4 Broad Theoretical Perspectives.: Unitary
4 Broad Theoretical Perspectives.: Unitary
4 Broad Theoretical Perspectives.: Unitary
4 Broad theoretical perspectives.
i. Unitary : only one source of authority ie
management - they own & they control;
conflict is unnecessary & TU are avoidable.
ii. Pluralist: Organization composed of
different sectional groups & interests,
objectives and leadership; common interest
and mutual dependence are necessary for
survival - "conflict is necessary, but it can
be and need to be managed & resolved".
iii. Radical or Marxist:
• Production system is private owned and motivated by
• Managers are agent of owners. They try to control
over production.
• Class struggle and conflict is necessary for social
• Social change (revolution) is require to end the
disparity between those who own capital and who
supply labour.
• It sees industrial conflict synonymous with political
and social conflict.
• It consider pluralism as mere illusion.
• Conflict is inevitable in capitalist system.
• Annihilate capitalist class to establish socialist
industrial system where there will be no conflict.
iv. Trusteeship approach: MK Gandhi:
• Trustee is one who holds property in trust for
other. ie. Industry / manager for workers and
• They will use and expend only that require for
personal minimum need. Not for private profit
but for greatest good of all.
• Gandhi believed that people should keep
minimum of wealth for themselves to be able
to lead a life that millions lead and give up the
rest to be held in trust for the greatest good of