Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech. Digital Electronics & Communication Systems Course Structure and Syllabus
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech. Digital Electronics & Communication Systems Course Structure and Syllabus
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad M.Tech. Digital Electronics & Communication Systems Course Structure and Syllabus
I YEAR - I Semester
Code Group Subject L P Credits
Digital System Design 3 0 3
Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3 0 3
VLSI Technology and Design 3 0 3
Advanced Data Communications 3 0 3
Elective -I Detection and Estimation Theory 3 0 3
Microcontrollers for Embedded System
Speech Processing
Elective -II Internetworking 3 0 3
Advanced Computer Architecture
Embedded Real Time Operating Systems
Lab Signal Processing Lab 0 3 2
Seminar - - 2
Total Credits (6 Theory + 1 Lab.) 22
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
1. Fundamentals of Logic Design – Charles H. Roth, 5th ed., Cengage Learning.
2. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design – Miron Abramovici, Melvin A. Breuer and Arthur D.
Friedman- John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Logic Design Theory – N. N. Biswas, PHI
1. Switching and Finite Automata Theory – Z. Kohavi , 2nd ed., 2001, TMH
2. Digital Design – Morris Mano, M.D.Ciletti, 4th Edition, PHI.
3. Digital Circuits and Logic Design – Samuel C. Lee , PHI
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Review of DFT, FFT, IIR Filters, FIR Filters,
Multirate Signal Processing: Introduction, Decimation by a factor D, Interpolation by a factor I, Sampling rate
conversion by a rational factor I/D, Multistage Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion, Filter design &
Implementation for sampling rate conversion, Applications of Multirate Signal Processing
Non-Parametric methods of Power Spectral Estimation: Estimation of spectra from finite duration
observation of signals, Non-parametric Methods: Bartlett, Welch & Blackman & Tukey methods, Comparison
of all Non-Parametric methods
Parametric Methods of Power Spectrum Estimation: Autocorrelation & Its Properties, Relation between
auto correlation & model parameters, AR Models - Yule-Waker & Burg Methods, MA & ARMA models for
power spectrum estimation.
Linear Prediction : Forward and Backward Linear Prediction – Forward Linear Prediction, Backward Linear
Prediction, Optimum reflection coefficients for the Lattice Forward and Backward Predictors. Solution of the
Normal Equations: Levinson Durbin Algorithm, Schur Algorithm. Properties of Linear Prediction Filters
Finite Word Length Effects: Analysis of finite word length effects in Fixed-point DSP systems – Fixed,
Floating Point Arithmetic – ADC quantization noise & signal quality – Finite word length effect in IIR digital
Filters – Finite word-length effects in FFT algorithms.
1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms & Applications - J.G.Proakis & D.G.Manolokis,
4th ed., PHI.
2. Discrete Time signal processing - Alan V Oppenheim & Ronald W Schaffer, PHI.
3. DSP – A Pratical Approach – Emmanuel C.Ifeacher, Barrie. W. Jervis, 2 ed., Pearson Education.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
LAYOUT DESIGN AND TOOLS: Transistor structures, Wires and Vias, Scalable Design rules, Layout Design
LOGIC GATES & LAYOUTS: Static Complementary Gates, Switch Logic, Alternative Gate circuits, Low
power gates, Resistive and Inductive interconnect delays.
COMBINATIONAL LOGIC NETWORKS: Layouts, Simulation, Network delay, Interconnect design, Power
optimization, Switch logic networks, Gate and Network testing.
SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS: Memory cells and Arrays, Clocking disciplines, Design, Power optimization,
Design validation and testing.
FLOOR PLANNING & ARCHITECTURE DESIGN: Floor planning methods, off-chip connections, High-level
synthesis, Architecture for low power, SOCs and Embedded CPUs, Architecture testing.
1. Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems, K. Eshraghian Eshraghian. D, A.Pucknell, 2005, PHI.
2. Modern VLSI Design - Wayne Wolf, 3rd ed., 1997, Pearson Education.
1. Principals of CMOS VLSI Design – N.H.E Weste, K.Eshraghian, 2nd ed., Adisson Wesley.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Unit -II:
Basic Concepts of Data Communications, Interfaces and Modems: Data Communication- Components,
Networks, Distributed Processing, Network Criteria- Applications, Protocols and Standards, Standards
Organizations- Regulatory Agencies, Line Configuration- Point-to-point- Multipoint, Topology- Mesh- Star-
Tree- Bus- Ring- Hybrid Topologies, Transmission Modes- Simplex- Half duplex- Full Duplex, Categories of
Networks- LAN, MAN, WAN and Internetworking, Digital Data Transmission- Parallel and Serial, DTE- DCE
Interface- Data Terminal Equipment, Data Circuit- Terminating Equipment, Standards EIA 232 Interface, Other
Interface Standards, Modems- Transmission Rates.
Error Detection and Correction: Types of Errors- Single- Bit Error, CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)-
Performance, Checksum, Error Correction- Single-Bit Error Correction, Hamming Code.
Data Link Protocols: Asynchronous Protocols, Synchronous Protocols, Character Oriented Protocol- Binary
Synchronous Communication (BSC) - BSC Frames- Data Transparency, Bit Oriented Protocols – HDLC, Link
Access Protocols.
Switching: Circuit Switching- Space Division Switches- Time Division Switches- TDM Bus- Space and Time
Division Switching Combinations- Public Switched Telephone Network, Packet Switching- Datagram
Approach- Virtual Circuit Approach- Circuit Switched Connection Versus Virtual Circuit Connection, Message
Multiplexing: Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing, Digital
Hierarchy, Statistical Time Division Multiplexing.
Multiple Access: Random Access, Aloha- Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)- Carrier Sense Multiple
Access with Collision Detection (CSMA)- Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
(CSMA/CA), Controlled Access- Reservation- Polling- Token Passing, Channelization- Frequency- Division
Multiple Access (FDMA), Time - Division Multiple Access (TDMA), - Code - Division Multiple Access
1. Data Communication and Computer Networking - B. A.Forouzan, 3 ed., 2008, TMH.
2. Advanced Electronic Communication Systems - W. Tomasi, 5 ed., 2008, PEI.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Unit – I
Introduction, Simple Binary Hypothesis Tests, M-Hypothesis, Estimation Theory, Composite Hypothesis,
General Gaussian Problem, Performance Bounds and Approximations, Sampling of Bandlimited Random
Signals, Periodic random Processes, Spectral Decomposition, Vector Random Processes.
Unit – II
Detection & Estimation of Signals in White Gaussian Noise and Non-White Gaussian Noise, Signals with
unwanted Parameters, Multiple Channels and Multiple Parameter, Linear & Non-Linear estimates, MLP & ML
Estimates, Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Parameters of Linear Systems
Unit – III
Minimum Probability Error Criterion, Neyman-Pearson Criterion for Radar detection of Constant and variable
amplitude signals, Matched Filters, Optimum formulation, Detection of Random Signals, Simple Problems there
on with Multisample cases.
Unit – IV
Estimation of Continuous Waveforms: Derivation of Estimator Equations, A Lower Bound on the Mean Square
Estimation Error, Multi dimensional Waveform Estimation, Nonrandom Waveform estimation.
Unit – V
Estimation of Time varying Signals – Kalman Filtering, Filtering Signals in Noise treatment,
Restricted to two variable case only- simple Problems, Realizable Linear Filters, Kalman Bucy Filters,
Fundamental role of Optimum Linear Filters.
1. Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory: Part – I – Harry L. Van Trees, 2001, John Wiley &
Sons, USA.
2. Signal Processing : Discrete Spectral Analysis – Detection & Estimation – Mischa Schwartz, Leonard
Shaw, 1975, McGrawHill.
1. Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Volume I Estimation Theory– Steven.M.Kay, Prentice
Hall, USA, 1998.
2. Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing: Volume I Detection Theory– Steven.M.Kay, Prentice
Hall, USA, 1998.
3. Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing with Applications - Srinath, Rajasekaran, Viswanathan,
2003, PHI.
4. Statistical Signal Processing: Detection, Estimation and Time Series Analysis – Louis L.Scharf, 1991,
Addison Wesley.
5. Random Signals : Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis – K.Sam Shanmugam, Arthur M Breiphol,
1998, John Wiley & Sons.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Unit – III: Embedded RISC Processors & Embedded System-on Chip Processor
PSOC (Programmable System-on-Chip) architectures, Continuous Timer blocks, Switched Capacitor blocks,
I/O blocks, Digital blocks, Programming of PSOC, Embedded RISC Processor architecture – ARM Processor
architecture, Register Set, Modes of operation and overview of Instructions
1. Embedded Systems - Architecture Programming and Design – Raj Kamal, 2nd ed., 2008,TMH.
2. PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems – Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D.Mckinaly, Danny
Causy – PE.
3. Designers Guide to the Cypress PSOC – Robert Ashpy, 2005, Elsevier.
1. Embedded Microcomputer Systems, Real Time Interfacing – Jonathan W. Valvano – Brookes / Cole,
1999, Thomas Learning.
2. ARM Systems Developers Guides- Design & Optimizing System Software - Andrew N. Sloss,
Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, 2004, Elsevier.
3. Designing with PIC Microcontrollers- John B. Peatman, 1998, PH Inc.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Automatic speech recognition-
Basic pattern recognition approaches, Parametric represention of speech, Evaluating the similarity of speech
patterns, Isolated digit Recognition System,. Contineous digit Recognition System
1. Digital processing of speech signals - L.R Rabiner and S.W.Schafer. Pearson Education.
2. Speech Communications : Human & Machine - Douglas O'Shaughnessy, 2nd ed., IEEE Press.
3. Digital processing of speech signals. L.R Rabinar and R W Schafer,1978, PHI.
1.Discrete Time Speech Signal Processing : principles and Practice - Thomas F. Quateri 1 ed., PE.
2. Speech & Audio Signal Processing- Ben Gold & Nelson Morgan, 1 ed., Wiley.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Unit -I:
Unit -II:
Unit -III:
Unicast Routing Protocols (RIP, OSPF, and BGP: Intra and Inter-domain Routing, Distance Vector Routing,
RIP, Link State Routing, OSPF, Path Vector Routing, BGP.
Multicasting and Multicast Routing Protocols: Unicast - Multicast- Broadcast, Multicast Applications,
Multicast Routing, Multicast Link State Routing: MOSPF, Multicast Distance Vector: DVMRP.
Unit -IV:
Domain Name System (DNS): Name Space, Domain Name Space, Distribution of Name Space, and DNS in the
Remote Login TELNET:- Concept, Network Virtual Terminal (NVT), File Transfer FTP and TFTP: File
Transfer Protocol (FTP). Electronic Mail: SMTP and POP.
Network Management-SNMP: Concept, Management Components, World Wide Web- HTTP Architecture.
Multimedia: Digitizing Audio and Video, Network security, security in the internet firewalls. Audio and Video
Compression, Streaming Stored Audio/Video, Streaming Live Audio/Video, Real-Time Interactive
Audio/Video, RTP, RTCP, Voice Over IP. Network Security, Security in the Internet, Firewalls.
1. TCP/IP Protocol Suite- Behrouz A. Forouzan, Third Edition, TMH
2. Internetworking with TCP/IP Comer 3 rd edition PHI
1. High performance TCP/IP Networking- Mahbub Hassan, Raj Jain, PHI, 2005
2. Data Communications & Networking – B.A. Forouzan – 2nd Edition – TMH
3. High Speed Networks and Internets- William Stallings, Pearson Education, 2002.
4. Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, 7th Edition., PEI.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Text Books:
1. “Computer organization and architecture”, Williams Stallings, PHI of India, 1998.
2. Computer organization, Carl Hamachar, Zvonko Vranesic and Safwat Zaky, McGraw
Hill International Edition.
3. Computer Architecture & Organization, John P. Hayes, TMH III Edition.
4. Computer Architecture A quantitative approach 3rd edition John L. Hannessy & David A.
Patteson Morgan Kufmann (An Imprint of Elsevier)
Reference Books:
1. “Computer Architecture and parallel Processing” Kai Hwang and A. Briggs International
edition McGraw-Hill.
2. Advanced Computer Architecture, Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Pearson.
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
Unit – I: Introduction
Introduction to UNIX, Overview of Commands, File I/O,( open, create, close, lseek, read, write), Process
Control ( fork, vfork, exit, wait, waitpid, exec), Signals, Interprocess communication,( pipes, fifos, message
queues, semaphores, shared memory)
1. Embedded Systems- Architecture, Programming and Design by Rajkamal, 2nd ed., 2008,TMH.
2. Real Time Systems- Jane W. S. Liu- PHI.
3. Real Time Systems- C.M.Krishna, KANG G. Shin, 1996, TMH
I Year -I Sem M.Tech. (DECS)
A. Minimum of 10 Experiments have to be conducted
B. All Experiments may be Simulated using MATLAB and to be verified
1. Basic Operations on Signals, Generation of Various Signals and finding its FFT.
2. Program to verify Decimation and Interpolation of a given Sequences.
3. Program to Convert CD data into DVD data
4. Generation of Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) Signals
5. Plot the Periodogram of a Noisy Signal and estimate Psd using Periodogram and
Modified Periodogram methods
6. Estimation of Power Spectrum using Bartlett and Welch methods
7. Estimation of Power Spectrum using Blackman-Tukey Method
8. Verification of Autocorrelation Theorem
9. Parametric methods (Yule-Walker and Burg) of Power Spectrum Estimation
10. Estimation of data series using Nth order Forward Predictor and comparing to the
Original Signal
11. Design of LPC filter using Levinson-Durbin Algorithm
12. Computation of Reflection Coefficients using Schur Algorithm