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Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh: M Alimullah Miyan

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Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

M Alimullah Miyan
Vice-Chancellor & Founder
IUBAT — International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: miyan@iubat.edu


The retirement issue mostly relates to those who are in job situation and the
retirement age in public service is 57 years. The agriculture sector has no retirement
concept as also the case in self-employment. The aspects of retirement in terms of
age, old age welfare and social impact have been discussed in this paper.

Pension system in Bangladesh is mainly observed in government services. The

pension issues are settled according to the rules of the Public Servants (Retirement)
Act of 1974. There are four categories of pensions which have been elaborated and
analyzed in the paper.

There are about 36 million labors working in agriculture sector in the country,
who are not covered by pensions. Similarly migrant workers do not receive any
pension. There is no provision of pension for private sector workers. They only
receive some gratuity at retirement.

Government has recently introduced Old Age Allowance Programme which

covers small fraction of elderly people in the country who are not covered by pension
system. Although limited in coverage, this is a healthy beginning of providing security
to vast majority of the elderly people who are not covered by the existing pension

Family support is the basic security of most elderly people in Bangladesh. Policy
level initiatives and institutional arrangements to provide social security to the
elderly outside the family system is quite limited. There is a felt need for evolving a
retirement and pension system that will be fair, equitable to all segments of the
society, meet the constitutional obligation of social security for the elderly and
conform to basic human dignity.

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Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

I. Background

Bangladesh lies in the north eastern part of South Asia having borders with India,
Myanmar and the Bay of Bengal on the southern side. The area of the country is about 148,000
sq. K.M. with an estimated population of 123 million (2001) making it as one of the most
densely populated country of the world. The economy of Bangladesh is mostly agro-based.
Agriculture makes highest contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as can be deduced
from the statistics on contributions of different sectors. Bangladesh witnessed on an average
growth rate of little over 5% of GDP between 1996-2000 and the projection for the present
fiscal year is around 6%. On the face of population growth of 1.47 per anum, this is a very low
growth rate. This is also reflected in the low levels of savings and investment in the economy
despite some improvement in recent years.

The per capita income is Tk. 19,617 (US$ 364) but there is high level of disparity in
income distribution. A large number of people live in abject poverty condition. Although there
has been an annual reduction of percentage point in poverty line, the situation is grim for large
segment of population. The composition of the population was estimated at 62.7 male and 60.4
female with an annual growth rate is 1.47%. The rural population constitute about 94.8 million
and urban population is in the bracket of 28.8 million.

The elderly population in the country now constitute about 7.5 million of which 4.2
million are male and 3.3 million female. Increased life expectancy caused by improvement in
living condition, health care as well as changing demographic structure of the country is
resulting in increase in proportion of elderly people. This is a disturbing phenomena but the
traditional joint family system prevailing in the country shielded the elderly within the family
structure. However, modernization of society with break-up of joint family system, urban and
out-country migration of youth and economic degradation in the society are giving rise to the
problem of ageing and elderly care has become a major concern for the society. This evolving
problem is yet to be fully understood and receive policy level attention by the government and
civil society including academics.

II. Ageing Issues in Bangladesh

Ageing is a common phenomena across the world and over time. It includes the
proportion of elderly population aged sixty years and above. It is an emerging issue in
Bangladesh. The developed countries evolved policy instruments in the form of social security
as well as care for the elderly through institutions like old age homes, geriatric hospitals, old
age recreation center and many other public and private care systems for the aged. With the
improvement in health care and increased life expectancy it is becoming a vital problem in the
developing countries including Bangladesh. Over the last one decade, in Bangladesh the
proportion of elderly population has been gradually increasing. Presently about six percent of


12 M Alimullah Miyan
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

the populations are elderly i.e. 9 million people. By 2025 one in ten persons will be elderly i.e.
18 million people.

According to Bangladesh Population Census of 2001 the number of elderly people by age
groups and by sex were as follows:

Age Group Both Sex Male Female

(in million) (in million) (in million)
60-64 2.83 1.63 1.3
65-69 1.40 .81 .63
70 + 3.30 .18 1.5

This shows a trend of increase in longevity of elderly people which will accentuate the
problem of elderly care in the coming years.

Historical trend and projection of elderly people as proportion of total population indicate
interesting movement as below:

Year Total Population in Bangladesh % of elderly people above 60 in Bangladesh

(in million)
1980 88,221 5.28
1985 99,373 4.99
1990 1,09,465 4.87
1995 1,18,616 4.89
2000 1,29,155 5.11
2005 1,40,566 5.48
2010 1,51,799 6.05
2015 1,61,540 6.94
2020 1,70,194 8.01

In Bangladesh the elderly people above 60 years constituted 5.28% in 1980 but in 2000
the percentage came down to 5.11. In 2020 the elderly people will constitute 8.0%.

In Bangladesh ageing population has become an important social concern because, like
many other developing countries, there is no social security system. In view of the size of
population, scarcity of resources, existing poverty, insufficient health facilities and absence of
social security, ageing is going to be a major problem in Bangladesh.

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Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

Unlike other segments, the elderly has not been subjected to demographic research, which
partially accounts for low attention to ageing issue in Bangladesh society. After a decade,
severe problems with regard to ageing will occur in the country which will affect the economic
and health sectors. Generally speaking ageing is an outcome mainly because of declining
fertility and mortality. As the ageing process increases the elderly people will experience
diminishing capabilities. Since there are no special treatment facilities for elderly people, they
will face verities of problems related to health. Ageing has been identified as a social problem
because the elderly people depend on the active population.

The old persons traditionally rely on their family for their support and care. In Bangladesh
majority of older people live in absolute poverty after a life style of deprivation, ill health and
social isolation. The neglected, ignored and ill fated elderly people of the country who
established the present generation with all they had in their youth now are living in distress.
Efforts for providing health care, and other supports to the elderly people were not taken at
government and private levels. However recently some efforts have been taken for
rehabilitating the elderly population of the country at government and private levels.

Population ageing is likely to have the greatest impact at the state level on expenditures
for long term care and security for the elderly poor. In view of the problems of providing for
the needs of the elderly particularly in the area of social security and health, ageing will modify
age at retirement, migration behavior, housing and living arrangements for the elderly.

With increase in elderly persons, issue of dependency and potential support is cropping
up. Thus ageing issues are coming into limelight for policy formulation by public bodies and
intervention by all segments of the society.

III. Pension System

Pension takes the form of provision of annuities for the aged. Historically, old age
pensions, guaranteed by a government to its employees emerged in France in 19th century,
followed by its introduction in the UK in 1834 and in Germany in 1873. The introduction of
pension eventually spread to many countries of Europe and North America in the first decade
of 20th century. In the region constituting Bangladesh, pension for older population was first
introduced in 1924, primarily for the government employees.

Bangladesh government modified the pension rules for the first time in 1972. Based on
that pension was provided by fixing pay on average of last 12 months’ salaries instead of
average pay of last 36 months as was the system before. Later on, in 1974 pension was paid on
the basis of a certain percent of last pay drawn instead of 12 months average pay. The
maximum pension amount was 60% of the last pay.

In 1977, by way of modification with respect to family pension and gratuity, new pension
rules were announced and according to these rules the maximum pension amount was fixed at


14 M Alimullah Miyan
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80% of the basic pay drawn. Lastly in 1994, the government simplified the rules and
regulations relating to sanctioning of the pensions of the government officials.

Pension is granted to a government servant on his/her retirement from public service on

the basis of length of qualifying service rendered and amount of emoluments last drawn.

In the case of appointment in the government service the government fixes an age limit. In
certain cases this age limit is relaxed. According to general recruitment rules a person can enter
into government service from atleast eighteen years’ age provided that the person has requisite
qualification for service.

A citizen enters into service at young age for serving the people and for the welfare of the
country. S/he then spends the most valuable time of his/her life in the service and ultimately at
age of 57 years retires from service because of old age. Being adjusted in routinized life
profile, a government servant after retirement cannot adjust with the other occupations of the
society. S/he cannot normally accept any other occupation. His/her working capability gets
reduced. Besides many government officials become handicapped or die because of this.
His/her dependent family members face serious financial setback. There is undebatable
necessity for social security for the handicapped alive retired employee or for the dependents
of the deceased employee.

For this humanitarian ground the government has introduced pension, gratuity, group
insurance, benevolent fund for the retired government officials and their dependents. With this
system the retired persons or their dependents do not have to depend on others for their

Till sometimes back only the government servants were entitled to pension in Bangladesh.
But at present in the case of many autonomous organizations namely universities, nationalized
enterprises, banks, etc, pension system has been introduced. The government servants receive
their pension from the government and officials of autonomous bodies receive their pension
from their appointing authority.

Types of Pension

According to the Bangladesh service rules different types of pension are allowed by the
government for the officials of the public service. These are discussed below:

Compensation pension

This pension is provided to the officials who have lost jobs because of abolition of their
posts in downsizing some offices or organizations by the government to keep these in
economic size.

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A government servant can claim compensation pension for his/her past service. S/he is
either appointed in new post or transferred to other establishments. The procedure in providing
this pension involves preparing of a list of the officials loosing their jobs at a minimum
expenditure of the government. The important point in this case is that in abolishing the posts
the income of the government has to be increased. Again in this process the income of the
government has to be more than the amount of the compensation pension to be paid.

In this process, if an employee is discharged from a post after completion of service in

terms of fixed service conditions, in that case s/he cannot claim any pension. For loss of any
special pay pension or compensation allowance is not allowable. School teachers or other
employees who perform duties in the postal department in addition to their own duties and if
they are released from the department in that case they are not entitled to pension.

If a change takes in the official duty of an employee, in that case the issue of
compensation pension or gratuity payment must have to be brought to the notice of the
government for decision according to the admissible rules for the purpose.

If an employee is engaged in two posts and because of abolition of one post, s/he wants to
retire or the authority intends to retire him/her, in that case the matter has to be sent for
decision of the government.

In the case of retrenchment of permanent employees, if notice, which is necessary, is

issued giving a time period of less than 3 months, in that case proportional compensation is to
be paid for the period falling short of 3 months.

If an employee is re employed and intends to return the compensation, s/he can do so by

intimating the issue to the authority. But a temporary employee cannot do so.

If an employee being entitled to compensation pension desires to be employed in other

government post and if so appointed, and subsequently proceeding on compensation pension,
in that case s/he is given the same amount of money as s/he was entitled to in the first time.

Invalid Pension

If an employee becomes invalid permanently, physically and mentally, in that case the
government grants him/her invalid pension.

According to Bangladesh service rules if an employee applies for invalid pension before
attaining 57 years of age then head of the office will process the sanction for the pension on the
basis of the medical certificate as to the invalidation of the employee.


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If an employee while enjoying leave abroad claims invalid pension, in that case s/he will
be required to appear before the Medical Board constituted by Bangladesh embassy in that

The employee shall be required to submit application for invalid pension in prescribed
form along with recommendations of concerned Medical Board and relevant documents. If the
employee facing medical test for invalidity cannot appear before the Medical Board in the
capital city of Dhaka, then the Board shall be constituted in such a place where the employee
can conveniently appear.

The authority which will grant invalid pension to an employee shall send a brief statement
under sealed cover to the health examining medical officer or to the Board mentioning therein
the information as to types of treatment taken by the employee.

An employee being less than 57 years of age shall be required to produce medical
certificate for invalid pension. The certificate must contain the statement that the concerned
employee is invalid for work because of old age.

Medical certificate must be in the prescribed form. The issue in this case is that medical
certificate is very difficult to be obtained in time in which case granting of pension is
unnecessarily delayed.

In some cases invalid pension is not allowed. For example if an employee is discharged
from service for other reasons, then s/she will not be given the pension despite providing
medical certificate.

If an employee becomes invalid because of bad habit and irregularity, s/he will not be
entitled to the pension on invalid ground.

The major issue in the case of invalid pension is that when an employee applies for
invalid pension and produces doctor’s certificate, s/she will not be kept in service and no leave
will be granted.

Another issue is that according to Public Service Retirement Act-1974 there is no scope
for re-employment after invalid pension.

Superannuation Pension

Superannuation pension take place when a public servant retires compulsorily at a certain
age fixed by the government. In this context age has been fixed in the Public Service Act 1974.
Accordingly an employee retires from service after completion of 57 years of age. Recently,
the government has increased the retirement age for judges and public university teachers to 65

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year. The major issue in the case of this pension is that the exact birth date is not always known
in which case date of birth is assumed and rationality of age is lost.

Retiring Pension

According to the law of the country the government may, if it considers necessary in the
public interest so to do, retire from service a public servant at any time after s/he has completed
25 years of service without assigning any reason. But any other appointing authority is not
authorized to exercise this power. If any sub-ordinate appointing authority desires that an
employee employed by it should retire after 25 years of service, in that case that authority shall
propose to the concerned ministry to that effect. In the case of gazetted officers the issue of
retiring shall be referred to the President of Bangladesh for decision.

Optional Pension

A public servant has unqualified right to opt to retire from service at any time after s/he
has completed 25 years of service upon the only condition that s/he shall have to give a notice
in writing to the appointing authority at least 30 days prior to the date of his/her intended
retirement. In this case the government is bound to accept the option and has no legal scope to
refuse. But such option once exercised shall be final and shall not be permitted to be modified
or withdrawn.

Family Pension

Pension is allowed to the family of a pensioners on his/her death and this is called family
pension. In the case of family pension, a public servant while remaining in service at any time
afterwards may nominate one or more members of his/her family as successor for the whole or
part of his/her family pension. But in the absence of nomination and if the wife of the deceased
pensioner or any member of the family is not available, in that case his/her last controlling
authority shall decide the successor for providing family pension and gratuity. However
mention is made here that the rules for family pension are different for different members

Pension in Private Sector

The persons who are in the service of the government or of any parastatal organization or
local authority are only entitled to pension and retirement benefits. But there is no provision for
pension for the persons working in agriculture and industries sectors. The migrant labourers
also do not qualify for pension. According to the latest available information there are about 20
million labourers who are working in the agriculture sector constituting about 50% of the total
employment in the country. As mentioned earlier, this sector contributes about 40 percent of


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the total GDP. The sector consists of forestry, crops and horticulture, animal farming and
fishing sub-sectors.

Despite this size, there is no retirement and pension concept in the agriculture sector.
Bangladesh has not made any policy for retirement and pension of the agricultural workers.
These workers are as such not entitled to retirement and pension benefits for their old age
during which they loose their working and earning capability.

In the case of industry, about 19 million workers are employed in the sector which
constitutes about 48% of the total employment of the country. The industry sector contributes
about 26% of the total GDP of Bangladesh. The growth rate of industry sector was about 9% in
2002-2003 which exceeds growth rate of agriculture sector by 4.11 percent. The industry sector
consists of all industries of the country including companies and other organizations. The
workers of these industries are not allowed pension at the time of retirement except that only
an amount of gratuity is provided to them. They are not allowed to receive other benefits at
retirement. In the absence of pension, the workers on retirement and their families face
financial constraints. At old age they become physically and mentally weak. They hardly get
jobs elsewhere after retirement. They and their families including dependents remain in
financial insecurity throughout their old age.

For lack of employment and better earning labourers in the country migrate for overseas
employment and better income. During the period 1999 to 2002 about 3.24 million
Bangladeshis migrated for overseas employment and in the same period the remittances sent by
them to Bangladesh amounted to about US$ 23.7 billion. Despite positive effects of the
remittances of the migrant workers in the economy they hardly qualify for pension on
repatriation and they face problem for reintegration and rehabilitation. This situation gives rise
to difficulty in their reentry in the society and at the old age they become vulnerable.

IV. Retirement Benefits

Retirement is the withdrawal from one’s occupation or from active works. According to
one author, ‘retirement is a time when people move from certain roles and seek other roles’.
The retirement benefits are provided to the retired employees of the government and parastatal
organizations. A retired public servant is entitled to a number of benefits at retirement.

1. Leave Preparatory to Retirement (LPR)

This is admissible to a retired public servant. The period of such leave may extend to
beyond the date of retirement but not beyond the completion of the fifty-eighth year of age and
if s/he proceeds on such leave before the date of his/her retirement, his/her retirement shall be
effective on the expiry of the leave.

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Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

After enjoying the LPR, if the retiree have earned leave to his/her credit s/he will be
entitled to 12 months’ pay for 12 months’ of un-enjoyed earned leave.

2. Gratuity

The government presently allows gratuity to the retiring person up to 80% of the
emoluments of the retiree after his/her completing 25 years of pensionable service. Presently a
retired public servant is allowed a gratuity in lieu of 50% of his gross pension which s/he
surrenders compulsorily at the rate of Tk 200 for one taka. S/he is also allowed to surrender the
remaining 50% of his/her gross pension at the rate of Tk. 100 for one taka.

3. Family Pension

The family of a retiring public servant is entitled to family pension in the following

i. The retiring employee shall nominate one or more members of his/her family as successor
for the pension. In the absence of nomination the method of nominating successors for
his/her family pension and gratuity shall be as follows:

a. in the case of male employee, his wife/wives

b. in the case of female employee, her husband
c. children of the deceased
d. the widowed wife/wives and children of the deceased son of the deceased

If the above successors are not available, the following relatives of the deceased employee
shall be considered as heirs for pension and gratuity:

a. Brother of less than 18 years of age

b. Unmarried and widowed sister
c. Father
d. Mother

Mention is made here that if the wife of the deceased employee does not remarry, she will
be entitled to such pension. But if she enters into remarriage, she will not be entitled to such

4. Government Accommodation

In the event of death, retirement including compulsory retirement, the retired person or his
family is entitled to remain in the allotted accommodation. If the retired employee (allotte) dies


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while in service, his/her family shall be permitted to stay in the accommodation for two years
subject to certain conditions from the date of the death of the allottee.

5. Benevolent Fund

If a retired employee dies during service time or dies within five years from the date of
superannuation, s/he or in the event of death, his/her family, shall be entitled to receive a
benevolent fund grant from the benevolent fund according to the scale specified in the
schedule, for a period of ten years.

6. Group Insurance

Group Insurance fund has been constituted by the government. All employees except the
class III and class IV employees are required to deposit premium to the Fund at the prescribed
rates. This is managed by a Trustee Board. Every government employee may nominate
someone for receiving money from the fund.

If an employee dies while in service, his/her family will get one time financial help from
the Fund. The amount of that help shall be equivalent to the pay of 24 months based on the last
pay of the deceased employee. However the amount in any case shall not exceed Tk. 100,000.

Despite retirement and pensionary benefits available for the retired government servants,
there are many recurring issues in the process of delivery of the benefits. These are discussed

1. Complex Rules:

The public employees when they retire or die, face numerous problems in getting their
pensions or family pension and other benefits provided by the government. The various
guidelines/directives issued by the government related to the pension, gratuity, benevolent fund
and group insurance are found to be conflicting and inconsistent in implementation. Despite
the Public Servants Retirement Act 1974 has been issued after independence of Bangladesh,
yet in the case of providing pension, other rules, government orders, etc followed are very old.
Bangladesh service rules which are virtually reproduction/reprinting of the East Bengal Service
Rules (PART – I) and the revised pension rules and rates and retirement benefits issued by the
East Pakistan Government are considered in payment of pension. Ordinary pensioners hardly
understand the various government rules and regulations about the pension and retirement
benefits. This makes the drawing of retirement benefits a painful experience.

2. Non-qualifying service

Not all public services are pensionable. Only the pensionable services are entitled to
pension. Generally speaking those who draw salaries from the general revenue head of the

M Alimullah Miyan 21
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government are usually allowed pensions on retirement. Some of the non-qualifying services
are mentioned below:

a. The services for which pay is paid from local autonomous bodies, trust funds and
nationalized organizations or from commission and fees are not pensionable

b. If after the completion of probation period of the service the employee is not
appointed in any post, then such probation period shall not be counted as
pensionable service.

c. Extraordinary leave is not counted for pension.

d. If a public servant is temporarily suspended from his/her post against allegation of

offence and is reinstated in the said post and if any part of his/her pay is
confiscated for the suspension period, then the period of temporary suspension
shall not be counted/considered for pension.

e. If any public servant performs job after production of medical eertificate on the
ground of invalidity, that period of service shall not be considered for pension.

f. If resignation is submitted, the service preceding the resignation is cancelled and is

not entitled to pension.

g. If a public servant is removed or dismissed from service on account of misconduct,

insolvency or invalidity, his/her previous service is confiscated and as such not
considered for pension.

3. Retirement Benefits not entitled in certain cases

If any judicial proceeding instituted by the government or employer or any departmental

proceedings are pending against a public servant at the time of his/her retirement, s/he shall not
be entitled to any pension or other retirement benefits except his/her subscriptions to any
provident fund and the interest there on till the determination of such proceedings and the
payment to him/her of any pension or other benefits shall be subject to the findings in such

According to the Public Servants Retirement Act 1974, a public servant is any person in
the service of the Republic, but s/he is not any person who:

a. is a member of any defence service

b. is a teacher or employee of any university


22 M Alimullah Miyan
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c. is employed in or under a commission, committee or Board setup for a temporary

period for specified purposes

d. is a contingent or a work charged employee working in the state owned

manufacturing industries

e. holds any office which is filled by election or nomination under any law and

f. holds any office the tenure of which is determined by or under law

4. Accommodation Facility

In the case of death or retirement of a public employee his/her family is allowed to retain
the allotted accommodation only for a limited period. In most cases it happens that families of
the retired persons face acute problems of housing after vacating the allotted accommodation.
Most of the families do not possess own house and are also not capable of hiring suitable
private accommodation. At this, the children of the families who are yet to complete their
education face tremendous hurdles in their studies. Their education is virtually disrupted. On
the other hand the elderly members of the family feel insecured for want of living houses and
financial constraints. The consequence being that the socio economic conditions of most of the
families of the retired officials become deteriorating after retirement and moving out of
provided accommodation.

The retirement benefits that are provided to the retired officers and employees of the
defence services are almost the same as are available to the personnel of the civil service. The
only exception in the case of defence service is that the employees of this service receive
‘Ration’ in the form of concessionary supplies in addition to normal benefits. The defence
service holders are retired by the government compulsorily in the case of their physical and
medical unfitness. But this is not the case for civil service employees.

V. Old Age Allowance Program

It has been mentioned that vast number of old people engaged in agriculture, industry,
services and overseas employment are not covered by the pension system which is primarily
designed to serve a small section of people employed in government and semi-government
organizations. This small fraction of government employees enjoy some form of security at old

The vast majority of old age people live under distressful condition, except those who are
supported by own families. To partly alleviate the situation, as of 1998, Old Age Allowance
Programme, was introduced and this is the first expression of government concern for the aged.

M Alimullah Miyan 23
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Under the program the elderly persons incapable of physical work and the destitute
women of the country are receiving allowance from the government on monthly basis. In the
years 1997-98 about 4,03,110 elderly people received Taka 125 million at the rate of Tk. 100
per month. During 2002-03,4,99,662 old aged persons were given Tk. 750 million as old age
allowance at the rate of Tk. 125 per month. During 2003-2004 1 million persons received 1800
million Taka at the rate of 150 per month. In 2004-05, 2603.7 million taka were provided to
1,315,000 old aged persons. The allowance is given to 10 old persons (5 male and 5 female) of
each ward of an union all over the country.

It is to be mentioned here that old age has become a social issue and due to modern
medical science and demographic change, the number of elderly persons is increasing day by
day. Like the developed countries, the Bangladesh government has become concerned about
the security for the elderly citizens. The Old Age Allowance is helping to strengthen the mental
force of the aged persons, increase their status in the family and bring back their sense of
security in the society.

The candidates/recipients are selected based on certain characteristics which are (a) age
(b) average yearly income (e) health status, (d) socio-economic condition (f) expenditure in
different heads and (g) land ownership. The following categories of persons are excluded from
the benefit of old age allowance.

1. Public servant receiving pension

2. Destitute women holding Vulnerable Group Development Scheme (VGD) card

3. Otherwise recipients of regular public grants

4. Recipients of regular financial grants from private organizations/social welfare


5. Inhabitants of city corporation area

6. Day labourers, maid servants and destitutes

The old age pension scheme is implemented in the rural areas of all upazilas at union level
and for all wards of the municipalities of the 64 districts of the country. The Ministry of Social
Welfare of the government shoulders the responsibility of the scheme.

For overall supervision of the program a ministerial level committee has been formed with
the Minister for Finance as its chairman. The members of the committee are:

1. Minister in charge of Local Government Rural Development and Cooperatives



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2. Minister in charge of Social Welfare ministry

3. State Minister in charge of Liberation War Affairs ministry

The Ministry of Social Welfare provides secretarial assistance to the committee. The
committee meets every three (3) months. A Special Meeting of the Committee is held in the
month of March-every year and in that meeting the activities of the Old Age Allowance
Programme of the previous year is evaluated and budget for the following year is determined.

Under the scheme elderly persons having at least sixty five years of age will qualify for
the allowance/pension. But those who are enjoying the allowance since before will continue to
receiving the pension. The yearly average income of the recipient must not exceed taka 3000.

The introduction of Old Age Allowance by government is undoubtedly an encouraging

step towards the welfare of the elderly population. But it covers a small fraction of the
vulnerable elderly population in rural Bangladesh. It is a fact that this benefit is very
insufficient compared to the needs of the poor elderly persons. Yet with this allowance many
elderly people have been able to utilize it for buying food, clothes and medicines for treatment.
However, the recipients face difficulties in drawing the allowance. They need to move long
distance upto the Upazila bank to collect the benefits. The allowance is distributed quarterly
and in a fixed day of a month. This arrangement causes sufferings to the recipients who remain
for the whole day without food in the bank where there are no toilet facilities for them
particularly the elderly women. The recipients of Old Age Allowance are deprived from
receiving other benefits such as they loose eligibility of receiving relief and other benefits.

The Old Age Allowance Program has received support from two successive governments.
There is an increasing willingness among the political parties to expand the programme both in
terms of coverage and amount of allowance. This is a healthy sign and may be the beginning of
developing a social security system for the aged people in the country.

VI. Old Age Security

The limited number of studies that have been conducted on the condition of old people
indicate that the majority of the older people in Bangladesh are living in absolute poverty.
They lack the resources to fulfill their most basic needs in terms of food, clothes, housing and
health and are also deprived from income generating opportunities. Traditionally, older people
have relied on support from extended family system with strong religious and cultural nexus of
support for the elderly, which is still persisting. But the atomization of families, mobility,
migration, economic hardship and the like factors are eroding the traditional family support
system for the elderly and requires social policy intervention by the government and non-
government organizations.

M Alimullah Miyan 25
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Elderly women find themselves more vulnerable than men due to strong gender
discrimination. The majority of older women (68%) are widowed compared to 7% of men.
Widowed women have no security, are more dependent on family and face worse socio-
economic condition compared to men.

We can also look at the condition of elderly in the urban and rural situations. As to socio-
economic condition, urban elderly population represent poor segment of the population. Family
still forms the basis of societal structure of the elderly, who has little access to basic needs. The
most felt need is in the area of health care and treatment. Disease and disability are major
health problem of old age. As to the rural situation, two thirds of the elderly are taken care of
by their family. Like the urban, access to resources and health care are major problems facing
the rural elders. Most are deprived of their most basic needs including food, health care,
clothing and adequate shelter. These conditions of elderly are being accentuated by the
increase in elderly population and economic degradation of the society.

This situation points to the need for developing policies and institutional arrangements
outside the traditional support system to take care of the elderly people in the society.

As to the government programme, as mentioned earlier, all retired government employees

enjoy pension gratuity and other benefits. However, as per Bangladesh constitution, the needy
elderly people has a right to social security. This is one of the fundamental principles of state
policy (article 15d). The Fourth Five Year Plan of the government (1990-95) witnessed the
first allocation of 5 million taka for welfare of elderly under the Ministry of Social Welfare. In
the mid 1980’s, the government constituted the National Committee on Ageing. With the UN
Declaration of the International Day of the Older Persons, the government became more
sensitive to the concern of the elderly persons. Old Age Allowance Programme was introduced
in 1998. Although meager in amount and limited in coverage, this is a laudable effort and
appreciated by all concerned. The government is also planning to extend financial support to
distressed elderly women, in addition to VGD programme.

Under the Annual Development Program (ADP) government has planned to establish six
centers for the elderly in 6 divisions of the country. The main purpose of the scheme is to
provide life long facility for care, protection and leading a normal life of the elderly. The
important part of this program is to create environment of the Divisional Shishu Paribar's
(Divisional Family of Children) inmates with elderly of such centers with care, affection and
love. The elderly in turn will get opportunity to forget their loneliness by caring the children
with love and affection.

Under the scheme which emphasizes, institutional development at local level for pro-poor
projects, it has been proposed to create centers for old people with facilities for light
economic/income generating activities, geriatrics medical and social welfare services for the
poor and older people.


26 M Alimullah Miyan
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

A National Committee on Ageing was formed to identify the problems of the older
population, but this includes government or retired government officials as member without
any NGO representation. This should include representation of persons knowledgeable about
the situation of poor older people.

The Ministry of Social Welfare has initiated moves in 1998 to formulated a policy for the
elderly and a National Policy for Aged has been drafted, but the same is awaiting adoption.

From these initiatives, it appears that the government is aware of the problems facing the
elderly people in the country.

Non-Government Initiatives

Despite having 1500 NGOs in the country, it is very difficult to say how many are
working for the cause and interest of the elderly. Some notable ones are identified below:

1. Bangladesh Association for the Aged

Bangladesh Association for the Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine (BAAIGM), is
the prime non-government organization at national level working for the welfare of the older
persons in Bangladesh. It has 48 branches all over Bangladesh. Established in 1960, the
Association provides services to the elderly in different forms like health care services,
recreational and socio-economic activities, 50 bed geriatric hospital with out-door programs
and pathological services, 50 capacity dormitory for the elderly, recreation and library
programs, vocational training and management of revolving funds and research and
publication. elders and children rehabilitation center.

2. Elders and Children Rehabilitation Centre

A rehabilitation center for the elderly was by an individual in set up in 1987, at Gazipur. It
is more or less a full-fledged old home where destitute older people (60+) from any religious
faith can live. This is probably the first of its kind. At present 50 elders (25 male and 25
female) of age 60+ are residing in this center. They are given free accommodation, food, and
clothing and medicare facilities. The elders are involved in gardening, farming, pisciculture
and other recreational activities.

3. Resource Integration Center (RIC)

RIC provide community based habitation for elderly people, credit and medical services.
Some new programs include housing grants, elders club, day care center, monthly pension and
funeral support. Credit programs help older persons to become financially solvent and
independent and to play amore prominent role in the community. Credit strengthens the role of
women particularly they have a greater need for economic sustenance. They also provide

M Alimullah Miyan 27
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

preventative and curative services with the supprt of Help Age International (HAI). Physicians
make follow-up visits at patients' homes which indicates their outreach system with a strong
referral system.

4. Service Center for Elderly People (SCEP)

SCEP, a non-government organization in Rajshahi started working for the elderly in 1994
with a slogan "A Care for the Generation". It provides health service and recreational facilities
to the older persons of age 60 and more for their social and emotional peace. Present activities
of the SCEP for the registered elderly include listening to the radio, watching television,
reading newspapers, magazines, playing indoor games. Every Friday health investigation of the
registered elderly is made.

5. Elderly Development Initiatives (EDI)

EDI situated in Manikgonj is a community based self-help organization and has some
programs for the development of elderly in Manikgonj.

6. Bangladesh Retired Government Employees Welfare Association, Dhaka

This Association has been working since 1976. The Association offers medical services to
members and provides welfare services to retired employees and their families. It provides
some financial support (grant) programs such as, medical grant, education grant and lump
grant. This association also provides interest-free loan to the elderly. 62 district level branches
are working as its affiliated bodies.

7. Bangladesh Retired Police Officers Welfare Association, Dhaka

This organization offers socio-economic services to retired police officials and their

8. Defense Personal Welfare Trust, Dhaka

This trust provides socio-economic and medical services for employees of the defense

Very recently, Bangladesh Womens Health Coalition (BWHC), Bangladesh Girl Guides
Association, Bangladesh Education Board Retired Employee Welfare Association, Mother and
Baby Home, Old Home and Bangladesh Society of Gerontology and forum for the rights of the
elderly are also working for welfare of elderly.

Thus, limited number of NGOs and professional associations are working for the welfare
of the elderly.


28 M Alimullah Miyan
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

VII. Future Challenges

In present day, Bangladesh a small proportion of the total population constitutes the
elderly persons. But the absolute number of the older persons is quite significant and their rate
is also alarming. According to 1911, 1951, 1981 and 1991 decennial censuses the elderly
population (aged 60 years and above) in Bangladesh were 1.37 million, 1.86 million, 4.90
million and 6.05 million. Side by side projected numbers of older persons in 2000, 2015 and
2025 are 7.25 million, 12.05 million and 17.62 million (United Nations 1994-5). This change
in population characteristics will have serious consequences on the society as well as on the
overall socio-economic development of the country. Inspite of rapidly increasing numbers, the
older persons are all but invisible in development policy and practice in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh, as an Asian country, has a long cultural and religious tradition of looking
after the elderly and families and communities are expected to take care of their own elderly
members. But rapid socio economic and demographic transformation, mass poverty, declining
social and religious values, influence of western culture and other factors have broken down
the traditional extended family and community care system. Most of the older people in the
country are suffering from many basic human problems such as lack of sufficient income and
employment opportunities, absolute poverty, senile diseases and absence of proper health and
medicare facilities, exclusion, negligence, deprivation, socio-economic insecurity, etc. 80% of
the older persons live in rural Bangladesh and suffer from cumulative effects of a lifetime of

Because of increased life expectancy the elderly people will live for longer years resulting
in increased dependency ratio and declining potential support ratio. Current and future health
needs of the older people should be urgently addressed through promotion of health education
and information targeting elderly population. Elderly people are increasing and will continue to
increase. Government has only very limited programs to provide care to the elderly. As stated
earlier, one such programs is Old Age Allowance which has been highlighted. There are other
government programs targeting the poor and woman. For example Vulnerable Group
Development (VGD) and Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF). These programs aim to provide
development or food assistance to the poor. These programs do not directly target older people.

There are about 1500 NGOs in Bangladesh, but their programs are not directed
specifically for the older people. The NGO Bureau of the government should see that the
NGOs are undertaking adequate number of programs for the elderly care in Bangladesh, i.e.
their programs must be focused for the older people.

As the elderly people will continue to increase in size, the basic needs issue of the elderly
will be challenging. The elderly people will be consistently lacking the means for fulfilling
their basic needs. Government and NGOs must undertake projects for meeting the basic needs
of the old people in the country.

M Alimullah Miyan 29
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In the country there are some facilities for providing health care for the elderly, but there
is absence of facilities for curing the geriatric diseases of the old aged people. The Government
and NGOs need to setup and run health centers for treatment of geriatric diseases.

The elderly people instead of being dependent on the families and communities may
undertake activities like rearing livestock, small business and rearing poultry for maintaining
their livelihood. Institutional arrangement should be made to give them training and financial
support for this.

Measure should be initiated for the welfare of the elderly population which should include
the following:

- medicines at reduced cost

- free treatment
- health care near the residence
- home care by health workers
- increased old age allowance
- shelter and food

VIII. Conclusion

Retirement due to old age makes the elderly people very insecure and vulnerable. Low
economic growth, overall impoverished condition of the society, and increasing dependency
ration erodes into the traditional family support system fro the elderly. This calls for policy
level initiatives by the government and institutional arrangements for care of the old age
population. This problem has been globally recognized in the International Conference on
Population and Development, 1994. Programme of Action of the Conference emphasized that
the economic and social impact of the ageing populations is both an opportunity and a
challenge to all societies.

Despite the potential of elderly in the population and its inevitable and varied impacts,
policy makers of the country have given little attention to this issue. Available information
suggests that about half of the aged population live in poverty and policies and programs often
overlook them who are women. Inadequate support and the erosion of traditional support by
migration, urbanization and other factors leave many older people in extreme difficulty. In the
perspective of prevailing socio-economic situation, increasing landlessness and poverty have
been affecting the elderly population.

Although the government has instituted an old age allowance covering about 12 percent of
the elderly population of Bangladesh, this is a very small fraction of the elderly people. This is
an encouraging step towards welfare of the elderly population, but it is yet to be seen at what


30 M Alimullah Miyan
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

level this allowance could be sustained with 100% coverage in future under the given
economic condition of the country.

Elderly population lack income earning opportunities because of physical limitations,

cultural barriers and lack of micro credit. If they are given the training and micro credit they
could earn their livelihood.

National policies need to incorporate the issue of ageing and appropriate support
mechanisms for older people into the mainstream of the social, economic and health planning.
Community members have to be sensitized about the problems of the elderly so that a greater
commitment and involvement could be ensured to include care for the elderly within health
care system.

Considering the size of the elderly and their dimension of problems, the Health Ministry
and the Ministry of Social Welfare should establish a separate cells to deal with the elderly
population problems. Separate national health policy should also be considered for the elderly
population. A separate National Policy for the Aged should be formulated reflecting the
constitutional obligation of social security for all.

The prevailing pension system should be improved to provide more security to the retired
government employees at the old age. 100% pension instead of 80% should be provided to the
public servants. Government policy should as such be formulated towards that gratuity may be
allowed for the whole amount of the gross pension of the retired employee at one single
increased rate than the present system.

Government should formulate policies for extended facilities of accommodation,

benevolent and group insurance funds for the pensioners. Leave preparatory to retirement
should be allowed for 2 years instead of present 1 year with increased leave benefits in
monetary form.

Government should formulate policies/laws for providing pension and retirement benefits
for the workers/employees of the agriculture and industrial sectors so that the
workers/employees can survive economically in their old age. This may be progressively
implemented starting with the formal sector. The migrant labourers of the country working
abroad and positively contributing to the economic development of the country through their
remittances should be granted pension on their repatriation for their reintegration and
rehabilitation in the mainstream of the society. This can be achieved by creating a retirement
benefit fund for migrant workers.

In keeping with increasing longevity in the country, age limit for retirement of the
government servants should be increased to sixty years (60 years) from the present age limit of
57 years. This will be in line with the recent increase in the retirement age of judges and public
university teachers.

M Alimullah Miyan 31
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

Government should evolve policy measures for providing job opportunities for all the
retired employees by creating avenues in both the public and private sectors and enabling the
retired employees for generating income for their living in old age with dignity and social

The existing retirement and pension system in Bangladesh has a very limited coverage.
This should be extended to cover the entire formal sector of the economy. Gradually a national
system of pension should be evolved to cover the entire retired and elderly population to create
a welfare oriented society where elderly can live with dignity and self-respect.


32 M Alimullah Miyan
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh


Al Farouk, M. M., Pension and Retirement benefits - Bangladesh, Paira Prakashanis, Dhaka

Bangladesh Association For the Aged, Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics (Vol 1 & 2)

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh, 2003

Bangladesh Parliament, Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Bangladesh Women’s Health Coalition, Base line Survey on Older people, October, 2004

BASHIPUK (Old & Child Rehabilitation Center), BASHIPUK BICHITRA (JOURNAL),

January, 2005

BBS, Statistical Year Book of Bangladesh, 23rd Edition, 2002

ESCAP, Population Ageing in Asia and the Pacific, 1996

Establishment Ministry, Government of Bangladesh (GOB), Establishment Manual (Vol. I),


Kabir, M. A., “Elderly Care in Bangladesh, Challenges Ahead” The Daily Star, Dhaka

Ministry of Planning (GOB), Fifth Five Year Plan Document (1997-2000)

Ministry of Social Welfare (GOB), Old Age Allowance Program, Implementation Manual,

Rahman, Atique ASM, “Ageing Situation in Bangladesh” published in the Bangladesh Journal
of Geriatrics, Vol 40, No 1 & 2, October 2004

Rahman, Atiqur ASM, “Ageing its Past, Present and Future”, published in the Bangladesh
Journal of Geriatrics, Vol 37-39, October 2003

Rahman, Dr. M. H., International Year of Older Persons (1999) and the Case of Bangladesh,
published in the Bangladesh Journal of Geriatrics, Vol 36 No 1 & 2, November 1998 –
October 1999

Rashid, Dr K M, “Addressing Problems of the Aged”, published in the Bangladesh Journal of

Geriatrics, October 1997 – March 1998

M Alimullah Miyan 33
Retirement and Pension System in Bangladesh

Sattar, M. A. et al: The Elderly Contemporary Issues, Bangladesh Association of Gerontology,

Dhaka, October 2003


34 M Alimullah Miyan

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