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Oct 2010 - Sulyapinoy Issue

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The Voice of the Modern Living Heroes

T he Of fici al P u bli ca ti on of Fil i pin o EPS W or kers Ass oc ia ti o n - So u th K o rea (F EW A )

필리핀 EPS 고용허가제) 근로자
EPS( 외국인 고용허가제 근로자협회
한민국 People and God-centered
Volume 2 Issue 10 2010 www.sulyapinoy.org NOT FOR SALE OFW-KOREA-2006-001

By Don Nacario Oco

I n its effort to enrich and

strengthen the rights of
Filipino migrant workers,
Sulyapinoy Editor-in-
Chief, Pete Rahon started
the seminar by giving an
FEWA, through its Educa- overview of the EPS and
tion Committee conducted a threw some questions to
workshop- seminar on Sal- the participants about their
ary and Wages Computa- journey to Korea. One
tion last October 24, 2010 participant likened EPS to a
at the Philippine Center, boyfriend that is expensive
Hyewadong. because of regularly send-
ing money back home.
They also corrected that
It was attended by its offi- their job is not only 3D but
cers, members, volunteers, now it is a 5D: dirty, diffi-
and some EPS work- cult, dangerous, delayed
ers. It was also graced by salary and deadly.
one of FEWA’s advisers Photo by Marzy Sedena
Prof. Noy Amante. The said Regina Arquiza the , Chair-
seminar also aimed to equip woman of the Education respectively. Sulyapinoy board of through " mano-mano" computa-
its officers the necessary Committee and FEWA publication Chairman, Mr. Don- tion. Likewise, he also shared about
knowledge and informa- President, Mr. Marzy Ser- dave Jabay, explained the detailed computations for the other benefits that
tion of frequently asked dena III, talked about computation of salary and wages should be enjoyed by EPS workers and
questions in order to serve benefits and holidays and using a programmed formula in an its applicable tax. A question and an-
our " kababayan" better. computation of toejigeum excel format and demonstrated swer session followed after the input.

By Jonathan Eli Libut

F ormer President Fidel V. Ramos (FVR), led

a 44-man combat platoon against the
Chinese forces in Cherwon, Gangwon province,
by Pres. Myung-bak to commemorate the

during the Korean War in 1952. He wants the Ramos also visited the Catholic University of
present generation to be aware on the contri- Korea and was awarded with an honorary
butions of the Philippines to South Korea’s war degree of Ph.D. in Public Administration. At
as the starting-point of the two countries’ the same time, a colloquium was organized
strong friendship. by the university, titled “The Significant
Contributions of the Filipino Soldiers in the
“I fought here as a Lieutenant during the Korean War,” wherein Ramos gave a
Korean War as part of the Philippine Expedi- speech to more than a hundred students.
tionary Force to Korea. This year, as we com-
memorate the 60th anniversary of the Ko- Meeting with the Filipino Community,
rean War, I once again join our brother Ko- Ramos discussed the support of the remit-
rean War veterans in remembering and pay- tances providing to the Philippine economy
ing tribute to the sacrifices of our soldiers,” which form a substantial part of the coun-
Ramos stated in his remarks at a meeting try’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product), in
with the Filipino Community in the Philippine maintaining the dollar reserves intact, and
Embassy in Seoul last September. FVR ar- in boosting consumer confidence.
rived in South Korea leading a 30-man Fili-
pino veterans delegation of the Korean War. (continued on page…)
Photo by Levi Aragon
He was personally invited
SULYAPINOY is accepting cash donations for its monthly printing expenses. You may deposit them @ Account # : 1002 640 334730 / Acnt Name: Marcelino M. / Ban
Multiculturalism and the Migrant Workers
What used to be a homogenous society of alcohol. Vegetarians, non-pork or non-
pure blood and single ethnicity, known as beef eaters are made fun of because of Other sectors in the society that facilitates
minj ok ideals, is being challenged by a trend their food preferences. There are cultural and helps bridge such cultural understand-
towards multiculturalism due to the increase practices that for some migrants and even ings are the academe, the church, and the
number of foreign residents here in Korea. Koreans find if not strange, is totally un- Korean civil society groups. The academe is
It is a daunting task for the Korean govern- thinkable or even unacceptable. significant for their continued researches and
ment to address alone, and equally demand- studies that feed in to improving government
ing to the different stakeholders involved. It is easy to understand why Filipinos are policies. The church has their ministry on
But it can be a desirable program if it bene- jubilant when Jongno District officials up- migrant workers, helping them organize as-
fits the variety of groups, particularly mi- hold to keep the Sunday flea market. Hye- sociations the likes of FEWA. The Korean civil
grant workers. wha is a cultural space for Filipino commu- society groups that support and sustain un-
nity. Provision for such a space to freely ions of migrant workers will definitely help
Much of the focus of the government multi- practice their religion, send money to their reinforce making their conditions better and
culturalism policy has been the topic of mar- families, have free medical check-up, buy also in the process, helps improve working
riage migrants or the so-called multicultural food and eat meals, and meet as well as conditions for all in general.
families. But in a forum on racial and gender interact with their compatriot is an impor-
discrimination, a Sri Lankan woman married tant expression in the recognition
to a Korean man raised her concern that of cultural diversity. A good multicultural policy is not only that of
such a policy imposes on her and other Media plays an important role to further a cultural entertainment program of song
women’s activities, like learning how to enhance multiculturalism. Woongjin’s ra- and dances of migrants’ communities but one
speak Korean, making kimchi, and under- dio program like the Multicultural Family that celebrate, accepts and understands cul-
standing her in-laws and the uniqueness of Broadcasting where Sulyapinoy’s very own tural diversity in its myriad of forms. It is a
the Korean culture. She emphasized that DJ Regz is an anchor is a positive step policy that has concern for the economic well
these programs never asked what they towards promoting the image and making being of those who contribute to the nation’s
would want or like to learn about Korea. the presence of migrants workers felt. prosperity. It is a policy that recognizes mi-
Currently showing in cinemas is a block- grant workers organizations to be instrumen-
It is a multiculturalism policy that is geared buster film 방가? 방가! (Banga? Banga!) tal to further promote and contribute in im-
towards cultural assimilation. A state led or „ He’s on Duty’ that have foreigners as proving culture-sensitive governance, thus
policy that is being challenged since it ne- minor actors. It is a satire on the current helping the country in strengthening its de-
glects to recognize diversity and serves the state of Korea’s labor problems, a com- mocracy and respect for migrant workers’
interest of the states rather than its benefici- mendable effort to make the issue main- rights.
aries. The policy only patronizes stream.
the dominant culture for the guests and
migrant communities to imbibe, but fails to
promote or acknowledge the uniqueness of
other cultural minority groups.

Aside from its multicultural families there

are 1.2 million foreign guests in South Korea,
By Corinna Bianca Estarija the two Koreas would unlikely evolve into
where the largest population is comprised of an all-out military confrontation. He says
the migrant workers. Majority of which are During the Third Leader’s Forum held last that aside from closely following reports in
Chinese-Koreans and a number comes from August in the Philippine Embassy, Vice the media, the embassy also works closely
poorer Asian countries. Cultural and enter- Consul Arnel Talisayon presented the up- with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
tainment programs, like Arirang Festival that dated emergency evacuation contingency Trade and the UN Command, as well as
caters to migrant workers, was highly criti- plan for Filipinos in case a massive need to receiving word from South Korea Presi-
cized for stereotyping their plight. Organized leave South Korea arises. A visual descrip- dent Lee Myung-bak that they will exer-
migrant labor groups stressed the need for tion of the plan was shown. cise diplomatic resolutions and avoid all
Korean society to be informed of their labor possible acts that may lead to confronta-
Talisayon says that as all Philippine em- tion. Aside from which, Talisayon advises
and human rights issues more than being that with the fast Internet bandwidth of
bassies around the world are mandated to
entertained by such festivals. have contingency plans in order to protect the country, foreigners are also advised to
Filipinos around the world in anticipation keep themselves aware for information on
The Seoul Global Center, in its attempts to of events outside normal circumstances, current events, to avoid unnecessary
promote a multicultural program, now ex- such as wars or natural disasters, General panic wherever they may be.
tends its consulting and counseling services Roy Cimatu visited Korea in June of this
to migrant workers on issues such as wages year. Cimatu is deemed most appropriate Asked what the embassy may be willing to
and compensation, benefits and other labor for the job as one of those who led the assist with should there be a need to im-
concerns. However, these issues are further team who massively evacuated Filipinos plement the contingency plan, Talisayon
from the Middle East during the Gulf War. responds that, “The Philippine Govern-
compounded by cultural differences that
ment will arrange and coordinate the pro-
play a significant factor in terms of relational Speculations arose that the contingency vision of amenities such as food and lodg-
dynamics, accidents and other preventable plan was set in place in order to respond ing in convergence areas. Transportation
but unchecked work hazards. to the rising tensions with North Korea, from South Korea to the Philippines will
brought about by the sinking of the naval also be arranged, whether by air or sea.”
A Muslim worker gets ostracized by its co- ship Cheonan. However, Talisayon clarified
workers who are into the habit of drinking during the forum that tensions between (CONTINUED ON PAGE 7…)

2 www.sulyapinoy.org OCTOBER 2010


Overview of the EPS

Summarized by: Dondave Jabay trainees for a certain period. In 2000, 2+ 1
From the end of the 1980's, Korea's labor system (2 years as a trainee and 1 year as a
shortage for manufacturing industries worker) was carried out and it changed to
loomed large but only skilled workforce 1+ 2 system (1 year as a trainee and 2 years
and professionals with legal sojourn quali- as a worker) in 2002. From November 2002,
fication such as having a labor contract Koreans with a foreign nationality who had
were allowed to work in Korea. For exam- family registrations or relatives in Korea were
ple, professors (E-1), language instructors allowed to have a job in a certain category of
(E-2), researchers (E-3), technology in- service industries.
structors (E-4), professionals (E-5), arts However, as the number of illegally staying
and entertainment workers (E-6), and foreign workers kept on increasing, a social
specific activists (E-7) are those who were consensus was made that a limited improve-
able to work in Korea, but unskilled and ment in using foreign workforce was insuffi-
manual workers were prohibited from get- cient. Based on such recognition, the Korean
ting a job in Korea in principle. government legislated the Act on Foreign
However, as demands from employers to Workforce Employment and as stipulated in
accept low-skilled foreign workers contin- the Act, Employment Permit System (EPS), a
ued to increase, the Korean government system to introduce low-skilled foreign work-
introduced Industrial Skill Trainee Program ers legally, was put in effect on August 17,
(ISTP) for overseas-invested firms in No- 2006 after one year grace period for prepara-
vember 1991 and Industrial Trainee Sys- tion.
tem (ITS) in November 1993. Under ITS, Employment Management System (EMS),
foreign employees were employed as which allowed Koreans with a foreign nation-
trainees rather than workers, thus opening ality to work in Korea, was originally confined
a gate for various problems such as bend- to a few service industries. But construction
ing the law in hiring foreign workforce, was added in the list in 2004 and was finally
leaving workplace without authorization, consolidated into EPS as a special case sys-
overdue wage, and their human rights tem on the beginning of EPS. The Foreign
violations. The Korean government, well Workforce Policy Committee expanded the
aware of the criticisms on ITS, operated range of industries allowed to hire ethnic
ITS with a limited quota. As a result, sup- Koreans to include manufacturing, agriculture
ply of legal foreign workforce was failed to and livestock, and fishery in coastal waters in
meet the demand, which in turn brought 2006 after considering the characteristics of
about more criticism on ITS (Kang, Soo each industry.
Dol, 1996; Park, Yeong Bum, 1996; Lim,
Hyun Jin & Seol, Dong-Hoon, 2000; Yoo, On March 4, 2007, special case of EPS, which
Gil Sang & Lee, Kyu Yong, 2001). allowed Koreans with a foreign nationality
In order to resolve problems caused by ITS, who was shifted to Visit Employment System
the Korean government tried to introduce (VES) so that Koreans with foreign nationality
Employment Permit System (EPS) several who do not have any connections in Korea
times only to find severe oppositions from can work for 3 years. VES is a policy to en-
the employers' side. As the introduction of gage ethnic Koreans, who had been margin-
EPS continued to be delayed, the govern- alized in terms of immigration and employ-
ment put in the place conditions-attached ment in Korea, and improve their job oppor-
ITS, in which foreign workers were allowed tunities and free visit. For Koreans more than
to acquire worker's status after working as (Continued on Page 6)


Pete Rahon
Chairman : Dondave Jabay
Vice Chairman: Julius Caesar Ocampo D I S C L A I M E R
Secretary: Jenn Betacura
Corinna Bianca Estarija Different opinions are encourage to stimulate
Printing & Distribution: Benjie Del Mundo
FeatUre/Managing Editor member input and involvement. SULYAPI-
Budget & Finance: Theo Camo NOY’s role is to provide information that per-
Outreach & Religious Programs: Ma. Lourdes Espinola mits FEWA members to develop informed opin-
Raechelle Montalbo ions on subjects that will affect their status
Website Dev't. and Maintenance: Christian Robles
as migrant workers and, in some instances,
Lay-out Editor Sponsorship & Promotion: Annabelle Lopez, their personal lives. FEWA does not hold itself
Aquilino Juanites Jr., Sofonias Paragsa, & Rodel Arias responsible for statements made by any con-
tributor. Statements or opinions expressed in
Rodel Arias, Lito Libunag, Training & Workshop: Noel Joseph Alvarez
SULYAPINOY reflect the views of the author(s)
Alwyin Casino, Ismael Calandrina and not the official policy of FEWA unless so
Circulation Managers Consultants : Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP stated.
Prof. Emely Dicolen-Abagat For Comments, Suggestions, Contributions &
Cathy Rose Garcia
Ma. Regina P. Arquiza Advertisements,
e-mail: editorialstaff@sulyapinoy.org
or sulyap.editorialstaff@gmail.com

SULYAPINOY Office Address: 115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1 dong, Songbuk Villa, Seoul, Korea 136-020  SULYAPINOY observes the Philippine Press
FEWA Office & SULYAPINOY Distribution Center: Inside WOORI BANK, Hyehwa-dong Branch, Jongno-gu, Seoul Code of Ethics .

OCTOBER 2010 www.sulyapinoy.org 3

Payo sa mga Bagong Dating na
EPS Worker
ni Christian Robles
Patuloy ang pagdagsa ng mga kababayan
nating kabilang sa mga nakapasa sa ika-
anim na pagsusulit ng KLT (Korean Lan-
guage Test) noong nakaraang Mayo 2010.
Subalit sa pagsisimula ng kanilang pama-
masukan dito sa Timog Korea, unti-unting
dumarami ang mga sari-saring reklamo
ukol sa kanilang trabaho na nagiging dahi-
lan ng kanilang pagnanais na mapawalang-
bisa ang kontrata para makalipat sa pani-
bagong kumpanyang. Maraming nag-
aasam na sa kanilang paglipat ay magiging
maaliwalas ang kanilang buhay at pag-
tatrabaho dito sa Korea.
Sa simula pa lamang noong nasa Pinas
pa at naghahanda ng mga dokumento para
sa mga kwalipikasyon, sa pagkuha ng pag-
susulit hanggang sa paghahanda sa mga
kakailanganing kaalaman sa pagpasok dito
sa Korea, hindi na nagkulang ng babala ang
Kagawaran ng Paggawa sa pangunguna ng
POEA ukol sa kung anong klaseng trabaho
ang kakaharapin ng mga Pilipinong pa- Photo by Razzl Bravo
palaring mapabilang sa programang EPS
(Employment Permit System). Nagiging
pamilyar ang lahat sa saling dinaglat na 3D sa trabaho dito sa Korea.
o Dirty, Difficult, and Dangerous subalit Ikatlo, Mayroon po tayong mga karapatan Napabilib na nila sa husay magtrabaho.
hindi yata ito nabibigyang pansin ng mga pero po bago natin buksan ang karapatang- Nakikipagsabayan na sa kwentuhan at
aplikante bagkus ay mas nagiging mating- pantao, habang nasa Pinas, marami sa atin o tawanan, lalo na sa pag-oras na kasiyahan
kad ang pagnanais na makapagtrabaho sa halos lahat ay pinaliwanagan na kung anu at inuman. Pero lahat sila, dumaan sa ritwal
Korea anumang uri ng trabaho mayroon na meron ugali ang mga Koreano. Nangunguna ng hirap ng pagsisimula ng trabaho mula sa
naghihintay para sa kanila. na diyan ang nambabatok, sumisigaw at kakaunti o walang kaalaman sa lenggwahe,
Sa ganitong sitwasyon, nais kong magba- nagmumura. Sa trabaho, kailangan mabilis uri ng trabaho atbp.
bahagi ng ilang kaisipan para sa mga ka- kang matuto, pero dahil mababa pa ang Kung gayon, huwag muna po kayo ma-
babayang bagong dating at para na din sa kaalaman sa kanilang lenggwahe, malamang greklamo, subukan nyo muna paghusayan
mga nagnanais na makapagtrabaho ng EPS na hindi maiwasan na maginit ang ulo ng ang pagtatrabaho, pakikisama, at higit sa
-TOPIK (Employment Permit System – Test katrabaho mong Koreano lalo't sinusubukan lahat pakikibagay sa mga Koreano, pag
of Proficiency in Korean) ngayong No- kang kausapin pero di kayo magkaintindihan. nakita na nila ang mga magaganda mong
byembre 2010 (KLT 7). Hiling ko na maging Minsan napapasigaw o di kaya ay napapa- katangian, makita mo sila naman ang ma-
bukas ang inyong isipan at maintindihan mura sa pagkadismaya sa pag-utos , pagpa- kikibagay sa iyo. Magpapaturo kahit paisa-
ang sitwasyon ng pagtatrabaho, kalagayan paliwanag at pakikipag-usap sa atin. Sa isang linya ng Ingles. Madadamay sa
at karapatan ng bawat manggagawang EPS. pambabatok, kahit sino syempre di papayag pagiging masayahin at palangiti ng isang
Layunin ko rin na makita natin ang mas na mabatukan. Gawi nila ang mambatok pero Pinoy. Marami sa kanila di sanay makisala-
malaking epekto na magsasalamin sa hindi ito pangkaraniwan. muha sa banyaga una ng dahilan ang
pangkalahatang imahe ng trabahanteng Ikaapat, sa pananadyak at iba pang klase ng kawalan ng kaalaman ng karamihan sa mga
Pinoy sa mata ng mga Koreano base sa mga pananakit ay sigurado pong mali ito anuman Koreano sa wikang Ingles, minsan tinatago
nagiging gawi ng mga Pilipino at gayon din ang dahilan nila. Maliban na lamang kung ng pagsigaw at pagmumura ang kalituhan
sa mga bagong dating na EPS. ikaw ang naunang nanakit, o di kaya ay kung paano nila kayo pakikisamahan, at
Una, sa paglilinaw sa trabahong 3D na hindi minura mo sila e ka-bago-bago mo, sigura- ipapakita na sila ang kailangan mo muna
masyadong napapansin ng ating mga ka- dong ikaw ang mali. sundin bago ka nila intindihin.
babayan, ating isalin sa wikang Pilipino ang Kung kaya, para po sa lahat, mayroon pong Datapwat, gaano man kapagod ang pang-
3D na ating kikilalaning 3M o Marumi, Ma- isang katangian na dapat nating laging tan- araw-araw na trabaho , bigyan po natin ang
hirap at Mapanganib. Para maintindihan, daan, gawin at taglayin para maging mas sarili na matuto ng kahit paisa-isang salita o
sabihin mo sa sirili na ako ay magtatrabaho magaan ng konti ang mahirap na sitwasyon ekspresyon na Korean. I-post sa Sulyapinoy
sa Korea sa isang marumi, mahirap at ng karamihan sa mga bago pa lang dito sa Forum ang iyong gustong sabihin sa taga-
mapanganib na trabaho. Kung marumi, di Korea. Dapat po tayo ay mayroong : Perse- log o english tapos ay hingi ka ng tulong sa
ba mas nakakalamang na mabaho? O may verance o ang pagiging masigasig - ito na mga bihasa na sa Korean kung paano mo
amoy na di tayo sanay tulad ng kemikal na siguro ang pinakamagandang quality na ito sasabihin sa kausap mong Koreano o
ginagamit sa paggawa ng mga produkto? dapat taglayin ng lahat ng Pinoy dito sa kapwa banyaga na nag-aaral o marunong
Mahirap dahil kailangan mong maging Korea. Taglay mo ang katangian ito kung na ng Korean.
pamilyar sa trabaho na inuutusan ka sa ikaw ay may dedikasyon, nagsusumikap ng Idagdag pa, sa datos ng Labor at ng iba
salitang di ka pamilyar; mahirap dahil mabuti, mapagpasensya, at mapagtiis. Pilit pang ahensya maraming Pinoy ang nasa
kailangan sabay sabay na gumagana ang mong nilalabanan ang hirap sa trabaho gaano manufacturing na kung tutuusin mas
iyong isip, ang lakas ng katawan at magka- man ito kakumplikado matutunan lamang madaling trabaho. Subalit marami pa rin
minsan, pati mga pansariling pangan- ang mga pamamaraan para maging isang ang nagpaparelease at nagrereklamo. Ano
gailangan tulad ng pagpunta sa palikuran kapaki-pakinabang na manggagawa ng iyong ang magiging epekto nito sa ibang Pilipino
ay kailangang pigilan muna bago makaalis kumpanyang kinabibilangan. Kung meron ka nagnanais mamasukan dito sa Korea? Sa
sa harap ng makina upang maiwasan ang nito, kahit siguro gaano kahirap sa simula, susunod mas maliit na porsyento na lang ng
problema. sigurado kahit paunti-unti, gagaan ang tra- Pinoy ang kakailanganin para punan ang
Ikalawa, kapag 3M ang trabaho, hindi ba baho mo. kakulangan sa manggagawa. Maraming
takaw-aksidente ito? Kung kaya't kina- Sa totoo po, bihira siguro ang hindi nahira- bansa ang nagnanais na makapagpadala ng
kailangan ang higit na pag-iingat at ang pan sa mga Pinoy sa unang pagsabak nila kanilang mamayan. Paano kung sila ay mas
presensya ng pag-iisip? kung kaya't pag- sa trabaho dito sa Korea, iba-iba man ng magagaling di hamak na magsalita at
samahin mo yung tatlo para mabuo ang pagkakwento, pero kung sasalain halos may maayos din sa trabaho, lalong magiging
3D o 3M at sabihin sa sarili na ito ang magkakatulad na reklamo. Pero sa mga tagilid tayo sa kompitensya.
magiging trabaho mo. Dapat, tinanong mo matatagal na, tinatawanan na lang nila Bakit nga ba wala o maliit na ang job offers
ng mabuti ang iyong sarili at hinanda ang yung mga napagdaanan. Bakit? Kasi sa Agriculture, Fisheries, Construction atbp
puso, isip at katawan sa pagsabak
Photos by Samuel Grado and Kuya Nhads ngayon mas gamay na ang trabaho, nakuha para sa pinoy ? Siguro ngayun may ideya ka
na nila loob ng mga katrabahong Koreano. na!

4 www.sulyapinoy.org OCTOBER 2010

Hinaing ni Kit by Santos Manguilimotan, J r.
Angel as I call her though not her real name
(Modern Ambahan* ni Christian Robles)
she smiles as warmly and as candidly for frame
and her soft voice engulfs the silence completely
'Di nawawalang bakit when we first talked it filled the ambience so sweetly
sa isip nakapagkit
We just met by chance on a lovely spring day
dalagang ubod rikit yet the friendship turned as ardent as the blooms of May
ulo ko'y sumasakit deeper and warmer our friendship has become
but seems impossible that we may become one
affection and devotion I must confess
ngiting nakakaakit through messages conveyed vividly I express
may kakaibang lagkit
kahit na nakapikit Days passed and still I'm waiting
for to see her again is all that i keep wishing
sa utak nakakapit the flowers fade; the sun rises aglow
yet picture of her in my mind still flows
isang gabing pusikit
With sheer excitement I totally bequeathed
Sa puno iniukit to this strong feeling that beats from beneath
kimkim na hinanakit every word from her so precious as ever
dasal na di masungkit the exchanges we made seem endless like never

bigyan mo'ng malasakit Miles away I'm hoping that she's always fine
ng sa'yo'y makadikit that even a genius creature can hardly define
the love and concern as a friend I share
wag sana 'kong hamaki't through this humble piece I show my care
ismiran ng pasingkit
Oh Angel, my dear wherever you may be!
memories still linger since you've been a part of me
lovingly and dearly you’re indeed a friend
(* Ambahan - http://www.mangyan.org/ambahan/index.asp) that I always cherish till this life's end

Once More
(To my wife on our 8th wedding anniversary)
By Santos Manguilimotan, Jr.
When I realize that you are not here
The world seems to subside
The moments I had with you only remind
My love for you I wish could be expressed
With your presence I truly cherish once more
Once more I am reminded
Of the days we shared could not have ended
Even for a moment it flashes once more
That with you I truly miss the days spent
Like the sun always sets forevermore Image from KBS2TV variety show, “Sweet Night“
Every day is a bright new beginning
As the birds sing every melody Lee Da Hae Apologizes for Discrimination of Filipino Teachers. Filipino netizens were not amused
Remembering those words whispered in harmony by this video of Lee Da Hae in a KBS program. Lee was in the video mimicking and making
Once more can’t help but recall fun of what she claimed as Filipino teachers' English accent. The actress issued a letter of
Those were the days as truly as I can call apology throught her twitter account, but Filipinos think that it is not enough since what
she made on national television could affect Filipinos teaching English in South Korea, and
Once more the emotions keep pouring
That distance proves to be a thing even the trend of Korean students coming to Philippines to study English.
It’s bursting inside and can’t be hidden
The evenings that passed, been ridden
With the longing for you I say once more
Once more I feel very grateful
(Continued from Page 1)
For the emotions shared ever as faithful FVR encouraged OFWs to be
The years passed since been wonderful more disciplined in managing their Ramos acknowledged the active
With you angels were born, felt heaven-sent earnings. “Your role as modern- participation of the Filipino Commu-
Without nothing as none I can ever resent day heroes should not stop with nity in South Korea, citing that more
Once more I wish you were here sending remittances. You and than 100 Filipino organizations are
The days and nights without you adhere your families back home play an registered with the Philippine Em-
That absence indeed stabs a heart that’s slowly even more important role in na- bassy. “Last year when we celebrated
Hurting deep down the recesses aren’t glory tion-building and in strengthening the 60th Anniversary of RP-ROK
our own industries,” Ramos said. Relations and the 112th Independ-
ence Day of the Philippines, Filipinos
Once more words keep spoken
The former president explained all over South Korea from Incheon to
Yesterdays and days to come seem unending that every Filipino in South Korea Busan gathered together to perform
Still my love and devotion keep saying should be involved in “fiscal re- six Filipino street festivals in Seoul.
Once more and forever be time shall test sponsibility,” which primarily out- The Filipino Community was recog-
Our love I swear once more shall never be put to rest lines the basic ways of managing nized and looked up to by other
everyone’s income -- through communities for being organized,
planning, budgeting and investing. united and forward-looking. I com-
He also emphasized the important mend the Filipino organizations that
role of their families in managing volunteered their services to make
wisely the remittances they are our National Day celebration a suc-
sending. cess,” Ramos said.

OCTOBER 2010 www.sulyapinoy.org 5

LANDBANK OFW Cash Card Overview of the EPS
The LANDBANK OFW Cash Card (LOCC) is a Debit Card that provides (continued from page 3)
alternative payment method and also functions as an ATM card/e-wallet.
Below are the features of the LANDBANK OFW Cash Card:
25 years old in China and former Soviet Union regions, visas available for
in Philippine Pesos the maximum of 5 years are issued and they are allowed of 3 years of
Maximum Monthly Credits 100,000
sojourn and work once they enter Korea.
Maintaining Balance None
Initial Deposit None As ITS was combined into EPS, low-skilled foreign workers have been only
Dormancy Period None
ATM Withdrawal Limit (Philippines) 50,000/day 1/ allowed to enter Korea under EPS since January 1, 2007, and Industrial
Wallet to Wallet Transfer Limit 50,000.00/day Skill Trainee Program for overseas-invested companies have been special-
Card Cost/Replacement Fee 120.00* ized as a foreign trainee system.
Reactivation Fee 120.00*
Cash Transfer Fee (thru mobile) 5.00/transaction 2/
(deductible from recipient's cash card account balance)
Statement History -Can be printed upon request subject to service fee of P20 per page II. Introduction of Employment Permit System

The Employment Permit System allows employers who have

1/ Withdrawal at LANDBANK ATM or at any ExpressNet, Megalink, Bancnet failed to hire local workforce, to legally employ foreign workers.
member-bank’s ATM
2/ Mobile Banking Transactions (i.e., balance inquiry, fund transfer, card mgt.) (the Korean government or public institution administer the man-
agement of the foreign workers)
Card is valid for 2 years.
Card shall become inactive if no transaction is made within a 6 month period. Inactive
 Use foreign workforce guaranteeing the employment opportunity of
means that the cardholder cannot automatically withdraw from ATMs in the Philippines domestic workers.
and will thus need to request first for reactivation.
 Decide the quota of foreign workforce introduction considering
* human resources supply and demand trends such as Korean economic
situation and domestic labor market every year.

The LOCC is given away for free to all Overseas Filipinos around the globe and to their  Allow employers to hire foreign workers in the labor shortage indus-
tries such as agriculture & stockbreeding, fishery, construction and manu-
beneficiaries in the Philippines. facturing less than 300 regular workers.

OFs can send cash thru any bank or post office here in Korea. However, if they transact  Transparency of the foreign workforce selection and introduction
thru LANDBANK's partners, the fees are lower. process, and prevention of corruption practices and anomalies in the
LANDBANK's partners are: 1) Korea Post (Ever Rich) charges only KRW8,000 for amount
remitted USD 1,000 & below and 2) Shinhan Bank charges KRW 10,000 for amount sending process
Remitted below USD 2,000
 Government institutions or agencies administer the process of for-
Application requirements: eign workforce selection and introduction based on the MOU signed by
1. ID picture both government. (Job Center and HRD Korea)
2. Copy of any valid ID (Alien Card, Passport, SSS, etc.)
 Select qualified foreign workers according to employer's demand
For inq uiries, contact:
Lissa Bernardo
Bank Executive Officer/Overseas Representative Officer to J apan & South Korea
 Choose competent workers have satisfactory skill level and Korean
Land Bank of the Philippines language proficiency.

Mobile: 010-28 93-7906  Protect human rights of foreign workers

email: landbank.korea@yahoo.com Implement equality between local (Koreans) and foreign workers on the
application and observance of labor related laws and policies such as
Labor Standards Act, Minimum Wage Act and Industrial Safety and Health
( Continued from Page 4 ) Act

Payo sa mga Bagong Dating na EPS

Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor- http://www.eps.go.kr/en/

Sa paglilinaw, ang 3M jobs ay di- kanilang maging bagong amo. Ito rin Iwasan po natin ang inggit, pagkakataon na makapagtrabaho dito
nisensyo para sa programang EPS. dapat ang ating gawin habang tayo ay baka may makita lang tayo o sa Korea ay mas mapalad pa din sa mga
Inilaan para sa mga SMEs o Small- nasa Korea. Hindi ba masagwa kung marinig na maganda sa ibang nasa Pinas na wala makitang trabaho o
Medium Enterprises. Kaya po may sa loob ng 5 o anim na taon ng pan- kumpanya, gumawa na tayo di kaya ay nagtatyaga sa kakarampot
maririnig kayo na family business ang inilbihan sa Korea bilang manggaga- ng paraan para makalipat. na sweldo.
employer. Sa ngayun maraming wang EPS ay palipat lipat ka ng Iyon pala mas maganda di Bilang pagtatapos, dalangin at hangad
malalaking kumpanya ang pinag- amo, at idagdag pa kung karamihan hamak ang iniwan nating ko para sa lahat ng Pinoy dito sa Korea
bawalan na kumuha mula sa listahan dito ay di ka nakatagal ng kahit isang trabaho kaysa nilipatan. ang tagumpay at katuparan ng lahat ng
ng KLT/TOPIK passers sa Pinas, kasi taonman lang. Bilang buod, kabayan, inyong mga pangarap! Pagsumikapan
mas pinapaboran ng labor ang mga Magtiis lang po muna sa unang nin- pagusumikap, dagdagan mo nating maabot ang mga ito, gaano man
SMEs na kumuha naman ng ibang lahi yong company. Walang kasiguradu- pa ng armas ng kaalaman sa kahirap ang landas papunta sa isang
o ibigay ang oportunidad sa maga- han kung makakalipat ay mas madali, Korean language, magaling masagana at masayang hinaharap.
gandang trabaho para sa mga kalahi maganda o malaki ang sasahurin. na pakikitungo, at tamang Mabuhay po tayong lahat!
nila. Kapag mahusay ka na sa trabaho, kaalaman sa mga batas na
Dahil dito, ang karaniwang magagan- minumura ka pa din, sinisiga- umiiral dito sa Korea, sigu-
dang trabaho sa malalaking kumpanya wan, sabihin mo ang iyong saloobin, rado, gagaan at gagaan ang
ay bihira para sa mga Pilipino. Swerte kung di ka nila iintindihin at nagawa pagtingin mo sa trabaho mo.
ang mga napupunta dito. Kaya mo na lahat para mapagbuti ang Idagdga pa ang lakas ng loob
karamihan, sa atin ay napupunta sa trabaho at pakikitungo, doon ka na at mahinahong magpahayag
mga SMEs. Kaya para sa mga nasa magdesisyon na lumipat. Dahil sigu- ng ating saloobin sa mga
Pinas, „ wag po tayo mangarap na rado sa susunod na kumpanya, kung dayuhang katrabaho na ayaw
ang babagsakan ay sa mga malalaki at marami ka ng alam, sa lengwahe, nating nasasaktan, minumura
naggagandahang kumpanya. kultura, ugali, pagtatrabaho, atbp, sa at sinisigawan. At kasabay
Sa aking gana, bilang payo ay huwag simula pa lang makikita na agad yan, nito ang pangako na kapalit
muna agad isiping magpa- siguradong aalagaan ka pa nila at nito ay ang patuloy na pag-
release, dahil kapag nagsabi ka na hindi pakakawalan. papahusay ng aing trabaho.
magpaparelease, at hindi kasama sa Sabi nga, ang isang bagay na di mo Sa hirap ng trabaho, dapat na
mga tinatanggap na dahilan ng San- pinaghihirapan, ay di mo mamahalin, pahalagahan ang ating mga
gay ng Paggawa ng Korea ang iyong kaya paghirapan po muna nating kikitain, kumbaga, kung ayaw
dahilan, mas lalong magiging mahirap makuha ang mga kinakailangang mo ng mahirap ng trabaho,
sa iyo magtrabaho muli sa among katangian sa ating unang trabaho ng tiyaga muna. Mag-ipon ka ng
gusto mong alisan, dahil bumaba na sa gayon, kung kinakailangan talaga pangnegosyo, para di ka
ang tingin nila sa iyo. Ayon sa mga lumipat, syento por syento madali manatili sa pagtitiis sa traba-
Koreano na nahihirapan sa trabaho, kayo makakapag-adjust sa bagong hong mahirap at malayo sa
mas maganda trabaho. Tandaan po natin, naka- mga minamahal sa buhay.
na makakumpleto nila ang isang taon salalay sa ating mga EPS na nandito Huwag din po tayo makakali-
bago sila umalis. Kakikitaan sila ng ngayon sa Korea ang kapalaran ng mot sa Maykapal, lahat ng
pagiging matiyaga at pagpapahalaga mga nagnanais na makapunta biyaya, ito man ay ibinibigay
sa tala ng kanilang pagka-empleyo ditto. Kung paghuhusayan ng lahat, sa paraang mahirap makamit,
(employment record). Ng sa gayon sa siguradong mas malaking bilang wag po nating kakalimutan,
kanilang paglipat sa ibang kumpanya, ng manggagawang Pilipino ang maari na yung mga nagkakaroon ng
maganda ang magiging impresyon ng nilang kunin sa ating bansa.

6 www.sulyapinoy.org OCTOBER 2010

At Home with FILIPOS:
My Photowalk Experience by Leizel Kim

My name is Leizel Kim and friends call me " Z el" . I'm

married to a Korean and with two kids. I've been living in
Korea for ten years and presently working as an English
teacher in an Academy. I am an Ilongga, from the city of
smile, Bacolod.

I 'm a photography enthusiast. I love taking pictures of

my family especially those that captures excit-
ing memories. So when I got my own DSLR camera I
was overwhelmed with excitement. My joy was tempo-
rary upon realizing that I am not skilled enough to handle
my own camera. I searched for some clue through the
internet and in some ways got some ideas.

I came to know Filipino Photographers in South Korea

(FILIPOS) through Facebook when I added DJRegina. I
immediately called her asking how to apply for member-
ship. Then I found out that they were inviting for their
Photowalk on October 17, 2010, immediately I signed up
and decided to join them. The location was at Hwaseong
Fortress in Suwon Gyeonggido. I have never been to the
place before so I got more thrilled. When I met some of
the members for the first time I felt like I already belong
to the group because they were all cool and approachable. were kind enough to teach us beginners on the proper While taking photos during the photowalk my spirit
It took us a long walk before we manage to get to the way to shoot. was uplifted and once more mesmerized by nature's
area but I felt good because it was an exercise for me. I was also glad that in a little way that I am able to beauty. I'm glad I joined this group of fellow kababa-
extend my help when we met some Korean photogra- yan. I felt like I'm back again in my own homeland.
As the walk progressed members of FILIPOS went phers. Serving as a translator during that day we were I'm definitely attending the next photowalk and can't
to each of their own position to get their BEST SHOT able to exchange with them and learn some tech- wait for the new adventures again. Thank You FILI-
since they have a photo contest. I had no idea how or niques. POS! MABUHAY!
what to do and was glad there were members who

Exit Points for Mandatory Evacuation

(Distances relative to Busan)

(Continued from Page 2)

Further, the embassy chose to link this to

their ongoing Financial Education Cam-
paign project. Talisayon adds that,
“Individuals should also know how to plan
for the future and be ready for unforeseen
events. The Financial Education Campaign
touches on ways a person can make the
most of his or her stay in South Korea by
providing a forum where the varied issues
on financial management can be dis-
cussed.” He emphasizes during the forum
that preparing for the future and keeping
Filipinos aware and safe is not the respon-
sibility of the Philippine government alone,
and that the people should be prepared to
whatever situation may arise, with or with-
out external assistance.

Important note: The figure is for only

purposes of planning and
The actual scenario may differ.

OCTOBER 2010 www.sulyapinoy.org 7

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