fact necessary for Christian living.
* You will try to live it out.

3. If you decide that HOLD is for you, come back next week, ready to make the covenant.
Our last session next week is not the end, but just the beginning.

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"Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to Your Word"

Trusting in the Lord's help and guidance:

1. I shall live as a follower of Christ.

* Pray and read scripture everyday.

* Avoid sin and situations which can lead to sin.
* Put good order into my private life and take responsibility for those who depend on me
for support in their Christian life.
* Participate regularly in the worship life of my church.

2. I will be a committed and active member of the CFC HANDMAIDS OF THE LORD.

* Attend my small group meetings regularly and support the good order of the meeting.
* Faithfully participate in all the activities of the group.
* Relate in love, loyalty and respect to all my sisters in the body.
* Intercede daily for the group and its mission.

3. I will make myself available to the Lord for service.

* Bring other women to the CFC HANDMAIDS OF THE LORD.

* Give generously of my time and resources to the Lord's service, whenever I am called
and follow directions of those who have responsibility for my service.
* Make myself an instrument in bringing other women to an active life in the parish or
* Support the work of Couples for Christ and its Ministries.

4. I shall study and seek to grow as a woman of God.

* Attend all courses, retreats, workshops and conferences of the CFC HANDMAIDS OF
* Diligently study all materials given to me.

May the Lord Jesus Christ help me to be faithful in living out this commitment everyday for His
greater honor and glory and for the good of my sisters.


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The following embodies the beliefs and ideals of the CFC Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD) as a
family ministry of Couples for Christ, from which flow its Christian attitudes, values and
behavior, as well as its programs, teachings and approaches to Christian renewal.

WE BELIEVE in the family as the basic unit of God's Kingdom where human life begins and is
nurtured. We believe in the need to protect the family in the midst of the great changes and
challenges confronting it.

"WE BELIEVE that God creates every human being in his image, thus bestowing us with
personal worth and dignity. As such, we are to reflect his divine image in all our actions and

WE BELIEVE that as Handmaids of the Lord, God has given us a special call.

To grow as holy women, to be holy as he is holy. We commit ourselves to be women of prayer,

to be formed by his word in Holy Scripture and to strive each day to live upright lives.

To serve him, to seek to give more of ourselves each day in humble service. We commit
ourselves to selflessly seek the good of our neighbor and to strive with all our strength to bring
the Lord's light and life to many others.

WE BELIEVE that we can fulfill our call by inviting Jesus to be the Lord of all areas of our lives
and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us and empower us to live the life he called us into.

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Women in the Holy Spirit, joyfully proclaiming the greatness and glory of God as Mary did, by
living out her fiat: “I am the Handmaid of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your
word,” in selfless love and discipleship.


The Handmaid of the Lord is a creation of God distinctly called to the mission of personal
transformation, evangelization to bring other women to a renewed life in the Lord and
wholehearted service to bring glad tidings to the poor.


The following embodies the beliefs and ideals of the CFC Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD) as a
family ministry of Couples for Christ, from which flow its Christian attitudes, values and
behavior, as well as its programs, teachings and approaches to Christian renewal:

WE BELIEVE that God creates every human being in His image, thus we women have personal
worth and dignity. As such, we are to reflect His divine image in all our thoughts, words, actions
and relationships.

WE BELIEVE in the family as the basic unit of God’s Kingdom where human life begins and is
nurtured; hence the need to protect and prepare it to face the changes and challenges confronting

WE BELIEVE that as Handmaids of the Lord, God has called us to be holy women; thus -

. We commit ourselves to be Christ-like by being prayerful, studying and living out God’s

. We commit to God and neighbor our humble and selfless service, to strive with all our hearts
and strength to bring the Lord’s love and light to others.

We can fulfill this call by inviting Jesus to be the Lord of all areas of our lives and allowing the
Holy Spirit to lead and empower us to live the life He called us into.

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Handmaids of the Lord is an integral part of CFC that is called to participate in fulfilling the CFC
mission and the Church’s work of global evangelization and renewal specifically through the
personal transformation of adult women who are without spouses literally and physically or
spiritually (single/ separated/ divorced/widowed/alone in the spirit/ wives of overseas workers/
migrant workers).

As partners in mission of CFC and of the Church, HOLD members pledge to:

. live a full Christian life that reflects God’s divine image and love in all their actions and
. actively participate in all aspects of the work of CFC and its various ministries, especially
the work with the poor;
. support God’s work with time, talent and treasure.

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GOAL: To encourage women to live out actively the new life in the power of the Holy Spirit,
and to excite them about becoming a part of the mission of Handmaids of the Lord

Expanded Outline

A. Introduction.

1. We have come to the end of our CLP. But this is not the end, but just the beginning. We
have before us a whole new life with God and with one another. It is exciting!

2. The Lord has laid the foundation for this new life throughout this CLP.

a) Your repentance, personal conversion, a renewed faith in God.

b) Your acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior.

c) Your empowerment through baptism in the Holy Spirit.

d) And now the continuing support you will receive in CFC Handmaids of the Lord..

3. Now you need to allow the Lord to continue the process of your transformation in Christ.
The Holy Spirit is at work so that you can grow to know, love and serve God more.

B. God's purpose.

1. God desires your transformation.

a) A deeper relationship with God.

* Growth in holiness. 1 Pet 1:15-16. We need to grow to become more and more
like Jesus.

* Growth in discipleship. Mt 16:24. We need to learn what it means to be truly a

disciple of Jesus. This is how we can be truly worthy of Jesus. Mt 10:37-39.

b) A deeper relationship with one another.

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* Becoming truly brothers and sisters to one another in the larger family of Couples
for Christ (CFC) and sisters in HOLD.

* Also growing in friendships and caring for one another.

c) A greater commitment to service.

* Service to God, neighbor, society, Church, country.

* The work of evangelization, the bringing of the same good news we have received
to others.

2. And as you grow and are transformed, what is God about? God wants women to enter
into a renewed life with Him.

a) For the fulfillment of God's plan. Eph 1:10.

b) For the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Mt 28:18-20. Mk 16:15.

* CFC of which HOLD is an integral part has been tasked with a global mission of
evangelization and renewal.

C. How can God's purpose be fulfilled through HOLD? How do we respond to God's call?

1. Continue to grow in personal holiness.

a) Daily prayer and Scripture.

b) Faithfulness to the HOLD covenant.

c) Eagerly undergoing the HOLD formation program.

2. Take part in the mission of HOLD in seeking out other women and helping them into a
renewed life in the Lord and in serving God's people. Uphold the God given dignity and
true worth of women as seen in the light of the word of God.

3. Take part in the mission of Couples for Christ in building strong Christian families and

a) The family is the basic unit of society, Church and country. The condition will
determine the condition of everything else.

b) Be a light in your neighborhoods.

c) Bring your relatives to Couples for Christ, CFC Handmaids of the Lord and to other
CFC family ministries.

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4. Pursue our work of evangelization.

a) This is the global mission of CFC of which HOLD is an integral part.

b) Every HOLD member must become an evangelist. Bring others to HOLD in order to
meet Jesus Christ.

D. Conclusion.

1. It is a great privilege to be where we are now.

a) Having a personal relationship with Jesus and being in a vibrant community such as
CFC Handmaids of the Lord.

b) This has happened through no worth of our own, but simply by God's mercy and

c) We ought to respond with gratitude and humility.

2. Let us move on.

a) Look expectantly to the future. God has much more in store for us.

b) Give your all for God!

* Jesus is the greatest treasure you can have. It is worth all your effort and all your
strength to live your lives totally for him.

* Have the attitude of Paul. Phil 3:7-8,12-14.

c) Let us rejoice that Jesus is our Lord.

* * * * * * * * *


1. The leader explains the commitment ceremony.

2. The leader invites everyone to stand. A song of offering oneself is sung (e.g., Amen Our
Hearts Cry).

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3. The leader invites everyone to read out the covenant of the Handmaids of the Lord. They all
read out loud together.

4. The leader prays over the newly committed sisters, inviting the old members to pray in their
hearts with her. During this time of prayer, it is appropriate to insert one solemn song (e.g.,
Spirit of the Living God).

5. The leader welcomes the new sisters to HOLD and invites the old members to express
acceptance by means of one big applause. This is followed by spontaneous greeting and
welcoming of the new members by the old members. The music ministry plays "Welcome to
the Family" and "Magnificat".

6. Fellowship follows.

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Prayer During the Dedication Ceremony

Note : This is only a guide. Please be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit

Almighty and eternal God, we thank You for Your Goodness in calling our sisters to the
Christian Life Program of the CFC Handmaids of the Lord. We thank You for taking good care
of them and their loved ones as well. Thank you for blessing them with good health and constant
protection. Thank You, Father for providing us with our daily needs and even more. Thank you
for your faithfulness to us, inspite of our unworthiness. Thank You, Lord for this time with You
to dedicate ourselves to You. Thank you for Your love and support to our brothers and sisters in
Couples for Christ, and our sisters in the Handmaids of the Lord. Thank you for the messages
that You sent us through our speakers and also for the inspiring songs of our music ministry.

Lord, we present to You our sisters at the end of this Christian Life Program. Bless each one of
them and embrace them in Your love. Continue to be generous with Your Holy Spirit and help
them to be faithful in their covenant with You so that they will grow more and more to know
You, to love You and to serve You.

Lord, defend them from the attacks of the evil one, accompany them in their journey through
life. Bless their homes, their families and loved ones. Give them strength and inspiration,
especially as they face trials and difficulties in life.

Father, console them in their moments of loneliness and help them cope with the challenges and
responsibilities of being single parents and being alone in their lives. Heal them of their hurts,
resentments and worries.

For the widows, open the gates of heaven for their beloved departed ones. Teach them to rely
more and more on You and seek guidance always from You as she strengthens her family and
provides for her children their material and spiritual needs.

For our sisters who are separated from their spouses, grant them forgiveness and the humility to
seek forgiveness. Lead them to reconciliation, but most of all peace and joy even as this recon-
ciliation is unattainable at this time. Continue, Lord, to lead them according to your plans for

For our sisters who are blessedly single, Father, let them understand of Your specific plans for
them. Let them realize that You love them and care for them more than any person can love
them. If You will it, Lord, for our sister to have a partner in life, send her a Christian partner,
someone she can see as a gift from You.

Lord, fill our sisters with the hunger for Your Word and the desire to follow You and obey You.
Give them servant's heart so that they may serve You and others through You. Use them, Lord
as instruments to draw other women closer to You.

Let all of us share in the love of Your mother and look up to her for intercession.

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Help them father, to be truly Your handmaids as they individually proclaim, "Behold, I am
handmaids of the Lord, may it be done to me according to Your word".

All these we ask in the mighty name of our Lord who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of
the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever, Amen.

Sisters, welcome to the CFC Handmaids of the Lord, and to the bigger family of Couples for


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