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June 2010 Focus

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on educators
focus on educators is an award winning publication of the Pittsburg Education Association/CTA/NEA

JUNE As we close the 2009 – 2010

school year it is a good time to
impact around me in the form of
5-10 furlough days, 5-10% pay
2010 see where we have been to help cuts, massive teacher lay-offs
us figure out where we want to and prep teachers being cut.
go. When we settled our Now in hind sight I see how
contract 2 years ago we were lucky we truly are to have a
not very pleased with the results CLOSED contract.
as the contract gave us nothing.
The contract also didn’t take Now as we stand in the middle
anything away and locked us in of a huge state wide budget cut,
Volume XIX until June 30, 2011. There have education is taking a big hit. It
affects us all in so many ways.
Number 10 been several requests by the
district and the school board for We make less than we did 2
us to open our contract so that years ago, we pay more for our
In this Issue we can bargain away our Staff medical, we have fewer supplies
President’s Message & Development Days, freeze our in the classroom and have had to
Informational Items… Pgs. 1-5 use battered textbooks for an
Teacher of the Year….Pgs. 5-6 step ladder pay scale, take
Scholarship Winner….Pg. 6 furlough days and reduce our additional year. California
Ex Bd. Results……….Pg. 6 paycheck. We will not. We have public education is 46th in the
2010 Retirees………..Pg. 6 already given for the last 2 amount of spending per child
Conferences…………Pgs. 7-8 and with the additional 4 billion
Excerpts……………..Pgs. 8-9 years. The contract is closed.
PEA Calendar……… The Last Page Those fortunate enough to be dollars cuts by the May budget
retiring this year see that for the revise where does that now
last 3 years our paycheck has leave us? Children’s education
cannot be put on hold until the
PEA gone backward not forward and
funds reappear so that means we
this has affected the amount
President’s they will receive for retirement. are robbing the education of our
Message As I meet with other Presidents future generation. What can we
across the state I realize how
lucky we truly are to have a
closed contract. I see the terrible
Tell your Senator and Assembly
person to keep the promise of
Prop 98 and fund public
education in its entirety. Tell
your Senator not to cut
ANYTHING from education. A
recent California Tax Reform
Association report found that
large corporations are not
paying their fair share of taxes
and this is costing the state of
California billions of dollars a
year in new revenue. These big
loopholes and the tax breaks
lawmakers gave to these large
corporations and big oil
companies last year must be
closed. CTA asks you to tell
your Senator and Assembly
person to support the Repeal
Corporate Tax Loopholes Act.

Wag More, Bark Less!

Chris Coan
PEA President

PEA Leadership 2009-2010
Chris Coan
Willow Cove Elementary/ PEA Office
Elementary Vice President Rep. Council Meeting Calendar
Cindy Joy September 16
Parkside Elementary October 21
Secondary Vice President November 18
James Vaughan December 16
Riverside High School January 20
Secretary February 17
Sarah Mathias March 17
Highlands Elementary April 21
Treasurer May 19
Vacant June 9
Committee Chairs ******************
Grievance Committee School Board Meeting Calendar
Iris Contreras August 26
Foothill Elementary
September 9
Richard Higgins September 23
Pittsburg High
October 14
Negotiations Team October 28
Marc Sternberger - Chair November 18
Political Action Committee December 16
Iris Contreras and Steve Longley - Chair January 20
Elections Chair February 17
Jim Goble – Chair March 3
Human Rights Committee March 24
Ruth Foster – Chair April 14
Women’s Issues Committee April 28
Deborah Cummings May 12
PEA Organizing Team May 26
Jim Vaughn and Bebe Vaughn - Chair June 9
CTA State Council Representatives June 23
Chris Rohde - Pittsburg High ******************
Denise James, Valorie Baca, Sandra Wilbanks - AEA Are you Getting your PEA
Alternate Information???
Cindy Joy - Parkside Elementary
CTA Director District C Having the site reps attend their monthly meeting and then
Eric Heins – Willow Cove Elementary reporting back to you is vital in the communication chain
of our Association.
NEA Director for California, District 3
Marc Sternberger – Special Education/MLK
Roll call at last May 19 Rep. Council Meeting:
Technical Editor
Adult Ed. – absent
Susan Harrison – PEA Site Secretary Foothill – present
Heights – absent
Focus on Educators Highlands – present
is a publication of the Los Medanos – present
Pittsburg Education Association CTA/NEA Marina Vista – present
1901 Railroad Avenue #A Parkside – present
Pittsburg, CA 94565 Stoneman – present
Phone: (925) 432-0199 Willow Cove – present
fax: (925) 432-4854 MLK – present
E-MAIL:peatchrs@att.net Hillview – absent
Rancho Medanos – present

PHS – absent
Riverside – present

CTA Presidents Lobby Day CTA – Oppose SB Bill 955-Huff

The Impact of Budget Cuts on
(R) Diamond Bar
Students and Schools
Attacks teachers and ignores the
Gov. Schwarzenegger is cutting another $4 billion
to public education from the May Revision. His real problems facing our schools.
proposal manipulates Proposition 98, the minimum
school funding law and seeks to eliminate child care. Gov. Schwarzenegger and some lawmakers are
The Governor and Legislators must keep their promise attacking public education and teacher rights in a new
to students and honor the budget agreement, AB 4X3, bill that will make it harder to keep quality teachers in
made last year. This agreement restores $11.2 billion local classrooms. SB 955 would gut teachers’ due
in money owed to schools and colleges under Prop. 98 process rights and protections against discrimination.
as the economy improves. Like the governor’s initiatives that voters soundly
defeated in 2005, the Huff bill would not save local
MORE THAN $17 BILLION IN BUDGET CUTS schools districts one dime and does nothing to improve
OVER THE LAST TWO YEARS. student learning. Rather than focusing on the real
problems facing our schools like larger class sizes and
These cuts are having a dire effect on our schools. cuts to student programs, this bill simply blames
16,000 educators were laid off last year and at least 20,000 teachers.
educators have received layoff notices this year. This
doesn’t include temporary teachers or education support
Senate Bill 955 (Huff) proposes to:
• Eliminate the March notice to RIF’d teachers and
Some class sizes have almost doubled, leaving less eliminate their right to request a hearing.
individual attention for students, especially those who • Allow districts to ignore teacher experience in the
need help the most. classroom when making layoff and rehiring
decisions. These decisions would be based on
Many students no longer have access to art, music, teacher evaluations, even though many districts do
physical education and career technical education not conduct them regularly as required by law.
programs, courses that help keep kids interested in school • Eliminate teacher due process rights in a dismissal
and give them a well-rounded education. hearing.
• Authorize assignment, reassignment, and transfer
Even before any additional cuts, California’s schools of teachers based on evaluations and subject
already ranked 50th in the nation in staff-to-student ratios
matter needs, and without regard to experience.
and 46th in per-pupil spending.
Community colleges were cut by $520 million in
2009-10 alone, representing 7.9 percent of their overall Class Size Reduction Program
Coalition representatives note that administrators had
CSU students have lost roughly 10% of their faculty complete flexibility in class size for years. The result is
and some 2,600 instructors. Lack of course availability is California’s overcrowded classrooms. Supporters of the
requiring as much as seven years for the average college Class Size Reduction program are emphasizing that:
student to graduate. ♦ Research proves smaller classes improve
student learning. They cite a study by the
“Educational Opportunities in Hard Times,” a UCLA
report, found that 67% of principals in California reported Public Policy Institute of California that
increases in class sizes this year, with 74% of elementary found five of California’s largest school
school principals reporting larger class sizes. 75% of districts have seen a significant increase in
principals said that summer school had been reduced or student test scores since the class size
eliminated. program began.
♦ Smaller classes are especially vital for high- 4. Click on the “Update Beneficiaries” tab and
need students. For instance, research in the complete fields.
Los Angeles Unified School District
If you have any questions regarding this plan or need a
determined that reading scores rose by
paper version of the beneficiary registration form, please
19..5%, math scores by 29.2%, and language
contact CTA Member Benefits at
scores by 22.5% for high-need students in member_benefits@cta.org or call 650-552-5200.
small classes.
♦ Parents and teachers know smaller classes
work. More than 70% of voters believe
reducing class sizes is a very effective way to Procedures to Follow When a
improve public schools. Member is Accused of Child
CTA members are being urged to contact their Abuse
members of the California Assembly and California
Senate to urge them to vote against SB 556 (Sher), 1. Immediately talk to your CTA staff person to
SB 837 (Alarcon) and any other measure that would obtain a referral to a CTA-affiliated attorney. Do
boost class sizes. CTA members can go to the not talk to your Principal even if you are 100%
Politics and Legislation link on the CTA web page innocent.
(www.cta.org) to find out more information about 2. In the event that criminal charges are filed against
how to contact their lawmakers and updates on the you or another member, the only “privileged” or
battle in Sacramento to protect the class size confidential communication is between you and
reduction program. your: Spouse; Attorney; Clergy. Communication
******************************* between you and your CTA staff person, or
anyone else, is not privileged and may be used
Is Your CTA Death and against you in the event the criminal charges
occur, so do not discus the matter with anyone,
Dismemberment Beneficiary including your colleagues or administrators.
Information Correct?
3. If accused by a principal, parent or another party
As an active CTA member, you are automatically during a meeting, immediately excuse yourself
eligible for benefits under the CTA Death & from that setting in order to contact your CTA
Dismemberment Plan. This plan is provided by the CTA staff person. Do not talk to them even if you are
Economic Benefits Trust and requires no premium 100% innocent.
payments from you. It provides up to a $2,000 Death 4. Do not respond to the accusation in any way
Benefit, up to a $10,000 Accidental Death and Accidental (including a denial of the incident) until you have
Dismemberment Benefit, and a $50,000 consulted with legal counsel. We are educators
Occupation/Association Leader Accidental Death & and we like to talk. This is a case when, to protect
Dismemberment Benefit. your job, you need to stop talking.

We strongly recommend that you register a What Can Local Chapters Do?
beneficiary. By registering a beneficiary, you will have
peace of mind, knowing that proceeds will be paid All local associations should advise its members of the
according to your specifications. If you have not requirements of the law and of the necessity to follow the
registered a beneficiary, or if you can’t remember whether mandatory reporting provisions. They should also ensure
you did, or you realize it’s time to update your that the school district is providing comprehensive in-
beneficiary, please take a few minutes to do so online by service training with respect to the detection of child
following these steps: abuse.

Communication with the parents and the community

1. Go to www.cta.org,
regarding the legal reporting requirements of school
2. Sign in (registration is required for first-time
personnel should be made to avoid as much confusion and
users; please have your Membership ID ready),
ill-feeling as possible.
3. Click on “My Profile”,

Educate teachers in the correct ways of dealing with students shined through from day one. She is a well liked
students. Explain how “touching” students or any type of teacher who makes great connections with the kids. She comes
physical contact can lead to false accusations. to us from New Mexico. Growing up, she didn’t see herself as a
teacher. When she went away to college her plan was to
Local associations should ensure that all members fully become an engineer. She married her husband Marv, who was
understand the appropriate steps to take to protect their job a cattle rancher and saw her life as a wife and mother living on a
and credential status in the case of either alleged violation ranch. When her husband made a career change, she ended up
of the reporting laws or accusations of child abuse against going into teaching. She felt drawn to the career from her time
the member. tutoring kids. She taught in New Mexico until her husband’s job
change brought her out to Pittsburg. We are very happy to have
her at our school. CONGRATULATIONS Becky on being
district teacher of the year!
The Validity of Walk-Thru’s
“Teachers of the Year”
It has come to my attention that a couple of the
administrators that have performed walk-thru’s for the last 
5 years have not been completely knowledgeable in what
they are sent to observe. After a recent walk-thru two very Josefina Diaz, Foothill
professional teachers accompanied the administrators at a Josefina Diaz is Foothill’s Teacher of the Year for 2010. She
walk-thru at their school site. At the end of the walk-thru is a great gift to the teaching profession and we are lucky to
they all met together to process and create the write-up have her as a member of our team. Josie, as we call her, is very
from the observations. There was much misunderstanding passionate and committed in all that she does for her students.
on the part of the administrators as to what they were Josie received her Bachelor of Arts from Cal State San
Bernardino and her credential from Cal State East Bay
observing. The principals of ELD Strategies and how they
are properly done with a class were incorrect. The
Josie has been a teacher for four years but she has
alignment to the standards for the grade level were
been in the educational field since she was 19 years old. She
incorrect. The time frame on the “I-we-you” of a lesson began as an instructional assistant then became the Coordinator
were incorrect given the fact that it is the end of the school of their After School Program. Her student teaching was done at
year. Language arts writing strategies were incorrectly Foothill in Mrs. Steffani’s Kindergarten class. When she became
defined (i.e. a cloze sentence frame). A teacher was fully credentialed she applied for a 4th grade position in the Dual
praised for covering the entire observation check list Immersion Program at Foothill where she was for three years.
within 15 minutes. The students got nothing out of the 15 Right now she is a second grade teacher in a regular,
minute lesson. This is crazy and not teaching! It is doing a mainstream second grade class.
dog and pony show! We are very happy to have someone as intelligent,
committed, passionate and knowledgeable as Josie Diaz in our
I have spoken to Dr. Wilson, Linda Rondeau and staff.
Dorothy Epps about my concerns and how the whole
process of classroom observations appear to be invalid.
Until the walk-thru administrators get training and Sandi Dias, Stoneman
knowledge in ELD Strategies, language arts processes, the Mrs. Sandi Dias, a second grade teacher at Stoneman
grade level standards specific for each grade level and Elementary, brings to her staff and community a wealth of
what is reasonable to observe within a 15 minute time experience and knowledge. She has been a teacher for 32 years
view I believe the following: We should NOT hold much and has taught everything from preschool to adult education and
value in the feedback from these observations. They have special education. She came to Pittsburg Unified School District
the weight of a grain of sand. C. Coan in 1982 and joined the Heights staff. After a few years at Heights
she moved on to make an impression at Los Medanos and
******************************* Foothill, before settling in at Stoneman. She has been an active
Presenting Becky Pounds, Hillview staff member as grade level lead teacher, mentor teacher, and
has served on numerous other committees. Throughout her
“District Teacher of the Year” years, Dias says her favorite part of the job is how no two years
have been the same. She looks forward to the diversity in each
 year, and she says the changes are exciting challenges that
Hillview’s teacher of the year is Mrs. Becky Pounds. She keep her feeling young!
teaches Algebra and Pre-Algebra. Even though she has only When she is not teaching creative lessons that utilize
been at our school for a few years, her dedication to the both the Open Court curriculum and her depth of experience in

education and children, Dias can be found knitting sweaters, 
blankets or teddy bears. On the weekends, Dias enjoys time on
the green, cheering on her daughter, an award-winning golfer
PEA Executive Board 2010-
and recent high school graduate. Dias also manages to squeeze 2011
time in to plan new projects for her husband to complete on their
cabin in Lake Almanor. Election Results
She is grateful for the support of her colleagues at
Stoneman and always believes it takes a village to be V.P., Secondary Arthur S. Pruyn
successful! V.P., Elementary Cindy Joy
Secretary Tammy Carr
Treasurer Gale L. Higgins

“Recognition of the Teachers 

of the Year 2010” CONGRATULATIONS!!
Josefina Diaz Foothill
Dan McCoy Heights
Michael Whitaker Highlands
Alex Bursch Los Medanos
Staci Belleci Marina Vista
Raisa Rangel Parkside
Sandi Dias Stoneman
Patty Rodriguez Willow Cove
Rebecca Pounds Hillview Kathleen Caballero 38 years of service
Christina Zenzano Rancho Medanos Genevieve Camera 38 years of service
Aaron Alatorre PHS Charles Christensen 36 years of service
Pat Wheable Riverside Ronald Coniglio 29 years of service
Phyllis Tutt MLK Miguel Cortez 29 years of service
Ann Custer Adult Ed. Ralph DeVries 32 years of service
Rosanna Erickson 16 years of service
 Suzanne Fritsch 16 years of service
PEA 2010 Jay Marchus 27 years of service
Susan McAdam 21 years of service
$$Scholarship Award$$
Linda Nakaji 23 years of service
Winner Jerome Russo 28 years of service
Allison Hayes Carol Tinsley 25 years of service
Corazon Willie 35 years of service
The PEA - 2010 Scholarship Award Winner of $500.00
has been given to Allison Hayes, daughter of John and Diane Abono 38 years of service
Tammy Hayes. Allison plans on attending University of Virginia Arellano 38 years of service
Colorado at Denver and majoring in health sciences. Deborah Banks 34 years of service
The Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King, Jr. Award Valerie Bryan 27 years of service
of $100.00 for each has been donated in honor of Dr. Annie Clawson 32 years of service
Barbara Wilson's retirement and will go towards a Stella Orona 31 years of service
scholarship fund for Riverside and Adult Ed. college
bound graduates. Tim Rognlien, 21 years of service

to strengthen our local by having ties with the local
community and a positive presence. The third part of the
Organizing Academy is Internal Organizing and I focused
on that one. I applied for a grant from CTA for $9,000 and
got it. This grant money will be spent trying to strengthen
our local association with better communication, meetings
with members at school sites and general membership
meetings, a PEA Web Site, and retreats for the Executive
Board and Committee members and chairs to plan and
strategize. All in all it was a start with a game plan. Now
we just need YOU to join in and help. C. Coan

Upcoming Conferences from CTA

CTA African American Caucus
for more information to register
Issues Conference
Summer Institute – Sunday-Friday, August 1-6, UCLA
By, Tammy Carr
Region I Leadership Conference – Oct. 15-17, 2010 I attended the CTA African American Caucus Issues
Asilomar Conference May 15th held in the Hilton San Francisco
Hotel. I was fortunate to enjoy hearing from a variety of
GLBT Conference – Oct. 29-31, 2010 presenters. The morning started off with a panel
Westin Mission Hills, Rancho Mirage discussion on African American students and public
education. The basic premise was that there are
Good Teaching Conference – North differences that should be addressed when relating to the
January 21-23, 2011, Marriot, San Jose African American student. The panel had a major focus
on male students in particular.
Equity and Human Rights Conference
March 4-6, 2011, Fairmont, San Jose The highlights were:
• using different cultural aspects of communication
Summer Institute – July 31-August 5, 2011, UCLA • the necessity to listen to a student about concerns
before sending them to the office
******************************* • including parents in the education of their child
• remembering parents have a vested responsibility
Organizing Academy 2010 to their child’s education
In April several PEA members attending the Political • parents should be encouraged to participate in
Organizing Academy in Santa Rosa for lots of hard work their child’s education
and planning. Steve Longley and Iris Contreras focused on • always set high expectations
the Political Action strand of the academy and came up
with a timeline for how they will proceed with the After the panel discussion there were breakout sessions
upcoming school board elections. We will have 4 seats to attend. I chose to join the Dealing with the Disconnect:
opening up and PEA would like to have the best teacher Ethnic Minority Leadership Development workshop. The
friendly and teacher supporting people to fill those seats. presenter, Sharron Lewis Campbell, had table groups
Please be ready to help them in the coming months and discuss some opening questions and share out to the whole
please join their committee. Who sits on the school board group before launching off on her presentation. These
directly affects YOU and your job here in Pittsburg so this questions brought great insight and dynamic conversation.
is a very important committee to be on. Be a mover and a The most meaningful question for me was, “Do you think
shaker. The Community Outreach strand of the academy African American teachers have an additional
was headed by BeBe Vaughan and Jim Vaughan. They responsibility towards other African Americans?” I found
have sent out a survey to PEA members to see what that the lack of support was quite detrimental to teachers
organizational affiliations they belong to. We would like in general, but when this happens for an African American

teacher in a small minority of a school it can be damaging “When You Thought I Wasn’t
to the self in ways that may go back to aspects of racism.
The presentation also included statistics mentioning the Author, Mary Rita Schilke Korzan
shortage of black teachers, especially male teachers. 2%
of the United States 4.8 million teachers are black men When you thought I wasn’t looking, you displayed my
and ½ of black male teachers leave the profession before first report, and I wanted to do another.
retirement compared with 30% of all teachers. Sharron
also emphasized the responsibility of African American When you thought I wasn’t looking, you fed a stray
teachers to support each other and advance achievement in cat, and I thought it was good to be kind to animals.
leadership roles.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, you gave me a
During lunch we had a keynote speaker named sticker, and I knew that little things were special
Lateefah Simon who works with the Lawyers Committee things.
for Civil Rights. Not only was she an excellent speaker,
but she is a Mills woman (my alma mater). Lateefah When you thought I wasn’t looking, you put your arm
encouraged all teachers to keep going, to continue to be around me, and I felt loved.
that positive force in a child’s life. She used her own life
experience to emphasize the necessity to build up a child’s
self worth when other areas of their life can be so
destructive. It was quite moving and something I will When you thought I wasn’t looking I saw tears
cherish to have been a part of as an audience member. It come from your eyes, and I learned that sometimes
renewed my sense that one person can make an impact on things hurt--but that it’s all right to cry.
the course of a child’s life in an extraordinary way.
When you thought I wasn’t looking, you smiled, and
The last workshop I attended was Empowering African it made me want to look that pretty too.
American Students to Learn: Strategies for Closing the
Achievement Gap. The presenter, Reena Doyle, showed When you thought I wasn’t looking, you cared, and I
wanted to be everything I could be.
all of us quotes from students about what they need to
love to learn and if they should be paid to learn. Some of
When you thought I wasn’t looking--I looked...and
the messages were heartbreaking like, “Teachers care
wanted to say thanks for all those things you did
about us, but not me…” and “You have to like children… when you thought I wasn’t looking.
stop telling me you don’t like children”. There was a
consensus about being paid to learn. In a word they
wanted the money to go towards education. In summary *******************************
there are gaps, but there are no definitive answers because
we are all individuals. We as educators must use our “What Teachers Make, or
professional judgment and want to create an environment
in which students want to learn, even if this means veering Objection Overruled, or If
from the system. Things Don’t Work Out, You
The conference was a wonderful opportunity for me in Can Always Go To Law School”
terms of growth. It also solidified some ideas I’ve had
regarding leadership. I feel like I can branch out to help Author, Taylor Mali
others on this road to achievement in leadership and be an
advocate for students. He says the problem with teachers is, “What’s a kid
going to learn from someone who decided his best
option in life was to become a teacher?” He reminds
CORRECTION: The “Alcosta Leadership
the other dinner guests that it’s true what they say
Conference” article in the May issue of the Focus was
about teachers: Those who can, do; those who
written by Deborah Cummings – the Women’s Issues
can’t, teach.

I decided to bite my tongue instead of his and resist I make them understand that if you got this (brains)
the temptation to remind the other dinner guests that then you follow this (heart) and if someone ever tries
it’s also true what they say about lawyers. to judge you by what you make, you give them this
(the finger.)
Because we’re eating, after all, and this is polite
company. Let me break it down for you, so you
know what I say is true: I make a
“I mean, you’re a teacher, Taylor,” he says. goddamn difference! What about
“Be honest. What do you make?” you?

And I wish he hadn’t done that (asked me to be

honest) because, you see, I have a policy about
honesty and ass-kicking: if you ask for it, I have to
let you have it. One Hundred Years from now
(excerpt from "Within My Power" by Forest
You want to know what I make? Witcraft)

One Hundred Years from now

I make kids work harder than they ever thought they
It will not matter
could. I can make a C+ feel like a Congressional
what kind of car I drove,
medal of honor and an A- feel like a slap in the face.
What kind of house I lived in,
How dare you waste my time with anything less than
how much money was in my bank
your very best.
nor what my clothes looked like.
I make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall in
But the world may be a better place because
absolute silence. No, you may not work in groups.
I was important in the life of a child.
No, you may not ask a question.
Why won’t I let you get a drink of water?
Because you’re not thirsty, you’re bored, that’s why.
I make parents tremble in fear when I call home: E-Encouragement
I hope I haven’t called at a bad time, A-Assurance
I just wanted to talk to you about something Billy said
Billy said, “Leave the kid alone. I still cry sometimes, H-Heart
don’t you?” E-Effort
And it was the noblest act of courage I have ever R-Respect

I make parents see their children for who they are

It takes a special person
and what they can be. to be a great teacher.
You want to know what I make?

I make kids wonder.

I make them question.
I make them criticize.
I make them apologize and mean it.
I make them write, write, write.
And then I make them read.
I make them spell definitely beautiful, definitely
beautiful, definitely beautiful
over and over and over again until they will never
either one of those words again.
I make them show all their work in math.
And hide it on their final drafts in English.
JUNE 2010

2 PEA Executive Board – PEA Office – 1901 Railroad – 3:45

9 PEA Rep Council – PEA Office – 1901 Railroad – 3:45 PM
9 PUSD School Board Meeting – 2000 Railroad Ave. – 7:00
14 Flag Day
15 Last Day of School (Instruction)
20 Father’s Day
21 Summer Begins
23 PUSD School Board Meeting – 2000 Railroad
Ave. – 7:00 PM
Next Deadline for Articles is September 6, 2010



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