Calling all readers! We are looking for students to be part of the “First Reader’s Club.”
Students involved in the club will get to read new books to Gombert’s library before anyone
else gets to read them! It’s really simple to be involved! The First Reader’s Club will meet
only one time after school to discuss procedures on how they will pick books and write book
reviews on our catalog system. After our first meeting, students will read their books at their
leisure and write reviews on their own during LMC time. A special section of books in the
LMC will be set aside for students in our club. Once they have finished reading a book and
writing a review, a book plate will go on the inside cover of the book announcing that YOU
were the very first person at Gombert to read this book!
Here are the details:
Who: 3rd through 5th grade students who LOVE reading new books
(There is only space for 30 students for this semester—lottery system will be
used if necessary. In the event that a lottery system is used, we will let you
know through backpack mail if your student was chosen or not)
When: Thursday, September 30th from 3:35-4:30 pm the LMC/Computer Lab
This will be a one-time meeting to train students how to write a book review
that other students will see in our book catalog. Transportation after the club
will need to be arranged by the parents.
If you are interested, have your parents sign and return the slip below to your
classroom teacher by Friday, September 24th!