Machinery S Reference Series (No 001)
Machinery S Reference Series (No 001)
Machinery S Reference Series (No 001)
A Dollar's Worth of Condensed Information
Worm Gearing
Price 25 Cents
Calculating the Dimensions of Worm Gearing, by RALPH
oba for Worm-Gears, by JOHN EDGAR - 11
_ ... ted. Refinement in the Robbing of Worm- Wheels,
"The Location of the Pitch Circle in Worm Gearing, by
I'LANnERS - 18
Hiudley Worm and Gear, by JOHN EDGAR - - 31
~ of Self-Locking Worm-Gears. by C. F.
:n.e Industrial Press, 49-55 Lafayette Street, New York Publishers of MACHINERY
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This treatise is one unit in a comprehensive Series of Reference books originated by MACIUNERY, and including an jndefinite number of compact units, each covering one subject thoroughly. The whole series comprises a complete working library or mechanical literature in which the Mechanical Engineer, the Master Mechanic, the Designer, the Machinist and Tool-maker will finel the special information he wishes to secure, selected, carefully revised and condensed for him. Tbf' books are sold singly or in complete sets, as may be desired. The price of each boo/Is 25 cents.
(SeB In. Ide b .. ck cov •• fOr addltlon.l tltl •• )
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No.1. Worm Gearing.-Cnlcul:ttlng mmensrona for Worm Gearrng : fIll' 'Norm Gears; Location of Pitch Cl rclv:
Self-Locking Worm Gearing, etc.
No. a. Drafting-Boom P r act i 0 e .Drnf'tf ng-Ruom System: 'I'ru cl ng, Let te-rillg and Mounting; Card Index System:;.
No.3. Dr1ll Jigll.-Elementary Prln('iples of Drill Jigs; Drilling Jig Plates: l·:xampl.·s nf Drill Jigs; Jig Bu ah l ng s : l]>;ing JJgs to Best Advantage.
No.4. M1lling P1xtnreB.-Elementar~· Prf ncf ple s of Milling Fixtures; Col lect lcn of Exa m p les of MJJling Ff xt ure Design. from practice.
No.5. Pirst Principles of Theoretical Mechanics.
No.6. Punch and Die Work.-Prin('ip1_ of Punch and Die Work; Suggestions for the Making and Use ot Dies; Examples of Die and Punch Design.
No.7. Lathe and Planer Tools.-Cutting Tools for Planer and Lathe; Boring' ""018; Shape of Standard Shop Tools; j"nrmlng '1'ools.
No.8. working Dra.wings and Dr. ftIng·Boom Kinkll.
No.9. Designing and Cutting Cams.I>rnfUng of Cams; Cam Cur"p,,: Cam Dt'~hm and Cnrn Cutting; Sn~Ke"LI(jn" in ("'am Malting.
. No. 10. Examplell of Practice.-Cu tting Bevel '''''Y Cu t ter-s : Maldng RpinJle Constructiun.
No. 11. Bearings~D(>sllm r.f Bea rlng~; Calise" of Hot Beru+nc s ; Alloys for Beu rf n g s ; F'ric t iori a nd Lu lrr icn t inn ; F'rtct.lon of Roller Bearings.
No. 12. Mathematic. of Machine Deslgn.-Compiled with special )'o·,r"l'f'llI·P t., ,..hafting and effi<-il'ney of hol"tin~ mrrchtne ry.
No_ 13. Blanking Diu.-Maklug Blanking Dies: Bta nk iug' and Ph'rdng Dies:
Consrtr-uct ion of Split Dips; N'H·"I ld",o9 In Die Making.
No. 14. Detailll of Machine Tool neaign.-Cone Pulleys and Bells; Slro:ngth of Countershut'ts ; Tumbler r,"ar De sf g n ; Faults of Iron Caat lng s.
No. 15. S pur Gearinll'.-Dim('n"'ion~; Design; Strength; Durability.
No. 16. Ma.chlne Tool Drives.-Sppe<ls nnd Feeds of ~lachlne 'I'ool s : Geared or !'lIngle Pufley Drf ves ; Drh''':' ror High Speed Cutting Tools.
Iro. 17. Strength of Cylinders-Formulas, Charts, and Diagrams.
No. 18. Shop Arithmetic for the Ma· chini.t.-Tapel'a; Chu"!;,, Cpars; Cut t lng
Machine Shop Gears with Ron. ,Yorm-Gear;
Speed .. ; Feeds; Indexing: Gearing for Cutting Spirals; Angles.
No. 19. V.e of Formulas in MechaniclI. -'VIlIl numerous applications.
No. ao. S}tlral Gearing.-Rules, Formulas, and Diagrams, etc,
No. al. Mealluring Toola.-History and Deve lopmeu t of Standard Mea aurerncn ts ; Sll""lal Ca lt pr-r s : Compasses; Micromet"l' Tools; Prutractors, etc.
No. 22. Calcnlation of Elements of Machine Dealgn.-Factor of SafHy; Strength of' Bolts; Riveted Joints; l(PYs
and Keyways; Toggle-joints. ,
No. 23. Theory of Crane Deslgn.-Jlb Cra nes ; a lcu lat.ion of Shaft, near~, and Rearlngs; Force Required to MO\'e Crn ne Trolleys; Pillar Cranes.
No. a4. Exa.mples of Calculating DesignB.-Charts In Designing; Punch and Riveter F'r ames ; Shi>ar Frames; Billet and Bar Passes; etc.
No. 25. Deep Bole DrUling~:\lelhods or Drilling; Construction of Drills.
No. a6. Modern Punch and Die Construction.-COI1Sll'lIction and Use of Subprexs DI",,: Mode ru Blanking Die Cou-
st ructtou; Drawing a nd Forming Dies.
No. a7. Locomotive DeSign, Part 1.- t Boilers, Cylinders. PIpes and Pistons.
No. 28. Locomotive Design, Part IT.Stephens"" Vu lvr- Mottnn: Theory. Culeulu t ion and Dl"'sign f'lf Vn lve ).1otioll; Th~ Wa lschucrt.s I'al"e Motiull.
No. 29. Locomotive Design, Part TlT. -Sm(lkebox; Exhaust Pipe; Fran",,.;:
C)'O}l.S-heHds; GlIid~ Bars: eonnectfJl)~'-rll\lx:
Cru uk-pl ns ; Ax le s ; l.)rl\'ing-whu~ls.
No. 30. Locomotive Desll!'l1, P,nt 1\',Rprings, 'I'ruclo-. Cub anti Tendt'l'.
No. 31. Screw Thread ToollI and Gages. No. 32. Screw Tbread Cuttlnll'.-T .a tt o Chunu e Gt'ars; '1'111'",,<1 'J'uvh:: Kinks.
No. 33. Systems and Practice of the Drafting-Boom.
No. 34. Care and Bepalr of Dyn;l.LlOII a.nd Motora.
No. 35. Tables and Formulas for Shop and Drafting-Boom.-Thc 1'1'" of Formulas: Sol"tlon of TrinnglNi; Strength of Mat or la ls ; Gf>nrhlg: S("~ew Th!"f~n.]l'I: 'rap Drillr-;; Prill SiZes: THp._'r~; I-\:t'Y:-:; JiJ.!· Bushings, t'lt:.
No. 36. Iron and Steel.-Prindpl(>~ of ~(:lIll,facturc uud '1·J't'atnll'n-t.
No. 37. Bevel Gearing.-Rl11o>s and!
Formulas; Exarnp lcs (If ('"I<-ul:ltiou: 'l'ooth Outlines; Stren~th and DuralJlHty; Dos ign : ~[etl,otls or Cu tt i Ilg 'l'cdh.
No. 38. oOrlnding and Grinding Machine •.
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THIRD EDITlON-rum~~~~ .• ~~GED
Calculating the Dimensions of Worm Gearing, by RALPH
Bobs for Worm-Gears, by JOHN EDGAR 11
Suggested Refinement in the Hobbing of Worm-Wheels,
The Location of the Pitch Circle in Worm Gearing, by OSCAR E. PERRIGO, JOHN EDGAR and RALPH E.
The Hindley Worm and Gear, by JOHN EDGAR - 31
The Design of Self-Locking Worm-Gears, by C. F. BLAKE 39
Copyrlgbt. 1910. Tbe lodWltrlal Press, I'ubtlabors of YACDlSEKY, 49-1111 Lafayette Street. ~('w York City
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The present chapter contains a compllation of rules for the calculation of the dimensions of worm gearing, expressed with as much stmpUcity and clearness as possible. No attempt has been made to give rules for estimating the strength or durablllty of worm gearing, although the question of durablllty, especially. is the determining factor in the design of worm gearing. If the worm and wheel are so proportioned as to have a reasonably long Ufe under normal working conditions, it may be taken for:.~~Jlted~ t! the ~U1. are strong enough for the load they have to fl~At: N!l ,a1mpieru1E:i&J~je ever been proposed for proportioning worm . g~arins: to, 'SUI~· tbe' service It Is
.M.c.W....,. If. r.
PIli'. 1. DI.t1Dotlon between tb. TenD. Lead _d LInear PItch a.
Applied to Worm.
J .
designed for. Judgment and experience are about the only factors the designer has for guidance. In Europe. a number of bullders are regularly manufacturing worm drives. guaranteed for a given horse-power at a given speed. The dimensions of these drives are not made publtc, however; they would doubtless be of great value for purposes of comparison If they could be obtained. In the absence of these or other practical data. this phase of the subject has. of necessity. not been entered upon.
Detlnitions and Rules for Dimensions of the Worm
In giving names to the dimensions of the worm, there Is one point in which there is sometimes confusion. This relates to the distinction between the terms "pitch" and lead." In the following we wlll adhere to the nomenclature indicated in Fig. 1. Here are shown three worms. the first single-threaded, the second double-threaded. and the
• M~CH1NJ:R\,. AUgtIRt. 1007.
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last triple-threaded. AB shown. the word "lead" IB assumed to mean the dlBtance which a given thread advances, In one revolution of the worm, while by "pitch," or more strtctly, "llnear pitch," we mean the dlBtance between the centers of two adjacent threads, AB IDay be clearly seen, the lead and llnear pitch are equal for a atngle-threaded worm. For a double-threaded worm the lead IB twice the linear pitch, and for a triple-threaded worm It IB three ttmes the llnear pitch. From thlB we have:
RULE 1. To flnd the lead 01 a worm, multiply the linear pitch bll the number 01 thread •.
It Is understood, of course, that by the number of threads IB meant, not the number of threads per Inch, but the number of threads In the whole worm-one, If It Is single-threaded, four, If It IB quadruplethreaded, etc. Rule 1 may be transposed to read as folloWB:
RULE 2. To find the Unear pitch 01 a worm. divide the lead fill the number 01 threada.
The Btandar~ !or.m. 01 ~orV\.t.b~ad, measured In an adal section .. : ~ .. . ... : .. :.: .::::
.:::.:- .. ::'.:."\1::.: 0
I •.. ..~ " ....r-ANOLE OF 1101 OF TOOTH, UeUALLY '4J.{ =- e .. .. -.'"
••• 1 •
.. . . "
• • ~ .',: AO: E:~A!i'
M.t.b''''r. N. r;
as shown In Fig. 2, has the same dlmenstons as the standard form of Involute rack tooth of the same linear or circular pitch. It iB not of exactly the same shape, however. not being rounded at the top, nor provided with filletB. The thread iB cut with a stralght-stded tool, having a square, fiat end. The sides have an inclination with each other of 29 degrees, or 14¥.! degrees with the center line. The follow. Ing rules give the dimensions of the teeth In an axial section for vartous linear pltches. For nomenclature, Bee Fig. 2.
RULE 3. To find the whole depth 01 the worm tooth. multipl/l the linear pitch b1l 0.6866'.
RULE 4. To find the width 01 the thread tool at the end, multiplll the linear pitch b1l 0.31.
RULE 5. To find the addendum or height of worm tooth ab01:e the pitch line. multipl1l the linear pitch b1l 0.3183.
RULE 6. To find the outside diameter of the worm. add together the pitch diameter and tictre the addendum.
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RULE 7. To find the pitch diameter of the worm, subtract twice tlae addendum from the out, ide diameter.
RULE 8. To find the bottom diameter of the worm, ,ubtract twice tbe whole depth of tooth from the outsitle diameter.
RULE 9. To find the helix angle of the worm and the glJlhing angle of the toOrm-wheel tooth, multipl1l thl! pitch diameter of the worm bJl 3.1416. and divide the protluct b1l t he lead; the quotient i, the cotangent o( the tooth angle of the 'Worm.
Rules tor Dimensioning ths Worm-Wheel
The dimensions of the worm-wheel, named In the diagram shown in Fig. 3, are derived from the number of teeth determined upon for It,
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Pltr. 8. NomeDclature of Worm·wbeel Dlmenaton.
and the dimensions of the worm with which It is to mesh. The totlowIng rules may be used:
RULE 10. To find the pitch diameter of the worm-wheel, multipl1l th~ number of teeth in the wheel b1l the linear pitch of the worm, and divide the product bJl 3.1416.
RULE 11. To find the th, oat diameter of the worm-1Oheel, adtl twiu the addendum of the worr.: tooth to the pitch diameter 01 the war". wheel.
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RULE 12. To lind the ra4;u, of cu,."ature of the worm-wheel throot, ,ubtract t1Dice the ad4en4um of the tDOrm tooth from half the out,~ diameter of the worm.
The face angle of the wheel Is arbitrarily selected; 60 degrees Is a good angle, but it may be made as high as 80 or even 90 degrees, though there Is ltttle advantage In carrying the gear around so great a portion of the circumference of the worm, especially In steep pitches.
RULE 13. To find the diameter of the worm-wheel to ,harp corner., multiplv the throot radiu. bv the co.ine of half the face angle, .ubtract thi. quantit, from the throot radiu., multiplv the remainder bV 2. an4 add the product to the throat diameter of the worm-wheel.
If the sharp corners are flattened a trUle at the tops, as shown In Figs. 3 and 6, this dimension need not be tlgured, "trimmed diameter" being easlly scaled from an accurate drawing of the gear.
There Is a simple rule which, rightly understood, may be used for obtaining the velocity ratio of a pair of gears of any form, whether spur, spiral, bevel, or worm. The number of teeth of the driven gear, divided by the number of teeth of the driver, wUl give the velocity ratio. For worm gearing this rule takes the following form:
RULE 14. To fin4 the velocit., ratio of a worm and worm-wheel, divide the number of teeth in the wheel bV the number of thread. in the worm.
Be sure that the proper meaning Is attached to the phrase "number ot threads" as explained betore under Rule 1. The revolutions per minute ot the worm, divided by the velocity ratio, gives the revolutions per minute of the worm-wheel.
RULE 15. To find the di.tance between the center of the wormwheel and the center of the worm, add together the pitch diameter of the worm and the pitch diameter of the worm-wheel. and 4ivide the .um bV 2.
RULE 16. To find the pitch diameter of the worms. subtract the pitch diameter of the worm-wheel from t1Dice the center 4istance.
The worm should be long enough to allow the wheel to act on It as far as It wlll. The length ot the worm required tor this may be scaled from a carefully-made drawing, or it may be calculated by the tollowIng rule:
RULE 17. To find the minimum length of worm lor complete action with the worm-wheel, subtract four time. the addendum 0/ the worm thread from the throat diameter of the wheel, square the remainder, and .ubtract the result from the square of the throat diameter of the wheel. The square root Of the result is the minimum length of worm advisable.
The length ot the worm should ordinartly be longer than the dimension thus tound. Hobs, particularly. should be long enough for the largest wheels they are ever Ilkely to be called upon to cut.
Depa.rtures trom the Above Rules
The throat diameter or the wheel and the center distance may have to be altered In some cases from the figures given by the preceding
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rules. If worm-wheels with small numbers of teeth are made to the dimensions given, It will be found that the flanks of the teeth will be partly cut away by the tops of the hob teeth, so that the full bearIng area Is not available. The matter becomes serious when there are less than 25 teeth In the worm-wheel. There are two ways of avoiding the dlftlculty. One of them Is to Increase the Included angle of the sides of the thread tool. Thl(! departure from standard form, however, may be avoided by an Increase In the throat diameter of the wheel, and consequently In the center distance. Discussions of this subject wlll be found In "Formulas In Gearing," and "Practical Treatise on Gearing," both published by the Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Co., Providence, R. 1.
On the other hand, some designers claim to get better results In eftIelency and durabll1ty by making the throat diameter of the wormwheel .maner than standard, where It Is possible to do so without too much under-cuttlng. A discussion of this subject will be found In Chapter IV of this treatise. In no case, however, should the throat diameter ever be made so small as to produce more Interference than Is met with In a standard 25-tooth worm-wheel.
Two Applications or Worm Gearing
Worm-wheels are used for two purposes. They may be employed to transmit power where It Is desired to make use of the smoothness of action which they give, and the great reduction In velocity of which they are capable; Instances of this application of worm gearing are found In the spindle drives of gear cutters and other machine tools. They are also used where a great Increase In the effective power Is required; In this case advantage Is generally taken of the posslblllty of making the gearing self-locking. Such service Is usually Intermittent or occasional, and the matter of waste of power Is not of so great Importance as In the first case. Examples of this application are to be found In the adjustments of a great many machine tools, In trainIng and elevating gearing for ordnance, etc. Calculations for the general design of this class of gearing wlll be treated separately. (See Chapter VI.> In the case of elevator gearing and worm feeds for machinery, the functions of the gearing are, In a measure, a combination of those In the two applications.
Examples or Worm Gearing Figured from the Ruletl
To show how the rules given above may be applied, we will work out two examples. The first of these is for a light machine tool spindledrive, In which power Is to be transmitted continuously. It Is determined that the velocity ratio shall be 8 to 1, and that the proper linear pitch to gIve the strength and durability required shall be about % Inch; the center distance Is required to be 5 Inches exactly. This case comes under the first of the two applications Just described.
Assume, for Instance, 32 teeth In the wheel, and a quadruple-thread worm. We wllI figure the gearing with these assumptions, and see if It :lppears to have practical dimensions.
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The pitch diameter of the worm-wheel by Rule 10 Is found to be 32 X~.
--- = 7.6394 inches. 3.1416
The pitch diameter of the worm by Rule 16 Is found to be (2 X 5) - 7.6394 = 2.3606 Inches.
The addendum of the worm thread by Rule 5 Is found to be 0.3183 X % = 0.2387 Inch.
The outside diameter of the worm by Rule 6 Is found to be 2.3606 + (2 X 0.2381) = 2.8380 Inches.
For transmission gearing the angle of Inclination of the worm thread should be not less than 18 degrees or thereabouts, and the nearer 30 or even 40 degrees It Is, the more efficient wlll It be. From Rule 1 we flnd the lead to be 4 X * = 3 Inches.
The hellx angle of the worm thread Is found from Rule 9, 2.3606 X 3.1416 -!- 3 = 2.4722 = cot. 22 degrees, approximately. This angle wlll give fairly satisfactory results. The calculations are not carried any further with this problem, whose other dimensions are determined from those just found. In the following case, however, all the calculations are made.
For a second problem let It be required to design worm feed gearing for a machine to utilize a hob already In stock. This hob Is doublethreaded, liz Inch linear pitch, and 2¥J Inches diameter. The center distance of the gearing Is Immaterial, but It Is decided that the wormwheel ought to have about 45 teeth to bring the ratio right. The only calculations made are those necessary for the dimensions which would appear on the shop drawing.
To find the lead, use Rule 1: 0.5 X 2 = 1.0 Inch.
To find the whole depth of the worm tooth, use Rule 3: 0.5 X 0.6866 = 0.3433 Inch.
To lind the addendum, use Rule 5: 0.5 X 0.3183 = 0.15915 Inch.
To find the pitch diameter of the worm, use Rule 7: 2.5 - 2 X 0.10915 = 2.1817 Inches.
To flnd the bottom diameter of the worm, use Rule 8: 2.5 - 2 X 0.3433 = 1.8134 Inch.
To lind the gashing angle of the worm-wheel, use Rule 9: 2.18 X :t.14 -!- 1 = 6.845 = cot. 8 degrees 20 minutes, about.
To lind the pitch diameter of the worm-wheel, use Rule 10: 45 X 0.5 -!- 3.1416 = 7.1620 Inches.
To find the throat diameter of the worm-wheel, use Rule 11: 7.1620 + 2 X 0.15915 = 7.4803 inches.
To find the radius of the throat of the worm-wheel, use Rule I?' ( -!- 2) - (2 X 0.15915) =0.9317 Inch.
The angle of face may be arbitrarily set at, say, 75 degrees, In this ease. The "trimmed diameter" Is scaled from an accurate drawing and proves to be 7.75 Inches.
To find the distance between centers of the worm and wheel, use Rule 15: (2.1817..J... 7.1620) -+- 2 = 4.6718 Inches.
To find the minimum length of threaded portion of the worm, use
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CALCULATING THE DIMENSIONS Rule 17: 7.4803 - 4 X 0.15916 = 6.8437
v 7.4803' - 6.8437' = 3 Inches. approximately.
It wlll be noted that the ends of the threads In Fig. 2 are trimmed at an angle Instead of being cut square down, as In Fig. 1. This gives a more finished look to the worm. It is easily done by applying the sides of the thread tool to the blank just before threading, or It may be done as a separate operation In preparing the blank, which w1ll In either ease have the appearance shown In Fig. 4. The small diameters at either end of the blank In Fig. 4 should, In any event, be turned exactly to the bottom diameter shown In Fig. 2, and obtained by Rule 8. This Is of great assistance to the man who threads the worm,
MIIUA-"'-'"r,li.r • .,... 4. Shape of BlaDk for Worm
as he knows that the threads are sized properly as soon as he has cut down to this diameter with the end of his thread tool. This always supposes, of course, that the thread tool Is accurately made.
Formula.s tor the Des1gn ot Worm Gea.ring
For the convenience of those who prefer to have their rules compressed Into formulas, they are so arranged In the following. The reference letters used are as follows:
!Ii = Dumber ot teeth In worm-wheel.
n =number of teeth or threads In worm.
P' = circular pitch of wheel and linear pitch of worm. l = lead of worm.
g = whole depth ot worm tooth.
t' = wtdth ot the thread tool at the end.
s = addendum or height ot worm tooth above pitch line. o = outside diameter of the worm.
d = pitch diameter of the worm.
b = bottom or root diameter of the worm.
fJ = heltx angle ot worm and gashing angle of wheel. a = face-angle of worm-wheel.
D = pitch diameter of the worm-wheel.
o = throat diameter of the worm-wheel.
0' = diameter of the worm-wheel to sharp corners. U = ,radius of curvature of the worm-wheel throat.
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R = velocity ratio.
C = distance between centers. z = threaded length of worm.
I=n X P'
(J = 0.6866 P' t'= 0.31 P' 8=0.3183 P' o=d + 28 d=o-28 b=~-2q
\.1 ~;t (. I I 1,//
T,' "II j,
(/(,,:<g,I'./"'/,,"7. or'--~
j k;o ';.'/'/.,:;
J. it. -K.~ •• y~~. Yo' _.
- I ~ I,;
-;..'! I
i ~ , I
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
';' I
. ~~~~+ '-I
WORM DOUBLE. A. H • LEAD = 1,000,1
LlfliEAR PITCH-=O. aoo"
Fla. II. Model Dr"wlna of Worm Alld Worm·wheel
Cotangent {J = 3.141Sd + I (9)
D=NP'+3.1416 (10)
O=D + 28 (11)
U=lhO-2B (12)
0' = 2 (U - U cos 0/2) + 0 (13)
R=N-+-n (14)
C=(D+d)-+-2 (15)
d=2C-D (16)
Minimum value of z = v 0'- (0 - 48)' (17)
WIdth of worm-wheel at root of teeth = 0.60 (approx.) (18)
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A model drawing of a worm-wheel and worm, properly dimensioned, is shown in Fig. 5. This drawing follows, in general, the model drawings shown by Mr. Burllngame in the August, 1906, issue of MACHINERY, taken from the drafting-room practice of the Brown &: Sharpe Mfg. Co. In cases where the worm-wheel is to be gashed on the milllng machine before hobbing, the angle at which the cutter is set should also be given. This is the same as the angle of worm tooth found by Rule 9. In cases where the wheel is to be hobbed directly from the soUd by a positively geared hobbing machine, this information is not needed. It might be added that it is impracticable with worm-wheels having less than 16 or 18 teeth to gash the wheel, and then hob it when running freely on centers, if the throat diameter has been determIned by Rule 11.
When worms have a large helix angle (15 degrees or more). the dimensions of the tooth should be measured at right angles to the helix. In such cases, the follOWing changes should be made in the formulas just given.
Let p'. = normal circular pitch = P' COB {3.
Formulas (3), (4), and (5), and the corresponding rules, should
then be written as follows:
fJ = 0.6866 P' n t' =0.31 r-,
8 = 0.3183 P' n
(3) (4) (5)
When these changes are made, all the other formulas will give correct results when used In their original form.
If a worm and gear of standard proportions are brought into mesh. we have at the bottom of both the thread of the worm and teeth of the gear a clearance equal to one-tenth of the thickness of the thread or tooth at the pitch line. The clearance at the root of the gear tooth is obtained by enlarging the hob over the diameter of the worm, by an amount equal to two clearances, while the clearance of the tooth In the thread bottom is taken care of by the proper sizing of the gear blank.
While It may be customary practice to make the hob an exact duplicate of the worm except In the one item of outside diameter, a hob proportioned as suggested In Fig. 7 Is recommended as one that will give much more satisfactory results. and be found to be well worth any additional trouble In construction required beyond that for the stylp. ordinarily used. The pecullar feature of this hob is that It is an
• H4CBllRBY.>r. 11)07.
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exact opposite of the worm with respect to the proportions of the thread shape; the depth below the pitch line In one case being equal to the height above the pitch Une in the other. The object of this is to have a hob that wlll form the complete outline of the tooth and make It absolutely certain that the standard proportions of tooth and clearance are obtained. Thus, should the diameter of the blank be large, the hob will trim off the top of the gear teeth to the proper length, when the proper center distance Is maintained.
There Is another point that Is generally overlooked, and that Is the necessity for having the corners of the thread rounded over, and for providing a Uberal fillet at the root of the thread. The radII of the rounded corner and the fillet may be as large as the clearance wlll allow, which would be one-twentieth of the circular pitch of the thread.
The effect that this fillet and rounded thread have on the shape of
.......... x.r.
PIjr. e. DIm .... lo ... of Worm
the tooth Is something that greatly increases the quality of the gear and the strength of each individual tooth. The rounded corner on the thread points does away with any tendency to scratch the surface of the tooth In the cutting action, and leaves a much larger fillet at the root, greatly increasing the strength. The fillet at the bottom of the thread rounds off the top of the tooth In the worm-gear, removing any burrs, and leaving a nicely finished product. This fillet also removes the dangerous tendency o'f the hob to develop cracks In the hardening process-a common source of trouble even where care Is taken. Fig. 6 shows the proportions of the worm In comparison with the hob In Fig. 7.
In forming the hob, much can be gained by making a special form tool of correct proportion that wlll leave no chance for error; the only dimension needing care then, is the diameter. Such a tool is shown In Fig. 9. The figure il dimensioned by formulas, so that a tool for any pitch can be easily proportioned from It. This tool may be made by using a gear caliper without resorting to the protractor, or the protractor may be used in laying out the angle. This tool may be made without side clearance, providing that the sides incilne in the same direction and at the same angle that the thread takes, but under ordinary circumstances, where only one hob Is to be made, little Is gained by having no side clearance. Clearance may be made
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from 5 to 10 degrees from the angle of the thread. Grinding a tool like this of course changes Its form, so it must not be used Indefinitely In making large numbers of simUar hobs.
Number or Flutes in Hobs
The number of flutes that should be provided in the hob Is a point on which very little is said, various authorities differing widely. Where the hob is to be used in an automatic hobblng machine In which the hob and blank are positively geared together, the number of fiutes may be a comparatively small number as compared with a hob that Is to be used in connection with ordinary processes of bobbing worm gears. In the process In whIch the prevIously gashed worm-gear blank is swung loosely on centers and revolved by the hob as the latter rotates, the hob should have a larger number of fiutes.
A rule that checks up well with present practice Is as follows:
To find the number 01 trute. in a hob. multiplll m« diameter of the hob bll three, and dtvide bll twice the circular pitch.
The above rule gives suitable results on hobs for general purposes.
PIa. 7. Dlmenalon. or Bob
Fla. B.
When the result gives an odd number of. teeth, take the next smaller even number, to facilitate callperlng.
Some authorities on worm-gearing state that the number of fiutes In a hob should In no case be 'an exact multiple of the number of threads. Their reason for this rule is that the hob so gashed wlll produce a much smoother tooth and one nearer correct In shape. because no tooth in the hob passes the same tooth In the gear twice in succession. so that any llttle Imperfections In shape of the individual hob teeth are counteracted by one another. Another authority Is strong in hIs advice not to have the circumferentIal dIstance from flute to flute equal to or equally divisible by the circular pitch, for the same reason as stated regarding the former rule. From these statements, It Is seen that to obtain a rule that would be at once simple and yet take all conditions into consideration, would be a diftlcult proposition. It seems, however, that only the first of these two rules is a logical one. Owing to the fact that hobs have teeth only, instead of full surfaces matching the worm. the curved outlines of the wheel teeth are merely approximated by a series of tangents. If the number of fiutes in the hob is a multiple of the number of threads, the hob teeth will "track" after each other, giving wheel teeth
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only roughly approximated by a comparatively small number of long tangents.
The cutter used in gashing the hob should be about 1h inch thick at the periphery for hobs of ordinary pitch, while for those of coarser pitch a cutter l.4, inch 'thick would be much better. The width of the gash at the periphery of the hob should be about two-fifths the pitch of the flutes. The cutter should be sunk into the blank so that it reaches from 3/16 to 1,4 Inch below the root of the thread. Fig. 8 shows an end view of a hob gashed according to these rules.
Where a hob is to be used to any great extent, and is subject to much wear. it would be advisable to increase the diameter above the
... ..,-I ,
Fig. g. Dimensions of Tool ~ for Threo.d1Dg Hob
Fig.IO. The Dl.trsr8noe in Sbape of Teeth Out by New and Old. Hoba
I . I
, I
dimensions given from 0.010 to 0.030 inch according to its diameter and pitch, to allow for decrease in diameter due to the relief, and caused by grinding back the cutting face in sharpening.
Hobs are generally fluted parallel with the axis, but it is obvious that they should be gashed on a spiral at right angles with the thread helix in order that the cutting face may be presented with theoretical correctness; but the trouble encountered in relieving the teeth on the ordinary backing off attachment is the cause of the common mode of fluting. When the pitch or lead is coarse in comparison with the pitch diameter of the hob, so that the angle is correspondingly steep, It may be best to flute on the normal helix, and if the hob cannot be machine relieved, it may be backed off by hand.
The amount of relief depends much on the use for which the bob is intended. A hand hob for hobbing a gear in position may be made with little or no relief, while bobs used on hobbing machines may have much more relief than those used on the milling machine.
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At the left of F'Ig, 10 Is a sectional view showing a hob In the act of putting the last finishing touches on a worm-wheel. The hob Is supposed to be a new one and is shown in the condition It is in when first received from the makers. At the right of Fig. 10 is shown the same hob putting the finishing touches on a worm-wheel similar to that In the first case. The hob In this case Is represented as having been in use tor a considerable time. and having been ground down to the last extremity, ready to be discarded for a new one. A study of this cut will show that if the hob is made in the first place to properly match the worm which is to drive the wheel, It will not, when worn, cut exactly the proper form of tooth In the blank to mesh with that worm. The teeth are cut to the same depth in each case, this being necessary In order to make a proper fit with the worm, which Is the same in each case and Is set at the same center distance. The grinding away of the worn hob has reduced Its diameter by an amount indicated by dimension b. Its center is therefore at P on the line A B, which Is offset by a distance represented by dimension II from the line a D on which the center 0 of the new hob Is located. This reduction In diameter as the hob Is ground away tram time to time. so evidently follows from the construction of the relieved hob. that It scarcely needs to be explained.
It Is said of relieved hobs that they can be ground without changing their shape. This Is true so far as the outline of the cutting edge Is concerned, but It will be evident on examining the conditions shown at the right hand of Fig. 10, that whatever the outline of the cutting edges, a new hob of radius R will not cut exactly the same shape teeth In the blank as the worn hob with radius Y. The elements of the tooth surface it generates are struck from a center P. removed by dimension II trom center 0' which Is the location of the axis of the worm with which It meshes.
It Is possible, and perhaps practicable. to overcome this slight error; that Is, to so design and use the hob that It will cut as correct teeth when worn as when new. In Fig. 11. dotted line A A represents the outlines ot a new hob in the act ot finishing the worm-wheel shown. Were a hob, ground as shown at the right of Fig. 10, to be substituted on the arbor for this new hob, without altering the adjustment of the machine except to move the hob endwise and bring It In contact with the teeth of the wheel on one side, this hob would be represented In Fig. 11 by the full line B B. It Is evident that the left-hand cutting ('dges of this hob coincide (to the depth they extend Into the wheel) with those of the new hob represented by outline A A. They will,
• l14CHIIfEUY. May, 1907.
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therefore, so far as they extend, cut identically similar and correct tooth curves with the new hob.
Teeth cut with this worn hob would, however, evidently have two faults. The space would be too narrow at the pitch Une by a distance measured by dimension m, and they would not be cut deep enough In the blank by a distance measured by dimension n. Our problem is to so alter the design and appUcation of the hob, that. even when worn, we can cut the teeth deep enough and the space wide enough.
Fig. 12 shows these conditions fulfilled. Dotted line C C shows the outllne of the proposed hob when new. The only difference between the proposed hob and the regular one, whose outlines are shown by the dotted line A A in Fig. 11, is that the teeth have been lengthened by an amount equal to dimension o. The hob Is fed In as was the case with the new hob In Fig. 11 untll the distance between Its center Une and that of the blank Is the same as that between the center Hne of the worm and the wheel in the finished machine. The Increase in
PIli' 11. CUttiDII' ActioD of ol'dlDazT Hob at Flxed Center Dl.taDoe. wben New aDd _beD Worn
Pia" 111. CutttDII' ACtiOD or Pro· po •• d Hob, wben New aDd wheD Old
radius, then, by an amount 0, makes the hob cut a clearance deeper than Is necessary b'y that amount. In a spur gear this would doubtless be a bad thing, since it would make the tooth slenderer and therefore weaker. A worm-gear, however, If designed to be sufficiently durable for continuous use, Is almost certain to be several times stronger than necessary. so that the sUght weakening involved In the change Is not of great Importance. When the hob Is worn to the shape shown by the full outline D D, the hob is evidently of the same diameter as the new one In Fig. 11, represented by dotted outllne A A. Our tooth space, however, as before explained; will be too narrow by the amount m in Fig. 11 or p In Fig. 12. To widen It out sufficiently. It is therefore necessary for us, after the hob has been fed in to the proper depth. to stlll continue the cutting action, feeding the hob endwise, however. until It has been displaced to the position indicated by outUnes D' D'. The resulting tooth Is evidently Identical with that given by the new hob A A In Fig. 11.
It wlll be understood that when the hob In Fig. 12 is new, It will not have to be shifted end-wise at all, since It wlll cut a tooth space of the proper width as soon as fed to depth. It wlll. however, cut a space deeper than necessary by an amount o. The worn hob, on the other hand, has to be shifted longitudinally by an amount p and cuts to exactly the required depth. These represent the two extreme con-
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<!Itlons. When the hob Is halt worn, the excess clearance wlll be equal to halt of 0, and the longitudinal displacement necessary wlll be equal to half of p.
Wblle the change In the design of the bob could be made easily enough, there Is doubtless some difficulty In making the required change In' tbe bobbing at the blank. Taking it for granted that the hob has been made to suit the worm which Is to be used, and that it. therefore, has t,he same pitch diameter and thickness of tooth at the pitch Une, the method of procedure will Invariably require that the hob be fed In to the worm-wheel blank until the distance from the center of the hob to that of the wheel Is the same as the distance from the center at the worm to that of the wheel In the ftnished machine. This will be true whether the hob is new or worn, and whatever may be the kind of machine on which the hobblng is done.
The method by which the hob Is displaced longitudinally wlll depend on the machine used for the operation. There will be no possible way of doing It if the wheel Is being finished while running loosely on centers, as Is common practice when the blank has ftrst been gashed. It is required that the hob and blank be positively geared together. If a positively driven hobblng attachment In the mllling machine Is being used, the matter Is simple. If the hob Is being driven by the spindle of the machine. throw In the cross teed In either direction until the required longitudinal displacement of the wheel with relation to the hob has taken place. The question as to when this has taken place may be decided either by measuring the thickness at the tooth, as In cutting spur gears, or by trying the wheel from time to time with Its worm, the two parts being mounted In place in the machine they are to go In, or held the proper distance apart by other means.
For regular hobblng machines, as at present made, the matter is more difficult. The required longitudinal displacement of the hob may be obtained. In eftect. by a rotary displacement of the hob which may be accomplished by slipping (a tooth at a time), the teeth at I be change gears connecting the hob and the blank. If a hobblng machine were to be built especially for use in the way which Is here suggested, dlfterential gearing could be Introduced In the train between the hob and the wheel, to which a power feed could be given to effect the rotary displacement when the hob has been ted to depth. or a power feed might be applied to teed the spindle and its attached hob endwise to effect the same result.
It Is not certain that the error which exists In the use of relieved hobs Is of enough importance to warrant taking any trouble to remedy It. It Is always well, however, to know and understand such errors as may exist In any process at this sort, no matter It they are of no great practical Importance. WhJ~e some designers and shop men have doubtless recognized the existence ot this particular error, stili probably most of them take it for granted that the process Is absolutely accurate, since they are so often reminded that the relieved hoh can be "ground without change of shape."
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DUferent authorities and w r lters on mechanical subjects have always beld very dUferent opinions regarding the location of the pitch circle of a worm gear. No better example of these dUrerences in opinion can be given than by repeating a discussion in relation to this interesting subject which took place in the columns of MACHINERY. during L905. The subject was brought up by Mr. Oscar E. Perrigo, who, in describing the feed arrangement of a heavy turret lathe, into the design of which the worm afid worm-gear entcred, found occasion to state his opinions in regard to the construction of this mechanism. Mr. Perrigo says-:
"Many good mechanics are so prone to object to any kind of a wormgear, and can cite numerous examples wherein they have proven failures and utterly worthless for the purposes intended, that there is a very strong prejudice against them in any form. The writer is of the opinion that there Is really only one practical objection to a properly constructed worm-gear, and that is. it must be constantly lubricated, and men running machines In which they are used are very Hable to forget this fact altogether. The principal, and almost the only reason why worm-gears fall to glve satisfactory results is that usually they are not properly designed at first. Another is that they are not properly hobbed out. and sometimes not hobbed at all. It is the purpose of this article to point out how they should be designed In order that they may be successful.
"There are various methods for determining the diameter of the pitch circle of a worm-gear. One authority takes the outside diameter of the turned blank at its smallest diameter, or throat, as proper. Another takes the diameter of the bottom of the teeth at the extreme edge of the cut gear; still another. the point where the pitch line of the worm Intersects the center line passing through the worm and worm-gear. All these are more or less In error. as they do not take proper account of the width of the face of the gear. If the teeth are straight, as In a spur gear, we naturally take a point In the center of the teeth (after subtracting the clearance) as the pitch Ilne. Now when we have a curved tooth It obviously is not proper to do this. as the actual working pitch diameter must be somewhat larger than this; but how much larger should evidently be determined by the amount of contact with the worm. that Is, the angle within which this contact is to be. the width of face being in turn controlled by the diameter of the worm.
"Practically, the face of the worm gear Is about equal to one-half
• "'ACHllfny, Junp, 190:i,
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the outside diameter of the worm, but the matter Is best considered by saying that the enclosed angle of contact should not be less than 45 degrees nor more than 80 degrees, while from 60 degrees to 70 degrees will be found most useful. The writer has found by ample practice that the true working pitch diameter Is most nearly determined by the method shown in Fig. 13, which represents a wormwheel having a contact of 70 degrees. To determine the pitch diameter, divide the arc of the pitch Une of the worm, contained between the center line and one of the lines of the enclosing angle, into three equal parts, and draw the Une II at the Intersection of the second Une from the center line. This w1ll give the point from which to measure the pitch diameter, If this Is laid out on a large scale and with various angles of contact, the difference between it and the usual methods wl11 be more clearly shown than It Is in the engraving." It w1ll be found to make a dUrerence of several teeth In a worm-wheel of a fairly large number of teeth,
As to the proof of the correctness of this method of designing wormgears, Mr. Perrigo states that he has used It successfully for years.
I~ ~i[L ~ ti~+~
.N-"-1P, I/. r.
PIa'.18. Method or De_rmlnlDa the Pitch Diameter or a Worm-ae&r
The turret lathe, previously referred to, on which this worm gearing acted as a drive for the feed, would readlly bore 3-lnch holes In 50-point carbon steel spindles. In several cases where a 5%-lnch hole was required, It was first bored 2 Inches and then a boring bar, provided with two double-end cutters, was Introduced, enlarging the hole from 2 Inches to 51A1 Inches at one cut and taking out nearly thirty pounds of chips per hour. The machine had been In use for over seven years, and the same worms and worm-gears were on It that were put on when the machine was first built, and they were in good condition for as many years more of good service. Tne working faces did not seem to have changed their original form during the entire time, which, Mr. Perrigo says, may be taken as ample evidence that they were right originally, particularly as he had frequently seen worm-gears In lathe aprons, designed after the usual methods, entirely worn out with six or eight months' service.
Undoubtedly prompted by Mr. Perrigo's statements In regard to the worm-gear, Mr, John Edgar, a few months later.s added to the discuslion on the subject. He mentions first the method for the location of tbe pitch circle accepted as standard practice. According to this method the pitch line of a worm Is located on a circle whose radius II lmaller than that of the worm by an amount equal to one-half the
• MACHINERY, October, 19Ur..
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working depth ot. the tooth. Where the working depth, as in standard practice, is equal to 0.6366 times the Unear pitch, and when P' is the linear pitch, 0 the outside diameter, and II the .pitch diameter of the worm, this fact may be expressed by the following formula:
lI=o-0.6366P' (1)
In Fig. U we have a section through a worm and worm-gear. The pitch circle for the worm, accordrng to standard practice, is located as shown tangent to the Une E, whicb Is the pitch Une of the worm-
1,.519 PITCH DIAM.
gear. On Inspection of the figure it is seen that while the addendum of the worm and worm-gear are equal at the center line A A, they are not at any other point along the pitch line, either to the right or the left. A section taken through the gear on the line A A would reveal teeth similar In shape to those of a spur gear of the same pitch and number of teeth. But how does this shape of the teeth vary as we shift this Une either side of the central position? Let us show this by example. taking the case of a worm having a single thread of 1-inch pitch. By taking a section on line B B instead of the center Une A A we obtain Fig. 16. This figure shows plainly that the faces of the teeth of the gear are considerably longer than the flanks. It is easily seen that the greater the angle a Is, the greater will this dUference be. and vice versa, until we reach the central position, where there is
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no difference. Therefore we see that this angle C1 plays an important part in the design of a successful worm-gear,
This angle is not the only cause of distortion in the shape of the tooth. With a Uttle thought it wlll be seen that the angle of the heUx also is a cause for further irregularity. To lllustrate this we will take
PItr.18. 8ectlOD at LID. BB. PItr. 14. S .... I.·threa4 Worm. ODe·lnch Lead
the case of a worm having the same pitch, but having three threadl instead of one, giving a lead of 3 inches. A section of thta at B B Is shown in Fig. 17. These conditions have the effect ot producing even longer faces than do those In the former case.
What can be done to remedy this defect? We can shorten the faces, but when we do that at this point we do so all along the face of the gear and thus change the shape at A. A., where it Is normal. Therefore, the best we can do Is to divide the difference at the two extreme points-A. A. and B B. This can be done as follows: In an ordinary spur gear of standard proportions the pitch Une is located at a point midway of the working depth. From Fig. 15, which shows the end
PItr.17. SectiOD at LID. BB, PItr. 14, TrIple-thread Worm, Three·lnch Lead
view of a worm, we see that the total working depth Is equal to W, 10 that from the foregoing statement the pitch Une should pass through a point situated at a distance equal to one-half of W from the outside of the worm, making II the pitch diameter ot the worm.
By an inspection of Fig. 15 we may derive the following formula:
o C1 (0 )
W=--cos- --O.6366P'
2 2 2
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Since 11= 0 - W. we may obtain the value of II In terms of 0, P' and 4:
o 4 (0 )
cJ=-+cos- --O.6366P'
2 2 2
Solving this last equation for o, we have the means for finding the outside diameter when Ii. P' and 4 are given:
2 II + 1.273 P' cos - 2
4 1 + cos- 2
Formulas (3) and (4) may be used for obtaining the pitch diameter of any worm when the outside diameter is known, and lIice lIer,a.
It Is quite evident, says Mr. Edgar, that the method given by Mr.
PIIr. 18. BeetlOD at LID. BB, Pla'. 14, Pitch LID. DetermlDed by Formula (8) Perrigo for obtaining the pitch diameter of the gear is based on this 'principle, but it is only an approximation, the variance between Its results and those of the formula Increasing with the angle 4. The difference for the example we have been investigating will be seen In Fig. 14 where G Is the line as located by his method, F that by the formula, and E the standard location.
To show the difference this change in location of the pitch Une makes In the tooth shape as compared with the usual practice, sections have been drawn at B B for both a single- and a triple-threaded worm of I-Inch pitch. Figs. 18 and 19, respectively, show these sections. Here we see that whUe the faces are yet considerably longer than the flanks, the shape Is Improved. The difference between Fig. 18 and a normal section Is very sllght and hardly noticeable, and whUe the shape In Fig. 19 Is somewhat freakish, it has all the properties of a smoothly running gear.
But someone may ask what all this has to do with the durability of the gear. It is this: It has been proved that the friction of approach Is much more in amount than that of lhe release. This friction of approach occurs between the face of the driven gear and the flank of the driver. Now If these particular elements of the tooth are extra long. the friction Is proportionately Increased over what It
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would be in a normal tooth, The friction of motion is always accompanied by wearing of the surfaces in contact; therefore in order to increase the Ufe of the gear, we must decrease the friction to a mlnlmum, This we have done by locating the pitch Une In accordance with the formula.
In order to Illustrate the extent to which some designers go to ellmlnate the frictlon between the surfaces of the teeth in contact, the case of some special forms of clock gearing may be cited wh('r" the driver is made with teeth having no flanks and the driven gear with teeth having no faces, fixing all the contact at the period of release. The importance of this point is easily ascertained by observIng the wear on the teeth of a pair of gears that run constantly In one direction,
The tooth curves in the above figures were obtained by the tracing cloth method described In Unwin's "Machine Design," The subject in
PIli. III, Bect10D at LlDe BB, P'tiir, 14, Pitch LlDe Determined by Formula (8)
hand, however, does not require or warrant the description of thll method here. .
Finally, Mr, Ralph E, Flanders added to the discussion by a more fundamental study into the principles Involved than had been undertaken by any of the previous writers. His analyzation of the subject clears some of the doubtful points at Issue. In order to give a comprehensive idea of his statements, his treatment of the question has been given verbatim in the following·:
. -
On the Location ot the Pitch Circle in Worm Gearing
Mr. Perrigo and Mr. Edgar, In their recent contributions on this subject, have called attention to some Important points In connection with this form of gearing. The writer feels, however, that the recommendations they make cannot be followed blindly, but must be appUed with a full knowledge of the limitations within which thesc recommendations are useful. It is the purpose of the present article to point out these Umltations.
Mr. Perrigo describes a worm and a worm-whee! which he has incorporated In the feed mechanism of a screw machine. Made In the way he describes, this worm and wheel have outlasted everything of their kind In his previous experience, and It the cases with which he mentally compares this one have no other Important points of difference.
• MACHINKaY. NoVeDtbt>r. 19011,
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/1:0. I-WORM CEARI.\'C
his confidence Is certainly justified. Unfortunately, this point Is not covered, and so we are left without a soltd foundation on which to base our judgment.
The feed worm of a screw machine, If It Is of the class In which the worm Is dropped out of engagement when the feed is released, does its work under pecullarly trying circumstances. The writer's experience in screw machine design has led him to bel1eve that the proper proportioning of these parts is a matter of considerable Importance. Consider the case of a bronze wheel and a hardened steel worm working under the pressure of a heavy cut: When the worm Is released from engagement with the wheel, under the pressure of this heavy cut, the sharp, hardened corner of the worm-tooth goes sliding down the face of Its corresponding tooth In the wheel, giving it a last .dIg as It jumps by the corner. The necessity for quick handling
, 1
demands that the momentum of the revolving parts of the feed mechanism be kept as lo~as possible, so the peripheral speed of the worm-wheel must be as low as possible in comparison with the rate of movement of the slide. This, In turn, requires the worm to work under heavy pressure. It Is not practlcab'ie to locate the feed release between the worm and the clutch, especially if the feed is to be stopped automatically, because it is dimcult to handle a toothed clutch
under a severe torsional strain. Usually this problem Is settled by a \
compromise whose success depends on the judgment of the designer;
the peripheral speed of the worm-wheel Is made as high, and consequently, the worm thrust Is made as low as is possible without too
great a sacrifice in rapidity of handllng. In large machines this dlm-
culty may be overcome by connecting the pinion shaft to the worm-
wheel by frictional contact, accomplished by tightening up a supplementary pilot mounted In front of the main pilot wheel; the auto-
matic release is effected by stopping the rotation of the worm.
Another point that mllltates against the- durability of this mer-han-
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Ism when a releasing worm is used, is the Indeterminate location of the worm. WhUe It is obvious that a worm cannot be adjusted In a direction parallel to the axis of the worm-wheel, It Is not generally realized that the center distance between its axis and that of the wheel cannot be varied without losing the perfect action whleh exists when the worm Is properly located. That this Is so will be evident from Fig. 20. In this cut T, and T are sections of a worm tooth taken on lines I-I and 2-2 respectively,. The section on I-I Is evidently that of an involute rack tooth and so possesses the characteristic property of correct action at any center distance, so long as its straight face Is In contact with the matll\g gear tooth. As we leave this section, however, and approach section 2-2, the tooth outline gradually loses Its resemblance to the involute form and takes a shape In which positive location Is absolutely necessary for correct action, as Is shown by the curved sides. This variation from the
PI •. In
Involute shape Is especially marked in worms of large helix angle and consequent high eftlclency.
Now, If the worm Is slightly separated from Its correct location In the mating wheel and no sideways motion is allowed, it wl1I be seen by observing the relative angularity of the outlines of the faces in the curves T and T, that the contact wtIl at once lose its character of Une contact. extending across the full width of the gear, and wlll be concentrated In point contact on the extreme outer edge, where correct action Is Impossible except at the calculated center distance. For working under heavy pressure, then, it Is necessary that the worm agree In shape with the hob which cut its mate, and that its axis exactly coincide with that of the hob when this was taking its finishing cut. These requirements may be met easUy In high-grade work, such as Is the rule In making a worm-gear drive for a gear-cutter spindle or an elevator, but such workmanship is very far from the haphazard fitting that a releastng feed worm must necessarlly get.
It has occurred to the writer that the worm, or worms, In Mr. Perrigo's turret lathe, must be of conatderably greater heUx angle than Is usual In feed gearing. The unusual arrangement of a double reduc-
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Uon is employed, making use of two sets of worms and wheels in series. Unless the feed shaft rotates at high speed, or the feed Is exceedingly fine, this must mean that the reduction In each set of gears Is small, which In turn predicates a large helix angle and an eftlclent gear. Mr. Perrigo must, then, give us more definite Information if his experience Is to be valuable as a permanent record In the matter of the location of the pitch line. Was his machine furnished with a releasing worm for a feed stop, and were the machines with which he compares it so equipped? How carefully was the worm
fitted in the last machine and In the former machines? What are the helix angles of these worms and former unsuccessful cases? What materials were used In the different sets of gears which are under comparison?
Mr. Edgar has shown quite plainly that the advantage to be gained by lessening the diameter of the pitch circle on the worm Is due to the fact that In such a case the contact between worm and wheel takes place for the most part after the teeth have begun to recede from each other. In Fig. 22 the worm, with its pitch line at G H, driving the wheel in the direction shown, wlll always make contact with It along the line of action. CD. The pitch line Is located, as usual, half-
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way down the working depth of the tooth, and as may be seen, the contact is almost equally divided on each side of the center line. In Fig. 23, with the same reference letters. the pitch line has been located according to the rule proposed by Mr. Edgar, and the contact between the teeth Is seen to take place almost wholly during the time when they are leaving each other.
Friction between two rubbing surfaces is due to the resistance Imposed by the microscopic Irregularities which exist oll even the smoothest surfaces. In Fig. 21 are shown two teeth approaching each other, In which these Irregularles are greatly exaggerated. R Is the driving and G Is the driven tooth. Evidently If these Irregularities were as great as shown, the teeth would lock together and movement would be Impossible; on the other hand, It G were the driving tooth, and the teeth were separating, there would be little to hinder their free movement. It Is, then, desirable that most of the contact should take place when the teeth are leaving each other, to avoid friction, loss of power, and wear of tooth surfaces.
Fig. 20 shows the way In which Mr. Edgar proposes to locate the pitch circle of the worm. This circle Is tangent to a line which lies at equal vertical distances from the extreme working points of the worm-wheel tooth, and he locates the pitch line here because It is so located In a spur gear. To the writer It seems that there Is no analogy between them. The pitch line of a spur gear Is located at onehalf the working depth of the tooth because It Is required that a set of standard spur gears be Interchangeable, a gear of any number of teeth meshing perfectly with a gear of any other number of the same pitch. This requirement Is entirely outside of the sphere of worm gearing, so we may locate the pitch line at any point that will give favorable results as regards eftlclency and durability.
The location of the pitch line affects the working qualities of the gearing In four ways, at least. With a worm of given diameter and pItch, and a wheel of given number of teeth and angle of contact, it determines the effective working area of the teeth In both members, the strength of the teeth In the wheel, the number of teeth In contact, and the nature of the contact, that Is, whether It takes place during the approach or the release.
Fig. 22 shows a central section of a worm and wheel calculated In the usual manner. If CJ Is equal to the pressure angle, and angle F D 0 Is a right angle, a circle drawn from center 0 through D wlll be the base circle from which the involute curve Is formed, and the line of action-the line In which the working contact between the teeth wlll take place-wlll lie In line A B. This line of action w111 evidently be limited at one end by C. the point where it crosses the outside diameter of the wheel at Its throat, and at the other by D. the point where line A B Is tangent to the base circle, since the Involute does not extend Inside of the circle from which It is derived. It Is plain, then, that all that part of the wheel tooth which lies Inside of the base circle Is clearance, and unfit for bearing surface, and that all of the worm tooth which extends above point D. or the "Interference line," as it Is
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marked, serves no uaeful purpose. This area of the worm tooth extending above the Interference Une, Is seen to be sUght for a thlrt,tooth wheel of standard design. An Inspection of the cut wlll show that there are always two and BOmetimea three teeth In contact. The contact takes place about equall, each side ot the center Une, IncUnIng toward the favorable side, since Une F D, on the release, Is aomewhat longer than C F, on the approach.
In Fig. 23, we may Bee what eftect has been produced by Increasing the addendum of the worm, as we are advlBed to do. In the first place,
Lloe of Actloo
PIa'. gS
the Interference line, through point D, Is lowered so tar that the useful area of the teeth has been greatly decreased. There Is no workIng contact on the wheel teeth Inside of the base circle, nor do the worm teeth serve any useful purpose above the Interference line.
The strength of the wheel tooth has been decreased. The great length of useless worm tooth extending above the Interference Une has cut a deeper clearance Into the flank of the wheel tooth, thus weakening It at the very point where It needs strength. On pages 68, 69, and 71, of the Brown i: Sharpe "Treatise on Gears," will be found three lllustratlons which show this point very clearly. One case Is that ot a twelve-tooth worm-wheel of standard design, which gives a
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badly undercut flank. In the next Illustration the worm-wheel has been hobbed according to Mr. Edgar's rule, and' the result Is worse than In the fint case. The last illustration shows the pitch Ilne thrown clear to the outside diameter of the worm, this being advised as the proper remedy to secure a tooth of sufllclent strength and bearIng surface.
Referring again to Fig. 23, the number of teeth In contact has been reduced until there Is only one constantly In use, though two are In position to work most of the time. The single gain to be derived In return for the advantages that have been lost Ilea In the fact that a greater percentage of the Une of action lies on the releasing side of pitch point F than before, since F D Is noticeably longer than F O.
Of course only the action on the center line has been analyzed. The writer has studied the action at sections made In different places In the worm-wheel face, and It looks as though the conditions at the center Une were a fairly good Index of what Is going on nearer the sides. The line of contact appears to rise slightly toward the outside of the worm as It leaves the center (going toward the leading side of the worm), and then drops again toward the edge of the wheel. On the retreating side of the worm the contact drops continuously. This tends to minimize the effect that the width of the wheel has on the action.
How, then. should the pitch line be located? It seems to the writer that the problem Is so Involved that In a case of any Importance the designer should not trust to any empirical rule, but should plan each case with reference to these four points: area of bearing surface In the teeth, strength of the teeth, number of teeth In contact, and location of contact, whether In the approach or the release. To these should be added a fifth point, more Important than any of the others, as far as efllclency Is concerned, and that Is In relation to the hellx angle of the worm: It should be as large as possible.
Taking all these points Into consideration, It would seem that, for worms and wheels made as they usually are for ordinary service. from ordinary materials, and with ordinary carefulness of workmanship In making and fitting, It Is hardly worth while to bother about changing the location of the pitch line for the sake of having the contact on the release. It Introduces too many other complications Into the problem. Still, It there Is anyone who wants to try the effect of altering
. the worm and wheel dimensions with this end In view, here are a tew suggestions In the shape of formulas to add to those of the two contributors who have previously written on this' subject.
Let N = number of teeth In wheel.
P' = linear pitch of worm.
0= throat diameter of wheel. 0= outside diameter of worm. D = pitch diameter of wheel.
d = pitch diameter of worm. (/ = pressure angle,
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C = :E: center distance between the worm and the wheel.
8' = effective height of worm tooth above pitch line (see Fig. 23).
An Inspection of Fig. 23 will show that S' may be expressed as follows:
D sln" II S'=---
If we limit the height of our tooth to this llne, thus allowing no Interference, we may use the following formulas, It being considered that we have given C, P' and N.
NP' D=-
d=2C-D o=d +Dsln"o
O=D + 1.273P'-Dsln"o
(6) (7) (8)
For a pressure angle of l4lh degrees and an allowed Interference equal to that of a standard worm In mesh with a 25·tooth wheel, these last two formulas wlll become:
D o=d+- 13
0= 0.923 D + 1.273 P'
These formulas will give as much of the contact on the release as Is possible without too much undercutting; the location of the pitch line will, of course, vary widely. Formulas (7) and (8) (when 0 = 14% degrees) are good for any number up to 64 teeth, and Formulas, (9) and (10) up to 52 teeth. Above these numbers the formulas would bring the pitch line below the root diameter of the worm, which Is needless; so for such cases, Formulas (7). (8), (9), and (10) should be replaced by the following, which will keep the pitch line within the working area of the tooth:
o=d+1.273P' (11)
O=D (12)
All that has been said In the preceding paragraphs refers only to worms whose tooth outlines show straight sides on an axial section. If. as Is often the case with steep-pitched worms, the cutting tool Is . made with straight sides, but tipped up at an angle to agree with the helical angle of the worm, an axial section w1ll show teeth with curved sides whose shape will depend upon the helical angle. In such a case as this it is impossible to apply any of the rules which govern the action of involute teeth, and the only way to go about the matter of locating the pitch line to suit the Ideas of the designer is to make a careful analysis of the tooth action on various sections. This operation would be so troublesome and tiresome as to be impracticable under any ordinary circumstances.
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The Hindley type of worm-gear was first used in Hindley's dividing engtne.t and was, by the Inventor, considered superior to the ordinary type, In wearing quality. Investigation has practically settled that the nature of contact between the worm thread and the teeth of the ordinary worm-wheel is that of Une contact, extending across the tooth on the pitch line. It has also been fairly well proved in prae-
".dI7~ "~ .. ,'. J ;
".. g4. Typical BlDdl.y Worm
tical examples that the contact is of a broader nature on account ot the elasticity of the materials used in the construction. The convex surfaces of contact are flattened conatdesably under pressure and thus for practical purposes make actual surface contact. The contact in the ordinary worm and worm-wheel type is limited to two teeth of t he wheel and worm thread, at most.
Comparison or Ordinary and Hindley Worm Gearing
The conditions are much different in the case of the Hindley worm, and It is the intention in this chapter to show wherein the difference lies. As this style of gearing Is uncommon to most of us, a few words
• MAcnlln •• Y. December, 19011.
t The lIIndle1 gear, as u8l!d In the Hindi!.', dividing engtne, II described by Mml'aton. alBO I,y WIIIII IPrlnclples of Mechanllm, 1851). "arlou8 modifications of the Hindley gear, Including JeIllen's winch, are Iltust rated In Reuleaux'e "Conatructor," page 143.
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regarding Its construction will not be out of place. Fig. 24 lliustrates the Hindley worm, showing the theoretical form. This worm Is not of cyllndrlcal shape, but Is formed somewhat Ilke an hour-glass, after which it Is sometimes named. The worm blank, being made smaller In diameter In the middle than at either end, conforms to the circumference of the wheel with which it meshes. The worm thread Is cut by a tool which moves In a circular path about a center Identical with the axis of the wheel with which It Is to mesh, and In the plane In which the axis of the worm Iles. The process Is similar to ordinary thread cutting In the engine lathe, except for the dUference In the path of the tool, the tool having a circular Instead of a straight path.
It Is evident that the worm shape Is dependent on the particular wheel with which It Is to run, and Hindley worms are not Interchangeable with any other but an exact dupllcate. That Is, a worm cut for a Hindley gear of 50 teeth cannot be used successfully with a wheel of 70 teeth, although the pitch of the teeth Is exactly the same. In the ordinary type of worm gearing, one worm may be made to run with any number of diameters of wheels of the same pitch, and hobbed with the same hob.
In action the two styles of worm-gear differ greatly, and both diverge widely In action from the case of a plain nut and screw, which may be taken to represent a worm and worm-gear, the latter of Infinite diameter and with an angle of embrace of 360 degrees. In studying the action between the thread and teeth of the ordinary type of wormgear, we must understand odontlcs, rolling contacts and the theory of tooth gearing, In general, In order to understand the action of the ordinary worm-gear. But, In studying the action of the Hindley type, we are concerned with no such theories, as the action Is purely slldlng and devoid of rolling contact. In the ordinary worm we have an axial pitch which Is constant from top to root of the thread, whUe In the Hindley worm we have a section In which the pitch of the thread varies from top to bottom.
The Interference In the ordinary type of worm-gear Is absent from the Hindley type, and the consequent undercutting and weakening of the teeth, therefore, Is a feature with which the designer of the Hindley worm gearing does not have to contend. For this reason we are not Ilmlted In the length of teeth, by Interference, as In the ordinary case. This fact permits a wide latitude In the choice of tooth shapes and proportions. In most examples we will find that the depth of thread Is much greater In proportion to the thickness than In the ordinary worm-gear, In which the height Is Umited by reason of the interference at the top and root of the teeth.
Nature or Contact or Hindley Worm Gearing
The general Idea of the Hindley worm gearing Is that there Is surface contact between the worm and gear, and that the contact Is gene ally over the whole number of teeth In mesh. If such were the ,,r ual conditions, the Hindley type would surely be an Ideal mech-
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anlsm for high velocIty ratios, but that such Is not the fact Is the purpose of this treatise to point out. That the contact Is of a superIor nature we will not deny, nor that It Is much nearer a surface contact than exists In the ordinary worm gear. As a means of comparison, FIgs. 25 and 26 are shown. Fig. 25 shows an axial section taken through the worm and gear of the ordinary type, while FIg. 26 shows a similar section through the Hindley worm and gear. The "airy"
PItr.2&. 8eoUOD or OommoD Worm .. Dd Worm·wh •• 1 OD IIIddl. PlaD.
appearance of Fig. 25 as compared with Fig. 26. indicates a vast dUrerence In the nature of contact, and gives the advantage to the Hindley type, wherein is the origin of certain false Ideas in favor of the latter. These lIlustrations also show peculiar dUferences In the action of the two types. The absence of roJUng action in Fig. 26 is the most prominent, and It shows the similarity between this type of gear and a screw and nut.
From an Inspection of Fig. 26 we may feel sure that the contact on
PItr.2a. BecUOD or BlDdI.,. Worm aDd Oear OD IIIddi. PiaD.
the axlnl plane is as shown, but as to the nature of contact In a plane either side of the middle plane we are In the dark so far as the drawIng Illustrates. Mr. George P. Grant has this to say concerning the contact of the Hindley worm and gear: "It Is commonly but erroneously stated that the worm (Hindley) fits and fi11s Its gear on the axial section. . . . It bas even been stated that the contact Is between surracea, the worm ft111ng the whole gear tootb. . . . It Is
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also certain that It (the contact) is on the normal and not on the axial section. and that the Hindley hob will not cut a tooth that will fill any section of It. The contact may be Hnear on some Ilne of no great length, but It is probably a point contact on the normal section."
It is not clear what reason Mr. Grant had for saying that the contact is normal Instead of axial ; but there is every reason to belleve that the contact is on the axial section since It Is on this section that the teeth of the hob have a common pitch. The teeth have not a common pitch on any section at an angle with the axial section. For what reason would one expect to find contact on the normal section In this case any more than in the case of the ordinary worm? Since both styles of worm-wheels are hob bed with a revolving hob which Iles in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the worm-wheel, the contact could hardly be on a normal section.
Prof. MacCord states that he considers the contact to be Ilne contact on the axial section, and he gives directions tor obtaining the exact nature of the contact and also the thread and tooth sections. These directions, on account of the compllcated nature of the method.
P1w. 27. Development at Ordinary Worm and Hindley Worm Spiral. on a Plane
are hard to follow. Much, however. can be found out by simple methods. In what follows. describing these simpler methods, the resuits, of course, are of an approximate order. but they nevertheless give a means of comparison and a material basis for the Ilne of argu-
ment. .
The Ideal Case Considered
It is assumed that we are examining an ideal Hindley gear In which the worm and wheel are theoretically correct in shape and that the surfaces are perfectly smooth and inelastic. From the nature of the worm, the helix angle varies from mid-section to the ends, decreasing as the thread approaches the ends of the worm. The thread is spiral as well as hellcal. This change In the thread angle Is caused by the increase in diameter at the ends of the worm and by the fact that the axial pitch of the thread decreases as it reaches the ends. The decrease In axial pitch is due, ot course, to the circular path of the threading tool. If we take a development on a flat surface of a Ilne scribed in the spiral path on the worm blank, as shown In Fig. 27, the change in the angle becomes noticeable.
In the operation at forming the teeth ot the gear, the blank Is rotated. each portion of the hob working the tooth into shape so that It wlll pass the corresponding portion of the worm thread without Interference, permitting a smooth transmission of motion. If each
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portion has a different shape or Is placed In a different relation. the shape of a gear tooth w1ll be a compromise between the extremes. and this Is what Is actually the result. as we shall see later.
The progressive steps of the process are shown In Fig. 28; the successive positions of one tooth are shown. beginning at the left and ending at the right-hand position where each tooth Is given Its final shape. The nature of the process Is shown in Fig. 29, the snaned portions representing the gear teeth. Here we have a representation of the contact of the thread and teeth; it shows that surface contact Is Impossible on any but the heavily shaded portions of the teeth, It being confined to the mid-section and the extreme end sections of the worm. Line contact Is obtained throughout the length of the worm on the adal plane. This figure also shows that no advantage Is gained In surface contact by making the worm of greater length. The location of the contacts are shown In Fig. 29, at a, I. I. B, B. a. but It
l"Ia. ~8. Bucc ... I ... Btep. In Bbaplnjr th. HIDdley Worm
.N.W""'7, s. r.
Pl8'.29, Surfaces of Contact ot the Hlndl.y Worm
must be remembered that they lie on opposite sides of the cutting plane. From this It Is apparent that the worm does not entirely fill the space between the teeth of the gear and that the contact Is not wholly a surface contact.
Let us Investigate still further and see whether the conditions are not modified by other Irregularities: Fig. 30 Is drawn to represent a worm and gear of the Hindley type, In mesh, the teeth of which have no depth. As before mentioned, the peculiarity of this type of worm Is its hour-glass shape. The hob and worm may be treated as Identical In form. In the process of generation, the tooth has a pitch line curvature that changes with corresponding positions In relation to the thread portion acting upon It. The tooth must necessarily be modified from what it should be for any particular location In its contact with the worm thread. It Is quite clearly shown that if the tooth Is to fill the worm thread or vice versa, It must be formed In strict accordance with the thread at that particular point. Thus If at f the tooth fills the thread, that tooth must be formed by the thread at that point. while the tooth at k must be formed by the thread at k. Sow. since each tooth must pass from k to f. Its form must be such
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that it wlll do so without Interference. It Is evident that the radial section of the gear at k must be the same as at i- Since the worm Is largest In diameter at k, the curvature of the tooth on the radial section Is dependent on the thread at that point. The curvature of the tooth at k evidently is that of an elllpse whose major axis is A A,. Now, since the thread Is made with angular sldea, the hob could hardly act on the teeth of the gear the same at all points from k to i except on the axial plane where the relative shape of the hob thread Is the same for any position along the Hne of action (see Fig. 26). This is evident from Fig. 30 at E, which point only touches at the mid-section of the worm. Therefore we stlll have the Une contact from top to bottom of teeth on the axial plane, but the construction, Fig.
~,11.~ P'Ilr 80. BlI'ect or Hour·lrla •• Bhape OD Worm·wheel CODt&ct
30, shows that the surface contact 8, 8, 8, 8, Figs. 26 and 29, does not actually exist, but that the surface contact at the ends of the worm remains undisturbed.
From the above we may safely conclude that the hob at j has but little etrect on the actual shape of the tooth, and that Its Influence increases until k Is reached. Fig. 30 also shows a good reason why the contact may be considered axial Instead of normal, by the mere fact of the dltrerences In curvature of worm and wheel at any point other than k. In practice the contact may appear to be surface contact. but this, no doubt, is due to the influence of the lubricating 011 and the fact that materials of construction are distorted to some extent in form when subjected to pressure. This distortion permits the worm thread to Imbed itself into the worm-wheel teeth, somewhat broadenIng the contact for the time being. The conditions as stated In the above discussion would be met In the case of a hardened worm and gear with surfaces flnlshed by lapping. In practice the worm and gear are ground together, sand and water being used as the abrasive. This grinding wears down the roughness of the surfaces and tends to correct Irregularities In form that develop In the hobblng process.
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Ob1ectlons to the Hindley Gear
The objections to the Hindley type of worm-gear are many and are widely known. It must be set up accurately, the alignment being made perfect. End play is a feature that must be avoided, as any longitudinal displacement of the worm will cause the gear to cut. These peculiarities are the greatest drawbacks to the use of this gear, and because of them the writer believes that It will not come into common use, at least not so common as the worm drive of the ordinary type. This opinion Is strengthened by the fact that we have become so much more famUiar with the latter type as to be able to design and construct drives that work satisfactorily In every respect.
Modifications ot Hindley Worm-Gear Practice
Some modltlcations have been made In the process of manufacturing the Hindley worm-gear. One that Is probably of tlrst importance is that known as the "second cut," this practice being generally cred-
P'Ia'. 81. _eot or the "S.cond Cut" on CODtact
ited to Mr. Albro of Philadelphia, but the credit for It is In dispute. The effect of the second cut Is Indicated In Fig. 31. From this tllustratlon one would say that the object of the second cut is to remove the points of contact. Whether this is the reason or not, It Is a fact that It does remove considerable of the contact from all but the mid-section of the worm. This second cut Is made by enlarging tbe diameter of the circle In which the threading tool travels when cutting the worm. It is said to have advantages that add to the wearing quaUty of the drive, but just what these advantages are is not apparent, and since the process is considered more or less a trade secret, it Is dltllcult to obtain authentic reasons for Its use.
The limiting length of the worm Is dependent on the shape of the thread. In Fig. 31 the worm is shown with three teeth In mesh, while Fig. 26 shows tlve. Fig. 26 shows a case that would be impossible In practice on account of the undercut teeth A which lock the worm in mesb. The side of the thread must fall inside the line be to permit the worm and gear to be assembled.
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Conclusions Regarding the Hindley Worm and Gear
The following are the author's conclusions, derived from the tnvesttgation regarding the Hindley type of gear:
1. The contact is purely sliding contact.
2. The nature of the contact is linear, closely resembling surface
3. Linear contact extends from the top to the root of the tooth. f. The contact is on the axial section.
5. The thread section fills the tooth space on the axial section only.
6. The mtd-portton of the hob has llttle or no etrect In shaping the teeth of the gear.
7. Surface contact exists on opposite sldea of the axial plane at the end of the worm thread and is Intermittent In nature, because the end of the thread passes out of contact with the tooth in the revolvIng of the worm. This contact is on a plane normal with the thread angle.
In practice it is usual to allow considerable back- lash between the thread .and 'he tooth of the worm and gear. This play tends to counteract bad workmanship, either in construction or erection.
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The old opinion that the friction and wear of worm-gears are necessarily very great, and that the efticiency is necessarily very low, making worm gearing an unmechanical contrivance, is not as frequently met with now as formerly_ In Unwin's Machine Design it Is stated that in well fitted worm gearing, of speed ratios not exceeding 60 or 80 to 1, motion w1ll be transmitted backwards from the wheel to the worm. In Prof. Forrest R. Jones' work on machine design may be found tabulated the resulta of many examples from practice, some of which show an efticlency as high as 74 per cent before abrasion began, the most notable example being that of a worm running at a surface speed of 306 feet per minute under a load of 6,558 pounds, and showing an eftic1ency of 67 per cent, with no abrasion. The tables in Prof. Jones' work show that under Ught loads very high surface or rubbing speeds are allowable, running as high as 800 feet per minute. It has also been pointed out that an increase in the thread angle, in general, increases the efticiency.
There is, however, an important function of worm gearing which Is not, as a rule, brought out adequately by writers on worm gearing. and which in certain classes of machinery is of the first importance; orten, indeed, becoming the determining factor in deciding upon the choice ot a worm-gear as the power transmitter. It Is the property a worm-gear possesses, under certain conditions dependent upon its design, of being self-locking, and preventing motion backwards.
An instance where this property becomes of prime importance and accounts for the use of the worm-gear, Is in crane work. where the winding drum is driven by a worm-gear so designed that, when the power is shut off, the gear w1ll not run down or backwards under the impulse of the load, but will be self-locking, holding the load at any point.
Fig. 32 shows a single thread worm in mesh with the worm-wheel, (I being the angle of the worm thread with the axis of the worm-wheel. and in order that the system may be self-locking, that is, that the worm-wheel may be unable to run the worm, the tangent of the angle (I must be less than the coefticlent of friction between the teeth of the "orm and wheel, or as
p p
tan (1=--.80-- < f
".e! we!
in which p = the pitch; II = the pitch diameter of the worm; and f = the coefticient of friction between the worm and wheel. It is neces-
• MACHI:S&RY. Deeember, 1902.
A ,"' h \i r) .) • I -t
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sary to assume a value for I, which, If the condition of determining thE' use of the worm-gear Is Its self-locking property, should be assumed conservatively low. Unwin states under the authority of Prof. Briggs, that a well-fitted worm-gear will exhibit a lower coeIHcient of friction than any other kind of running machinery. Prof. Jones gives a series of values for the coeIHcient of friction of screw gears, one of which is a pinion of 4 inches pitch diameter, the average value being 1 = 0.05, corresponding to a rubbing velocity of 250 feet per minute. Mr. Halsey assumes 1 = 0.05, and Mr. Wilfred Lewis says that when the worm-gear is worked up to the limit of its safe strength, a rubbing velocity greater than 200 to 300 feet per minute will prove bad practice. It is in heavy machinery where worm-gears are mostly used as selr-locktng transmission elements, and here they are usually worked up to the safe strength of the wheel; hence It is fair to assume t = 0.05
PIs. Sill
when designing a selt- locking worm-gear, and to limit the rubbing velocity to 200 feet per minute, and we have for the limiting value of fJ at which the system wlll be self-locking:
fJ = 0.05". d = 0.157 d (2)
The sliding velocity in feet per minute at the pitch line is expressed by ".dn
V = -- = 0.262 cl n 12
where cl = the pitch diameter of the worm, and fa = the number of revolutions per minute of the worm.
Under the above assumption, that for continuous service and heavy pressures the sliding velocity should not be more than 200 feet per minute, we have as the limiting value of cl to avoid all cutting:
0.262 n
The exact nature of the surface of contact between a worm and wheel is involved in doubt; many claim it is only a point; It certainly is not large, and consequently a wide face for the wheel Is not needed
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If the angle a, Is made 60 degrees. It will make the face right for any ordinary worm of 4 to 6 inches diameter.
There is in all worm gearing a very heavy end thrust on the wormshaft, and also an outward force normal to the worm-axis. each of which must be suitably provided tor in the design of the shatt and bearings. The end thrust may be taken by bronze washers slipped into the bearings at the end of the shatt, which may be removed when worn and replaced with new ones: Shoulders may be provided on the shaft, between which and the bearings bronze collars may be placed. these being split to enable new ones to be easily and quickly placed In position when the old ones become worn. Roller thrust bearings are very often applied to worms, and these as well as the bronze washers may be supplied with adjusting set-screws to take up the wear, insteat!l of renewing the washers.
In Fig. 33 let P = the tangential force at the pitch line of the worm, d = the pitch diameter of the worm, Q = the tangential force at the
IIlfl...,rial,.,... N.'.
PIa'. 88 PIa'. 84
pitch line of the worm-wheel. E = the end thrust of the worm-shaft. F=the force on the worm-shaft normal to the worm-axis; then. frktion being neglected,
Pwd Q=-p
In Fig. 34 let the force Q be represented by the line A C normal to the tooth side of the worm at the pitch line: draw A B normal to the axis of the worm, and B C parallel to the axis or coincident with the pitch line of th'e worm; then, when measured to the same scale to which A C was drawn, A B = F, and Be = E. As the angle (' A B Is 75 deg. (for the 15 deg. Involute system) we have,
-=sln 15 deg., and F=O.259 Q (5)
-=cos 15 deg., and E=O.966Q (6)
(4 )
Taking friction Into consideration, the force P,. tangential to the pltrh
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line ot the worm. which It Is necessary to employ In order to produce a torce Q tangential to the pitch llne ot the wheel, III given by Wei&bach as
p h=~
The eftlclency ot the worm and wheel Is then, P
in which
-=e (8)
Example: A single thread worm ot t-tnch pitch, running 80 revolutions per minute, Is to transmit to a worm-wheel a tangential force Q = 5,000 pounds, and Is to be selt-locklng.
From (3)
d< ,
0.262 X 80
or d may be as large as 9.5 Inches betore abrasion need be feared.
From (2)
11<0.157 d; assume p = 0.125 d,
then, as p = 1 inch, d = 8 Inches. or the' worm wUl require to be 8 inches pitch diameter In order that the angularity ot the thread may be small enough to make the system selt-locking. It wUl be seen that the required diameter will be Increased as the value of 1 Is decreased, and In case the required diameter of the worm proves too great for practice, and the pitch cannot be reduced on account of considerations of strength, some outside aid, such as a brake or friction disk applied to the worm-shaft, wl!1 have to be adopted.
From (7)
P 1
as h = 0.04, we have
11" d 3.14 X 8
0.04 + 0.05
P, = 5,000 451 pounds.
From (4)
1- (0.04 X 0.05) 3.14 X 8 X P
5,000 = ------, or P = 199 pounds.
From (8)
P 199
- = -- = 44 per cent for the efHciency of the worm-gear.
p. 451
The formulas may, by starting with those for the efHclency. be used to determine the pitch diameter which will give the proper thread angle for any given pitch and degree of efficiency.
It Is clear from the foregoing. that a worm-gear of large pitch wlll require a pitch diameter of the worm altogether too large for practice, if It is to be selt-locking, and that the system as usually designed may be expected to run backwards. To prevent this, a friction disk may
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be placed In the bearing which receives the thrust of the worm-shaft when the system is running backwards, and the diameter of the disk so proportioned as to just hold the worm-shatt stationary under the Impulse of the worm-wheel.
The foregoing dtacusston neglects the ettect of the thrust of the worm-shaft in its bearings, the frictional resistance of which must be added to that of the teeth to obtain the actual conditions of a self-locking system. This frictional resistance depends upon the values of the end thrust E and the normal force F already found, and the diameter and form Gf the bearing. In nearly all cases of worm gearing the mounting of the worm upon the shatt will be covered by one
of three cases, either unsymmetrically between the bearings, sym· metrIcally between the bearings, or over-hung.
In Case 1, Fig. 35, the bending moment upon the worm shatt Is,
Fa b 0.259 Q a b
M=-- (9)
In Case 2, same as Case 1, except that the worm Is central between the bearings, and
L a=b=- 2
the bending moment upon the worm-shatt Is, 0.259 QL
0.0647 Q L
In Case 3, Fig. 36, the bending moment upon the worm-shatt is,
M=FL=0.259QL (11)
In each of the above cases the shaft Is subjected to a combined twisting and bending Btraln, the twisting moment being the same In each case, T = P R, which Is, however, 80 small as to be negligible In what follows.
In the following table tbe first column shows the several styles of Ioumals moat commonly used for worm-shafts, the second column gives the moment of friction for each under a load In the direction of the arrow, the third column gives the coefficient of friction assumed, and the fourth column gives the tangential force P« at the pitch line of the worm, resulting from the resistance of friction In the journals, and found by dividing the moment of friction In Column 2 by the pitch radius of the worm.
There are always acting upon the worm-shatt the two forces F and
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E; consequently to get the resultant retarding force tangential to the pitch line of the worm, we must take the sum of the resultants due to the frictional resistance of each force separately. Referring to the table, we will, for each worm-shaft, find the conditions shown at A., In addition to the conditions shown either at B, 0 or D, as the case may be, and the total resultant force P, at the worm pitch line will be the sum of the quantities given In Column 4 opposite the particular cases.
These frictional resistances developed by the journals act In a direction helpful to the self-locking property of the worm, and enable the designer to use a larger thread angle for a given diameter of worm,
Moment of Moment of Friction
Style of Journal. Friotion. I
A !F IFd. .04 Pd.
~ ) -- .00 ._---
2 P
I!-$ 21Er . 2Pr .1 Pd •
--- .00 --=---
8 P P
-':$i 21 E (,1 - r,a) .2 P Irl - r,a)
.00 ------
g r sin. y prsio. y
•• 21 E (r,l- rI) .2 P (r,' - r')
_._. . ~ .00
E . 8(r,'-r') r,' - r'
~ or a smaller diameter of worm for a given thread angle, thus keeping within the limits of good practice, and Increasing the emclency of the system for the forward movement.
Having determined the force p. tangential to the worm pitch line, resulting from the frictional moment at the journals, the angle of repose for this force acting with the force Q, as shown In Fig. 37, Is given by the equation,
p. tan x=-.
Thjl thread angle found previous to the consideration of the effect ~ the journal friction may now be Increased by the angle x, making ........ -the thread angle a + x. This may be accomplished either by lnereasing the thread angle, lncreastng the pitch, or decreasing the pitch diameter.
Consider. now, that In the foregoing example, the worm-shaft Is of
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the form in Case 2, the worm being central between the bearings, and the distance between bearings being 36 inches.
The~, from (5) we have,
F = 0.259 X 5,000 = 1,295 pounds,
and from (6) From (10)
E = 0.966 X 5,000 = 4,830 pounds.
0.259 X 5,000 X 36
M = = 11,655 inch-pounds.
Assuming, = 10,000 pounds per square inch for the allowable fiber stress in the worm-shaft, we have
M = - d,' B or d, = 2.28 inches. 32
From the table, Case A,
0.04 X 199 X 2.28
P, = = 18.15 pounds.
From the table, Case B,
0.1 X 199 X 2.28
P, =--------
45.37 pounds.
P, = 18.15 + 45.37 = 63.52 pounds. 63.52
tan x = -- = 0.0127 5,000
x = 0 deg. 44 min.
From (1)
tan G= =0.04
3.14 X 8
a=2 deg. 17 min.
G + x=3 deg.1 min.
tan 3 deg. 1 min. = 0.053
-- = 0.053 = 11. and d = 6 Inches, approx. 1I"d
If, now, we substttute these new values of 11 and d in equations (7) and (4), we continue as follows:
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From (7)
0.053 + 0.05
From (4)
PI = 5,000 ------- 1- (0.053 X 0.05)
P X 3.14 X 6
516 pounds.
5,000 = -----, or P = 265 pounds.
From (8)
P 265
- = --= 51 per cent efficiency for the worm-gear.
PI 516
The total efficiency of the system, taking account of the journal friction, will be
---= =46 per cent.
P, + PI 516 + 63.52
It thus becomes clear that while the efficiency of the worm threads and wheel teeth has been Increased above 50 per cent, the efficiency of the whole system, Including the journals, Is below 50 per cent, and the system retains Its self-locking property. It Is evident that when running forward, the end thrust E upon the worm-shaft will be upon the opposite end from that when running backward, and on this account a system may be designed to have a high efficiency on the forward movement and still preserve Its self-locking property.
If both the journals have roller bearings, and the end taking the thrust on the forward movement has a ball bearing, while the opposite end be made like Case C or D In the table, properly proportioned, the worm may be designed to show a very high efficiency on the forward movement, while the frictional resistance of the step bearing on the opposite end will cause the system to be self-locking by reason of the energy absorbed at the step bearing.
The formulas may be put Into more convenient form for this purpcse, as follows:
The designer will have. to start with, a knowledge of the force Q required at the worm-wheel, the force P, at the pitch line of the worm, developed from the source of power. the pitch required for the wormwheel, and the efficiency e for which he wishes to design the system. We then have,
-=e, and P=Ple. PI
Substituting this value for P In equation (4) and solving for d, we have
3.14 PI e
for the worm, neglecting the journals. when the journals and thrust bearings are roller and ball bearings, respectively, and
3.14 (P, - P,) e
when the journals and thrust bearings are considered.
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The worm being thus designed for the gil"E'n eftidt'nc"y on the for...-ard movement, It remains to determine such proponions of the step bearing for the back" r ard movement as ... lll present enougb frictional resistance to render the system self-lockin~. Let t', = the emclt'ncy when the journals and thrust are considered. then
t', or P=e, (P, -+ P,)
and substituting the value of P found above eP,=e,P, + t',P,
P, (t'-e,)
By equating this force p. to the proper quantity from Column 4 in the table of journal resistances. the proportions required of the journal or step bearing may be determined.
Theoretical Eftlciency of Worm Gearing
The following table gives the theoretical emciency of worm gearing for a number of different coemcients of friction. Practical experiments carried out by the OerUkon Company, Oerlikon by Zurich, Switzerland. agree closely with the results from theoretical calculations given In the table. These experiments Indicate that the efficiency Increases
• 8 DOLI: or IJrCLDlA'tIOI<.
'U .. -
~O! °.1 to_. 1&_ 10 dec. lI°., ao~.1 S1i~g 40 ~r e deg
0.01 89.7 94.5 96.1 97.0 97.4 97.7 97.9 98.0 98.0
0.02 81.8 89. Ii 92.6 94.1 95.0 9:i.5 95.9 96.0 96.1
0.08 74.3 85.0 89.2 91.4 92.7 93.4 98.9 94.1 94.2
0.0. 68.4 80.9 86.1 88.8 90.4 91.4 92.0 92.2 92.8
0,05 63.4 77.2 831 86.3 88.2 89.4 90.1 90.4 90.5
0.06 :i9.0 78.8 80.4 840 86.1 87.5 88.2 88.6188.7
0.07 M.2 70 7 778 81.7 84.1 8li6 86.4 86.9 86 9
0.08- 51.9 67 8 73.4 79 6 tl22 88.8 84.7 8Ii.2 85.2
0.09 48.9 65.2 78.1 77.6 80.3 82.0 88.0 88.5188.5
0.10 46.81 62.7 70.9 75.6 78.5 808 81.4 81.9 81.8 with the angle of Inclination, up to a certain point. They also show that for larger angles of Inclination than 25 degrees to 30 degrees the emclency Increases very little, especially If the coefficlent of friction Is small, and this fact ill of importance in practice, because, for reasons of gear ratio and conditions of a constructive nature, an angle greater than 30 degrees cannot be employed. The coemcient of friction increases with the load and diminishes to a certain extent with Increase of speed. Besides the friction between the worm and the wheel teeth. there Is also the friction of the spindle bearings and the ball bearings for taking the axial thrust. To obtain the best results.
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there must be very careful choice of dimensions of I teeth, of the stress between them, and the angle of Inclination. To show what can be done, the following are the results of a test with an OerIlkon wormgear for a colliery winding engine: The motor gave 30 brake horsepower to .0 brake horse-power at 780 revoluttons. The normal load was 25 brake horse-power, but at starting It could develop 40 brake horsepower. The worm-gear ratio was 13.6 to 1, the helicoidal bronze wheel having 68 teeth on a pitch circle of 7.283 inches, and the worm 5 threads. The power required at no load for the whole mechanism was . 520 watts, corresponding to 2.8 per cent of the normal. The emclenc), at one-third normal load gave 90 per cent, at full load 941h. and at 50 per cent overload 93 per cent. The emclenc), of the worm CJnd wllee' alone Is higher, and knowing the no-load power, Is calculated to be 971h per cent. According to the table given, of theoretical emclencles, this gives' the coemclent of friction as 0.01. To obtain a reduction of 13.6 to 1 with spur gears would have necessitated two pinions and two wheels with their spindles and bearings, and if the bearing friction was taken Into consideration, the emclency of such gearing would certainly not have reached the above-mentioned figure of 941h per cent at full load. Thes!3 figures, of course, seem very high for the emclency of worm gearing. The), were published in MACHINERY, December, 1903, having been obtained from a reliable source, and were never challenged.
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The Industrial Press, Publishers of MACHINERY,
4.0-55 Lafayette Street, New York City, U. S. A.