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Comparisions of Religious Thinkers

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Islam was widely spread in subcontinent by Shah Wali Ullah Syed Ahmed
Shaheed Barelvi and Haji Shariat Ullah.
Shah Wali Ullah was a religious scholar. He taught Islamic teachings in the
Madrassa Rahimya. This produced a number of scholars in the sub-continent
and therefore increased spread of Islam. Shah Wali Ullah also translated the
Quran in Persian. Arabic was not very much understood in the sub continent
so translating Quran revived Quranic teachings in the subcontinent because
Muslims and also other people could understand Quranic teachings. Shah
Wali Ullah also wrote to all Muslim leaders in the subcontinent to unite and
defeat the Marathas it was partly due to his persuade that Ahmed Durrani
came to subcontinent and defeated the Marathas. Thus by writing letters he
decreased the non Muslim influence of Marathas and united Muslim leaders
which revived Islam in subcontinent. Shah Wali Ullah wrote several books
about 51. These books were extremely popular. These not only converted
many people to Islam and increase understanding of religion for Muslims of
Islam but also united the different Muslim sectarian such as the Shias and
Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi also played part in reviving Islam. He started
the Jihad Movement. The Jihad Movement was a Movement started by
Muslims to defeat the non Muslim oppressors. The Movement united all the
different Muslim against one common enemy. This showed the power of the
Muslims and united the Muslim community which spread Islam.
Haji Shariat Ullah started the Faraizi Movement. It indicated tht Muslims
should return to their religious teaching and perform their religious
obligations. This particularly became popular in Bengal and Muslims were
revived back to their religious teachings. His movement also united the
Muslims of Bengal.
However there were failures
Shah Wali Ullah was not able to bring Muslim power back to subcontinent
and Muslims were still being oppressed by Marathas who prevented them
from obeying there religions law.
Syed Ahmed eventually failed to defeat the British and the oppressing Sikhs
and Muslims once again returned to their torturing lives.
Haji Shariat Ullah could only bring rejuvenation in Bengal and so could not
reach the entire subcontinent. The failure of the Jihad Movements
discouraged Muslims to rise up against the enemy which weakened Islam.


Although every religious thinker was quite successful in spreading the

message amongst the people, Shah Wali Ullah through writings, Syed Ahmed
Shaheed Barelvi through his Jihad Movement and Haji Shariat Ullah through
his Faraizi movement, yet in my opionion Shah Wali Ullah was most
successful as his work was ever lasting and sowed a seed for the later
"Pakistan Movement".


There were many Muslims reformers at that time. SWU was one of them. He
believed that the Muslims were not able to understand Islam because they
werent able to understand the Holy Quran because it was in Arabic. He
translated Holy Quran from Arabic to Persian. Later it was translated to Urdu
by his sons. He wrote 51 books .They include Hujjatullah-ul Baligha and Izalat
al Akhfa. He also wrote an account on the four Caliphs of Islam to decrease
differences between Sunnis and Shias.(he also fought against the Marathas)
Another reformer was SASB. He was a man of action. He was a great Muslim
warrior. He gathered an army of mujahideen to fight against the Sikhs and
Ranjit Singhs forces. He did Jihad against the Ranjit Singh army at many
times. Although many people left him he still continued the fight against the
Sikhs. He fought the Battle of Balakot in 1831. It was the first example of a
movement formed to free Muslims from non Muslims leaders. It was a uniting
force for the Muslims and inspiration for future Muslims.
Another reformer was HSU. He believed that the country was now Dar-Ul
Harb where non Muslims ruled. He also believed that the Muslims had moved
away from true Islamic practice so he started a movement called the Faraizi
Movement. It supported the idea of Jihad Movement. The Faraizi Movement
was started to restore the pride of Muslims and remove non Muslim practices
in Islam. This Movement encouraged the Muslims. It brought a spiritual
revival. It also had much economic impact. The Bengal peasants became
united in opposition to the British and became aware of their rights and unity
became to grow between them and they realised their rights that should
have been given.
I think SWU was the most important reformer because he was one of the first
persons to realise the main thing of Muslims problems. He did the major
thing of translating Holy Quran to Persian so that more people could
understand it.

What did shah waliullah believed that it was essential in order to create
a good society?

A good and healthy society improves prosperity and development of

every single human being living in that society. shah waliullah believed that
the time has come to bring change in the current system adopted by the
subcontinent society as it has started its journey towards the downfall due to
weakness in its political system

Q: What did Shah Waliullah think were the main causes of the problems ofthe

During his time in Arabia, Shah

Waliullah thought deeply about the

problems faced by Muslims in the Mughal Empire. The Empire was in decline and
Muslims were disunited and vulnerable to attacks on their religion. Shah Waliullah
realized that reform could not come from the weak leadership in Delhi and that it
would come from within the Muslim community itself. He believed that many of
the problems resulted from their incomplete knowledge of Quran and about Islam
in general-and it was necessary that Quranic teachings become more accessible to
the people. A major problem for the Muslim community was the way it was
divided into sectarian groups, such as Sunnis and Shias. Shah Waliullah wanted
them to concentrate on the fundamental principles of Islam and put aside their
differences, believing that this would create a more united community. It was
essential to follow the moral and spiritual principles of Islam in order to create a
good society. Un-Islamic principles were not acceptable in any area of society,
whether politics, economy or just the day-to-day lives of the individual Muslims.
The religious reforms of shah wali ullah were the translation of the Holy Quran in
Persian, promotion of maddarsa rahimiya and the fight with marathas.
translation of the Holy Quran was the major important reform of shah
waliullah,was that the people were able to read and understand Quran very
well. Their knowledge of islam was now complete. Shah waliullah promoted
madrassa rahimiya because it taught people about islam and islamic teachings.
The promotion ofmadrassa rahimiya helped people alot.The fight with marathas
was also importantbecause Shah wali ullah made the muslims fight with a
common enemy, in otherwords he made the muslims united. To conclude my
answer i would like to say that religious reforms of shah wali ullah were very
important as it helped manymuslims then and later on. The most important
reform was the translation of theHoly Quran because muslims were now able to
read and understand Quran and theyeven followed it.

What influence did syed ahmed shaheed barelvi have in the revival of Islam?

Q: -What influence did syed ahmed shaheed barelvi have in the revival of Islam?

Answer :Syed Ahmed had a great influence in the revival of Islam.

He was the First person to fight against the foreign power and rule and the first example
in Indian history to free Muslims from the tyranny of foreign rule.
The jihad movement of Syed Ahmed is a uniting force for Muslims This movement was
not aimed to place a particular person on a throne but to achieve religious and spiritual
freedom. The fact that Syed Ahmed and his followers were prepared to die for their
cause was an inspiration to many Muslims.
This movement is also regarded as a very important move towards achieving an
independent and separate state for Muslims even though this was very ahead of that
time. Syed Ahmed's efforts were an inspiration to all Muslims in defending their religion
and culture. Those Muslims who in the future worked for a separate independent state
saw Syed Ahmed as an example because even he wanted a separate independent
state for the Muslims.

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