This chapter discusses job analysis, team analysis, and creating a flexible job environment. It covers approaches to job design like engineering and human factors. Job design options include job rotation, enlargement, and enrichment. The chapter also describes how to conduct a job analysis by defining tasks, positions, jobs, and occupations. It provides the key components of a job description and specification. Additionally, it addresses team analysis elements and designing flexible job arrangements through methods such as job sharing, telecommuting, and flexi-time.
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This chapter discusses job analysis, team analysis, and creating a flexible job environment. It covers approaches to job design like engineering and human factors. Job design options include job rotation, enlargement, and enrichment. The chapter also describes how to conduct a job analysis by defining tasks, positions, jobs, and occupations. It provides the key components of a job description and specification. Additionally, it addresses team analysis elements and designing flexible job arrangements through methods such as job sharing, telecommuting, and flexi-time.
This chapter discusses job analysis, team analysis, and creating a flexible job environment. It covers approaches to job design like engineering and human factors. Job design options include job rotation, enlargement, and enrichment. The chapter also describes how to conduct a job analysis by defining tasks, positions, jobs, and occupations. It provides the key components of a job description and specification. Additionally, it addresses team analysis elements and designing flexible job arrangements through methods such as job sharing, telecommuting, and flexi-time.
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This chapter discusses job analysis, team analysis, and creating a flexible job environment. It covers approaches to job design like engineering and human factors. Job design options include job rotation, enlargement, and enrichment. The chapter also describes how to conduct a job analysis by defining tasks, positions, jobs, and occupations. It provides the key components of a job description and specification. Additionally, it addresses team analysis elements and designing flexible job arrangements through methods such as job sharing, telecommuting, and flexi-time.
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Chapter 3
Job Analysis, Team Analysis,
Flexible Job Environment
Job Analysis, Team Analysis,
Flexible Job Environment
Essentials of Human Resource
Himalaya Publishing House Management and Industrial Relations P. Subba Rao Chapter 3 Job Analysis, Team Analysis, Flexible Job Environment
Job Design Approaches: Engineering
Job Characteristic
Job Design options:
Job Rotation Job Enlargement Job Enrichment Essentials of Human Resource Himalaya Publishing House Management and Industrial Relations P. Subba Rao Chapter 3 Job Analysis, Team Analysis,
Job Analysis Flexible Job Environment
Task: An action/Related group of Action to
produce a definite outcome Position: Group of Similar tasks Job: group of similar positions as to kind an level of work Occupation: Group of Similar Jobs found throughout the industry
Essentials of Human Resource
Himalaya Publishing House Management and Industrial Relations P. Subba Rao Chapter 3 Job Analysis, Team Analysis, Flexible Job Environment
Content of Job Description
Job Title Organizational Location of the job Supervision Given/Received Materials, tools, equipment Salary Levels List of Duties Conditions of Work Training/Promotions
Essentials of Human Resource
Himalaya Publishing House Management and Industrial Relations P. Subba Rao Chapter 3 Job Analysis, Team Analysis,
Job Specification Flexible Job Environment
Physical Specifications: Height, Vision,
health, age, Capacity to operate machines Mental Specifications: Ability to perform arithmetical, interpret data, informational blue prints, ability to handle variable factors, judgmental abilities, General intelligence, memory
Essentials of Human Resource
Himalaya Publishing House Management and Industrial Relations P. Subba Rao Chapter 3 Job Analysis, Team Analysis,
Team Analysis Flexible Job Environment
Team Design Team Description Team Specification Complementary Skills Flexibilities
Essentials of Human Resource
Himalaya Publishing House Management and Industrial Relations P. Subba Rao Chapter 3 Job Analysis, Team Analysis, Flexible Job Environment