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Chapter 3 Casting

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Foundry Technology
 The metal casting industry plays a key role in all the
major sectors of our economy. There are castings in
locomotives, cars trucks, aircraft, office buildings,
factories, schools, and homes. Figure some metal cast

Fig:-Metal cast parts

Metal Casting is one of the oldest materials shaping methods known.

 Casting means pouring molten metal into a mold with a cavity of the
shape to be made, and allowing it to solidify. When solidified, the
desired metal object is taken out from the mold either by breaking the
mold or taking the mold apart. The solidified object is called the

By this process, produce parts can be given strength and rigidity
frequently not obtain by any other manufacturing process. 

 The mold, into which the metal is poured, is made of some heat
resisting material. Sand is most often used as it resists the high
temperature of the molten metal. Permanent molds of metal can also be
used to cast products.
 Molten material can flow into very small sections so
that difficult shapes can be made by this process. As
a result, many other operations, such as machining,
forging, and welding, can be minimized or
 It is possible to cast practically any material that is
ferrous or non-ferrous
 The necessary tools required for casting molds are
very simple and inexpensive. As a result, for
production of a small lot, it is the ideal process.
 There are certain parts made from metals and alloys
that can only be processed this way.
 Size and weight of the product is not a limitation for
the casting process.
 Dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the
castings made by sand casting processes are a
limitation to this technique. Many new casting
processes have been developed which can take into
consideration the aspects of dimensional accuracy
and surface finish. Some of these processes are die
casting process, investment casting process, vacuum-
sealed molding process, and shell molding process.
Casting Terms
 Figure : Mold Section showing some casting terms

 Flask: A metal or wood frame, without fixed top or bottom, in

which the mold is formed. Depending upon the position of the
flask in the molding structure, it is referred to by various
names such as drag ? lower molding flask, cope ? upper
molding flask, cheek ? intermediate molding flask used in
three piece molding.
 Pattern: It is the replica of the final object to be made. The
mold cavity is made with the help of pattern.
 Parting line: This is the dividing line between the two molding
flasks that makes up the mold.
 Molding sand: Sand, which binds strongly without losing its
permeability to air or gases. It is a mixture of silica sand, clay,
and moisture in appropriate proportions.
 Facing sand: The small amount of sand material sprink on the
inner surface of the mold cavity to give a better surface
finish to the castings.
 Core: A separate part of the mold, made of sand ,which is used
to create openings and various shaped cavities in the castings.
 Pouring basin: A small funnel shaped cavity at the top of the
mold into which the molten metal is poured.
 Sprue: The passage through which the molten metal, from the
pouring basin, reaches the mold cavity. In many cases it
controls the flow of metal into the mold.
 Runner: The channel through which the molten metal is
carried from the sprue to the gate.
 Gate: A channel through which the molten metal enters the
mold cavity.
 Chaplets: Chaplets are used to support the cores inside the
mold cavity to take care of its own weight and overcome the
metallostatic force.
 Riser: A column of molten metal placed in the mold to feed
the castings as it shrinks and solidifies. Also known as ?feed
 Vent: Small opening in the mold to facilitate escape of air and
Steps in Making Sand Castings
 There are six basic steps in making sand
1. Patternmaking
2. Core making
3. Molding
4. Melting and pouring
5. Cleaning
 Pattern making
 The pattern is a physical model of the casting used to make the
mold. The mold is made by packing some ready formed
aggregate material, such as molding sand, around the pattern.
If the casting is to be hollow, as in the case of pipe fittings,
additional patterns, referred to as cores, are used to form these
 Core making
 Cores are forms, usually made of sand, which are placed into a
mold cavity to form the interior surfaces of castings. Thus the
void space between the core and mold-cavity surface is what
eventually becomes the casting.
 Molding
 Molding consists of all operations necessary to prepare a mold
for receiving molten metal. Molding usually involves placing
a molding aggregate around a pattern held with a supporting
frame, withdrawing the pattern to leave the mold cavity,
setting the cores in the mold cavity and finishing and closing
the mold.
 Melting and Pouring
 The preparation of molten metal for casting is referred to
simply as melting. Melting is usually done in a specifically
designated area of the foundry, and the molten metal is
transferred to the pouring area where the molds are filled.

 Cleaning
 Cleaning refers to all operations necessary to the removal
of sand, scale, and excess metal from the casting. Burned-
on sand and scale are removed to improved the surface
appearance of the casting. Excess metal, in the form of
fins, wires, parting line fins, and gates, is removed.
Inspection of the casting for defects and general quality is
 The pattern is the principal tool during the casting process. It
is the replica of the object to be made by the casting process,
with some modifications. The main modifications are the
addition of pattern allowances, and the provision of core
prints. If the casting is to be hollow, additional patterns called
cores are used to create these cavities in the finished product.
The quality of the casting produced depends upon the material
of the pattern, its design, and construction. The costs of the
pattern and the related equipment are reflected in the cost of
the casting
Functions of the Pattern
 A pattern prepares a mold cavity for the purpose of making
a casting.
 A pattern may contain projections known as core prints if
the casting requires a core and need to be made hollow.
 Runner, gates, and risers used for feeding molten metal in
the mold cavity may form a part of the pattern.
 Patterns properly made and having finished and smooth
surfaces reduce casting defects.
 A properly constructed pattern minimizes the overall cost of
the castings.
Pattern Material
 Patterns may be constructed from the following materials.
Each material has its own advantages, limitations, and field of
application. Some materials used for making patterns are:
wood, metals and alloys, plastic, plaster of Paris, plastic and
rubbers, wax, and resins. To be suitable for use, the pattern
material should be:
 Easily worked, shaped and joined
 Light in weight
 Strong, hard and durable
 Resistant to wear and abrasion
 Resistant to corrosion, and to chemical reactions
 Dimensionally stable and unaffected by variations in
temperature and humidity
 Available at low cost
Pattern Allowances
 Pattern allowance is a vital feature as it affects the
dimensional characteristics of the casting.
 Thus, when the pattern is produced, certain allowances must
be given on the sizes specified in the finished component
drawing so that a casting with the particular specification
can be made.
 The selection of correct allowances greatly helps to reduce
machining costs and avoid rejections.
 The allowances usually considered on patterns and core
boxes are as follows:
1. Shrinkage or contraction allowance
2. Draft or taper allowance
3. Machining or finish allowance
4. Distortion or camber allowance
5. Rapping allowance
 Shrinkage or Contraction Allowance

All most all cast metals shrink or contract volumetrically on

cooling. The metal shrinkage is of two types:

Liquid Shrinkage: it refers to the reduction in volume when

the metal changes from liquid state to solid state at the solidus
temperature. To account for this shrinkage; riser, which feed
the liquid metal to the casting, are provided in the mold.

Solid Shrinkage: it refers to the reduction in volume caused

when metal loses temperature in solid state. To account for
this, shrinkage allowance is provided on the patterns.
 Draft or Taper Allowance
 By draft is meant the taper provided by the pattern maker on
all vertical surfaces of the pattern so that it can be removed
from the sand without tearing away the sides of the sand mold
and without excessive rapping by the molder.
 Figure shows a pattern having no draft allowance being
removed from the pattern. In this case, till the pattern is
completely lifted out, its sides will remain in contact with the
walls of the mold, thus tending to break it
 Figure is an illustration of a pattern having proper draft
allowance. Here, the moment the pattern lifting commences,
all of its surfaces are well away from the sand surface. Thus
the pattern can be removed without damaging the mold cavity.
 Machining or Finish Allowance
 The finish and accuracy achieved in sand casting are generally
poor and therefore when the casting is functionally required to
be of good surface finish or dimensionally accurate.
 Machining or finish allowances are therefore added in the
pattern dimension. The amount of machining allowance to be
provided for is affected by the method of molding and casting
used viz. hand molding or machine molding, sand casting or
metal mold casting.
 The amount of machining allowance is also affected by the
size and shape of the casting; the casting orientation; the
metal; and the degree of accuracy and finish required
 Distortion or Camber Allowance
 Sometimes castings get distorted, during solidification, due to
their typical shape. For example, if the casting has the form of
the letter U, V, T, or L etc. it will tend to contract at the closed
end causing the vertical legs to look slightly inclined.
 This can be prevented by making the legs of the U, V, T, or L
shaped pattern converge slightly (inward) so that the casting
after distortion will have its sides vertical ( (Figure ).
 The distortion in casting may occur due to internal stresses
 These internal stresses are caused on account of unequal
cooling of different section of the casting and hindered
contraction. Measure taken to prevent the distortion in
casting include:
 Modification of casting design
 Providing sufficient machining allowance to cover the
distortion affect
 Providing suitable allowance on the pattern, called camber
or distortion allowance (inverse reflection)
Types of Pattern
 Patterns are of various types, each satisfying certain
casting requirements.
 Single piece pattern
 Split or two piece pattern
 Match plate pattern
 Single Piece Pattern
 The one piece or single pattern is the most inexpensive of all
types of patterns.
 This type of pattern is used only in cases where the job is very
simple and does not create any withdrawal problems.
 It is also used for application in very small-scale production or
in prototype development.
 Split or Two Piece Pattern
 Split or two piece pattern is most widely used type of pattern
for intricate castings.
 One half of the pattern is molded in drag and the other half in


Figure : The Split Piece or Two Piece

Pattern of a Cast Iron Wheel 

Figure : The Details of a Cast Iron Wheel

Classification of casting Processes
1. Conventional Molding Processes
 Green Sand Molding
 Dry Sand Molding
 Flask less Molding

2. Chemical Sand Molding Processes

 Shell Molding
 Sodium Silicate Molding
 No-Bake Molding

3. Permanent Mold Processes

 Gravity Die casting
 Low and High Pressure Die Casting

4. Special Casting Processes

 Lost Wax
 Ceramics Shell Molding
 Evaporative Pattern Casting
 Vacuum Sealed Molding
 Centrifugal Casting
Green Sand Molding
 Green sand is the most effective molding method used in metal casting
 The process utilizes a mold made of compressed or compacted sand.
The term "green" denotes the presence of moisture in the molding sand.
 The mold material consists of silica sand mixed with a suitable bonding
agent (usually clay) and moisture.

 Most metals can be cast by this method.

 Pattern costs and material costs are relatively low.
 No Limitation with respect to size of casting and type of metal or alloy

 Surface Finish of the castings obtained by this process is not good and
machining is often required to achieve the finished product.
Sand Mold Making Procedure
The procedure for making mold of a cast iron wheel
is shown in (Figure 8(a),(b),(c)). 
 The first step in making mold is to place the pattern
on the molding board.
 The drag is placed on the board ((Figure 8(a)).
 Dry facing sand is sprinkled over the board and
pattern to provide a non sticky layer.
 The drag is completely filled with molding sand.
 The sand is then firmly packed in the drag by means
of hand rammers. The ramming must be proper i.e. it
must  neither be too hard or soft.
  Figure 8 (a, b, c): Sand Mold Making Procedure

Figure 8 (a) Figure 8 (b)

Figure 8 (c)
 After the ramming is over, the excess sand is leveled
off with a straight bar known as a strike rod.
 With the help of vent rod, vent holes are made in the
drag to the full depth of the flask as well as to the
pattern to facilitate the removal of gases during
pouring and solidification.
 The finished drag flask is now rolled over to the
bottom board exposing the pattern.
 Cope half of the pattern is then placed over the drag
pattern with the help of locating pins. The cope flask
on the drag is located aligning again with the help of
pins ( (Figure 8 (b)). 
 The dry parting sand is sprinkled all over the drag and
on the pattern.
 A sprue pin for making the sprue passage is located at
a small distance from the pattern. Also, riser pin, if
required, is placed at an appropriate place.
 The operation of filling, ramming and venting
of the cope proceed in the same manner as
performed in the drag.
 The sprue and riser pins are removed first and
a pouring basin is scooped out at the top to
pour the liquid metal.
 Then pattern from the cope and drag is
removed and facing sand in the form of paste
is applied all over the mold cavity and runners
which would give the finished casting a good
surface finish.
 The mold is now assembled. The mold now is
ready for pouring (see ((Figure 8 (c)
Molding Properties
 Refractoriness
It is the ability of the molding material to resist the
temperature of the liquid metal to be poured so that it does
not get fused with the metal. The refractoriness of the silica
sand is highest.
 Permeability
During pouring and subsequent solidification of a casting, a
large amount of gases and steam is generated. These gases
are those that have been absorbed by the metal during
melting, air absorbed from the atmosphere and the steam
generated by the molding and core sand. If these gases are
not allowed to escape from the mold, they would be
entrapped inside the casting and cause casting defects. To
overcome this problem the molding material must be
porous. Proper venting of the mold also helps in escaping
the gases that are generated inside the mold cavity.
Green Strength
 It is the strength of the sand in the green state.
 A mold having good green strength will retain its shape, will
not distort.

Dry Strength
 It is the strength of the sand in the dry state.

 The sand thus dry must have strength to

1.withstand pressure of molten metal

2.retain its shape
Hot Strength
It is the strength of the sand above 212’F
 The sand should respond to different molding

 Flowability is the ability of the molding sand to get

compacted to a uniform density.

 The molding sand should also have collapsibility so

that during the contraction of the solidified casting it

does not provide any resistance, which may result in
cracks in the castings. Besides these specific
properties the molding material should be cheap,
reusable and should have good thermal conductivity.
Molding Sand Composition
The main ingredients of any molding sand are:
1.Base sand,
2.Binder, and

1.Base Sand
 Silica sand is most commonly used base sand. Other
base sands that are also used for making mold are
zircon sand, Chromite sand, and olivine sand. Silica
sand is cheapest among all types of base sand and it is
easily available.
Binders are of many types such as:
1.Clay binders,
2.Organic binders and
3.Inorganic binders
1.Clay binders are most commonly used binding agents mixed
with the molding sands to provide the strength. The most
popular clay types are:
Kaolinite or fire clay (Al2O3 2 SiO2 2 H2O) and Bentonite
(Al2O3 4 SiO2 nH2O)
 Clay acquires its bonding action only in the presence of the
required amount of moisture. When water is added to clay, it
penetrates the mixture and forms a microfilm, which coats the
surface of each flake of the clay. The amount of water used
should be properly controlled.
Dry Sand Molding
 When it is desired that the gas forming materials are
lowered in the molds, air-dried molds are sometimes
preferred to green sand molds. Two types of drying of
molds are often required.
1.Skin drying and
2.Complete mold drying.
 In skin drying a firm mold face is produced. Shakeout
of the mold is almost as good as that obtained with
green sand molding. The most common method of
drying the refractory mold coating uses hot air, gas or
oil flame. Skin drying of the mold can be
accomplished with the aid of torches, directed at the
mold surface.

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