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November 15, 2010

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V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 5 N O V E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 0

 Graffiti

due by
5pm on
My experience with IACURH part of the Resident Hall As- versity of Utah, Montana State
2010 in Bozeman, Montana sociation, and why I love my University, University of Colorado,
 Email
was words more than I could job as much as I can. I’ve and many more. The great thing
them to come up with. It was a great learned new activities and was spending time with other
Mcc@res experience to attend. Being new programs that I wanted to schools and finding out what they
able to meet people from bring back to campus. do at their university and what
other Universities, making This was not just another works and what doesn’t work help
new friends, being in a differ- “Leadership camp” this was us decided what to do to make our
 Email ent location than being at your completely amazing. I really RHA a lot better. Learning about
questions university where you know recommend that whoever how other schools RHA is, helps
to where everything is. wants to go to NACURH us to get ideas to make people get
IACURH personally to me should go. together more.
was more than what I We spent a lot of time with I would recommend to sign up to
halls.org expected it was more than Boise State University delega- go to NACURH and next year’s
going to programs and tion; they were so much fun IACURH it will be worthwhile.
INSIDE THIS cheering our school spirit. It to hang out with. On top of
was an experience of a life just hanging out with BSU we Written By Rachael Anderson
IACURH 1 time. During IACURH it hung out with universities like Community Service Coordinator
2010 really made me think why I’m University of Arizona, Uni-
Spotlight of 2
the Week

Quote of the 2

LLC Drama 2


“Storming 4
the Dorms”

Word of the 4

Spot Light of the week
someone you This week’s Spotlight of the Week is: you may have seen several people and card-
Kristina Francisco, Community Service board boxes out in the LLC court yard. That
There go the Chair of Gault Hall was her. The event was covered by the local
people. I must news paper.
She comes from Coeur D’ Alene, Idaho,
follow them and she is in her junior year studying
for I am their Philosophy, trying to become a social
Interesting Fact: She just put on a
homeless awareness event November 5th
Alexandre called Dare to Bear the Cold. Some of
Know someone you think should be in the Spotlight of the week? Are they interesting,
quirkey, normally random, maybe they are just the most average person you know? Email
their name, their email, and why you think that they should be to:
Mend1254@vandals.uidaho.edu or gault@reshalls.org

Written by: Khang Nguyen
For those who don’t live in the LLC’s, let me quickly catch you up. The LLC’s
are way into drama. You’re probably either not caring or going “what drama.”
Well no matter what your interest level is, you must somewhat curious, or else
why would you still be reading this.

The drama is really between the presidents of each hall. The lousy representa-
tive democratic system led to a stereotyping verbal and sometimes psychologi-
cal war between the halls. Anyways, the LLC drama started clearly with Gault
Hall designating themselves as one of the best LLC’s out there. Upham Hall
simply replies that they can take anyone on in nearly everything as a joke. Im-
mediately, Upham Hall is cruelly brutalized and harshly harassed beyond ver-
bal comprehension. Their reasoning? Because Upham Hall is a freshman hall.

Now, how do we fix this awful and hideous problem short of Upham Hall
eliminating everyone but CNR and various parts of Engineering Hall and
Scholars Hall. Its easy, everyone just needs to stop judging one another and
start loving each other!

Questions of Suggestions?

Email them to mcc@reshalls.org

Written By Jacob Marsh
Let’s face it: most people won’t do something if they don’t see a direct
benefit to doing it or a direct punishment from abstaining. I take that extra
piece of pizza at late night because it tastes good and I won’t see the calo-
ries until later, and I put off that piece of homework because it would in-
fringe on my football-watching time and I don’t see a difference in my
grade until after the due date. It’s only logical, then, that I wouldn’t take
the time to vote—especially for something as unimportant as ASUI.
I mean, where is the benefit with voting? Change in the establishment,
right? But who sees that? All I see is the minute and a half I lose in be-
tween classes, and that’s valuable Facebook time! At least with real voting
you get a cool sticker. For ResHall students, is there any incentive at all?
As it happens, there is.
First of all, just because you don’t get a sticker doesn’t mean you can’t still
have that sense of superiority over all those “lesser humans” who don’t ex-
ercise their right to participate in democratic processes. You could get a
good week’s worth of ego boost out of that. However, as some of you may
have realized, if your incessant self-praise gets the best of your friends, they
might vote as well. Perfect! Now you’ve managed to increase the likeli-
hood that people will care about your opinions. You trend-setter, you!
Voting is also insurance against inevitable post-election guilt. If the results
go a way you disagree with, and you haven’t voted, you can feel bitter but
ultimately you always have that nagging feeling that you could have done
something about it. By voting, you have a right to complain about the re-
sults as much as you want, and better yet, to chastise those who are com-
plaining. Nothing is worse than having to listen to “that guy” say “I told
you so”. Don’t listen to that guy! BE that guy.
As a ResHall student, you also have a greater stake in ASUI elections than
you realize. The small number of ResHall students involved in ASUI com-
pels you to band together. No matter who you vote for, it is imperative you
do vote if you want to improve life on campus. There aren’t very many
voices speaking on your behalf. Unlike the complex and often futile proc-
ess of voting in national, state, or even county-level elections, ASUI elec-
tions can come down to the decisions of a few people.
Take ninety seconds sometime between the 15th and 17th to log on and
throw out a vote for ASUI Senate. Heck, make your friends do it too.

Regional Update
By Jamie Lockie NCC

Hello everyone! My name is Jamie and I am the National Communica-

tions Coordinator for RHA. Basically, that is just a fancy way of saying
I work with schools from around the nation and the world and discuss
all of the different aspects of RHA with them.
As some of you may or may not know, I took a delegation of 8 students
and 2 advisors to the IACURH Conference this past weekend at Mon-
tana State University-Bozeman. This article is just a quick rundown of
what all happened on the business side of the conference, which only
myself and one other delegate were a part of.
To start off with I’ll talk about some national news. Spain has recently
joined Qatar, China, Mexico, and Canada as international members of
NACURH, Inc. Also, the NACURH Information Center is currently put-
ting on a video contest between all affiliated schools. Basically, you
have 3 minutes to show off what your school is all about. If you’re inter-
ested in helping, please let me know.
Now on to regional news. In September, our Regional Director resigned,
and the AD for Business Administration, Jessica Behl, took over as In-
terim Director. This weekend, we elected her as Director for the IA-
CURH Region. We also voted Kris Lyons to take over as AD-BA since
Jessica was moved to Director. We had five pieces of legislation this
weekend. First, MMA was passed, abolishing Banana Points (like hall
points) for holding sub-regional retreats for the Regional Board of Di-
rectors. Next, MMB was passed, making it so candidates running for a
regional position are subject to disqualification if they campaign before
they get to conference. MMC, MMD, and MME, dealing with discre-
tionary banana points, the replacement of the Regional Director, and
conference programming respectively were all tabled until our business
conference in February.
Finally, we had a bidding session on where to host IACURH 2011. The
University of Wyoming was the only bidding school, but lost the bid be-
cause there were too many loose ends. Now bidding for the conference
is up for grabs again, and will be decided at No Frills 2011 along with
the location for No Frills 2012.

“Storming the Dorms”

Written by Ryan Stromberg
Thursday night’s event was a great success! The Boom Box Army fired up
the party at about 5:30. We started on the Basketball courts near Wallace
and partied through Denny’s and the LLC, after we moved on to the Tower
and went from the 4th floor down, from there we headed to Wallace and par-
tied and danced our way through a few floors before ending back at the bas-
ketball courts to beat a giant BSU piñata with a bat and enjoying far to
much root beer and candy! The party was an overall great success and
caused two more Decentralized Dance Parties to occur on Friday and Satur-
day night with great turnout as we hit the streets of Moscow.

Residence Hall Association

Telephone: 208.885.5948

pres@reshalls.org -Michael
vicepres@reshalls.org -Cody
Truthiness service@reshalls.org -Rachael
(n) ncc@reshalls.org -Jamie
mcc@reshalls.org -Nick
A "truth" that events@reshalls.org -Henry
a person nrhh@reshalls.org -Thomas
claims to webmaster@reshalls.org -Josh
know intui-
tively, "from
the gut",
without re-
c e bo ok.
gard to evi-
u s on Fa m/pages/
dence, logic, Follow facebook.co RHA
://w w w. -Id a ho-
p f
examination, htt
n ive rsity-o
or facts. U

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