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Holy Week

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Charlotte Skelton 

The most solemn week of the Christian year, Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter,
and is the week during which Christians particularly remember the last week of Jesus’ life.
● ● ● Holy Week begins on Palm
● ● ● Sunday.

Palm Sunday Maundy ● ● ●

This is the Sunday before Thursday Good Friday

This is the Thursday This is the Friday before
This day in the church year
before Easter. Easter.
marks the triumphant
entrance of Jesus into This day in the church yearIt commemorates
Jerusalem. marks the last supper and
the execution of Jesus by
the preparation of Jesus’
crucifixion. Where he was
passing carried out by
Jesus. This is also the day killed on a cross beside
Jesus and his disciples common criminals and
went to the garden of taunted by the Romans.
Gethsemane to pray and Good Friday is a day of
Jesus was betrayed by
mourning in church.
Judas and arrested and
During special Good Friday
trialed illegally at night by
the high priests. services Christians
Jesus entered the city on a meditate on Jesus'
colt (donkey) while the suffering and death on the
people of Jerusalem layed cross, and what this
palm branches in his path,
means for their faith. In
hense the name Palm-
This day is usually some countries, there are
Sunday. This act made it
clear that they recognised celebrated with a mass special Good Friday
Jesus as their messiah. where there is a ceremonyprocessions, or re-
That he rode on a colt in which the priest washesenactments of the
shows us that Jesus is the feet of 12 people to Crucifixion.
humble- so not the
commemorate Jesus'
‘worrior’ king jews were
washing the feet of his
expecting. This day is
normally celibrated with a disciples. In Roman
mass and the making of Catholic churches, Maundy
cross palms, that are then Thursday is usually the The main service on Good
used on Ash Wednesday. day on which the supply of Friday takes place
anointing oil to be used inbetween midday and 3pm.
● ● ●
ceremonies during the In many churches it takes
year is consecrated. This is
the form of a meditation
done at a special Chrism based on the seven last

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