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"Celebrating Holy Week": Pastor's Pen

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Volume 14, Issue 2

Pastor’s Pen
March 2010
“Celebrating Holy Week”
Some Christians are and the Good Friday Chief that when the service be-
uncomfortable with setting Service. Palm Sunday gins, we are still in the
apart one week and calling celebrates our Lord's trium- season of Lent. When the
it holy. They will point out phal entry into Jerusalem. service ends, however, we
that in Christ's work for us Maundy Thursday cele- have come into the great
on the cross, He has sancti- brates Jesus' great com- feast of Easter.
fied us and our whole lives. mand for us to love one
The Easter Vigil has
Each week of a Christian's another and His institution
several distinct parts. It
life is holy in this way. of the Lord's Supper. The
begins with a service of
Chief Service on Good
These Christians are light during which the pas-
Friday is a solemn remem-
certainly right to point out chal (Easter) candle is lit
brance of the day that Jesus
that the baptismal life is in and processes into the
allowed Himself to be cru-

its entirety a holy life that church followed by the

cified to save us sinners,
has been redeemed and congregation (also carrying
even though we were the
sanctified by God through candles). After this is the
ones putting Him to death.
His work on the cross. But service of readings. In
that also gives us the rea- Last year at Saint these readings we hear
Cove Christian

son why we call one par- John's we added two ser- about how God saved His
ticular week holy. vices to those three. We people throughout biblical
celebrated a Good Friday history. After the readings
Holy Week is the week
Tre Ore service and the we move into the part of
from Palm Sunday through
Great Vigil of Easter. the service where we re-

the following Saturday. It

member what Christ has
is the week that immedi- The Good Friday Tre
done for us in our baptism.
ately precedes Easter. We Ore Service is a meditation
Baptism is a very important
call this week holy not on the last seven sentences
part of Easter. We are bap-
because of ourselves but (or “words”) that Jesus
tized both into Christ's
because of Christ. Holy spoke from the cross. “Tre
death and into His resurrec-
Week is the week that we Ore” means three hours.
tion (Romans 6). Finally,
remember Jesus' final jour- The service starts at noon
we begin the celebration of
ney into Jerusalem. It was and continues for the next
Easter with the Easter ac-
on that journey that He three hours split into a se-
clamation, hear a short
entered Jerusalem as her ries of seven mini-services.
Easter sermon (written
King, was crowned with The services take place
1600 years ago by the great
thorns, and won life and during the hours that Jesus
pastor John Chrysostom),
salvation for all people. It hung on the cross and dark-
and receive the Lord's Sup-
is during this week that ness covered the whole
per. The service begins
Jesus made His Church world (Matthew 27:45,
with quietness and ends
holy by washing away all Mark 15:33, Luke 23:44,
with exuberant joy. Pastor
her sins by shedding His and John 19:14). Last year
Riebau will also be assist-
precious blood on the during the Tre Ore service
ing with this service.
cross. we heard meditations on
the seven words written by As you prepare for
Because of the holiness
Pr. O.P. Kretzmann. This Easter during this month, I
of this week, the church
year Pastor Riebau and I encourage you to take ad-
has celebrated it with spe-
will be preaching the ser- vantage of the services we
cial reverence for nearly
mons for Tre Ore. will have during Holy
two thousand years. Most
Week. At these services
congregations celebrate The Great Vigil of
you will have the opportu-
just three of the possible Easter is the way the early
nity to receive God's gifts
nine or more services that church began the celebra-
through His Word and be
can be observed during it. tion of Easter. The service
reminded of the wonderful
The services most often beguns just as the sun is
things that Jesus did FOR
celebrated are Palm Sun- setting on the Saturday
YOU during Holy Week.
day, Maundy Thursday, before Easter. This means
News from the Church Council: The Board of Elders
Randy Harman resigns from Board of keeping the chancel and its furnishings 7.0 Committees
Elders clean, caring for the candles, buying and
arranging flowers, taking care of the sa- 7.1.1 Worship committee
As of the end of January, Randy Har-
cred vessels, linens, and vestments, mak- The Worship Committee
man resigned from Saint John's Board of
ing the baptismal napkins and candles shall be appointed by the Board of Elders
Elders. We thank Randy for his year of
available, and other such projects that
service. This means that we currently The committee reports to the
further glorify God’s Alter and Church,
have a vacancy on the Board of Elders. If Board of Elders.
enlisting such members as are necessary
you are interested in serving, please con-
to help in the services of this committee. 7.1.2 Altar Committee
tact a member of Saint John's nominating
committee (Jim Joslin, Myrtle Hanft, Ushering The Altar Committee shall
Lyndsay Miller, or Pastor Lehmann). be appointed by the Board of Elders.
The Board of Elders will assist the Pastor
Pastor Lehmann and work with the Ushering Committee The Committee reports to
to provide for the collection of the offer- the Board of Elders.
ing, orderly conduct of worship services,
What does the Board of Elders do? comfort of the worshipers, distribution of 7.1.3 Care and Concern committee
materials, and needs of people attending The Care and Concern com-
This is the second in a series of arti- church functions.
cles that provides information to the con- mittee shall be appointed by the Board of
gregation each month about how St. Worship Elders.
John’s is structured according to its con- The committee reports to
The Board of Elders will assist the Pastor
stitution and bylaws. This series of pres- the Board of Elders.
and work with the Worship Committee to
entations was approved at the Council
enlist assistants for services, form music 7.1.4 Ushering Committee
meeting in January of 2010. programs, develop and schedule special
Since there is a vacancy in the Board services, and along with the Pastor for- The Ushering Committee
of Elders at this time, this month’s article mulate a yearly Worship schedule. shall be appointed by the Board of Elders.
will focus on the Board of Elders respon- 7. 1.4.3 The committee reports to
6.7.2 Membership
sibilities as enumerated in the bylaws. the Board of Elders.
The Board of Elders will consist of three
The bylaws governing the Board of
(3) elected members.
Elders is Bylaw 6.7. It reads:
6.7.3 Terms of Office At the present time there are only two
6.7 Board of Elders members on the Board of Elders as Elders will be elected to a term Randy Harman has resigned. We want to
6.7.1 Responsibilities
of three (3) years. thank Randy for his service. Keith Har-
The Elders are the Pastor’s chief assis- man is chairman of the Board for 2010. They may succeed themselves
tants in caring for the spiritual life of the Pete Smith is also an elder as He just
one (1) term.
congregation. They are responsible for began his three year term in January of
the Spiritual welfare of the Pastor and Filling and unexpired term 2010. The bylaws do not spell out how a
congregation members. They are to assist does not constitute a term of office. vacancy is to be filled so I will propose to
the Pastor in the following areas of minis- Council at their next meeting that the The third year of their term
try: nominating committee be reactivated and
they shall hold the position of Chairman Care and Concern of the Board. As such they can call meet- present nominees to the Congregational
ings of the Board, and will provide lead- Assembly at their April meeting. Jim
The Board of Elders will assist the Pastor Joslin our Vice President is the chairman
ership along with the pastor for the
and work with the Care and Concern of the nominating committee along with
Committee in visiting and ministering to members Pastor, Myrtle Jenkins and
the sick, the shut-ins, the elderly, the 6.7.4 Elections Lyndsay Miller. Should you be interested
widows or any member of the congrega- in the important position or have a rec-
One (1) Elder shall be elected each
tion needing personal assistance. ommendation, please advise the nominat-
ing committee. Also should anyone have Altar Area Care
6.7.5 Meetings suggestions for the Board of Elders in
The Board of Elders will assist the Pastor regards to their responsibilities, please
The Board will meet on a monthly
and work with the Altar Committee in contact them.
Edgar Harman

Page 2 C O V E C HR I S T I A N C H R O N I CL E
Youth Group News
Last month Higher Things was forced On Saturday, March 20th, at 5:00 Please come to the soup suppers be-
to move its gathering at the University of p.m., the youth group will meet at the fore the Lenten services at Saint John's
Memphis to Vanderbilt University in Wildside (near Nemacolin resort) for (up to and including Maundy Thursday)
Nashville, Tennessee. The dates (July bowling and rock climbing. The cost for and enjoy a good meal and support the
6th-10th) are still the same as are regis- unlimited bowling and climbing is $15. youth group in raising money for their
tration fees. Nashville will also be a bit Youth are also asked to bring money for trip to Nashville this summer.
shorter of a drive for us. Unfortunately, food. Parents are also welcome to come
registration for as chaperones and drivers.
the conference is
now closed be-
cause the spots
have filled. If
you haven't reg-
istered and want
to go, I can still
get you on a
waiting list.

Lenten Schedule
Please join us for our special Lenten Midweek Service @ St. John's The Great Vigil of Easter
services: Wed., March 24th, 7:30 p.m. Sat., April 3rd, 7:30 p.m.
(Soup Supper at 6:30)
Midweek Service @ Zion
Wed., March 3rd, 7:30 p.m. Maundy Thursday Divine Service
On Easter morning, there will be a
Thurs., April 1st, 7:30 p.m.
Midweek Service @ St. John's communion service and a breakfast
(Soup Supper at 6:30)
Wed., March 10th, 7:30 p.m. served by the youth group. The schedule
(Soup Supper at 6:30) Good Friday Tre Ore Service for this will be set at the March Council
Fri., April 2nd, 12:00 p.m. meeting.
Midweek Service @ Zion
Wed., March 17th, 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Chief Service
Fri., April 2nd, 7:30 p.m.

Potpourri (Other News)

DEADLINES Egypt. These bible studies are fun nights
of learning about our Savior by studying
Please be sure to check the calendar
His Word.
for the deadlines for submitting items for
the council agenda and the newsletter. GAME NIGHT
These are important dates as they make it
There will be a game night on March
possible for Edgar to plan council meet-
28th at 6:30 p.m. Bring yourself, a snack,
ings and for Pastor Lehmann to release
a drink, and a game to share. I think I
the newsletter in a timely manner.
can safely say that no one has come to a
GENESIS BIBLE STUDY game night and NOT enjoyed it. We
always have a lot of fun. If you haven't
Please join us at Jim and Ruby's house
come, you're missing out. We would
on Thursdays for our ongoing study of
LOVE to see you! Games that have been
the book of Genesis. This month we will
played include the infamous Marble
begin to learn about how God saved His
Game, Quelf, Sequence, Dominoes,
people through the work of Joseph in
Rummikub, and more.

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 2 Page 3

C ome, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters!
He who has no money, come, buy, and eat! Come, buy
wine and milk without money and without price… Lis-
ten diligently to me, and eat what is good, and delight
yourselves in the richest of fair! Incline your ear, and
1065 Cove Road
Accident, MD 21520 come to me: Hear, that your soul may live: and I will
make with you an everlasting covenant, My steadfast,
(301) 746-8466 sure love for David.
www.stjohncove.org Isaiah 55:1-3

"We preach Christ crucified!" God comes to you each Sunday with His rich gifts of for-
giveness, life, and salvation! Come, be fed by the word
of life that Jesus has for you! Receive the gifts He won
for you on the cross!

THE COVE CHRISTIAN Divine Service: Sunday, 9:00 a.m.

CHRONICLE Bible Study: Sunday, 10:00 a.m.

"We preach Christ crucified!"



Accident, MD 21520
1065 Cove Road
Saint John's Evangelical Lutheran Church (LCMS)

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