Mid-Year Report 2020
Mid-Year Report 2020
Mid-Year Report 2020
Jesus, in the closing of the Sermon on the Mount, gives I watch as our brothers and sisters around the world
us the answer. walk in incredible faith. They’re no strangers to the
rains and winds. Many countries we operate in have
“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine weathered storms of Ebola, civil wars, frequent terrorist
and puts them into practice is like a wise man who attacks, and crumbling banking systems. There will be
built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the more trials and tests. We can be confident of that. But
streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that His Word helps us build firm foundations so we can
house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation boldly face the storms, both now and in the future.
on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of
mine and does not put them into practice is like a In the words of the great hymn:
foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain
came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and My hope is built on nothing less,
beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness,
(Matthew 7:24-27 NIV) I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
In our first years of operation, many schools
would not have been prepared for the rising On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
tides we’re experiencing today. How can one All other ground is sinking sand,
truly be prepared when we don’t know what is All other ground is sinking sand.
coming? But if our foundation is built on Jesus’
words, we are prepared!
to equip school leaders and
teachers to develop sustainable
Christ-centered schools
to improve and expand to enhance learning
school facilities outcomes and
When Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski took education is one of the biggest challenges the world is
office in 2016, independent schools faced new hurdles. facing. Schools have closed their doors, and proprietors
The government imposed stiffer regulations for schools are left struggling to pay bills and meet payroll. In
and certifications for teachers. At the time, school March 2020, the Peruvian government announced
directors and proprietors were unsure of how they were they would assist all schools with a subsidy covering
going to meet these new requirements. Registrations 35 percent of teacher salaries during the nationwide
and certifications were expensive, time-consuming, shutdown. This subsidy, however, would only apply to
and complicated, which schools and teachers couldn’t schools registered with the Ministry of Education. Six
afford. years ago, only 30 percent of Edify’s partner schools
would have been eligible for assistance.
“Many of our teachers cannot pay for the required
training that the Ministry of Education is now TODAY, ALL OF EDIFY’S 731 PARTNER
requiring,” shared Emma Carhuachin, a school SCHOOLS ARE FULLY REGISTERED AND
SUBSIDIES, equivalent to $1.4 million USD in teacher
In 2016, 8,300 private schools across Peru were salaries!
threatened with closure, including 40 Edify partner
schools, affecting 20,000 students. Across our 11 operating countries around the world,
Edify is committed to schools, proprietors, and students
So Edify sprang into action. receiving the resources they need to grow. Sustainability
matters and that becomes clear in the tumultuous
Gathering teams of lawyers and accountants, our field times of today. Edify, by helping schools comply in the
staff in Peru helped each partner school complete the past, has now offered tangible relief and hope in the
required paperwork. Teachers were able to be certified present. In our vision to see flourishing godly nations,
at an affordable cost thanks to our network of training we know all facets of education matter from payroll to
partners and the help of a local university. With learning outcomes. So, when proprietors and teachers
collaboration and diligence, Edify was able to keep all are supported, students can receive a quality education
40 partner schools from closing. and dream for their future. Steadfast in our mission
to improve and expand Christ-centered education
Today, the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 has globally, we stand with our partner schools and their
affected every country on earth. The disruption of teachers as we continue to shine hope and unity in the
face of crisis.
During a time of sickness, school closures, worldwide panic, and uncertainty, Edify aims
to be a continual encouragement to our local partners, school proprietors, and staff. Here
is a snapshot from our countries of operation over the past two months.
“Mr. Kimenyi William is the headteacher of Melanie’s Christian School
located in Kabuga, Rwanda. During one of our check-in calls...he said
this season has taught him that God is for us, we don’t have to fear.
He felt that God had given us this time to get closer to Him.”
– Callist Kayigamba, Rwanda Country Director
“Sierra Leone has six networks of proprietors’ fellowships, and all of them have
established a WhatsApp group to reach out to one another. During my call, one
of the proprietors said, ‘We are very grateful to God for using Edify to unify us
and ready to stand with us in this difficult time.’”
– Michael Kamara, Sierra Leone Chrisitian Transformation and Training Officer
Program Services 2,258,251 2,171,395 2,024,115
Funds for Loans to Schools 229,153 230,945 461,506
Total Program Expenditures 2,487,404 2,402,340 2,485,621
Supporting activities:
General and administrative 204,653 203,287 170,744
Fundraising 605,615 536,943 536,734
Total Expenditures $3,297,672 $3,142,570 $3,193,099
REVENUE LESS EXPENSES $(535,510) $(978,302) $(1,197,091)
*Gifts in kind of $86,737 is for donated professional services from the University of San Diego for school leadership training such as
Improving the Conditions for Learning, Leadership for Learning, and Leadership in Early Childhood Programs.
6% 15%
MY20 MY20
Long-Term Assets:
Notes receivable, 0 0 4,152
net of current portion
Deposit reserves, collateral for 0 0 45,736
partner loans
Other long-term assets 1,970 403 2,438
Property and equipment - at cost, net 17,263 28,076 34,972
19,233 28,479 87,298
Total Assets $3,224,253 $2,360,737 $2,010,097
Net Assets:
Unrestricted 799,406 567,455 372,217
Restricted cash from donations 1,455,729 957,275 870,897
Board designated cash reserve 856,236 589,628 589,451
Net investment in property 17,263 28,076 34,972
and equipment
3,128,634 2,142,434 1,867,537
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $3,224,253 $2,360,737 $2,010,097
Copies of the complete audited financial statements are available on our website.