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Making A Better Resident Hall Experience For You

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February 14

Making a better
Resident Hall
experience for you


Henry, the RHA Event This week Jesse Make sure to buy your
Coordinator is looking Jackson cam to the Executive Ball tickets
for a photographer to University of Idaho from either the table
take pictures during campus to give his or from your hall
the Executive Ball. If “Keep Hope Alive” presidents.
you have questions speech and to motivate
email them. others to keep the It’s happening soon!
events@reshalls.org hope alive.

February 7, 2011


Photo Credit: Corbis, www1.essence.com


Sam Koester, Snow

Have you ever been to an this memorable speech and

important speech; one that speaker. I personally
is historically important to enjoyed the speech and felt
the country, society, and it was interesting how Rev.
local community. The speech Jackson made sure the crowd
by Rev. Jesse Jackson, was still engaged in the
Monday February, 7, 2011 was topic. Even though our group
one of those speeches. was only roughly 30 people,
Quote of the Week:
The members of Snow Hall I am sure I can say that it
The worst thing about Europe
decided a week in advance was still a great hall is that you can't go out in
that we would all meet up bonding event to go to. the middle of the night and
get a Slurpee.
and go as a group to witness

- Tellis Frank

SPECIAL POINTS Photographer Wanter:

OF INTEREST: Henry, the RHA Events Coordinator is

looking for someone who is interested
in taking photos of the Executive
Ball. If you are interested email
• Graffiti articles due him.
by 5pm on Sundays

• Email them to

• Email questions to
Problems with
An annoying blood red “Your
Reservation Has Been
Cancelled” is slapped across
Housing the bottom of the page as if
it was there strictly to
tease you. To say the least,
Khang Nguyen
it was just frustrating. The
victims had to wait until
! Housing really screwed 8am to apply for housing in
up for some people person. This threw off
attempting to renew/apply friends attempting to room
for on campus housing for together and was just
the past few weeks. Most stressful in general. This
weren’t affected by this so is one of the basic things
called “computer glitch” but that the housing department
WORD OF THE WEEK: for those who weren’t does so a revamping and
allowed to proceed past the maybe a systems program
Philomath - “housing information” page. check is in order.
(FIL-uh-math) , noun;
A lover of learning; a

It's nothing to laugh about,
he says. "Strange things
happen in this country --
things that philosophers and
other philomaths had never
dreamed of."
- Tomek Tryzna, Miss Nobody
Philomath is from the Greek
philomathes, "loving
knowledge," from philos,
"loving, fond" + mathein,
"to learn, to understand."    

Black Sheep: A
could end up the same way. In
fact, we could end up sheep-tomato
hybrid killers, or “sheepmato
Cautionary Tale zombies”. This is but one example
of how genetic engineering could
lead to bastardizations
Jacob Marsh, McCoy of nature that kill us
Recently, a few members of ! There is only one
McCoy checked out the hall choice: prepare for the
projector and offered in our sheep-tomato
lounge a showing of the Australian apocalypse. In Black
horror film Black Sheep. Most who Sheep, as many McCoy
watched the movie found it members can attest to,
humorous or absurd at best. they won with guns and
However, the true nature of the an antidote. Neither
film is much more serious than the guns nor nerf guns
casual viewer might expect. (nor, for that matter,
any weapons) are legal
! The subject of the movie is
in reshalls, so
a genetic engineering project gone
therefore we have to
wrong. Scientists, in trying to
go another route. I
genetically modify sheep for more
would recommend that
wool production, create a bizarre
every person stock up
breed of sheep that lusts for
on toothpicks, since
blood. Once bitten by this
those are effective
monstrosity, any sheep will act
against tomatoes and
the same way and any human will
kind of like small
transform into a sheep themselves.
stakes, which kill
While this may seem outlandish to
vampires. I would
some, this is a real threat, and
also say pick up as
steps must be taken to keep this
much saran wrap as
terror from overtaking us all.
possible, because it
! Think of the food you eat on could be effective to contain
a day-to-day basis. Those sheepmato zombies in some areas of
mozzarella sticks with marinara the building. When worst comes to
sauce? They contain tomatoes that worst, we would need to resort to
were modified to include salmon just confusing the enemy.
genes. Pretty soon these tomato
Paint yourself green and throw
plants could be attacking other
forks at them.
tomatoes just like the sheep in
Black Sheep, and if we eat them we

Join us on Facebook!
E-Board Contacts:
president@reshalls.org - Michael
vicepres@reshalls.org - Cody Wallace Basement
mcc@reshalls.org - Nick
events@reshalls.org - Henry
ncc@reshalls.org - Jamie
service@reshalls.org - Rachael
nrhh@reshalls.org - Thomas

University of Idaho RHA


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