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Entertainment: Gnarrnrrnar 2

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GnarrnrrnaR Habits 2 There is one missing word in each sentence. Add the word in
the correct place.
1 Read the answers to the question Do you ... much? What 1 As rule, I go out once a week, usually on Saturday evenings.
are the people talking about? Match the answers (1-6) 2 I don't read for pleasure as much as I like to.
to the questions (a-f). 3 I tend see my family just on birthdays and at Christmas.
4 We used go to the cinema about once a week before they put
1 Hardly ever nowadays.We used to the prices up.
get away about twice a year but it's 5 I check the BBC website all time, I rarely use any other sites.
just too expensive now. We've got 6 She must be really busy. She ever comes to the badminton club
a tent so we go camping along the a nymore.
local coast whenever we can. 7 | enloy going to the theatre but we only go once a while.
8 We used to go walking every weekend. We get up early and be
2 Not as much as I used to.To be out on the hills to see the sunrise.
honest, I got really overdrawn at one
point and so I had to stop. Now l'll Language note used to and past simple
pick up a bargain in the sales but
only if I really need it. You can use the past simple or used to to talk about habits in the
past. For single actions in the past, use the past simple.
Not if I can avoid itlThe local service everv dav when t was in ms'l zos
is never on time and it's always ',ff:X,r;"7: ,:;;:{;;;;n 7
packed. I tend to cycle everywhere
but l'll take the tube if it's pouring

4 All the time. I think they're a Vocae u rARY

brilliant local resource. Most of Describing films, muslc and books
them are free and you can learn
such a lot. Even my kids enjoy the Choose the correct words.
i nteractive exh i bitions. 1 lcould listen to it all day.The music is so inspiring, just so
uplifting I weird.
5 Whenever I get the chance. My 2 I saw it twice. The plot was really exciting, just really
sister lives abroad so we use the gripping I disturbing.
internet a lot for email and stuff. 3 Why is this play so popular? I thought it was terrible,
But I also like to chat, so I end up absolutely catchy I awful.
with a huge phone billl 4 1 can't stand her acting. She's just too much, always so

dull I over-the-top.
Not as much as ld like to. I really 5 lt all sounds the same to me. lt's only produced to make
enloy having a day off from money, just very hilarious I commercial.
cooking but it works out quite
pricey. As a rule, it's usually to Complete these sentences using the adjectives that weren't
celebrate someone's birthday. the answers in Exercise 3.
1 I couldn't stop laughing.The show was so funny, absolutely
Doyou ... much?
a use public transport , i;;;;.;;; half was so boring, just very................... .

b visiL museums and galleries 3 I wouldn't take your kids to see it.The special effects are quite
C go out to dinner u psetting, rea ly qu ite I

d keep in touch with family and friends 4 I didn't get it at all.The dialogue was really strange, just really
e travel abroad
f go shopping I can't stop singing it. lt's so easy to remember, really
qu ite ..... ,.. , ..... ..... . .


DrveloptNG coNVERSATIoNS Disagreeing politely Pnoru u NcrATroN

Strong and weak forms
Add the words in brackets in the correct p1ace.
1 A: l'm really into heavy metal.
B: Oh, right. lfind it loud and scary,to be honest. lt's the kind of thing my Language note strong and weak
teenage son listens to. (a bit) forms
A: Wasn't that a brilliant film? Many function words (such as
B: Did you think so? lt didn't do anylhing for me, l'm afraid. (really) prepositions, determ i ners, conj u nctions,
A: Doyou listen tojazz much? pronouns and auxiliaries) can have two
pron u nciations:
B: Er, l'm not keen on jazz.l prefer something lighter, a blt more
. the weak form, which is unstressed and
commercial. (that)
A: Doyou fancy coming to see a musical at the theatre tonight? contains a schwa lel.f his is the most
B: Thanks, but l'm notvery keen on musicals. I prefer something more cqmmon pronunciation.
. the strong form, which is stressed.
serious, more realistic. (a bit)
A: Have you read the latest Philip Roth novel? lel i
Ue's tpAthe north of ltaly.

B: To be honest, l'm not interested in fiction. ltend to read about politics
and current affairs. (really) lol
A: l've seen all the Bond movies at least twice. Where are they fupU?
B: Really? l'm not fond of action movies. l'm more into romantic
comedies, to be honest. (that)
E 1.2 Listen to the sentences. Choose the
correct symbol for each underlined sound.
Lrsreru r ruc L lel lal
I wish they wouldn't do th4t...........
19L.1 You are going to hear people talking in six different situations. I just think thqt they shouldbe true to the
Choose the correct answer, a, b, or c. original story. ..........
1 What did the woman think about the film? 2 ltl lel
a The main character was too complicated. People used to go out to have fun...........
b They changed a lot ofthe original story from the book. People don't socialise like they used to.
c lt wasn't very exciting.
2 What does the man think about modern forms of entertainment? 3 lel lul
a There's too much choice. You used to be a really keen theatre-goer.
b You need too much technology to enjoy them.
c lt's made people less sociable. Not as m uch as I d like to. ..........
3 Why doesn't the man go to the th6itre very much anymore? 4 lc:l lel
a He doesn't have much time. It's the teenagers I feel sorry for...........
b The shows are too dull. I mean, there really isn't much fqr them to
c lt's too expensive. do...........
4 What does the woman say about the facilities in her town? 5 lal lul
a She prefers to go out in the bigger cities nearby. l'm not asking you, l'm telling yaq....
b She doesn't approve ofthe number of pubs. I dolt wa nt you to watch a ny more TV

c There needs to be more provided foryoung people.

5 Why does the woman criticise her sonT
a He watches TV in his bedroom. Choose the correct words. Then practise
b He doesn't have a range of hobbies. saying the sentences.
c He's always asking for money. When the function word is atthe beginning /
6 What was the problem with the exhibition? end of a sentence, the pronunciation is usually
a Not many artists contributed their work. weak / strong.
b lt wasn't very well attended.
c The standard of the art was disappointing.
VocaguLARY Talking about pictures
L Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the 3 Match the sentence halves.
words in brackets. 1 This one is so realistic. lt looks as.......
There are nearly as many opinions on art as there are 2 Come and look at this. The man in the picture .......
paintings themselves. Describing a painting is always 3 I don't see the attraction. To me all his paintings ....
open to 1 (interpret). What appears 4 5he looks furious so they've.......
(atmosphere) or 3.................... (drama) to one 5 The artist was born in Belgium and that could .......
person may seem dull or 4.................... (convention) to 6 It all seems very weird. I think it must.......
-7 lt's a celebration and they appear.......
another. Abstract art is perhaps the style that is most
difficult to appreciate because its meaning is often 8 Looking at this one, I get.......
a to have just got married.
2 Complete the conversation with the words in b well be his hometown.
the box. c look really dull.
d if it's been photographed with a camera.
e the impression the artist was rather depressed.
f obviouslyjust been arguing.
g looks a bit like your brother.
h show some sort of nightmare.
Language note uses of look

They look really dull. (/ook + adjective)

It looks as if it's been photographed. (look as if + clause)
He looks like your brother. (look like + noun)

GRnnnnnaR Adjectives and adverbs

Find and correct the six sentences that contain mistakes with
adjectives or adverbs.
l- You look tired. Have you been working hard recently?
2 She said it was an absolute dreadfulfilm.
3 lf you arrive lately for work again,you'll be in real trouble.
4 Don't forget to check your work really careful.
5 She looks very sadly. Do you think she's been crying?
6 Funny enough, I was thinklng exactly the same thing.
7 We hardly ever go to the cinema nowadays.
8 Look direct at the camera and give a big smile!
A: Can we skip the modern art section? lt's all a bit too Complete the sentences with one word from box A and one
....,.....,......... for me. I like to know what l'm looking at. from box B.
B: Yeah, sure. ... Look, this one is very 2 ......,............. . You feel t.*bb, ,btdrt.V
wrongly com p lete ly
you could almost pick up the fruit and eat it.
A: You're right. lt must be difficult to get in allthat detail. Fffi'a
And what do you think of this one? t.rartad
B: Oh, it's very dramatic, isn't it? The colours are
ve ry 3
... ........ ..... , ... . Both the driver and passenger were........
1 in the accident
A: Yeah ... but this one is different. These
a The gallery was...............,.... after the fire
colours are very soft and relaxing. 3 It was.................... to hear the news of his death.

B: Hmm. lfind it a bit disturbingto look at a private 4 The gig was .................... - the best l've ever been to.
moment like this, though. lt's too s to share 5 The man was.................... but then was released after new

with other people, really. evidence came to light.

This month has been .We haven't had such low
tem peratu res for yea rs.


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