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Lesson Analysis 1


Lesson Analysis

Jennifer Maddrell

Old Dominion University

Lesson Analysis 2

Lesson Analysis

This report is a lesson analysis of two distant education courses offered by the University

of Regina in Canada. Both courses are offered by the Faculty of Education and focus on

technology use in the classroom. While the subject matter is similar, the courses target different

learners and employ different instructional strategies, media, and interaction. The following

provides a design, functional, and interactional analysis of one lesson from each course.

Lesson Analysis: ECMP 355 – Computers in the Classroom

Design Analysis

Rationale for Lesson. ECMP 355 – Computers in the Classroom is an introduction to the

integration and use of technology in the classroom. The course was developed and delivered in

the Fall 2005 semester by Dr. Alec Couros, a University of Regina faculty member. The course is

part of the Bachelor of Education program which meets the provincial Department of Education

requirements for teacher certification in Saskatchewan. The Week 3 lesson is the focus of this

lesson analysis and addresses the use of PowerPoint as a hypermedia tool for the classroom.

Learner Analysis. The learners in the class are undergraduate students enrolled in the

Bachelor of Education program. Students are preservice teachers taking the course in either a

fully online or blended format. This analysis is based on the experiences of learners enrolled in

the fully online section.

Objectives – Course Level. The explicit course level objectives are outlined on the course

website and are repeated below. The objectives focus on the development of knowledge and

skills related to the integration of technology in the K-12 classroom.

1. Develop knowledge, skills and confidence in using technology appropriate to K-12

Lesson Analysis 3

2. Develop awareness of computer-based learning resources and strategies to increase their


3. Develop an understanding of basic terms and concepts relating to technology in the


4. Develop a basic understanding of e-mail, the Internet, multimedia resources and learn

ways of integrating these tools into the classroom.

5. Explore, in depth, computer applications in areas of specific relevance to individual

teaching area and level.

6. Examine the impact of technology on teaching and learning.

7. Gain the understanding and skills related to the "appropriate" integration of technology

into learning and teaching environments.

8. Create useful resources integrating technology components - appropriately related to


9. Explore different learning theories and begin to better understand how each may relate to

using technology in the classroom.

10. Have fun and feel comfortable using technology in teaching and learning situations.

Objectives – Week 3 Lesson. The Week 3 lesson is an introductory examination of

PowerPoint as a hypermedia tool for the classroom. At the conclusion of the lesson, learners are

expected to be able to define multimedia and hypermedia, explain what PowerPoint is, describe

how PowerPoint is commonly used in instructional settings, and demonstrate the use of basic

PowerPoint features.

Task / Content Analysis – Week 3 Lesson. A task and content analysis for the Week 3

lesson is shown in Appendix A.

Lesson Analysis 4

Assessment – Course Level. Assessment for the course is based on the student’s

completion of weekly technology tasks, weekly personal blog reflections, a capstone final

project, and an electronic portfolio. Technology tasks, worth 10% of the final grade, are

considered lab assignments for the current week’s topic and include instructor directed blog

reflections, software evaluations, critiques of websites, and evaluations of virtual tours. Class

participation, worth 10% of the final grade, is assessed based on participation in online

discussions. Within a personal blog worth 25% of the final grade, students are expected to reflect

upon topics related to technology integration within the K-12 classroom, including responses to

questions raised within the weekly assignments. Assessment is based on the frequency and

quality of the expressed ideas, reach within blogging community, and use of multimedia

enhancements within blog.

Within a final major project worth 30% of the final grade, each student is required to

prepare an individual project integrating the topics covered in class. Students are given a choice

of 13 suggested topics, but they are also able to request a different topic. Once a topic is chosen,

the student must submit a proposal to the instructor which serves as a reference point for the

assessment. Assessment is based on originality, subject knowledge, organization of content,

mechanics and grammar, use of enhancements (such as video or audio), usability, technology

employed, visual design, and educational value.

The students are also required to develop a professional electronic portfolio worth 25% of

the final grade. Assessment is based on content, visual design, navigation, and general adherence

to the project guidelines.

Assessment – Week 3 Lesson. The assessment for the Week 3 lesson includes two

technology tasks. In the first task, learners pair up in small groups to review a presented group of
Lesson Analysis 5

PowerPoint slides. Learners are asked to enhance the PowerPoint presentation through use of

additional media, such as audio files, graphics, or photos, while creating a written narrative. In

the second technology task, learners work alone to create a five to seven slide PowerPoint

presentation incorporating various media elements, such as slide transitions, animations, or


Instructional Strategies – Week 3 Lesson. The Week 3 lesson employs a combination of

presentation, learner practice, and feedback strategies intended to fulfill the lesson objectives

stated above. The lesson begins on the course website with a text based overview of the concepts

of multimedia and hypermedia. The learners are expected to read the lesson text, along with

additional instructional content and examples of the concepts and procedures presented via

hyperlinks embedded in the website text. This presentation strategy requires learners to toggle to

new browser tabs or windows and to download resource documents in order to view the

instructional content.

The learners are given two opportunities to practice the learned PowerPoint creation and

editing procedures. In the first assignment, the students must form small groups and edit an

existing PowerPoint. They share their edited PowerPoint presentations with the class and are

graded for their effort. In the second assignment, the students work individually to create a new

PowerPoint presentation which is submitted to the instructor for grading and feedback.

In addition, during Week 3 the learners must also continue working on their electronic

portfolio projects which may incorporate the PowerPoint concepts and procedures covered in this

lesson. Further, the learners must continue posting their weekly blog reflections based on

questions prompted by the instructor, as well as topics of interest to the students.

Functional Analysis
Lesson Analysis 6

Media and Technology Components. The course website is available on the open Internet

without password restrictions. Print based articles, links to tools and software, a detailed course

outline, and grading rubrics are provided on the course website. Blogs are utilized by both the

instructor and students. While a text book is not required, an optional text is recommended. A

traditional course management system is also utilized.

Function. The course website functions as the course “Home Page” for students. All

course materials are either linked or housed here. The weekly lesson sections within the website

serve as a type of study guide and walk the learner through the lesson. The posted or linked

articles and software provide the required assigned readings for each weekly lesson. Detailed

descriptions of the class assignments and grading rubrics are also posted on the course website

along with examples and other guidelines. The instructor’s blog is also housed on the course

website and facilitates the communication of broadcast messages to students, as well as updates

to course content, including impromptu “tutorials”. Outside of the course website, the course

management system houses the asynchronous discussion board which facilitates learner to

learner asynchronous discussions.

Component Instructional Load. The course website carries the primary instructional

content load. It organizes the course, presents the instructional content, and facilitates dialogue

through the instructor’s blog. While the class website provides learners with some original

source instructional content, the majority of instructional content is presented within the linked

articles and software.

Lesson Analysis 7

Interaction Analysis

Description of Interactions or Dialog. Interaction is coordinated through the course

website where the course content, the assignments, the schedule, and the instructor’s blog are

presented. The dialog is a mix of real and simulated conversations. The simulated dialog on the

website is relatively formal and articulates the expectations of learners, as well as the logistical

aspects of the course.

While there are no scheduled whole class synchronous sessions, real dialogue occurs in

the asynchronous discussion board, posts and comments in blogs, and conversations between the

learner and instructor during office hours. While it is not possible to review the conversations on

the closed course management system or on the students’ blogs, the dialog on the instructor’s

blog is written in a casual and informal style that communicates pertinent content to learners,

including helpful resources and reminders to students tied to class schedule deadlines.

Strategies to Create Dialog. There are several strategies employed to create and facilitate

dialog. As noted, the course website creates a simulated dialogue with the learner through the

presentation of content and instructions for expected learner action. The learners must participate

in asynchronous discussions in the course management system.

They are also encouraged to contact the instructor directly by phone, instant message, or

e-mail to seek help. The instructor has posted office hours, but learners are also invited to contact

the instructor outside of set office hours through MSN Messenger or e-mail. In addition, the

instructor’s blog conveys pertinent information to the class and prompts learners for reflective

responses which they must post on their personal blogs.

Effectiveness. The course website is well developed and effectively directs learners

through the course and the lessons. From the Home page of the website and on all subsequent
Lesson Analysis 8

pages, it is very easy to sequence through the lessons. Further, the course objectives and learner

assignments are clearly defined. The assessment activities effectively define the learner

expectations within detailed grading rubrics. As the asynchronous discussion board is not

available for viewing, it is not possible to assess the effectiveness within this particular course.

However, it can be assumed that the course management system’s discussion board can

effectively facilitate an asynchronous discussion among learners.

While it is also not possible to view and assess the effectiveness of private learner and

instructor interactions, the learners appear to be given sufficient opportunity during the course to

seek help and interact with the instructor. Further, the instructor’s blog appears very effective as a

means of maintaining real dialogue with students.

Unfortunately, it is also not possible to evaluate the student’s blogs as they are not linked

from the course website. Therefore, an assessment of actual learner interaction and engagement

is not possible. However, given that 25% of the course grade is associated with the personal blog,

it can be assumed that the students are appropriately motivated to complete their blog reflections.

Examples of Good Dialog and Interactions. The best examples of good dialog and

interaction come from the instructor’s blog. As noted, the blog serves as a means of prompting

student reflections. It also allows the instructor to provide spontaneous broadcast messages to the

class while augmenting the instructional content. For example, during the midway point of the

semester, the instructor released a blog post alerting students that he was in the midst of grading

papers and that they could expect feedback shortly. The instructor also posted audio or video

tutorials, recommended resources to augment the original instructional content, and frequently

asked students to reflect upon questions within their own blogs or in comments to his blog.

Design and Lesson Critique

Lesson Analysis 9

Strength. The design and content within the online lessons appears appropriate for the

undergraduate audience. There is a good balance between the static instructional content on the

website and the fluid content delivered within the instructor’s blog. Further, the learners are

given many opportunities to apply and reflect upon the presented content within the assignments,

the asynchronous discussion board, and their blogs. As noted, the instructor’s office hours

provide sufficient opportunity for learners to receive help, personalized guidance, and feedback.

Weakness. The presentation of instructional content is largely facilitated through multiple

links to content not designed and developed by the instructional designer. While this provides

learners with a wealth of perspective on a topic, this content presentation strategy can overload

the learner with too much loosely connected information. Also, it can be difficult for a novice

learner to synthesize conflicting perspectives. Further, while there is ample opportunity for

learner interaction with the content and for interaction between the instructor and the learner, the

majority of the learner to leaner interaction is asynchronous with no scheduled synchronous

whole class sessions which may have been more difficult to facilitate when the class was

originally designed.

Lesson Analysis – EC&I 831: Computers in the Classroom

Design Analysis

Rationale for Lesson. EC&I 831- Computers in the Classroom is a graduate level distance

education course at the University of Regina. The course was delivered during the Spring 2008

semester and the reviewed lesson is from January 29, 2008. Like the course highlighted above,

EC&I 831 also addresses the use of technology in education and is designed and delivered by Dr.

Couros. The topic for the January 29, 2008 lesson is the history of educational technology and is

partially facilitated by guest speaker, Dr. Rick Schwier from the University of Saskatchewan.
Lesson Analysis 10

Learner Analysis. Students in the course are enrolled within graduate programs at the

University of Regina. Based on a review of the students enrolled in the Spring 2008 semester, the

learners are all adults and most are employed as either teachers or technology specialists within

educational institutions in Canada.

Objectives. The stated course objectives are for learners to a) examine the historical roll

of technology and media in education, b) appraise the social learning theories which respond to

learning in the digital age, c) assess the social, educational, political and administrative issues

connected to technology and media in learning, and d) critically evaluate digital media and

information. The implicit objectives for the reviewed January 29, 2008 lesson include an

appraisal of the history of educational technology, an assessment of the shift way from

individualized instructional models, and predictions for the future of teaching and education.

Task / Content Analysis. A task and content analysis for the January 29, 2008 lesson is

shown in Appendix A and is based on the presentation slides from Schwier (2008), the reflective

assignment within the session summary on the course wiki, and one of the required readings

from Woodill (2008).

Assessment. At the course level, learner assessment is made in three areas, including a

personal blog portfolio, a collaborative project, and a personal digital project each worth

approximately one-third of the semester grade. Within the blog portfolio, learners are asked to

demonstrate evidence of reading and analysis of articles and blog posts of others, interaction

with other learners through blog post commenting, and critical reflection on course subject

matter. In addition to the capstone personal digital project, learners must provide ongoing

contributions to a collaborative wiki resource focused on technology tools, instructional

approaches, and educational issues relating to technology in education.

Lesson Analysis 11

As part of the January 29, 2008 lesson, learners are asked to consider within their blogs

the importance of the material covered in the readings and presentations, as well as the

implications for teaching and learning of moving from individualized methods of instruction. In

addition, the learners are to continue work on their collaborative and personal projects.

Instructional Strategies. This course is designed as an “open” learning environment

which is in contrast to the traditionally “closed” learning environments found in most university

classes. The designer explores the instructional possibilities of using freely available web based

connective technologies within a learning environment that encourages participation from both

inside and outside the virtual classroom. The designer strives to teach learners about educational

technologies while engaging them in the use of the same technologies and resources with outside

educational practitioners.

The January 29, 2008 lesson employs a combination of presentation and learner synthesis

strategies to fulfill the lesson objectives. Instructional content is presented in the public course

wiki and in the live web conferenced session with an invited speaker and other outside guests.

Learners engage in reflective and synthesis activities within their personal projects, the

collaborative assignment, and in personal blog reflections related to the course objectives, as

outlined above.

Functional Analysis

The course consists of numerous media and technology components, including a course

wiki, social bookmarking tools, blogging platforms, recorded video presentations and tutorials,

and synchronous web conferenced sessions. The course wiki serves as the course management

system as is where the presentation of instructional material is coordinated. The course schedule,

the instructor’s blog, the collaborative wiki, the recorded videos, and the live session archives are
Lesson Analysis 12

housed on the course wiki. Social bookmarking tools provide access to the digital library of

required and suggested reading resources. Web conferencing tools facilitate virtual classroom

lectures and live class discussions while the personal blogs facilitate asynchronous learner

reflections and conversations in the form of commenting and pingbacks.

Component Instructional Load. The bulk of the instructional content load falls to the

required and recommended readings, as well as to the information provided in links to relevant

tools and technologies. In addition, the live synchronous sessions present new content while

reinforcing concepts presented elsewhere.

Interaction Analysis

Description of Interactions or Dialog. Learners engage in both real and simulated

conversation in the course. Two synchronous web conferenced sessions are held each week of

the semester and include enrolled learners, the instructor, guest speakers, as well as anyone else

who would like to participate in the live sessions. The synchronous web conferenced sessions

include audio, video, and text based chat. In addition, learners and instructors (or learners and

course assistants) engage in one-on-one sessions using text chat, telephony calls, web

conferencing tools, or the telephone. Asynchronous conversations include participation on blogs.

Strategies to Create Dialog. As noted, the course dialogue is facilitated within

synchronous sessions, asynchronous activities, and individual communication with the instructor.

Synchronous sessions are scheduled twice each week using web conferencing tools, as well as in

text chats and telephony calls. Students are encouraged to attend both live sessions each week as

one session is “theory based” involving guest speakers from the field of educational technology

and the second session is focused on attainment of skills associated with the use of various

educational technologies.
Lesson Analysis 13

The students are also encouraged to “back channel” with other students and participants

during the live class sessions. Within the back channel, the participants converse using a text

based chat during the live session. While on the surface this may seem rude or disruptive, the

practice is encourages as a means of facilitating learner discussion and dialogue even as the

presentation session is occurring.

Asynchronous communication occurs via individual blog postings, comments on other

students’ blogs, reading and commenting on blogs from outside the class, and utilization of freely

available social networking tools. As noted in the Participant Directory on the course wiki,

learners are encouraged to post their photos, real names, blog address, and a brief biography with

the hope of fostering interaction and dialog with participants both inside and outside of the

enrolled class. Through open blogging, an important objective of the course is served. Learners

gain a connection to other “edubloggers” outside of the class who provide additional perspective.

Effectiveness. Given the high degree of openness in the course, it is possible to review a

great number of artifacts, including the students’ projects, their blogs, and recordings of all

synchronous sessions. This helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the interaction and dialog and,

in turn, the effectiveness of the course. A review of the class artifacts reveals a highly interactive

learning environment and engaged learners.

For the 20 enrolled students listed on the Participant Directory in the Spring 2008 course,

each has posted a brief biography, a personal blog address, and a link to his or her digital project.

While only one student did not post a photo, several included pictures with their children. Based

on a review of most blogs and projects, the students were highly engaged in the course and found

it to be an effective educational experience.

Lesson Analysis 14

The final blog reflections from the students offer a very favorable evaluation of

interaction and effectiveness of the course. Flood (2008) notes in his student blog, “My

experiences throughout this course have been extremely valuable … I am truly grateful for the

work that has been done by everybody that is involved in this course …Your contributions have

challenged me, and you have truly shaped my continued learning.” Volk (20008) reflects, “I’m

glad we had the opportunity to get to know each other, learn from each other, and share with

each other. These types of connections are so important in the world of education. Thank you

everyone for helping me to grow as an educator and a learner.” Gatzke (2008) expresses her

sadness to conclude the course, but also her optimism for continued interaction with fellow

students in the future:

“I mentioned last night that I can’t help but feel a little sad … I have met

about 1/2 dozen of the people in this course face to face. Yet I feel like I

have gotten to know most of the participants in this course far better than

I got to know members of the class in other courses that I have taken … It

engages me in reflection and we know that reflecting on our practice and

examining it critically enhances our understanding and attitudes both

professionally and personally. Thanks to everyone in this class for

sharing. I feel privileged to have taken a course with such high quality

work. Cheers virtual classmates! I look forward to continued interaction

in the blogosphere.”

Examples of Good Dialog and Interactions. There are countless examples of dialog and

interactions within the hours of synchronous recordings and student reflections. However, what
Lesson Analysis 15

is striking is the number of students who mentioned within their blog reflections the value of

back channeling during the live sessions.

The students in the January 29, 2008 live virtual class were joined by guest speaker, Dr.

Richard Schwier, and three of his students from the University of Saskatchewan. A review of the

text chat back channel from the 23 participants logged into that live session reveals over 480 text

chat entries during the live session. The majority of the text chat dialog includes simple

affirmations, (“I agree”, “Me, too”), but also includes questions for the speaker, links to relevant

resources (from Kyle Lichtenwald: “I talked to John Gormley about Facebook on May 2 about

Facebook & policy http://cyberpolicy.wikispaces.com/space/showimage/Talking+to

+John+Gormley.mp3”, and a range of other types of comments (from Kimberly Brown: “I had

a substitute teacher two weeks ago who wouldn't let my students work in partners/groups for

math. We've got a long way to go.”)

Over the 140 minute class session, the 480 text chat entries break down to an average of

almost 3.5 text chat entries per minute. Therefore, nearly 15% of the 23 session participants

engaged in some form of text based dialogue every minute of the class session – all while the

guest speaker was presenting his lecture!

Design and Lesson Critique

Strength. The designer of this course tested the boundaries of what is possible in a

distance learning environment. By opening the course to outside participants and by using a host

of open source and freely available resources and connective software technologies, the learners

are exposed to a vast amount of relevant instructional content, tools, and people. The openness of

the course structure brings others from the greater educational community into the classroom.

While it is rare for a formal distance education course to have such a large roster of live guest
Lesson Analysis 16

speakers, it is even more unique for a university to open the entire learning environment to

participants not enrolled in the program. The learners’ access and exposure to others in the field

of education becomes one of the greatest strengths of this course.

In addition, the chosen instructional strategies inspire a high degree of active learner

engagement and participation. A review of the learner blog posts reveals deep reflection and a

rich synthesis of the material. The learners’ final reflections illustrate their perceptions of high


Weakness. While learners are presented with an abundance of relevant resources and

interaction with experts in the field of education, they are also challenged to synthesize an

incredible amount of information. The various experts presented many perspectives and

representations of complex topics and problems. Miezianko (2008) noted in his student blog that

many times during the semester he suffered from “information overload”. Fortunately, the

students benefited from a high degree of instructor and course assistant interaction to help guide

them through the course.

Comparative Critique

The two analyzed lessons have similar topics and objectives. Also, both lessons are

designed and developed by the same person. However, the courses are targeted to different

audiences. ECMP 355 is designed for undergraduate students and ECI 831 is designed for

graduate students. Further, the courses employ different instructional strategies and opportunities

for interaction.

While the difference in instructional and interactional strategies is partly due to the

difference in the target learner, it is also likely that the design differences reflect the designer’s

ongoing effort to adopt open tools and methods within in the classroom. In his blog profile,
Lesson Analysis 17

Couros outlines the three important strands driving his current research and teaching focus,

including 1) the appropriate use of technology in the classroom, 2) the effects of technology on

education, culture, and society, and 3) the power of democratic media, social networks, and

openness in education. In his doctoral dissertation, Couros examines the concepts and practices

of educational openness, as well as the strategies and requirements to support it, and suggests the

importance of establishing educators and students within a learning context that extends beyond

the classroom walls; a context in which learners freely interact with others outside of the

traditional confines of the classroom. As such, Couros adds an additional learner to world

interaction to the traditional learner to content, learner to learner, and learner to instructor


Couros’ research and teaching emphasis on connective technologies and openness in

education appears evident in a comparative review of the two lessons. Within ECMP 355,

designed in 2005, opportunities for learner to learner and learner to world interaction are more

limited than in ECI 831, delivered in 2008. While asynchronous tools helped to facilitate learner

to learner dialog in ECMP 355, the primary discussion board was housed within a closed course

management system that only course participants could access. Further, synchronous

technologies were not employed to facilitate whole class virtual discussions. In contrast, ECI 831

participation reaches well outside the classroom to invited guest speakers, as well as others who

want to either observe the lesson and class artifacts or directly interact with the learners.

Beyond the designer’s drive for greater openness in the learning environment, both

courses employ effective instructional strategies and interaction which support the stated course

and lesson objectives. ECMP 355 offers a thorough introduction to the topic of technology

integration in the classroom. The reviewed PowerPoint lesson during Week 3 is presented in a
Lesson Analysis 18

relatively structured format which efficiently supports the learner through the online lesson and

assessments. This format is likely a more appropriate choice for an undergraduate audience.

While offered in a different format, ECI 831 is also effectively designed to support the

stated objectives and graduate level audience. Students are offered relevant instructional content

and the instructional strategies to foster a high degree of active learner engagement and

participation. They are provided with abundant opportunities for learner to content, learner to

learner, learner to instructor, and learner to world interaction. Based on the final blog reflections,

the learners found this learning experience to be both challenging and greatly rewarding which

are worthy ambitions for any course.

Lesson Analysis 19


Couros, A. (2006, December). Examining the Open Movement: Possibilities and Implications for
Educators. , 215. University of Regina. Retrieved from

Couros, A., & University of Regina. EC&I 831: Computers in the Classroom: Appropriate
Curriculum and Instruction Related to Computer Technology. Retrieved from
Couros, A., & University of Regina. ECMP 355 - Computers in the Classroom. . Retrieved from

Flood, R. (2008, April 9). EC&I Wrap-up Reflections. Ryan Flood’s Weblog. Retrieved from

Gatzke, L. (2008, April 10). Thoughts. Digital Destiny - Computers in the Classroom. Retrieved
from http://lgatzke.wordpress.com/2008/04/10/thoughts/.

Miezianko, D. (2008, April 7). The Final Post of 831. Dean Miezianko’s Weblog. Retrieved from

Schwier, R. (2008, January 29). History of Educational Technology. Online. Retrieved from

Volk, T. (2008, April 9). A Combination of Talent - A Reflection of ECI 831. Todd’s Blog.
Retrieved from http://toddvolk.wordpress.com/2008/04/09/a-combination-of-talent-a-

Woodill, G. (2008, January 3). Ten Learning Technologies to Transform Training in 2008.

Brandon Hall Research. Retrieved from http://brandon-hall.com/garywoodill/?p=27.

Lesson Analysis 20

Appendix A - Reverse Engineering

ECMP 355 – Week 3 Lesson

1) Concept: Multimedia / Hypermedia Software in the Classroom

a) Rich images, text, movement, images help to communicate.
i) Multimedia means combination of media, including:
(1) Still pictures
(2) Sound
(3) Motion video
(4) Animation
(5) Text
ii) Hypermedia are linked media
b) Multimedia and hypermedia are important in educational technology
c) Examples: Popular hypermedia software includes:
i) Microsoft PowerPoint
ii) HyperStudio
iii) Authorware
iv) Director
v) Ezedia
2) Concept: Overview of PowerPoint
a) Allows creation of presentations, including:
i) Slideshows
(1) Series of related one-screen displays
(2) Can contain text, art, sound, animation, and hyperlinks
ii) Handouts
iii) Posters
b) Can be reproduced as overheads, booklets, posters or 35mm slides
c) Gained popularity as a business tool
d) Increasingly popular in various educational environments, including:
Lesson Analysis 21

i) Teacher conferences
ii) K-12 classroom
3) Concept: Uses of PowerPoint
a) Beginning of the semester – Introduction to the course or instructor
b) Classroom game show
c) Electronic portfolio
d) E-books
e) Student narratives
f) Jig-saw research
4) Procedure: How to create a PowerPoint presentation
a) Link to the University of Regina’s Computer Training Program manuals, as well as other
suggested resources
b) Analysis of linked manuals and tutorials beyond the scope of this lesson review
5) Practice: Technology Tasks Using Power Point
a) Assessment 1: Group project using sample slides
i) Assemble into small groups
ii) Download sample slides
iii) Develop a narrative
iv) Incorporate features of PowerPoint, such as text and call outs
v) Add slides, as needed
vi) Download and use media from the Internet
vii) Present final PowerPoint to class
b) Practice 2 : Create a PowerPoint
i) Select a topic
ii) Demonstrate use of key media elements, such as slide transitions, animations, use of
sounds and imagery
iii) Submit presentation via e-mail to instructor
Lesson Analysis 22

EC&I 831 – January 29, 2008 Lesson

1) Activation and Recall - Reflective questions about educational technology

a) What is your earliest memory of an educational technology?
b) Who is the most influential non-Canadian scholar in educational technology you can
c) Who is the most influential Canadian scholar in educational technology you can name?
d) How many can you name (from pictures)? For example:
i) Gagne
ii) Bandura
iii) Jonassen
iv) Reigeluth
2) Activation and analysis of key ideas - Why care about Educational Technology History?
a) Rich tradition
b) Differences between Canadian and USA
c) Know where you fit in – river of life
d) Past provides understanding of the future
3) Concept: What Educational Technology is NOT
a) Educational technology is a new discipline
b) Media comparison studies
c) Data equals knowledge
d) Knowledge is understanding
e) Computers can replace teachers
f) Educational technology = computers + Internet + school
4) Concept: History of Educational Technology
a) Film – 1940s
b) Television – 1950s
c) Programmed instruction – 1960s
d) Systematic instructional design – 1970s
e) Computers – 1980s
i) Computer based training
Lesson Analysis 23

ii) Multimedia
f) The Internet – 1990s
i) E-learning
ii) Internet based training
g) Social Web – 2000s
i) Social software
ii) Free and open content
iii) Turning point - One laptop per child in 2006
5) Concept: Social learning – not technology, but epistemology
a) Individuals
i) Objectivism
ii) Cognitivism
iii) Constructivism
b) Collective Constructivism
i) Groups
ii) Social learning
6) Concept: (From Reading) 10 Learning Technologies to Transform Training in 2008
a) Technologies of collaboration
b) Learning games
c) Distributed computing technologies
d) Embedded learning technologies
e) Multisensory input devices
f) Mobile devices
g) Social bookmarking and tagging
h) Personalized technologies
i) Visualization technologies
j) Location based augmented reality
7) Application Activities:
a) Individual blog reflections – answer the following:
i) What is the importance of the covered material?
Lesson Analysis 24

ii) What are the implications of moving from individuals learning models to networked
iii) How will or should this translate to teaching and learning?
iv) Consider this presentation in light of what you know about professional development,
school change, teacher resistance, or other important educational issues.
b) Continue work on class collaborative wiki project
c) (Optional) Participate in EdTechWeekly on EdTechTalk.com

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