Sexual Consent Form
Sexual Consent Form
Sexual Consent Form
Concerning the matter of implied or direct consent to sexual intercourse, the following persons,
subsequently identified and referred to as the INITIATOR and the RESPONDENT, expressly
accede to the following requirements, under legal contract, and require that the RESPONDENT
acknowledge the following as factual:
1. That the RESPONDENT is over the age of Eighteen, a legal adult under the laws of this State, and not
mentally handicapped with an intelligence quotient rating under eighty five.
2. The RESPONDENT is not currently under the influence of an incapacitating intoxicant or aphrodisiac
such alcohol, drugs, oysters, Bremelanotide, truffles, sea cucumber, strawberries, lobster, or dark
3. The RESPONDENT has not been coerced into sexual activities by the INITIATOR under the threat
of force, injury, threatening to leave the RESPONDENT, to disparage her socially, or by forcing her
to engage in illegal activities, or by reporting illegal activities to the authorities.
4. The RESPONDENT has not been forced into sexual activities under the threat of economic sanctions,
in a manner that negatively affects the RESPONDENT, such as the refusal to provide financial
support, or pay for dinner and the movie unless she complies with request for sexual intercourse.
5. The RESPONDENT has not been treated as a sexual object, servant, and chattel, subservient, or
submissive unless such behavior is expressly desired by the RESPONDENT who must sign the
“Submissive Consent Form” available in Appendix E.
6. The RESPONDENT has not been intimidated into engaging in sexual activities by the
INITIATOR’S actions, including smashing things, destroying her personal property, abusing her pets,
displaying weapons, or creating an implied threat by looks, actions, or gestures.
7. The RESPONDENT has not been subject to emotional abuse by the INITIATOR by making her feel
bad about herself and her emotional or physical status, playing mind games, or making her feel guilty
for not agreeing to sexual intercourse.
8. The RESPONDENT is not currently emotionally distressed from the breakup of a previous
relationship, nor clinically depressed, nor possessing anorexic tendencies which could lead to a
weakening of moral fortitude in an effort to seek a temporary emotional crutch.
9. The RESPONDENT does not currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend/parent who is larger, meaner, and
more physically aggressive, owns firearms and/or is more possessive than the INITIATOR.
_________________________________ ______________________________
Respondent Date INITIATOR Date
This form is not actually a legal document and was intended as a friendly joke aimed at a Professor of Victimology (Criminal Justice)!