A. Description
1. An accurate measurement of the client for crutches is important because an incorrect measurement could damage the brachial
2. The distance between the axillae and the arm pieces on the crutches should be two to three fingerwidths in the axilla space.
3. The elbows should be slightly flexed, 20 to 30 degrees, when the client is walking.
4. When ambulating with the client, stand on the affected side.
5. Instruct the client never to rest the axillae on the axillary bars.
6. Instruct the client to look up and outward when ambulating and to place the crutches 6 to 10 inches diagonally in front of the foot.
7. Instruct the client to stop ambulation if numbness or tingling in the hands or arms occurs.
B. Crutch gaits (Table 68-2)
D. Walker
1. Stand adjacent to the client on the affected side.
2. Instruct the client to put all four points of the walker flat on the floor before putting weight on the hand pieces.
3. Instruct the client to move the walker forward, followed by the affected or weaker foot and then the unaffected foot.