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Program: PGDM Trimester: III
Course: Human Resource Code:
Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme
Classroom Practical/ Tutorials Credit Continuous Term End Examination
Session Group work Evaluation (TEE)
20 3 50% 50%
Course Rationale:
The course on Human Resource Management focuses on providing a broad overview of managing people
as a critical resource in an organization. Students are introduced to the application of human resource
policies and its administration. It explains and strengthens the alignment between the roles and
responsibilities of both human resource professionals as well as line managers.

Course Objectives:
1. To bring out the challenges of human resource management in various business situations
2. To familiarize the HR functions of recruitment, training, compensation, performance appraisal and
labor laws
3. To apply human resources models /frameworks to reflect critically on business specific contexts
4. To introduce the students to challenges in the human resources function from a global and Indian

Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the role of HRM in management and examine the human resource plan for an organization
2. Apply the knowledge of recruitment and selection process by - understanding the role requirement and
source of labor along with using selection tests and employment interviews
3. Analyze the performance management system by setting goals, evaluating performances and
conducting appraisal interviews.
4. Assess training needs, conduction and evaluation of training programs; pros and cons of different
training techniques
5. Appreciate the learnings about labor laws, trade unions and its implication with respect to business,
aspects of disciplinary procedure, and work related health and safety issues.

Case based analysis, group exercises, experiential learning activities, quizzes, role plays, presentations and
lecture method

 Human Resource Management, 14e, Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey, Pearson Publication, 2015

Reference Books:
 Managing Human Resources, 12e, George W. Bohlander, Arthur W. Sherman, Scott A. Snell, South
Western College, 2000
 Managing Human Resources, 8e, Luis R., Gomez-Mejia, David B., Balkin and Robert L., Cardy,
Pearson Higher Education, 2016
 Human Resource Management, 13e, Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson, Sean R. Valentine,
Cengage Learning, 2013
Links to websites:
 www.peoplematters.in
 www.hrvillage.com
 www.tvrls.com
 www.shrm.org
 www.nationalhrd.org

Evaluation Scheme (Tentative):

 Surprise Test 10%
 Presentations 15%
 Mid Term 25%
 Term-End Exam 50%
Total 100%

Session Plan:
Session Topics Learning Pedagogical Tool Textbook Chapters &
Outcomes Readings
1 Introduction to HRM  Understand Textbook:
 Evolution of HRM ing the role Chapter :
 Changing of HRM in Introduction to HRM
environment in the manageme
market place nt Article Discussion:
People before Strategy: A
New Role for the CHRO
# R1507D-PDF-ENG
Published 2015
2 Introduction to HRM Understanding Activity: Discussion Textbook:
 HR professional’s the role of line Based on Recent Chapter 1 : Introduction
role vis-à-vis Line manager and Employee Surveys to HRM
Manager’s Role the Functions (website link:
 Role of HR of HR http://www.greatpla
Function cetowork.in/)
 Competencies of
the HR
3 Human Resource Examine the Class Activity: Textbook:
Planning need for HRP Exercise on the Chapter 5 :
 Need for HRP in the planning process Human Resource
 HR Planning organization Planning
Process and its
4 Job Analysis Analyse jobs Class Activity: Textbook:
 Methods of Job using methods Exercise on Job Chapter 4:
Analysis of job analysis Analysis Job Analysis
 Job Description & and preparing
Job Specification job
5 Recruitment Formulate Case: Textbook:
 Recruitment strategies for Recruitment of a Chapter 5:
Strategy recruitment and Star Recruitment
 Recruitment Model identify the #407036-PDF-ENG
 Sources of right sources of Published 2006
Recruitment recruitment Revised 2007
6 Recruitment Analyse Textbook:
 Alternatives to alternatives for Chapter 5 :
Recruitment recruitment and Recruitment
 Special Kinds of looking into Article Discussion:
Recruitment special kinds of Maurer, SD and Liu, Y.
 Making recruitment (2007) Effective e-
Recruitment practices Recruitment Websites:
Effective Insights for Managers
from Marketers, Business
Horizons (2007)
7 Selection Apply the steps Class Activity: Textbook:
 Selection Process of selection and Types of Interviews Chapters 6 &7
 Selection Methods interview Structured, Selection
 Employment process Unstructured, BEI,
Interview Mock Interviews
and Feedback
8 Selection Analyse the Case: Textbook:
 Types of tests types of tests We Googled You Chapters 6& 7 :
 Work samples and for selection #R0706A-PDF- Selection
simulations and methods ENG Published
 Background check involved in 2007
and Reference selection HBS
9 Training and Examine the Case: Textbook:
Development need for Leadership Chapter 8:
 Orienting and training and the Development at Training and
Onboarding process Goldman Sachs Development
 Training Process involved #406002-PDF-ENG
 Training Methods training Published 2005
Revised 2007
10 Training and Examine the Exercise: Textbook
Development skills required Designing and Chapter 8:
 Designing Training for designing Developing a Training and
Content training content Training Development
 Training Delivery and the Programme.
 Evaluation of T&D methods
involved in
11 Performance Analyse the Case: Textbook:
Management performance Performance Chapter 9: Performance
 Elements of management Management at Management
Performance system along Haier (A)
Management with setting #IES340-PDF-ENG
System performance Published 2012
 Performance objectives Revised 2013
Planning: Setting HBS
12 Performance Analyse the Case: Textbook:
Management requirements of Firm-wide 360- Chapter 9: Performance
 Performance performance degree Performance Management
Evaluation – evaluation Evaluation Process
Methods process and the at Morgan Stanley
 Appraisal feedback #498053-PDF-ENG
Interview mechanism Published Feb.
Revised Oct. 1998
13 Career & Succession Examine career Case: Textbook:
Planning path in CEO Succession at Chapter 10:
 Career Paths organizations Cisco (A), (B) & Career Management
 Approaches to and understand (C)
Career succession #417031-PDF-
Development planning ENG,
 Career #417032-PDF-
Development ENG,
Interventions #417033-PDF-
Published 2016
14 Compensation Appreciate the Class Activity: Textbook:
Strategies and need for good Job Evaluation Chapters 11&12:
Elements compensation exercise Compensation
 Job Evaluation administration
 Executive by using job
Compensation evaluation in
 Pay for compensation
Performance decisions
15 Compensation Examine the Case: Textbook:
Administration, benefits plan Name your Price: Chapter 13:
Benefits and Services and its Compensation Benefits and Services
 Classification of classification Management at
Employee Benefits Whole Health
 Benefits Design Management (A)
and Administration #908064-PDF-ENG
Published 2008
Revised 2010
16 Employee Relations Appreciate the Documentary: Textbook:
and Employment importance and Bhopal Gas Chapter 2:
Law awareness Tragedy Labour Law –
 Overview of about labour https://www.youtub pp. 32-37,
Labour Laws laws; collective e.com/watch?v=Hs Chapters:
 Trade Unions & bargaining and uUQzhP2Ds 15 & 16:
Collective employee Employee Relations and
Bargaining safety and Employee Safety and
 Negotiation & health Health
 Occupational
Health and Safety
17 International HRM Appreciate Case: Textbook:
 HR Functions – HRM functions Accenture’s war for Chapter 17 :
Staffing, Training in multinational talent in India Managing Global Human
and maintaining organizations # 408095-PDF- Resources
employees abroad ENG
 Repatriation Published 2008
Revised 2011
18 HR in small firms Understanding Article Discussion: Textbook:
 Challenges of a the need for How Netflix Chapter 18:
small business HR in small reinvented HR Managing HR in small
 Leveraging small firms #R1401E-PDF- and entrepreneurial firms
size ENG
 Managing HR Published 2014
systems and HBS
19-20 Project Presentation Demonstrate Students
 Sensitizing the the learnings Presentation
issues related to and assess
human resource skills through
management in the live project
 Understanding
various functions
of HRM.
 Developing skill
set for HR

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