Notes Training Methods HRM
Notes Training Methods HRM
Notes Training Methods HRM
There are seven bases on which the training methods are classified:
1. Location based
2. Presence training
3. Management level training
4. Person based training
5. Knowledge - Based Training
6. Function – based Training
7. Organizational structure – based Training
2. Presence Training
On – the Job Training Methods
Off – the Job Training Methods
1. Coaching
The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor, who functions as coach;
often the trainee shares some of the functions of the coach. The supervisor
provides has to watch the work of the trainee, offer him suggestions and
feedback for improvement.
2. Job Instruction:
This method is also known as training through steps. The trainer explains the
way of doing the things in steps to the trainee and allows him to do the job. The
trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback and corrects
the trainee.
This method involves four steps:
3. Job Rotation
This type of training involve is the movement of the trainee from one job to
another. The jobs vary in content. This method gives the trainee an opportunity
to understand problems of employee on other jobs and how he could transform
himself to the situation to solve the other employees or peers.
4. Observation
A variant of rotation methods is the observation methods, in which the trainee is
expected to observe the work process in a centre. The trainee spends a few
sitting in the room of a manager going through the instruction files, letters, and
correspondence. He asks the manager as to how the works are completed.
Observation - Merits
• It does not disturb the established tenor of work.
• The trainee is able to get a detached and comprehensive look at the task
the systems and procedures.
• The training is quick and flexible.
Observation - Demerits
• This method is suitable for passive observes.
• It leads to superficial learning.
• Since the trainer has no responsibility, his interest in training may not
5. Lateral Positioning
In this method, the trainee is permanently posted to take up the jobs in other
departments. He has to take full responsibility of the assignment and he will not
be know when he will be shifted again.
6. Attachment
• In this method, the junior is attached to a senior by rotation in different
functions. The senior routes much of the departmental work through the
junior and he is taken as an integral part of the trainer.
Attachment - Merits
• The junior i.e.; trainee, is not overburdened with work and responsibility
and he secure full participation in the functioning process resulting in the
acquisition of insight on the job content.
• The chances of costly mistakes or upsetting relationship within the
group are eliminated.
Attachment - Demerits
• Since the trainee has no direct responsibility for the success of the job, he
often becomes a mere observer of the whole process.
• The trainee may lose the loss of independence in analyzing and deciding
the appropriateness of a function, if the trainer being senior has complex
and exclusiveness
• Lecture
• Correspondence
• Role Playing
• In basket Method
• Case study method
• Business games
• Conference
• Sensitivity training (T – Group)
• Seminars
• Workshops
• Symposiums
• Programmed instructions
• Field work (Application project)
• Syndicate work
The lecture method in recent times has been ably supported the use of –
• Charts
• Graphs
• Slides
• Flip charts
• Models
• Films
• Other audio - visual aids.
The trainers should analyze the information content and sequence of the study
material contents, which are to be dispatched to the trainees either
wholesale or sequentially. The study material should be more self -
instructional style than of traditional textbook form, optimally loaded with
reference materials and additional suggested readings to motivate trainees
to acquire an increased knowledge horizon on his own endeavor.
An ingredient of study material is the inclusion of exercise manual along with
response sheets for assignment completion and the trainers should see that
the trainees respond to them in time. The trainees should get the feedback
after assignment completion. The trainers should be prepared to clarify the
doubts as and when they come up and a network of study centers are to he
set by the training institution to provide the feeling of venue- training as
far as possible.
The repeated reading of brief text and elaborate exercises is feasible, unlike the
lecture method in which they listen to it only once.
It is less expensive for the participants as well as for the training institutions
since a large number of participants can be trained simultaneously by a
small team of trainers.
How is it conducted?
1) Trainers start by briefing all the participants
• He outlines the situation.
• Gives a concise description of the characters involved.
• Players are given time to fix their characters in their minds and
audience are oriented to what they are to watch.
• The audience can be divided into
Listening or watching
Or a special observer for later panel discussions.
Tape recorders or CC TV may be employed.
2) The group acts out.
3) The actors and the audience discuss the proceedings
What was enacted?
The motivation of the people involved.
Why the scene developed as it did.
Role reversal.
Multiple role reversal during the scene.
Repetition of the scene itself with role reversals.
Developed originally as a possible measure of aptitude for the administrative
components of the managerial role, the In-Basket is a simulation of a manager’s
workload on a typical day. The name is derived from the wire baskets that
formerly were seen on almost every manger’s desk, marked "in" and "out" for
mail and memoranda.
Major Aims:
1. As a diagnostic tool, the exercise provides information on how a
participant handles a sequence of problems in a given situation, under
some pressure and thus some measure of his potential or his competency.
2. As a training device, it can be used to help the trainee identify areas in
planning, organizing and administrative behaviour in which his skills
need to be improved, as well as an opportunity to practice those 8kils in a
situation in which he can obtain feedback on his performance.
2. Take actions: - Once a player is familiar with the situation, the exercise
itself is begun. Each player is presented with a group of letters, reports, notes
and related items which have presumably accumulated in the' In-Basket of the
hypothetical manager. He is then asked to take any actions he deem appropriate
with the In-Basket items within a limited time period.
3. Write all his notes: - Unlike some other types of exercise in which a
participant merely tells what he would do, as an executive, the In-Basket p1ayer
must actually do it.
They must actually write –
All his notes and memoranda
Write out his conversations with others
Put down the contents of his telephone calls on paper.
Thus, at the end of the exercise, there will be a written record of every action
which each participant has taken
The key to the In-Basket's effectiveness as a training device is the fact that
it is rooted in real-life situations - If the selected situation is similar to one in
which the participant actually has or expects he will function and if, in addition,
it is constructed so as to call adequately for use of the participant's decision-
making and problem-solving abilities, his behaviour in the game may be more
natural than in some other types of training techniques.
It can be designed either to focus on the activities that are part of all
executive positions or to emphasize certain specific aspects of performance
- For instance, if the objective is to develop or improve human relations skills,
the In-Basket material can be weighed heavily with interpersonal conflicts,
other responsibilities being held to a minimum.
The In-Basket can also be adapted to the level of the position for which
training is required – If first-line supervisors are participating, the problem-
can be constructed to emphasize such factors as providing staff services,
supervising work, and technical aspects of production. If it 1s desired to train
higher level executives the problem may be related to activities such as long
range planning, diversification and decentralization.
Like any other training technique, this In-Basket method has certain
It is handicapped by the fact that is difficult to score or measure its
Further since the In-Basket is a form of role-playing, it may become
unrealistic no matter how "realistic" the situational setting is made. This
may step from the fact that the In-Basket is essentially an individual and
non-inter-active device. Although each participant plays the "game", he
plays it by himself, and with his own materials. Except for the post game
review period, there is little opportunity for interaction between
Decisions are made during the In-Basket exercise without the
advantage of consultation. The trainee who participates in the In-Basket
exercise is not constrained "by other people's behaviour in a dynamic
fashion. The In-Basket exercise thus provides little training for team
management responsibilities.
1. LONG CASES: Also called as classic case or Harvard cases. This approach
uses detailed case reports. Sometimes run to 40 – 50 pages of text with
supporting charts and documents. It is usually in the form of a running narrative
that includes –
History of the company
Biographies of key persons
Information about finances
Marketing information
Production information
Drawbacks of the Long case method: Needlessly long, Too much trouble
deciding just what is important
Drawbacks of the short case method: Limits the depth to which the trainees
can probe. The information needed to dig beyond the obvious symptoms of
trouble, diagnose and solve the problem is absent
2. After the Fact – Finding – stage the group attempts to determine the
major issue to be resolved and whether or not minor issues must also be
3. Each member writes his own solution, and then joins in a short period of
general discussion of all the proposed solutions.
4. Those with similar solutions meet to iron out the differences and select a
spokesman to argue the merits of their approach in debate with other
2. Case study analysis helps participants to realize that there are several
ways of looking at, thinking about and acting in a particular business
Any method of working which a small group may use to achieve a particular
purpose might fairly be described as a syndicate method. The essence of the
syndicate method is that men should learn from each other and should
contribute their own experience to the fullest. The main task of the tutorial staff
is to organize the work so that this mixture of the experience takes place to the
maximum extent possible within the duration of the course.
Field studies normally appear among the set of teaching methods currently in
used with management schools all over the world. And yet, looking at the
situation more closely, it is in most cases a very unstructured activity and stands
just for “going into the field”.
We understand by the “Industry Study Trip” a teaching method that fulfils the
following set of criteria :
Looking at the industry study trip from a time dimension, we can distinguish
certain phases of the trip as a teaching device :
The second version of field study is a trip lasting several weeks to selected
companies in different cultural, political and economical settings. The main
features that distinguish the management systems study from the industry study
trip are :
1. The pre-selection of a topic known to both the students and the company
people well in advance guarantees a certain depth in the discussion
between them. If one does not confine the topic when visiting a
company, the discussion will stay normally very much on the surface,
due to the number of areas which are of general interest. The chosen
topics are generally very attractive. The following list representing the
topics chosen in the last years documents the areas of interest at the
particular point of time :
3. Use of this method must necessarily take longer. Seeing two or three
companies has only minor impact. In our opinion, It is a certain
threshold of exposure which leads to learning. It is, however, a fairly
expensive way of learning. Although there are no effectiveness studies
on the method, it is well accepted in industry.
The origin of this method goes back to a situation when a group was discussing
over an issue in a free and half-drunken mood and at the same time, going deep
into the issue in discussing it threadbare. The method is similar to seminar
method but with a few marked differences. Basically, the symposium method
is one where discussion is predominant and the entire procedure is full of deep
involvement in discussion. There are three components in any symposium viz,
trainer, group of experts and participants.
The trainer has to start with the selection of the topic or theme or issue. The
trainer briefs experts and the participants about the theme. The session starts
with the discussion on the issue or topic by the experts. The discussion is
indepth in nature. The participant and the audience (if any) will ask questions
relating to the issue. Then a summary view is presented to all the audience
including experts and participants.
This method is called so, because the delegates or participants ‘confer’ to
discuss the issues. This method is some what similar to seminar, syndicate and
symposium excepting the procedure involved. Generally, a conference is
characterized by large number of participants unlike a seminar. A conference is
conducted according to an agenda prepared in advance by the trainer. The
agenda includes a plenary session. Presentation session, a discussion session
and an observation session. The trainer occupies the chairman’s role. In the
plenary session, the chairman highlights the purpose or the objective of the
papers to be presented and the discussions to be held are explained. The
plenary session is followed by the presentation the delegates. Each delegate’s
name is announced and he is requested to make the presentation. As the
number of presentations is larger, discussion is postpone for the next session.
The discussion session focuses on analyzing the issues or ideas presented by the
delegates. The observation session is meant for summing up the issues and
drawing up a list of conclusions after discussions.
The process of conducting the workshop is given below. The trainer has to
select a theme, the problems of which need a package of solutions. The
background materials are sent in advance to the participants for acquainting
them with problems and pondering over the issues. The session starts with a
lecturette (normally a briefing) by the trainer or the expert dignitary. After this
the participants are divided into small groups, the number of which depending
upon grouping or clustering of issues. For each group, there is a chairman
selected by each group and it is assisted by a co-trainer in conducting the
deliberations. The session of each group comes to an end with the development
of package of solutions or contents. These packages are further deliberated
when all the sub groups assemble again as a group to deliberate on the
packages. Here, the deficiencies are corrected and sequencing of parts or
packages in terms of inter and intra packages is done. The result is virtually a
compendium of ideas or contents put in a sequence. True to its name, the
workshop manufactures or produces something useful for participants
themselves or for others. Eventhough it is very similar to syndicate method.