This document contains a supplication known as Dua al-Saify al-Sagheer or Dua al-Qamoos al-Qudrat. It is attributed to Imam Ali and seeks closeness to God through entering His oneness, strengthening faith, and receiving divine support, light, and pleasures. The supplicant asks God for protection, guidance to Him, and to distance deceitful people and darkness.
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This document contains a supplication known as Dua al-Saify al-Sagheer or Dua al-Qamoos al-Qudrat. It is attributed to Imam Ali and seeks closeness to God through entering His oneness, strengthening faith, and receiving divine support, light, and pleasures. The supplicant asks God for protection, guidance to Him, and to distance deceitful people and darkness.
This document contains a supplication known as Dua al-Saify al-Sagheer or Dua al-Qamoos al-Qudrat. It is attributed to Imam Ali and seeks closeness to God through entering His oneness, strengthening faith, and receiving divine support, light, and pleasures. The supplicant asks God for protection, guidance to Him, and to distance deceitful people and darkness.
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This document contains a supplication known as Dua al-Saify al-Sagheer or Dua al-Qamoos al-Qudrat. It is attributed to Imam Ali and seeks closeness to God through entering His oneness, strengthening faith, and receiving divine support, light, and pleasures. The supplicant asks God for protection, guidance to Him, and to distance deceitful people and darkness.
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دعاء السيفي الصغير
المعروف بدعاء القاموس الق ّدرة
• Word of Imam Ali (a.s.)
• Dua al-Qamoos al-Qudrat
• Also known as Dua al-Saify al-Sagheer
Reported by Thiqat al-Islam al-Noory
In Sahifat al-Alawiyya II
• Miraculous effects have been reported
ِالر ِحيم َّ ِ ن م ح ْ الر َّ ِ ه ل ّ ال ِ م س ْ ِ ب In the Name of Allah the All Beneficent the All Merciful َل َعلى ُم َح َّمد َوآ ِل ُم َح َّمد اَللّـ ُه َّم ص ِّ ك ِ ِ َ َحديَّتأ ِ ر ح ب ِ ة ج َّ ل ُ ي ِ ف يِن ل ْ ِ خ د ْ َ أ ب ِّ ر َ ْ َMy Lord! َ make me to enter in the sea of Your Oneness ك َِِّدانح و م ي ِ َ Andْinَtheِّ َheart َوطَ ْم ت ي طام of the oceans of Your Monotheism ك ِ ت يِدان ر ف ِ طان ل ْ س ِ ة َ َّ ْ َ And strengthen وط ْ س ِ ة و َّ ق ُ ِ ب يِن و ِّ ق َ و ُ َ َme َ with the strength of Your Only Rule ك ِ ت مح ر ِ ة ع س ِ ضاء ف َ لى ِ َحتَّى أَ ْخ ُر َج إ َ َ Soْ َthatَ Iَ be in the atmosphere of Your encompassed Mercy ِعات َب ْر ِق ال ُق ْرب ُ ِ َوفي َو ْجهي لَ َم And in my face rays of the light of nearness ك ِ ِ ِ ِ َ م ْن آثار حمايَت From the effects of Your support ك ِ ت ناي ِ ع ِ ب َ َGlorifiedا يز ِ ز ع ك ً byَ Your ِ ت بي ه َ َGlory ِ ب ا ً يب ِ ه م َْ َ mighty by Your favours ك ِ ت يِكزْ تو ك ِ يم ِ ل ع تِ َ َ َ benignant َ َ Dignified, ب ا ً مرَّ ك َ م ال ً ِّ ل ج ت م ْ َ by ُ َ َ ُ Your teaching and Your purifying ِ وأَلْبِسنِي ِخلَع ِالع َّز ِة وال َقبُول َAnd clotheَ me ْ َ with the attire of honour and acceptance ِصول الو و ِ ة ل َ ص الو ج ِ ناه م يِل لهِّ سو ُ ُ َ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ََ And ease for me the paths that reach and the destination ِالوقار و ِ ة امركَ ال تاج ِ ِب يِ ن ج و ِّ ت َ و َ َ َ And crown me ْ َ with the crown of benignity and elegance ك َ ِ ائب َّ ِ أح ن ي بو يِ ن ي ب ف ْ ِّ ل َأ و َْ َ َْ َ And َ befriend me with Your friends ِالدنْيا َودا ِر ال َقرار ِ ِ ُّ في دار In the worldly abode and in the permanent abode ك ِ م اس ِ ر و ِ ِ ُ ْ meَو ْار ُزقْن ن ن َ ْAnd provide م ي from the light of Your name واح رَ أل ا و وبُل ق ُ ال يِل قاد ُ نْ ت َ ة ً وط ْ سو ة ً بي ه َ ُ andَ capaciousness ُ ْ Earnestness َ َ َ َْ َ so that the hearts and souls are obedient to me باح ُ شْ األ و وس ف ُ َ ُ Andُّ الن ي َّ د َ ل َ ع ُ ض َ خ ْ ت َ و َ the souls and spirits are humble before me ِت لَه ِرقاب الجبابِرة ْ َّ ل ذ َ ن يام َ َ ُ ُ O before Who َْ the disobedient tyrants submit! ِاالكاسرة ِ ق ُ نا ع ْ َ أ ِ ه ي د َ ل َ ت ْ عضَ خ َ و َ ْ And lowered before Him َ َ are the necks of the rulers ك ِ ِ َ ك إالّ إلَْي ِ َ الم ْنجاً م ْن و أ ً ج ل ْ الم َ َ َ َ There is no salvation nor refuge from You but to You كِب الِ َ ّ Andَوال إعانَةَ إ no assistance but through You ك يَل ع ال َ ْ َ ّAndِكاء إ َ ِّ ت ا ال و َ no reliance but upon You ين ِ د ِ الحاس د َ ي ك َ ي ن ِّ ع َ ع ف َ د ْ إ َ ْ Distance from me ْ the deceit of the jealous دين ِ ُوظُل ِمات َش ِّر المعان َ Andُ the darkness َ of the evil of the combatants كشِ ر ع ِ قات ِ ادرس ت َ ْ َ And have mercy َ حَت يِ ن محار و ُ onْ me ْ َ ْ َ under the curtains of Your Throne ين ِ م ر ك ْ اال اء م ركْ أ يا ََ َO theَ most Benignant of the benignant! ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َ أَيِّ ْد ظاهري في تَ ْحصيل َمراض يك Support me in achieving Your pleasures ِ َو َن ِّو ْر َق ْلبِي َوس ِّري And enlighten my heart and my substance يك َ ِ ساع م ج ِ ِ ناه م لى ع الع ِ ِّ ط االِب َ َ َ By knowing the paths that reach You ك ن ِ م ٍ ة بي خِب كِ َ ْ َْ َ َ ْ َ ُ ُ ْ َ ْ َ إل ب با ن ع ر د َص أ في ك ي ِ ه My God! How can I return from Your door loosing hope from You ك؟ ِ ب ٍ ة قِ َ َوقَ ْد َو َر ْدتُهُ َعلى ث َ Whence I came to it with assurance on You ك ِ طائ ع َAnd how ن ِ م يِ ن سِي ؤ ْ ت ُ ف َ يكَ و َ can ْ Youُlet me downْ َ from Your favours ك؟ِ ِ َ ُ َوقَ ْد أ ََم ْرتَني ب عائ د Whence You commanded me to supplicate to You? ك ي لِإ َ َْ Andيجِ ت َ ل ْ م ك َ يَل ع َ ل ْ facedِ ب ق ْ م َنا أ ها و ٌ hereُ I have ٌ Youُ َ and have sought refuge in You ِ ِ ِ باع ْد َب ْيني َو َب ْي َن أ ْعدائي Distance between me and my enemies ت َب ْي َن أ ْعدائِي َ باع ْد َ َكما As You have distanced between my enemies ك ِ ِ ِ َ صار ُه ْم َعنِّي بنُور قُ ْدسَب أ ف ْ ِ ط ت خ ْ إ َ ْ And blind their sights from me َ by Your Pure Light ِ ِ و َج الل َم ْجد َك And َ the exaltedness of Your Honour ِالنع ِم الم َك َّرمة ِّ لِالئج ي ِ ط ع الم اهلل ت َ ن ْ َ أ ك َ َّ ن إ َ ُ َ َ َ ُْ Indeed You are Allah the provider of great dignified blessings ك ِ َ To َمتone ِ ِ ِ ناجاك بلَطائف َر ْح َ ل َم ْن ِ who whispers to You by Your Subtle Mercy ِ الج الل َواال ْكر ِام َ ياذا وم ُ ي ُّ ق َ يا ي ُّ ياح َ O Living! O Eternal! O Possessor of all Glory and Benignity! ِ ِ صلَّى اهلل َعلى َسيِّدنا َونَبيِّنا و And send salutations َ َ on our master and our Prophet ينرِ ِ اهَّ ط ال ينِ ب ي َِّّ ط ال عين م أج ِ ه ِ وآل ٍ د م َّ ح م َ َ َ َْ Mohammad and all of his progeny َُ the good and the pure