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RNSD Manual

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Operating Instructions Audi Navigation System Plus CONTENTS Display and operating elements 2 Destination MEMONY wuss 24 CD Changer 54 introduction q Startingroute quidance 0... 28 Switching on the CD mada... GA Important notes .... g Traffic congestion function ... ~~~ 23 Qperating the television 61 Audi Navigatian Plus 4 Entering settings 2.00000.0...38 Switching on the television moda....... 61 Main screen 5 Radio ‘ AZ VIB MODE as cesect sneer entrees AO Map and information display 6 Switching the radio on... 42 appendix n Switching the set on and off 7 Selecting tadio station . sais AS ARMSTRBHT GodWgiisiiaisusdiacaurscuiscon Tl Navigation gq Storing and recalling radio stations .....44 — Guarantee, exchange Main navigation menu g Adjusting the tone contral 46 — antenna care, registration 72 The Edit menu 10 Radio mode with ROS so... 48 Index 73 Entering a destination 12 Traffic programs . * 52 Entering 4 destination - special destinations... 18 Be sure to remove the “Equipment Card” ee eee eye re a safe place - never leave it | GREED Equipment Card - Auer Hf you should lose the Equipment Card with the code number, please contact your lo- | cal Audi car dealer. They will help you free | EQuisnest i of charge. | Teae. - Navigation Plus | | QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Be sure to remove the “Equipment Card” and keep it in a safe place - never leave it in your vehicle! lf you should lose the Equipment Card with ‘the code number, please contact your lo- cal Audi car deal vanay will help you free of charge. POGOe) Mlustration of the unit The navigation, radio, CD and TVivideo functions are activated using the f keys and menus Display and operating elements Display key: switches to night-time display and display OFF. Recalls the contrast settings 2) Radio mode Seek tuning; Manual seek tuning; down CD mode Track select; down 3) Radio mode Activates stored radio st CD mode CO select; up 4) Radio mode Activates stored radio station; down ion; up .5) Radio mode Seek tuning: Manual seek tuning: up CD mode Track select; up FM waveband TP key Activates automatically stored traffic information announcements Rotary/pushbutton knob Onvoff switeh and volume control Radio mode Automatically stores and activates the six radio station with the strang- est reception CD mode CD Mix (CD tracks are played in random order) )) AM Waveband Radio/CD/TY key On key; switches between radio, CD and TV mode Photo cell CD ROM slot For the navigation CD Display ) Button for storing a flagged destina- tion {current vehicle position} Zoom key Increases seaie Zoom key Decreases scale 23) (24 Trattic congestion key Activate the traffic congestion function (calculates an alternative route) Mode key Activates the settings menu depenc- ing on the operating mode 0 Info key Displays the complete destination address; repeats the most recent voice output Rotary/pushbutton knob Marks menu fields, activates sub- menus, Selects switching options, basic settings for tone and volume in the tone control menu Tone key Activates menus for tone control and volume setup Rewrn key Activates basic or previous menu Navigation key Switches to navigation mode. Important notes Compatible navigation CD- ROMs The Audi Navigation System plus can only use navigation CD-ROMs labelled “TravelPilot DX compatible” |{ no CD-ROM js inserted in the unit, an appropriate display will appear. Operating Audi Navigation Plus while driving The demands of today’s traffic situation require the full attention of read users at ail times. In addition to entertainment options, this system provides comprehensive and so phisticated features - a wide range of in- formation to help you te reach your desti- nation easily and safely. However, you should only use the radio navigation system with its wide range of options if the traffic situation really permits. The variaus volume settings should be selected so that acoustic signals from out- side the vehicle are audible at all times. Attention. Please devote your attention prima- rily to driving! As a driver you bear full responsibility for road safety. Please be sure to use the functions: in such a way thet you always remain in control of your vehicle in all traf. fic conditions! Before you use the navigation system and map display © Always observe the applicable traffic regulations while driving * The route calculated by the navigation system is a recommendation of how to best reach the destination. During the jour- Ney, please observe no parking raguiations, traffic lights, one-way streets or lane- change restrictions © Street and place names may change. As a result, the names stored on the CD may occasionally differ from the new name * In the event of a tyre change, please consult an Audi dealership ag a tyre change may interfere with the precision of the la- cating function. INTRODUCTION Anti-theft coding Anti-theft coding is an electronic system which pravents the unit from being reacti- vated if it is removed from the vehicle by unauthorised persons f “SAFE” is displayed atter the unit is switched on, the set can only be reacti- vated by entering the correct code - sea page 71 This code number is stuck on the “Equipment Card" along with the serial number at the front of the manual, under the table of contents. @ sure to remove the “Equipment Card” from the manual and keep it in a safe place - under no circum- stances in the vehicle. The set is only then truly useless to thieves! D changer and TV/video mode* This car radio allows you to contro! the original Aud) CD changer as well as a TW/ video module. How to operate the CD changer is described on page 64 ff. For TW video please refer to page 61 ff |i available (rom the factony with tha oar mde. Ang fetrofitbrg shoul! be cane by an Aud daar INTRODUCTION Audi Navigation Plus GPS satohtes Ad Navigation Plas ww GPS econ” cD changes ‘Serean stn ma hee Forcton hers CB Sir for navgation CO Navigation Audi Navigation Plus offers yau easy oper- ation of all comfort features associated with radio, navigation and TV/video in the car. Itis your “intelligent passenger” jadormitr sian ica Aug: TWAfdieo inuerlace (options) With it, you can reach your desired desti- nation quickly, safely and conveniently from your paint of departure without wasting precious time studying maps In unfamiliar towns, for example, you can save time finding the nearest filling station You can take a break en route, perhaps to gine at a restaurant or to visit a place of interest. The systam uses the data on the naviga- tian CD to calculate a route to the destina- tian. During route guidance, vanous display modes provide you with information about your vehicle location, instructians for turn- ing off (direction and distance up to the turn- ing) and the anticipated time of arrival at your destination, Please be advised, however, that there is no information on the meaning of traffic signs | How does the navigation system work? The currant vehicle location is identified with the aid of the speedometer signal and- signals received fram satellites. The dis- tance already covered and the diraction which the vehicle is travelling is measured by the speedometer. The information gath- ered is passed on to the navigation systam and compared with the map material in the systam memory. Outside densely populated ereas, this lo- cating method may occasionally fail to pro- duce an exact reading. In such a case, sat- allites are used to pinpoint the location, This. locating method is known as the Global Positioning System (GPS) Main screen RADIO 1 Information displays (here, radio informa. ‘tion display), menus or the map (navigation system) are shown on the screen. The ra- dio informatian display shows the station preset keys with the stored stations. The current station is displayed at the top. In TWivideo mode, tha screen reproduces 8 TV picture. The screen can be adjusted horizontally and vertically and offers three display modes: (daytime display, night-time display, OFF) This ensures optimum legibility. Press dis- play key |) to activate the three display modes one after another. Hold down the key fora longer time to access the display contrast settings menu, The display mode switches automatically when the head lights are switched on or aff A photo cell located beneath this key serves to control screen brightness Handling the sereen Please treat the screen with care as finger Pressure may cause dents and contact with pointed objects may result in scratching Cleaning the screen Fingerprints can be removed from the screen with a soft cloth and, if necessary, with rubbing alcohol. Note Please do not use any solvents such as petrol or turpentine as they will damage the material Menu overview INGOLSTADT ININGOLSTADT BODELSCHWINGHSTAASSE INTRODUCTION The menus displayed on the screen include the following standard fields ‘Status line (A) ‘When navigation is active, the status of the radio or CD function is displayed here. In the radio or CD mode, the active naviga- tion function is displayed (e.g “Destination entry is active”). Destination field (B)- Provides fourline display of the current destination when navigation is active and for destination in- put. For the radio information display, the information field appears here. It displays the name of the station selected (including the "TP" code if it is a Traffic Programme station) and the sound source, as well as other infarmation such as "NO TP”, “Auto- store” Menu fields (C) - Manu fields serve to call up submenus, to select functions and to select a destination directly from the Top- 10 memory in a similar way ta the function keys. A menu field is marked with a red selection bar The marking is also high- lighted by a red line which indicates the symbol for the right-hand rotary/pushbut ton. Turn this knob to adjust the selection bar INTRODUCTION Map and information display The map display can be used to enter the destination ond during route guidance. Destinations on the map are selected using cross wires with a selection rectan- gle and also menu fields. The map shows the current vehicle posi- 1A), the distance to the destination or ‘the remaining driving time (B}, the conges- tion symbol, the current map scale, the map orientation (C} and symbols (DI. You can tum the symbols on or off in the setup menu (see page 36). Access the map set-up menu by pressing the MODE button (19) in the main naviga- tian mode The map set-up menu allows you to alter the settings for the map display. Press the INFO key (2@ to hear the acous- tie route recommendation with remaining distance and estimated time of arrival and the full destination address, Information display feed fo ey He Pia tJ S) idee eh a During route guidance you have the option of an information display providing turn-off recammendations The information display shows you the tait- back symbol, the traffic station tuned in the number of receivable GPS satellites (E), the ETA at your destination, the distance to-your destination (F), the direction of travel 1G) and a bar showing the distance to the next junction/turnoff (H) You can switch back and forth conven- iently between the two display modes at any time. Call up the map from the infor- mation display by pressing the right-hand rotary/pushbutten (21). You can then return to the information display by pressing the RETURN key 23) Switching the set on and off Press the left-hand rotary/pushbutton §) to switch the system on and off. The start screen will appear in the display Note If the unit remains silent and "SAFE" ap- pears on the display after you have switched it on, you will have ta enter the correct code number to activate it. Please read the operating instructions on page 71. The system will switch off autornatically if the ig key is removed while the sys- tem is in operation With the ignition key removed, the sys tam can be switched on for approx. one hour by using the rotary/pushbutton (8) to switch it on and off. Tha unit will then switch off automatically. This process may be repeated as often as required INTRODUCTION After the correct code number has been entered the electronic lock will deactivate Then the menu (or display - here the radio information display} active before the sys- tem was last switched off will appear. The following message will also appear in the display: “The navigation system is be- ing activated. Please wait." Switching off the unit Prass the rotarypushbutton 6) The active operating made menu iradio/CD/TW/havige- tion) will be saved. The display will go dark and the unit is switched off NAVIGATION Main navigation menu sell) Activa menu @ Press the NAVIGATION key (24 The Selection bar will mark the “Position map” menu field. The double-headed ar- row in the centre of the lett edge of the screen indicates hidden menu fields, Tum the rotary/pushbutton ©!) ta move the se- lection bar to the “Start quidance" menu figid at the top or to “Position map” (when using for the first time} at the bottom. The complete main navigation menu will ap- peer. Note Use the NAVIGATION key (2 to return to the main navigation menu from all submen us, lists and display modes. ig the main navigation 8 INGOLSTADT ININGOLSTAOT BODELSCHWINGHSTARSSE Call up sequential menus, select options @ First mark the desired menu field using the rotary/pushbutton (21) and press the rotary/pushbuttan to canfirm. Start guidance (page 28) After you have selected the destination and activated route calculation start route guid- anca Destination memory (page 24) Destinations are stored, edited and recalled in the destination memory. Last destinations Tha last 8 destinations driven to will appear ‘on the screen. You can select your desti- nation quickly and easily from this list Position map Depending on the current setting, the cur- rent location, destination ar overview map will appear on the screen Top 4 destinations The first faur entries in the destinatien memory willappearon the screen and can he selected as your new destination Note ‘Tha extended main navigatian menu ap- pears, if you move the selection bar beyond the menu field “Start guidance” at the top ‘or beyond the "Position map” at the bot- tom using the rotery/oushbutton 2 City If you wish to enter a new destination ad- dress, enter the name of the city or town in this menu field Street/centre You wish te select another destination in the city mentioned in the destination field. @ Mark the menu field "Street/Centre” using the rotary/pushbutton (2? and press the rotary/pushbutton to confirm The city submenu appears, To specify your destination in greater detail aroceed as described for the city submenu (see page 13). Crossing/House number You wish to select another destination in the street mentioned in the destination field ® Mark the menu field “X-ing/House no.” in the “Enter destination” menu field us- ing the rotary/pushbutton 2!) and press the rotaryipushbutton to canfirm The street submenu appears. To specify your destination in greater detail proceed a8 described for the street submenu (see page 14). Special destinations The system affers special destinations sort- ed according to categories, NAVIGATION Note It is not possible ta mark menu fields high+ lighted in fight grey. The CD does not sup- port the function, NAVIGATION The Edit menu You can use this menu to make all of the alphanumeric entries required far naviga- ton These include: * entering, for example, town and street names as é destination * entering a short name when storing a destination in the destination mamary * entering a location name for a flagged destination, The Edit menu consists of @ the speller (A) with letters, a blank spa and digits @ five control fields (BY (ed) List 4) Move the cursor to the left >| «Move the cursor to the right =| Switch the speller (special characters) |] Blank space - deletes the marked character @ the edit field with the entry marking ino destination has yet been selected!) (C} or standard names lon red background) @ alist area with 4 entries (D). 10 erm aaa Luwxye J se EO The marking in the speller is initially posi tioned on the letter "M”. The standard name is in the edit fleld (marked red. Making an entry Enter the full name or the initials of the desired entry in the edit field (C}. An existing entry is deleted after the first character is entered. At the same time, a new list area is opened up in the edit list (D) @ Mark the desired character using the fotary/pushbuttan (1). The red selection marker then moves to the character © Confirm the character by briefly press- ing the ratary/pushbutten :21 The character is entered in the edit field. Atthe same time, the cursor will meve ane ‘space to the right, Repeat steps as required. Note IF you make any errers, use "4" and “Lb! to mave the cursor to the error. Mark the desired symbol “|€” or" »” and confirm by pressing the rotary/pushbutton 21) briefly. Press several times to mark a series of letters in the edit field Overwrite the incorrect character with the correct one or mark the blank space, con- firm it by pressing the rotary/pushbutton 2!) and delate the marked characters. It is not possible to overwrite or delete a single character. All of the following char- acters in the direction selected are also af- fected. Activate “List” ‘The list is used to select the desired town as a destination. There are two ways to activate the list in the Edit menu: @ Press the retary/pushbutton (21) for more than 2 seconds or @ Mark the “[—1!* control field with the rotary/pushbutton 21) and confirm by press- ing the rotary/pushbutten. Note If the selected town name is listed several times, @ submenu will appear from which you can then select the desired entry. Selecting names from the list @ Mark the desired entry with the rotary! pushbutton (21) and confirm A white triangle above the first entry or below the last entry indicates that there are more entries an the list Paging forwards in the |ist’ By turning the fotarypushbutton (2! to the left, move the selection bar beyend the last entry. The first ‘entry en the new page is identical to the last entry on the previous page. Paging backwards: /f the selection bar is positioned on the first entry, you can call up the previous page by turning the ratary/ pushbutton 21) ta the right NAVIGATION W NAVIGATION Entering a destination INGOLSTADT ININGOLSTROT BODELSCHWINGHS.... ee et Position map a Overview The destination is entered in the main nav- igation menu. You rnust use the Edit menu to enter new destinations which are not yet stored in the destination memory. You can access any destinations already entered. Entering a new destination If you move the selection bar past the “Start guidance” or “Position map” menu fieids, the complete main navigation menu will appear on the screen, Use the Edit menu to enter the town/city in the “City” menu field. Use the submenu to specify the destination 12 INGOLSTADT INANGOLSTADT BODELSCHWINGHSTRASSE | Start guidance Pa) Entering a destination from the des- tination memory You cen easily recall destinations which have already been stored in the destination memary The destinations are given a short name, with the information an the exact address, and stored in the destination memory ‘You can sort the destinations and deter- ming in which order they appear. The first four entries in the destination memory ap- pear in the main navigation menu. This al- lows you to find destinations you use fre- quently quickly. if there are no addresses stored for the first four entries, “Top 1" to “Top 4" will appear in the main navigation menu. It is possible to delete destinations you no longer require. Use the “Dest. memory” menu field in the main navigation menu ta access the desti- ration menu The last eight destinatians are stored auta- matically. You can use them repeatedly for route guidance. Use the "Last destina- tions" menu field in the main navigation menu to activate this list. The list is man- aged by the system, As a result, you can only delete “Last destinations”. You can- not process them in any other way You can also activate the special destina- tions the system makes available. Select these destinations from menus or lists, ‘without entering addresses. It is not possi- bie to alter these destinations in any way. Entering a destination - new destination Entering a destination - City Enter the destination you wish to drive to in the navigation system. Begin by enter- ing the town or city name. Selecting the “City” menu field ® Use the rotary/pushbutton @i) to mark the “City” menu field in the main naviga- tion menu and push the rotaryipushbutton to confirm your selection Entering the town/city name Enter the complete name of the towrycity or only the first letters in the edit field. @ Mark the dasired character with the ro- taryfpushbutton (21), The red selectian mark- ing will move to that character. PABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSQUUWRY2 | [ello] 7 ROU. /-1224567090 OT [NcolsiaDT urd [iNerarisnon vesrereN The corresponding section of the list will appear in the list field Aname in the edit field can be selected by pressing the rotary/pushbutton (21) for a longer time or 4 selection made from the list field *[<3]" The city submenu will appear. Here you can now specify your ation address more precisely. City submenu The following menu fields appear: ® “Streat™ - permits you to select a street and then an intersection in towns with a population of over 50,000 (see page 14} NAVIGATION INGOLSTAOT INANGOLSTADT Destination area (J ® “Town centre” - for towns with a popu- lation of under 50,000, the destination can- not be more pracisely specified using the “Street” menu field. This is why the selec- tion bar is pesitioned on the menu field “Town centre” after callLup (see page 15). ®@ “Destination area” - permits selection of a destination according to categories (e.g. Airports”), provided that the neces- sary data is available (see page 16), “Destination on map" - permits selec- tion of a destination with the aid of the map (see page 16) NAVIGATION Entering a destination - Street Complete the desired destination address by entering the street name Selecting the “Street™ menu field @ Mark the “Street” menu field in the des- tination entry menu using the rotary/push- button 1 and press the rotary/pushbuttan to confirm This calls up the following — the list (for a maximum of 14 entries) — the Edit menu (far more than 14 entries) Entering names in the Edit menu @ Enter the street name in the edit field of ‘the Edit menu, To do so, follow the same procedure as for “Entering a destination - City” (see page 13). Selecting names from the list @ Use the right-hand rotary/pushbuttan (21) ‘to mark the desired entry and confirm by pressing the rotaryfoushbutton Page within the list by moving the selec- n bar beyond the last entry (page for- wards} or beyend the first entry (page back} 4 tc) BLUCHERSTRASSE BLUTENWEG BOCKHOLTSTRASSE BODELSC INGHSTAASSE Note A long street name may be stored several times, in arder to facilitate the search, @.g.: SACHS-STRASSE, HANS- HANS-SACHS-STRASSE If the selected street name exists several times in one town, a submenu will appear from which the desired entry can then be selected. INGOLSTADT IN-INGOLSTADT BODELSCHWINGHSTAASSE You can specify the destination address more precisely in the Street submenu: Use the following menu fields: ® “Intersection” - calls up the Edit menu/ the list for selecting an intersection ® “House number” - calls up the Edit menu/the list for selecting a house number. @ “Destination on map" - activates the map. Specify the destination further with the aid of the map (see page 18) ® “Continue” - the menu will close, the main navigation menu appears. Once the full destination has been entered, you can start route guidence. See page 28 for more details on route guidance. a Entering a destination - “Town centre” For large towns, you can enter the centre of @ town district as a destination in the “Town centre” menu field For smaller towns with populations of less than 50,000, this menu field is used to en- ter the town centre since it is nat always passible to enter destinations with the “Street” menu field. Selecting the “Town centre” menu field @ Mark the “Town centre" menu field in the destination entry menu using the rota- ry/pushbutton (71) and press the rotary/ pushbutton te confirm, Es Ga CH, RAMERSDOA AAMERSDORF-PERLACH FaMMERSDORF En G The following will appear: - the list (fora maximum of 14 entries} — the Edit manu (for more than 14 entries}. Selecting a town centre @ Enter the name of the desired town cen- tre in the edit field or confirm an existing entry @ Now activate the list. @ Mark the desired town centre on the list using the ratary/pushbutton (21) and press the fotary/pushbutton to confirm. The main navigation menu will then appear ‘You can now start route guidance (see page 28), NAVIGATION Notes For big cities, the list also includes city dis- tricts It there are several entries of the selected town name (or city district name} on the ist, a submenu will appear from which you can then select the desired entry, 16 NAVIGATION Selecting a destination - “Destination area” Use the “Destination area" menu field to select spacial destinations clase to a prewi- ously selected destination (displayed in the destination field). You can use this function, for example, to facilitate the search for a car park near your destination First select the destination via the catego- ties, After the confirmation of a category, a list giving details of the corresponding destination address and the destination dis- tance will appear. ‘© Confirm the menu field by pressing the rotary/pushbutton (21) The category list will appear Selecting a category @ Mark the desired entry using the rotary/ pushbutton (21) and confirm The local destination list will appear to match the selected category fe.g. “Car park") Note You can page back and forth between the individual pages {see page 11). 16 Entering a destination - fram the map Using the “Destination on map* menu tieid you can select a destination in the destina- tion map. The destination is located in the cross-wires. You can activate the map to enter the des- tination from the following menus: ~ City submenu ~ Street submenu — Special destinations The map is aligned due north, The current Map scale as well as the GPS status and the arrow facing north are shown on the map. Yau can alter the map scale {700m}, move the map horizontally and vertically. You have a choice of the following scales: 100m 1:10,000 200m 1:20,000 500m 150,000 1 km 1:100,000 2km 1:200,000 5 km 1:500,000 10 km 1:1,000,000 20 km 12,000,000 50 km 16,000,000 100 km 1:10,000,000 200 km —-1:20,000,000 500km — 1:50,000,000 The destination is confirmed on the small ‘est Zoom scaie 1100 m). You can store the destination in the destination memary Calling up the map @ Mark the “Destination on mep™ menu field and confirm by pressing the rotary pushbutton i The map will appear along with the cross wires and the selection window. The se- lection window indicates that the current map scale is not suitable for entering the destination. It also shows a section of the map in the zoom mode. @ Alter the zoom scale Use the zoom keys (8) and (77) t0 increase ar decrease the zoam effect © Move the cross wires The cross wires appear with a red and a black axis. The red axis corresponds to the active direction of mevement, @ Move the cross wires and thus also the selected map section by tuming the rota- ry/pushbutton 1 @ Press the rotary/pushbutton (2!) briefly to switch back and forth between vertical Left tur ight turn Vertical |Downwards [Upwards Horizontal ITo the left To the right @ Press the ratary/pushbutton (21) to end the move function Note if @ town, a street or a symbol can be allo- cated to the cross wires, the correspond- ing information is displayed in the menu line. ‘The symbols for filling stations, railway sta tions, aifports and motorway (BAB) filling stations are shown on the map © Confirm destination The destination is confirmed on the srall- est zoom scale (100 m). If anather scale is Sot, switch to the smallest scale. After confirming the destination you can enter a short name in the Edit menu. The destination is than stored under this short name. Note if a town and street name are available, the destination is stored with these particulars in the destination memory, NAVIGATION NAVIGATION Entering a destination - special destinations Overview You can enter more destinations by select- ing the “Special dests.” menu field in the main navigation menu Special destinations include: Destinations in the area ® Destinations in vicinity of vehicle Supraregional destinations % Destinations in the travel quida ® Destinations on the map @ A flagged destination Destinations are entered under categories stored in alphabetical erder. In some cas- es, you are offered different category op- tions for the various special destinations. (Categories are, for exarnple: ~ Audi dealership - Motorway access - Station — Car park - Theatre/Arts If there is no data on a category, the selac- tion bar will move to the next available cat- egary. 1 After you select and confirm a categary the list of stored destinations will appear. Now you Gan select the desired destinatian Selecting the “Special dests.” menu field @ Mark the “Special dests.” menu field in the main navigation menu using the rota- ryfpushbutton (27) and confirm by pressing the rotary/pushbutton The “Enter special destinations” menu will appear BAY, OBERSTES LANDESGERICHT | Close to location J) Destination on map | Suprareg. dests. | To flagged dest, oO Selecting destinations in the “Destination area” After you activate the special destinations menu, the selection bar will mark the “Des: tination area~ menu field Use the “Oestinatinn area” menu field to select special destinations close to.a previ- ously selected destination (displayed in the destination field). You can use this function, for example, ta facilitate the search for a car park near your destination, First select the destination via the categories. After the. confirmation of a category, a ist giving detais of the corespandng destination address and the destination distance wal appear © Confirm the menu field by prassing the rotary/pushbutton 27 The categary list will appear Place of interest Public place Sports ground Station Thaatre/Arts Selecting a category @ Mark tha desired entry on the list of cat- egories using the rataryfpushbutton ‘21 and confirm, The local destination list for the selected category le.g. “Public place") will appear Note You ean page back and forth between the individual pages (see page 11) Selecting an entry from the list ‘The local destination list is displayed. It lists destinations in the vicinity of the current destination for the selectad catagory. In addition, the distance between the vehicle letation and the destinatian ara given, NAVIGATION ic 24 km KONSULAT DER DOMINIK, RE... 2.5 km KONSULAT DER USA EMTS 2.6 km STRATSMINI: iM JUSTIZ 2.6 km KONSULAT UON NORWEGEN 2.7 km KONSULAT YON MOSAMBIQUE 2.7 km BAYERISCHE STAATSKANZLEI @ Mark the desired destination using the rotary/pushbutton :21) and confirm by press- ing the rotary/pushbutton. After you have confirmed the desired en- try, the main navigation menu will appear The selected destination is displayed in the destination field. The selection bar marks the “Start guidance” menu field Press the rotary/pushbuttan @1 to start route guidance (see page 28) If you want to store the selected special destination in the destination memary, se- lect the “Dest. memory” menu field. Pro- ceed as described in the section on desti- nation memory (see page 24) 19 NAVIGATION Select destination in the vicinity of the current vehic! location This special destination is not assigned to any previously selected destination. It ra- lates to the immediate vicinity of the cur- rent vehicle location. Asa result, this function is ideally suited to planning a stop on the jaurney, e.g. to eat at @ restaurant or find the nearest filling station 20 U Public place BAY, OBERSTES LANDESGERICHT | Destination area] Travel guide | Selecting the “Close to location” menu field @ Mark the “Close to location” menu field using the rotary/pushbutton (21) and confirm by pressing the rotary/pushbutton The list of categories will appear Selecting a category @ Mark the desired entry on the list of cat- egories using the rotary/pushouttan 21) and confirm. The local destination list for the selected category will appear = G Place af interest | Selecting an entry from the list The local destination list is displayed. It ists destinations in the vicinity of the current vehicle location for the selected category In addition, the distance between the vehi- cle location and the destination are given ‘@ Mark the desired destination using the rotary/pushbutton (21) and confirm by press- ing the retary/pushbutton Tha main navigation menu will appear, the selected destination is displayed in the des- tination field You can now start route guidance (see page 28), ern Selecting supraregion: destinations This Special destination has not been as- signed to any praviously calculated desti- nation. Itis based upon the current vehicle ocation. With this function you can, for example, fing your way to the next motorway serv- ce station or the nearest airport. Selecting the “Suprareg. dests.” menu field @ Mark the “Suprareg. dests.” manu field using the rotary/pushbutton (1) and press the rotary/pushbutton to confirm. The category list will appear. NAVIGATION G - G Matorway access SCHAFFENBURG Motorway intersee, UATLAS AIRFIELD. GANDERKESEE- JATTERHEIDE. OSNAERUGK- ie Place of interest eis BADEN-BADEN-OOS Other destinations Selecting a category @ Mark tha desired entry in the category list using the rotary/pushbutton (21) and confirm, Note Hf there are more than 14 entries under a category, the Edit menu will appear first, Enter the desired name or first letter here and than activate the list. BADEN-OOS. BADEN- Selecting a category entry @ Select the desired entry from the list using the rotary/pushbutton (1) by mark- ing and confirming it The main navigation menu will appear, the desired destination is displayed in the des- tination field The selection bar will mark the “Start guid: ance” menu field You can now start route guidance (see page: 28) a1 NAVIGATION Destinations from the Travel Guide With the travel guide, you ean first call up travel information about other destinations and then select these destinations. The travel information is stared in categories: If your navigation CD does not support the travel guide, this option will appear in light grey, you cannot select it Categories are, for example: — Accommodation — Food and drink = Tourist information Travel information ean inelude such things as prices, facilities and telephone/fax num- bers of hotel accommodation, Calling up the travel guide @ Mark the “Travel guide” menu field with the rotary/pushbutton (21 Press the rota- ryipushbutton to confirm your selection. The travel guide category list will appear ‘on the screen. 22 Selecting categories and destina- tions @ Mark the desired category with the ro- tary/pushbution ‘21). Press the rotary/push- button to confirm your selection, If there are any entries under your select- ed category, they will now appear in the display: @ Select and confirm the entry with the rotaryfpushbutton (21 The available information, e.9. address, 1e!- ephaone/fax number, prices, opening times, will appear in the display. Confirm your selected destination by press- ing the retary/pushbutton (21), A submenu will appear Select a menu field: @ Start route guidance-route guidance will begin @ Main menu - returns to the main menu of the travel guide @ Return - returns to the beginning of the information displayed for the current desti- nation, 1 Next destination - displays informatian on the next destination stared in this cate- gory in the travel guide, Note ‘You can retum to the category list by press- ing the RETURN key ‘22 NAVIGATION Defining the current vehicle location as a flagged destination A flagged destination js the current vehi- cle location which you have defined during your journey with route guidance active us- ing the "Store location” key 15. This desti- nation may, for example, be an interesting ‘shop you would like to visit at a later date A short beep will confirm that you have defined a flagged destination. If several flagged destinations are entered during route guidance, anly the last one will re- main stored in the memory. | flagged destination is stared in the des- tination memory, it can then be used for destination entry Close to lacation [} Destination on map ‘Suprareg. desta. Tee & Selecting the flagged destination as your destination This function is not available unless you have set a flagged destination. @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (21) to mark the "To flagged dest.” menu field. Push 1! fotary/pushbutton ta confirm your selection. The driving route will be calculated; route guidance will begin 23 NAVIGATION Destination memory Overview You can store, edit and salect destinations in the destination memory Activate the destination memory menu di- rectly from the main navigation menu via the "Dest. memory” menu field. The destinations are stored under a short name, which allows you to find the desired destination in the destination memory quickly. The short name is always in front af the destination, You can enter any name as the short name: the examples here are: “Tam”, "Sue", “Hotel” and “Auto”, The short name is entered in the Edit menu: You can select the following destination mamory functions with the menu fields: @ Select destination, page 24 @ Store destination, page 24 @ Store flag, page 25 Sort destinations. page 26 ® Delete all destinations, page 26 @ Delete last destination, page 27 24 Selecting a destination @ Mark the “Dest. memory” menu field in the main navigation menu and press the fotary/pushbutton (21) to confirm your se- lection, The main destination memory menu will appear. @ Mark the “Select destination” manu field. The destination memory list will appear. @ Mark the desired entry with the rotary/ pushbutton (2) and confirm your selection The destination memory submenu will ap- pear. The "Start guidance” menu field will be marked, Confirm this function and route guidance will begin. BAY, OBERSTES LANDESGERICHT Storing a destination @ Mark the “Dest. memory” menu field in the main navigation menu and press the fotary/aushbutton 2%) to confimm your se- lection The main destination memory menu will ap- pear. @ Mark the “Store destination” menu field The Edit menu will appear Entering a short name @ Enter the desired short name in the edit field and hold dawn the rotary/pushbutton (21) (more than 2 seconds) to confirm your entry. The destination memory list appears. Turn the rotary/pushbuttan to select the memory position where you wish to store your destination antry, Press the rotary/ pushbutton to store your entry. Note The first 4 memory positions are highlight ed in white and named Top 1-4. You can recall these destinations directly i main navigation menu. Changing a short name You wamt to change a short name in the destination memory @ Use the rotary/oushbuttan (21) to mark the dasired entry in the destination list and confirm The destination memory submenu will ap- pear. The selected address will appear in the address field with its short name, @ Use the rotary/pushbutton 2? to mark the “Change short name” menu field and press it to confi. The Edit menu will appear. The shart name you want ta change willl appear in the edit field. Enter @ new short name. The existing name will be deleted as soon as yau enter the first new character. Pro- ceed as described in the section on “Se: lecting a destination” Note f there are over 14 entries in the destina- tion memory, the speller menu appears first for selection of the desired page. MUNCHEN Public place ‘BAY, OBERSTES LANDESGERICHT Storing a flagged destination During your journey you used the “Store location” key (15) to set a flagged destina- ton while route guidance was activa. Use the “Store flag” functian to store it perma- nently in the destination memory @ Use the rotary/pushbutton 1) to mark the “Store flag" menu field and press it to confirm Now the Edit menu will appear. The stand- ard name given by the system will appear in the edit field You can either adopt the standard name “Flagged dest. (hh:mm)” or assign a loca- tion name of your own. NAVIGATION BCD GHA DEQGETUALAYA izsantraan ae Geen To adopt the standard name: @ Confirm the entry “Flagged dest. {hhemm)* by holding dewn the rotary/push- button (21) (longer than 2 seconds). To enter a location name of your own: @ Enter a location name with the aid of the character list. The standard name will be deleted when the first character is entered ® Confirm your entry by holding down the rotary/pushbuttan (28 (longer than 2 sec- ‘onds} Fis) NAVIGATION Sorting destinations The entries are stored in the destination mamory according to the time they are en- tered, You can alter this sequence, The first four destinations [Top-4 destinations} are already shown in the main navigation menu. This allows you ta select destinations you drive to frequently quickly @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (2? ta mark the “Sort destinations” menu field and press it to confirm The destination list will appear @ Use the rotary/pushbuttan ‘21 to move: the selection bar to the entry you want to move and press to confirm. A white triangle will appear in front of the entry. The entry will now move with the selection bar @ Move the entry to the new location by turning the rotary/pushbutton ‘21 to the left or the right @ Press the rotary/pushbutten (21) to can firm the new position A white triangle will appear in front of the entry The main navigation menu will appear, 26 tc) STA Maas ‘Top2: AMT. MUNCHEN op’: FLUGI, AUGSBURG Topa: LANDMiIN, MUNCHEN, LUDWIES MARIA, INGOLSTADT, ST.-MARTINS- PLAT TAATHAUS, GARCHING BE] MUNCHEN, Ri Note A white triangle below the last entry on the first page of the destination list indicates ‘that there are more entries on the next page, MUNCHEN Public place ‘BAY. OBERSTES LANDESGERICHT Delete all dest Deleting destinations Deleting all destinations Waring! All of the entries in the destina- tion memory will be daleted. @ Use the ratary/pushbutton 21) to mark the "Delete all dests." menu field and press to confirm. A pop-up inquiry will appear on the screen To cancel the deletion process: @ Press RETURN (23 To delete all of the destinations: @ Press the rotary/pushbutton (21 Deleting destinations from the destination memory Deleting the last destination The last destination mamory contains the \ast eight destinations driven to. These des- tinations can be deleted indrvidually Use the rotaryfoushbutton (21) to mark the “Delete last dest.” menu field and press to confirm. The last destination memory will eppea The first entry is marked Warning! The system will not ask you ta confirm before deleting the entry. @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (21) te mave to the entry you want to delete and press it to confirm The entry will be deleted. The main desti- nation memory menu will appear. io ‘Top 1: BAU, MUNCHEN, MAXIMIL|ANS, [Top 1: AMT. MUNCHEN | SUD . INGOLSTADT. Deleting a single destination You can remove destinations you no long- er require fram the destination memory Selecting the entry @ Mark the entry you want to delete from the destination memory list with the rota- ryfpushbutton 21) and press the rotary/ pushbutton ta confirm. The destination memory submenu will ap- pear, NAVIGATION Deleting the entry ‘Waring! The system will not ask you to confirn before deleting the entry © Use the rotery/oushbutton ‘21) to mark tha “Delete destination” manu field in the destination memory submenu and press it to confirm The entry will be deleted. The main desti- nation memory menu will appear, Note if there are more than 14 entries in the destination memory, the Edit menu is dis- played first for entry of the destination to be deleted. Either hold down the rotary/ pushbutton 21) danger than 2 seconds} or select the " J)" contro! field to call up the desired page. a NAVIGATION Starting route guidance INGOLSTADT INANGOLSTADT BODELSCHWINGHSTRASSE After selecting a destination and determin- ing the route, you can start route guidance by confirming the “Start guidance” menu field in the main navigation menu. Either the map or the information display will appear. Further information on the map and infor- mation displays can be found on page 6. 28 Information display The information display indicates the traffic congestion symbol (here the traffic congestion function is inactive), ihe number of receivable GPS satellites, ‘the estimated time of arrival at the des- tination, the distance to the selected destination, the travel direction, the distance bar to the intersection/turn- ing with the distance indicated Changing to the map display © Press the rotary/pushbutton 2 During route guidance you can press the rataryfpushbdutton (21) briefly in the map dis- play to have the last voice output repeat- ed. If you press the rotary/pushbutton (21) for longer, the cross wires will appear. You can Raw move the map section Displaying the full destination ad- dress Press the INFO key 20 to display the cur- rant location, the currant destination and the estimated travel time. At the same time the most recent spoken route recommen- dation will be repeated _ NAVIGATION Tailback function and dynamic route guidance Summary This function can be used to modify the route according to the traffic situation, el ther automatically on the basis of traffic bulletins received, ar manually, by the user Traffic reports are received automatically either by RDS-TMEC (free of charge) or from a service provider (chargeable). Chargeable traffic bulletins are raceived {rom a service provider on the GSM cellular network The tailback function status is shown on the map or information display The symbols are Tailback function inactive Tailbaok function active The selected source of the traffic bulletin is also shawn as a symbol, Note The tailback function can only be activated during route guidances. {f tailback key tis pressed in anather mode, only traffic bulie- tins received can be retrieved 2 Traffic info awailabie Source: radio ii for route section Peete Chetk tatest Pepsettings | ack function Displaying the ta master menu © Press tailback key (i) during route guid- ance (map or information display operating) You can select the following tailback func: tions from the menu fields: Altemative route (@ now automatically, page 34 ‘@ For route section, page 30 i from here on, page 31 Traffic bulletins: @ Read, page 34 Check latest, page 33 @ Settings, page 32. 25 NAVIGATION 2 Traffic info avellable ‘Source: radio it Tailback function Block part of the route list (for route section) @ Highlight the menu option “for route section” and press combined knob/button a ‘Tha message “Calculating route list” will appear, then the route list will be displayed. The “+” symbol before the road name in- digates that this road contains other block- able sections of the route. Highlight the desirad option and press and hold down combined knobybutton (21) to retrieve the detailed route list @ Toclose the detailed route list, highlight the entry which commences "-" and press. and hold down combined knobybutton 21, 30 nl 8.1 km BIS /WESTLICHE RINGSTIAS... = BL ken BIS MWESTLICHE AINGSTRAS... +16 fem B13/NDIRDLICHE RINGSTRIAS.. Blocking roads @ Highlight the desired road and press combined knab/button (21), The road will be highlighted in red. If you want ta block ad- gitonal roads, turn combined knob/button, 21) anti-elackwise. Each revolution will block an additional road Releasing blocked roads A blocked road can be released by turning combined knob/button (21) clockwise, Press return key 24) to release all the high- lighted roads. Activating blocking ‘Once you have blocked the desired roads, press cambined knob/outton 20 The route will be recalculated, allowing for the blocked route list, and the map or in- formation display will appear The “For part of route” option an the tall back master menu will be ticked Blocked roads will be shown as dotted lines on the map display. Cancelling blocking Retrieve the tailback menu by prassing tall- back key 23) Highlight the menu option “far route sec tion” by turning combined knob/button #1 and confirm it The message "Calculation of the alterna: tive route cancelled” will appear and the route will be recalculated, The map or in- formation display will then appear Note You can exit from the tailback menu by pressing return key ‘2, without calculat- ing a new route NAVIGATION 2 Traffic info avatiatle ‘Source: radia Detour tere Blocking advance route sections {from here on) If a tailback lies ahead you can block the section of the route following the next pos- sible tumnoft @ Highlight the menu option “from here on” and press combined knob/button 27 The message “Detour for the next..." and @ proposed length of the block will appear nthe upper box. You can adjust the length of the block by turning combined knob/button (21 The navigation system will specify the maximum length of the blorkable route Confirm the selected length by pressing combined knob/outton (21) The alternative route will be calculated accordingly ‘Detour for the next ... 1.26 mi tats Traffic info | nous automaticaly | for route Check tatest bSettings | G The menu option “from here on” will be ticked on the tailback master menu: The blocked road will be shown as a dot- ted line on the map display. Cancelling blocks Retrieve the tailback master menu by pressing tailback kay (1# Highlight the menu option “from here on” by turning combined knob/putton (21) and confirm it The message “Calculation of altamative route cancalied” will be displayed and the route will be recalculated. The map or in formatian display will then appeer Note You can exit from the menu without mak- ing any changes by pressing return key 2 n NAVIGATION Dynamic route guidance Important notes Dynamic route guidance currently only op- erates in Germany. The “plus” navigation system must also be fitted with the right components. Please contact your Audi dealer if you have any questions. What is dynamic route guidance? Dynamic reute guidance adapts the caleu- lated route to traffic bulletins and recaicu- lates it automatically Two sources of informatian can ba select- ed for receiving traffic bulletins ‘Chargeable traffic bulletins (tele- phone) Traffic information can be retneved from a ‘service provider by GSM telephone against payment and analysed by the navigation system. The traffic reports are more up to date and detailed than in TMC. The data is transferred through the GSM network, using the network operator's SMS chan- nel. 22 Free traffic bulletins (Radio RDS- TMC) Traffic reports are broadcast by a radio sta- tion in addition to its programmes and are feceived and analysed by the navigation systam. Reception of traffic bulletins is free of charge Notes Changing the source of information will delete the traffic bulletins received, Mixed operation, using both sources at once, is Nat possible. fete cere pepe aren tr ott) Selecting the source of traffic bul- letins @ Press tailback key (™). The tailback mas- ter menu will be displayed @ Highlight the menu option “Settings” with combined knob/button 2" and confirm it. The settings menu will be displayed. To select the source of traffic bulletins. highlight the “Source” manu option and press combined knob/bution 2) You can toggle between telephone and radio (RDS-TMC} sources by pressing com- bined knob/button (21, Sin Liar freer Conn ial Telephone if you have selected “Telephone” as a SOUrce you can set the retrieval cycle from your service provider by using the “Inquiry frequency” menu option. The following set- tings are available: Single inquiry A single retrieval {ram the service provider is made when route guidance is run, Exist- ing traffic bulletins are received and the connection is closed, Cyclical inquiry Retrieval from the service provider takes place when route guidance is run. Existing waffic bulletins are received and the con- nection is closed. A new retrieval from the service provider then takes place every 15 minutes and the traffic bulletins are updat- ed. Running retrieval manually (check latest) You can run retrieval from the tailback mas- ter menu at any time, whatever the retrieval frequency selected (single ar cyclical) Highlight the “chack fatest” option on the tailback master manu, using combined knob/button (21), and confirm it, Retrieval from the service prowider will be run and the traffic bulletins will be updated. NAVIGATION Radio (RDS-TMC) selected as source if you have selected radio as the source of information, you must also select an RDS- TMC statian from the “Station” manu op- tion @ Highlight the “Station” menu option with combined knob/butten (21) and con- firm it. A list of the available RDS stations: which broadcast TMC bulletins will be dis- played. @ Highlight the desired station with com- bined knob/button 21) and confirm it. 33 NAVIGATION ete ia Caine Cokie Automatic calculation of the alter- native route You can selact whether a dynamic route will be calculated or not as standard when route guidance is run by using the “always automatic” menu option. @ Highlight the “always automatic” menu option with combined knob/button (er, Switch this function on or off by pressing knob/button 25) Select on if the traffic bulletins received are to be taken inte account when route quid- ance is run. The menu option “now automatically” will be ticked an the tailback master menu 34 If you want to terminate dynamic route calculation for active route guidance, high- light the menu option "now autematical ly" with knob/button ‘21) and confirm it. The tick will disappear and the route will be recalculated. Traffic bulletins received will no longer be taken into account. Switching on dynamic route during route guidance (now automatically) Retrieve the tailback menu by pressing tail back key (18 Mark the “now automatically” menu op- tion and confirm it by pressing knob/put- ton (21), The route will be recalculated. Route guid- ance will be continued after racalculation, taking account of traffic bulletins. Retrieving traffic bulletins The traffic reports received can also be dis: played as text on the screen of your nawvi- gation system Press tailback key (18) and highlight the “Read” menu option with combined knob/ button (21. The first traffic bulletin will ap pear on the screen. You can retrieve tur- ther bulletins by turning combined knob/ button 21. The number of bulletins received is displayed on the top line, e.g, traffic bul- letin 272. Entering settings Press the MODE key ‘18) ta access the Set- up menu in the navigation made. Hare you can display and alter the different basic settings fer the following, # desired. ® Automatic z0om @ Alignment © Map type @ Map content @ Route option @ Route list ® Settings ol PT ea a) Det “Automatic zoom” menu field @ Mark the "Atomatic zoom” menu field. Press the rotary/aushbutton (21; ta switch the automatic za0m on or off It the automatic zoom Is active, the map resolution will change during route guid- ance depending an your vehicle speed and the complexity af the road network “Alignment” menu field @ Press the rotary/pushbutton (21) to con- firm the “Alignment” menu field Press repeatedly to display four different settings one after the other, The alignment displayed is the current one. NAVIGATION Direction of travel - The marking always paints forwards in small scales (100m -5 km], the map turns accordingly when the driving direction changes. Nerthwards - The map paints due north, the directional arrow turns accordingly Direction of destination. The map points towards the destination, Automatic - The map is aligned according to the seale chosen: * 100 m-Skm: Direction of travel * Skm-500km: Due north 36 NAVIGATION “Map type” menu field @ Mark the "Map type” menu field in the map menu using the rotary/pushbutton (21, and confirm by pressing the rotary/push- button @ Press repeatedly to display three difter- ent settings one after the other, The map type displayed is the currant one. Map of location - Display of the map sec- tion showing the current vehicle lacation, Seale and alignment of the map remain unchanged Map of destination - Shows the destina- tion, Scale and alignment of the map re- main unchanged General map - Shows the current vehicle location and the destination 36 “Map content” menu field In addition to the symbals the system uses automatically, you can choose other sym bols and options for the map display. @ Press the rotary/pushbutton (@) to con- firm the "Map content” menu field A submenu will appear. @ Turn the rotary/pushbutton ‘2 a symbol, Press to confirm. You can select several symbols at once-one after the other. Active symbols are indicat- ed by a checkmark on the right The symbol selected will then appear dur- ing route guidance in the corresponding scale on the map to select ‘Confirm the symbol again in order to can- cel it. The checkmark will disappear, The symbol will not appear on the map. Filling stations and car parks are always in- dicated on motorways, regardless of the ‘setting in this menu Pina ou Ferries Mac ‘ollraads = “Route option” menu field When determining a route for route guid ance you can take the following options into consideration ® Route - quick or short @ Motorways - with or without ‘ Ferries (ear trains as welll - with or with- out ‘@ Toll roads - with or without The active setting appears in red and is marked with a red triangle To change an option, mark the correspond- ing menu field and then press the rotary! pushbutton (21) Route guidance The route to the destination is calculated based on the setting options, route guid- ance is started. The setting options will not be stered Store + guidance Tha route to the destination is calculated based on the setting options, route guid- ance is started The setting options are stored as default settings. Note Pressing the RETURN key (23) cancels the process “Route list" menu field @ Select the “Aoute list" menu field and press the rotary/pushbutton (21) to confirm. ‘The message "The route list is being cal culated. Please wait." will appear on the screen. Depending on the length of the route, this process can take up to several seconds, The route list will then appear ‘The route list appears on the screen. The entries are all given with their correspond- ing distance. if the selected route is NAVIGATION MERCYSTRASSE km TILLYSTRASSE km B13/MUNCHENER STRASSE fry changed, the route list is then updated, The langth of each route section to be travelled is also displayed Note Street names which are not digitised are expressed by their street category (e.g road class 1 - trunk road) If it is not possible to calculate a saute list, 2 corresponding message will appear or be heard. 37 NAVIGATION Automatic zoom Ch CN Direct. of travel CSTR “Map of location “Settings” menu field @ Use the rotary/pushbuttan 21) to select the "Settings" menu field and press ta care firen, The “Settings” menu will appear Here you can see and alter the basic set- tings for the navigation made, if desired. ® Select the language ® Enter the vahicle location manually @ GPS viewer ® Volume control ® Contrast control ® Set the clock @ Eject the CD ROM Selecting the language Select a language for voice output and dis- play information @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (i) to mark the "Select language” menu field and press the rotary/pushbutton to confirm. The list of language setting options ide- pending on CDI will appear. - German - English (Imperial: distances are indicat- ed in miles and yards, speeds in miles per hour} — English (Metric: distances are indicated in kilometres and metres, speeds in kil- ometres per hour) — Spanish @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (2) to mark the desired language on the list and pross After confirmation, the voice output will be activated, The message “Voice output is being activated. Please wait” will appeer in the selected language. The main navigation menu will appear Setting your location manu: This function enables you to enter your vehicle location manually, To make the en- try, use the menu saquence city - street and intersection. @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (21) to mark the "Manual locatian” menu field in the “Settings” menu and press the rotary/push- button to confirm The “Current loc. city” menu will appear, @ New praceed as described in the sec- tion on “Entering a destination” (see page 13), ‘GPS information screen GPS {Global Positioning System) is a navi- gation system used by the Pentagon. It currently consists of 25 satellites orbiting the earth at an altitude af 21,000 km. If sig- nals are received from at least 3 satellites, the system is able to determine the cur- rent vehicle location. @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (21) to mark and confirm the "GPS viewer” menu field in the menu The information display which appears provides details on = tha number of satellites available — tha number of receivable satellites — the current geographic vehicle location. reed ss LUT TIT = [Telephone 4 | STOTT reir | Navigation min 4° | TNC cae A c Volume set-up In this menu, you can adjust the voice aut- put volume during route guidance @ Use the ratary/pushbuttan “21 to mark the "Volume setup” menu field and press ‘the rotary/pushbutton to confirm. The set- up menu will appear Select the desired setting. Switeh on - volume when the radio is switched on, @ Change - alters the volume. @ Last - sets the volume to the level used when the set was last switched aff © Use the ratary/pushbutton ‘21 ta mark the "Switch on” menu field and press the rotary/pushbutton to confirm: The red selection bar will mark the “Change” function. @ Press the rotary/pushbuttan (21) to con- firm the function and turn the rotary/push- buttan (21) ta adjust the valume. The mark- ing on the scale will move to the left (qui- eter) or the right (louder). or @ Use the rotary/pushbutton ‘@) to mark the “Last” option and press the rotary/ pushbutton to confirm. The red selection bar will mark the “Last” function. @ Press the rotary/pushbutton ‘21) again to confirm tha function. The red selection bar will mark the “Switch on" menu field again. You can turn the ro tery/pushbutton (21 to select the next op- ton you would like to alter or return te the main navigation manu NAVIGATION TP volume - sets the minimum volume for traffic announcements. A traffic announcement is also audible when the radia is “muted”. Activate the mute setting by selecting “Mute” in the “Navigation min” menu field. Telephone - sets the reception volume for aconnected telephane. The volume adjust- ment is based on the radio station select- ed. If 4 telephone is connected, calls will be put through even when the massage “SAFE™ is displayad when the set is switched on or when the radio navigation system is switchad off Navigation min- sets the voice output val ume during route guidance. Under navigation minimum volume the option “Mute” switches off voice out- put. GALA - speed-related volume adjustment. ‘As the driving speed increases, the noise level in the vehicle also rises. GALA auto- matically readjusts the volume in the audio mode tradio, CDI. @ GALA is switched off when the left-hand end-scale value is selected. NAVIGATION Contrast Adjust the contrast for the screen display according to your own individual @ Press the rotary/pushbutton 2 lect this function and adjust the contrast by turning the rotary/pushbutton @1). The marking on the scale will move to the left (darker) ar the right (brighter) The screen will react to the adjustment immediately @ Press the rotary/pushoutton firm your adjustment Select another function or return ta the main navigation menu. #) to con- | Select language | GPS viewer CEB by }Eiect COROM OR ‘Eject CD ROM Time GPS sets the clack automatically. The GPS system transmits Greenwich time UTC This means that there is a ditference of two. hours when daylight savings time is in ef- fect and one hour for regular time. This dif- ference must be corrected manually. @ To correct the clack, mark the “Time” menu field with the rotery/pushbutton @1} and press it to confirm your choice. Fsaect guage, Pars viewer The red selection bar will mark the clock display in the hours:minutes format. The the minutes are displayed @ Enter the current time in hours, Tum the rotary/pushbuttan (21) to the right or left @ Press the rotary/pushbuttan (21) to con- firm your entry The colour of the display will change @ Enter the current time in minutes, Pra- ceed as descnbed above After you confirm your entry, the sélection bar will mark the “Time” menu field Select another function or return to the main navigation menu. | Select language | TMCNET 00:38 (J CD eject Should the wide range of features availa. ble for the navigation system make it nec essary to change the CD, move the selec- tion bar to “Eject CD ROM” and press the rotary/pushbutton (21) to confirm your se- \ection, The CD will eject and you can now insert a diferent one NAVIGATION 4 RADIO — Switching the radio on 1" -RADIO/CD/TV key Selecting the operating mode You can switch conveniently between the radio, CD and TV operating mades by press- ng the RADIO/CDTV key. © Pressing the key repaatedly causes the equipment to switch from radio to CB to T¥ to radia, and so on Note if the radio was the active audio source when the unit was switched off, it will Switch on again automatically when the unit 's switched on and the code entered (sea page 71) 42 The main radio menu will appear It displays the following information the navigation func: ® In the status line - tion ® |n the informatan field - the waveband with the memory bank [FM1), the radio sta- tion currently playing with its station name or frequency, the “TP” trattic programme code ®@ In the bottom part of the screen - the allocation of the station presets with sta- tion name or frequency. 6 stations each can be displayed for the FIM1 and FM2 memory banks 6)- FM key Switching between the memory banks Press (6) to switch back and forth between the FM1 and Fz memary banks. The memory bank selected appears in the information field on the top lett Selecting a radio station 2) and (5) - keys for station search and manual station tuning Station search Prass one of the keys to start the station search in the desired direction. The unit will stop when it picks up a station with good reception. The search begins with the fre- quency of the last station selected. | MS 93.¢ MHz | 94.3 Mia 97.7 Mie | a ac RAD ou} Manual station tuning Using manual station tuning it is possible to tune into and store stations with weak- ‘er reception, which the station search func- tion skips over. Activating the function: © Press either (2) or (5) for longer than 2 seconds. Abeep will sound and "MS" appears in the display ‘Select one af two methods: © If you hold the key pressed dawn, the search will start, the frequency changesquickly. The radio switches to mute RADIO The search will stop as soon as you release the key. Press tha key briefly for fine-tun- ing (see following point). © Press tha key briefly - the frequency in the display will change in increments (FM 0.1 MHz, AM 9 kHah. The function is switched off when “MS" no longer appears in the display ie) Peels —_ Storing radio stations manuell ‘You can store six stations each on 2 FM memory levels (FM1 and FM 2) and AM (MW) for the station presets indicated in the main radio menu. FM = frequency modulation AM = amplitude modulation Storing FM stations ‘® While listening to the station you want to store, turn the rotary/pushbutton (2?) to- mave the red selectian marking to the de- sired storage location ®@ Press the rotary/pushbutton until the radio switches to mute briefly and the sta- tion name for frequency} is entered at the storage lacation. Note When you store station names, the carre- sponding RDS information is also stored. To store stations on FM2, first change to that memory bank by pressing the FIV key. Storing AM stations ® Switch to the AM waveband by press- ing the AM key (ia) © Then proceed as described in "Storing FM stations” Retrieve a stored station in one of two ways @ Pros key (3) or (4 Note Press kay (3) - The station will be selected from the memory bank in the clockwise direction Press kay (4) - The station will be selected from the memory bank in the caunter-clock- wise direction @ Mark the storage location (station name or frequency will be marked in red) and press the rotary/pushbutton briefly to con: firm your selection Note Tur the knob to the right -selection mark- ing moves clockwise. Tur the knob to the left - selection mark- ing moves counter-clackwise. 8)- AS key (Autostore) (AS = Automatic station storage function} Use this function to automatically store the stations with the strongest reception in the current reception area far FM and AM in addition to the stations already stared man- ually. This function is particularly useful on fonger journeys when the stations you usu- ally listen to are out of range. E 30.2 Mi Proceed as follows: © Select the waveband - press the AM or FM key. @ Press AS until you hear a beep The radio will switch to mute briefly, “AS” will appear in the information field, "Auto store” flashes in the display. The stations are stored according to their signal strength. The radio willsend the function automati- cally, the main radio menu will appear, indi cating the waveband selected last. The sta- tion with the strongest signal will begin to play RADIO Press the AS key briefly to switch between the stations stored using Autostore ("AS" in the display} and the originally stored sta- tions If you activate the Autestore function again, the radio will store new stations To retrieve the station, press keys (9) or @)or mark the storage location on the cor- responding memory bank and press the rotary/pushbuttan briefly to confirm. 45 RADIO Adjusting the tone control 22) = TONE key for tone control The TONE key allows you to adjust the fol lowing settings in the menu: ® Bass @ Treble @ Balance (left/right speaker volume? © Fader (front/rear speaker volume) The “Volume setup” menu field is also used to activate a sub-menu 46 Tone settings FM i ie Pee CU fit iar fame setup Adjusting the bass setting Press the rotary/pushbutton 21) to contin the “Bass” menu field marked in the menu The setting scale on the right will also ap- paarinred The current setting is indicated by a white triangle. ®@ Turn the rotary/pushbutton to set the desired value. @ Press the knob to confirm your setting. The marking on the setting scale will dis- appear The display will return tothe previous func- ion automatically after 10 seconds or if you press the RETURN key ‘23) Note To adjust bass, treble, balance and fader, first mark the corresponding menu field using the rotary/pushbutton, Then proceed as described above to make the desired settings. Volume control You can adjust the following settings via the "Volume setup” manu field in the sub- menu as illustrated on the right: ® Initial volume - sets the volume ta the level used when the set was last switched- off or adjusts the initial volume @ TA minimum volume - sets the volume for traffic announcements. A traffic announcement is also audible when the radio is “muted” © Telephone volume - sets the reception volume for a connected telephone © Navigation minimum volume - sets or mutes the voice output volume during route quidence ® GALA - speed-related volume adjust- ment. As the driving speed increases, the- noise level in the wehicle also rises, GALA automatically readjusts the volurne in the audio mode Iradio, CD). GALA is switched off when the left-hand end-seale value is selected. Peri se UUTRTTTTT Meri se UTTER ge TECTIA = (J Altering the initial volume Press the rotary/pushbutton (1) ta confirm the “Initial” menu field marked in the “Vol- ume setup” menu, Now “Change” will be marked in red. Tha setting selectad last is marked by a checkmark. @ Turn the rotary/pushbutton to switch to the setting made. The setting scale will naw appear in red © Turn the rotary/pushbutton to alter the curtent setting (white triangle} touder - to the right quieter -to the left ® Press to confirm the new s RADIO Notes Ta select the “Last” setting, move the se- lection marking to this setting and canfirm by pressing the rotary/pushbutton 2) Ta set the volume far voice output during navigation procaed as described in this sec- ton To set the ather volumes listed proceed as follows: ® Mark the desired menu field by turing the rotary/pushbutton and press it to can- firm. This will activate the setting mode, the setting scale appears in red © Turn the rotary/pushbutton to select the desired value @ Press the knob to confirm your setting. The marking will disappear from the set- ting scale at RADIO Radio mode with RDS and RDS regiona General information on RDS reception: @ Once switched on, the unit seeks the best reception frequency for the location and the station selected. Depending on the reception situation and the number of al- ternative frequencies, the radio may remain muted for several seconds. ® Evaluation of the ADS data may take several minutes depending on the strength- of the signal received. ®@ When signals are extremely weak, ADS evaluation is impossible, In this case, the frequency will appear in the status line or information field instead of the RDS name. © Under unfavourable reception conditions (e.g. in mountainous regions), the unit will check alterative frequencies frequently This may result in brief mute periods, © Should muting and false modulation arise in locations where reception is ex- tramaly poer, the RDS function may switch off temporarily, 48 How does RDS work? The RDS function (Radio Data System) is always active in the radio navigation sys- tem Here, in addition to the reqular pro- gramme, the radio stations broadcast RDS information which is transmitted to RDS receivers in coded form The following functions are controlled by the transmitted codes ® Program Identification (PI code} The radio identifies the station received by its Pl code. © Program Service name (PS code} The PS code transmits the station name which is shown an the radio information display, e.g, BAYERN 3, As some stations use the station name for advertising purposes, you can define the RDS nama in tha MODE menu {activated with the MODE key - see page 50} ® Alternative frequencies (AF code} A station pragramme, a.g. BAYERN 2, is broadcast fram several transmitter stations at different frequencies due to the limited range of the FM waves. The AF code sup- plies the set with all suitable frequencies for the respective programme, As a result, the radio is always able to selact the best frequency available. When the radio switches to an alternative frequency. it does $0 virtually inauditaly The station name in the display remains the same. RDS then ensures that the frequen- cy with the best reception is set automati- cally and virtually inaudibly. A practical example: ‘On the autobahn from Munich to Wureburg you want to listen to BAYEAN 3. You se- lect this radio station before you start on your journey. BAYERN 3 appears in the dis- play as the station name. As you are driving along, the radio automat- ically searches for the best broadcast fre- quency for this station and switches to an alternative frequency autornatically and vir~ tually inaudibly if necessary. © TP code (= traffic program) This information tells the receiver that a traffic programme station is currently be- ing received. “TP” appears on the screen. ® TA Code (= traffic announcement) The set recognises a traffic announcement by the TA code. When the radio is “mut- ed” or during CD operation, the set will automatically switch to “Traffic announce- ment” at the programmed volume. At the same time, the set switches to mono re- ception, “Info” appears on the screen be- low “TP* ® EON (Enhanced Information Con- cerning Other Networks) EON is an RDS function which ensures that, in the TP mode, all traffic announce- ments of a radio station are put thraugh. Larger radio stations, e.g. BAYERN Radio, frequently broadcast different programmes simultaneously, e.g. BR 1, BR 2, BR Traffic announcements transmitted on the other programmes of the radio station ere put through regardless of the programme you are currently listening to, Example. The set is receiving BAYERN 2. If a traffic announcament is now made on BAYERN 3, the set automatically switches to the correspanding frequency, BAYERN 3 will appear in the display RADIO Atthe end of the traffic announcenient, the sel switches back to the original pro- gramme. © Emergency warnings Emergency warnings have priority over all ather functions. Tha message "ALARM" will appear on the screen, 49 RADIO Toalter this setting, mark the “RDS nama” menu field with the retary/pushbutton (er and prass to confirm. The active setting is highlighted in white and marked with a checkmark, 19 = MODE key The MODE key allows you to activate the following RDS functions: ® Select RDS name ® Switch ROS regional on/ott In addition, this menu can be used to set the follewing radia functions © Switch off audio, via the “Audio” menu field. “Audio off” will appear in the status fine. Other audio sources such as TV/vid- 0, talephone and navigation remain on. © Automatically optimise audio reproduc- ‘bon via the “Music/speech” menu field - auto ® Activate the “Volume Setup" menu 50 Defining the RDS name As same radio stations modify the RDS. name with the PS code (e.g. for advertis- ing purposes! this menu allows you to de- fine the RDS name. Fixed - the programme names of the FM. stations stored under the station preset keys are displayed as transmitted by the respective radio station (@.g. NDR 2) Variable - permits the display of advertis- ing texts and weather reports which are transmitted by some radio stations RADIO Selecting RDS Regional Certain radio station programmas are sub- divided into regional programmes at certain times of the day, The second pragramme broadeast by BAYERN Razio, for example, sometimes serves regions in the southern Germany - Munich, Schweben and Upper Bavana with regional programmes of vary- ing content The unit first attempts only to adjust to al- ternative frequencies for the selected sta- tion if the quality, however, becomes so poor that a “loss of programme” is imminent, the unit also accepts frequencies of “relet- ed” stations. As these programmes broad cast different programmes at certain times, such a change of frequency may also mean. that you hear a different programme. To change the selected setting, use the ro- tary/pushbutton (21) to mark the menu field “RDS-regional” and press it to confirm. The active setting is highlighted in white and marked with @ checkmark, Auto - if you select this setting a switch ‘to regionally related transmission frequan- ‘cies will hot take place unless the loss of the programme is imminant. Off - the function is switched off. When is it advisable to switch RDS Regional off? In general you should leave this function switched on. When you are driving in areas where the transmission ranges of several regional sta- tions overlap and the station you are |is- tening to continues to deteriorate in quali- ly, itis advisable to switch this function off. Then the radio can switch to a new sta- tion, When you enter @ new reception area, switch the function on again, a1 RADIO Traffic programs Many FM radio stations broadcast traffic information for their reception areas at req- ular intervals, Switching on traffic information (TP function) Press the TP key (7) to switch on the traffic program function. “TP* will appear in the top right-hand corner of the main radio menu display. The unit is ready to receive traffic information, the EON function is active If the radio station you are tuned inte is not a traffic radio station ("NO TP") or if the reception fora TP station is poor, the radia will automatically search for and tune inta the next traffic radio station with good re- Caption in your reception area Listening to traffic message: The radio is able to identify traffic messaq- 3 by the traffic message code which is broadcast along with them. This means that you canaiso listen to traffic messages when the radio has been switched to “mute” or the CD player is in operation. Traffic mes- Sages ere played in mono. “Info” will ap- pearon the display in the main radio menu. If You would like to interrupt a traffic mes- sage, press the TP key (7). This only staps the currant message and does not switch off the traffic program function permanent- \y, 52 Switching off traffic information Switch off the traffic information function by switching to the AM (MW) waveband. Recording standby function When the key is in the ignition and the radio is switched on, every traffic message broadcast by the radio station you are tuned into will be recorded as soon as “Info” appears in the information display Ta stop recording a traffic message in progress press the TP key (7). If new traf- fic messages are detected, they will be recorded, When the key has been removed from the ignition and the radio is switched off, press the TP key (7) for longer than 2 seconds to activate the 24- hour standby recording function. “TP MEMO" will appear in the main radio menu display, Then the radia will switch off auto- matically. if the station you were last tuned into broad- casts traffic information, the messages will be recorded for 24 haurs even if the radio has been switched off. 7)-TP key to retrieve traffic messages The fadio navigation system is equipped with a digital vaice memory which can au- tomatically store up ta 9 traffic messages with é total maximum running time of four minutes. TP MEMO. Info Nr. 6 Retrieving traffic messages After you press the TP key |?) an infarma- ‘thon window will appear in the display. The fast traffic message recorded will be played first, The following messages will appear in the information window: TP MEMO - Information window for the memory containing the recarded messages Info Nr, 6 - There are six recorded traffic messages in total. The last message to be recorded will be played first (ie. No B in this example). 15:38 - Time at which the message was recorded No Messages - There were no traffic mes- sages recorded When you retrieve messages record- ed with the 24-hour standby func- thon, the messages recorded during the last six hours will be retrieved. Notes @ If the voice memory is full, a new mes- sage will be recorded over the oldast mes- sage. ® Ifa message is more than 4 minutes in langth, the new information will be record- ed over the beginning, A beep will be emit- ted to indicate that it was not possible to recard the entire massage. ® If the radio is recording a traffic message when you switch it on, it will record the message in progress to the end. After this, is completed, the unit will switeh to the setting selected last ~ RADIO Retrieving specific traffic messag- Ss ‘® To retrieve older traffic messages: press (2 @ To retrieve more current traffic massag- es: press (5). Repeating traffic messages A traffic message will be repeated if you press (2) again (after an interval of atleast two seconds since you pressed it last! Switching off the TP function If the key is in the ignition, press |’ for longer than 2 seconds to switch the traf fic program function aft Deleting traffic messages The trafic messages will be deleted auto- matically 6 hours after the and of the 24- hour standby recording period, 5 CD CHANGER Switching on the CD mode (1) - RADIO/CD/TV key Selecting the operating mode You can switch conveniently between the CD, radio and TV operating medes by press- ing the RADIOV/CD/TV key. © Pressing the kay repeatedly causes the equipment to switch from radio ta CD to TV to radie, and 80 on Note if the CD changer was the active audio source when the unit was switched off, it will switch on again automatically when the unit is switched on and the code entered (see page 71) oa The main CD menu will appear {+ displays the following information: @ in the status line - the active navigation function If navigation is active, the following mes- sage will appear here: “CD11 Track’ Play” © In the information field - the CD select- ed and the track currently playing @ In the battom part of the screen - the CDs in the CD changer magazine. The first slat (CD1) is on the bottom left, all of the other CDs are displayed in the clockwise direction Playback will bagin with track 1 of the first CD the CD changer detects in the maga- zine Selecting a CD © Turn the ratary/pushbutton (21) and move the selectian marker tothe CD you wish to select Ta the right: CDs will be selected in se- quence from CD1 to CO6. Ta the left: COs will be selected in the op- posite sequence ® Press the rotary/pushbutton, The CD selected will be loaded and dis- played on the screen, Playback will begin will track 1 Note if any af the slots do not contain a CD, "NO €O* will appear for that slot number. 2) 8) ‘d)and 4 -Keys for CD selection @ Press one of tha keys to selact the next CD (3) of the previous CD (4 from the magazine. @ Press one of the keys repeatedly to se- lact the COs in the magazine up! 3) or down © directly. The CD currently selected will appear in the main CD menu - CD1 - CD2, ete. 2 and 5) - Keys for track n Cue and review * Press one of the keys to return to the beginning of the current track |2. or select the beginning of the next track ®@ Press one of the keys repeatedly to sa- lect the tracks on the CD up 2) or down 8) directly, The track currently selected will appear in the min CD menu — Track’ - Track? -etc. @ Hold the cue |S or review (2) keydown: fast advance/reverse (audible) CD CHANGER The direction selected will appear in the main CD menu, End this function in either direction by re- leasing the key. 55 CD CHANGER 139 =MODE key Use the MQDE kay to activate the follow- ing CD functions in the menu © Play the tracks af a CD in random order @ Piay the tracks of all the CDs in random order @ Switch off audio, via the "Audio" menu field. “Audio off" will appear in the status line, Other audio sources such as TWivid- 0, telephone and navigation remain on. Refer to the radio section for more intor- matian on basic valume sattings. Shuffle funct Uolume setup Playing the tracks of a CD in ran- dom order © Turn the rotary/pushbuttan (2?) and mark the “Shuifle” menu field. To activate the shuffle function press the rotary/pushbut- ton. The activated setting is highlighted in white and marked with a checkmark, ® Turn the rotary/pushbutton ‘@t} anc move the selection marker to the “Shuffle” menu field. Disc - selects the tracks of one CD Magazine - selects the tracks of all the CDs. @ Press the rotary/pushbutton 2) to Switch between the two functions, The main CD menu will reappear automat- ically after 10 seconds or immediately if you press the RETURN key. CD mode and traffic announcements CD playback will be interrupted in the event that a traffic announcement is broadcast “Info” will appear in the CD menu. Press the TP key briafly to interrupt the traf. fic announcement. CD playback will con: tinue Each new traffic announcement will be put through To listen to CDs without interruption, it is. necessary to deactivate the traffic an- neuncement mode before you switch to the CD mode. Press the TP key far longer than 2 seconds Instructions on using the CD changer CD labelling Use only CDs bearing the following label with this system. COMPACT [Silt DIGITAL AUDIO Jumps during play ‘On poor road surfaces and when there is a fot of vibration, jumps may eccur during play. In such cases, wait until read condi- tions improve before selecting the CD mode. Formation of condensation In Gold weather and after rain showers, moisture may form (condensation) in the CD changer cabinet. This may cause jumps during play or render play impossible. In ‘such cases, air or dry out the CD changer cabinet before use Tips on CD operation In order to ensure high quality CD repro- duction, use only clean CDs without scratches or other signs of damage. Do nat write on or put stickers an the CDs! When not in use, always keep CDs in the specially designed CD rack from the origi- nal Audi accessory program arin the arigi- nal case. Never expose CDs to direct sunlight! Compact disc cleaning instructions Clean CDs with a soft, lint-free cloth, Wine the disc in a straight line from the centre towards the outside. To remove greater dirt build-up, use a commercially available CD cleaner. Never use liquids such as petrol, paint thinner or record cleaner, as this may damage the CD surface! CD CHANGER Precautionary measures in connection with laser equipment Laser products are divided into safety class- es 1 to 4 according to DIN IEC 76 (CO) 6/ VDE 0837. The Audi CD changer belongs to safety class 1 The lasers uséd in class 1 equipment emit such a low level of energy or ate so well shielded that they present no threat if used correctly Note Do not remove the equipment hous- ing. The unit does not contain any user-serviceable parts. a7 CD CHANGER CD changer The CD changer with magazine is located in the car boot. 1- Sliding cover to close off the CD siot 2- CD magazine slot 3- Magazine eject key Note The sliding cover of the CD slot should al ways remain closed once the magazine has been inserted to prevent particles of dust and dirt penetrating the CD changer and thus to avoid malfunctioning 58 (CD magazine ‘The magazine is able to accommodate 6 CDs. The magazine does not need to be completely full of CDs. 4-Top 5- Bottom Note ® Please only use CD magazines fram the original Audi accessory range. @ if the magazine is not, or is only partly, inserted, the message “No CD magazine” will appear on the screen and the unit will not begin to play. Removing the magazine from the changer You can also remove the CD magazine when'the system is switched off ® Push open the CD slot cover complete- lv. @ Press the kay to eject the magazine. Inserting the magazine @ Insert the magazine as fer as possible into the siot when the caver is open with the “Disc” merking facing upwards. The tip of the arrow on the magazine must point towards the magazine siot After you insert the magazine, you will hear it begin to work. |t checks the magazine slots to find out which ones contains CDs. @ Slide the slot cover to a full close. Loading the magazine with CDs ® Pick up the CD with the printed side facing upwards touching only the hale in the middle and the outer edge. © Hold the magazine “Disc” marking up- werds during loading © Place the CDs in the magazine separate- ly and straight until they click into place audibly Please observe the sequence in which you insert the CDs on the right side af the side of the magazine, CD CHANGER Notes The magazine can accommodate six 12 cm standard CDs. Please do not use 8 cm (sin- gle} CDs! Do not insert any non-circular (shaped! CDs into the magazine in order to avoid 8 malfunction of the chang- ef, never use a protective film or stabiliser for CDs (commercially available as CD ac- cessories), If there is no CD inserted in ona of the magazine sio7s (e.g, slot 4), then the mes- sage “No CD4" will appear in the corre- sponding field when you activate the main CO menu. 59 CD CHANGER Removing CDs: ® Please turn the magazine over and hold it with the CD release lever facing upwards ® Turn the release lever in the direction af the spring resistance @ The CDs can be easily pushed out through the opening on tha back of the magazine. Please take care not to drop the CDs! ® Remave the CDs from the magazine. Error messages The fellawing error messages may appear in the main CD menu: NO CD CHANGER - there is no CD changer cannected The CD changer is an optional unit. Have a CD changer connected by your Audi deal- ership. GD 1 ERR 4 - the CD is dirty or inserted incorrectly. The unit will automatically select the next co. CD 1 ERR 2 - the CD is scratched. The unit will automatically select the next cD. CD 1 ERR 3 - the CD changer has a me- chanical malfunction, — Press the key (3) to eject the CD maga- zine ~ Check to make sure that the CDs are free of damage and inserted correctly. — Put the magazine back into the CD chang- er Now try te play the CD changer again. If problems persist, please contact your Audi dealership. Operating the television Switching on the television mode Press the RADIO/CD/TV key (1! Note if the television mode was active before the unit was switched off, the television display will appear on the screen after you switch the unit on again and enter the code number. This does not apply if you are nat required to enter the cade number (stand by operation) The television picture will appear, the unit will tune into the station watched last Note While you are driving the television picture will go dark. The sound, however, remains audible The following message appeers on the soreen: "For your awn persanal safety the TV picture will only be displayed while the vehicle is stationary ” TVVIDEO Selecting the operating mode Press the MODE key {i@) briefly to switch ta video mode. © Press this key repeatedly to switch from TV to video to TY, atc. TVAVIDEO — —— Note This information also appears each time you change the preset key or channel car NAVIGATION Prat 2) -RETURN key: The follwing appears |n the television pic: display information ture Press this key briefly to display the prasat ® the preset key, P: A2 key and the channel in the television pic- @ the channel, CHAN: 2. ture, 62 3) and 4\-keys for selecting TV stations The TY stations are selected one after the. other from the automatic statian memory (memory presets Al - A8} and then from the manual station memory (memory pre- sets M1 - MB). © Press (2)- next station @ Press \4) - previous station The station preset and the channel appear on the upper laft These keys can also be used for selecting menus and video text (see corresponding sections) TVMIDEO @® &) 2 and 5 -keys for selecting channel Use these keys to select another channel © Press ® Press (2) - switch ta previous channel The station preset and the channel appear ‘on the upper left ‘These keys can also be used for brightness, colour and contrast (see the section on Adjusting the screen) 5)- switch to next channel =e (8)=AS key (Autostore) (AS - Automatic Storage function! If you press this key briefly, the unit will search through the stations within recep- tion range. The 8 stations with the strong- est signals will be stared on station pre- sets Al - AB, To select the stored stations, press the pre- set keys. TVAVIDEO SELECT Activate user menu When the TV picture is active, press the rotary/pushbutten (21), The user menu will appear in the display. ® SCREEN - activates e submenu for set- ting brightness, contrast and colour ®@ MEM SETUP - activates a submenu which you can use ta store statians on the memory presets from M1 - Ma. The operating modes can be selected man: ually, individually and automatically, @ TV STANDARD - activates a submenu for selecting a TV (vidao} or audio standard © VIDEOTEXT - use this option te activate videotext pages and adjust their display mode Selacting a menu item The manu item selected will appear in pink marked by an arrow. The other menu items are light green ® Move the marking down - To select 2 different. menu item tum the rotary/push- button (20) to the left or press key (4) brief- ly. @ Move the marking up - To select a dif- ferent menu item turn the fotary/pushbut ton (21 to the right ar prass key (3! briefly Tey Adjusting the screen Press the rotary/oushbutton (21) to confirm the menu item SCREEN in the user menu. Use the SCREEN menu to adjust bright- ness, contrast and colour A scrolling symbol will appear in yellow in front of the first entry. KE - Brightness @ - Contrast = Colour SCREEN Press the rotary/pushbutton (2!) again to switch into the adjustment made. An ar- row P, will replace the serolling symbol, the entry will appear in pink Select the desired value in the adjustment mode: @ Increase value - Turn the rotary/pushbut ton #1) to the right or press key (5) repeat- edly. The indicator bar will increase ® Decrease value - Turn the rotary/push- button 21) to the left or press key (2) re- peatedly. The indicator bar will decrease, Press RETURN (23) to arlopt the new set- ting and remove the menu from the screen. TVWVIDEO Note Adjusting contrast and colour: In the SCREEN menu tum the rotary/push- button (21) to the left or press key (4) to mave the scrolling symbol downwards. Tum the rotaryfpushbutton (1) to the right or press key (3) to move the Scrolling sym bol upwards Then switch to the adjustment made. TV¥MIDEO ————— Storing channels manually Use keys (9) ar (4) to select the station presets M1 - M@ to store channels manu- ally. The station preset selected will appear at the top lett. Use the rotary/pusnbutton (21 to select the MEM SETUP menu item in the user menu and press to confirm The Setup menu will appear, the MAN operating mode (manu- al) is active. Turn the rotaryipushbutton (21) to the left or press key (4) to select the menu item CHANNEL Press the rotary/pushbutton (21) to switch to the adjustment mode. An arrow $ will replace the scrolling symbol &, the entry will appear in pink, 66 In the adjustment mode, turn the rotary! pushbutton (21) or press the key 2) or (5) to select the desired channel Press RETURN (22 to store the channel on ‘the desired station preset. The Setup menu will disappear from the screen, USER mode Achannel can be stored with up to 3 alter- native stations on the currently active sta- pon preset (M1 - Ma) (semi-automatic seek tuning) In the Setup made, press the rotary/push- button (21) to select the menu item MODE Now in the adjustment mode(® symbol) select the USER mode by turning the rota- ry/pushbutton ‘21 to the right or pressing key 5 and press the rotary/pushbutton to confirm (# symbol). Turn the rotary/pushbutton (21) to the left of ares key (4) to select one of the three- ALTERNATE menu items and press to switch to the adjustment mode (® sym- bol) Now turn the rotary/oushbutton (2i:or press key 2)or (5) to select another channel. Press RETURN (22) to store the setting. The Setup menu will disappear from the screen. AUTO mode Use this eperating mode ta store a reter- ence channel as.an altemative if reception- deteriorates [automatic seek tuning). In the Setup menu press the rotary/sush- button @1) to confirm the MODE menu item. Now in the adjustment mode, turn the ro- tary/pushbutton to the right to select the AUTO operating mode and press to con- firm Tum the rotary/pushbutton (21) to the left to select the CHANNEL menu enties and press to switch to the edjustment mode Automatic seek tuning will begin. The chan- nel display will change rapidly. TVMIDEO It seek tuning stops, it was possible to leary identify the station's pragram code Now the unit will lock for a station with the same program code and switch to it auto- matically. Press the rotary/pushbutton (21 to start seek tuning again. Note This function is supported by the PAL B/G CCIR (Cantral Europe} telewision standard anly 67 TVVIDEO Selecting Video and Audio standards In the user menu, press the totary/push- button @?) or the kays (3) or (4) 10 select the VIDEO STANDARD menu item and press the rotary/pushbutton to confirm. The menu for selecting the Video and Audio standards will appear A scrolling symbal # swill appear in front af VIDEO SELECT jn yellow. The current standard will appear in blue, eg. PAL B/G *—— Video standard MiD EUROPE CCIR ONO *———— Audio standard Press the rotary/pushbutton i) again to switch to the adjustment mode. An arrow P, will appear in place of the scralling sym: bol, the entry will appear in pink. In the adjustment mode, turn the ratary/ pushbutton {21 or press the keys (2) or (5) to select tha standard you require. The dis- play will change in the sequence indicated on the right, Prass RETURN 23) to store the setting. The user menu will appear on the screen. Notes The following settings can be selected VIDEO-SELECT PAL B/G > PAL eG MID EUROPE CCIA ITALY MONO MONO PAL | >» SECAM DK > UKARELAND EAST EURGPE OIRT MONO MONO SECAM L » NTSC M r FRANCE NORTH AMERICA MONO MONO PAL B/G mote MID EUROPE CCIR MONO AUDIO SELECT The audio settings you can select depend on the standards. ¢.g. you can select MONO only for SECAM L. Inthe Standard menu tur the retary/push- buttan (21 to the left or press key 4) and move the scrolling symbol te AUDIO SE- LECT. Now switch to the adjustment mode, MONO — ® STEREG(EUIPDUAL_A & DBUAL_.ABR DUAL.BA POUAL.B MONO n the user menu use the ratary/pushbut- ton (21) or tha kay (3) or (@) to select the menu item VIDEOTEXT and press to con- firm. Videotext page 100 will appear full screen Selecting Videotext pages Turn the rotary/pushbutten (21) to the right or left to select videntext pages page by page. To retrieve a particular videotext page press the rotary/pushbutton (27) to switch to the adjustment made, An input line will appear, the first digit of the three-digit number is 1 Turn the rotary/pushbutton (21) to alter the digit: ®@ Select higher digit - turn rotary/pushbut In to the right © Select lower digit - turn retary/pushbut- in te the left — TVMIDEO Press the rotary/pushbutton (27) ta confirm your selection, the marker will move ta the next digit Contin: h the entry and press the ro- tary/pushbutton (21) to confirm, TVAVIDEO Video mode” Altering the page display Press the MODE key (19) to alternate bo- tween full screen - upper half screen - low er half screen - full screen, You can also press ZOOM + to selec upper half screen and switch between the- upper half and lower half screen. Press ZOOM - to return to the full screen dis- play Ending Videotext Prass the RETURN key '23 to exit the Vide- ‘otext mode 70 Switching to video mode Prass the MODE key (19) briefly to switch ta video mode. “AV” will appear at the top eft of the screan ® Pressing this key repeatedly means the system will switch from video source to- talavision ta video source, and soon Note While you are driving the video picture will go dark, The sound, however, remains au: dibla The following message appears on the screen: “For your awn personal safety the video picture will only be displayed while the vehicle is stationary." Switching off TV/Video mode Press the RADIO/CD/TV key (1) or the naw igation key (24), The operating mode select- ed will become active and the correspond- ng main menu will appear on the screan TV/Video moda is switched off " Avndeo source must be connected ta the re- ip navigation system Anti-Theft Coding This unit is equipped with security coding which prevents it fram being reactivated by unauthorised persons following Its re- moval from the vehicle. Every time = the unit is disconnected from the vehi. cle’s power supply ~ the battery is disconnected ~ the radio's fuse has blown the message “SAFE" will appear on the display when the unit is switched on. The unit can only be reactivated when the eor- rect code has been entered This code number is stuck on the “Equipment Card" along with the number at the front of the manual, under the table of con- tents. Be sure to remove the “Equipment Card” from the manual and keep it a safe place - do not leave it in the vehicle. The unit is only then truly useless to thieves! Removing the electronic block The electronic block can be removed if the correct code number is entered The following steps must be performed in the correct order: ® Switch on the system - after the Audi start screen appears, you will see the menu for entering the code along with the mes: sage. “Please enter your numerical cade" @ To enter the code number mark the dig- (tS one by One using the rotary/pushbuttan (2) and press to confirm each digit The digits will be entered in the number input fieids below @ Use the rotary/pushbutton (21) to mark “OK" and press it to confirm your entry, APPENDIX The unit is ready for operation again! Incorrect code number Hf you enter an incerrect cade number while attempting to remove the electronic block, the message “SAFE” will flash on the screen, followed by the incorrect code number. The following message will appear under the digit input fields: “1. Code-Eing: abe falsch!” The whole procedure can now be repeat, ed once Should you enter the code number incor- rectly again, the set will remain blocked far approx, 1 hour, ie. it cannot be put into operation, After one hour - the unit must remain switched on and the key must be in the ignition - the number of attempts will have disappeared from the display and the electronic block can again be removed as described above The cycle - two attempts, one haur blocked - will continue to apply. Note If you have lost the radio card bearing the code number, please contact an Audi deal ership. mn APPENDIX Guarantee, exchange, antenna care, registration ‘The same guarantee conditions apply to the unit as for new vehicles, Note Damage as covered by the guarantee must not have been caused by inappropriate treatment of the system or by unprofes- sional attempts at repair. There should also be no outer visible damage to the unit. Exchange service Upon expiry of the guerantee period, a unit requiring repair can ba exchanged inexpen- sively for a new-value set which has been generally overhauled and caries a replace- ment part guarantee. The prarequisite is, however, that the housing is not damaged and no repairs have been attampted by unauthorised persans. ‘Note In tha event thet the customer makes @ guarantee claim or takes advantage of the exchange service, the radio card with the code and serial numbers must be present- ed to the Audi daalership! 72 Antenna care The antenna is ideally matched to the ra- dio navigation system and installed at the point where reception |s good and interfer- ence minimal, Vehicles with a window antenna have the further benefits of safety from damage and absolutely no wear Registering the Radio Navigation System Under certain circumstances the system must be registered because it is equipped with a radio set in the Federal Republic of Germany, for example, the following applies: For use ine business vehicle, the set must be registered with the GEZ (the radio |i- cence collecting centre of the state radio stations in the Federal Republic of Germa- nyh A Activate user menu wecnsivertieseg Activating BIOCKING .....02::s0ei session 80 Activating Videotext.... sieoerees BD Adjusting the bass setting........ 46 Adjusting the screen 65 Adjusting tha tone CONTA! 0... 46 Alignment .... oe BB Antenna care...... AD Anti-Theft Coding . n AS key (Autostore! .. 45, 63 Automatic calculation of the alternative route. 34 Automatic zoom... 35 B Block part of the route list... Blocking advance route sections Blocking roads .. G Calling up the map Cancelling blocking . Cancalling blocks .... CD changer... = CD eject .... CD magazine. CD mode and vette: announcements Changing a short name.. Chargeable tratfic bulletins . See Cleaning the screen ....... «5 Contrast ..... 40 Cross wires v7 Cyclical inquiry 33 DB Defining the RDS nama... 50 Deleting destinations... ™ Deleting the last destination... 27 Deleting trafic messages Destination memory ....... display information Displaying the full destination address 28 Dynamic route guidance... ue 29, 32 INDEX E EG MANU... osecnse tose 10 Entering a destination. istmesniniee V2 Entering a destination - City 00000 13 Entering a destination - from the map . 18 Entering a destination - new destination — rere Entering a destination - Special GESTINATIONS. 0... oss 18 Entering a destination - Street. sett Entering a destination - “Town centre" 16 Entering a short name: 24 Entering settings ..... 35 Equipment Card iii Enron MESSAGES... cscs nssereeeceeeteens BO e FM key. . Free traffic bulletins .. G GALA Lo a . 39, 47 GPS information screen 38 Guarantee 00... 73 INDEX portant MORES essa sss is Incorrect code number a WW Information display ... Initial volume. Instructiens on using the CD cherie 57 Introduction K Keys for CD selection 55 Keys for track selection Cue and review = oo BB {i Loading the magazine with CDs........ 59 M Main screen is Manual station tuning........... Map content Map display. map display Map type ..... Menu fields MODE key 74 N Navigation ....... Navigation menu ..... Navigation minimum volume ° Operating the television ..., Q Quick reference guide ........ aids D R Radio Radio (RDS TMC) selected as source . 33 Radio mode with RDS and ADS regional onset nee sense AB RADIO/CO/TV key... wove 42, 54 Recording standby function ...... Registering the Radio Navigation System Removing CDs Removing the electronic block . Retrieving traffic bulletins. Retrieving treffic messages... Route list .61 Route option : 37 Running retrieval manually... 0.0.00 93 s scala... selecting channel Selecting a CD. ‘Selecting a destination ..... ‘Selecting a destination - Destination area... Selecting a radia station Selecting a town CANtTe 0.0... cu Salacting destinations in the Destination area .. Selecting ADS Regional... = Selecting supraregional destinations... 21 Selecting the Close ta lacation Selecting the flagged destination Selecting the language . Selecting the operating made 42, 5a, 61 Selecting the source of traffic bulletins... ssssesnasts BL selecting TV stations ...... Selecting Video and Audia standards . 68 Setting your location manually .....0...0. 38 Settings 36 Single inquiry 33 Sorting destinations . 26 Special destinations 000... 18 ‘Starting route guidanee 2... 2B Station S€O°Ch .....-c ees oe 43 Storing a destination es seceen BM 26 44 Storing a flagged destination Storing and racalling radio stations Storing channels manually 68 Switching off traffic information ......... 52 Switching off TV/Video mode .............. 70 ‘Switching on dynamic route during route guidance... fe ie reeotnreeer Switching on the CD mode . Bd ‘Switching on the television mode... ... 61 ‘Switching the radio on wn 42 Switching the set on and eff... csc 7 ; TA minimum volume ... Tailback function - . Telephone selected as source. Telephone volume iin: ere TONE key..... TP key Traffic programs: Travel guide TVNideo.......... Vv Video mode... oo TO Volume control .......... merge ae Volume set-up........ 39 INDEX 78 Sodignungsanteitung Navigationseystern Pius englizch a. 201,562.612.20

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