1. Rapid respirations.
3. Respiratory depression.
“Once the test is over and you go to the toilet, you will be able to resume normal
3. “The x-ray table will be tilted so you can assume various positions.”
4. “During the test, it is crucial that you take slow, deep breaths through your mouth.”
2. "I will switch from lifting weights at the health club to doing aerobics."
3. "I will be sure to take chlorothiazide (Diuril) every night before I go to bed."
4. "I will take hot baths or go to the sauna to relax if I feel tension coming on."
A young adult is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of catatonic schizophrenia. When the nurse
places the patient’s hand over his head, it remains in that position. The nurse identifies that this is
1. conversion hysteria.
2. waxy flexibility.
3. dystonic reaction.
4. neurasthenia.
Strategy: "MOST important" indicates that discrimination is required to answer the question.
(1.) CORRECT—cognitive viewpoint on depression sees it as stemming from errors in
thinking, which may be negative, illogical, and/or irrational; language is used in thought as well
as in speech; speech or writing is used to express thoughts and thereby is an indicator of the
patient’s automatic thoughts, their schemata or cognitive structure about themselves and the
world, and their cognitive distortions
(2.) emphasis on insight is prominent in traditional psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapies
(3.) emphasis on socialization is prominent in behavioral therapies, milieu therapies, and some
interpersonal psychotherapies
(4.) emphasis on medications is prominent in biochemical and psychologic therapies
The nurse cares for a client receiving hemodialysis three times per week. Today the client’s potassium is
6.5 mEq/L. The physician orders sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) 15 g PO today. Because the
client finds the taste unpleasant, the client asks if the medication can be added to orange juice. Which of
the following responses by the nurse is MOST appropriate?
1. Inform client that orange juice is likely to increase the blood sugar.
3. Remind the client that additions to diet supersede the prescribed regulations.
4. Discuss with the client the importance of managing her kidney disease.
1. I will contact the health care provider if I have a sore throat and fever.
1. "I will have him sit up for 20 minutes before he eats and about an hour afterward."
3. "I will plan to prepare six meals a day rather than our usual three."
4. "A peanut butter sandwich and glass of milk at midday is easy and nutritious."
1. "The outlook for meningitis is much better now than it was back then."
2. "I can have the chaplain come speak with you if you would like."
5. Monitor ABGs.
4. The left arm is in a sling and the patient walks with a limp.
3. "I take herbal licorice to keep my stomach ulcer from coming back."
4. "I take the furosemide (Lasix) at night."
Strategy: "MOST important" indicates that discrimination is required to answer the question.
(1.) appropriate action; cardiac glycoside
(2.) high in fat; not priority for nurse to intervene
(3.) CORRECT—licorice can increase potassium loss and may cause digoxin toxicity
(4.) should take in the morning to prevent diuresis from interfering with sleep; priority is the
ingestion of licorice
The nurse instructs a patient about Kegel exercises to manage urinary stress incontinence. Which of the
following statements, if made by the patient to the nurse, indicates that teaching is effective?
Ask another nurse of the same ethnic background as the patient to complete the
3. Remain sitting quietly with the patient until the patient is ready to cooperate.
4. Ignore the patient’s comment and continue the interview.
1. The client tells each nurse that she is his favorite nurse.
4. “If I miss the morning dose of medication, I take two pills in the evening.”
Strategy: Think about what the words mean.
1) client should not add extra doses of medication
2) CORRECT— describes how antihypertensives should be taken; because the client is taking
medication appropriately, health care provider should be notified
3) important to monitor fluid balance
4) should take medication as prescribed
The office nurse observes a student nurse assess the blood flow in a patient diagnosed with hypertension
and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) using a Doppler ultrasound device. The nurse should intervene if
which of the following is observed?
The student nurse holds the probe at a 45-degree angle to the artery being
2. The student nurse presses firmly while moving the probe proximal to distal.
3. The student nurse applies lukewarm gel over the vessel to be assessed.
4. The student nurse marks the pulse locations with a waterproof pen.
"Ribs sloping downward with symmetric interspaces and a costal angle within 90
Strategy: Think about each answer.
(1.) diaphragmatic excursion percussed on posterior chest wall
(2.) palpated over anterior chest wall
(3.) auscultated on anterior, posterior, and lateral chest
(4.) CORRECT—inspection of anterior chest includes shape and configuration of the chest,
facial expression, level of consciousness, color and condition of skin, and quality of respirations
The home care nurse receives a phone call from the caregiver for a client diagnosed with AIDS. The
caregiver states that she has the flu and is afraid that she is going to give the client an infection. Which
of the following actions should the nurse take FIRST?
Instruct the caregiver to wear a well fitting surgical mask that covers the mouth and
2. Assess whether the caregiver is frequently washing her hands before providing care.
3. Determine if there is someone else available to provide care for the client.
1. Ask the child what the child eats for breakfast and dinner
2. A child diagnosed with type 1 diabetes who is nervous, pale, and sweating.
3. A child diagnosed with asthma who is complaining of a sore throat and restlessness.
A child diagnosed with leukemia was stung by a bee and is complaining of feeling hot
and itchy all over.
3. Tell the student he does not have to seek medical evaluation if he does not want to.
Suggest the coach remove the student from the training roster unless the student
consents to be medically evaluated.
Strategy: "MOST appropriate" indicates that discrimination is required to answer the question.
(1.) student has the right to refuse treatment; he is of legal age, living away from home,
conscious and oriented
(2.) student has the right to refuse treatment
(3.) CORRECT—student is of legal age to refuse treatment; even if he were not, he is living
away from home so may be considered an emancipated minor with rights equivalent to legal age;
a competent adult can refuse emergency treatment, and that refusal must be respected by all
(4.) may be appropriate response to the coach but nurse should direct comments to the student,
who has the right to refuse treatment
The nurse asks the nursing assistant to perform soapsuds enemas for a patient scheduled for a diagnostic
test. The nurse should
1. observe the returns from the enemas in the patient’s bedside commode.
2. ask the nursing assistant to describe the returns from the enemas.
2. Slowly infuse the remaining solution over the next two hours.
2. "I will sleep on my side or abdomen rather than lie flat on my back."
"I will sit as far back from the pedals on my car as my legs can comfortably stretch,
and I will use a firm backrest."
Strategy: All parts of the answer must be correct for the answer to be correct.
(1.) partially correct; it is not safe to strain to reach things
(2.) prone (abdomen) position should be avoided in order to maintain proper body alignment
(3.) CORRECT—pain is the body’s signal that there is a potential for physical harm and that the
patient needs to withdraw from the pain-producing situation
(4.) to prevent back strain when driving a car, patient should sit close to the pedals, in part to
avoid knee and hip extension; a seat belt and firm backrest should be used for back support
The nurse cares for patients in the emergency department (ED). Which of the following patients should
the nurse see FIRST?
1. A patient complaining of a dry cough for several weeks with frequent night sweats.
A patient who complains of vaginal spotting and reports that her last menstrual
period was 2 weeks ago.
A patient complaining of right upper quadrant abdominal pain with nausea and
A patient complaining of burning epigastric pain that radiates to the mid-chest when
the patient is lying flat.
1. Amenorrhea.
3. Urinary frequency.
1. Assist the patient to a more comfortable position and encourage her to sleep.
Strategy: All answers are implementation. Determine the outcome of each answer. Is it desired?
1) nonpharmacologic interventions such as repositioning and rest are appropriate alternatives;
however, moderate pain should be more aggressively addressed
2) CORRECT— there is a known etiology for the pain (surgery), so it is most appropriate to
provide pain medications immediately for moderate pain and use other methods as adjunct
3) distraction may be appropriate adjunct therapy; unrealistic intervention immediately post
4) providing no intervention for the patient’s report of moderate pain is an unacceptable solution
The nurse observes that a physician has ordered 100 cc D 5 W with KCl 80 mEq to infuse in 0.5 hour.
Which of the following actions should the nurse take FIRST?
1. Passive.
2. Active-assistive.
3. Active.
4. Resistive.
Strategy: "MOST important" indicates discrimination may be required to answer the question.
(1.) indicate primary adrenal insufficiency
(2.) indicate tetany, which results from hypocalcemia
(3.) CORRECT—indicate hypothyroidism, which is a complication of I-130 therapy
(4.) indicate diabetes
The nurse cares for clients in the intensive care unit (ICU). During the shift, the nurse received a phone
call stating a client diagnosed with a head trauma is to be admitted. Since there are no empty beds, the
nurse anticipates which of the following clients may be transferred to the step-down neurological unit?
3. “I will call the health care provider when I pass my mucous plug.”
4. “I will call the health care provider when I feel the increased pelvic pressure.”
2. “Lying flat keeps my blood flowing and prevents my stump from swelling.”
3. “I will breathe in deeply through my nose, hold it, and then breathe out.”
2. "I will put the antiembolism stockings on before I wrap and secure the sleeves."
"I will start by positioning each sleeve under the leg so that the opening is at the
"I will measure the circumference of the midcalf and the midthigh to ensure that the
sleeves are the correct size."
Strategy: Determine the outcome of each answer. Is it desired?
(1.) incorrect action; need to be able to fit two fingers, not just one, between the sleeve and the
leg; correct fit prevents irritation to the leg; it also allows for the device to reach adequate
inflation pressure and prevents slipping out of position when deflation occurs; the fit can be
checked by inserting two fingers in the knee opening
(2.) CORRECT—correct action; it is acceptable, though not essential, to apply antiembolism
stockings prior to applying the sequential compression device sleeves; the stockings can decrease
the itching, sweating, and heat that can build up under the plastic sleeves and thereby cause
discomfort and skin irritation
(3.) incorrect action; the opening should be at the knee (in front) and at the popliteal pulse point
(in back)
(4.) incorrect action for sequential compression device; circumference of the thigh is measured at
the gluteal fold; correct sleeve size ensures proper fit and function
The nurse is working with a battered woman who is living in a domestic violence shelter after having
left her partner. The woman states to the nurse, “I don’t know what I keep doing wrong to get beaten this
way.” Which of the following responses by the nurse is BEST?
1. “Can you remember what you said or did just before he hit you?”
3. “We can help you when you’re ready; you do not deserve to be abused.”
4. “Only your husband can tell us what made him lose his temper.”
Strategy: “BEST response” indicates discrimination is required to answer the question correctly.
1) yes/no question is nontherapeutic; implies that the woman did something wrong to cause the
2) closed statement is nontherapeutic; focuses on physical healing; emotional work should not be
delayed if the woman indicates a willingness to start
3) CORRECT— reflective statement is therapeutic, also provides information; should offer
support and a path to help, coupled with reinforcement that the woman does not deserve to be
4) focus is on the husband, not the patient; gives power to the abuser to place blame on the
victim, and implies to the woman that she is to blame
The nurse cares for patients on the medical/surgical unit. After receiving report, which of the following
patients should the nurse see FIRST?
A 22-year-old admitted 8 hours ago with viral gastroenteritis who is complaining of
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
A 42-year-old 24 hours post-thyroidectomy who is complaining of a headache and
pain at the incision site.
A 50-year-old admitted 72 hours ago for chronic renal failure with a urinary output of
220 mL in 8 hours and hands and feet that are edematous.
A 64-year-old admitted yesterday for hypertension, congestive heart failure, and
digitalis toxicity with frequent PVCs (premature ventricular complexes).
Strategy: All the answer choices are implementations. Evaluate the outcome of each answer
choice. Is it desired?
1) implementation; does not provide requirements for healthy pregnancy
2) CORRECT— implementation; should eat dry carbohydrate food 30 minutes to 1 hour before
getting out of bed; remain in bed until the feeling of nausea subsides; alternate dry carbohydrate
with fluids such as hot tea, milk, or coffee; avoid eating fried, spicy, or gas-forming foods; eat
small, frequent meals
3) implementation; heartburn due to displacement of stomach by the enlarging uterus; take low
sodium antacid; occurs in second and third trimesters
4) implementation; will not prevent nausea; fatigue common in first trimester
The nurse returns to the desk in the prenatal clinic and finds four phone messages. Which of the
following messages should the nurse return FIRST?
2. A primigravida at 17 weeks’ gestation states that she has not felt the baby move.
3. "I sometimes feel guilty leaving her alone, even if it is just for half an hour."
Strategy: "MOST concerns" indicates that discrimination is required to answer the question.
(1.) CORRECT—a major common adverse effect of ethambutol is optic neuritis, with reduced
visual activity; lessened ability to see green is a possible initial sign
(2.) discoloration of body fluids—urine, sweat, tears, feces, and sputum—is a harmless side
effect of rifampin (Rifadin); patient should be warned, though, that soft contact lenses may be
permanently stained and therefore should not be worn; the stain will wash out of clothing
(3.) psychosocial; does indicate need for further exploring patient’s thoughts and emotions
regarding causation and management of disease process, including assessing for possible
depression, as medications prescribed indicate patient has tuberculosis
(4.) hyperuricemia can occur with pyrazinamide (PZA), resulting in acute gout symptoms, such
as severe pain in the great toe; this indicates that the drug should be discontinued
A patient receiving phenelzine sulfate (Nardil) is diagnosed with Cushing syndrome and found to be
hypokalemic. Which of the following foods is BEST for the nurse to recommend the patient add to the
1. Standard precautions.
2. Airborne precautions.
3. Droplet precautions.
4. Contact precautions.