"Celebrating Holy Week": Pastor's Pen
"Celebrating Holy Week": Pastor's Pen
"Celebrating Holy Week": Pastor's Pen
Pastor’s Pen
March 2010
“Celebrating Holy Week”
Some Christians are and the Good Friday Chief that when the service be-
uncomfortable with setting Service. Palm Sunday gins, we are still in the
apart one week and calling celebrates our Lord's trium- season of Lent. When the
it holy. They will point out phal entry into Jerusalem. service ends, however, we
that in Christ's work for us Maundy Thursday cele- have come into the great
on the cross, He has sancti- brates Jesus' great com- feast of Easter.
fied us and our whole lives. mand for us to love one
The Easter Vigil has
Each week of a Christian's another and His institution
several distinct parts. It
life is holy in this way. of the Lord's Supper. The
begins with a service of
Chief Service on Good
These Christians are light during which the pas-
Friday is a solemn remem-
certainly right to point out chal (Easter) candle is lit
brance of the day that Jesus
that the baptismal life is in and processes into the
allowed Himself to be cru-
son why we call one par- John's we added two ser- about how God saved His
ticular week holy. vices to those three. We people throughout biblical
celebrated a Good Friday history. After the readings
Holy Week is the week
Tre Ore service and the we move into the part of
from Palm Sunday through
Great Vigil of Easter. the service where we re-
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Youth Group News
Last month Higher Things was forced On Saturday, March 20th, at 5:00 Please come to the soup suppers be-
to move its gathering at the University of p.m., the youth group will meet at the fore the Lenten services at Saint John's
Memphis to Vanderbilt University in Wildside (near Nemacolin resort) for (up to and including Maundy Thursday)
Nashville, Tennessee. The dates (July bowling and rock climbing. The cost for and enjoy a good meal and support the
6th-10th) are still the same as are regis- unlimited bowling and climbing is $15. youth group in raising money for their
tration fees. Nashville will also be a bit Youth are also asked to bring money for trip to Nashville this summer.
shorter of a drive for us. Unfortunately, food. Parents are also welcome to come
registration for as chaperones and drivers.
the conference is
now closed be-
cause the spots
have filled. If
you haven't reg-
istered and want
to go, I can still
get you on a
waiting list.
Lenten Schedule
Please join us for our special Lenten Midweek Service @ St. John's The Great Vigil of Easter
services: Wed., March 24th, 7:30 p.m. Sat., April 3rd, 7:30 p.m.
(Soup Supper at 6:30)
Midweek Service @ Zion
Wed., March 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Divine Service
On Easter morning, there will be a
Thurs., April 1st, 7:30 p.m.
Midweek Service @ St. John's communion service and a breakfast
(Soup Supper at 6:30)
Wed., March 10th, 7:30 p.m. served by the youth group. The schedule
(Soup Supper at 6:30) Good Friday Tre Ore Service for this will be set at the March Council
Fri., April 2nd, 12:00 p.m. meeting.
Midweek Service @ Zion
Wed., March 17th, 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Chief Service
Fri., April 2nd, 7:30 p.m.
"We preach Christ crucified!" God comes to you each Sunday with His rich gifts of for-
giveness, life, and salvation! Come, be fed by the word
of life that Jesus has for you! Receive the gifts He won
for you on the cross!
Accident, MD 21520
1065 Cove Road
Saint John's Evangelical Lutheran Church (LCMS)